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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 319 KB, 445x367, 99cc8ee8aaeeb00f2bfc480330e614bd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4131548 No.4131548 [Reply] [Original]

Why cant westerners do womens faces right?

>> No.4131555

Because (most) western women are fat or ugly.
Asian girls are almost always skinny and cute. The asians hold themselves to a higher standard.

>> No.4131559


>> No.4131560

Yet another weeaboo bait thread

This board is doomed.

>> No.4131564

More accurate than le uguu face

>> No.4131566
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>> No.4131569
File: 707 KB, 658x612, westernmax.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4131596

Fpbp and trips of truth, witnessed.

>> No.4131599
File: 85 KB, 1600x885, 8FCCF2BB-0A37-41F8-A6EE-B1F3B9B6F510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4131600

Post appealing western women faces then.
Im waiting for you to dig all the way into the 1800's or post easterrn/russian paintings.

>> No.4131603

Hahahah, called it

>> No.4131620
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>> No.4131623
File: 5 KB, 240x200, 1541660198871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are ight op

kawaii is a gen only east asians have thus making unable the filthy witu piggu to make glorious anime

what we must do is use our faces as seats for the glorious moe creators, like we deserve

>> No.4131632

There are tons of appealing western women faces, the root of the problem is that you have shit taste Anon.

>> No.4131642
File: 15 KB, 250x293, 250px-Meisje_met_de_parel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least pic a better example

>> No.4131656


>> No.4131675
File: 535 KB, 693x930, FireShot Screen Capture #964 - '_ic_ - Artwork_Critique » Thread #3334020' - boards_fireden_net_ic_thread_3334020_#3334418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that this is a shitpost thread but let me remind you this type of people actually exist and lurk on this board


>> No.4131681

>weebs are low test fags
And water is wet

>> No.4131697
File: 686 KB, 1220x2886, ic_tier_weeb_this_is_what_a_thinks_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4131757
File: 54 KB, 640x640, 49933780_361686867719995_6804497730592535885_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you even try to look?

>> No.4131759


>> No.4131771
File: 216 KB, 640x640, 4131757.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just curious. Do you not see this problem, or do you not mind it?

>> No.4131773

looks like a very minor stylistic choice to me.

apply the same logic to anime styles

>> No.4131775

That’s kind of a major problem unless the ref is part antelope

>> No.4131776

not really you crab, unless you wish to say only 1:1 realism is good because in that case literally none of the japs can draw for shit.

stop crabbing

>> No.4131781

>looks like a very minor stylistic choice to me.

That wasn't my question. I was asking if you noticed this issue.

I'm not OP, I don't care about whatever he's asking. But for most people, symmetry and balance in the face is a big part of appeal, even if it is subconscious. If you didn't notice this in the first place, that's a problem.

>> No.4131783

I prefer western art but she is looking slightly to her left and her left eye is farther from her nose than her right. Are you blind? Or maybe you have a grossly asymmetrical face as well?

>> No.4131785

It's not Fucking FAIR.

>> No.4131839

Bullshit and fuck you you nip worshipping weeb.

>> No.4131917

imagine worshipping the same cows that are acitively hating on you and want you gone everyday.

>> No.4131966

>Asian girls are almost always skinny and cute.
skinny does not equal cute tho

>> No.4131987

Japans obesity rate is like 3% for the whole country, it's just a fact that they have far fewer disgusting cow women.

>> No.4131992

based amerimutt

>> No.4131994

more attractive than blubber

>> No.4132085

yes it does, for women at least

>> No.4132086

I find this funny because to me the most appealing japanese artists use western concepts of beauty and western facial features.
Probably because their artists are trained traditionally based on western masters from renaissance to late 1800s.
Compare it to korean artists who actually use korean facial features for their females because their women get plastic surgery at 18 to not look generic and flat faced.

>> No.4132087

Or I should say they go from generic ugly to generic beauty.

>> No.4132089
File: 133 KB, 951x1109, y7ksu3wmhkwixqyf0cvd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>western concepts of beauty and western facial features
nope, blue eyes + blonde hair does not equal their facial features.

>> No.4132097

Average japs dont look like that. Both examples have big eyes and high and narrow noses bridges. Are there no asian people where you live?

