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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 146 KB, 821x974, a819b04ef0bdbc04ac96606852b1c8c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4177756 No.4177756 [Reply] [Original]

are westerns and non-japanese artists incapable of getting the "soul" in anime?
i mean we got whyt manga, jettyjetshow, Tony Valente
and the Netflix bullshit
they all seem to know the basics and stuff, but it always looks counterfeit and unwholesome, like something is missing.
is anime/manga a Japanese thing or can it be taught?

>> No.4177775

It looks counterfeit because it misses the aesthetics behind the genre. Some elements that allow you to tell if it is made by a foreigner is the use of lineweight, color application, the use of proportion, shape language, and the most obvious is how the nose is defined. Westerners grew up in the Butch Hartman era with heavy bold lines, flat planes and colors.

>> No.4177779

They don’t have asian genes

>> No.4177793

It's because artistic appeal and standards are different in Japan and the artists there are shaped by it. They have certain aesthetic ideas ingrained into them. And by the same token, westerners/most non-nips usually have ugly modern aesthetics and cartoons ingrained into them. That and showing too much. Nips generally keep appealing things and minimize/remove ugly bits. Westerners are usually guilty of not minimizing uglier things and rendering differently. Easy dead giveaways for westerners attempting anime are
>facial proportions
>gross rendering

you can slap big eyes on a face but it will always look like fake anime until you critically understand what you're doing. Many underestimate that.

>> No.4177796

There are westerners who draw decent anime if you stop following only Japanese on twitter. This isn't the early 2000s anymore.

>> No.4177801

name one

>> No.4177805
File: 335 KB, 891x1200, 4651837462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tim Löchner

>> No.4177813


>> No.4177823

There's absolutely westerners that can do it but there's definitely a trend of westerners failing to nail the anime and manga aesthetic, regardless of skill level. Nips who can barely draw can make art that doesn't look fake, yet some concept art pro with years of professional experience fails at the look.

>> No.4177825

We have had this thread 9 billion fucking times. Stop it.

>> No.4177829

One is japanese.

>> No.4177840

>Tim Löchner
cool stuff but still looks fake

>> No.4177842

Dude you never buy jeans from asia, America has the best quality to price ratio

>> No.4177847

Plenty of people on /asg/ on /ic/ or the drawthread in /a/ have posted anime that looks official. It's just that a lot of western artists who draw anime are either (a) bad or (b) intentionally deviate from the normal style.

>> No.4177848

You're just a kid in the typical "Nobody but Japan can draw anime" phase.

>> No.4177855
File: 121 KB, 1517x1100, D_DnET_WsAAAdPF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be hones I prefer westernized anime

>> No.4177858

stop browsing /ic/ and get to drawing.

>> No.4177861

i am drawing right now on a paper in front of me >-<

>> No.4177862

can you draw me a skinny girl with a big dick?

>> No.4177874

man, that's some good shit

>> No.4177876
File: 1.78 MB, 3724x2096, 82454709-9578-4888-A6F7-E690CF642F2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Not exactly. They just have art as part of their curriculum from Elementary school, and it’s treated seriously, with local contests and everything.

There’s just an infrastructure in Japan for seeking out talent and rewarding it with a career. Whereas in the west it’s treated as a joke. You still have bad artists and people incapable of drawing in Japan, just like anywhere else.

I guess if there’s one advantage they might have, is that they also learn calligraphy and how to work an ink and brush from a young age too. Like, first grade, they’re already learning to draw Kanji with Indian Ink on silk paper. So, they might have better knowledge of how to apply that to say, manga for example. But it’s not like you can’t learn that yourself

>> No.4177883
File: 266 KB, 726x1374, chuda pani z haha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i did it
am i gonna make it sir

>> No.4177891

I really hate this dude’s art style, and I don’t even know why. Also, the eyes are misaligned.

>> No.4177901
File: 298 KB, 999x673, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4177909

my nigga

>> No.4177910

none of those parts are ugly unless you jerk off to little girls tho

>> No.4177917

how i can reach your level?

>> No.4177920

its not me sadly its my favorite artist

>> No.4177921


>> No.4177969

Its because people who usually want to draw anime and make it their brand are always the 'I want to skip fundamentals and draw Goku' types.

