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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 99 KB, 250x250, 996FE3B1-764B-4FA3-AADA-3A662614C900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4203054 No.4203054 [Reply] [Original]

just draw

>> No.4203068

*paints instead*

>> No.4203069

why can't people just draw?
all the books and courses and people still don't draw?

>>muh perspective
>>muh boxes
>>muh folds
>>muh shading
>>muh references
>>muh tracing
>>muh money

>> No.4203070

Why not both?

>> No.4203081

He's right. I only started drawing a few days ago but I can feel the art gains already.

>> No.4203082

let me know how you feel in 5yrs

>> No.4203086

Probably be a pro in the art industry by then!

>> No.4203087
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>> No.4203102

what if I doodle

>> No.4203105
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>He "doodles"

>> No.4203112

post sketchbook

>> No.4203121

Just masturbate.

>> No.4203123
File: 51 KB, 745x547, pavalovi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4203129

The penis dissapoints me.

>> No.4203132

just being real, yo

>> No.4203145

Do you know an artist that did everything on his own without any material or teacher?

>> No.4203370

just read fifty books and copy reference

>> No.4203372

Okay, I'll go draw some feet

>> No.4203942

Good luck anon

>> No.4203944


>> No.4203979

Add and adv
> Just draw well.
Every pro artist advice ever. Might as well say nothing at all.

>> No.4204068


me. I taught myself from scratch without books, tutorials or help from anyone.

trial and error.

>> No.4204077

It would be much faster and more enjoyable for the begginers if people actually give them some tips to set them in the right direction isn't it?

>> No.4204099

Based and looking at the brightside pilled

>> No.4204173

yes and no.
it would have been easier for me and i would have gotten better much faster had a had a book or anything to learn from.

i was making a point that is is possible.

i personally would recommend books or tutorials because you 'll learn quicker and won't have to unlearn your own mistakes. You have access to a structured regimin which will make things quicker.

i wouldn't say its actually more enjoyable.
that depends on the person.
basic exercises get boring.

>> No.4204178

Books can help you, but its (you) that need to put in the effort and put in the time and do exercise or tips and tricks that the book gave you so it won’t be stuck spinning wheels or trial and error hell

>> No.4204179

You won’t be stuck*

>> No.4204195

i don't subscribe to this whole read to learn how to draw.
just look at pictures and other art and figure out what they did and experiment. use your brain.

>> No.4204203

I watched all of master Kim drawing videos and still have no clue how he did it. The skill of analyzing and picking an art piece apart is something you develop when you attain certain skills and knowledge of drawing which begginers don't have.

>> No.4204273


its his way of boxing things out.
won't make sense to anyone but him.

>> No.4204287

just fuck

>> No.4204370

NGMI logic.

>> No.4204465

Makin it fine anon

>> No.4204467

Fuck just

>> No.4204468

>master Kim
>picking an art piece apart is something you develop when you attain certain skills and knowledge of drawing which begginers don't have.

i was 5 years old and I would see bugs bunny on tv & then I would draw him it's pretty simple

>> No.4204485

That is what most people could do. Now look at a drawing from Kim Jung Gi or Katsuya Terada and try to recreate it. You seem to misunderstand what I said there pal. Please spend time thinking before posting.

>> No.4204490

You must be very talented faggot. Post your art.

>> No.4204495


>> No.4204514
File: 164 KB, 1000x536, B2986051-29F9-4D8F-8BF6-C96A7B384ADF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your generalizing, I’m saying do this with things slightly above your skill level, eg a 5 year old and a rabbit cartoon. Jumping into the deep end with
>master Kim isn’t going to get you anywhere.

>> No.4204522

I like the positivity! Keep that flame burning for as long as you can!

>> No.4204528

> Chose a fucking pig with minimal detail. There are better pics and you choose this one.
> I use "master" because iam asian and it's weird to call people order than you in full name. Why do you hate him so much?

>> No.4204531

I did the pig because it’s late and I want to go bed.
anon when you said it couldn’t be done I did it (a small bit), but instead of drawing you’d rather read books, who says you can’t try and recreate Jung gi’s art? Art is about trying and experimenting. From this doodle I learned about how pig ears work and I’m a better artist for it, i dont know how you could read how to draw pig ears, that sounds dumb. And I don’t hate his art I think it’s really cool and I’m sorry about the master thing, I didn’t mean to mock you

>> No.4204719

I am sorry too. I am a bit austistic. I admire your skill.

>> No.4204731

>Having to unlearn your own mistakes
Such as? I'm a complete /beg/ so sorry If that's a stupid question. I heard that sometimes people form bad habits in drawing but I never actually thought what these could be.

>> No.4205962


>> No.4206054


going overboard with detail.
erasing to much and not committing.
not learning how to block things out... like i didn't know wtf loomis was until sept when i came here....

basically having to figure it all out and wasting years doing so. would have been a lot further a long than i am.

specific mistakes that i had to unlearn... honestly don't know because its been so long.

so mostly time saved by having a proper practice schedule /material. over doing shit.
to many strokes/lines than is needed. taking to long to finish. more complicated than needed.

>> No.4208224

Can any one on this board recommend any courses or good teaching for me. I’m tied of drawing stick figures. I’m depressed and work night shift Alone in a warehouse cleaning and driving a forklift. Need a hobbie to keep my mind occupied. I have a digital tablet from my brother he is a architect successful has a gf and I’m the failure of the family. still live with my parents at least I have a job that’s why I have not been kicked out. I want to express my feelings. 22 yr never had a gf want to kill my self need to learn a skill to keep me sane.

