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File: 139 KB, 1300x740, 04D227E2-6254-41B8-A087-1AED9E5AD51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4170304 No.4170304 [Reply] [Original]

I was at a comic convention (for local small press) and some dyke was kvetching about the lack of panels addressing LGBT issues in art. So what’s so special about LGBT art versus anything else? I was afraid to ask because I knew they’d accuse me of mansplaining or something.

>> No.4170307

Nothing, just one more complainer in the oppression olympics.

>> No.4170317

Not sure if bait or you just live in sweden

>> No.4170334

No idea what the best strategy for dealing with this bullshit is. For small scale direct discussion or challenges of their hypotheses they have all kinds of little traps built into their framework, i.e. there is no way of disagreeing on anything without ending up being a trans-/homophobe or racist or whatever is cool atm.

>> No.4170345
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>So what’s so special about LGBT art versus anything else?
Anything else has more personality and more effort put towards it as well as being credited for cultivating the best aspects of human culture.

>> No.4170358

I was on this Peruvian tapestry website and some fag was whining about fags whining about the lack of fags whining about fags in art. So what's so special about who gives a fuck? I wasn't afraid to ask because I don't carrot all

>> No.4170371

>lack of panels addressing LGBT issues in art
seems like every con has some bullshit panel about being gay, POC or a fat woman in ____, usually they have a group of nobodies doing the speaking.

>> No.4170372

Sex has replaced religion as the defining trait of individual identity for the modern generation. Like the hyper-religious church ladies of yore, people now make who or what they like to fuck the entire center of their identity, and just as Dawkins compared religion to a mind-virus, this ideology centered around sex and sexuality spreads through the minds of its adherents and infects anyone in their proximity.

Witness the skyrocketing rate of people "suffering" from gender-dysphoria.

>The Tavistock and Portman NHS Trust offers gender identity services for children under 18, with some patients as young as three or four years old. They now have a record number of referrals and see 3,200% more patients than they did 10 years ago - with the increase for girls up by 5,337%.

They feel depressed, or uncomfortable with themselves, and someone feeds them the idea that it's because "they're the wrong gender". It's insidious, in the same way Islamic extremism can infect an formerly moderate community.

>> No.4170380

>So what’s so special about LGBT art versus anything else?
There are some gay periods in time that make for pretty interesting works, like the devastation in the (then tight-knit) community after the AIDs outbreak, or that general pre-90s reaction of either utter disgust or violence to homosexuals. Domestic context and all.

Contemporary LGBT art though? Nothing really. Boring assholes on the internet. Just let any soapboxers talk to themselves, that's all they want.

>> No.4170381

Nice social studies project gurl

>> No.4170392

My gfs sister is one of those people. She was unstable her whole life, even attempted suicide once (more or less intentional). Now, without ever mentioning anything about this ever before, she started hormone therapy. It was so sudden, too. She has this circle of friends, among them other people who decided they are going for hormone therapy. It's pretty much a group of religious extremists, just like any other: Hate your family, they are responsible for your suffering, they are out-of-touch, we are now your family, we are the only ones who want the best for you. It's horrifying, truly horrifying, it can't be overstated.

A friend of mine has a daughter, 7 years old. She was always kinda boyish, like many girls tend to be. Played with cars and whatnot, liked wearing boy's clothes. She heard of transgenderism somewhere and decided from now on her name is Connor and she is a transgender boy. Parents are as left as they come, put her on puberty blockers. They pretend like it's no big deal, but nothing like that has ever been done on this scale. The effects are irreversible; just wait 10 years and listen to the shitstorm of the kids who are now infertile. This shit will be our generation's lobotomy.

>> No.4170395

Minorities want more representation because they’re statistically a minority, they bark and holler now because of how they’ve been treated in the past. People just want more power and influence so that they themselves or people they care about can be protected.

You can think at it both selfishly and altruistically, both make sense, “I want more power to protect myself/others.” Even ethno-nationalists think the way they do to as a means to protect themselves or others. Who is your clan, who is the enemy? It’s all just monkey brain tribalism on a global scale.

