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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 351 KB, 1000x627, hmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4167072 No.4167072 [Reply] [Original]

Brian posted this painting then Firez posted this study like two days later. What do you think? Has anyone on /ic/ ever stole your shit? I thought we were all in this together.

>> No.4167078

i think you have too much time on your hands

>> No.4167088
File: 73 KB, 467x900, twilight-william-bouguereau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look what I just found from some no name coomer. Blatant plagiarism. Really sad that firez and this booger guy can't think of anything original and have to steal from 4chan artists. I bet there's 1000s of other theifs we haven't found yet.

>> No.4167101


also... who?

>> No.4167107

I don't think you know what copying means anon

>> No.4167116

A thread studied for this.

>> No.4167122
File: 244 KB, 1242x648, E89591C9-B773-4BDF-B821-0BB431DF2111.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Besides being obvious both figures are different. He lowkey already told you he didn’t

>> No.4167149

ahh brian, this isn't going to net you the attention you so desperately want,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

>> No.4167153

>tfw Brian and Firez are similar

>> No.4167159

The breasts on the left seem more appealing, Firez couldn't even get them to be the same size. And his pose is stiffer.
Where can I get this Brians blog?

>> No.4167163

It is because it is not based on yours Brian. If anything Firez’s has more merit because you can actually feel the softness and chubbyness despite not being done yet

>> No.4167188

This is off topic, but Brian, if you're reading this, please do a master copy of Klimt (your pick). I genuinely believe it'll be an awesome thing to see.

>> No.4167460

this brian guys drawing looks fucking horrible.

>> No.4167474

God firez is based.

>> No.4167475

nah. both have an appreciation for a full figure, nothing more.

>> No.4167702

>tfw Brian and Firez are the same person

>tfw literal fucking who?

>> No.4167706

>bland, anatomically incorrect nude with omg titties
>calling it stealing

Anyway even if they did who cares, they are both shit NGMIs.

>> No.4167707

>What do you think?

Two artists both drawing fat chicks at the same time isn't copying, it's just good taste.

Even ignoring the different styles, they're very different in terms of form.

>> No.4167718

I think when you start applying yourself maybe in 10 years you'll be at Firez level and won't need /ic/ to tell you if it's copying or not.

>> No.4167748

Why do people keep making threads about FiRez? He is a terrible beaner boomer who refuses any and all critique while creating absolute coomer drivel... paywall for the nipple version! What a retard

>> No.4167776
File: 338 KB, 920x812, firefox_MGEuk4v71x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck brian

>> No.4167780
File: 943 KB, 1200x928, October-19-2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can try

>> No.4167815


>> No.4167820

some things never change. samefag firez still cantdrawforshitandneverwill

>> No.4167824


>> No.4167829

Firez is better than you and has improved more than anyone in less than five years and is now starting to make it as a budding artist making capital. Cope harder.

>> No.4167844

Then why is he stealing my poses? Why is a guy with 2.7k followers stealing ideas from a guy with 27 followers? I literally make no money from art and this dudes taking from my art without so much as a retweet

>> No.4167851

Youre an idiot.

>> No.4167853

>stealing my poses
this is what mental illness looks like

>> No.4167855


>> No.4167859

>tfw I'm older than brian but look younger than he did at 20 lmao

>> No.4167861

He merely took your concept, built on it, refined it and made it better with more appeal to the masses. Stay mad.

>> No.4167864

I don’t really expect people who can’t draw to spot similarities, especially with posters like >>4167088 in here

>> No.4167866

But why even do that if I’m so terrible? Why not just come up with a totally new pose? Why build on shit, if it’s actually shit. Cope harder

>> No.4167869

Can’t tell if Bryan is being serious or not. Firez has been doing chubby girls for a while and these are not even in the same ballpark

>> No.4167872

Maybe because he was inspired by the concept and not your actual shitty painting Brian? You are not the only degenerate chubby chaser out there in the world you know. Stop getting so butthurt over someone that took your idea it wasn't even yours anyway this idea of a plump female has been done throughout the ages since the fucking stone age. Get over it.

