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File: 22 KB, 720x480, PayPal-Header--720x480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4185976 No.4185976 [Reply] [Original]

So I think I've gotten to the point where I can start accepting comissions. I see a lot of people here that do them as well, and was just wondering how to go on about this?

Do you set your account up to be a business account, and use a different name, or do you guys just trust the buyer and use your real name? Complete newbie at this stuff so I don't really know how it works. Really scared that the buyer might be able to see your real name/address and actually be able to find you irl.. Can someone please go into depth and give me some advice on all this? I'm really confused on the matter.

>> No.4185977

Why do you care if people find you IRL in America? You have the 2nd amendment.

>> No.4185980

Well, I live in Canada so. Idk.. It's just scary dude imagine if someone searches up your address shown in the paypal thing. Does paypal even reveal the sellers address though, or just the name? I just don't want to go into this like a complete retard honestly, and just want advice/copy what other anons are doing.

>> No.4185997
File: 1.36 MB, 1260x378, 1571706958235.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do you care if people find you IRL
pic related
>in America? You have the 2nd amendment.
we don't all live in a gun toting country

>> No.4186025

"Business" is just a different account type. Upgrading isn't necessary to run a business despite that name.
People can pay directly with credit card now. Paypal loans. Paypal Debit Card. Subscription payments and checkout buttons. Fee's are higher. You won't be able to hide your identity with it but add a company name. A ton of feature you won't use.
You can already send invoice with a Personal account which is all you need. Business is designed for big ass multi-million dollar companies.

>> No.4186047

I use Paypal for small commissions, anything professional or for a company rather than just "hey draw my character" is invoice and/or bank transfer.

I use my real name on everything, including Paypal, it's a pretty unique name so people can find my facebook easily, but I don't really care as I don't think anyone could find my address through it as I'm not listed in any phone book.

>> No.4186065

Are phone books still a thing? Haven't seen one in ages.

>> No.4186066

iirc you can use a fake/company name after Paypal has verified your identity.

>> No.4186081

I'm still salty PayPal takes 2-5 bucks out of my commissions

>> No.4186089

op here, so basically just bite the bullet and don't worry about your real name being given? I did some research, and it seems to be saying that paypal doesn't give out your address, only your email, and real name.

>> No.4186092

also, in regards to comissions, do you just give the person that wants to buy your art your email address? In which they just send it to you through their paypal by typing your email into the send money option on the paypal website?

>> No.4186119

You should be the one asking for their email and sending the invoice, so you can describe the product in avery generic and safe way, lest PayPal think you're doing shady shit and decide to block you.

Now do me a favor and write like a literate person, you retard mongrel.

>> No.4186126

You can leave the description and everything empty. Your client will know what the invoice is for and PP doesn't care.

>> No.4187080

Wasn't this the thot that got murdered?

>> No.4187082

I remember an alt right youtuber got banned of Paypal (because he used his real name he is permabanned) so if i were you i would hide my name. There is a good video about it on youtube.

>> No.4187132

yeah that is fucking douchey

>> No.4187413

Does paypal hide your name if you use a business account or what? people say conflicting things regarding it

>> No.4187414

>There is a good video about it on youtube.

>> No.4187417

Why does that post have so many replies?

>> No.4187418

Because she was murdered a few days after

>> No.4187424

The woman that made that post was literally beheaded soon after by a beta-orbiter.

>> No.4187428

You can use ko-fi as a middle man to hide your name if you're concerned about it, but you have to pay monthly to use it.

My PayPal account uses my middle name for some reason, so I feel like I have pretty good peace of mind.

>> No.4187433

ko-fi would be worth paying for the extra privacy but would customers actually use it for commissions considering paypal is the gold standard?

>> No.4187441

Too bad ko-fi strictly prohibits nsfw

>> No.4187454

I have the same fears and i figured out a solution that works for me. I have a regular legit paypal account linked with my bank using my real name and everything. Then i made a 2nd account using a fake name and a different email account. I never keep money in the 2nd account but i make people pay into it then i immediately transfer.that money into my main account. It act like a middleman to keep my real identity secret. Both are personal accounts not business ones btw

>> No.4187458

Wont the 2nd account have a max limit since it's not attached to your bank?

>> No.4187470

I dont know, i only ever get about 100 dollars at most in it then transfer it out. If youre doing commissions that cost multiple thousands then it might not work for you. I didnt realize there was a max limit

>> No.4187511

Furys die

>> No.4187532


you'll bump into a wall after you've made around 2k$ on your fake account. they will ask for id and personal info, validating with pictures of legal documents. the account will be frozen until you provide them.

so this is only a very short lived solution.

in my experience there's only two real long term solutions to protecting your anonimity when doing commissions.

1). deal with it and try to be as adult as possible about it (keep an eye out for shady or weird commissioners, don't give turboautists a reason to hate you, keep it professional but within the realms of plausible deniability).

2). use middlemen. patreon is one way to stay 100% anon towards commissioners. so you can grow your 'brand' to the point where your patreon attracts a bit of attention, and then offer commissions only through that. this means on top of paypal taking it's 5% however, now patreon is also taking a small chunk out of your earnings.

I'm currently setting up my first nsfw artist website, so I'm looking into how to remove all paypal dependance. But so far I've got no good alternative.

>> No.4187545

you don't need to link your real address to both of them? Or do you? Is it just the name that's shown.

