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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 88 KB, 820x860, twt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4152072 No.4152072 [Reply] [Original]

It seems like whatever I post always gets more traction on other places, like instagram...

>> No.4152080

one of many ways:

draw an oc of someone with huge following, ofc see first if they retweet such posts
I saw that my favorite artists retweeted /beg/-tier artworks of their oc and they got some good amount of likes

I realized that I was SLIGHTLY better than those people so I gave it a shot and got 300 likes
but only 7 followers cause i am still shit and don't have much finished work yet

>> No.4152086

Try participating in the #inktober hashtag. That can possibly give you some "follow for follow" followers.

>> No.4152090

I am, and I get way less traction compared to instagram, I get almost no interaction on twitter

>> No.4152093

I got 400 retweets on my first tweet ever, and got a measly 13 followers. Is it because I have nothing else?

>> No.4152095
File: 90 KB, 683x468, 4FB7AA99-9DE2-40F4-9909-74096A87AAEC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chitchat motherfucker.
People there like that you’re friendly, respond to praises, like people’s praises, make big claims about getting better, and have bouts against stressors; the art is second fiddle.

>> No.4152114

does twitter reduce your reach if you don't post for a while?

>> No.4152136


>> No.4152139

sage, faggot.

>> No.4152140

Organic reach is not possible anymore. Social media companies artificially constrain your reach so you pay to boost your posts. Even then they still give you a single digit percentage of the reach you should have, as ad spends are tuned to the likes of McDonalds.

If your product/messaging was perfect: they're still giving you a fraction in the algorithm, they'd be bad at their job if they didn't.

>> No.4152147

Not really i stopped posting on May at 300~ followeres then started posting 2 weeks ago and have been hitting 200+ notes posts and got like 200 more followers.

If anything i feel not posting for a while has helped me

>> No.4152154

Does it look bad if, say, I draw a character from a newely released game and tag the game complany who made it?

>> No.4152171

Do you anons only post at a certain time, or whenever?

>> No.4152174

I’ll say this right now. POST BETWEEN 5 THROUGH 9 PM YOU FUCKS

>> No.4152178

>virgin right time waiter vs chad as soon as finished picture poster

>> No.4152185

Well if you tag the game company and they don’t like/rt you then I guess it’d be a bit embarrassing

>> No.4152189

Check out if they retweet other fanart first

>> No.4152191

I usually post at around 3 pm but sometimes I post it at later times and do fine

>> No.4152195

I was posting at 3am as soon as done shit but waiting gives me a chance to fix my shit before embarrasing myself.

Plus it gains more traction if I post between 11 and 12

>> No.4152207

I gained just two followers form 7 consistent inktober posts, idk anymore.

>> No.4152237
File: 13 KB, 260x260, 1345457562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And I though that getting only 50 new followers from new picture was a bad thing, I'm sorry Anon

>> No.4152246

follow the meme trends

>> No.4152256

twitter sucks. it's full of hivemind retards yelling at each other about shit they barely know about and retweeting edgy posts to prove how "woke" they are

>> No.4152260

Better place to post?

>> No.4152266

post there if you want. there's nowhere else really
instagram is okay for now, lots of samey bullshit though
tumblr is dead
deviantart is full of furries and other deviants
facebook is just as bad as twitter
pillowfort is a joke

>> No.4152335

If you have a lot of japanese followers, that's probably a good time to post because that's when a lot of them are getting up for work and will check their twitter feed during their commute to work. And it gives your post good visibility for your North/South American followers because that's when it's the evening for most of them.

For some reason, I always get the worst numbers when I post in the afternoon (Like 1-4PM EST). The best times are either early in the morning or during the evening for me.

>> No.4152340

Just don't get involved or comment on any drama at all. I strictly use my account for either posting or RTing art related things or funny maymays.

>> No.4152343

adding onto that, even *if* you're of the political leaning that the rest of your target audience agrees with, talking politics would only ever help you if you already have a following of that target audience - otherwise you're fair game to people outside of it.

