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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.52 MB, 498x280, f8eba73981eea6dd48e3630d867e6a59.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4220318 No.4220318 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone want to share daily experiences in learning how to draw? I mean, wouldn't that be nice to share your sketches w/someone and help each other in such journey, talk about drawing and stuff? You can leave your discord tag here if you're interested
*not a complete beginner myself, really into learning the art currently

>> No.4220335

how old are you
male or female
who are your favorite artists

>> No.4220337

>discord shit
Man, everytime people post threads like this it is fucking discord exclusive. Go fuck yourselves and your ADL chat app.

>> No.4220341


>> No.4220343

based and lonelyandhorny pilled

>> No.4220348
File: 783 KB, 3000x1700, 1572457051825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


If you're a weeb or generic depressed /ic/ whiner please don't add.

>> No.4220351

>not your personal blog

>> No.4220357


>> No.4220366

Literally anything else, Steam, Skype, IRC, kik or whatever else is out there.

>> No.4220368

Sure, I recently picked up drawing again after a long time.

water-colorists like joseph zbukvic or russel flint and just anything I see I like and have saved in my pc


Doesn't have to be discord, use what you like.

>> No.4220388

i've been studying art for a while now, got out of college, worked as a teacher for a year, now still studying, but if anyone wants to talk art or share it like OP said, then:


i'm really invested in character design, anatomy, virtually all forms of concept art, illustration, and i dabble in sequential storytelling, animation.

don't have too many peeps to talk to, would be nice to chat with some non-insane artists!

>> No.4220410
File: 42 KB, 892x274, Loomis_Heads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm about as complete beginner as you can get. I've always admired others' art but grew up believing I couldn't make art cause I couldn't draw for shit, talentless etc. I learned it was a skill and decided to try learning. These are my first Loomis heads from day 1. I'm on day 3 now and a friend told me about this place. No stranger to 4chan but newfag on this board. If you or anyone who is a complete newfag to art wants to share tips shoot me a message
Boomer Gary#8949

>> No.4220430

>use worse chatting alternatives just to be a contrarian

everyone uses discord and ofc there will be a bigger populace of incels and faggots as well, but that doesn't mean that everyone else is like that.

you sound chill dude, what kind of artists do you follow/inspirations?

>> No.4220448

I'm going to be real with you
If you are actually serious about drawing you are gonna be real lonely climbing up.
Most /beg/s aren't serious even if they say they are, and will stagnate and you won't really have anything to talk about after a month or two.
Your'e gonna have to get creative in filling the loneliness in your heart while grinding. The exceptions where you actually have 2 people at the same starting level at the same time being very serious about becoming great is miniscule.

>> No.4220466

Telegram is not ideal but it's better than Discord, you can send files up to 2GB and other things.
Riot.im is like Discord but decentralized and open source, doesn't sell your data and other nice things. Strange that 4chan isn't adopting it considering how much they hate redditors and normies.
>You're gonna have to get creative in filling the loneliness in your heart while grinding.
This anon has read about the old masters. This is how waifus are born, and how you eventually upgrade your waifu to a tulpa so you can have a family and kids on a drawfag's wage.
All the pros do it, when they post photos of their families it's just rly advanced tulpas they manifest by feeling the form

>> No.4220483
File: 17 KB, 493x481, 1561421445051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when they post photos of their families it's just rly advanced tulpas they manifest by feeling the form

>> No.4220519

You may be laughing at the idea, but tulpas also help you go through the long jobless periods. Just make plant tulpas and eat the fruits of your wonderland. I've been going like this for ages. I'm on my way to manifesting enough money to buy a boat and retire.

>> No.4220527
File: 98 KB, 1200x675, D8fKZFOWwAAUTQj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4220531

tulpas are legit? I thought there were a massive larping meme

>> No.4220541

>he doesn't know about tulpas
Anon this is why furries are so rich, they all start off in their teens with a fursona then once they are able to manifest it they learn about the tulpa sex market and turn into pimps.