>> No.4170405


God. I wish we could go back to the 80s when a girl who liked boy things would just be considered a tomboy. It's not like they were rare. They popped up in pop-culture all the time and were just kinda considered "one of the boys", but now they want to make them one of the boys literally.

>Hate your family, they are responsible for your suffering, they are out-of-touch, we are now your family, we are the only ones who want the best for you.

Yep, that's a cult alright.

>A friend of mine has a daughter, 7 years old
>put her on puberty blockers

There is no punishment available in this world sufficient for these parents.

>just wait 10 years and listen to the shitstorm of the kids who are now infertile. This shit will be our generation's lobotomy.

I will experience a mixture of unspeakable horror and "I told you so!" arrogance. It will be confusing.

>> No.4170423

In my view these people are no better than pedophiles who molest children. They need to be shot

>> No.4170430

Don't you have to be at least 8 to be medically diagnosed with gender dysphoria?

>> No.4170435
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>LGBT issues in art
the fuck are those?

>> No.4170461
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my gosh guys its hard to make things look good when you have to include all these fucking colours.

>> No.4170463

I'm convinced the twenty billion flags they have now are specifically so they can use whatever the fuck colour palette they want and it still counts as LGBT art.

>> No.4170470
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the euphoria in this thread is almost too much to handle

>> No.4170472
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>> No.4170475
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Nah dude. I think Dawkins is an egomaniac with the same overabundance of certitude that characterizes a lot of religious extremists.

But I think the comparison is apt in this case.

>> No.4170498

I don't know, honestly. Dude is an Australian, I don't know what the rules there are and I'm not super certain about the ages. I know he told me once that his daughters are 4 and 7, the whole gender dysphoria thing came up a year or two later.

>> No.4170501

Even the most liberal fucking profession in the world is still too hesitant to suck a fat delicious female cock. Fucking transphobes

>> No.4170508

>overabundance of certitude that characterizes a lot of religious extremists
like i said

>> No.4170510


Uhhh... not sure what you're getting at here, dude.

>> No.4170516

dude, he's just hella british

>> No.4170529

yes, because you're a retard.

>> No.4170530


>> No.4170867


>> No.4170911

>Dawkins is an egomaniac
He shat on feminists when they started to invade atheist/skeptic community and was crucified for it.
Everything went to shit and he was right all along.

He's from Kenya.

>> No.4170927
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you should go draw instead of making or contributing to bait threads

>> No.4170948

>He shat on feminists when they started to invade atheist/skeptic community and was crucified for it.

The enemy of my enemy is my enemy.

>> No.4170992
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I don't know why I struggle with gender dysphoria, maybe my fetal environment was fucky or maybe I got molested I don't know, but it doesn't matter anymore. I had this problem all my life, and the question was "now what?". I wanted to transition too when I was younger (and dumber) but decided against it because having a frankenbody is not the hill I want to die on when there is so much more other things to live for. I don't want my masculinity to be based on a fucking pill. I refuse to live on my knees sucking big pharma's cock, and I am 110% sure that this transgenderism thing is promoted not because people actually give a shit about people like me, but because there's a lot of $$$ in hooking people up on meds for the rest of their life. My manhood will come from my own prowess, my words, my actions, because these are essential parts of me that can't be taken from me.

As someone who is trans, it's interesting(disturbing) to see how this shitshow is playing out in realtime. I don't know why there's so many young people claiming to be trans these days. I think the vast majority comes in two flavors: the first kind who is transitioning to make a statement like "gender shouldn't exist or matter" or that they are "beyond gender". It's basically transhumanism, trying to be unHuman, unMan, unWoman. The second kind is where they get off to being trans, they're usually into anime and tend to be alone a lot, and they like to flaunt their transgenderism. I don't understand it, it's like they ENJOY being seen as trans, as if it's something that makes them desirable, especially sexually. These types tend to play into the (anime) caricatures of males and females, without actually understanding the nature of the opposite sex. It's like LARPing gone too far because now they want to alter their bodies for life. I am looking at you, Taylor.