>> No.4132099

i'd agree to an extent that asian artists might tend to emulate asian people, but the narrative the picture you attached tells is an oversimplified one.
we're talking generalities, and stylisation often several steps removed from life drawings. so to say that anime characters look like asian people is not really true; it's that they look MORE asian than american, because they look like neither.

>> No.4132100

That chie art is atypical. In her other art she has a clearly pointy nose and the eye looks monolid. In fact pretty much every anime female has western eye shapes, western nose. A lot have pointed chins.
They should have overwheelmingly round faces, small round chins and bulb nose if they want to be generic japanese.
Even the most popular jav models are half-japanese.

>> No.4132106

that's just because you've not seen many asian people. it might surprised you but asian people can tell the difference between each other.

>> No.4132109

But essentially nobody is symmetrical. Doesn’t make them ugly by default.

>> No.4132110

George Clooney?!

>> No.4132122

I've seen plenty. Undeniable that compared to western variety Japan and korea suffer from limited gene pool syndrome combined with conformism and the fact that they all have the same hair and eye color with rare exceptions.
Then their art tries desperately to break away from this.

>> No.4132136


>> No.4132214

Its japanese exclusively, slavic women are white and their faces are easy to tell apart from nordoid.
>inb4 slavs are not white
they have more blonde hair and blue eyes percentage than americans, white in my book.

>> No.4132217

>asian women are all racist caricatures
Nice try coping white woman, youre not hot shit anymore when hair dye and contact lenses exist.

>> No.4132221
File: 589 KB, 638x495, 5414281f1d524f704ad45424861ca0c4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4132224

>asians aren't racist caricatures
>they all look like anime women
this is a very strange thread.

>> No.4132225

>they all look like anime women
Are you retarded? they dont look like literal cartoons but the cartoon is clearly representing them.
/ic/ keeps surprising me with the simp mentality

>> No.4132228

yes, i followed.
very strange thread.

>> No.4132229

>anime is a racist caricature
I think youre the only strange one in this thread

>> No.4132235

Because maralfaggotry has drilled into them that the peak of female beauty and fertility is forbidden to even ever look at because if you find the physical features of 15-17 year old women endearing it means you want to fuck toddlers.

Women age like milk so forcing western artists to sample from 25-30yo hollywood hags who've already gotten wrecked by 30 rabbis and hooked on dugs before they got the chance to show up in a shitty commercial ensures that the real beauty of western women is never represented in western media.

>> No.4132242

samefag or do you people really not know how to read?

>> No.4132247

your post is still not making any sense.

>> No.4132255

>that right eye placement
>tumblr nose
>caterpillar brows
Youre a meme

>> No.4132276

Thick eyebrows and high cheekbones are what you select for in a face if you want your child to be a Chadder Chad than his father.
The kids of a chad and a masculine woman are chads and supermodels.
The kids of a chad and a venus are softboys and masculine women
The kids of a chad and a supermodel are fatbalds and dykes
You don't go max test or max estrogen to have the best kids, you go one step below your own.

>> No.4132278

I remember seeing this guy on deviantart more than a decade ago. Wow he hasn't improved one iota.

>> No.4132478

Fucking based

>> No.4132479

Nice study but you Ngmi proportions are off and perspective looks weird, also the color palette is beg tier, is this ps or csp?

>> No.4132482

now i wonder if you think you are funny or you just want to bump the thread

>> No.4132486

Keep wondering faggot

>> No.4132524

This shit is not even remotely fucking close to being true you fucking retards.

>> No.4132531

Ya seethe muttoid?

>> No.4132554

Once again, that's not the question. You can have your personal opinion about what qualifies as an appealing face, and that's fine by me. What I asked is whether you actually noticed that asymmetry in perspective. If you didn't, that's a big hole in your game, because that means you're not perceiving this as many other people would. You're incapable of seeing the problem that other people see in it (and it's not a small problem. This asymmetry would be worse from front view.)

>> No.4132729

Why is it a problem? If we have differing opinions as to what’s attractive that’s fine. But it still doesn’t make it a problem. Additionally, if the artist was using a model or real-life reference, it wouldn’t be “incorrect,” it’d be accurate. So let me know why it’s a problem. And then kindly pyw faggot

>> No.4132740


>> No.4132795
File: 580 KB, 500x375, pikachu.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I told you that it's okay for different people to have different tastes?