>> No.4220551

None of the options I mentioned are worse for 1 on 1 chatting. Oh and their business model isn't selling your data either.

>> No.4220740

seems like no one really uses them tho and discord is kinda intuitive in that you can do pretty much everything on it and everyone is at your clicks range, you can't really expect someone to go out their way to dl a different software just bcus that one dude refuses to use discord for some reason.

eh isn't the data shit just falseflagging since they kicked the competition out, otherwise everyone would have boycotted it years ago, especially ytubers and streamers.

>> No.4220745

>no one uses Steam

>> No.4220746

I posted lewd Skullgirls fanart on Steam once

>> No.4220749

I didn't even know that was allowed, but I wasn't talking about posting art but chatting 1on1 anyways.

>> No.4220755

It wasn't nsfw, just sexy and terribly drawn. It was around 2012, I don't even know if you can post art anymore.

>> No.4220843
File: 203 KB, 611x409, 1543089458069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

-said Marco the Spic coomer, as he posted bad quality weebshit

>> No.4221346

Man, your tag is not valid...

>> No.4221347

I offered discord as it's often used among artists
But you can throw in skype, telegram, whatever-messenger-u-use as well

>> No.4221354

They changed their name to Zadok Amarr#9085

>> No.4221356
File: 211 KB, 1273x1024, 1573922384272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explicitly stated that he is male

>> No.4221357
File: 473 KB, 2400x1606, 1571252226741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know there's more pronouns other than he / she
Shoo shoo Englishlet

>> No.4221358

why are they drinking out of bongs

>> No.4221361

>He actually thinks that steam, skype and kik's business model isn't selling your data
that's adorable

>> No.4221362

God, I despise burgers. You are the reason our civilization is falling.

>> No.4221372

poverty lunch lmao

>> No.4221379

y'all gotta be like, over 18 to use this here website.

>> No.4221380
File: 2.23 MB, 480x480, 1574180601544.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>burger / ur ruinin civilisation
Out of my board

>> No.4221445


>> No.4221448


Not becoming pals with /ic/ users sounds like the rights choice.

>> No.4221508


No one wants to be friends with an autist with daddy issues

>> No.4221512

your tulpa is waiting for you everytime you get sleep paralysis

>> No.4221513

>pic related
ah endling I haven't seen his art over a decade

>> No.4221581


>> No.4221626 [DELETED] 
File: 1.06 MB, 2452x1496, 1569493114709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4221630

Found the autist

>> No.4221633


>> No.4221637

fuck you, aquanigger.

>> No.4221648

for chatting, community, etc. nope idk why anyone would use steam for socializing lol

>> No.4221649

I'm afraid it's going to be this way until I get good enough to be noticed. I've tried to find pals in discord but it's so hard to find like-minded people with similar tastes. Oh well, it's just another reason more to keep with the grind.

>> No.4221656

I mean just post an example of your work, that's pretty much the easiest and fastest way to actually get some people genuinely interested in you.
After all most of the loners who are actually decently good just don't want to waste their time by playing with some random le artiste who's on a 2month drawing trip, especially when they went through 6 of such people.

Just show that you're serious and then someone around your level, or someone maybe much better who sees potential in you both as artist and friend, might take the leap with you.

>> No.4221706
File: 904 KB, 1959x1884, Illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright, I'm not expecting much and so you shouldn't too. I haven't done a finished piece in a while and I'm a beginner so it doesn't seem appropriate to post one of those. Have a page of assorted studies and doodles.
No handle because I haven't been using discord and I don't know if I should bother.

>> No.4221761
File: 18 KB, 282x252, 25fz2q.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's so hard to find like-minded people with similar tastes
>anime tiddy
kill yourself please

>> No.4221769

As if frogposting was any better.

>> No.4221984

Sorry about that. Yeah like >>4221347 said I changed it.

