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File: 238 KB, 1167x751, 75552983_428440484517892_2996526685882417152_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4217770 No.4217770 [Reply] [Original]

Is Don Bluth University worth it?

>> No.4217775

>that accomplice look
>they're not even reading (book is upside down)
>book hiding the dog's boner

Did the Internet broke my soul or is Bluthy /ourguy/?

>> No.4217776
File: 361 KB, 418x581, 1524845476435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just know.

>> No.4217778
File: 55 KB, 593x767, 1573107859940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This place is cursed. Now I see it too.

>> No.4217785

Bluth is legit, he’s not some YouTube I-Only-Draw-Loomis-Heads guy.

>> No.4217788


>> No.4217793

Don't forget how girl's underwear is visible.

>> No.4217824

Are those feet for real?

>> No.4217835

bovine university is better.

>> No.4217852

why were times so much better back then?

>> No.4217860

Seriously, why else would he do this other than being a pervy old man?

>> No.4217923

Maybe that's why the CalArts people hate him so much.

>> No.4217925
File: 501 KB, 1500x1250, 60710918_330826980945910_281722607345074176_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4217930

i hate the moment i realized don bluth most definitely has a vore fetish. you can only have so many lovingly animated sequences of someone getting eaten or nearly eaten by a giant cat with lovingly rendered teeth before it gets obvious, Don.

>> No.4217936

I liked Bluth before, but now that I see how based he is, I love him. I didn't know he is this cultured.
Course rips when?

>> No.4218139

4chan has changed me too much

>> No.4218163

Based old white man saving western animation.

>> No.4218171

Wait shit...it's an actual college class? Fuck, how much is the tuition?

>> No.4218174


Should I take out a loan, bros?

>> No.4218182

I doubt there's enough exclusive information in bluth's course to be worth 10k. I'm sure that between the few popular animation books released from the early disney and warner bros animators and whatever other free information their like has released that you can scrounge up, that you could probably get close enough to your desired level that all you'd have to do to advance is just do a bunch of master studies.

Although if don is teaching people to draw cunny in the supreme western style then the class might be worth a bit more

>> No.4218200
File: 44 KB, 584x407, cal-arts-shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried looking up reviews but couldn't find anything. Though I did an article about how apparently he is a laughing stock at CalArts and they love shitting on him whenever he is brought up. I never knew they had such a hate boner for him.
Just another reason to hate stupid CalArts and love Don Bluth.

>> No.4218206

Unironically burn Calarts to the ground.

>> No.4218211

Off topic but I really would like to see some kind of data or a report about artists CalArts produces. I'm insanely curious as to if the CalArts style meme infects everyone who goes there or just the shitters

>> No.4218216

This is why we can't compete with Japan. Because guys like this think "overflowy" animation is bad.

>> No.4218218

>CalArts absolutely loath him
Picked the fuck up!

>> No.4218224

Too much fluidity can be bad, if everything moves around at light speed every frame or something moves too far or too much then it can be disorienting and jarring. There's a reason the word is "overflowey" and not "flowey". Not that it's universally bad but just that it has a time and place.
10k is a lot of cash to drop just to own the libs

>> No.4218229

>What's funny is that...
I've seen a few of his tweets get posted here and there's really something about his writing style that is so goddamn punchable. It produces the same kind of visceral reaction as when I hear/read someone uptalking, bit I can't point out precisely what it is.

>> No.4218230

Better to spend 10k on a high quality teacher than 100k+ on a shitty Commiefornia art school.

>> No.4218233

100% it's sour grapes syndrome

>> No.4218237

How about spending no money and just studying hard?

>> No.4218240

I would be curious to see that too, and I imagine that the style probably rubs off on everyone who goes there to some degree even if they try to resist. If everyone around you is doing it and your teachers grade you badly for not doing things their way then you eventually cave. Either that or you drop out, or spend the rest of your years in school as a miserable outcast and don't get graded as good or praised as much as your peers.

>> No.4218246

It feels a bit smarmy.

>> No.4218258

No hating, but that's straight up a loli and a pantyshot
based bluth

>> No.4218259
File: 42 KB, 385x720, pull the trigger piglet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this place obliterates your innocence, it's a fact

>> No.4218271

What other fetishes does Don have hidden up his sleeve?