>> No.4152441
File: 42 KB, 403x533, 1434416509065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>big artist with a fuck ton of followers does the thing where they want smaller artists to introduce and advertise their work in hopes they get more traction
>majority of the people replying to this thread already have a fuck ton of followers but slightly less that the main artist
>they get more attention than the ones with legitimately smaller followers

>> No.4152447

This is so true, too bad I'm probably autistic. Can't think of anything to say but "nice" or what to tweet besides art.

>> No.4152479

>doodles someone's character in sketchbook because I liked their design
>was just gonna let it rot on my drive like everything else
>later decide to post it just to get some activity on my feed
>they retweet it
>it gets over 1K likes and 130+ new followers, including a few artists I really admire

certainly unexpected ill say that much

>> No.4152612
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If I want to build up a following to let people know about the status of my projects, is Twitter the best place to do so? It feels like Instagram is more for brainlessly scrolling whereas people actually read news occasionally on Twitter to me.

>> No.4152638

I see those RT art intros all the time, should I comment and post my art? Or is that just annoying to my followers

>> No.4152666

Don’t, more often than not begs will flood the post and viewers will tune out of it without seeing your stuff.
Listen to >>4152095 then realize that emo loneliness is cooler than hanging around someone popular as their (platonic) admirer.

>> No.4152672
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It's always the pictures I consider not posting that get me a ton of followers
I dont even know why I care about followers or likes at this point though. When I reach a milestone im just like ok and want to reach the next one. I just feel like wow 4k people liked my shitty drawing... cool.. lol

>> No.4152680

Well... you're correct, but should you say anything long, have a blog or some shit like DA where you can submit journals.

>> No.4152682

For some reason communicating over the internet has always been more awkward to me compared communicating in real life. I would think with my personality it would be the opposite.

But definitely the accounts I've seen grown the most are from people who are outgoing and always give positive comments are people's work.

It always feels like the art that gets the most attention are the ones that you didn't expect like small sketches. But the art that gets the least attention is the ones you put your heart and soul into.

A lot of people use Twitter for posting news and updates now, a role that was once held by RSS (rip).

>> No.4152953

A couple weeks ago I had around 100 followers, I admit I'm pretty new to twitter, and only really uploaded a couple sketches. Last week, I uploaded a painting and it blew up. I got to 1k followers yesterday, and then posted another painting which also blew up. I gained another 1k over night til today. I don't really think I did anything special, but I try to reply to every compliment I receive/chat with people/show my genuine gratitude, post around 5 pm on Monday nights (I hear Wednesdays and Fridays are good too, my sketches got around 1-2k likes and I posted those on Sundays), and I tagged the art with one hashtag which was the series that it was fanart for. Since I was doing fanart, it helps if you are genuinely enthusiastic about what you're drawing for. I tend to be autistically (I legitimately have autism) into the anime I drew the fanart for, so I draw a lot for it and I do it not really expecting much from it, just want to have fun drawing characters I like. Today, the voice actor who is voicing a character I drew followed me too, which was really cool. I never would have expected anything like this to happen and it wouldn't have if I pussied out and didn't try.

>> No.4152954

Hey, congrats man. That sounds really nice, I'm glad you got popular doing art you were really enjoying, and not just stuff you were churning out for attention. Hope things keep on going well for you

>> No.4152965

Thank you very much, anon. It's definitely a dream. My biggest advice to anyone is pretty much that. Just try to be as genuine as you can and draw the things you want to draw. People can really tell when you're very into something. And always be appreciative of those who support you, interact with them, thank them, they really do love when artists reply.

>> No.4152966

I have 0 friends Online nor IRL to follow my work.
How do I deal with this ?
My first step is to create 3 dummy accounts to follow mine then I follow twitter accounts with 50 followers.

>> No.4152969

Follow other small artists, go to the self promo thread and pick out some artists you like there and follow them, and they might notice you and follow back

>> No.4152970

I didn't have any friends when I started my account either. I just made a post that said "Hi, I'm new to twitter, I'm an artist and I draw (insert genre here), I need some people to follow so please like/rt if you post x, y, z" (fill in your interests, like things you'd draw fanart of, art, etc.) you'll get some interaction on that post. It will be follow for follow at first, but you only need to do that to a certain point. I did made mutuals until I was at about 30 followers and then I started posting my art, which those people retweeted.