Hey, fuck you too. Also my tag isn't konosuba reference, I love the rain and to swim. Friend me you weeb.

>> No.4222025
File: 23 KB, 512x512, smug-example-37738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesn't know what a pitcher is

get your shit together bro

>> No.4222097

Wtf is this. It's embarrassing to read

>> No.4222106

anon is madly triggered that someone said the c-word and reacted by calling the c-worder a nazi-err I mean a redditor
please don't say the c-word, it triggers people really hard and 4chan is a safe space

>> No.4222110

boomer coomer doomer foomer goomer hoomer joomer koomer loomer moomer noomer poomer qoomer roomer soomer toomer voomerz woomer xoomer yoomer zoomer

>> No.4222227

what the fucking is going on? now im even more confused. God I remember when I use to be ~18 and post here, and now I'm 26. I really don't understand jack shit anymore. Have a nice weekend.

Crazy to think someone my age probably thought that about me then.

>> No.4222230

whenever someone uses the buzzword everyone replies to it and the thread is derailed
this kills 4chan

>> No.4222232

thats pretty physically impressive

>> No.4222235


okay now that I got your attention, here's why it's extremelly hard to create an online community. You need to have good, hardworking people that are not spergs or perverts and are okay at socializing. That runs contrary to the principle of openess here in the internet where everyone can be a part of everywhere.

Every organization, big or small is created by very small groups that trust each other, and other people get in only by other in the group vouching for them and still having a trail period.

Just offering being "pals" in the internet with no possibility of vetting or knowing the people before hand is playing the lottery on the odds that a good team will come and not an army of lazy, perverted, shitposting NEETS that are ngmi.

>> No.4222239

holy shit it's that boss from Bare Knuckle 3

>> No.4222245

everything would be magically fixed by using a platform that isn't discord
wanna know why? because lazy or unmotivated people will not bother creating an account somewhere and install a new client just to access a better community.

>> No.4222247

I made a similar thread, looking for people who want to get better at drawing

big guy#3158

>> No.4222397

>anime tiddy
Very based and gonna make it

>> No.4222408
File: 848 KB, 665x662, 1561053211592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a beginner

>> No.4222410


>> No.4222415

why does it make you angry?

>> No.4222425

Because you have talent and he doesnt

>> No.4222430

I haven't read that the old masters did it. I do however have a poster of my waifu hanging on my wall. I kiss her goodnight and goodmorning. My art has became exponentially better since.

>> No.4222434

because you keep telling to everyone that you are a beginner when you clearly are not one
this too

>> No.4222435

Sounds like a good idea, will try it!

>> No.4222440

>before and after sleep
that's how you get a succubus, anon

>> No.4222442

picked the fuck up

>> No.4222477

I guess I have a bit of impostor syndrome. No, that's false because that would imply I'm any good.
Anyway, you should get higher standards, anon. Don't you want to be friends instead of being mad?

>> No.4222501
File: 422 KB, 450x609, 1563733194030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are pretty good

>> No.4223577
File: 92 KB, 500x376, 1570031427101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What training material did you use to achieve your current level? I'm interested

>> No.4223589

Is it really all about training material?

>> No.4223593

wow you drew that?

>> No.4223619

How am I supposed to know? I'm clueless and lost that's why I'm asking

>> No.4223626

>he fell for the loomis meme
Stop right there Anon, loomis will only lead you down a road of /beg/ and depression, study George B. Bridgman's books instead.

>> No.4223629

Ignore this retard unless you have superpower tier autism.

>> No.4223635
File: 82 KB, 1024x1017, 1547126920875.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

denial is a powerful drug, face reality

>> No.4223769

Most people need to work with construction to get anywhere in a reasonable amount of time.

>> No.4223776

Alright. Let's do this properly. I'd like to be able to draw like an animator yet achieve a painterly aesthetic like attall. Unlike you may think I don't care about porn but I don't mind it at all.
I'd like to meet people who are serious about learning, or even competitive about it. Skill doesn't matter. Preferably other anime friends
My discord is Friend#8898

I shouldn't be the one you ask, but it's the same thing as everyone else. Life and other people's drawings.