Also how does the proccess of getting paid work? The buyer just needs to know your email address linked with your paypal account in order to pay you right?

>> No.4187546

Thank you for this post. Really useful info.

>> No.4187555

You can have a Personal and Business account if you need two. I would stop it right now. See a tax consultant. What you do is very shady.

>> No.4187577

I'm not the one doing it but thanks.
I'd probably just stick to a single account which is business.
If someone tried to charge back or dispute would it reveal more information of the business account t?

>> No.4187585

If I can’t have her....


>> No.4187603

Ahh thank god I sell art that I can put my name on without being ashamed of it!

>> No.4187627

Any news source?

>> No.4187634

Yeah that would be nice if people weren't assholes that go after you for drawing the wrong thing. And it's not so much the name that's worrying it's having your address doxxed. Femael artists probably have it much worse with stalkers and such

>> No.4187635
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>> No.4187637

https://youtu.be/_ekFr70A880 i don't want paypal to know my name after that.

>> No.4187638

Lmao not if you work in advertising

>> No.4187680

How do you file taxes for money earned through commissions?

>> No.4187726

This is a dumb way to request money. Don't do any requests through "good and services". You need to create an invoice with a vague description of the commission, avoiding any lewd comentary on it. Keep it simple like "1 Character digital illustration" or depending of whatever are you going to do. Is not nescesary to add any other detail than what are you selling.

>> No.4187729


This is why I wont start a business apart from being a paranoid recluse. Too many fucks can do a reverse search on a website or registered business and find out who you are. I think places like Bulgaria or Ukraine you can stay hidden.

>> No.4187732

But that's exactly what the image is showing

>> No.4187741 [DELETED] 

They're stupid. If you can notice, they didn't click on "create invoice", they clicked on "request money". Also, that image is outdated, paypal changed their website design long time ago.

I don't even use it and i know more than those dumbfucks.

>> No.4187745

They're stupid. If you can notice, they didn't click on "create invoice", they clicked on "request money". Also, that image is outdated, paypal changed their website design long time ago.

I don't even use it and i know more than those dumbfucks.

>> No.4187765

ok so to sum things up, don't be a pussy, and just trust paypal to not give the buyer your address. Real name must be given due to tax reasons unless you decide to make a business account.

making two accounts to funnel money into one is just a short term solution because you'll eventually be fucked in the long run.

You should invoice your buyer instead of them paying you via email? Although I'd much rather go them paying via email because making an invoice everytime you sell someone art sounds retarded..

>> No.4187771

money request =/ invoice
you create the invoice not the customer.

>> No.4187804
File: 26 KB, 347x421, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This tutorial is outdated. Invoices don't look like that anymore. The "goods and services" option is gone. Your client will expect the invoice because it has been discussed via e-mail.
You request money with the option: "Amount only". Wait for it to be paid and do pic related so PayPal knows the deal is done.
By default Paypal assumes you sell physical goods that require shipping.

>> No.4187828
File: 211 KB, 1200x675, monkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4187829

Hiding your real name behind a company name is a myth. You can add a company name and logo to a Personal account if you want. Your only option is to hide it on the invoice itself but once paid both sides can view their personal data. You don't need a Business account.

It's againt the TOS to create multiple unverified accounts. Paypal is known for freezing accounts asap once they notice suspicious activities.

Yes, you send invoices. There is a "friends & family" option to send money without paying fees but you will get into trouble if you abuse this feature. Don't let your clients send you the money.
Creating an invoice goes like this: Log-in, create new invoice, type in e-mail + amount and send it.
You can also create templates. It's not much work.

>> No.4187843

In the front page theres's a link where it leads you to create a series of invoices that you're going to use for your sales. And since you're selling digital goods, you need to change the shipping address to "no shipping required" "no physical goods" or whatever the option is, i don't remember. If you left "require shipping" by default, any commissioner can claim you didn't sent any physical goods to them and scam you.

>> No.4187848

Ahh i see thanks for the info so always get the buyers email and create invoice. Got it. I can already tell using the "amount only" template is way more simplified than the "quantity only" template. Will be thinking of using this method to bill buyers. Thanks! It's great that you can even send the drawing file via paypal lol.

>> No.4187885

So whether or not you hide your name in the invoice they'll know either way right?

>> No.4187895

What option you pick is up to you. This is just the simplest.
You should really handle everything else through e-mail. Dropbox is great to share files quickly.
They can't because I have e-mails to prove that I have provided the service if they really want to go that far. Just be very transparent and they won't have room to make stuff up. I also use paypal to sell physical goods and decide if shipping is needed later. You can add a description but the whole "goods or service" checkbox thing doesn't exist anymore. By default it asks for tracking info but I assume it's just an ebay thing because I often forgot to add anything and nobody complained. I can edit that info on my oldest invoices from years ago.

>> No.4187964

They will hunt you down in full-body fursuits.

>> No.4188025
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>> No.4188186

That's not the reason why i want to stay anonymous, if anyone irl ever sees the things i draw my life is ruined, how do all these porn artists remain anonymous while taking commissions?

>> No.4188189

There's a lot more people who wouldn't give a shit about it than you think

>> No.4188199
File: 95 KB, 620x453, 1572072711575.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait cant you accept commision payments on patreon? I always thought thats where artists do business

>> No.4188427
File: 1.64 MB, 400x300, 1546633485298.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has public social media accounts under his real name
Why would anyone do that in the first place?