>> No.4218295

The spiral of the book is the dogs cock and the little girl is flinging her beany. Absolutely based.

>> No.4218301

Does the dog only have one leg?

>> No.4218304

>The spiral of the book is the dogs cock
oh god

>> No.4218307

Anne Marie was my first waifu and will always be in my heart. Literally the perfect girl. And I always thought Charlie was really handsome.

Honestly what the fuck happened to American animation? We used to be so good at art and drawing appealing people and animals.

>> No.4218309
File: 21 KB, 474x474, bluth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw today's mass degeneracy is the product of a clique of psychopaths getting in the high ranks of kids entertainment during the last century

>> No.4218311

>The spiral of the book is the dogs cock
fucking KEK this can't be a coincidence

>> No.4218312

It's called feral and it's kino

>> No.4218316

They hate him cause they ain't him.

>> No.4218320

Why the fuck did he post this? It's not like Don Bluth's dead.

>> No.4218323


Joke's on them, CalArts animation is legit hamfisted static shit whereas Bluth's animation invokes a sensof life which kind of is the point of animation. Tl;dr: sour grapes

>> No.4218329
File: 135 KB, 859x1080, beast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called bestiality and it's illegal in 40 states.

>> No.4218335

>I-it's overflowy and cheesy!
As opposed to what? The puppet tween shit we have now? The piss-simplified calarts shit style that ever cartoon seems to follow? Fuck that, give me Don Bluth.

>> No.4218339
File: 588 KB, 640x600, 1568505107654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look no further than Hazbin hotel. Whatever you think about it, people complaining that it has too many frames is an absolute travesty - it's not even near full-animation and these CalArts cocksuckers are already getting motion sickness form too much animation.

>> No.4218349

Don’t worry people will rebound when the style gather a certain level of nostalgia. People will start to crave traditional 2d soon, I hope. If Disney did one thing right it’s filling kid’s entire childhoods with 2d animation

>> No.4218351
File: 17 KB, 670x166, 1546874798808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Went to check and the first post already reads like a woman.
It doesn't feel like either genuine expression or parody, so that's why it irks you.

I was talking to a woman the other day and I had to ASK her to stop saying "I think" and "I mean" twice on every sentence, not to mention the uptalking.

>> No.4218377

Drawings aren't illegal, retard

>> No.4218396

Jerked off so many times to art of this bitch

>> No.4218400

>As opposed to what? The puppet tween shit we have now? The piss-simplified calarts shit style that ever cartoon seems to follow?
If only there was some kind of point in between 80 keyframes a second and a powerpoint presentation. But since this is a false dichotomy I suppose that's impossible

>> No.4218444

>t.assmad art student
When did I talk about frames? Go on, point out where I talked about it, faggot.

I pointed out
>cheap tween/puppet techniques used today
>shitty round calarts style where everything is oversimplified and lacks the form that bluth's stuff has.

>> No.4218447

Animation is comprised of frames dipshit. Animation and frames are literally inseparable concepts

>> No.4218452

No you fucking dweeb. I can do an 80 fps animation right now and it would look stiff as fuck. Frames and the life of animation have nothing to do with each other unless the frames are the ones keeping back the animation which is not the case.

>> No.4218461

>I can do an 80 fps animation right now and it would look stiff as fuck
Edge case is an edge case. Regardless of that you still missed the point of my post. The world is not black and white where all animation either looks like Johnny Test or All Dogs.

>> No.4218469



>> No.4218470

Nigger, Calarts garbage sometimes looks fluid as fuck because it's all tweened with a machine.

Does it make it better? No
Does it make it 80 fps? Yes.

Not the anon you're discussing with.

>> No.4218472

>Honestly what the fuck happened to American animation?
John Lasseter happened.

>> No.4218494

What would even be the point of the drawing if that wasn't intentional?

>> No.4218509
File: 314 KB, 893x1001, 1569452983642.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't fathom someone having Pinocchio as his waifu...

>> No.4218525

Toniko is unironically based.