>> No.4177990
File: 227 KB, 579x1000, re.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your post compelled me to draw this.

>> No.4178005

You're making the mistake of assuming every western artist 'failing' at anime artwork is trying to faithfully recreate the aesthetic. Lots of artists are anime 'inspired' and seeking to creat something that looks unique to them that merges various influences. Anime inspired Disney-type artwork for example, is often purposefully meant to look like a mish mash of anime and Disney.

>> No.4178032

fucking soul

>> No.4178039

why do (You) always fail at drawing anything at all?

>> No.4178045

How does that look fake you fucking weeb nigger?

>> No.4178053
File: 53 KB, 720x406, Trevor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thicker lineart, inherently highlights not being Asian.
>Injects own preferences; added weight, aged faces, notable lips, or noses? Sure thing.
>Subconsciously thinks about the sassy adult woman, content reflects this and loses Miku's characteristics.
>Social culture, less drawing more talking.
>Commission culture, just draw and await the next draw.
>Dunning–Kruger messages, no incentive to seek out soul let alone think it's not there.
Pick 1 or more.

>> No.4178182
File: 101 KB, 1000x700, YIKES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4178343

Are you done with your enema or do you still have some shit you’d like to pull out your ass?

>> No.4178347

>Unable to do this himself.
And that is definitive proof that you do not draw enough. A practice such as this gives you as much time to think as it does going off the deep end.

>> No.4178372

>Thicker lineart
What do you classify as "thicker"

>> No.4178386

I genuinely don’t know what you’re trying to say.

>> No.4178387
File: 155 KB, 857x1200, 000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything that resembles markers as opposed to pencil without the intent of minimalism. Drawing that way deviates from the next image I'll post.

desu I don't either, I am a deceased consciousness who walks solely for the love of my life, true power.

>> No.4178388
File: 390 KB, 1481x1920, 00121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4178411

This happens for a number of reasons.

1. The artists aren’t familiar with a G-Pen. Have never used one, and don’t know how thin lines aren’t supposed to be.

2. The artists aren’t conscious of Line variance. They don’t take the time to STUDY manga pages they like, from toning to linework.

3. The artist never bothered to work on their inking techniques. Hatching/crosshatching exercises for starters, but also stuff like clean and confident brushwork. As I said, even from Elementary school, Japanese kids are learning Japanese Calligraphy. Brush, Ink, and Wax paper. You don’t have to go to these extremes, but it would be wise to become familiar with the concepts.

4. The artist is just an amateur who need to practice more. Bad artists exist in Japan as well, it’s not genetic. It’s just practice + better infrastructure for art careers. So you see a lot of talent. But you’re still only seeing the tip of the iceberg.

>> No.4178419

even the bad artists there have some kind of appeal to what they make. it's hard to describe.

>> No.4178421

i'm more concerned with how young of age people in japan git gud at it. a lot of animators i see start out soon after highschool in their early 20's.

>> No.4178426

I think that’s just cognitive bias. If you didn’t know they were Japanese beforehand, I doubt you’d say that. And I can prove it too, by nabbing bad art off 2ch, passing it off as my own, and asking for advice on how to be more “Japanese” with my art, and you’ll see everyone telling me I can’t cause not asian, blah blah. We’ve already done this before. There’s nothing magical about it. Weebs are just biased.

See what they said about >>4177805

If you attached a Japanese name to this, like Itsuki Kawashima or someshit, you wouldn’t get comments saying it doesn’t look authentic.

>> No.4178430

It’s because they have proper art education and contests starting from Elementary school, and are taught about perspective rather early on. You’d see the same shit happen as frequently in the west, if art was treated with the same level of respect. But good art education is hard to come by. You see art majors from college, and very few of them know how to draw properly. You get better technical education from dedicated schools. And even then, it’s still very basic, and the education varies drastically from teacher to teacher.