>> No.4188437

Strange I know, but some people actually want to associate their art with their real names.

>> No.4188469

Artists who draw porn definetely don't want someone to contact their relatives because the client decided to have some fun with the information Paypal shared with them.

>> No.4188757

>how do all these porn artists remain anonymous while taking commissions?
They don't lol
Some artists even post their selfies or pictures of them at cons, both on their FA and Twitter accounts. But to be more on-topic, they have no issues showing their real name on PayPal. Most furries are actually pretty chill and it's only a few bad apples that can screw you over.

>> No.4188765
File: 10 KB, 207x208, 1572162331731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know when I think about it, I don't even draw porn and I don't want my real name shown. But it doesn't make a difference, I just wanna be "cool" and mysterious.

>> No.4188767

PayPal won't show your real name if you set up a business acc and have it show your 'company' name

>> No.4188955

I don't because I live in Mexico and it's ilegal live nicely if you're not with the drugdealers or the politicians. I can't make a Paypal USA account and Paypal Mexico takes $0.25 + 7% for every sale then the bank takes 16% taxes plus 12% type exchange fee and we can't have our money at Paypal to buy shit with anymore, everything you get goes straight to your bank account.

>> No.4188960

and it doesn't break any paypal rules if your "business" is occasionally drawing dickgirls for a few bucks?

>> No.4188965

This is the only one I could find.

>> No.4188976

PP shouldn't know you're drawing porn anyway. That's why you leave vague descriptions like "character illustration".

>> No.4189372

That's fucking wrong dude. You can hide your personal data on invoices but once it's paid both parties can view their address and stuff. Business accounts won't do anything for you. You don't even own a registered business and even if you do you will be the owner. Stop spreading this lie.

>> No.4189464

You can leave the entire invoice empty if you want. PayPal is against sex workers and subscription based porn sites. Don't dodge fees and you will never run into problems with them. You can even run a nsfw patreon with PayPal. Once you do your taxes even the government knows you draw porn. Nobody cares.

>> No.4189470

don't use paypal. They take a bite out of every transaction.
You can ask someone to provide money via direct deposit (something they can even do from their own paypal if they have one)
so my freelance pay shows up in my bank account like my old paychecks used to.
Just make sure to document and do your invoicing when you get paid. Always send your details on an invoice rather than by email. I find clients try and fuck around less with deadlines and payment promises when it's in a document.

>> No.4189471

what the heck is it true the buyer can see your address? (where you live?) or are you talking about email address. I'm honestly fine with people knowing my real name, it's just I feel things can get a little sketchy when the buyer actually gets to know where you live.

>> No.4189535

Has anyone used patreon or subscribestar to take commissions? Seems like it would be a pain in the ass considering they weren't made for that but you'd stay anon, and your commissioner would get whatever rewards you offer in your tiers as a bonus

>> No.4189579

Yes, you will see each others personal information. Your name and where you live. You can't fake this information because you use your bank account to verify it.

>> No.4189680

then how do porn artists do commissions?

>> No.4189684

k fuck paypal then. I give up my dream on making it with being an artist, unless I get accepted into a studio or something.

>> No.4189701

more money for me

>> No.4189726
File: 176 KB, 332x332, 1516811637457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just use meme names
My current commission name is Bartleby Montclair

>> No.4189728

They use e-mail to communicate with their clients and PayPal to send invoices and receive payments. This won't cause any harm to PayPals reputation. You are just a small artist afterall.
Use crypto and get scammed with every transaction if you prefer to stay anonymous.

>> No.4189745

Can't any commission fag clear this up and just post images of the process with the important things blanked out of course

>> No.4189784
File: 145 KB, 335x402, 1487579572599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Couldn't I just use Cash App or any other money sharing apps? I mean I've sent money to friends and family and it's worked just fine.

>> No.4189791

Been doing commissions for several years. I set up a Paypal business account, and then change all my displayed names to my online handle. On business invoices, you can also hide your address, so all they see is the e-mail tied to your Paypal and whatever name you choose to have displayed. Maintains a good amount of anonymity.

>> No.4189869

>and whatever name you choose to have displayed.
so you can set up a fake name?

>> No.4190092

It's not wrong. You use a paypal.me link and they can only see your first name, and your city. You don't have to do invoices.

>> No.4190298

The buyer can't find your personal information when he views the transaction details on the PayPal website? It's true you can hide stuff in confirmation emails that Paypal sends out but you can't stay completely anonymous.

>> No.4191092

ko-fi has a dedicated commission system that can hide your address i think but they don't allow nsfw

>> No.4191354

Well neither does paypal allow porn. I'm sure I could get around it either by offering comms for censored/sfw pieces and then just posting the nsfw version publicly, or just accepting "donations" and privately sending the finished piece to my commissioner. Didn't know kofi was that good, thanks for the tip

>> No.4191359

Looked at kofi's terms immidiately after making that post, seems that
>offering comms for censored/sfw pieces and then just posting the nsfw version publicly
is explicitly forbidden. However I've seen a lot of nsfw artists accept "donations" using kofi, so something can still be worked out

>> No.4191414

Paypal can freeze your account. That is the worst that can happen, nothing more. Historically artists have rarely been the target. It's usually live-action porn or any weird illegal shit.
You are just a flipping artist. You are selling a service that doesn't involve getting fucked in the ass. You aren't even selling the rights to the artwork itself.