>> No.4167877

it's clear op is having a delirium episode. i think we should encourage him until he does something really embarrassing. Go get him op

>> No.4167882
File: 11 KB, 264x170, 0E087E30-D485-4DEA-8A00-BC889BD63489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I wasn’t completely self sufficient I’d be more pissed. Keep seething man childs. It’s not gonna make you any better at life.

>> No.4167883

Why are all the trad posters mentally ill? Brian, Jimmy, Illastrat all have high level delusion.

>> No.4167887

How’s your comic coming along?

>> No.4167888

It must be the acrylic or oils they use in their paintings. Maybe they're using lead based mediums.
If it makes you feel any better I take Firez's concepts and other Anons behind their backs and redraw them with my own interpretations. Nothing is new under the sun stop being a sperg.

>> No.4167889

i thought Jimmy and Illastrat were the same person

>> No.4167892

I’m just more confused why a meme artist would steal concepts from another meme artist. Why would Firez, an artist most people already don’t like, steal from Brian, another equally unliked artist. Why not steal from someone more popular? What’s the end game?

>> No.4167895

Because they both are part of the /ic/ conspiracy. All the meme artists on this board are incredibly wealthy from their art they just shitpost here as meme characters for fun

>> No.4167896

stop samefagging brian

>> No.4167900

By your logic, there shouldn't be any touhou fanart because the original artist was begtier and everyone should reference a more refined artist instead of someone who draws moeblobs with tubular arms and legs. It's the concept and design which inspires, how retarded do you have to be to not understand this simple trait?

>> No.4167940

>low tier /beg/ thinking someone copied his generic as fuck pose
oooof thats cringe bro.

>> No.4167944


>> No.4167956

oh shit

>> No.4168021



>> No.4168045
File: 922 KB, 2480x3508, IMG_3022.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would have given you the courtesy of ignoring this thread and assume this was just some troll larping as you but then you sent me that message over twitter

No, For the n time in this thread I didn't reference let alone copy your pose, The angle is different, the execution is even more so.

>> No.4168053
File: 16 KB, 200x200, 1510087008259.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that faggot really heckling you on twatter? Toppest of keks. Seek help Brian.

>> No.4168056

i love you firez
block that retard

>> No.4168065

>pose theft

>> No.4168068

if you're gonna steal my shit at least retweet the original next time

>> No.4168072

The asspain is real.

>> No.4168076

are you for real?

>> No.4168077

It honestly doesn’t matter because I have the reference photos of that girl and you don’t, you’re two steps removed from the original anyways

>> No.4168087

so it wasn't even your pose in the first place, huh?

>> No.4168090

so you're admitting he copied it?

>> No.4168099

>neither of these apes can draw hands competently
art is doomed

>> No.4168126

>What do you think?

I think you're an idiot and I hope you die painfully.

>> No.4168169
File: 59 KB, 731x1093, F12CC494-96F5-4327-96B2-FD80DF2CA368.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are all apes and from the look of these pieces and galleries at least one is trying to do hands in a proper way

>> No.4168187

Jesus, those nipples on the left look horrid.

>> No.4168199

God is firez work ugly

>> No.4168200

I wish Firez would copy a new face for once.

>> No.4168210
File: 980 KB, 1200x964, October-19-2019-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

suck my fucking dick

>> No.4168225
File: 30 KB, 352x352, 1559351885240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does it feel knowing you've been painting for years way before Firez started and is now superior to you in every form from followers, exposure, skill and monetary compensation?

>> No.4168228

that bugs me less than him copying one of my paintings instead of retweeting it so I get followers, exposure, and monetary compensation. I'm already better than him.