>> No.4178841

>i mean we got whyt manga, jettyjetshow, Tony Valente and the Netflix bullshit

how can you even get these and anime in the same sentence

>> No.4178925

Very much does look soulless

>> No.4179122
File: 136 KB, 372x373, 1571678881330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This fag again, stop praising norasuko in every thread

>> No.4179168

>it's still shit metal
>Westerns do it better (like everything they do)
Get better taste

>> No.4179177

but muh japanime can cut through a tank and deflect bullets

>> No.4179191

Anime faces look like big emoji people to call them so, while in west people tend to focus on other things.
If your worry is that you can't draw animu because you are not japanese then you are wrong, just give it a try and you will see it's ez if you put in the work, but you might get bored of it at some point since you might start to feel like you want to draw more complicated things to grow your skills.
>Speaking from experience, i liked anime as a child and drew plenty of anime like styles with different features , but as i grew i got bored and tired of it and wanted to learn something new and harder to draw .

>> No.4180079


>> No.4180091

You're just a dumb racist weeb. Anyone can replicate anime style, it's just that not everyone wants to do exactly that
Look at attack on titan, if you didn't know the artist you'd probably assume its drawn by a westerne, you stupid faggot

>> No.4180093
File: 240 KB, 1280x1862, scan0008_crushed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about it, d/ic/ks? Was this made by a westerner or a nip?

>> No.4180119

Fuck is this?

>> No.4180120

It was made for my dick hnnnnngghhhh

>> No.4180163

It's Whyt's Patreon, lol.

>> No.4180375

> non-japanese artists incapable of getting the "soul" in anime?
how do i get past this bros? what's the loomis for soul?
id really like any advice on how to make these better, they're not even good enough for deviantart yet.
this one really confuses me desu, i thought really clean gpen work was one of the things that set moonmen apart from the rest of us but then you have people like toriyama who just does noninflected lines and it still looks better and more soulful.

>> No.4180378

Chase after soul, become a madman, then accept that superior lineart isn’t something you can achieve.

>> No.4180388

Imma lay down the secret for you brah:
>Move to Japan
>learn Japanese
>take up Japanese Calligraphy
>make Japanese art buddies
>go to manga school
>buy Japan-exclusive artbooks
>practice every day
>enter manga contests
>get published in Shounen Jump
>make a hit series
>become a millionaire
>move to Roppongi Hills Estate in Tokyo
>party every night
>get whores and do coke with them
>get arrested by the Japanese police
>get deported
>cry yourself to sleep at the realization of all your mistakes
>move to Africa
>do charity work as penance
>mingle with the locals
>catch Ebola
Now u know da wei mah brudda.

>> No.4180390

Looks like it was made by a mexican

>> No.4180391

Back to >>>/r/eddit you fat zoomer.

>> No.4180411

I’m not a zoomer and I’m not fat. I’ve actually already posted my work ITT and have said numerous times what it is that sets Japanese artists apart from westerners trying to imitate the style, as well as given a legit roadmap for how to improve. It’s not my fault you can’t read the thread, while quickly jumping in to type up your woe is me pity routine. It’s pathetic.

If you want a more serious answer, it’s simple. You’re not even focusing on trying to make good linework, nor are you using the right tools.

CSP had an entire marketplace full of FREE user-made pens from Japanese users made to more closely capture the look and more importantly FEEL of real life manga pens. Japanese work looks “soulful” because they’re using the right TOOLS and know how to use them well.
>but /ic/ told me hard round was all I needed
/ic/ is full of morons. Hard Round is good for getting started, but as you develop, you wanna make sure you begin to make and collect various tools that best suit your signature style. If you wanna imitate certain mangaka, then use the same tools, and literally COPY their work, studying each and every stroke they put to paper. Your hand not skilled enough. Buy Pen and Ink Drawing by Alphonso Dunn and start learning and practicing various ink techniques.

You’re complaining about your linework not being up to snuff, but yet, you’re not even trying to use ink. What are you doing? The only real “superpower” Japanese artists seem to have that most westerners seem to blatantly neglect, is meticulous and persistent attention to detail in everything they do. And that can be learned too.

Also, Ugandan Knuckles was unironically one of the best memes to come out of the internet in years. Stop trying so hard to fit in.

>> No.4180428
File: 90 KB, 683x468, BD760F3E-DFD2-4FD2-83D1-E55B29B9F225.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The default pens are so bad that it’s better to nab a user made one just to recreate your pencil sketches on digital.

