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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 710 KB, 667x1000, aafafaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4196278 No.4196278 [Reply] [Original]

well there you go

>> No.4196282

Why hasn't she killed herself yet

>> No.4196284

Can’t fuck up the finger count if you hide the hands

>> No.4196287

Would you if you were making a fortune on minimal effort?

>> No.4196288
File: 32 KB, 414x532, 1551673652268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She actually went ahead and took a stock photo of a sky as a background. This is coming form someone who makes 30k a month.

>> No.4196296

nigga that's the secret to making 30k a month

>> No.4196298

>Minimal effort
Could you draw that given an entire month?

>> No.4196302

Is the head right? I mean she's a better artist than I, but does it look like the head is floating slightly behind the body to anyone else?

>> No.4196306

>Ordinaries fawn over this meme you don’t like so you can have the artist you like all to yourself.
I fail to see the problem here.

>> No.4196307

>anime pic
well atleast she isnt retarded like you

>> No.4196317

Can someone redline a skeleton into it?
My eyes keep getting lost in the terror.

>> No.4196335

Why does she keep drawing thighs longer than torso+head?

>> No.4196338
File: 1.04 MB, 657x985, faggotswillstilljerkofftothis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm no artist myself but i tried
hope you find it helpful, Anon

>> No.4196353

do we really need a new thread for every new sakimi piece?
i'm enjoying all the seething crabs, but keep in mind she makes like 3 of those per week

>> No.4196355

>if you do not like you must be a crab
It's just hilarious how someone can draw like that but still get fame and money because of rendered anime tits

>> No.4196366


>> No.4196371

I kinda like it, its better than mine, and it has a lot of action in it

>> No.4196378

This artist has got to the point where there is so much detail and a bunch of none sense everywhere it just becomes shit to look at. Like wow you can render real good but theres no appeal to it

>> No.4196380

Anatomy's a little fucking wonky but the polish is nice
Dunno why everybody hates on SakimiChan, but then I never got the hate for Genzoman either

>> No.4196389
File: 241 KB, 663x991, 563582B5-7409-49A6-9369-182B7E5EED32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been practicing skeletons, hoping this matches the body.

>> No.4196390

Why does the rendering look so muddy?

>> No.4196398

Sakimichan is actually an AI designed to systematically put out content after the operator loads in a character and a background.

>> No.4196402

Why do artist like this have such incredibly boring poses and subject matter? Has she ever drawn anything where a character of hers is doing an action, or anything that isn't supposed to be sexy?

>> No.4196403

an actual master that make ic crabs seeth everyday

>> No.4196404

grats you dont know how skeletons work/look

>> No.4196407

How is she so good every single time? Truly an inspiration. I want to draw more and reach her level.

>> No.4196408

shut the fuck up lol

>> No.4196409

just post the tits naked or render the nipple better so they actually pop out in there and im cooming to this

>> No.4196412

nothing wrong with it as long as it's royalty free

>> No.4196413

What’s wrong with it? It was supposed to follow Sakimi’s body, not a natural one.

>> No.4196418

there is a nsfw version of that one.

>> No.4196421

>so much detail
the whole body literally doesn't make sense, look at the thumbnail

>> No.4196424

needs more perspective

>> No.4196425

I'll bite

Sakimi has been drawing for over a motherfucking decade. She's been popular in the golden Deviantart days, even before she made all those lewd drawings, she had a fanbase just by drawing the things she loved.
You say she gets that money because she can draw rendered anime tiddies? show me someone that earns as much as she does by doing that. That person doesn't exist

>> No.4196426

Never mind figured it out.

>> No.4196440

Spotted the orbiting coombrain.
I bet you donate to twitch titty streamers too.

>> No.4196442

I notice a lot of people who draw anime make the legs way longer than the upper half of the body

>> No.4196446

This. She gained fame during the golden days of DA. Her most popular pieces were fanarts of Disney characters if I recall correctly. The issue isn’t her art ability but the demand her fans like. Which, is anime tiddies (surprise)

>> No.4196448
File: 187 KB, 950x1500, hee-chul-an-character-img34-big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

long legs are sexy

>> No.4196449

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.4196450
File: 785 KB, 850x1065, 6575345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4196452
File: 2.50 MB, 2048x1674, Screenshot_20191107-125903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4196454

rib cage isnt an armor plate and the pelvis isnt a toilet seat

>> No.4196457
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 0E522F22-7166-444F-9A1F-FDD647588E9C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part of the medium I’m afraid.