>> No.4208237

If you want to learn art for therapeutic purposes, asking here won't help you. Learning art the /ic/ way will just going to make you kill yourself even more.

>> No.4208243

leave this board now, its honestly not good for your mental health

>> No.4208248

learn gesture drawing and also you don't have my permission to kys

>> No.4208251


Work, porn, eat , shit , sleep is all I do every day. On the weekend porn, game, porn, shit, sleep.

Going insane by the day been doing this since I graduated high school. No social skills. I’m literally the coomer meme exp with a job.

I Dont Know If jumping off a bridge into the water or off a building to the concrete would be less painful.

>> No.4208256

Don’t worry I won’t kill my self I’m just a drama queen rn but i haven't felt happy for a few years.

>> No.4208257

> "I've tried nothing and am all out of ideas"

>> No.4208261

I am exactly like you, except jobless. Better you than me.

>> No.4208291

Atleast he has people to talk to here.

>> No.4208327

if you really do jump, enjoy the immediate feeling of wishing you didn't. Otherwise, just work enough to save up and seek new opportunities. get a better job [there are non-shit ones], distance yourself from whoever or whatever is ailing you [ditch your old family and friends if you need to] and go live by your own terms.

suicide is retarded man. 'wahhhh I don't like my job or my family or my life situation' THEN MOVE BITCH this is america, you're free to completely abandon your old life and go do whatever the fuck you want. As long as you're paying taxes and bills uncle sam will accommodate. that's pretty much what I did, I had crazy overbearing family and huge amounts of social pressure, so I just dipped and went to do my own thing without any explanation. I've never been happier now that I'm actually at the wheel in my own goddamn life

step out of your brother's shadow, it's clearly killing you. do him one better and leave him wondering wtf happened to you or where you even went

>> No.4208432

can you post some of your art?

>> No.4209619
File: 63 KB, 560x440, katsuyaterada.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you KJG

you'd be surprised how much you can learn from a terada or kjg piece by piece slowly.

is taking the right approach. do it bit by bit. even if pig is too hard, if i give you single ear, you can probably do it. and if you can do single ear of single pig you can do whole scene if you take your time

be thinking, and have fun!

>> No.4209644

keys to drawing - bert dodson
read this, learn how to simply sketch things you see loosely

find or make interesting still lives to draw: crumpled napkins/litter, glass jars/plastic bottles, fruits (i recommend taking a hammer to them to make them more interesting)

everytime you draw something: think! how can i make this better - and practice that - this is the key to improving!

go outside, try drawing trees, try drawing houses, try drawing people at coffee shops
find artists you like, find their sketchbooks, copy off them and learn how they do forms

read through other books in the artbook thread and study their lessons as you need them

>> No.4209737

Thank u. Really appreciate it.

>> No.4209997
File: 2.92 MB, 3959x2969, drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i gonna make it?

>> No.4210108


The most underrated post on this board.

>> No.4210133
File: 2.89 MB, 3480x4640, IMG_20191115_100311.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont worry anon neither of us will

>> No.4210192
File: 77 KB, 1069x1069, gi kun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ngmi digital version

>> No.4210201
File: 2.18 MB, 4096x3072, IMG_20191114_213910384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try, I can push so much out and then I just don't finish. Now when I draw, I feel like my mind is walking through sludge. I can trace out a bare outline, but I don't do much else. I think I'm dying but idk

>> No.4210255


Did you fucks even try or just shitposting?

>> No.4210399
File: 119 KB, 800x800, kjg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Portrait study thread? Portrait study thread. May KJG bless us all.

>> No.4210484
File: 382 KB, 880x800, bitdmend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sure. i've posted this before.

>> No.4210499
File: 562 KB, 1200x1200, gi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it! i really like the yellow shading.

>> No.4210522
File: 80 KB, 1069x1069, gi kun 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

try 2

>> No.4210642

but every time i do i suck!!

>> No.4210646
File: 2.79 MB, 2576x1932, 20191115_165155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4210690

That's pretty racist anon.

>> No.4210751

i love breakfast at tiffanys

>> No.4210791

I thought that was gonna be some random adult swim cartoon but now I'm even more confused
What does this mean?

>> No.4210792

even the masters cant draw like that motherfucker

>> No.4210798
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>> No.4210808
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>> No.4210814
File: 10 KB, 480x360, draw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why you no draw?

>> No.4211639

More please

>> No.4212934

How do i draw as much as him while being a complete shitter

>> No.4212964

post drawings friend

>> No.4213294

Being good is not a required trait that you need in order to draw a lot. A kindergartner could draw a lot.

>> No.4213455

kim jung gi didn't him? he said it in the porko interview I think.

>> No.4213545

Yes but kindergarten kids don't improve from drawing symbols

I could draw a lot of stuff but it might be wasted effort if i do that incorrectly. Most of them time I just don't understand things and just copy shapes, it doesn't help much

>> No.4213579

but, how do I "just draw"?

>> No.4213611
File: 372 KB, 1075x1576, 15 Legend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might as well post this old one here

>> No.4213621

With a pencil or a pen, and some paper

>> No.4213668

By not unnecessarily complicating matters and picking up any drawing tool at all (pen, pencil, paints, charcoal, fucking steaming hot diarrhea, dirt under your toenails) and applying it to any number of surfaces that they can apply to (paper, wood, canvas, your bed, glass, a mirror, the wall, who fucking cares)
That's it
That's all
Just draw