>> No.4180436

>pencil sketches
Literally not what I said. But if you wanna import G-Pens from Japan and go traditional, be my guest.

>> No.4180444

im not the one who replied to you btw

>> No.4180624

it's not even good by western standards though, he's trying to ape manga without understanding the appeal. that's why this turned out bad.

>> No.4180625

have you never seen a dick before?
if so, pls be my gf

>> No.4180670

fuck off weeb, this looks better than the original.

>> No.4180673

So it's the school systems that condition them a head start. It's not entirely the people themselves like the rest of us fucks here. It's the steroids of art.

>> No.4180677


>> No.4180685

That explains Japanese vs Westerns but that doesn’t explain American born Chinese / Korean who outdoes the people around them.

>> No.4180687

>enter manga contests
>get published in Shounen Jump
>make a hit series
you start this journey when you are in nip grade school on your own. it's too late beyond that and not japanese.

>> No.4180688


>> No.4180689


>> No.4180693

Then why do you wanna draw anime yourself? You've been asking this same question for years now anon.

>> No.4182025
File: 45 KB, 1080x1448, 1572306596582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a Westerner and drew this myself. I find a lot of Western "manga artists" are too lazy to learn the Japanese comic aesthetic of handmade ink and watercolor/color ink/Copic style most manga have and just boldly color in photoshop or not blend things right. Also most art teachers ive had dont care enough to adapt the entire concept of manga into our culture and instead disregard it as all Pokemon and copying artists style when it's more so a medium that people modify to themselves.

>> No.4182027

>yoai shit

i hate to sound like douche but...what?

>> No.4182028

it's culture. culture causes this preconceived notion that "eastern" art is better.

>> No.4182121


I'm saying Western comics who tried to copy Japanese manga (especially the earlier ones) dont know how they color and ink things so they look weird. Also the different demographics in Japan follow strict magazine art rules and they get trained into drawing by an older comic artist a lot of the time.

>> No.4182126


Yeah a lot of Japanese comics are still ugly but Americans will out them on pedestals because its "manga" and then not buy local comics to improve the industry here because everyone is so concerned with segregating Japanese "manga" with "fake manga" instead of expanding the industry here. One day good manga can be universally created.

>> No.4182129


Also the comics dont have as strict quality control. Japan has higher quality control bc there's more wannabe artists while the USA accepted anything finished and vaguely resembling Japanese style (Tokyopop) to make money off of the manga boom.

>> No.4182130

I'm going to laugh so hard, so fucking hard if WhyT's stuff ever gets published in Japan. I'm going to spam the board for a whole month in agony of laughter.

>> No.4182141

Not to be rude, but your pic related isn't really a good example of well drawn anime by a westerner

>> No.4182219

he already went to japan and failed really hard

>> No.4182254


You sound like a person who can't draw anything.

>> No.4182260

This board is full of reverse racism lmao

>> No.4182262


show this article about him going to japan and failing anon id like to read it

>> No.4182271


What's so funny about someone getting published in Japan while you continue to eat potato chips and watching hentai on your moms computer you wee/b/tard

>> No.4182285


I think its preety, looks vintange-styled.
Keep working on it, Tweek some stuff here and there.

>> No.4182319

>reverse racism

>> No.4182327


>still racism

>> No.4182332

>moms computer

This would be very accurate if I was still a NEET. I'm for WHYT making it in Japan so I can laugh at the "this isn't anime" retards here.

>> No.4182333
File: 774 KB, 1424x2000, 4D005812-65C4-4C1A-9226-FDC4D518425F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t get the hate for this guy desu. His illustrations aren’t that good but his manga, which is what he focuses on, is okay. About on par with the average manga artist. He’s no Murata but it’s serviceable.

>> No.4182388


Looks no different than Jump stuff.

>> No.4182392

His poses are too stiff and his toning lackluster.

>> No.4182395
File: 40 KB, 800x600, Baitarach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 bats.
>Lightly smacking with one.
>Instead of swinging both and having his teeth gritted.

>> No.4182405

its indeed just racism.
And that's ok.

>> No.4182416

I didn’t say he was amazing or even good. Just that he’s on par with the average manga artist. The bar is not that high. Idk why he gets picked on specifically when there are many worse artists out there.