>> No.4168231


you would get retweets if your work wasn't dogshit

>> No.4168233


>> No.4168236

You should use a better work of yours as a reply of that firez piece

or maybe you just don't have one

>> No.4168276

Brian you're so narcissistic and delusional I almost feel sorry for you at this point.

>> No.4168305

Your art is so weird. You have competence in some areas, but your bodies feel disjointed and like they're parts from different drawings clobbered together. Almost like a collage of body parts.

>> No.4168307

Brian is objectively better than Firez

>> No.4168320

>you're so narcissistic and delusional

Feels like that's the running joke with all trad painters on this board.

>> No.4168336

the hottest take: they're both fucking trash

>> No.4168340


>> No.4168348

Alright time to hook me on the bait
>Firez's pose has less stole on the hope and the back isn't bent as far back
>Arm hangs completely different and hands actually exist
>Head us tilted differently and a completely different facial expression
Literally the only thing in common is the point of view, and Firez is superior.

Idk who Brian is or if he's in the thread, but no one owns a pose. Stay salty

>> No.4168356

coming from a man that doesn't know how to draw. they're practically identical. the proportions are identical, the perspective is identical, the line of the hip on the left side is literally identical.

>> No.4168368


Why are you even humoring him as if this "he atole my pose" shit is even real? No one stole anything from him, Firez probable didn't even saw his shitty drawing, why are you feeding his delusions?

>> No.4168371

>the proportions are identical
No they're not; the head and eyes are more exaggerated for a more anime and stylistic approach
>the perspective is identical
It's a common perspective for pin-ups, I already mentioned the point of view was the same bro
>the line of the hip on the left side is literally identical
Hardly, Firez has a bump implying the hip bone while Brian has a straight line.
>Right side of completely different
>Placement of the stomach, torso, and hips are completely different
>Arms are actually used and hands are visible in one, this effects the shoulders. Notice how ones shoulders are more relaxed than the other
>Head is in a completely different position
>Titties are completely different
Do I need to bring this in Photoshop just to show how different these two things are?

>> No.4168373

everyone should steal from bri*an now

>> No.4168389

I've seen Brian go on demented diatribes like this all over this board. If this thread was supposed to make me like him even less, well it succeeded

>> No.4168396

OP being made to look like a right gumby there.

>> No.4168400

No-one wants their work to look that shit, come on now....

>> No.4168408

Dude, are you retarded? These artworks are nowhere near being similar lol. Fucking delusional psycho.

>> No.4168411

Why would anybody want to copy that shitty drawing of yours? Do you really think there aren't literally millions of better pics to reference from?

>> No.4168415

>Why would anybody want to copy that shitty drawing of yours?
ask firez, fuckhead

>> No.4168423
File: 188 KB, 473x488, 1446035988583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Faggot 1 draws a fat chick with saggy tits
>faggot 2 also draws a vaguely similar fat chick with saggy tits

Jesus fucking christ who the hell cares.

>> No.4168430

Fuck, to think I started to follow Brian and like his posts for him to feel better about his paintings, I can't believe he's this fucking retarded

Everyone fucking unfollow him if you still haven't

>> No.4168442

Brian you are deluded, with the way you are acting you're going to stay like this the rest of your life. It's like you broke your own car and are stranded, and all you do now is throw rocks at all the cars passing you by. Sounds like your art journey is over, nowhere to go but down.

>> No.4168460


>> No.4168464

Unironically, do you have any mental illness?

>> No.4168476

i hope this is a sad attempt to get followers here, at least I would understand. if not, i'm really sorry for you.
i can't believe you're actually serious

>> No.4168489

you can just tell who are the idiots are in this thread

>> No.4168491

We are actually witnessing a mental breakdown brought upon sheer jealousy and envy.

>> No.4168495

if you guys don't stop bullying me i'm gonna stop painting

>> No.4168497

Is this just some faggot larping as Brian or is it really him?

