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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 407 KB, 1124x1589, 1512233518644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4205477 No.4205477 [Reply] [Original]

>he fell for the construction meme

>> No.4205501

i can't read

>> No.4205517

It's cool how I hardly practice Jap and can read some of it....lets see




>> No.4205521

Construction is a good tool if you're in a situation where you actually need it, such as when drawing difficult (this is subjective and depends on one's level) poses. Beginners (/ic/ etc) often are. The author berates the assistant for taking a bunch of time only to make stiff drawings in a production environment. That's a legit complaint in that context but it doesn't mean construction is shit/a meme overall.

>> No.4205523

If I were to type out from every panel I'd probably get 60% out of 100%. Not bad to be quite honest.

>> No.4205529

60% out of 100% total image*

>> No.4205537

if that person's "drawings" are supposed to be an example of what you can accomplish without constructive drawing...

Also yikes, you're fucking idiot and I'm ashamed to see somebody as fucking ignorant and apparently willing to share their dumbass fucking beginner opinion on this board

>> No.4205538

>dumbass fucking beginner opinion
Why is that?

>> No.4205556
File: 85 KB, 600x782, mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what you can accomplish without constructive drawing
Pic related is what you can accomplish without constructive drawing. Construction is an /ic/ meme.

>> No.4205581
File: 536 KB, 997x1241, draw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pic related is what you can accomplish without constructive drawing.
Because that's a life drawing, you retard.
You use construction when you're drawing from imagination, not life. In life drawing you draw with shapes, while imagination drawing requires forms (which you learn from life drawing).

Are /ic/ users seriously this retarded?

>> No.4205596

>imagination drawing requires forms (which you learn from life drawing)
Not necessarily. Answer >>4205538

>> No.4205599

that is literally a drawing drawn with construction, you dumb fucking cunt
christ how do you clueless fucking beginners even remember to fucking BREATHE?
you are also pretty fucking retarded if you think you can't use construction in life drawing, dumb little shit
fuck off and take these other ignorant little crabby mccrabs with you, will ya? thanks pal

>> No.4205610

God I fucking hate this place.
You're all roleplaying retards who can't even draw a fucking box, why do you think your opinion holds any weight at all?

>> No.4205623

>you are also pretty fucking retarded if you think you can't use construction in life drawing, dumb little shit
I never said you couldn't, you dumb faggot.
I implied that >>4205556 was a retard from assuming that the pic was a drawing from imagination.

>> No.4205633

That pic related has construction.
It seems like 90% of people here don't even fucking understand what it means.

>> No.4205698

Michelangelo did not use construction in any sense of the word, unless you want to stretch the definition of construction to retarded nonsensical proportions. In literally every single sketch we have of by Michelangelo it is clear as day he's using a direct drawing method.You construction memers are delusional.

>> No.4205713


>> No.4205757
File: 1.70 MB, 1280x1500, CONSTRUCTION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Michelangelo did not use construction in any sense of the word, unless you want to stretch the definition of construction to retarded nonsensical proportions. In literally every single sketch we have of by Michelangelo it is clear as day he's using a direct drawing method.You construction memers are delusional.

Let's see, I could listen to dumbfuck little crabanon from /ic/ whose balls haven't dropped yet, and thinks he's gonna be a "pro concept artist" in a couple years despite only having started drawing earlier this year....

...or I could listen to Vilppu, Huston, Bridgman, and basically anybody who fucking knows anything at all about drawing.

HMMMMM well I hope you don't feel too bad, but it's understandable if you'd rather just mcfucking kill yourself upon the realization of how fucking stupid you are.

>> No.4205759

You first, I'm not the delusional dipshit roleplayer who waives off proven working methods that actual professionals have used.

>> No.4205760

No rules just tools faggots

>> No.4205769

didn't know drawing everything out of eggs wasn't construction lmao

>> No.4205833

>working methods that actual professionals have used
What methods are these? How do they relate to >>4205521 in case you're >>4205537?

>> No.4205839

construction =/= stiff drawings

>> No.4205850
File: 190 KB, 375x565, t45ry6ur6ur.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

1. Again: what methods are these?
2. Would you say that pic related is not a stiff drawing? If your answer is NO: why do you imply that I said that construction = stiff drawings?

>> No.4205856

I'm not >>4205537.

As for your question, construction is a very broad term but in most cases it's an underdrawing that guides the final image. There's a lot of methods that pertain to different causes, the Reilly method is a construction method that is good for obtaining likeness, Loomis is good for working from imagination, Bridgman is good for structure... the list goes on.

>> No.4205857

Is there a translation of this anywhere?

Also the fighting in this thread is kind of silly, both sides should just post work

>> No.4205871

>As for your question, construction is a very broad term but in most cases it's an underdrawing that guides the final image.
I didn't ask what construction is. I'm asking what the working methods are and I'm also curious as to how these methods are waived off in this thread. Please explain, I am curious.