>> No.4218532

American culture fucking hates art and esoteric professions. We also hate tryhards. It's part of the reason why we have absolutely no esports scene, because no investors or entrepreneurs are interested in doing oddball shit, americans outside of gaming or that aren't deep into eatsports culture will not participate and will discourage others from doing so, and those who do participate aren't putting in the hours that koreans, japs, or pakis do.

>> No.4218596
File: 78 KB, 1024x1335, pinocchio_girl_by_nippy13_dbat9f9-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about now?

>> No.4218607
File: 141 KB, 402x503, 1532451280502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is pizza gate tier levels of subtle imagery, the last thing we need right now is for the fucking pedo spirals and we're full blown bluthgate.

>> No.4218702
File: 41 KB, 490x461, 23999532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4218712

when I read this shit I realize that this board is overrun with anime fuccbois and there is no way to shift the zeitgeist
he probably thinks shonen manga is peak art

>> No.4218720

>Hazbin Hotel
>not Satina Wants a Glass of Water

>> No.4218801
File: 1.09 MB, 500x350, 1433974620157.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>intended for or likely to be understood by only a small number of people with a specialized knowledge or interest.

Sounds like eatsports. If you have zero or even only surface level knowledge or interest in vidya and digital culture then of course you're going to wonder why a 16 year old made 3 mil by playing Legos With Shotguns and exactly who the fuck paid him. Esoteric does not have to mean some excessively difficult topic that only 4 people can comprehend.
Eatsports was just an example anyways and I'm not attached to whether or not it actually is esoteric. How we define things is a debate that's been going on since language has existed
>if you use words in ways I don't like it means you're a weab and also dum
I love it when the smug cunts who complain about board quality are the ones actually responsible for it being shit.

>> No.4219155

holy fuck you're right, no fuckin way it's a coincidence with the way it is placed so awkwardly like that. It's literally facing away from the both of them (and upside down), why the fuck would he compose it like that otherwise.
this man is getting more and more based every second

>> No.4219166
File: 675 KB, 1044x838, Eve_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people who haven't seen "All dogs go to Heaven"

>> No.4219189

I don't remember it being that suggestively knotted though.
It's almost like OP's image isn't from Bluth, or photoshopped, or from some doujin.

>> No.4219200
File: 26 KB, 675x502, brisby002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's the point Bluth isn't a pervert and definitely doesn't have degenerate fetishes he's just and animator and has to make characters that stand out.

>> No.4219230
File: 52 KB, 736x414, penny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it was just normal back then

>> No.4219247
File: 28 KB, 573x438, 1484322127378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes animators take weirs choices for the sake of aesthetics I guess, like on Lilo and Stitch, Lilo wears a night dress that constantly let You see ver panties, and the film intself has a Lot of unnecessary pantyshots, I think since Andreas deja esa trained by old Masters he kind of adoptes that himself, in the old days a little girl panties esa considered cute and not sexual at all.

>> No.4219250

>furfag shit
Pick one.

>> No.4219276

I'm glad he's still alive

>> No.4219279

He is 82, he is near to kick the bucket.

>> No.4219281

(formatted because spam filter)
face book . com

>from some doujin

It's real my man, and there's no way a r34 artist can draw that well. The western r34 scene is a complete shitshow, with the only good one I know of being Simon, but he have stopped doing lewds (at least publicly).

>> No.4219282

Yeah, damn shame, he's lived a very fulfilled life though

>> No.4219289

>the only good one being Simon

He only draws super lanky girls doing all sort of stuff, he is not that great, and theres a dude on internet who work only on feral western and he draws just as good as the originals, the fact You don't know about other artists only talla bad about you and your taste.
Also on internet theres all dogs goes to heaven porn so you can look for yourself.

>> No.4219298
File: 98 KB, 700x1170, d351a3cdf8d98b7ad9a0d2dee4895a260599f7a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this leaves you without breath?


>> No.4219303
File: 104 KB, 1000x1200, simon_7617118-1045162027419721728-20180927_110340-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>linking his work from 10 years ago

His skills is definitely among the best in the r34 scene, I really like his construction and gesture.

>the fact You don't know about other artists
then expand my mind

>> No.4219314

This is not that impressive bro, really, I get you like his work but you are cocksucking way too hard, he is good for sure but not as good as you think he is.