>> No.4168500
File: 618 KB, 872x487, 1518823718020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You've always been a faggot for as long as I remember, everyone here knows you and that's not a good thing either. You are part of the board's autistic three and each time you manage to end up with egg on your face. You probably even lost some followers form this thread alone. Stop shitposting, Brian.

>> No.4168503

Just quit you talentless shit

>> No.4168595

she hot as fuck is it from reference?

>> No.4168606
File: 197 KB, 1000x784, 0104829F-B8C2-4EE6-9FB9-93212518609D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bryan if you’re so good get into digital and btfo Firez

>> No.4168607

Please be trolling I don't wanna believe you're actually such a retard. The poses and lighting are totally diffrent as well as the tits

>> No.4168610

he did digital for like a week, it was atrocious

>> No.4168648
File: 434 KB, 683x817, btfo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do digital because its fucking easy

>> No.4168656
File: 112 KB, 950x624, 13321832_881876035257242_1530052639098038264_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was all drawn by hand on one layer btw, 3 years ago, around the same time I painted this. I am a better artist than everyone on this board combined, you guys are just quick to forget that fact.

>> No.4168662
File: 661 KB, 750x928, Camel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just find it hilarious that an artist as shit as him thinks he can take a painting that takes years of knowledge to execute, lift entire parts of it, butcher the stylization, and think I won't notice.

>> No.4168666

There's Dunning-Kruger and then there's Brian. I hope he's seeking professional help tobh.

>> No.4168672
File: 350 KB, 776x750, Parrot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4168676

People who can't draw usually make this kind of stupid question about some shit work by somebody

>> No.4168677

What comic

>> No.4168678

You are not going to impress anybody with still lifes and studies Brian. When was the last time you painted something that wasn't an obvious photocopy or another painting of some academic study of a middle aged model? Post something that shows your creativity instead of your studying prowess.

>> No.4168683

>Post something that shows your creativity instead of your studying prowess.
So would you rather see a space marine or an anime girl?

>> No.4168686

After seeing your work I would much rather watch paint dry. Can you be any more stock?

>> No.4168691
File: 515 KB, 800x623, Michael-Nuccitelli-Psy.D.-NYS-Licensed-Psychologist-Degree-1997-800x623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4168694

which of my 750 paintings or thousands of drawings should I post to prove to you that you should post your work

>> No.4168698

Brian, I'm not even the other Anon you initially wanted to get involved in a dick measuring contest. Instead of getting on the defensive and continue in making a complete ass of yourself take the feedback we're giving you and maybe you'll be up to par with the positive attention Firez has been receiving lately.

>> No.4168699

>>4168694 Post any of them you fucking faggot

>> No.4168705


>> No.4168706

where is your work

>> No.4168714

Deflection. Post it, Brian

>> No.4168715


You admiting that you copied a photo has nothing to do with him copying you. But nice try at a deflection.
Are you seriously telling me that after all this complaining and whining about Firez suposedly stealing "your pose", now it turns out that you copied it from a photo all along?
Dude, you can't be real, this is beyond parody.

>> No.4168720

Just admit I’m right and we can all move on with our day

>> No.4168723

A photo of my friend that he doesn’t have. Just use your eyeballs and look back and forth at the artwork. Stop being stupid for one moment in your pathetic life

>> No.4168725

You are insane and your art career is permanently ruined from this ego retardation.

Consider for a minute that your stupid attention seeking here will follow you forever, your audience is so small that this is what you're known best for, and nobody will want to have anything to do with you. AND you're relentlessly harassing a more well known, better respected, more talented artist to boot out of jealousy

You fucked up harder than you could have imagined.

>> No.4168730

You’re free to paint whatever the fuck you want but you can’t force anyone to find it appealing. /ic/ finds Brian’s art unappealing and his personality doesn’t help things. The fact that he still tries to shill himself here is further evidence of his mental illness.