>> No.4182435

how so? ;_;

>> No.4182440

This doesn't even look that bad. There are some God awful manga art out there done by Japs just the same.

>> No.4182441

Also the issue with WHYT is, from the last I even checked on him, is his manga is just a Bleach clone. If he just teams up with someone who has a decent story and enters the Jump contest I'm willing to bet he could get top placed.

>> No.4182472

I don't mind him pursuing his dream of having a protag go from point a, b, then convoluted o and p but as that westaboo anon's testament to how the western world is at Japan's level, it's not a good one.

>> No.4182477

Not really, as his work would need to be in Japanese first. Also, Whyt’s stubborness to stick with L-R reading order is not only grating when reading his work, but also killer if he entered Jump.

>> No.4182535


because only a person who can't draw or was a Japanophile purist would criticize that anons post on the picture they posted for being not good considering that it doesnt look any different from 9000 other shoujo manga out there that passed editors expectations and have books out.

>> No.4182537


And Jump isnt literally brimming with Dragon Ball clones? Hes doing what ever Japanese artist that works for that company and zine does, color their work exactly the fucking same bc its Shonen Jump.

>> No.4182540

>Not really, as his work would need to be in Japanese first.

Your work doesn't need to be in Japanese to enter Jump contest.

>> No.4182541


Unless you meant it was passable. In that case it passes as authentic shonen manga I think people are just bitching about Whyt bc now everyone knows hes black

>> No.4182547


Who said America was at Japanese level.

>> No.4182557
File: 1.42 MB, 800x1161, 5ba3d67a56a7cdb6e8126af3ae4f09154450f275_1430891_800_1161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh ok. You're right in that it looks like most published shoujo manga, but perhaps I was leaning too hard on personal taste when I said "well drawn". The style of most shoujo manga just doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.4182577



>> No.4182678

Because they don't adhere to the dogma and training that nips do. Basically anime is refined to the extent that it's just predictable arrangement of different elements that are identical across artists. Identical to the extent that the very strokes are trained and perfected to a specific normative standard, it's art within art, or a highly systematic and limited form of it. When a Westerner does an anime-inspired piece, they are not adhering this, they are not restricting themselves to it so it looks entirely their own, with whatever noisy elements they personally select or happen upon, that makes their piece actually unique but not anime. It's not hard to learn to adhere to it however, as plenty of Western artists either can or do given how popular the style is.

>> No.4182686

>now everyone knows he’s black. This shit was evident from the very first videos he’s made.

I personally never really liked his stuff, neither his manga nor tutorials. With the former being headache inducing infodumps about lore and cliches, and the latter being super rambly and not that useful. He’s mediocre, and imo, not too deserving of the praise he gets from weebs. Only reason he stands out is cause he’s the only one.

Jump contests are lip service. If you really wanna get in, you gotta go through the channels nips do. Which Shueisha specifically says only accepts entries in Japanese. Even if from the outside.

>> No.4182696
File: 469 KB, 985x1400, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anons who sperg out about only artists from nippon being able to make True and Authentic manga are just weebs with confirmation biases.

>> No.4182701

This looks terrible.

>> No.4182704

no it doesn't.

>> No.4182705
File: 1.37 MB, 980x1400, 1 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a published manga from Japan

>> No.4182711

It still looks awful. What publisher?

Yes it does.

>> No.4182718

>It still looks awful.
That was my point. Weebs who think Japanese manga inherently looks better are biased. There are plenty of manga that look like absolute shit, and plenty of western works that look far better as "manga"
>What publisher?
Miracle Jump, a spin off from Young Jump apparently

>> No.4182751 [DELETED] 
File: 2.37 MB, 1681x2415, 17b4468b8073a3eadafcfa5aeb28d65c8724a2ec_2489679_1681_2415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who published this died...
His other stuff is good too despite the wonky art

>> No.4182757
File: 2.66 MB, 1672x2400, 1507171171227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who published this died... (RIP)
The rest of his stuff is good despite the subpar art

>> No.4182856

can we use this thread to promote up and coming/obscure japanese artists instead of giving the ameritards fuel for their fire?