>> No.4152974

I'll add you.

>> No.4152979

ive gotten 0 notice from anybody on twitter during inktober.

>> No.4152980

>retards yelling at each other about shit they barely know
bitch that aint just twitter. look around you.

>> No.4152983

I think that the hashtag might be too active to gain attention unless you already have a fair amount of followers to begin with. What fandom-y things are you into? Anime, vidya, etc?

>> No.4152986

pokemon is really the only thing i get off my butt to do fan art for. but i post that kind of stuff to deviantart. as dead as deviantart is these days i still tend to get a few random favorites from people ive never met.

>> No.4152991

Post it to Twitter too, they really like Pokemon there and you could gain some appreciation for your [Pokemon related works. Probably more than Deviantart, because it's dead.

>> No.4152995

Thanks, for the informative advice.

You should follow someone depending on their artstyle, genre, quality of their art .
I don't need a pity follow from someone who doesn't even like my art.

>> No.4153001

My art is a little gore ? Well it's just blood, no disgusting internal organs. Am I allowed in twitter ?

>> No.4153019

Nobody looks at tags. You need to befriend people with a lot of followers so they RT you. Those popular people probably got popular by drawing coom so all the people seeing the RTs will be coomers who won't follow you unless you draw coom as well.. Or they will be women who will only RT you if you're a woman.

>> No.4153477

So, right now I'm following 5x the number of followers I have, is this bad?

>> No.4153479

Not really.
Worrying about following/follower ratio is silly. It has no bearing on the amount of traction you're getting on the site

>> No.4153566

I can't come up with a fitting username but I want to start posting stuff now. Let's say I gained a decent amount of followers after a couple of months - would it be detrimental if I then came up with a username and changed the twitter handle?

>> No.4154042

>My art is a little gore ?
I don't know, anon, is it?

Cartoony but sadly accurate.

I'll baptize you, tell me things you like.
For mine I did brainstorm and fill an entire page before I was satisfied, though.

>> No.4154051
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Not him but I'm also struggling to find a handle, filled a couple pages too but I'm not satisfied, gotta do it again soon.
I draw a ton of ruins, sea life, dragons, moths and fantasy shit, and am aiming to publish stories online. Please get me something!

>> No.4154066
File: 280 KB, 596x720, 1544445235928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have only checked for Twitter availability, research a bit and modify as needed if you like any.

>> No.4154759

fuck thats why I only got 1 retweet on my last drawing

posted at 8am lol

>> No.4154868
File: 310 KB, 566x755, 1552486954056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn nice, thank you anon

>> No.4154954

>I draw a ton of ruins
rural life eh? koeda_no_taba (小枝の束) has a very poetic meaning anon go for it

>> No.4154990

Not him, but that is totally Twitter. All it is is virtue signaling, outrage over dumb shit and Companies pandering and trying to be relatable which actually fucking works on twittertarts with people eating up their shitty viral marketing.

Basically twitter users are worse than redditors, youtube commenters, twitch users and boomers combined.

>> No.4155086

>I'll baptize you, tell me things you like.
>For mine I did brainstorm and fill an entire page before I was satisfied, though.

Sure, why not. Could be a useful brainstorming exercise if nothing else.

I do digital art but my inspirations are all traditional artists. I like the pulpy mix of things like beautiful naked women with horror elements, fantasy warriors and dinosaurs. I love vintage paleo/dinosaur art; you know that kind of gritty aesthetic with distant erupting volcanoes and misty valleys filled with prehistoric beasts. Anything pulp and retro sci-fi. Fantasy artists like Frazetta and Jeff Jones. Love gaudy 70's/80's stuff - toy and video game box art wih neon colors. The retro horror look green slime, weird goofy monsters, spooky skeletons, dead crooked trees and victorian mansions. Airbrushed horror VHS/poster art with tiddies and blood. So yeah basically the taste of a 13 year old boy in the 80's

>> No.4155097

Sometimes it feels that way. I have 1k followers and haven't posted for ~2 months due to irl issues and when I posted a piece 2 days ago it got 0 attention which is unusual, but it could also be that no one gave a shit about it

>> No.4155216

If you ignore the drama providers then you'll be fine. My feed was made out of drawings and costhots. Pros follow some of the drama people but that's just because they have to most of the times. Actual respectable pros just keep it to the point.