>> No.4196464
File: 1.14 MB, 667x1000, 3vbc8m3ud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fixed some of it

>> No.4196466

Because that's what gets her the money? All of her content nowadays is made to appeal to her thirsty fanbase and the subject matter is fanart because it's popular. Honestly if I could make 30k+ every month by drawing shit like this I'd totally do it

>> No.4196468

i love it when ngmis try and "fix" the artwork

>> No.4196472

This is a stylistic choice that you'll see in the west was well. Longer legs are typically more appealing for both genders and even in real life having slightly longer legs is typically seen as an attractive feature. Any kind of model/sexy, action/super hero or heroic type character will typically feature longer legs in most artstyles/mediums.

>> No.4196476

Ngmi beg here I can't tell anything different.

>> No.4196477

it's clearly more correct
and it'll be even more correct if you cropped out the ultralong upper leg just before the knee

>> No.4196479

>just before the knee
Harsh, dude. She'll never walk again

>> No.4196482

Seems like she tends to pick her darker colors to shade with by going down in saturation , almost like shading with black

>> No.4196483

just use 3d models if you're so worried about perfect anatomy

>> No.4196484
File: 89 KB, 680x960, 0515620699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4196488


>> No.4196489
File: 755 KB, 667x1000, sdsdd.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you go coomers

>> No.4196495

her head was a teratoma before

>> No.4196496

Omfg this is terrible. Sakimi whyyy

>> No.4196498
File: 39 KB, 640x853, 1572031149233.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakishit never ever

>> No.4196527

This just goes to show how many stupid, desperate motherfuckers are out there, paying this moron upwards of $30k a month for absolute shit.

Murata, Jim Lee, Muira, Togashi, etc.--they're all in the wrong business. If they just drew Fubuki, Wonder Woman, Guts/Griffith/Casca, and other fan service they would've been worth tens of millions of dollars by now. That's so fucking sad.

>> No.4196536


>> No.4196542


>> No.4196546
File: 59 KB, 1280x720, 1571459309876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whats the point, literally beg tier, photobashed clouds didn't event bothered to finish the render on her boob and gets one zillion of dollaridoos because she has a snatch.

fuck this shit

>> No.4196548

I want to cum on her doll joints

>> No.4196552


>> No.4196553

I don't like her style but there's nothing scummy about what sakimichan does and it's not minimal effort.
If there is please explain.

>> No.4196558
File: 22 KB, 474x462, 1552585070460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Has been drawing for over a decade
>Still this bad
Maybe it's just this particular image, but nothing in this piece is appealing. She doesn't give a fuck because normies will eat it up. It's just impossible for a person to draw this much and end up producing such garbage

>> No.4196595

>does not create anything original
>more often than not pumps out low effort shit like pic related
>still makes 30k a month
her psyche must be either extremely strong or fucked beyond redemption because I can't even begin to comprehend the levels of imposter syndrome I'd be experiencing on a daily basis if I were in her shoes

>> No.4196605

You said it: she doesn't give a fuck because the money will keep flowing. Her "job" is drawing anime tiddies at this point. She can put these out without caring about mistakes and no one would give a shit

With her earnings TIME IS MONEY. Fixing anatomy nobody cares about is a waste. I'm 100% certain that if she gave half a fuck about her finished pieces they wouldn't look this way

>> No.4196731

Jim lee is already worth tens of millions

>> No.4196736

Togashi is a shitty artist though

>> No.4196741

He is talking about her, have you seen her process videos? She cuts corners everywhere and isn't even trying with these soulless images. It's the right mindset and workflow for making bank though.

>> No.4196747
File: 1.49 MB, 300x305, 1474030103100.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>decrease boob size
>increase thigh fat and add softness
unironically based

>> No.4196834

Where does the neck connect to? Her back?