>> No.4182872

I agree. That said, in this case, the art is subpar, but it doesn’t feel like a cheap imitation of anything. Meanwhile Whyt feels like discount Kubo/Bleach. I don’t mean to say that all westerners can’t into anime/manga. This one for example looks fantastic:
But Whyt Manga in particular isn’t every good imo.

>> No.4182906

>promote up and coming/obscure japanese artists
Nobody here can even do that. Judging from what people are saying in this thread, most people here have read 3 generic mainstream manga at best.

>> No.4182923
File: 467 KB, 1200x1800, 3412346456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are you talking about? Looks just like how other JUMP artists, other than Kishimoto himself, would draw and color. The only thing off there is the right arm. Even his art style looks pretty okay, compared to Boruto right now.

>> No.4183880

Gj anon

>> No.4184110


>> No.4184143

Who the fuck is nazuto?

>> No.4184153

There's something really barf-inducing about his art style, and I can't quite put my finger on what it is.

>> No.4184218

yeah its Americans being racist to themsleves over a bunch of cartoons.

>> No.4184219


It seems a lot of Japanese cartoonists die from mysterious "heart attacks" from overworking probably.

>> No.4184238


Just looked up jettyjetshow and Tony Valente. How in neck do you think their art is bad?? Looks professional.

>> No.4184844

kishimoto isnt flashy but i really like his style

>> No.4184914

I'd agree they're both decent but SEAsians and a Frenchies are as weeb as you can get besides the usual.

>> No.4184972

Conformation bias:The thread

>> No.4185720


Or like just shaming your own culture and people's success in favor of people from a different country over the Pacific Ocean.

>> No.4185792
File: 41 KB, 463x385, 1515209478099.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4187937

isn't anime something that some chinese copied from disney that became really big because it featured little girls having sex with adults?

>> No.4188411

Read a book, nigger.

>> No.4190795

Not a huge fan of Whyt but he does have good drawing skills and can draw in a manga style well enough whilst adding some of his own unique style to it.

However his problem is mostly with his ideas, i'm referring to his plot and world. It feels derivative of popular jump manga like naruto or gintama (Apple black and Bacassi respectively). When you read apple black you cannot shake the feeling that its a naruto wannabe, like instead of adding his own ideas he added in popular manga tropes just because "its how they do it in manga" without questioning why those tropes exist, how they work or whether it fits his story.

Hes definitely gotten further along with his art than his writing. If he could just come up with cool original ideas, he could definitely make something successful and i hope he does in the future.

As for "can westerners learn to draw anime?" i think so, there are non japanese manga authors who have had series published in japan before. Maybe its just that so many western artists tend to copy the manga style more than understand or experiment with it, maybe its just a difference in culture or maybe its as simple as how we are taught differently.

>> No.4190996

Personally, a lot of manga and anime artist are massive inspirations for me but I was never interested in making it big in Japan. I feel as those my art and writing feels too western for a general Japanese market.

Not saying it's impossible, just not likely.

>> No.4191220

>like instead of adding his own ideas he added in popular manga tropes just because "its how they do it in manga"
This is an enourmous problem that western weebs have when trying to make "manga" and "anime". Their work is already foreign and tends to stick out, and to top it off, they make it extremely unremarkable in an attempt to be more manga-like. So what you're stuck with is a work that both fails to mimic what it's based on AND fails to be sufficiently different or interesting. There's probably exceptions obviously, but damn near 90% of western weeb works will fall in the category.

Nips have the ability to be as samey or as different as they want and it'll still be manga and anime. Westerners have to rely on aping typical anime and manga traits in order to be even be considered anime and manga.

>> No.4191263

In my experience, Japanese people find western styled manga “refreshing.” That’s what everyone said about the Trump manga I made 2 years ago.

>> No.4191340

You mean the My Hero Academia one? I fucking loved that. I tried to buy it but the prints were always sold out.

>> No.4191913

I'm in the same boat, i enjoy and have been inspired by manga but i don't really have any interest in making it in a japanese market. l think westerners have the ability to parody and make fun of manga better than japs because of our outsider perspective though.

Thats interesting to hear, as i said earlier i hope Whyt continues to make manga and improve. I honestly think there will be a market for western manga in the future so long as people keep at it, if its good people will read it.
Oh and your trump manga was fucking awesome

>> No.4193027

Most American manga artists are on Pixiv under Japanese names.