>> No.4155525
File: 147 KB, 282x395, 1540278003476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck!

>koeda_no_taba (小枝の束)
Ok, this is epic.

Again, I only checked Twitter for availability, do proper research before choosing.


*Might be hard for braindead people to read/type.

>> No.4155542

>try my hand at a few joke nicknames
>all taken in 2009, 1 tweet
>tfw you forget you have a curse

>> No.4155652

thnx bro that gave me some ideas

>> No.4156826

i just post my fanart on reddit linked to my twitter page, it gets good traction

>> No.4156830

>All these semi cool names.
>None of them lend themselves to being remembered.

>> No.4156838

Meh. If someone with a bland name like "Peter Jackson" can become famous, the responsibility lies entirely on you!

>> No.4157795

I don't know what I'm doing wrong. I wanted to build up some followers, so I tried posting a drawing every day or every other day for a month for better consistency. I even drew fanarts from all kinds of different franchises as well as open request drawings from followers. Yet all this had almost no effect, if anything it got worse on likes, RTs and followers. Before I made a drawing every 1.5 weeks if at all and had absolutely zero interactions with people. Might be because I'm still relatively small and don't draw NSFW but I feel like it's pointless to waste any more energy on this website.

>> No.4157798

>don't draw NSFW
Then you need appeal, comedy and/or high skill, good luck

>> No.4157812

I'm trying to figure out appeal and I'm always on the grind to get my skill up to the level that I'd be satisfied with. Right now I feel like my art could do much better on social media if only it'd get some traction. It's not great but I don't think it's as bad as the numbers suggest. Is the key to 'making it' really just drawing porn? I thought this stupid coomer meme was yet another one of /ic/s shitposts.

>> No.4157815

No. Stop bitching about traction or coom, get good instead. Faggot.

>> No.4157820

I'm probably doing more than you to get good every day, Mr. Crabs. But you're right, I'm wasting valuable drawing time here, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.4157823

I'm not a crab, I'm telling you to stop being a bitch. If your subjects are niche or you're too proud to pander, get good and people will gather around you anyway. It's a basic fact of life, grow up.

>> No.4157826

>Be east asian

>> No.4157976

>Is the key to 'making it' really just drawing porn?
if you are ok with doing it it's literally easy mode

>> No.4158030

Post your work, it might be a case of your stuff not being good enough.
Alternatively, try to focus on a few franchises, because people (myself included) are more likely to follow somebody who draws the things they like consistently vs. somebody whose subjects are all over the place.

>> No.4158058

Difficult to say, how much time has passed? I follow artists with almost empty accounts unless they haven't posted for months.

>> No.4158155

Get into kpop. I just asked who Jimin was as a joke because he was trending and in just 5 minutes at least 10 people were spamming my twitter mentions with vieos about him. Kpop fans are also very willing to pay money for their favs, so I could see them going crazy for prints of them

>> No.4158159

You don't sound like you know who your audience is.

>> No.4159593

Yeah it's probably a mix of me still sucking at art and not knowing my audience as >>4158159 also said. I'm also really working hard at understanding appeal because I feel like all my drawings lack this big time. Another thing is I used Twitter analytics and apparently the majority of my followers are people who live in eastern and central America who like content related to dogs, eventhough I never drew a dog or anything related to this.

>> No.4159916

I'm still waiting for your works/blog.

>> No.4159926

Hey, bros. I am also going to make a twitter but I don't know what to call myself. I draw mostly anything war or military related. I like to inject humor into my posts, too. I really like military and guns, also. Nature is beautiful too, I love nice green landscapes

>> No.4159933

>waste any more energy on this website.
here's a strategy: focus on the socmedia that works best for you.
Gather up a small follower base and let them know you have other socmedia.
People will probably follow you on their own favorite platform once they get your @.
And so you can wait till you start getting followers on twitter/facebook/whatever before you put energy into those platforms.
If that makes any sense. Basically get your followers where it's easiest and let them know they can get your content on the other platforms too.

