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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4162591 No.4162591 [Reply] [Original]


Please help me i want to quit it i want to paint like all those classical master, like David or Da Vinci or Rubens I'm tired of my generic animé style I'm so accustomed to.

Any ressources, redpills are welcomed.

Thanks a lot.

>> No.4162592


You put a gun to your head and pull the trigger. Make sure it's loaded.

>> No.4162598

I tried it once it didn't work senpai.

Serious answer now

>> No.4162608

>criticize anime style
>won't give actual advices to get out from this shithole.

>> No.4162932

Try to make it more 3D realistic. But I don't think you'll ever leave it.

>> No.4162935

Post your work, unironically

>> No.4163182

I don't want to. It's horrendous and I know it.
When i try to it looks like the sort of DC Comics' style.

>> No.4163213

then fucking open a book about davinci and emulate the drawings it's not fucking hard anon.

>> No.4163215

Take Rebis for inspiration.

>> No.4163229

learn how to draw without using lines.

>> No.4163231

easy as fuck there's one billion ressources disponible to westerners when it comes to classical art
you could just go to an atelier

>> No.4163236

>Please help me i want to quit it i want to paint like all those classical master, like David or Da Vinci or Rubens I'm tired of my generic animé style I'm so accustomed to
Then learn to do it you troglodyte. Every resource you could ever need is a few clicks away. This is such a goddamn stupid thing to say

>> No.4163259
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>When i try to it looks like the sort of DC Comics' style.
I know what you mean and it's OK. It goes away with practice as you intentionally push the heads away from the generic proportions you're given. Of course real people don't all look like those Loomis heads, and Loomis himself shows you how facial features and even skulls change a lot.
I haven't been through a weeb phase, but I have a bunch of manga influences and I think a tipping point to avoid is drawing the eyes so huge. The more you push a facial feature, the more you lose expression which is why anime characters look like they have emojis for faces. Ty to stick to realistically sized features so even if you make the eyes relatively large but not gigantic (think early Disney) you will get a much more human looking facial aesthetic.
Also expose yourself to art that isn't anime.

>> No.4163453

Thanks you guys for helping me. Especially last anon.
I'll keep you all updated in my I-Stop-Anime-Style road trip!

>> No.4163455

westernized anime is the most patrician style

>> No.4163458

Anime style is not the problem. You are just a bad artist.

>> No.4163461

How can you even know when i didn't even post my art you troglodyte ?

>> No.4163480

Your post >>4163182
> Wonders why people are calling you a bad artist

>> No.4163684

True that. Forgot about that one, anon.

Then how is animé art not a problem, anon?

>> No.4163728

Update one : I analyzed my problem with some art pal and the thing is that the body is okay yet the face is still animé-ish

Does anyone else have that problem?

>> No.4163733

Step one: open up painting you like
Step two: draw it
Step three: repeat until you understand how to draw differently

Rocket science.

>> No.4163740
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why? Are yours bad?

>> No.4163749

Alas it isn't that bad (as i could joke about earlier) but i feel like that
1: it's not me anymore
2: it's not accepted in the western art academy.

I want to change this habit of mine asap

Yeah that's what I'm going to do right now! Thank you, anon!

>> No.4163806
File: 130 KB, 1280x960, 1557830737214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your main problem is that you're symbol drawing- its not the animoos. Mind you that well drawn anime requires you to do good life drawings while also keeping up with leaning how shit is stylized or exaggerated, but you can't solely rely on one or the other extreme ends to get gud.
Even if you have that "one guy" who drew cartoons but never touched realism, it ends up being souless, generic, flat and boring compared to some other guy who properly learned how to draw.

Learning how to draw is learning how to overcome symbol drawing, then trying to implement the shit you learn on your own pieces.

>> No.4163816
File: 45 KB, 320x395, 0D511C3B-D47B-47AD-A12E-55B84B58C986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The red string has hung your future. Anime is all that can be made from your hands now and forever.

>> No.4163822

It's hard to tell but since you wont even post your art I am willing to bet you still dont know your fundamentals. Copying anime all day mindlessly will not teach you fundamentals. Learning styalized fundamentals first is also detrimental in the long run

>> No.4163849

Mind you I do anatomy studies and box studies and whatever studies you can know about. It's just that, from memory, i can't do anything.
I'll do something that i can show you guys tomorrow.

>> No.4163850

Hey dude, remember, you don't have any reputation here. You're Anon. And when you post again somewhere else, you're a completely different Anon.

I know it's scary to have people judge you trying your hardest, but we understand that anime style is heavily stylized, and we're all sorta on our own journey here to get better.

If you post your artwork, we can give you specific tips to work on (smaller eyes, shorter legs, work on construction) that you can then incorporate into future practice to help you get away from your stylized art and into more realism.

So really, you have a lot to gain and nothing to lose (no reputation, remember?) if you post some of your work. Some percentage of us want to help.

>> No.4163855

You're totally right about that anon, it's just that there's no study i have on myself that shows any of my skills. Ill give myself a hour tomorrow to give you guys a worthy anatomy study + warm ups

>> No.4164137
File: 105 KB, 512x512, Not him.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2: it's not accepted in the western art academy.
The western art academy and everyone you´re trying to please should go suck a dick, as both their taste and skill are shit.
They´re OK with the garbage western art is, so why you should worry when you follow decide to switch for something clearly better?
And as far as academies are concerned, they only want your money - if your art teacher is a retard who only likes Eisneir and Loomis, tell them to fuck off and join a manga art school in Japan or something.

>> No.4164609

Anon... Japanese is difficult to learn

Update number two : I've started my study And god it's just horrible. I'll show everything once I'm done and satisfied enough.
The problem i could see were :
1: i don't draw "face to face" with my paper.
2 : resize tool doesn't exist when it comes to traditional (because i used to draw a lot digitally, which makes me a total sucker)

>> No.4164621

>It's just that, from memory, i can't do anything.
why not? youd know the strokes. youd know the body. put it together.

>> No.4164625

I'm trying to draw but everything is off. I'll totally get exploded by the whole IC if i post my shit here.

>> No.4164627


>> No.4164641
File: 3.18 MB, 1952x3227, 4chan-finished-drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the finished result. I tried to color it with black and grey watercolor and it's when I took the pic that I realized how much of a horrible artist I am. I seriously need to revise my fundamentals

Do y'all need the first tries and the sketch version?

>> No.4164650
File: 39 KB, 600x801, 1571111419278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Here is the reference by the way. I forgot to add it)

>> No.4165053

your a fucking /beg/, of course your anime style is going to look like shit. Go draw more shit and assess what your problem is.

>> No.4165054

absolutely based

>> No.4165174

I either draw bubble butts or alien as asses I'm used to doing only half bodies, thus my legs and booty suck.

But thank you anon

>> No.4165218
File: 71 KB, 475x476, 1524485728369.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't understand why your trying to explain away the fact that you suck. Go fucking draw instead of making stupid fucking threads. I promise you, if you sit down and draw shit and then take the time to analyze what you did wrong, you will assuredly get better unless your sub 100 IQ. Stop being a baby and actually do work.

>> No.4168013