>> No.4219316

Simon is overrated as fuck. He can only draw one type of thing decently and that's it. He's only good for coomers with a specific fetish for lanky lolis.

>> No.4219320

This added to the fact he can't adapt makes him hard to commission, like you ask for a character that should be 3 heads tall and he would make her taller and way too skinny, not enjoyable at all, he surely knows construction and so on but he lacks a lot of appeal (good gesture don't ensure you appeal), his color works are pure crap and his tonal works are just meeeh, nothing remarcable yo be worth a "right click save as".

>> No.4219337
File: 87 KB, 800x1200, simon_7617118-1090813948696252416-20190131_102806-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where the hell does that come from? not sure why are you being so reactionary about this.

I'm sorry if I'm indirectly shitting on artists you like by what I'm saying, but I'm willing to open my mind if you post your related inspo

I don't know how he's overrated when he has an almost nonexistent online presence. he averages on 400 likes and 50 retweets most of the time

but do post artist you think is better, i genuinely want to expand my inspo

>draw one type of thing
>He's only good for coomers with a specific fetish for lanky lolis.
he does have a specific niches and there's nothing wrong about that, but he definitely can draws things other than lanky lolis. he doesn't even draw lewds anymore anyways.

does he even do commissions? I think he never really cared about marketability from what I can see, which is why he nuked his blog multiple times.

>like you ask for a character that should be 3 heads and he would make her taller and way too skinny
i don't know where you get this, but 3-headed toony characters are his specific niche, like the one I just posted, so I don't think he would have trouble conforming to that.
I don't remember him making characters too tall. he does like his skinny girls, but he can draw thick stuff too if you browse his twitter.

>his tonal works are just meeeh
I agree his painted stuff needs work though, I prefer his lineart stuff most of the time

>> No.4219340
File: 322 KB, 724x720, 1472074955205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, the butthurt is still fresh from way back when.

>> No.4219341

Hate us cuz they anus

>> No.4219345

I wasn't there when the drama was still hot, but I do remember reading seriously intense drama about simon when I was crawling the /ic/ archive.
I'm sorry for opening this pandora box once again.

>> No.4219348

Lets just drop it and let it go before that one autist finds this thread and spergs out for the rest of the thread.

>> No.4219349

Theres something that kills my interest about this art but can't pin point what, is just so, I don't know, it feel generic, don't know this artist or why the butthurt but this is your everyday asian guy level of skill I have seen this millions of times already.

>> No.4219351

What are you talking about anon? I'm somewhat new to this board

>> No.4219356

>I'm new to this board
That's a blessing believe it or not. Leave while you still can fuck this place.

>> No.4219360

Why don't you leave too? What has kept you here?

>> No.4219362

the movie he did with the goblin with the green thumb was over the top flowy, to the point you think theyre all overdosed on sugar.
not sure id judge him completely based on his later works though. secret of nimh and his art style are just really nice.

>> No.4219366
File: 645 KB, 752x752, 42e0a4_3a421b1ec93441e1a7f7d9d13dcb4e3c-mv2_d_1500_1500_s_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bluth's style is one of the easiest (Disney) if not poster for learning how to mimic style

>> No.4219369

they look like cells theyve shopped a background into (somewhat sloppily going by the feet)

>> No.4219370

I would say is not, you need a good understanding of gesture and flow, otherwise it would look like shit as your pic related.

>> No.4219373

well pants were forbidden. so either you dont show a character from 25% of angles, or you play it up as them being childish.

>> No.4219374
File: 573 KB, 1280x720, 1541039136301.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These faggots may be insufferable pricks but they grow on you sometimes, have you ever wanted to hatefuck a politician that you detest so much you're willing to fuck them? Just leave before you develop something unhealthy.

>> No.4219376

>pants where forbidden

Uhhhh? What?

>> No.4219380

ok maybe not forbidden. they hadnt caught on as womens casual fashion yet though. i doubt some crusty old animators in the 60s are going to break the mould and give their characters pants.

>> No.4219395


who did this?

>> No.4219396

‘I think’ and ‘I mean’ are fillers, she’d just replace them with ‘um’ or ‘like’ instead. All languages have filler words, you can’t escape it. Up talking is also just as present in men.