>> No.4159964
File: 58 KB, 632x632, 1547801679110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JungianSlapstick *
FullmetalHumorist *
JohnnyHurray/Hurrah *

*A bit hard to spell for dumdums.

>> No.4159965

My bad, BoomHaha is already taken.

This will have to do: OhohoRatatat

>> No.4159993

How exactly did it blow up? From using the hashtag #painting? Or something else?

>> No.4160413

I'm not really sure. It was fanart for Jojo's Bizarre Adventure so I used the hashtag #jjba.

>> No.4160449

Only networking matters on Twitter. You need to have popular people RT you, but if you are not popular nobody will befriend you in the first place because they can't dip into your audience in return. Which means it's just popular people sharing their followers and wanking each other off. I happened to have a popular artist who RTd my shit, we parted ways and I went from ~100 likes to 0. Also all the followers I got from her were coomers with porn in their timeline, so even if you are "lucky" to get RTd by someone popular you might get a following you hate. At the low-mid range of popularity it's all coom artists or SJWs.
It doesn't matter if you RT more, I see great artists who RT other, sometimes bad artists all the time to show "support" and they have like 50 followers. It's just straight up nepotism.

>> No.4161360

welp time to draw my boi josuke

>> No.4161374

You gotta remember to tell them to like, favorite, subscribe, and smash that notification button because they definitely forgot about that since last time.

>> No.4161464

If you guys have some anime or tv show you like, you should see if there's some specific inktober hashtag that's trending for your random

For example #Feinktober is a trending inktober hashtag for the fire emblem fandom. Have a Waifu you really liked from FE three houses? Draw and post her under this hashtag and you might get noticed. It doesn't even have to be in ink if you want

>> No.4161466

Tfw you hate to draw fanart

>> No.4161501

HUH HAHAHA YOU PATHETIC MORTALS. I post absolutely nothing and I get 10K followers A DAY. yes, this does make me a better person. Also i'm rich and have freinds now because of this. Also i lost my virginity and became famous.

>> No.4161512

I'd actually love to see that, anon. I love Josuke.
Yeah, Jojo has one as well. I just feel weird posting my work in any inktober hashtags because I don't ink my drawings, I usually just paint!
I love drawing fanart, but I know there's a lot of artists who hate it. Don't draw fanart if you hate to do it, keep working on your original stuff and hang in there. Authenticity and genuine passion will be palpable in your work if you're doing it out of love and not obligation.

>> No.4162033


>> No.4162057
File: 491 KB, 720x893, FUCK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unironically, numbers is a very fucking scary game and it turns people into this unironically. When it doesn't affect me, it fucking makes the people I know get real fuckin wiggy. An art fag I know liked somebody a lot, once that somebody got over art fags followers, he started hating on that somebody. It's also creepy to see them constantly go on not about the quality of some artists, but the follower count.

Heed the warning here. Numbers ain't everything. I keep finding sub 500 followers with great stuff to put out. If you're trying for this game, my tips are this, they actually go in line with general art faggotry in general but.
Keep your profile clean. Try to only post your good shit, with some retweets (of good art) inbetween.
Don't let your followers forget about you. They'll be more likely to spread the word of who you are if you make good shit consistently.
Pop around replies a lot. Try to stay actively being nice to people. Even if people you reply to don't reciprocate, your mutual followers will see them and you interacting, and will like that. (Followers who like you will be more likely to share your stuff!)
Some people you can try to do gifts for- and since you are broaching a large new audience, always make sure its the best you have to offer. Spikedmauler, ACGats, RaydioJD, Glacierclear, NoillArt, DONDRRART (or DONDRR). It helps to also release a few of your best works before as well, since you'll generate a major amount of interest in your profile.

This is a big no no. Your twitter profile is like a stream or a river. You're only going to get as much water going through it as there are points for water to flow into it. This'll be other art sites like deviant art, tumblr, or the usual porn sites. You *need* to remember this rule. Lest you want to grow stagnant. Hope this all helps.