>> No.4225209
File: 87 KB, 704x835, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any genuine /beg/s out there that just want to kick each other's arses if we're not grinding? NouveauFlow#3339
Real /beg/, >>4221706 wouldn't want to share perspective garbage

>> No.4225237

How many hours do you put in a day anon?

>> No.4225348
File: 121 KB, 500x719, tumblr_o2hav1LE5F1qm348ao1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

south america
f (to pay respects)
my discord is Amanite#3932
i have twitter too and its LilBandAid3
my university holidays begins early so feel free to talk with me if you want too

>> No.4225351

I can give you tips if you want

>> No.4225368
File: 25 KB, 739x415, images-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finally someone from SA

i hope argentina turns into venezuela

>> No.4225894

What's your time zone?

>> No.4225987
File: 190 KB, 1280x720, 20191123_220338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2d tranditional animator, sfw&nsfw, anime.
I'm a local on tsumino's discord. There are spaces between the letters, all capital. I have a kenshiro avatar. I check discord several times a day. My DMs on twitter are open. I check them daily.

>> No.4225989
File: 219 KB, 1280x720, 20191123_221809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better Photo

>> No.4226037 [DELETED] 

Your tag is broken.

>> No.4226386
File: 430 KB, 805x502, milusleeps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heya! Would love to meet other intermediates that are either students or working on their folio. Always open to give crits and share tips as well. I'm KazooKD#7953 on discord. Picrel is some recent stuff I've been doing for my school.

I mostly paint and love pixelart, currently practicing a bit of everything. End goal is either VisDev or concept art, though I'm heavily considering going full pixel artist.

I'm 23 and EU-based.

>> No.4227963

anon needs more frenz

>> No.4227988

Whomst are you though?

>> No.4228043

great dubs
If you guess right on first try I'll confirm it.

>> No.4228065
File: 572 KB, 655x440, 1553410201013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what might have happened to you. But hope everything is alright, best wishes.

>> No.4228102
File: 33 KB, 600x400, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing hard to get are we?
Are you my favorite artist?

>> No.4228370
File: 174 KB, 1152x1092, Neui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add me if you don't mind someone with broken english
anime only shit
i don't watch anime or play vidya
ngmi but i want to git gud

>> No.4228373


>> No.4228378

I wish I could be your friend, mokou man. Not today, though.

>> No.4228384

Looks more like kaguya to me

>> No.4228630


I have decided I wanted to learn how to draw and started to learn my fundamentals with Draw A Box from Reddit. I also started to look into figure drawing. But I wanna... Draw and not just practice.

Is there someone who can help me towards the right resources or just help me overall?

I really love the paints of Ross Draws on YT. I'm really interested in painting/drawing digitally and I think what I would like to do is ... Draw small comic. Like I read wholesome stories on Reddit, I'm just like I would love it so much If I could illustrate it.

I have the timezone as NewYork... i think that is east cost

>> No.4228633

Oh shit, uh forgot to give my discord

>> No.4228750

Does /ic/ have an irc channel somewhere?

>> No.4228822


>> No.4228855

at this point you're not a /beg/, you're a low /int/ it seems like you have grasped the basic fundies, now all you need to do is polishing it.

>> No.4229193

great guess

>> No.4229205

>a pitcher
If you trolling I fell for it.

>> No.4229376



>> No.4229387
File: 24 KB, 600x600, 1574731606552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>learning how to draw
>draw a lot everyday
>sleep well and dream about drawing
>next day I'm slightly better at drawing
>repeat for months
I'm still beg level, but I can see the gains

>> No.4229388

post your work

>> No.4229400
File: 3.29 MB, 4000x4000, 1E9ED974-B36B-4733-A5A6-C64055F6D930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suck and don’t draw every day, but I’m down.