>> No.4170993
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Then, a small percentage, the "original" trans people who always existed, actually have biological reasons why they are the way they are - they have some hormonal, chromosomal, or epigenetic abnormalities. It's a corruption of how things are supposed to be. It's not beautiful, it's not "progressive", it's not something that should be celebrated. It's like down syndrome or autism, it becomes a struggle in your life.

I don't even know what "pro-trans" people believe in because their ideas are schizophrenic. They are against acknowledging differences between men and women, like it's a bad thing, and they claim "gender doesn't matter". But then, they state the importance of "acknowledging multiple genders", which idk why that would matter if gender doesn't matter. Then, they claim that girls can like trucks and still be a girl, yet turn to gender essentialism by saying shit like "billy likes pink, he must be a girl".

Also, it's unpopular to talk about this and I get shot down a lot for it, but many "trans" people are usually miserable with their own lives, have other mental illnesses, come from broken families, and didn't have gender struggles as children. I think this is because "transgenderism" is a convenient scapegoat to blame all your miseries on because it's beyond your control, then you can distract yourself from facing your real problems by pursuing a frankenbody and being praised as some sort of hero for it - all without actually doing anything worthwhile for yourself let alone for others. Too fucking easy.

>> No.4171004


>> No.4171028
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>in degenerate art circle
>hordes of trans and pro-trans support
>can't publically have takes like this without getting canceled
>have to watch as more and more young people are swayed into a deathwish cult

>> No.4171136
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that's because the goal of lgbt went from
>we want to be treated like everyone else, I don't want to be lynched for doing homo shit in private
>I demand to have special services for me, also its everyone else's fault that I'm not happy!

Personally I think that disabled people can get the worst shit thrown at them (depending on situations). It doesn't help that people don't push the blame onto the moms who knowingly gave birth to potatoes, just because she wanted extra likes on facebook or some stupid shit. Then the family ends up neglecting or even abusing the disabled kid, siblings can do the worst shit and wish that the potatoe was dead.

But regardless it was never about crabbing by trying to look better, healthy societies should better themselves than to push other people down to look prettier.

I think what can help is to inform more about sex addiction- because that's what this all is. I do think that transgender disorder can exist, but its a pretty rare condition; we also live in the internet age where anyone can view a plethora of porn within seconds. When you masturbate to so much porn, you start getting into new fetishes because straight sex is boring or you get curious at a thumbnail etc.
Now you shouldn't ban porn but rather inform the public that they maybe be misdiagnosing themselves as 'transgender' or homosexual even. My take on sexuality is that what you masturbate to doesn't strictly define you until you've gone out of your way to have a meet up and fuck someone as your same sex, because watching a vid means you can't use all of your 5 senses to experience sex.

>> No.4171140
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In a nutshell

>> No.4171178

I appreciate your input.

>> No.4171200

>I'm a straight guy
I tried jerking off to gay stuff but it doesn't do anything for me,
then I tried jerking off to cross-dressers and trannies and again it really doesn't hook me like straight porn does.

its like yea I got an erection but that is only because I'm touching my dick,
I could be looking at a blank screen and still feel the same, but when I click back over to straight stuff and see bitches with thicc asses and big jugs I really enjoy it.

THIS is why I love drawing nude chicks and I fear I will be shit at drawing guys in the future.