>> No.4162077

those are not japananese, but westerners/chinks/taiwan/singapore pretending to be japanese.

>> No.4162083

you literally asked "how to deal with this" and now you're responding to that anon with "I don't need a pity follow from someone who doesn't even like my art"

I think you have 0 friends and followers for different reasons anon

>> No.4162085

This is all bullshit. I know several sub 100 followers artists who do all 4 things and aren't growing for shit. It's just about going for the lowest common denominator. Draw coom fanart, say you're trans and oppressed, dogpile on who Twitter agreed to shit on in that moment, orange man bad, virtue signaling etc.
On Instagram, you use a bot and like random posts with the tags that match your content so people see your profile in their timeline and follow you back. Once you have enough followers you start popping into suggestions and you start growing.
Your content only needs to be not complete garbage, the rest is all marketing aka pandering, lies and cheating.

>> No.4162109

It could just be that they're bad, that also is a major factor.

>> No.4162120

It wasn't a guide to get followers, its just tips. The fourth is probably more relevant to a guide and growing exponentially, a caveat to drawing for the artists I mentioned is that you're also drawing for an audience that likes that artist, for various reasons. If you check off most of their boxes, they'll probably follow you. Probably. For everytime I've done fan art of somebody's oc. I've only seen major growths in numbers.

You aren't wrong though when it comes to lowest common denominator, but you also have to factor in what makes them stay, and not *just* retweet your shit or download and repost it elsewhere. Going for meme art just leaves you with work going uncredited. And exposure bucks being unpayed.

>> No.4162411

I got a hundred or so followers by drawing in Hirohiko Araki's style and having a big Jojo fanartist retweet me.

>> No.4162422

cut the channer attitude shit and start being attentive and respectful

>> No.4163356

Doesn't it look bad if your profile is full of famous artist's OCs so they will retweet your shit?

>> No.4163397

what did he mean by this?

>> No.4163530


>> No.4163624

>This is all bullshit. I know several sub 100 followers artists who do all 4 things and aren't growing for shit.
I hate this phrase, but please post their work. I'm 100% sure their art isn't very good and that's why they haven't succeeded much. If a very good porn artist like, say, gloss or eigaka started a fresh twitter account and met the 'friendliness' and 'gifts' requirements, I bet they would blow up in no time.

>> No.4163636

I don't want to bring anyone in a negative spotlight but I assure you it's the stuff you would expect to see on ArtStation.
I also know people who are really, really good artists who do plenty of work, and have virtually no following even if they post regularly.
I don't even consider porn artists because porn doesn't even have basic quality standards.

>> No.4163642

This, most of the time, their arts are just mediocre, unappealing and they don't post frequently.

If say, a good porn artist, with good quality and an appealing style, post one piece in 2-3 days. Getting ~5k-10k followers per month on Twitter is pretty normal.

Unless they want 25k followers in a week like Nickleflick, that's another story.

>> No.4163653

I have no idea wtf you're smoking, porn does have quality standards, it's just lower than sfw ones.

Half of this board draw porn, why only Kyle and BBCChan have a large number of followers on Twitter?

>> No.4163667

Quality is not how well you render a futa cock. Shit taste idiot.

>> No.4163746

I get it, you must be one of those sub 100 followers artists. It's really sad that no matter how hard you try, no one care about your mediocre works.

>> No.4163760


I find it only useful for corporate events. you draw a vip, they retweet. only in work related contexts. (cartooning/political stuff etc)

other than that dunno, prolly other strategies as well

so pretty much

>> No.4163779

Nah I'm not one of them. But please kill yourself. You are a fucking blight.

>> No.4163836

Speaking of which, does anyone know if instagram bots are a good idea? If so can you give some examples of some good free ones?
I've heard they can lead to shadowbanning but if they're relatively safe I'd have no qualms with using one, trying to get followers on instagram is annoying

>> No.4165443

God dammit, it just keeps happening. Still getting next to no interaction with any of my inktober posts...