>> No.4191421

>Well neither does paypal allow porn
? they dont have to know its porn unless you say it is, the fuck? just make the invoice description vague, why are you making it this hard?

>> No.4191427

It's a pain in the ass to create an invoice whenever someone asks for a commission, something like kofi would make it easier for me and the commissioner

>> No.4191436

>put in email
>make it a digital good
>put in amount of money
>toggle allow tipping
wow so hard, and you can even make a template so the fuck are you complaining about?

>> No.4191440

Thanks for the rundown, sounds pretty easy. No need for something like kofi then

>> No.4191454

>pay for a nsfw commission via paypal
>threat to report artist for dreaking paypal tos unless they refund me
yoink thanks for the free drawing

>> No.4191469

you realize most commissioners dont have a paypal right? you pay off the invoice by email through other payment methods. and that refund would never fly, because the invoice has a vague description and cant be held accountable.

>> No.4191516

You are in the same boat. It doesn't sound like a smart idea at all.

>> No.4191519

is there any other way then? The only other way I can think of is Bank deposit.

>> No.4191571

Have you tried being less paranoid? Nobody cares about who you are.

>> No.4191579

And what if someone cares enough to try and track you down?

>> No.4191748

Say hello. You know their names too :)

>> No.4191752

So it's okay with letting stranger know where you live?

>> No.4191856

Unless you're a public figure, yes you're fine having people that know where you live, like others have said no one cares.
Half the people that commission me don't omit their address when paying using paypal even though I remind everyone to do so every time.

>> No.4192667
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I am using classic bank transactions in 100% of my commissions for the last 3 years. Most clients don't have a problem with that (some of them want me to sign a contract or make a sketch first). I have a bad experience with paypal. My account was frozen for 3 years for no reason and no proper explanation (I read somewhere that people can report you for antisemitism or really anything). I was really lucky that there were just 26 bucks at the time. I cant withdraw or resend them to this day. Any ideas on how can I fix this account and make it work again? I tried almost anything.

>> No.4192762

Give them your social security number, ready up some crumpets and tea for the IRS agents at your door.

>> No.4192770

we dont have IRS in Nigeria

>> No.4193010


>> No.4193237
File: 104 KB, 1205x682, Screen Shot 2019-11-05 at 3.45.03 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any experience with Commiss.io? It's like patreon and paypal (if it were for artists) combined.

>> No.4193372

Are there any artists that accept crypto only?

>> No.4193448

didn't that happen to a different girl though I don't remember her being blonde and she wasn't beheaded she was stabbed in the throat and the guy tried to kill himself or is this different. It sounds like the same thing and saying she was beheaded is just made up shit.

>> No.4193499

How do crypto scams work? Can they just chargeback or something?

>> No.4195531
File: 536 KB, 1080x1350, misocolorful - BzlyxaNAWnN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this work bros?

>> No.4195538

>>offering comms for censored/sfw pieces and then just posting the nsfw version publicly
>is explicitly forbidden

it just says no linking cant you just commision a clothed piece and post the porn seperatly without linking?

>> No.4195584
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Here's what it says, although I doubt they care that much. You could just use it as a "tip jar" and just not post anything on it at all

>> No.4196308

oh fuck thanks dude i didnt notice.kinda crazy tho

>> No.4196314


>> No.4196320

thats not her, the original past says shes 19, but she dies at 18 in the article.

>> No.4196510
File: 35 KB, 500x699, shizuka_minamoto.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally this, report me and you go down too.
also pp has no fucking idea what you delivered.
unless you're an idiot that send the image or link with their service.

also. don't use the same email for contact and send invoice (your pp mail). I've heard of some trolls reporting mails from contact info.

>> No.4196533

fucking Musk then uses this money to send cars into space, what a cunt

>> No.4196591

>not using bitcoin

>> No.4196603

fuck i recently wanted to start doing commissions since im at a point where people are finally asking me. but damn after doing research on how paypal works i might as well stop with the idea that i could ever make money out of my art.

Is asking for egift cards a viable alternative? I just want extra money to buy videogames anyways. Would people think its weird if i ask for a $20 amazon egift card as payment?

>> No.4196786


What are you supposed to do with it.

>> No.4196789

also is against of the terms make the other person to pay the paypal fees

just increase your price list 1 or 2 dollar.

>> No.4196810

What are you supposed to do with money? I dunno maybe request it for services and spend it on products.

>> No.4196827


Must ask my local shopkeeper if he takes bitcoin so.

>> No.4196841

Ok boomer

>> No.4197044

You guys do know it's taxable income, right?

>> No.4197051

How difficult is it to avoid paying taxes on paypal income? If you're only making 1k a month or something will the IRS bother going after you? I'm sure there are tons of camwhores and twitch streamers who do the same thing.

>> No.4197083

You probably don't even earn enough to pay taxes and even if you do it will be peanuts. Just see a tax consultant. Don't be a Twitch streamer.

>> No.4197084

Over here you have to earn a certain amount but yea. I wouldn't fuck with not paying taxes.

>> No.4197089

imagine unironically paying taxes

>> No.4197096

soo morale of the story is don't use paypal? Or use it, get taxed, 2-3$ with the risk of your address being known to strangers. I swear though paypal states they don't show your living address, only your email and real name. Can some paypal user confirm this?