>> No.4171234

If there’s not enough panels about x then open up your own panel about x. These people are lazy bums

>> No.4171242

porn/sex can get weird, like that deviantart guy who faps to disney princess turning into pool tables and other furniture. but don't mistake this as "durr you can identify as a cardboard and have 10 million genders", what you fap to shouldn't define your sexuality or your identity.
personally I like drawing porn and futa but I don't go out of my way to have sex- or even be sexually active at all (mainly I can't socialize due to the tisms but that's another story for another day). what's worrying about today's generation is that everyone can instantly connect to the internet, even without wi-fi because every kid has an iphone, and school can have assignments/homework online. And kids are both impressionable and super curious as fuck who easily get sucked into discord to share nudes or whatever.
The dumb parents don't help either- I remember a decade ago when I was volunteering at an old folk's home, a mother was talking about how her kid was hyped because she had a skype chat with Justin Beiber, which was most likely those pre-recorded web cam footages to trick people. The mom had no idea it was fake or "how can they pretend to be a celebrity".

Give them parental block or some shit to firewall discord etc. so dumb kids won't fuck their lives up permanently instead of wasting time on the lgbt meme.

>> No.4171256

>can't publically have takes like this without getting canceled

They claim to be all support for you as a "trans" as a "woman" as a "minority" or whatever else, but here's the catch: the moment you don't agree with every single shit they say, or you don't fit in their narrative, you are free game. Since they can't use you for virtue signalling and profit - and not only that, you are a THREAT to their narrative - they'll do everything in their power to annihilate you. This is part of why gay and trans people who are trying to lead normal, "boring", quiet lives stay the fuck away from "the lgbt community".

This is why detransitioners, though a small percentage, are silenced and shamed. And god forbid you are a researcher actually trying to learn more about gender dysphoria, see what the cause is, and maybe even treat it as an alternative to SRS, you'll get shouted down and have your grants taken away.

>what's worrying about today's generation is that everyone can instantly connect to the internet, even without wi-fi because every kid has an iphone, and school can have assignments/homework online. And kids are both impressionable and super curious as fuck who easily get sucked into discord to share nudes or whatever.

That's why parents are supposed to monitor their kids under age the 13. Too bad most parents are too lazy to do that and rather watch sports reruns or desperate housewives than spend time with the kids they brought into this world.

The public schools don't help either. Public school was never about educating the population, but about creating future consumers in an industrialized society.

>> No.4171466

Not him but its really nice and somewhat relieving whenever I run into others who do deeply think about the effect of this whole "movement" in about a decade from now on top of how it affects both kids and how other minorities within the minorities are bullied/shamed out of something that claimed to be for them but aren't anymore since they don't agree to the hivemind's ideals. It's also super frustrating artwise (mainly online) since most artist communities are heavily liberal due to art being a perfect outlet for typical liberal ideals, but if you're right-leaning or even apolitical you've already set yourself up for baseless defamation that can really set you back in terms of pursuing any sort of art career with- though it won't be as harsh I think if you have always set yourself up to be that way before. A lot of younger artist don't really think anything of it (since, as said before, are very impressionable) since that's what they grow used to but it's quite sad to see them blindly falling into these things since the "cool adults online" are basically taking on the roles of their neglectful parents in teaching them things, except with even less care than them than their actual parents since I feel many of the same people saying that the younger gen needs to learn about xyz gay historical thing are also quite loud about never wanting kids or even actually caring about outside of spreading their ideals to. It's really quite the mess.

>> No.4171918
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>though it won't be as harsh I think if you have always set yourself up to be that way before

That's the merit of keeping your mouth shut. The three topics to avoid: money, politics, religion. Don't get involved and you'll avoid most of the drama.

>A lot of younger artist don't really think anything of it (since, as said before, are very impressionable) since that's what they grow used to but it's quite sad to see them blindly falling into these things since the "cool adults online" are basically taking on the roles of their neglectful parents in teaching them things

The best thing you can do is be good at what you do. There's a lot of truth in the movie quote "ape always seek strongest branch", so be that branch. Fortunately most of the "politically correct" artists are shit anyway so it's easy to compete with them when it comes to skill, and people (particularly kids) will eventually be drawn to whoever they respect more (due to your merit). There's not much else you can do besides keep your own side of the street clean and lead by example.