>> No.4205874

I just listed 3 of them.

>I'm also curious as to how these methods are waived off in this thread
Are you retarded? The fucking OP post itself is shitting on construction.

>> No.4205877


>> No.4205888

>I just listed 3 of them.
Are you implying that anybody in this thread (except for OP) is shitting on Reilly, Loomis and Bridgman? Why?

>The fucking OP post itself is shitting on construction.
The OP is baiting. I'm asking IN the thread. In other words, >>4205521 for example. Am I waiving off construction?

What I meant to say is that in a production environment (manga etc), artists aren't going to sit around constructing elaborate dummies as in OP's pic. Would you not agree with this? If you wouldn't: why?

>> No.4205897

The PYW spamming NPC obviously thinks that construction is a meme.

>What I meant to say is that in a production environment (manga etc), artists aren't going to sit around constructing elaborate dummies as in OP's pic
Construction can also be an extremely rough lay in, you realize that right? Construction isn't always about creating a mannequin.

>> No.4205898

I'm not that guy, but I'm the guy who said >>4205839 and basically you sound like a dumb fucking cunt

>> No.4205900

>Construction can also be an extremely rough lay in, you realize that right?
What is your point?

>I'm the guy who said >>4205839
And you still haven't answered my earlier question? Get on it.

>> No.4205902

What was your earlier question, state it clearly because you sound ESL will ya

>> No.4205908

>What is your point?
That it doesn't take that much time to construct and it doesn't need to involve "elaborate dummies" you dumb cunt.

You're too fucking stupid to have an actual conversation with. Try actually drawing and not talking about drawing someday so you can have less shit takes.

>> No.4205911

I hate my life

>> No.4205916

See >>4205850, especially question 2. If you don't want to answer those questions, that's fine, I'll just assume that you made a mistake in quoting >>4205833.

>it doesn't take that much time to construct
What does "that much time" mean? Anyway, I never said that in this thread and nobody else did. Are you saying that the construction in OP's pic isn't a relatively elaborate dummy in that particular production environment? If you think that it isn't, that's fine, but I would definitely disagree.

>> No.4205921

Construction is good for beginners to practice, as you improve you should have most of it internalized and not need to draw out every step. After a beginner stage you mostly just use it to draw unfamiliar things or to check you work if something looks weird. Learning to short hand most construction and under drawing and start direct drawing will make your drawings feel more gestural and make you significantly faster. you absolutely need that speed as a pro with tight deadlines.

>> No.4205926

You have poor reading comprehension skills, you can blame your education but more possibly your bad genetics for that.

>> No.4205929

Run away.

>> No.4205933

Not educating a retard any further, was fun for a while but I'm bored now.

>> No.4205938

oh, well in that case you're kind of just really fucking ignorant about drawing as a whole with no clue as to how efficient constructive drawing is and basically you're a waste of fucking time

>> No.4205941

You run away too, pussy.

>> No.4205956
File: 21 KB, 325x350, 1573560037748.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok guys this is serious, ATTENTION please.

What we have here is a bunch (or one really crazy) coping loser who is trying to force his badness cope onto everybody else.

>chicken scratching is bad
This faggot can't literally draw a line so he copes and dilates 3 threads every day I DON'T NEED THAT SOUR LINE I CAN DRAW WITHOUT THAT LINE
now we have
>Construction is bad
Obviosly this faggot is retarded and can't learn shit, neither he's even capable of drawing a simplified mannequin out of boxes because he never even drawn a single box.
>Just trace guys
Coping with the fact he cant draw at all
>Why is good art so soulles, the SOUL meme
Due to the lack of aforementioned skills he cant even trace shit to look ok, big surprize.

This is some absolute degenerate cope forced meme and it belongs in trash.
Don't speak to him, don't feed or encourage, just call him out on being a coping retard and recommend suicide. Being so evidently shit he must be on the edge already.

>> No.4205959

Can you quote this person to show who it is?

>> No.4205971
File: 9 KB, 270x187, download (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The op of every thread like
>chicken scratching is good
>fundies are bad
>good art is bad
and today it's
>construction is bad

This is some kind of general disability cope.

>> No.4205975

Sure. The OP is stupid. However, nobody else is shitting on construction as far as I can see.

>> No.4205978

The general trend of sour grapes coping is overtaking the board.
There's a bunch of these threads all the time.

>> No.4205982


>> No.4205989

Sure, and the OP is stupid. However, nobody else is shitting on construction as far as I can see.

>> No.4205990
File: 18 KB, 789x750, 1541212981937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>don't use the cube/mannequin because it wastes time, also it stiffens your gestures
uhm okay... so is this mango artist gonna show us the right way or something instead of entertaining herself by roasting "common beginner mistakes"?

