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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4157322 No.4157322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>comic books? unreliable, you're a retard for wanting to get into a dying medium, stupid dumbass! You really want to work in COMICS? Dont you know about CAPESHIT? you absolute fool

>Oh, me? I, the white american, am totally going to make it by moving to Japan and entering the manga industry, which is absolutely not at all like comics in any way, and also, as a white american foreigner, totally easier to break into the manga industry of a xenophobic nation of whom i dont even speak the language of

>> No.4157324

>anime is shit!!

>> No.4157325

fuck off to https://www.reddit.com/

>> No.4157329
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Here we have a weeb who, when faced with an argument he cannot defeat, resorts to spastic meltdowns and screaming "Reddit".

>> No.4157477

That's just your average 4chan npc.

>> No.4157480


>> No.4157483

>post something in /beg/
>Gets REEEd at for not being /beg/ and to leave
>Post in drawthread
>Get told to fuck off to /beg/

>> No.4157486
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so tell me how to make a stable income with comics

>> No.4157490

You get good and a comic company hires you, moron

>> No.4157495

>I want to join a discord server that lets me say anything I want without censorship. That's more important to me than actually drawing, fuck SJW trans faggots.

>> No.4157497

no one ever says these things

>> No.4157539


/int/ is for you. >>4130661

>> No.4157558

no one has ever said that

>> No.4157563

>Huurrr you need to exaggerate the gesture because when you add the structure it's gonna be stiff
>posts video of 100% comprehension of concept
>duurrrp duuurp uhhh *runs away*

>> No.4157567

This but unironically

>> No.4157570

Network with comic professionals, especially small ones (dont go badgering Jim Lee or Todd McFarlane like a fuckin retard, try to get good with guys like Jim Mahfood or Victor Santos or Ed Piskor or something), form networking connections, get gigs at Marvel or DC on small books, then go to Image, publish an original work, and option it to Netflix.

>> No.4157575
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>> No.4157580


Yeah, that's what we need, another shitty and useless /v tier thread! Good job, anon.

>> No.4157585

DC has (or had) a page on their website where you can send in a portfolio to be considered. i'm told marvel mostly brings in people from social media or people who know people in the industry

>> No.4157587

why not just focus on telling good stories in a comic medium, instead of wanting to pander to either nationality.

dont bother with capeshit though, unless you are marvel or dc youll be seen as just ripping off their stuff and no one will pay attention to you regardless of how original you try to be.

>> No.4157598

unless you go the super edgy "deconstruction" route and make a comic about how all sidekicks are actually raped and killed in graphic detail while the batman parody screams nigger for 5 pages or smthin

>> No.4157608


Marvel wants you to have the right "point of view"
Disney doesn't give a fuck because they have written it off as a "Lifestyle brand"/ IP farm.

You are better off on your own.
Rumor is they don't give royalties to anyone anymore.
You could get lucky with a movie or tv deal but even those pay very little unless it is actually made. (most of the time they are not.)

>> No.4157624

"I'll make manga in Japan" is a retarded life choice, but
> the manga industry, which is absolutely not at all like comics in any way
is dead wrong. Manga is a massive industry while comic books are dead including capeshit who's on life support, manga seeks to publish original content instead of forcing you to draw capeshit or another 50 year old IP, manga has many different genres and readerships vs. just capeshit read by drooling retards.
Even 70 year old Japanese housewives read manga. Granted, everyone here wants to draw just porn or shonen. But manga is not even close to Western comics, even French comics aren't that varied and have a much more limited public.

>> No.4157626

imagine being such a gigantic faggot that after someone disagrees with you, you decide the best use of your time is to make an entire thread about it because you don't actually draw or care about anything important

fuck off to reddit

>> No.4157633

The west never really had a comics/animation industry. As usual, white old men make something, use it for propaganda, and then let it sit there in a cold casket. Somewhere along the line they forgot they own something that makes them money and spray a little fabreeze in the room but completely miss the mark that the west as a whole just let Japan take what could have been theirs this whole time.