>> No.4168741

nobody looks at /ic/ you fuck

>> No.4168747

I hope I never make another fucking dime off art for the rest of my life, you degenerates can keep making furry porn for other autistic teenagers. Everything you hold dear is shit, and your life is pointless

>> No.4168746

No, you stupid faggot, but we know your fucking name and can inform employers or your school of your fucking behavior.

>> No.4168750

so wait, brian made this thread to fuck with firez or something?

>> No.4168751

do it fucko

>> No.4168752

I'm training to do comics, retard. Not everyone here is a furry or a weeb

>> No.4168755
File: 154 KB, 1280x720, 1539319239212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its becoming quite clear now that there are some with legitimate mental illnesses and this thread is starting to make me think twice of fucking around with some of you. I'm sorry I've been bullying lately but in truth I really do like you.

>> No.4168756

You’re not gonna make it you delusional idiot

>> No.4168758

Alright then retard, wh I get home in looking you up and I'm notifying your teachers or employer of your behavior and attitude and false plagiarism accusation

>> No.4168760


>> No.4168761

Course I am, why wouldn't I?

>> No.4168762

You'll have noone to blame but yourself, friend.

>> No.4168764

B-be my gf?

>> No.4168769

I hope you're not accusing me of being mentally I'll, I'm assuming not but I just want to hold this idiot accountable for his abhorrent attitude and narcissism, but most of all for falsely accusing another artist of plagiarism.

>> No.4168773

Brian, just let it go. For fuck sakes.

>> No.4168775

Learn to read better you fucking moron, I'm not Brian nor am I on Brian's side, I just said I'm going to notify his employer or school of his abhorrent behavior, you dumb retard.

>> No.4168779

For a moment there I thought you were him because of the way you just sperged out at me.

>> No.4168781

fuck you bitch

>> No.4168783

You'll have to excuse me for having little patience for most of the people who post in this weeb infested crab-shack of a board

I smell your fear, Brian. Shouldn't have been an asshole, now its time to pay the piper.

>> No.4168803

please you can't I need this fucking job

>> No.4168806

>someone says theyre in training to enter an artistic field of work
>calls them delusional for working towards a goal with confidence


>> No.4168809

I have principles Brian. Too late for that now.

>> No.4168813

please you've gotta understand. I have three kids, I have a wife, a mansion, a pool, ten dogs

>> No.4168819

this is some top tier schizoposting right here op, good job

>> No.4168821

Does Brian have legit Down's syndrome or what? This ain't normal.

>> No.4168822

Brian samefagging. I hope his family get him the help he needs.

>> No.4168832


This thread is awful. hidden

>> No.4168853

https://pastebin.com/nemf1TiH this just popped up on pastebin, is that guy serious?

>> No.4168862

we did it reddit

>> No.4168872
File: 203 KB, 620x634, 1494906294073.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4168880

Is this some kind of performance art from Bryan?

I just can't tell

>> No.4168881

Unbased and cringe

>> No.4168888

when did 4chan get so lame

>> No.4168991

I want to jokingly agree
but I also don't want Firez to be murdered by a nutjob.

Comics are dying, the kids only want animu Isekai with 600yr old lolis.

>top tier faggotry.
Commit seppuku for dishonoring this thread.

>> No.4168995

holy moly

>> No.4169051

What'd you have for dinner tonight, Brian? I had some really tasty beef stew

>> No.4169066


Brian is a NEET who still lives at home and relies on the bank of Mom and Dad. He is also in his late twenties. Good luck with telling his employer or school.

>> No.4169102

Kek. Who are the other two?

>> No.4169107


I can name three: illastrat, chunbum park (although he has been lying low lately) and jimmie. The big autistic four I suppose.

>> No.4169118

>he is also in his late twenties
oh god

>> No.4169140

Based only if you follow through

>> No.4169148

>Comics are dying
This is completely incorrect but keep repeating it i guess.