>> No.4166189

I did this already and while it gained me 30-40 times the likes, RTs and followers than my usual posts, it also felt really bad because I feel like I'm just leeching off of other people's popularity. And it feels especially bad knowing that my stuff is usually in the single digits when I post.
I'm doing all of this, probably not to the extent that is needed apparently, but I'm always replying to comments in some way and I give people opportunities to send in requests, my twitter only has my art and RTs of art related stuff that fits with my content. I guess I'll just need to stick around for another year or so, maybe it just comes naturally.
I used Inktober to get myself to draw more traditionally and draw regularly in general. I already knew that it won't get any interaction on social media so I just used this event for working on my art.

>> No.4166358

>it also felt really bad because I feel like I'm just leeching off of other people's popularity.
I really hope you don't draw fanart then

>> No.4166856

No, it looks like you drew them to get retweets. So what? If they showcase what you can do, who cares?

>> No.4168119

Good point. Also sage

>> No.4170552
File: 437 KB, 1815x2808, 1157795869749653504_EBFRM-1WwAEazEM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you supposed to use hashtags or not?

>> No.4171309

Stay SFW man, those saying otherwise want you to fall in the same trap.
Misery loves company.

>> No.4171318

Nice one, nsfw artist

>> No.4171865

You can take the slightly cynical route and draw flavor of the month fan art or any fan at at all and gain a shallow following, or get along with other people who may share your work and be more likely to follow you solely for your work

>> No.4171868

Any number under 7,000 is the new "small"

>> No.4172238

>shallow followers
So either get people to follow me because they want more art of their currently popular waifus or get people to follow me because I say nice things about their art eventhough I (maybe) don't really like it? Doesn't make a difference to me desu.
So 250 is basically non-existent then.
I will.

>> No.4172543

how many followers do you have now? and whats your average number of RT's and engagement when you post a pic?

>> No.4172565

If you use too many hashtags you get shadowbanned

>> No.4172573

I've had the complete opposite experience of the OP. I had good traction on twitter (stuff getting over 3k likes), but I have absolutely no idea how to use instagram. I've gotten barely any likes per piece and barely any followers.

>> No.4172576

feel like ive done it once ,i dont think i can delete the account

>> No.4172645

happened to me too, it goes away after a couple of days
now posting a pic every two days or so with a couple of # and no issue

>> No.4172840

>Try to make the best drawing I can
>Barely any interaction aside from friends
>Teenagers draw shitty toony ocs that get more attention than my own stuff
Maybe I should just close my account and accept that no one will pay attention to my own art

>> No.4172879

Just draw what you like and have fun dood. I myself barely get any engagement, but I'm happy with the 10k impressions from Inktober so far.

>> No.4173012

There are ton of artists on twitter who are pretty shitty but have a ton of followers. I legit don't understand how.

>> No.4173035

>Just draw what you like and have fun dood.
I want to have fun but I also want to share my artwork. I think it's unfair for me to see shitty art get much more engagement than mine.

>> No.4173041

then dont play the numbers mind game. its only going to make you feel worse.

>> No.4173042
File: 164 KB, 900x555, feel paintings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw lose followers after RTing other's art
how are you supposed to do the networking meme here? Commenting and liking is visible to everyone, so not only will it be clear that you're just fagging for attention, it clutters up your account.

>> No.4173044

pms bro
unless its a really big account or someone who goes out of their way to be cocky they'll probably hold a servicable conversation with you. if you want easy asspats, target minors/artists with low skill level and a large following

>> No.4173052
File: 20 KB, 768x302, twitter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm concerned about is how things like pic related show up on other people's timelines

>> No.4173190


>> No.4173224

As much I hate to admit, drawing porn is the way to go to.

twitter is filled with zoom zoom coomers so drawing porn of the latest anime that is popular with them will easily net you some followers. I was talking to a friend of mine and she gained a lot of followers because she drew fanart of that kimetsu no kaiba anime and it was a lewd of the chick with the bamboo thing in her mouth.

