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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4191037 No.4191037[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else here ever concerned that the inevitable collapse of western civilisation some time in the next 50 years will render their artistic skills utterly useless in the ensuing chaos?

>> No.4191050

>implying collapse of Western civilization will cause chaos
Study some history, white nigger.

>> No.4191064

I'm a computer programmer, so that's useful. If we're talking about a total collapse where we don't even have electricity anymore then most people would be useless so don't feel too bad.

>> No.4191068

Unironicly yes. Doesn't help that all my other skills require a technological civilization as well.
Then again I'm NGMI anyways.

>> No.4191080

You fucking faggots will make ANY excuse to not practice, huh?

>Anyone else see the point in investing in becoming a better artist? I mean that giant meteor will hit Earth any day now

Also do what >>4191050 suggested
Study some art history while you're at it, because you seem to be under this impression that art is some 1st world luxury item like latest iPhones, and not the conduit to transcribe the human experience and emotion. Yes that even include the big bad natsy feewings too, widdle baby. Fuck's sake.

>> No.4191085

By chaos I don't mean a full on anarchistic apocalyptic scenario, simply that the industries and ways of life upon which we have come to depend will cease to exist and things like entertainment and art will be rendered near valueless. Also I assume that civilisation will live on (probably in the east and possibly in Africa depending on how things pan out there in the coming generation). But once western civilisation has collapsed there will absolutely not be enough resources to go around which will lead to large scale protest, revolt, war and famine. You might think I'm exaggerating but this is where I feel all the signs are pointing within my lifetime.
I do practice, I love art, I'm not a ngmi crab, but art truly doesn't have much place in a war and famine riddled environment, unless you're lucky enough to be one of the ones to escape to one of the safe havens of the world at the time. Most successful artists in time of difficulty are members of aristocracy or located in safe havens (like USA during the recent wars for example)

>> No.4191088
File: 140 KB, 1024x999, 1572367183927.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anyone else here ever concerned that the inevitable collapse of western civilisation some time in the next 50 years will render their artistic skills utterly useless in the ensuing chaos?
If the West collapses as you describe during my lifetime I'd just move to some better place and keep pursuing it
I don't care about being someone else's nigger

>> No.4191093

>Implying it's that easy to just "move somewhere better" in a time where virtually everyone is attempting the same thing and you have no access to modern transport and logistics
because syrian refugees sure are welcome and successful in europe, huh?

>> No.4191096

>I don't care about being someone else's nigger
What the fuck does this even mean? Do you have any understanding of how the world actually is outside your little bubble?
>If the West collapses as you describe during my lifetime I'd just move to some better place and keep pursuing it
Oh yea? Like where? If you say Japan, then good fucking luck getting into the country then lol
The USA military protects Japan as an ally, if the west falls that would spell trouble for chinks

>> No.4191100

When the collapse comes I'll need a hobby to occupy my time between cracking skulls and eating their brains. Anime and video games are out since there would be no internet. Drawing seems like a good choice

>> No.4191106
File: 46 KB, 601x583, 1547038749184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because syrian refugees sure are welcome and successful in europe, huh?
Guess that can't be the case for everyone but I already have a foot in two other continents thanks to my parents origins and work so it wouldn't be too much of an issue for me

>> No.4191111

get a load of this foreigner nigger trying to weasel his way into other people's countries

>> No.4191116

Japan would be immediately annexed by China in the event of WW3, Japan is the stupidest place to put any hope into in the event of civilisation collapse. China is probably the best bet atm but their foreign policy is not exactly welcoming.

>> No.4191118

>Most successful artists in time of difficulty are members of aristocracy or located in safe havens
>Most successful artists

>> No.4191119

are you actually going to say anything of substance?

>> No.4191123

>China is probably the best bet atm but their foreign policy is not exactly welcoming.
No shit, not to mention the fucking communist government that takes a fucking dump on your rights.

>> No.4191126

50 years ? Thats longer than i plan to live anyway.

>> No.4191128
File: 17 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a fucking dumbass apparently. So to alleviate you of your dumbassery, STUDY HISTORY and STUDY ART HISTORY

>> No.4191129

I wish that that image were actually true

>> No.4191130

WITHIN 50 years, god knows when, could be 5 years from now. Things are getting pretty unpredictable.