>> No.4229404

start by writing. then design some characters. then storyboard. then make the comic.

>> No.4229511


>> No.4229675

>I really love the paints of Ross Draws on YT


>> No.4229677

i can't tell if it's bait

>> No.4230000

... I mean it's gonna be ugly if I don't learn the base. I can't run if I don't know how to put one foot in front of another
I mean, can't I love someone? :'3
No bait, just add me on Discord

>> No.4230251
File: 66 KB, 612x574, 1470452768174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add some people
>they are always offline

>> No.4230255

Honestly the best artist of our time.

>> No.4230272

is that you marco?

>> No.4230318
File: 114 KB, 508x499, 1574690868700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I already forgot about all except Niri.

>> No.4230320

>if youre depressing and whiny dont @ me
i sincerely hope this is an imposter mocking him, and not actually marco. the sheer irony.

attempting to make conversation with is depressing. you whine about every fucking thing. EVERY. THING.
i know you do it under the guise of being devils advocate, but it's so goddamn obvious that you just want to rile people up for attention. people don't mind snarky behavior as much if youre clever or funny, but you're neither. you're more akin to an intolerable preteen that just HAS to insert something negative or depressing into any conversation within earshot, because they think theyre smart and everyone has to know it.

despite what you say- or have said, dozens of times now- i've given up just about all hope that you'll ever really change.

>> No.4230325

idk who you are, nice essay though

>> No.4230355

I'm glad I'm not friends with any of you

>> No.4230441
File: 32 KB, 463x415, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's the art school discord going Marco?
t. guy who checked out immediately

>> No.4230667


what about email?! why no one ever mention it?

>> No.4230672

shut up and draw.

>> No.4230684

I’ll take that as a compliment.

>> No.4230758

>If you're a weeb or generic depressed /ic/ whiner please don't add.

>> No.4230829

It's dead and unorganized atm

>> No.4230854
File: 161 KB, 694x524, 1574750251848.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>add some people
>they are always offline but get talk going
>first day everything is cool
>they blogpost me about being lonely and horny
>try to cheer them up
>conversation ends nicely later
>next day I get removed from friend list

>> No.4230858

the realisation they werent getting any out of you set in.

>> No.4230866
File: 2.48 MB, 500x278, 1571907388441.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4230899
File: 97 KB, 944x621, .jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought so, got a feeling it wouldn't last long when they were expecting everyone to study the same fundies at the same time, and wanting everyone to use CSP on ipads

>> No.4230903

>you whine about every fucking thing. EVERY. THING.
i know you do it under the guise of being devils advocate, but it's so goddamn obvious that you just want to rile people up for attention.
>preteen that just HAS to insert something negative or depressing into any conversation within earshot, because they think theyre smart and everyone has to know it.

Goddamn I've seen this behavior on /ic/ related servers so many times before but I couldn't quite put it into words why it ticks me off so much. I want to punch this collective personality.

>> No.4230937
File: 14 KB, 128x128, woow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even notice they had already started their fundies thing since they didn't even tag everyone or anything

>> No.4230999
File: 1.03 MB, 480x262, giphy[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get out of there man

>> No.4231096
File: 16 KB, 240x250, 1350828770764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just wanted to draw cute anime girls and talk about marketing and game development. Why does everyone on discord servers have to message me like we're "internet friends" and suddenly talk to me about their depression and relationship problems?

>> No.4231106

That’s what happens when you get friendly with discord pre-teens.

>> No.4231108

What the fuck did you expect? /ic/ has made multiple threads about shit like.
>muh art sucks, give me motivation.
>art is hard, i wanna die.
>I’m depressed that I can’t draw muh anime tity.
/ic/ is just like those discord trannys, but slightly worse?

>> No.4232483 [DELETED] 


>> No.4232484

Every damn art friend I had.
If they even want to talk about art and aren't straight up bat shit crazy.