>> No.4219431
File: 708 KB, 452x720, 1574306631360.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look this motherfucker in the eyes and they'll me he's not our guy.

>> No.4219456

very cute and very funny drawing

>> No.4219457

Akill Blazard.

How about I fill you with my cock instead, you indecisive piece of shit? Saying "um" and "like" all the time is equally annoying and also valley speeh, and if you write out your ums, you should get necked.
Soibois are not men.

And then we have the PHONEPOSTING SPIC. Chinga tu madre, amigo. Get a grip, andale.

>He is of Swedish, English, Irish, Scottish, and German descent
What the fuck, his face doesn't look like any race I can think of, that round forehead and tiny eyes scare me.

>> No.4219533

Because sometimes it’s overanimated. Too much movement takes away from the shit going on. Or her god awful color choices make it hard to see the focus, and hurt the eyes. It feels over animated because her designs have too many colors or parts. Most of the cast is red on a red background with a lot of things to look at.

>> No.4219534

Bait 1/10
Off yourself.

>> No.4219541
File: 15 KB, 184x190, 1544318063917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>oh nooo, my cereal has too much sugar
>yummy, I'm so glad I have better options for breakfast, such as Diarrhea Flakes (TM)

>> No.4219548
File: 3.36 MB, 500x288, IMG_4305.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What most don't seem to understand is that people are actually complaining about the physics of the movement itself, not the fact that's 'overdone' or at a high frame rate.

You can have appealing looking 'overdone' animation (like Richard Williams' stuff). Then there's shit like Hazbin Hotel or pic related, which have awkward and janky-looking animation physics.

The way the characters are drawn in each frame determines how the physical movement of the character will look, it doesn't matter if they're moving slowly or very fast. Basically, if the physics/poses/designs/etc are off, then it will look like shit, regardless of what the frame rate is.

The Hazbin Hotel crew (and most Jap animators) can't into animation physics very well.

>> No.4219552

I don’t like Calarts. Vivi needs people to help her fuck ups because it takes away quality.

>> No.4219553

Cute post, but the whole discussion started because people are complaining Don Bluth is overdone, are you gonna compare his work to this Naruto blooper?

>> No.4219554

You know that more frames =/= better animation, right?
There's more to animation than just how many frames there are. Each drawing needs to flow and move correctly into the next, or else you're just left with a flowing psychedelic mess.

>> No.4219559

I actually have no idea what you're trying to say.
Anime isn't on the same level as classic western 2D animation, so no, Bluth isn't comparable. I didn't even mention him in my post.

I was just saying that most people have misconceptions about 'overdone' animation being inherently better when there's more to animation than just how many frames there are.

Bluth knows how to do high frame rate animation correctly because he trained under Disney's 9 Old Men. Japs have no clue.

>> No.4219564

More frames is ALWAYS better, why do you assume more frames = Naruto Sanic and less frames = highly artistic and elegant, economic animation?

>> No.4219576
File: 692 KB, 1191x625, 1565643319468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another retard makes another false dichotomy. It's like you people don't even have brains
More frames is not always better. That anon isn't assuming that less frames = good, just that when you do overanimated shit its possible to fuck it up and go too far or look janky.

>> No.4219591

False dichotomy. More frames =/= more janky.

>> No.4219593

Your reading comprehension is bad.
I said in my post that Bluth and classic Disney were good examples of high frame-rate animation. Your also putting words into my mouth with your last sentences.

See >>4219554
If you knew what goes into high quality 2D animation, you'd know that more frames aren't all that determines quality. You need good draftsmanship and a good understanding of how things move.

>> No.4219596

You're more likely to fuck up on animation timing with more frames and drawing to keep track of.

>> No.4219598
File: 332 KB, 1374x725, 1523221374002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All animators are pedophiles

>> No.4219601

Neither I nor the anon I'm defending ever made the claim that more frames always means more jank. The fucking keyword I used is that it's "possible" to fuck it up. Possible means that something -can- happen, but not that it always will.

Learn to read before you try to act smart.