>> No.4197564

It was her, i saw the pics, she wasnt decapitated but might as well. He also posted it on her discord and not 4chan.

>> No.4197566

>I am using classic bank transactions in 100% of my commissions for the last 3 years.
that seams interesting. how do you do that?

>> No.4200382


>> No.4201386
File: 57 KB, 767x960, 73092023_2578552585501286_2770386689128923136_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Just give them your bank account number insted of your PP email / invoice.
Voi la.

>> No.4201391
File: 252 KB, 1522x2048, 74888298_2578335118856366_2874897219264184320_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found this guy few days ago on kikebook. love his rendering

>> No.4201960

That sound super sketchy. I feel safer with Paypal as a middleman. Do you just sit there waiting for the money to arrive? I doubt many do home banking.

>> No.4202008

because the second amendment only rules in one county in America

>> No.4202024

Does that work? Can you set up a fake name that way?

>> No.4202040

can you share the acc

>> No.4202118

Your bank account is linked to your PayPal account. That's where they get your information from. You can customize or hide what's on the invoice e-mail but your clients will always see your information in the transaction details if they chose to view them.
Straight up hiding your identity isn't possible. That's just how banks operate.

>> No.4202140

How does it work in the US, do you have to tell the governement about the money you earn via Paypal or not? Does it differ depending on the state?
Asking for a friend from Illinois. In my country as long as you don't earn more than x amount of Paypal money/year you don't have to report anything.

>> No.4202142

Furry seems to be highly targeted as well, the take it like zoofilia

>> No.4202173

I don't know in the US but here in Mexico you register under the "RIF" (Tax Incorporation Regime), it is made for informal workers to pay taxes. You just have to create invoices with generic RFC for the amount you have received (to submit to government).
The benefit of doing it this way and not registering for fees is that the first year you do not pay taxes, the second year you only pay 10% of the taxes you should pay, the third year 20%, so for ten years until you pay taxes in 100% based on your income.
Or something like that, better hire an accountant.

>> No.4203605
File: 600 KB, 1146x1737, 72767019_2444832295572379_3700478354047107072_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you just sit there waiting for the money to arrive?

just working on ongoing commissions meanwhile waiting. usually it's not more than 3 days and fees are often lower (10€) than PayPal's fees (3%)

But then again, PP is way better for payments under 200€ (I dont bother with these anymore). Cant desagree with that


>> No.4206413

whare do you live?

>> No.4206434


>> No.4206930

>usually it's not more than 3 days and fees are often lower.

How so?

>> No.4210187

or you can just exchange it into whatever currency you want

>> No.4211510


>> No.4211616

just give up anons, we'll never get paid unless we risk letting strangers know where we live.

>> No.4211657

You have their info too.

>> No.4211669

ahhhh when will i get my first comission god damn it i only have 42 followers :(

>> No.4211703

You could always get a P.O box at your local post office (in the US anyway) they may have your name, but they won't have your home address at least.

>> No.4211719

No online service has caused me as much trouble as Paypal did - randomly freezing payments, demanding ridiculous amounts of information to "verify" the user. After exceeding some bullshit 1800€ limit they suddenly demanded that i give them my ID and a document to verify my residence (which is ALEREADY on my ID) - a utilities bill, drivers licence, bank withrawal statement or some doc that I don't even know how to translate into English. Good fucking luck getting me to show you the state of my bank account, you can't get any shadier than that. And customer support SUCKS!

>> No.4211725

It won't work. It won't be the same address that your bank account is registered on.

>> No.4211988

Then start an online checking at capital one or ally and use that as the bank for paypay. The checking accounts don't cost anything and I think you can use the PO box as the address.

>> No.4212916
File: 69 KB, 636x712, 1572618163800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not just take commissions with bitcoin? No name, address or anything like that.
Then you can exchange your btc to real currency on these exchange sites

>> No.4212931
File: 30 KB, 734x960, 73216514_2446432145475944_5230785174525968384_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

96% of commissioners are using PayPal because they are used to it, nonetheless PayPal can freeze your account and money at any time without giving you a proper explanation. I don't get how people can still trust this shite pajet elonmusk garbage service. Are there any similar disadvantages with using Bitcoin?

>> No.4212953

>Are there any similar disadvantages with using Bitcoin?
Haven't used crypto in years but if I remember correctly, to make a transfer on most exchange sites all you need to do is have the address of the receiver (its a code combination of numbers and letters, something like 54849cdsasds4dacds7ca) and you can leave a small note, you don't need to provide any other information so its not like they give a fuck what do you receive transfers for. I use kraken and binance, so far no problems

>> No.4212966
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sounds cool.
>I use kraken and binance
I will look into that. is there anything you can use as a cross-currency? I mean, I a customer wants to pay me via PP but I want to use for example kraken or binance, is there a way that the customer can play my cross those platforms?

>> No.4212984
File: 54 KB, 624x613, an.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can make a deposit to your kraken account from your real bank account, you basically just transfer money to kraken, provide them a reference code (it contains info about your account) and they fill your balance (lets say you transfer them 50 euros and they fill your balance with 50 "euros" that you can use to buy bitcoin on kraken or exchange to real euros and withdraw to your real bank account). Technically you can receive such transfers from other people by just giving them a reference code of your kraken balance, the problem is that kraken only seems to accept payments that come from a bank account registered to your name. Meaning if your kraken account is registered to John Johnson and the deposit comes from Phil Philson they're probably not going to accept it
I guess you can either try contacting them and asking to make an exception or look into other trading sites but I don't think you'll have much luck given that if a site allowed that everyone would just use it as a third party for their business

>> No.4213020
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>I don't think you'll have much luck given that if a site allowed that everyone would just use it as a third party for their business

and thats a bad thaing because? its a win win for customers and platform traffic. I guess that there are some leggal bignose issues, otherwise a crossplatformpayment would be a thing years ago...