>> No.4232486

this underagefags are dramafilled retards

>> No.4232501
File: 1.99 MB, 2988x5312, Max.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My first NSFW drawing, just finished it about 30 mins ago
Max from Life is Weird

I only started drawing a month or so ago
Been meaning to get around to it for years but only very recently I've actually done anything about it

>> No.4232525
File: 475 KB, 640x769, 1567227239315.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shmup #5157
I'm gonna draw every day until I get good

>> No.4232550

I like drawing
Add me if you want to be friends and draw together Im reading Bridgeman rn and when I have time doing studies otherwise I draw grills mostly and whatever comes to mind

>> No.4232758

Invalid tag

>> No.4232840

I guess it's a bad idea to drop my discord here huh? Many of the people here seem awful

>> No.4232858

Got added by 5, only issue is (most) ppl not answering after a bit

>> No.4232859

Ain’t it obvious? This is fucking 4chan for fuck sakes.

>> No.4232862

I added someone from this thread, told him I'm female and he just shared his dick pic and I DIDNT ask for it. You guys are insane. Instant blocked. You know who you are.

>> No.4232868

Why did you think it was a good idea to mention you’re female on this site?

>> No.4232871

This is the most spiteful board on 4chan, the average 4chan user is a lot nicer than this board.

>> No.4232872

Hey sometimes we can join together and not be complete assholes on 4chan
I see

>> No.4232878


pronoun slipped up while we were chatting and I just went ahead and confirmed my gender

>> No.4232879


>> No.4232884

>told him I'm female and he just shared his dick pic and I DIDNT ask for it.
absolutely based

>> No.4232894
File: 84 KB, 1333x1000, sketches.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as we're learning and posting our work, we'll get along great. I'm a hard /beg/ and want to improve so I can create Studio BONES/bahi JD-tier sakuga animations in the near future so I'm learning my fundies right now.

>> No.4232895

FUCK i wasn't supposed to respond to this dude, I was originally gonna shit talk him but I deleted my post and let it go please if you're reading that post add me

>> No.4232896

I bet he specificly did this so you would post this ITT and we could all have a laugh. Don't take it personally. I'd block him too though lol.

>> No.4232907
File: 1.66 MB, 340x198, 1574169362338.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>told him I'm female

>> No.4232928

She should've just posted his dick pic imo

>> No.4232932

The only board I've seen that is more aggressive and negative than this one is /r9k/

>> No.4232940

ic struck me as fairly tame

>> No.4232943


>> No.4232951

Tame but it has a handful of try-hards

>> No.4232963

She still can

>> No.4232964

this, also post his name

>> No.4232965

As someone who has been an /r9k/ regular for almost ten years, /ic/ is even more aggressive.

>> No.4233639

art chicks are vicious.

>> No.4233674
File: 295 KB, 1080x1251, IMG_20191130_034345.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wanted to share some inspo: this is an absolute jap chad that has been painting for around one year and a half, this is one of his first (posted) works

>> No.4233678
File: 259 KB, 1080x1205, IMG_20191130_034410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this is his skill level now. He has done better paintings, but these are among his most recent ones. Absolute legend, I'm rooting for him

>> No.4233687
File: 697 KB, 1080x1266, 1574271374884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>didn't even read it

>> No.4234150
File: 40 KB, 473x648, images (34).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looking for an artbro to go through the soul sucking journey of doing every exercise in this book with and keep eachother accountable to it

noob/pro doesn't matter
Hmu on discord if you're keen Kurtis#5182
I'm in the Australian timezone btw

>> No.4234152 [DELETED] 

>Not only it's the best book on drawing, it's the best book on any subject. >Actually, it's the best book ever. Not even the Bible or Harry Potter can compete.
>- Aristotle

>> No.4234153

>Not only it's the best book on drawing, it's the best book on any subject.
>Actually, it's the best book, period. Not even the Bible or Harry Potter can compete.
> - Aristotle

>> No.4234154
File: 336 KB, 750x593, JPEG_20190911_203534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4234155

>Oversized canvas
Draw big and scale it down for the final product you export. If you draw big you can get nice smooth lines and great detail. Plus if someone steals your work you have the high res version to prove its yours.