>> No.4219604

>nooo don't put words in my mouth
Then how about you stop doing the same and bringing qualities other than framerate to the discussion of frame rate, niggerbrains?
A perfectly animated 6fps animation is inferior to a perfectly animated 24fps animation. A shitty animation at 6fps is shittier than a shitty animation at 24fps. Stop using other factors as a shield.

Now this is a consistent argument.

Miyazaki began as an erotic writer, lolicon if I'm not mistaken.
The hypocrisy is huge when these retards make it big.

>Possible means that something -can- happen, but not that it always will.
Let's not argue anything ever again then, cause it's always possible that everyone in the pipeline for an animation has a stroke at the same time and the end result is just an epileptic shitshow. God forbid anyone drew a line on the sand.

>> No.4219620

>stop doing the same and bringing qualities other than framerate to the discussion of frame rate
Lol sorry I couldn't read your mind and know you'd be so autistically pedantic about "muh framerate only". Didn't know you were making the rules here.

You probably don't know shit about 'perfectly animated' if all you fixate on is the frame count. It'd be pretty retarded not to care about anything else.

Would you argue that 6 beautifully drawn images of animation per second is 'shit' compared to 24 frames of calarts/tumblr shit per second?

>Now this is a consistent argument.
Thanks. That was me.

>> No.4219672

>Would you argue that 6 beautifully drawn images of animation per second is 'shit' compared to 24 frames of calarts/tumblr shit per second?
You're walking in circles.

>> No.4219679

If all animation is to you is how many drawings it has, then sure, your personal view of 'quality' is subjectivly correct. But any professional animator experienced in 2D will most likely tell you that frame rate is only one part of the whole animation process.

I know you don't give a shit those other things, but that's how actual animators think in real life.

>> No.4219699

>Let's not argue anything ever again then, cause it's always possible that everyone in the pipeline for an animation has a stroke at the same time and the end result is just an epileptic shitshow.
False equivalence. If you can't read someone else's post and understand what they say then maybe you should go back to lurking until you can at least comprehend third grade english instead of flooding the thread with your butthurt

>> No.4219716
File: 2.00 MB, 350x266, 1566239430654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If all animation is to you is how many drawings it saves, then sure, your personal view of 'quality' is subjectively correct. But any professional animator experienced in 2D will most likely tell you that frame rate is only one part of the whole animation process.

You can keep parroting your Wikipedia list of fallacies, but you're not gonna win without pulling up some Latin words.

>> No.4219725

I unironically don't understand what you're trying to say. You just copy-pasted my post without actually understanding what I was saying.
All I got was that "less frames = saved animation"? No shit. Don't know what that has to do with my point though.

It seems like you have a tendency of poor reading comprehension and spouting nonsensical shit. Are you an ESLfag by chance?

Maybe you also hate those "Latin words" because you can't comprehend them and then get assmad when people point out your retardation. Consider taking a course in active reading before you continue making up schizophrenic arguements.

>> No.4219733

I don't have to win. I've already confirmed that you're retarded and illiterate by showing how you can't even into basic logic. I give no fucks about whether or not the disabled think I'm correct

>> No.4219740

Wow this thread is pathetic

>> No.4219752

Welcome to /ic/

>> No.4219857

how to tell someone doesnt draw. they dont empathise with someone that drew their own waifu.

>> No.4219862
File: 49 KB, 573x535, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss the good old days of Disney's sexy little girls.

>> No.4219879

he's not wrong

>> No.4219918

>That's a pretty sexy little girl, Ollie
Dear lord walt disney was a character

>> No.4219921

How fucking soi are you to keep mentioning up talking what the fuck kind of zoomer shit is this

>> No.4219933

10 characters, to be precise.

>> No.4219966
File: 426 KB, 1920x1040, youjustknow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it is a cell from the film. very interesting how they ended up cropping it

>> No.4220135

thats just poor 4:3 to widescreen formatting

>> No.4220142

What? Was this not drawn in cinematic ratio? I thought it was a theatrical film.

>> No.4220150

what do you mean by that?

>> No.4220248

now I understand why the arm in OP makes no sense, they removed the couch part

>> No.4220564

Normie trash thinks 4:3 is a boogeyman

>> No.4220636

she can stick her nose up me bunhole and start lying

>> No.4220664

You're a goddamn fool if you dont think that gif you posted isnt an example of good animation