A good example (Hayao Miyazaki): https://theimaginativeconservative.org/2014/11/conservative-vision-hayao-miyazaki.html

>As we have seen, Mr. Miyazaki’s art represents a conservative challenge to many aspects of modern Japanese culture: its historical amnesia and forgetfulness of traditions; its disenchantment of family and childhood; its worship of technology and its exploitation of nature and humanity. All these are cultural directions incompatible with the Japan that Mr. Miyazaki loves. But, as a conservative, he does not merely denounce modern ways. Instead, through his art, he entrances us with the vision of what a good, harmonious, and beautiful life can and should be.

>> No.4172665


>> No.4172727

irony there is that, what if some of those kids are interested in fulfilling the role of a parent? and want a spouse of the opposing gender to fulfill the family role model?
its kind of hard these days to find anything in popular media that showcases a healthy family unit that people can turn to for examples and hope but its so pozzed by the kinds of people that don't want that responsibility that it turns people off.
books are probably a more fulfilling platform but kids only perceive books and reading through the eyes of school learning so its kind of a loose end at the moment.

i certainly would've loved to see more of that kind of stuff growing up but its severely lacking moreso than ever. any representation seems to only be negative stereotypes of dysfunctional famlilies instead and slyly used for comedy, even in computer games.

>Malcolm In The Middle
>South Park
>The Simpsons
>Family Guy
>Rick and Morty
>Black Mirror S1+S2

Just to name a few..

>> No.4173148

People that deny the anime connection are willfully obtuse

>> No.4175562

Undertale is just Toby inserting his daddy issues into Asgore.

>> No.4175659

I think it has a lot to do with visual media and technology. We didn't have any of this before the last century. It was just you, your community and real life. You did not have to think about other shit except your little town, you didn't see pictures of strangers, hear voices of strangers and read opinions by strangers more than anything else. It was just you and real people around you. How envious could you be of the girl next door who is prettier than you, or that guy who is fitter than you? You'd just get the other girl. You had a place. Now this has completely disintegrated and we've all gone badly off track.
People want a sense of community more than anything else. Now that the basic human community is gone, what is left? Everyone has a sexuality. That's like eating or sleeping (thinking about it, cooking shows are ever so popular) It's really easy to say, hey I'm a furry, I'll go with the furries. I'm gay, I'll stick to LGBT, and so on. But these artificial communities are not good communities because they're not made of people, they're made of hashtags. Nobody has anything in common except that one descriptor that means very little on its own. So as the human mind likes to do, you charge that descriptor with everything you have. And so your sexuality becomes your identity.
On top of this digital media makes true communication impossible. You don't have a back and forth like IRL, you can't get the same input you get when communicating with a person IRL, you don't get the same immediate reactions, you can't read body language the same way. It's a perfect playground for sociopaths who can hide the red flags. Propaganda, marketing, all this shit is poison. We are literally not meant to use technology like this. Even TV alone did enormous damage. But instead of rejecting it, we adapted ourselves to it. We have brought communication down to a lower level and hypercharge every word that is written with the significants of body language, (cont.)

>> No.4175668

and facial expressions. This is why neologisms are rampant, and one needs to be up to date with everything, fucking FOMO. People are demanding from text the specificity and richness of information of a real life conversation. With neologisms comes divisiveness, divisiveness is fertile ground for propaganda and agendas.
Digital life is destroying the tissue of society, and the only ones to profit are corporations. Because unlike all the people involved, they are not human. They just pose as human. So when a corp uses a hashtag, they're not charging it with their identity. They have no identity to begin with except money. And for the "convenience" of the products these corps are selling to us, we have given up our time, our families, our ability to communicate, our identity.
We're in a full blown cyberpunk scenario.

>> No.4175725


>Now that the basic human community is gone, what is left? Everyone has a sexuality.
>But these artificial communities are not good communities because they're not made of people, they're made of hashtags. Nobody has anything in common except that one descriptor that means very little on its own.
>So as the human mind likes to do, you charge that descriptor with everything you have. And so your sexuality becomes your identity.