>Brush size
Big and messy for sketches, gets smaller as I go from general to specific forms and lines.

>Pressure settings
Don't use em. Just use the number keys on the keyboard to change the opacity when needed.

Also what the fuck is wrong with you chill the fuck out

>> No.4234181

Please do not subject yourself to this awful book.
The fact that you can't see a single work by the actual author should be a big enough red flag.
I almost fell to this honeytrap, and I'm glad I never fully dived in.

Just use literally any other conventional figure drawing book.

>> No.4234186

Working traditionally to create a manga/ comic, would like somebody maybe give tips or talk to while working on it.

>> No.4234197

Protip: don't make manga

>> No.4234205

ehh, only doing it for myself anyway. Just wanted somebody to talk about it with.

>> No.4234206
File: 585 KB, 2000x2000, awkward c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want to add me

>> No.4234261

wanna see my dic pic?

>> No.4234263

Maybe wanna see mine?

>> No.4234264

wanna see mine?

>> No.4234269


>> No.4234545
File: 30 KB, 500x720, 1574381004547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they always appear offline

>> No.4235114


posting work required the day you join as well as by the end of every month
this is just a server for /ic/ artists to hang out in, not a art improvement server

>> No.4235180

>this is just a server for /ic/ artists to hang out in, not a art improvement server

>> No.4236039

would be nice to have a tryhard to be autistic with about art. All of my current art friends don't take it very seriously.
goal is to get to KJG level. Even if it has to take my entire life to get there.
pic related, drew it just for u

>> No.4236040
File: 56 KB, 451x650, IMG_20191201_202818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4236197

you just want and art friend isnt, your skills are already good

>> No.4236200

>you just want an art friend
i mean, yeah, that's the point of my post.
It's ok if you're not good at art, i just want to talk to someone who shares my interests. Also, i'm not very good at anatomy and perspective or digital or landscapes or rendering.

>> No.4236236

4chan autists do this a lot

>> No.4237131
File: 2.08 MB, 4032x3024, 88FC3A39-C95D-4C4D-B5DA-51BA5A40C135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the first exercise in bert dodsons keys to drawing :’) I’m having fun

>> No.4237159
File: 1.59 MB, 4032x3024, 03E6EA2B-204D-42AD-AA1E-FC83868AA8E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the second exercise

I think I need to redo it tomorrow :’)

>> No.4237472

Drawing since forever
And I live in the eastern US

>> No.4238260


>> No.4238268
File: 49 KB, 207x291, 1567630697051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really have any art friends but people from the LAS discord. If I have friends I don't know what to talk about anyway, let alone starting a conversation. Things would just be like, "hey, how are you, look at this pict lol" for like 2 minutes then the awkward tension last for the entire day.

>> No.4238271

I feel like it's a lot easier to make friends in some sort of art group than one-on-one. I managed to make some nice art friends on LAS and other art servers, but whenever I tried to get to know someone through threads like these we'd inevitably stop contacting each other after a little while

>> No.4238274

yeah same thing in real life too, I used to have 3 "friends" where it can get incredibly strange and out of place when one person missing from the trio, you need more than 2 people to keep the harmony and flow of topic going. Having a genuine one to one relation is hard to find, it rarely click and some time it need to click at the right time and place for it too grow.

>> No.4238281

>not just having 1-2 people youve been mutually following from /ic/ over years and have never exchanged any conversation only likes on twitter and tumblr
fags all of you

>> No.4239354
File: 108 KB, 640x472, 1558482356597.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stil no frems
gess eye wokk a llone

>> No.4239595

>how old are you
>male or female
>who are your favorite artists
Cedric Peyravernay
UTC +3