>> No.4193035
File: 697 KB, 680x840, A88FEAE9-3521-4A29-9AB7-3E17F2F66048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ would slam this pretty hard and insist on a pointed chin, non-cartoon eyes, and more lines of hair.
>Japan likes this.
I don’t get it.

>> No.4193067
File: 17 KB, 237x330, coffee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost 150 replies and no one could answer OP's question satisfactorily.
Now I'm intrigued.

>> No.4193082


OP I think what you're looking for is that Japanese mangaka get trained a certain way and see their marketing of shoujo and shounen and BL or whatever a certain way because of their culture, while Westerners just have to figure it out themselves through research online and because we don't have manga schools ran by published Japanese cartoon artists and such.

Also Westerners have this pressure to be "authentic" and "Asian" to be "real manga" by other Americans/Germans whatnot while Japanese don't care because everything comics is manga to them.

>> No.4193083

Okay I’ll make one up right now. None of these pretend anime artists draw backgrounds.
So many shows have this tepid speech about how beautiful the school or city is yet 9 times out of 10 we see character plopped into a single color void.

>> No.4193085

Kubo did this and his art still looked japanese.

>> No.4193101


Japanese artists have immediate access to pens we don't get like G pens screentones and comic paper too.

>> No.4193687

But there is nothing stopping westerners from ordering these things, even digital programs like CSP have these.
Those pens do have a unique looking line weight to them though so it would probably help.

>> No.4193764

There's a noticeable amount of western pros working in the anime industry, yet no one seems to notice. It's basically indistinguishable. Meanwhile there's countless completely shit Japs who would get called "western".

It's just a level thing.

>> No.4194068

PLEASE GOD tell me this is fanart

>> No.4194225

Think about it anon:
There are gaijin animators working in-house and freelance for japanese animation studios. Meaning a fair amount of key poses and frames in most anime you watch are actually being drawn by westerners.
Can you tell which frame is drawn by a nip, and which is drawn by a westerner? Probably not. Hence, you have proof, westerners can draw exactly as the nips do.

The reason for most westerners to never reach the exact same aesthetics and standards isn't related to "it's a japanese thing", and has to lie somewhere else.

>> No.4195909
File: 58 KB, 1024x649, 674C3E91-A563-4ACB-9F1E-BB6C9BF58341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After studying anime artists for a long time, I’ve come down with a few takeaways on how their drawings have a certain energy and “soul” to them.

-They draw VERY lose and quickly. Since a lot of animators and Mangakas has deadlines, they don’t have the time to really go back and refine sketches or drawings. As a result, they end up making super loose drawing that end up having a lot of energy and life. They also rarely ever use guidelines, which helps them a lot with how lively their work is.

-They pretty much always draw more for the sake of appeal rather than correctness. Even the more technically sound ones will stretch their anatomy and perspective to fit a certain look

-They often do a loose sketch to get the general idea, then go in and add in the details later.

As far as if it can be taught or not, I think it can. However, not in a traditional sense. There can never be an Anime School. It’s really a cultural thing. To really cultivate it, you have to be apart of it and be influenced by it. Study it and understand why it’s so appealing in the first place. The problem that westerners face is that they just suck at cultivating it. Most of them see anime as the easy way out or just have a terrible understanding of what makes anime appealing in the first place

>> No.4196154 [DELETED] 
File: 55 KB, 800x450, 448AC251-E463-44FD-8582-E1AA07A14093.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best artists not only draw expressive, but 10,000 times faster and have an actual reason to feel burnout yet never throw in the towel.

>> No.4196158
File: 55 KB, 800x450, 59D16A37-2B2D-4A6D-9466-E162DB6D671C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The best artists not only draw expressive, but are 10,000 times faster and have an actual reason to feel burnout yet never throw in the towel.

>> No.4196159

I'm just going to give you a (You) because Satsuki is a cutie.

>> No.4197272

>countless completely shit Japs who would get called "western"
post examples right now

>> No.4197523

they have literal anime and manga schools to teach you to be a cog in the industry in japan

>> No.4197561

I agree as an artist myself constant drawing all day.