>> No.4173273

post your shit then, lets see how much attention it deserves

>> No.4173277

i never RT to keep my page clean and i grow no problem
people who like to RT decent shit RT me anyway

and the huge people who follow me usually also want to keep their page clean so they wont RT anyway

>> No.4173280

>Commenting and liking is visible to everyone, so not only will it be clear that you're just fagging for attention, it clutters up your account.
a) nobody cares
b) it wont because the default view is "Tweets" no tweets and replies or likes

>> No.4173353

You’re already sharing with the impressions aren’t you? Just stop paying attention to engagements then. Optionally, you can share your work here too.

>> No.4173578

get suspended then come back

>> No.4173677

Followers are around 200 and I usually have an average of 2-3RTs when I post a pic. Whenever I draw a popular artist's OCs or characters it's completely different though. The last time I did that I had close to 200RTs.

>> No.4173855

>>minority sjw
>>some kind of cripple
>>grade A charlatan
>>white onions male being a good ally

if you're not rocking any of these, I'm afraid so say, but you won't make it.

>> No.4173899

you should specify girl with """""depression""""", not actual depression

>> No.4173900

this african american bruthha knows what's up.

>> No.4173950

>grade A charlatan
something about this concept is hilarious

>> No.4175540
File: 36 KB, 529x518, 295545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do people who don't produce content gain traction? I see some literally whos with five-digit follower counts, like what gets people to follow them? Is it just networking or a matter of time? Do you have to make funee viral meem tweets?

>> No.4175672

That and "anxiety".
Women think anxiety is not knowing what to order at Starbucks. Such attention whores.

>> No.4175762

Hire some shills.

>> No.4175781

i wish this wasn't true but it is. wouldn't say women though, normies.

back in school when people gave speeches, people (yeah, girls) before me would go
>tee hee, oh i'm so nervous haha
>sorry haha
and act all cute and then i'd go up afterwards, shaking, sweating profusely, incoherent, and essentially on autopilot, overwhelmed by the stress, phasing out of reality. and these people staring at me, hoping to god i'll stop talking soon.

>> No.4175812

like anyone in their right mine would want to follow someone who screams nigger and faggot all over their timeline. Enjoy working at Mcdonalds

>> No.4175910

Yeah it's more along the lines of saying "omg i'm so OCD xD" or using being anxious and having anxiety interchangeably. Doesn't sound right to say it's limited to women but since men are less prone to showing emotion it mostly seems that way.

>> No.4176170

I started about three months ago and netted nearly 500 followers so far. As a strictly SFW artist who has not done much fanart, how am I faring so far?

>> No.4176187

and your subject matter?

>> No.4176193

There's a privacy option for that

>> No.4176224

It's kind of all over the place right now. Mostly my OCs and a couple of unfinished gifs, but there are a few featuring others' and a bit of fanart here and there.

>> No.4176226

for SFW that is more than good actually

>> No.4176241

God following female artists on twitter is fucking insufferable. All they do is like posts by their (fat) camwhore friends, retweet trans rights crap and some other irrelevant bullshit. Maybe 1/10 posts is their own art. This is why I have to come to respect coomer artists who only post art, and daily.

>> No.4176960

Stop following western female artists. They're all pretentious drama bitches

>> No.4177026

Recently unfollowed a retard girl retweeting some EPIC BLACK PEOPLE MEMES XD, It was too much for me.

Does your handle begin with W?
If so, you definitely have the quality to keep your audience, but I believe fanart was still the reason people found you in the first place. Check your Media timeline and you'll see growth spikes on fanart, and after the spike your original art increases its usual number of interactions.

>> No.4177030


>> No.4177034

I tried to look that up and got nothing but this very thread. thanks ddg

>> No.4177042

fuck you, the futa cock is the most important part

>> No.4177076
File: 265 KB, 880x819, woWide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HOW do talentless nigger hacks blow up overnight? why does their shelling out get more attention then mine? why cant i just draw what i want in peace and pull numbers all the while like the kids/ocfags/furries i see popping up in my TL??

i dont want to network! i dont want to entertain normies on discord and leddit! i dont want to draw coomershit!

FUCK this platform and FUCK sharing my art with people

>> No.4177379

Unironically pure luck. All it takes is someone with 50k followers to retweet your shit.