Exactly this. A lot of these "communities" are often used as (poor) substitute for a family or tribe because there is no such thing anymore, or not in the way it used to be. This is why divorce is evil, I don't give a fuck how accepted or common it is. This is also why countries and groups have a right to keep boundaries and cultures.

Here is something I found insightful on a thread about The Last Psychiatrist: https://www.reddit.com/r/thelastpsychiatrist/comments/dblqg7/what_caused_narcissism_to_become_mainstream/f22u04n/

People born into traditional non-urban communities have their choices very constrained. You begin life with an identity as a member of your family, and of your community, and that binds you to certain alliances and enmities. Everyone knows who you are and what ties bind you, so there's no point pretending you are something else. And you keeping binding yourself tighter as you grow older, through jobs and relationships, while dealing with the same people everyday. Your choices are to either keep working on the identity you were born into, or leave.

What happened was leaving became the norm. You become an adult by going to college away from everyone you knew, and surrounding yourself with people who don't give a fuck about the identity you were born into. Then you go into a life of temporary housing and less than permanent jobs. You rummage through a sea of strangers to find potential friends and/or spouses. All this while you are, yourself, a stranger to everyone.


>> No.4175733


So you make some shit up, shape it into a personal brand, and try to sell it to people you never met before and maybe never will again. Because they have a million other strangers to interview for the role, and anything that doesn't sell your brand is wasting everyone's time. And if you get caught lying, you move on to the next person, because they have no way to check if you're for real.

And when you have that kind of game going on for long enough, it gets degenerate. Dominant strategies emerge (narcissism and sociopathic behaviours became very hard to punish), and warped the game for everyone else.


Many trans people call their condition an "identity" or say they "identify" as the opposite sex, and I wonder - who taught them to phrase it that way?

From what I understand about Alone's definition of a narcissist, a narcissist guards his constructed identity. He tries to convince himself that he is x, y, z, and directs others to perceive or treat him as his identity as well. He focuses on others perceiving what he is than what he does.

I've thought about this: if I was a hermit or lived on an island by myself, or never saw human society, would I suffer with gender dysphoria? Who and what is a person, and what is left behind when everything external is stripped away? What would a person actually care about and do if there were no others around? We will always need food, shelter, and protection from physical elements as a creature, but isn't everything else arbitrary?

On the other hand, is the condition without others around really the true state of the person, or do we find ourselves in others because we are social creatures? Humans as a species need each other to survive and develop our brains (our forte as a species), because otherwise we are weak compared to other animals.

Without other humans around, does a human creature cease to be a person? Sure, they're human in biology and potential, but are they really a person?

>> No.4175740


Oh and also, I've thought about what I would do or be like in a situation like this:
>It was just you, your community and real life. You did not have to think about other shit except your little town, you didn't see pictures of strangers, hear voices of strangers and read opinions by strangers more than anything else. It was just you and real people around you.

To be honest, I am not sure. You never know what you'd be like in a very different scenario, or in the shoes of someone else's life. But my guess from my own gut response is that I would still have had the disposition for dysphoria, act out the behavior of the opposite sex (not on purpose), or I probably would have struggled but not have it fueled or provoked enough to manifest into something too conscious. But, even with the struggles, I would probably have survived and been relatively content in a community of people that I know and feel belonging to, and if my skills and presence was needed, and I filled some role or status in the pecking order, then the trans thing probably would not become the immense suffering that it can be in a more isolating environment like today. I think even today a lot of people have the "potential" to become trans, or even something like being gay, but they don't because they're held accountable to a social network of people supporting them.

There were still people who deviated from the norm (heterosexual couples with children), but they were still surrounded by a relatively stable community that didn't try to kill them, and given some role or needed for a role such as shamans, scouts, religious hermits, secondary caretakers, warriors, scholars, and other tasks that require a lot of time and is best filled by people unbounded by family responsibilities. If they were not citizens, then they were civil servants.