>assistant is drawing incorrectly
>instead of telling him right away she literally giggles behind his back, takes ten minutes for her to finally correct him.
the irony

>> No.4205997

I suspect it's all one person and now that he came up with he is going to spam the bord with this shit too.

>> No.4205999

see this dumb motherfucker that doesn't understand what constructive drawing is to begin with but believes that it has a negative impact on "speed" or "stiffness"

>> No.4206029

I think that OP hasn't posted at all since the OP. He just wanted to create this kind of nice thread with people fighting each other.

I am that person (except for >>4205556) and I definitely believe that construction drawing tends to have a negative impact on "speed" and "stiffness" (it doesn't have to be big or even visible at all, but the OP comic is comedy and depicts a, as far as I can see, beginner assistant). I maintain that construction is a good tool if you're in a situation where you actually need it, such as when drawing difficult (this is subjective and depends on one's level) poses. I also think that the author berates the assistant for taking a bunch of time only to make stiff drawings in a production environment, and I believe that it's a legit complaint in that context. However, again, it doesn't mean construction is shit/a meme overall.

The more work you do to create a scaffolding on top of your canvas, the more time is wasted. That doesn't mean that the creation of a scaffolding is bad, it simply depends on the situation.

>> No.4206036

Well then you're a dumb fucking cunt that doesn't understand anything about drawing, much less constructive drawing. Congratulations on being a clueless fucking retard that managed to waste people's time, you ignorant beginner fucking crab shit.
You have zero fucking clue about any of this and really, we'd all appreciate if you would stop ever giving your opinion. Because that's what it is. Opinion completely devoid of any factual fucking basis.

>> No.4206038

>He just wanted to create this kind of nice thread with people fighting each other.

My point is when he or they show up again let's all fight op and not each other,

>> No.4206040

The more work you do to create a scaffolding on top of your canvas, the more time is wasted. That doesn't mean that the creation of a scaffolding is bad, it simply depends on the situation.
That is
that's not how it works at all
that's some beginner thinking right there

>> No.4206042

is this loomis?

>> No.4206045

Please post your work. I would love to see what a learned sage such as yourself can create.

>> No.4206060

>I definitely believe that construction drawing tends to have a negative impact on "speed" and "stiffness"
So is this belief rooted in experience or are you just talking out of your ass?
Post your work, let's see an example of your construction work vs. non-construction work.

>> No.4206094

Constructive drawing is the single greatest benefit to a person's drawing in every way shape and form.
The fact that this beginner believes that there are "difficult poses" just shows that they're too fucking low level to be worth anybody's time whatsoever.
The scaffolding idea is some sort of weird pseudotheory that could only be dreamt up by someone who is incapable of drawing. It is completely removed from the reality of what constructive drawing fundamentals are all about.

>> No.4206096

Sure. That's actually want I meant to do with my original post. Alas.

>> No.4206359
File: 35 KB, 381x380, IMG_4209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck even is this thread?

If using construction is bad, then what's the alternative? And why does almost every single art teacher reccomend construction if it's so bad?

>> No.4206389
File: 1.45 MB, 4032x3024, 1557161218387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4206394
File: 677 KB, 360x203, FUCKING KEK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4206896

obviously just a shitpost, but man can you imagine drawing that poorly and thinking that your opinion on anything artistic is valid in any way

>> No.4206961

holy shit i haven’t seen someone seethe this hard in a long time. quite hilarious

>> No.4206964

If you can, then doing direct drawing is by far the most efficient way of drawing, but it's also super hard and inconsistent to do, unless you are a genius like KJG

>> No.4206994
File: 296 KB, 460x391, 1443198784494.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these posts and no one has translated this yet??

>> No.4207013

>hurr nobody who is good uses construction
So Kim Jung Gi is the only artist that's any good? Tough crowd.

>> No.4207625

welp that guy got btfo, I wonder what turns the thread took after this post

>> No.4207631


>> No.4207640

70 comments of people calling each other retards and faggots and not a single drawing to prove anyones point. you people ever draw or just became full time drawing philosphers?

>> No.4207654

Okay now that I have more time let's continue...




The rest is literally the same characters being used like "front" and "picture" and "draw" and "tokyo" and "head"

WOW, thank you Heisig!! I barely practiced Japanese and can already read this baby comic!!

>> No.4207660

Also the other characters I recognize the meaning but I don't know the reading so it's just a matter of learning the vocabulary.


>> No.4207671

Burden of proof is on people who think construction drawing is a meme. Good luck disproving a technique that even architects and industrial designers use.

>> No.4208246

>can't read the fucking words
>pretends to understand the context
holy shit

>> No.4210931

welcome to ic where nobody draws and it's all rp