>> No.4196848

When I look at the original now, she looks like a headless horseman holding her head in her hands

>> No.4197102
File: 684 KB, 667x1000, doodle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you have to do is look at the neck placement.

>> No.4197364

you fucking wot m8

>> No.4197409

> Fixed
You sound like that one twitter cunt that "fixed" someone else's fanart of Nessa because she "wasn't dark enough".

>> No.4197792
File: 1.29 MB, 667x1000, Saki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fixed it!

>> No.4197793

>worst problem remaining

>> No.4197802

>anime tiddies
that's not anime, that is shit

>> No.4197807

funny how this is still better than all those garbage "fixes"

>> No.4197810
File: 141 KB, 985x988, 1538903266239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>every time a new RJ piece comes out anons get together and praise it
>every time Sakimeme shits something out anons get together and shit on it
>in both case you can spot good crits and memes in the threads
/ic/ is as comfy as ever bros

>> No.4197814

>Could you draw that given an entire month?
I could do it in two-to-three days, what's your point?

This is minimal effort. She's proven many times in the past that she's highly capable, so the severely botched anatomical errors she's been exhibiting in recent work can only be through sheer laziness as 5 minutes with Liquify early on would have fixed the glaring foundational issues.

Seriously, compare her work from 3-4 years ago compared to now - there's a distinct lack of polish, her anatomy is way off, and her rendering falls into the same cycle with almost no variance between each finished picture. I'm not just hating on her for the sake of it, she has been (and still is) quite influential to my own work but everything in this and other recent work screams burnout.

>> No.4197818
File: 2.90 MB, 200x170, 1525126359242.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people really jack it to this?? All I feel observing it is mild disgust and that particular brand of patreon cynicism.

>> No.4197823


>> No.4197824

>This thread:

I see. So this is the power of 4chan.

>> No.4197825

this is the definition of Dunning-Kruger

>> No.4197827

poorfag crab

>> No.4197833

No you retard, look at the goddamn neck.

>> No.4197834

Shilling for free is retarded bros, quit it, it's kinda sad

>> No.4197835

He only shrunk the boobs and removed the the exposed lewd parts.

>> No.4197836

You only made it worse.

>> No.4197837


>> No.4197839

So in other words he made it worse cause now it doesn't even have coomer value. Either that or he was trolling.

>> No.4197973

Lmao, as if your bad drawn anime girls and mech had more meaning

>> No.4197986

No hands or feet.
Easy breezy.

>> No.4198126

>Do people really jack it to this
i cooom all the time brah, doing it as we speak.

>> No.4198129

actually original is better, this looks like shit, i think the original has more flow to it. this looks mechanical and boring.

>> No.4198185

nice tits. those sagging fat cowtits everywhere are getting really boring

>> No.4198246

Bold claim. Does projecting armchair psychology picked up from Reddit make you feel better about yourself?

>> No.4198262
File: 2.32 MB, 1200x889, brainwup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my attempt

>> No.4198336

You think the original looks better because you're in fact yourself a normie. If you were a intellichad ic noncoomer youd immediately detest the headless horseman neck and lack of foreshortening.

Honestly that is why she does these things. She gets most of her attention from instagram.
You're limited to a tiny screen on your phone to see pictures on instagram so you need to make the main features pop out more which are her face and ass/legs.She just skips foreshortening because the average normie won't care about how badly skewed her perspective is. And just like the comment you made on "the original flows better" is because the whole body/head takes up more space in the picture. If I were to crop the picture on the left side and get rid of the empty space, you would have liked the fixed one better.

>> No.4198350

Holy shit
I didn't realize how far her head was off until you edited it

>> No.4198371

Nice job anon.

>> No.4198419


>> No.4198785
File: 159 KB, 667x1000, EI4hjbVW4AAKxH-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new sakimichan, from 1 minute ago

>> No.4198789


>> No.4198790
File: 51 KB, 413x243, 1536780966491.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4198802

The katana shouldn't be angled like this
background bashed again
back to roomis now

>> No.4198985

You're $30K/month short of criticise her in any way.

>> No.4199020

And you're 100 iq short of answering my post in any way, don't reply to me retard.

>> No.4199335

Absolutely amazing hair.

>> No.4199413

nice, must look insane in high res