>> No.4175751

>those legs
I need them

>> No.4175761

wow, nice blog guy. A+ tldr

>> No.4175779

I used to date a tranny back in the day which pretty much introduced me to the local transgender scene back in the day.
Turns out a lot of transgender people choose to transition not because of actual gender dysphoria, but because they were looking to let their past lives behind because of shitty experiences/trauma or just because they were living unsatisfactory lives, which (surprise) led them to de-transition later in life after realizing they took the wrong decision.
Another reason why some de-transition later is because they confuse Gender Dysphoria with just regular Dysphoria, which is a symptom of PTSD, result of strong trauma (which in this case, could be caused by broken families, bullying, abuse, etc.).

I respect trannies as people and I think they deserve happiness like everybody else, but it is sad that many simply decide to make the transition without actually realizing if that's the right choice or not. Also, it is disgusting that many activists force the trans agenda on other people without realizing it could actually ruin their lives. Instead of encouraging people to do research and undergo actual psychiatric evaluation to make the right call they just go all "OH YES TRANSITION ALREADY YOU WILL LIVE FOREVER".

>> No.4175951

Yeah, I think the real crime is how ideologically biased all research has become. That is a huge problem and pretty much destroys science as an institution. We are really in some fields back in the dark ages, where research could only be conducted if it conforms to the teachings of the religious beliefs of the day. Now it must conform with ideals of political correctness, whatever they are and whoever comes up with them.

Transgenderism isn't beautiful and it definitely is a problem. Transgender individuals however aren't defined by this, we have to treat them with the respect they deserve simply for the reason that they are humans. If some scientist figured out that transgenderism can be attributed to a specific pathogen and finds a remedy, everybody would use it. And where does this leave all the enormous bullshit culture that has been constructed around it? Right, it's invalid, because it was based around false claims right from the beginning. If such a breakthrough was made, a lot of heads would roll, which means that there are a lot of people that have a lot of interest that such research will never be funded. And that is a huge problem.

>> No.4175955

>we have to treat them with the respect they deserve simply for the reason that they are humans.
ill get the chamber.
you get the gas.

>> No.4176163

only 2 posts are mine my illiterate friend
>If such a breakthrough was made, a lot of heads would roll
I said this a long time ago, those scientists would never see a lab again.

>> No.4176298

That's why it was standard practice to rule out other problems when a client walks in with gender dysphoria, so they can be sure it's GID before they prescribe hormones or surgery. Now it's considered "gatekeeping" to try to rule out other problems that a client might have that they're just attributing something to a GID that may not even exist.

>it is sad that many simply decide to make the transition without actually realizing if that's the right choice or not.

Because there's a lot of social pressure, and a lot of therapists now push for it as well because
1. it's "politically correct"
2. it doesn't actually solve the client's problem, so the client will keep being miserable and keep coming back to the therapist, which means more $$$$
3. i wouldn't be surprised if the pharma/med industry backs up the schools that build the curriculum. Similar to how doctors are paid by private companies to promote their products.

This is the best comparison I can think of: down syndrome. A lot of people with DS are institutionalized, abused, and most fetuses with DS are aborted. Now, imagine that instead of setting up a law to create a standard of care so DS folk are less vulnerable to exploitation, researching treatments, and maybe even a cure for DS, a "down syndrome society" group decided to "promote down syndrome" and talk about how "beautiful" it is. They try to prevent any research into the care or even a cure for DS, saying that it's "hateful and there's nothing wrong with having down syndrome", building a cult around "down syndrome identity", trying to convince healthy people they have DS, and the cherry on the top: promoting a surgery or a pill that reinforces your "down syndrome lifestyle" and then demanding that the taxpayers pay for these medical treatments otherwise they are "bigots".

>> No.4176344

>This is the best comparison I can think of: down syndrome.
Actually what you described is exactly what happens with a lot of the autism spectrum. You see a lot of autistic people claim they are just "different" too and they don't have a disorder.
It's only a matter of time before they start adding disabilities to the LGBT stuff.