>> No.4169166

Man, Brian, I liked you because I thought you were actually skilled and your penis is cute. Looking at this thread clearly shows how crazy you are. Shame.

>> No.4169185


Both of you are mentally ill. Or both are the same person talking to himself. I can't tell anymore.
Jesus, what a joke this board is.

>> No.4169190


Going back to these first messages with the knowledge that Brian wrote all of this is wild.
And even more sad.

>> No.4169197
File: 133 KB, 683x1024, met_art_2012_07_05_PURETE_09.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hands need work

>> No.4169223

>he changed the source so she looks scared for her life

>> No.4169227

BUMPing this question

>> No.4169263

Thesea all look like shitty studies. Do you really think you are going to impress anyone with this crap? LMAO
Again, your shitty artwork doesn't look anything like Firez's shitty artwork. The only thing you guys have in common is a shitty artwork.

>> No.4169277


>> No.4169289


holy shit you're fucking sad dude.

>> No.4169291

i like those studies he did. 1000x better than his life drawings (it's suspect actually).

>> No.4169367
File: 190 KB, 418x498, 1549469584157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ic/ has been overtaken by Tumblr wasps.
Proof number 8129382:

This thread has almost 200 posts despite OP's claim holding no water whatsoever.

Kill you'reselfs everyone. Me included.

>> No.4169371

>digital is too easy
>manages to make digital studies that look as unappealing as his traditional work


>> No.4169377
File: 754 KB, 1000x627, 1564338810238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't we all steal his art?

>> No.4169418
File: 425 KB, 515x628, 1554698800719.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo Firez, huge fan of your work here.
Gave it a go at painting your drawing, hope you don't mind.

I really like the colors I came up with for this, what does /ic/ think?

>> No.4169422
File: 622 KB, 722x1000, Untitled_Artwork(130).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Firez I hope you don't mind me paying a little homage?

>> No.4169423

absolutely based

>> No.4169447

this kills the brian

>> No.4169471
File: 1.37 MB, 1022x574, 1565998942944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm new to this Brian guy, has he always been this retarded?

>> No.4169479

thicc =/= fat.

>> No.4169482

So he's legitimately retarded

>> No.4169488


what a fucking punchable arabian face

>> No.4169491

This entire thread reeks of mental illness

>> No.4169501

Lol. I’m kinda seeing where he’s coming from now

>> No.4169505

shut up brian kill yourself you delusional fuck

>> No.4169519

If I was brian could I do

>> No.4169523

Bullying retards is a wholesome pastime. It's not like there is any actual discussion in those 200 posts because there is not a single doubt OP's claim is false. It is like watching the boy who cried wolf get eaten by wolves. But exercise moderation in this, don't shitpost more than you actually draw or you will slowly turn into Brian

>> No.4169532

also fucked up her hands so the underwear isn't being stretched properly

>> No.4169539

>there is not a single doubt OP's claim is false
im pretty sure he did it. but fuck brian.

>> No.4169548

"years of knowledge to execute"
Nope. Don't think you're anything special.
That's why you're losing time whoring for attention instead of producing quality garbage of your own.
You're a lame cunt and you should bring yourself out of your delusion before it consumes your life.

>> No.4169728

New friend here. I see people name drop these guys from time to time. Who are they? Why do people care? A lot of people seem to somewhat pitty and or hate Brian.
I don't want to lurk.

>> No.4169730

The less you know, the better. This board is littered with bouts of autism and retardation that would only distract you.

>> No.4169742

Kill yourself

>> No.4169788

LMAO i thought he was atleast good enough to execute this one on his own but nope, cant believe it just gets worse and worse

>> No.4169809

Brian is pathetic. The fact that he gets girls to sit for him despite being ugly and having terrible art is proof that women will do anything for attention.

>> No.4169815

Ooooowwwwwwww shhhheeeeeiiiitttt!

>> No.4169816

Colors and shapes are great. I’ve never seen this one dude. Composition is a little off putting due to it centering but besides that...lit.