>> No.4213041

>I guess that there are some leggal bignose issues, otherwise a crossplatformpayment would be a thing years ago...
and that's why cryptocurrency was created

>> No.4213111

What are you so fucking afraid of?

>> No.4213120

i draw porn so i would rather stay anonymous if it's possible

>> No.4213296

so basically this a dead end as well?

>> No.4213299

yup. too bad more people dont use this bicoin thing. seems comfy to use

>> No.4213315

how come? you can still accept payments through cryptocurrencies

i would say that a lot of people on the internet, especially from such communities like 4chan or reddit at least own some crypto if not use them. And even if your customer doesn't know about crypto its not like it's super complicated for them to create a coinbase account and buy some bitcoin

>> No.4213321
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imagine purachsing 600BTC bucks in 2010

>> No.4213324
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>> No.4213330
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>> No.4213336

guy could have made 34 million dollars. I'd kys if i were him

>> No.4213338

>I'd kys if i were him
ima gonna chceck his twiter in current year, brb

>> No.4213345

>his first pin tweet - Yes, I'm still alive
poor guy

>> No.4215208

if you do use paypal for stuff, i think its just better to bite the bullet and send invoices so you can keep track of commissions better. you lose some anonymity but if this is a major part of your income youre gonna want to worry about taxes and paper trails. it also helps when you have a commissioner whos like "oh lol i forgot" cause you have the paper trail and be like "bullshit i sent it to this email at this date, heres a reminder and pay me my fucking money"

>> No.4216510
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Why yes I ask my commissioners to buy me games on steam to pay for the drawings I make of their waifus how did you know ?

>> No.4216525

you can ask them to buy you steam wallet codes, you can later use that money to buy game gifts and sell them for real money

>> No.4216532

>Use crypto and get scammed with every transaction if you prefer to stay anonymous.
Lmao, how can you get scammed with a crypto transaction? Stop spreading bullshit

>> No.4216608

Fuck I never thought oabout that, my post was kind of a joke but that's literally how I do it because I don't have a credit card and my mom probably wouldn't let me have one for "shady internet stuff" as she calls it
(Also I'm not underage, just a failure wagie)

>> No.4216657
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>I don't have a credit card and my mom probably wouldn't let me have one
>I'm not underage

>> No.4216668

>my mom probably wouldn't let me have one
are you disabled lmao

>> No.4216680
File: 336 KB, 960x540, Every+country+in+the+world+belongs+to+america+_981b2ad65773c051eece6fcaa263534f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Assuming that only Americans can speak English and use the Internet

>> No.4219013

any vids that explain how bit coin works.

>> No.4219084

I never said your clients will scam you but good luck turning bitcoin back into real money for free.

>> No.4219097


Could people really sell it at the high price it was two years ago. I find that hard to believe.

>> No.4219454

Holy fuck, I'm so scared of even thinking to ask for commissions using paypal. I've scrolled through the thread and it seems that unless you're well known on patreon, it's impossible not to have your real name and address exposed online.

>> No.4219459

What do you use now?

>> No.4219461

LITERALLY NOT TRUE, enough with the bullshit

>> No.4219994

there are ways to protect yourself from scammers
in worst case scenario you can just withdraw from kraken for 10% fee

>> No.4222398

>that time when I didn't have paypal and commissioner payed me x2 price in steam gift cards

>> No.4222763

Amazing how the japs got it figured out before the west with their own commissions site


>> No.4222769


>> No.4223232

furries did it too in ych

the main problem is that japan can get away with providing porn. unlike the land of free, which ruled by woke payment processors, we're all fucked.

>> No.4223265
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The irony.

>> No.4225414

Coinbase will do it but they charge a fee.

>> No.4225421

then it's not ... free?

>> No.4225844

nothing is ever free...

basically it's paypal, and be okay with letting strangers know where you live, or it's getting into the nitty gritty of all these coinbase, bitcoin,kraken shenanigans.. Which honestly seems like a waste of time.

Wonder what most pro artists use though.. Was thinking paypal , but I don't know anymore.

>> No.4227443

people can donate un patreon i the artist set goals or levels acording to the amount given, so is just by logical sense that you can set a level for "commisions", some artist do that if you see their profiles. So, when someone donate x amount, they enter in the level where the artist give them a commision, bacause the system show them who made the donation, just simple as that.

>> No.4227515

It's against the rules to sell goods and services on patreon.
You would also need to wait until the end of the month to receive the money. Patreon uses a subscription model. Your clients can't just immediately send it to you.

