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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4217626 No.4217626 [Reply] [Original]

What's your thought on this? Personally, i have two aliases, one for normal stuff and one for porn. Really because my porn is super fetish and outlandish, if i drew "normal" porn, then i think i'd just link the two names already

>> No.4217641

Proko pls go

>> No.4217650

Having two aliases is for pussies, grow some balls anon and embrace your disgusting fetishes.

>> No.4217653

How do you recieve payments anonymously? Also how do you file taxes for the porn money?

>> No.4217662

lol, I love having aliases 'cause it's funny. I have the most whitish american aliases. Something to the effect of "Kyle Stevenson" or "Tommy Allen." And it's hillarious how easily people are tricked into thinking you are american.

>> No.4217671

you just have a separate email/payment method going to your same bank account, and just pay taxes normally. But i don't really understand the whole taxes for art, ive never paid tax for a commissioned artwork or art from a convention before, nor has someone had to pay tax for my artwork

>> No.4217679
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Not just an alias but a heteronym
Normal me only uses trad media
porn me only uses digital
Plus different work pipelines and aesthetics

>> No.4217696

How important is it to keep your aliases secret from people irl?

>> No.4217701

the only reason i keep mine secret is because it's such outlandish fetish porn, it's just weird to be frank. OP here btw, as i said above yeah if i drew normal porn i'd post it under my normal art accounts

>> No.4217703

Don't care. Making a living out of my followers is easier and less stressful

>> No.4217708

I've thought about making a porn account that uses paypal and for commissions and a non porn account that uses ko-fi as a tip jar. I'm sure you can have multiple patreon accounts too for different aliases

>> No.4217716

I mean if you were drawing inflation diaper porn or something like that would you want your friends and family to know about it?

>> No.4217728

exactly lol

>> No.4217762

I'm paranoid.

>> No.4217791

>Family and stuff

Why is Proko so rude? It makes the whole podcast akward and hard to watch, I didnt watched beyond that just because of that, he sucks.

>> No.4217870


>> No.4217908
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people will rip you open if you give off the slightest inkling of having shame about what you're doing, and further doing anything at all to hide it

embrace yourself fully and sit truly immune to criticism instead. you're an artist not a fucking prole.

>illegal drawing

>> No.4217914
File: 156 KB, 884x1200, 1560861625196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why yes i will illustrate in full color and value an image involving an underage girl getting a dick shoved through the back of her skull and her brains coming out of her eye sockets if i so please, thank you.

>> No.4217932

if i want to be extra spicy i start drama between both my aliases to get attention

>> No.4217951
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Any other answer other than yes is wrong. True art chads embrace their fetish porn art and are not afraid to show it to the world.

>> No.4217960

about that

>> No.4217972

I have one for concept art, and one for cute anime

>> No.4218315


>> No.4218318

where are you from?

>> No.4218343

Wholesome mother

>> No.4218372

You don’t.
>inb4 some restarts posts a 10 year old paypal tutorial that hides your name on the invoice, but leaves it on the receipt

>> No.4218511
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I don't do smut but still use an alias. I hate having my identity out on the net at all so I'm careful to reveal as little as possible about it.

>> No.4218518
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>> No.4218555 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4218564

I keep two separate aliases even if I draw mild hetero porn, I don't link them but I don't deny it neither. It's kind of funny when people find the naughty account of a sfw artist and act like they found manna

>> No.4218620

Who's the person behind the camera who has more useful things to say than Proko?
When are they switching places?

>> No.4218715

if art/design is your main income source there is no way around paying taxes.

>> No.4218730

how do you get paid for your porn commissions?

>> No.4218975

via patreon. it works well as a wall

>> No.4219015

I think nowadays it doesn't depend on being a pussy but rather that if people find out you draw a slightly amoral thing they will probably try and dox you, you might get bad rep etc.

>> No.4219025

I've been brainstorming for a whole year on what alias to use

it's getting pathetic

>> No.4219040

You've posted that on Wednesday. Why not Mr. Wednesday or something in the likes? That sounds kinky.

>> No.4219065

Go full porn like Tosh and then break into the mainstream after producing god tier H-manga.

>> No.4219083

You should keep it a secret. I found a family members alias and all you really need to do is enter the name in namechk and google refined search and paper trails everywhere. Every comment, every site--all logged under your name in one big trail.

>> No.4219091

everyone in this thread who's said they do porn artwork, pyw.

>> No.4219092
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Someone needs to make "the virgin anonymous artist" vs the chad "Name Drop, artist"

>> No.4219108
File: 312 KB, 2518x1024, 1574290239041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what I got so far, if anyone wants to add anything feel free to

>> No.4219495

based black man

>> No.4219502

I have two accounts on twitter.
One just for dumping art, and the other for blogging or quick sketches.
I really dont like how most twitter artist use their gallery as their blog too.Especially the one that like to ramble about politic and controversial stuffs. Just make different account jesus christ.

>> No.4221528

oh my god, why do people do this shit?

>> No.4222456


What's in the bowl?

>> No.4222654

Just combine an adjective, your favourite food/flower, the first three digits of a familiar phone number.

>> No.4222700

Your art name is literally worthless unless your art gets you famous. You cling to "artist" as an identity in hopes that once you have the perfect name, the perfect paper, the perfect tablet, the perfect pens, you will then magicaly become a hit. You want to project an image of success in the same way that a poor man will spen his wekfare money on a nice car or television. They hated jesus because he spoke the truth. Get good faggots

>> No.4222718

In all seriousness? I can appreciate the technical aspect of the drawings while being disgusted by the ongoing theme.

>What's in the bowl?
I wanna know this as well.

>> No.4222731
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>an entire year