>> No.4157645

It's an incomplete picture. The manga/light novel market covers a lot of what the book industry covers in the West. And books are dead too of course, but Japanese youth prefer reading manga to the point where they might develop literacy problems.

>> No.4157646

>don't you know about capeshit
capeshit isn't a thing you learn about. retard.
>manga is the same as comics
doesn't fucking matter. the claim is that in america it's hard to get a job for making comics. it's about market, it's not about storytelling with pictures being inherently bad for making money or whatever.

at least fucking understand what you're trying to dunk on, before you attempt it.

>> No.4157663

still waiting for the big webtoon-like revelation for the west. big corps probably wont let it happen though.

>> No.4157671
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What's dumb about this?

I've joined two language learning servers.
One is a reddit-infested cesspool where everyone must be respectful and it's a sad dystopia of the blind leading the blind.
The other is full of spergs constantly flinging shit at each other and telling others they are shit, while also discussing methods here and there.

The result? Even the lowest skilled ones on the free server are better than 90% of the redditish server members.

Fuck SJW trans faggots.

>> No.4157675

this but also fuck niggers and kikes.

>> No.4157680

>white old men
that is a funny way to spell new york jews. if you wanna be competent learn the medium's history first retard.

>> No.4157713

>>capeshit isn't a thing you learn about. retard.

Imagine calling anyone a retard when your reading comprehension is this bad

>>doesn't fucking matter. the claim is that in america it's hard to get a job for making comics. it's about market, it's not about storytelling with pictures being inherently bad for making money or whatever.
Yeah and im so fucking sure its easy for a gaijin to just hop the pond and go make it big in the manga industry.

Stupid fucking weeb.

>> No.4157718

>Dont you know about CAPESHIT?

>I'm so fucking sure it's easy
OP makes two claims:
>comics are exactly like manga
>if comics are bad industry, manga must be too
that's the first and this is the second:
>japan is xenophobic
>language barriers

I did not contend the second claim. I don't care about it.
don't @ me

>> No.4157722

Holy fuck you're an idiot.

>> No.4157725
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The rage to outsmart and one up your opponents is a powerful fuel. Rivalry forces people to improve, while stagnating cesspools create a feeling of comfort zone that hinders all your progresses and makes you stagnate as well.
You can see this everywhere, with the best example being the scientific communities: every conference is always 100% a shitfest with people arguing and/or insulting eachother for being retarded, people sleeping or looking up their phones during lectures because they'd rather not waste their time listening to shitty opinions, and young people getting at each other's throat.

There's no point in building powerful weapons if you don't have to fight anything or anyone.

>> No.4157741

Weebs on suicide watch.

>> No.4157772

why do i have to share this earth with you? do you know how miserable it is to be unable to communicate with others effectively? you don't, because you're the reason it happens.
read book

>> No.4157779

jews are white and fall under the same card of tribulation

>> No.4157919

>/ic/ is one person

>> No.4157923


>> No.4157939
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fuck honkies.

>> No.4158267

>moving the goalposts

>> No.4158273

>>not using loomis, NGMI faggy ha ha

>> No.4158277

comic is a daying medium thats a fkn fact

>> No.4158281

>draw porn for the easy bucks, trust me is easy free money

>> No.4158304

And here we have a dumbass who attaches an onionboy or brainlet Wojak to his posts with exaggeration of positions he disagrees with.

>> No.4158307

>weeb is so desperate and angry he screams out "WOJAK WOJAK WOJAK" to the void because he cant fault the argument presented

>> No.4158341

I’m guessing you’re either a newfag or you’re blind

>> No.4158464
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>> No.4158468

>I'm gonna start drawing furry porn

>> No.4158476

You're spamming the board with reddit-tier garbage. Draw or fuck off.

>> No.4158611
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>kys pedo

>> No.4159242 [DELETED] 

[nnng uhhhhhhhhghhhhhhhh oooooooooooooooooooooh coooooooooooooom]