>> No.4169822

And you may ask yourself.....

>> No.4169865

fwiw I remember him posting it because some of you kept making remarks outsides his ref. It is also an old one, more than a year iirc

>> No.4169985

I was unaware how heavily Firez used reference, how unfortunate.

>> No.4170369

some parts are a direct trace when you overlay them.

>> No.4170389

LOL is that really him? Based if it is.

>> No.4170400

Thank God I'm not on there :P

>> No.4170406


If you are Brian then yes you are, they say "autistic four"

>> No.4170409
File: 63 KB, 636x900, EHW8J-RXUAIjUhN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought mods had deleted this thread, I'm surprised it is still up.

Anyway Brian seems to be a very troubled guy, a fact that I wasn't aware until today. It might be false ...but if it's true his behaviour makes much more sense and I feel sorry for him

Nice one Mag

Glad someone remembers. the dj kallio (or whatever his handle was) incident has happened to me several times here, to the point I no longer can trust some of the critique given here and yes it is rather old, I think I got less shit at inventing since then.


As you can see it is a mix of 2 and 3

>> No.4170411


Despite Brian being an absolute faggot woth terrible art, your art is fucking shit too (try tracing a different face once in a while), no need to come off all high and mighty

>> No.4170415

stay salty
stay mad

>> No.4170416

who hurt you?

>> No.4170418

Anyone remember dethelm? At least he recognized his art was shit and that he was severely mentally ill and left the board and improved his mental health.

>> No.4170421

Get a hobby

>> No.4170449

Notice how the boobs don't connect nearly as high up or directly tied to the armpits in any of those refs.

>> No.4170635

the patrons who pay for the manure

>> No.4170740
File: 534 KB, 931x923, fuckfirez.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go fuck yourself you tracing piece of shit. You're ngmi.

>> No.4170769

>lines up a single line
>everything else out of place

>> No.4170770

He just took it and made it dogshit

>> No.4170832

It already was dogshit.

>> No.4170838

Really nice.

Can't wait until it's done

>> No.4170839

Shut the fuck up Brian, no one is copying you. God you are so cringey

>> No.4170843

desu firez, i oughta agree the faces you do just aren't appealing..

>> No.4170846

appealing is subjective Bryan

>> No.4170862

lol, not everyone that thinks differently from your ideals is Bryan my friend. I just feel like with the work that Firez puts into his art he could be so much more, yet he's stuck with this ugly latin american kind of shit face style no offense.

>> No.4170863


Get your head checked by a jumbo jet

>> No.4170864


>> No.4170872

mehh.. I would, but I can't really see what posting my work will prove. . Anyone with eyes can see that his images aren't fappable to. Which is the clear intent shown on majority of his drawings now.

>> No.4170897

This guy knows whats up.
Fagirez always was a samefagging tracing lying piece of garbage who cant draw for shit.

>> No.4170915
File: 53 KB, 600x905, redhead___video_by_firez_da_dcwakr0-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do you know what his intentions are? I actually asked and he literally said he is not trying to make porn

Now I asked you to pyw because I really like his and I wonder what the work of someone who isn't into it looks like

>> No.4170917


>> No.4170918


>> No.4170957


>All nude art is porn

or even worse

>This nude art should make me want to fap and it is not

Being this simple minded, it is obvious the guy is doing tasteful pin up pieces, it is ok for you disliking his work but stop being stop idiotic about nudity

>> No.4170958
File: 101 KB, 707x1000, D77fRApWsAU7csA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit Brian, Look what I found!

Firez posted this other plump girl months ago, are you copying Firez?

>> No.4170966
File: 176 KB, 332x332, 1516811637457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop drawing fat women.

>> No.4170967


Jesus christ does firez have a Down syndrome fetish? Because that one face that he draws looks like it belongs to a Downie

>> No.4170972
File: 65 KB, 1092x1037, Sad_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So there is no model reference?