>> No.4191146

I’ll take you in anon, but you need to look like a girl and do meow meow sounds once a while and it’s a deal!

>> No.4191149

lol you should be afraid of civilization NOT collapsing
in that case 99% of artists will lose their job due to advancements in AI technology, the trade will become as obsolete as blacksmithing today
but in case of shit hitting the fan you can always draw porn for locals

>> No.4191151

i’ll just move onto woodblock printing my animes

>> No.4191154
File: 359 KB, 1532x2130, 72db8dfd9ad5a80f93c99e3a6a424160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>OMG, art will be totally unimportant once we lose Internet or electricity, you guys!
Jesus, fucking Christ.

>> No.4191156

The collapse of civilisation would make me more useful because I can actually build things and make useful objects. I possess the esoteric knowledge of working metal, glass, and ceramics.

>> No.4191160

>Implying I said anything about internet or electricity
expand your mind, pleb.

>> No.4191161

>Japan would be immediately annexed by China
For what exactly? A generation of grass-eating men and whores? There are plenty of both on the mainland China, lol.
Japan, Korea and anything else is irrelevant as soon as US removes its presence there.

>> No.4191165

what do you mean then, by "fall of Western civilizaiton". Because art was apprenticed even by savage fucking niggers, who couldn't even write.

>> No.4191168

>after reading the thread

>> No.4191179

yeah because a normal office job is so useful in the ensuing chaos

>> No.4191192

Because China fucking despises Japan with a passion and they now have the capability of crushing them under their thumb, the only thing stopping them is the prospect of war, as soon as war became an inevitability they'd get it done quick. They wouldn't probably like to avoid the chance of any other nations developing bases on korea or Japan as well though.
I think you underestimate how much you owe to the western powers and democracy than just internet and electricity.how do you suspect that you would source your food and water in the event that the western economies and leadership collapse?
I never claimed that office wagecucks were any better off than us.

>> No.4191200

>there was never any shred of art outside of Europe (of all times? since acceptance of democracy? when?).
Stupid fucking nigger. STUDY. THE. HISTORY.

>> No.4191234
File: 30 KB, 828x379, qfrmh0ctqku21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol, jokes on you I'm already mentally prepared for the collapse of all human civilization in the next 20 years

>> No.4191237
File: 195 KB, 565x862, Clipboard02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what has /ic/ done wrong to suffer the constant stream of these stupid threads by the same stupid person. what was our mistake. how do we repent

>> No.4191241

nah aslong as im drawing im living

>> No.4191246

You realize that there were artists active during the world wars?
You're just a dumbass and a coward, if anything a collapse should give you all the means to live as an artist and not be chained by the institutions keeping you in the wageslave cycle

>> No.4191272

this is a good point to an extent, and I would be perfectly happy to live this way if I were single. But if I had a family to provide for during the collapse that would be another thing entirely.the struggle between single independence and eventually having a family is an ongoing struggle in my life and not something I take lightly either.

>> No.4191288
File: 198 KB, 853x480, Akiras Light.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all has to do with the cyclical rise of antisemitism...

Just sucks we have nukes & bioweapons (pandemics) involved now.

All under the guise of "Climate Change" there will be a "mass extinction". Take it with a grain of salt, this is the human legacy until the next rebuild. When it does get bad... a Christ figure with speak on behalf of humanity to defeat the malicious entities who want control. Its obvious & its written.

>> No.4191309

Back to /Pol/

>> No.4191380
File: 56 KB, 1000x676, 87D0BA50-26D6-41D9-B003-89C2F1A93FC2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What does a collapse of western civilization even look like to you anon?

Maybe if a second Great Depression would happen and everyone was poor, it’s seems that through out history great works of art were usually mad in times of great wealth, people would still be making art.

Even in time of tragedy.

Just think of combat artists during wartime.

>> No.4191381

Dude just go to china

>> No.4191385

This. One of these days I should make a short story about a former artist living life in post-apocalypse.

>> No.4191446

My country will become venezuela before that so whatever. I am fucked anyway.

>> No.4194471

When I can't draw anymore I'll hero

>> No.4194484

No, because I don't have any artistic skills, I'm just passable at imitating other people that do.