>> No.4227587

yeah but if is a reward is free to go. Just contact the guy who donate and send the file via whatever media you want, instead of patreon, and done.
Some people are even more easy in that thing and just set privileges on the options that an artist presents for drawing, which they agree on other platforms like Discord, but that is in the case that you not do formal commisions, that wheel system is very common. And people don't care to wait.
But anyway that's just in case you are manage to have income by just upload drawings and people wanted to see them, is common in a lot of artist with that wheel method but is a long term route.
If you just can do the common commisions is just have some balls and do it, like everyone that use paypal, if you are scared then just not do commisions to people of your country, and that solve the point of the house adress, if you are scared for people to ruin your daily life if someone know that you do lewds drawings, then just you are no made for that, and leave it, do sfw things, the world of normie sfw art is even more vast than the porn one

>> No.4227897

Just have 2 paypal accounts. Have one with a bunch of fake info, and use that for invoices and whatnot, then send the cash from that to your real account.

>> No.4227994

Not that anon but I don't think the issue is about people knowing you draw lewds but more about people knowing your name and address sfw commissioners is definitely more vast but there is more of a chance of them trying to dox an artist after drawing a "incorrect" subject matter.

>> No.4228057

Did you know PayPal is linked to your bank account? The verification process would correct all that fake info.

>> No.4228064

No it doesn't, I made one as a kid and out of habit put in a fake last name. Now I am scared of getting "caught" because Paypal doesn't let me correct the name.

>> No.4228072

That's totally false.

>> No.4228074

Patreon fees are pretty high. It's the same reason I wouldn't use crypto.
I personally have no problem with clients knowing my personal information.

>> No.4228090

Post your full address and name right now

>> No.4228121

You really wouldn't care at all.
Don't get your verified account frozen. You can't make a new one with the same bank account. They will realize that fake account is yours if you keep funneling funds like this.

>> No.4228160

just link the pics I want some inspo

>> No.4228166

Are you telling me I shouldn't contact them and keep using it or should I delete the account and make a new one?

>> No.4228210

You shouldn't use two Paypal accounts to make anonymous transactions because that's against PayPal TOS and will get your account frozen. If your verified account is frozen you can't make a new one with the same bank account. You can't payout your funds if your account is frozen or unverified. Basically you can say goodbye to PayPal if they catch you.

>> No.4228245

Did not read the replies yet but this is how I do it.

I have a business account, and when have an order I create an invoice with 50% deposit a client have to pay upfront and when I receive the money I start the work. Before I deliver the final design (to this moment watermarked), I am sending a reminder or a link to the 2nd part of the payment and that's it.

>> No.4228248

what if I have 2 separated bank accounts in 2 separate banks? can I have 2 PP accounts in this case?

>> No.4228447

You can't enter fake information without breaking PayPal rules. Multiple accounts won't help you much.
You give them all the rights to freeze your funds at any time.

>> No.4228449

meant for

>> No.4228451

As I said I have a single paypal account, it has a fake name though.

>> No.4228465

Is your account status verified like this? Does the fake info show up in the transaction details?

>> No.4228540

>I guess that there are some leggal bignose issues
Pretty much. After PayPal almost destroyed conventional banking and credit systems and pushed its non-jewish mafia to the top of the world a bunch of laws were passed that made doing the same thing again practically impossible.

>> No.4228640

sounds bretty based

>> No.4228645

can someone that does a lot of commissions just tell us what their process is? I don't want to get stuck into this bitcoin crypto currency thing, seems shady af to me. If anything I think I'll just go the paypal route to be completely honest.

>> No.4228667

Sign up a Paypal account with real information.
Go through the verification process aka link your bank account.
Get your clients email.
Create an invoice (leave everything empty if you want except the amount and recipient, pick the "amount only" option)
After it's paid, click "Add tracking info" and select "Order Processed, Tracking not needed"
Transfer the money to your bank account.

>> No.4228695

What's the problem? The fees?

>> No.4229758

>I don't want to get stuck into this bitcoin crypto currency thing, seems shady af to me
most people "cash out" be selling their crypto for real money to private individuals cus they don't want to pay a fee, thats a bit tricky. but if you don't mind paying a 10% fee for cashing out on kraken or coinbase then it's not shady at all, like I can' think of a way you could get scammed

>> No.4229807

>leave everything empty if you want except the amount and recipient
This is misleading, leaving the invoice blank does literally nothing to hide your identity, as already explained itt.

>> No.4229884

I know this thread is about nothing else anymore but I never said it will hide your identity.
You can edit what is displayed on the invoice that is sent via e-mail but this won't change anything when your client views the transaction details on the Paypal website which they probably never do anyway.

>> No.4229904

so, whats the best and qickiest way to unfreeze your pp account? I styl cant withdraw my 35 bucks that were froozen for years now. and alway I tryide to conctat them, they said that everything is allright with my account and that tey dons see any issue. fuck paipal

>> No.4229907

I’m not saying you were trying to fool anyone, I was just saying the sentence made it sound like you can hide your name and stated you can’t for the sake of the anon asking.

>> No.4230252


call them via phone. i've never had any trouble with paypal when i called them over the phone. literally always resolved any and all issues (which there were many of over the years) swiftly and they communicated clearly and professionally.

and i've had countless ocassions of frozen funds, limited account features and all the usual stuff. they're complete jews, but if you make them money they will care about helping you resolve issues.

>> No.4230258

oh wait so your address (where you live) is only shown on the paypal website, IF the buyer chooses to view it? This is fucked up, so lets say I have a crush on this artist that does drawings/commissions. I can technically track them down and know where they live if I order a commission from them via paypal? I feel like that's just so insecure of a system it's ridiculous.

>> No.4230498

I'm pretty sure this doesn't happen often outside of horror movies. Are you afraid to attract stalkers?