>> No.4170976

Based gohanposter

>> No.4170983


I find this appealing. OP is delusional and /ic/ is gay

No wonder why artists leave this horrid place when they get good enough

>> No.4170988

there's a reference, he just doesn't have it, because he traced mine, which was done from reference, a reference he doesn't have.

>> No.4171005


Done months before you posted your shitty painting

>> No.4171018

>another referenced pose
>proof he didn't reference me

>> No.4171021

which you traced from another ref Faguires. youre not fooling anyone

>> No.4171032

It doesn't look anything like your artwork, you delusional psychopath.

>> No.4171035

Y’all are really falling for the bait this hard huh

>> No.4171037

>I was just pretending to be retarded!
Like it or not Brian, this thread and your autistic rampage will follow you from now on.

>> No.4171040
File: 37 KB, 700x523, 1560245777281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good to see FiReZ is still a fraud all these years

>> No.4171048

t. testlet

>> No.4171075


>> No.4171077

ultimately, for me personally, Firez is a nice guy who helped me with my drawing once and brian is a fucking autistic asshole and skill doesn't matter at this point

>> No.4171083

Brian you're trash you don't have 1/50th of the skill Firez possess. You spend your time crying on /ic/ while Firez actually draws and only comes to /ic/ for critique and to update his WIPs.

your "painting" has a melting face, zero gravity breast, terrible navel placement, random knife edge sharp him bone and dark background that contrast completely with the lighting of the foreground element. I've seen /beg/ artist better.

Your jealousy of Firez needs to stop

>> No.4171089

This. Even disregarding the fact that Brian is perma/beg/ and NGMI, FiRez is chill and pleasant to interact with while Brian induces violent cringe.

>> No.4171109
File: 341 KB, 880x800, originalOP.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i copied a pic for practice purposes. original from Draw Thread

here's the original

>> No.4171113
File: 377 KB, 880x800, dino (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here's what i did.

shading practice.
not intended to post...
not intended for sale.
just practice.

>> No.4171115


changed contour and outline.
eye placement is the same.
angle is the same.

supposed to look like plastic.

>> No.4171118
File: 573 KB, 1823x1551, ode to faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4171119
File: 382 KB, 880x800, bitdmend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same pic done different

>> No.4171121
File: 268 KB, 880x800, birdman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


now i have a few ideas for characters.
they won't look anything like these though.

>> No.4171122
File: 348 KB, 880x800, birdman1_bak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same but not so much contrast +detail

>> No.4171127
File: 311 KB, 880x800, birdDino.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with all that said.
copying is ok for practice
and sometimes it helps you see something else that will lead to great character design.

>> No.4171131

illastrat, chun and brian seem to interact

it feels like they are the same person, all of their posts have this weird narcisistic non-self aware tone

>> No.4171134

it doesn't

tho firez work kind of looks off to me because the faces are very childlike, while the bodies are of mature 25-35yo women

>> No.4171155
File: 520 KB, 546x654, 1540607438869.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The resemblance is uncanny. How dare you plagiarize this good man, Firez?

>> No.4171184
File: 653 KB, 538x652, 1569488405978.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also ran some tests cause I didn't want to jump to any conclusions and make false accusations, but apparently Bouguereau also plagiarized Brian's pose.
I am disgusted and appalled, think of all the success this Frenchie had at the expense of other artists.

>> No.4171232


>> No.4173824

Holy shit my sides

>> No.4173955

The face is there so the brain accepts the disgusting body as good. Many such cases!

>> No.4174250

Well Brian, let me enlighten you as to why you have so few followers:
Before this thread I had never heard of you.
After this thread I think you’re delusional, arrogant, autistic, and psychotic.
Not really someone I wanna follow.

>> No.4174653

I accept your concession

>> No.4174749
File: 3.88 MB, 500x368, mySides.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reading this thread