>> No.4230551
File: 296 KB, 1182x1200, 78112433_10157941946678578_1749190414151188480_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

interesting. Ill try this. do you call them via skype, hangouts or whats the best way? I am europoor and I dont want to waste all my Tescomobile credit. Also, I can write and read but I cannot speak. My toungue cant handle wording so far. Do you think I can use google translator to speak for me?

>> No.4231280

Paypal too, nobody has to know

>> No.4231499

Paypal is more against live-action porn. A small artist really can't hurt their image unless you're a raging furry with millions of followers who puts Paypal logos on his commission info that advertises illegal stuff like bestiality or pedo drawings.

>> No.4231569

arty.ooo allows nsfw
but i never did commissions so idk

>> No.4231763

What happened? Did it make the news?

>> No.4231799

Yes, girl was an underage e-girl that was kind of a slut, had a bunch of beta orbiters around her, told the guy she really didn't care about him and had fucked 6 guys after him. This all on her discord server, btw. Which is, honestly, fucking hilarious because beta orbiters deserve to be treated like shit by these girls.
She went to a festival with a friend and caught a ride with the guy, she started to make out with her friend and when the friend left he slashed her throat, almost decapitated her and then posted photos of her body on her Discord server.
Faggot tried to kill himself but wasn't able to do it. Apparently he was a turbo fag too, looked like he was an emo from circa 2006.
Apparently the girl was a terrible person too, but fuck, nobody deserves to die by the hands of a fucking sperg lol
There's a thread on Kiwifarms about it which has all the news articles on it, search for r9k killer or Bianca Devins, happened like in July this year i think, it was pretty brutal too

>> No.4234038

I tried it and they wont let me speak with live operator, just 10 minute call with fucking ai that cant do shit for me

>> No.4234043

Plus you get around this by asking commissioners for their email and sending them a PayPal request for "art commission" or something so they don't go do something stupid like write that the money is for "hot porn of x thing" and alert PayPal to it.

>> No.4234052

When the ai asks you to give it your problem just say "agent" and it'll connect you to a real person. If it's within business hours for the call center right now, that is.

>> No.4234204

PayPal is the biggest scam in the world. They steal your money, take the interest and claim that any scamming buyer can put a refund request in. The thing is that they offer BUYER protection but not seller protection. Watch this video. Dont keep any money on your PP account, withdraw every cent asap.


>> No.4234221

Yeah well what else are you gonna use

>> No.4234231
File: 4 KB, 80x80, bikini-thumbnail.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ran out of money for adobe CC,

Please send some to epic@live.com.sg

>> No.4234232

>Yeah well what else are you gonna use
a regular bank transactons + agreement (I am not thalking about smal gigs under 600usd). the fees are the same. paypal is gonna crash very soon. if you done believe me just check their offical facebook site and read all those comments of angry scammed customers

>> No.4234233

Hey I only accept real tiddy for payments

>> No.4234252
File: 869 KB, 800x800, 69397937_2675284702522719_5353668204658950144_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are there from 6am to 6pm pacific time, but looks like only from monday to friday. yesterday ive spend 20usd on phonecall (calling from russia to california) only so I can unblock my PP acount with 30usd on it. shit is ridiculus

>> No.4234370


Many such cases!

>> No.4234373

sent ;)

>> No.4234413

PayPal is not regulated, they answer to no one. Why? If you look at their "terms of service" provision, is all there in small print for all (masses) to miss. I still don't know how they can get away with this. There has to be an answer.

>> No.4234556

Fuck it, I'm just going to use cashapp and see how it goes.

>> No.4234560

>What you don't use Paypal? Nevermind then.
That's how it will go.

>> No.4234597

thanks anon. Ive tried to say "agent" and it worked, but I need to wait until monday because they are not working on weekends. Do you have any tips? What should I tell them to make sure they are gonna unfreeze my account? And how long are your ussual calls? I hope itn not gonna take 20 minutes or long. that would be another 30usd for international call

>> No.4234603

>What you don't use Paypal? Nevermind then.
why are people like this? its really not that hard to send mone via bank transaction if the fees are on you, there shoudl be any problem.

>> No.4234990

>a regular bank transactons + agreement (I am not thalking about smal gigs under 600usd).
I can understand if you're big artist, but what about artists who are just starting out? Or are you thinking about contracts with studios?

>> No.4235396

I have no idea. When I started as a freelance artist 7 years ago drawing pictures for 40 bucks there was no such issuses with paypal for me. I guess thats the reason why everyone is still using it; buyers are used to pay via paypal for 20 years now and they dont have any reason to not trust them beacasue paypal is curently fucking over mostly only with sellers

>> No.4235853

Nobody uses the online banking service of their local bank. I'm not even sure if that's even a thing. I would much rather just share an e-mail address, accept the invoice and be done with it.
You as the seller should request the money. Ordering your clients to send it to you is kinda weird.

>> No.4235860
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>Ordering your clients to send it to you is kinda weird
I am sending them request for 50% upfront payment, its not not an order.

>> No.4235864

How does this cash app thing work? Do you link it to your bank account?

>> No.4235902

Do they have to leave the house and walk to their local bank to pay it? I don't think everyone is doing home banking outside of PayPal.

>> No.4235910

??? its a few click process via internet banking. even easier than paypal. its not 1990s anymore. banks need to keep it up with time cryprocurenci n sheet