>> No.4132820

It's pretty clearly a construction error. Even if you chalk it up to an intentional stylistic decision, it still absolutely doesn't work with the realistic rendering, it just triggers the uncanny valley. On top of that it's pretty obviously intended to be a portrait of a conventionally attractive woman.
Not to trash the artist though, it's probably just an oversight.

>> No.4132960

What if I told you it is not okay?

>> No.4132971
File: 346 KB, 1526x1600, 1563272927595.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Throw every other piece of art under the bus or not grasping the concept of not liking something without the need to fuck it
get the fuck out of my board you cancerous degenerate

>> No.4132992

BASED & Truthpilled

>> No.4132993

>Post appealing western women faces then.
I was starting to gather examples but it's pointless isn't it? Not only there's a ton of obvious examples of Western characters that are way more appealing than anime, but those characters also have infinitely more potential for acting, which is something that you, being a pleb shit for brains weeaboo, can't even process.
Try doing this in anime

>> No.4133033


>> No.4133060

>I was starting to gather examples but then I realized they are all ugly.

You know exactly why you didnt post your examples anon. And so do we.

>> No.4133108

>Why is it a problem?
Yup, you're blind to it. This is the art equivalent of smell blindness.

>> No.4133112
File: 356 KB, 320x320, shzmd8zn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's probably just an oversight.
It seems like a small oversight until you try to turn the face in your mind. Then it becomes a big oversight.

>> No.4133207

Did you really put in the effort to make this gif anon?

>> No.4133209

They are among us!

>> No.4133276
File: 527 KB, 396x587, 24e20ec291ee27717ec8df3482fed61229a7cb221a4bfc6364223be84799b30d.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Implying westerners can draw other things right

>> No.4133282

Seems like the Japanese are the ones not getting the face right.

>> No.4133285

Looks Mexican

>> No.4133290

you meant spic?

>> No.4133303

RJ Palmer says hi
Jack Kirby says hi
Will Eisner says hi

>> No.4133308
File: 145 KB, 1080x1350, 44301359_322907231834171_1929517979033141248_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how many artists painted this girl i wonder

>> No.4133312


>> No.4133324

who is she?

>> No.4133338
File: 375 KB, 750x734, 70AE48F6-006E-4444-A9F8-48F6545A7A8D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joe mama

>> No.4133362
File: 452 KB, 515x448, 1567391596313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop niggering around

>> No.4133369

t. Amerimutt

>> No.4133370

Based anon putting in the work to prove his point. More anons here should be like this

>> No.4133383

>the cartoon is clearly representing them.
asians dont look like anime

>> No.4133407

It is literally a minute in photoshop.

>> No.4133482

The Overwatch cast looks better than every anime ever.
The problem with the west is Hollywood is full of jews and they're personally insulted by the beauty of white people so they've been sabotaging western art for the past 70 years. And video games are still in diapers when it comes to putting in the work to make their shit appealing. But from time to time a producer with cash and time comes around and we get a glimmer of what could have been if we let europe solve it's problems on it's own.

>> No.4133619

>The Overwatch cast looks better than every anime ever.
Holy shit, can you have more shit taste than this guy?

>> No.4133650

>The Overwatch cast looks better than every anime ever.
the game that copied the new style of western 3D films which themselves copied wholesale the style of anime looks better than anime?

>> No.4133711
File: 764 KB, 2500x1040, herolineup_blizzcon_2015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait hes right about the first part though, Overwatch has god tier character design. Post a single japanese IP besides like Pokemon that has NEARLY as well rounded of a cast as overwatch in terms of raw design.

>> No.4133729

Yes it turns out some food tastes better when you let it simmer in it's own broth a bit longer.
Overwatch's 3D models are peak aesthetic because they take everything Disney and Dreamworks learned in the early years of 3D cartooning but instead of delving deeper and deeper in modern western softie bland faggotry also look towards things like mecha manga, super hero comic books and Blizzard's own catalog of previous games to come up with something that's both stylish and approachable.

Widowmaker still to this day has the most beautiful female face in a western 3D model. And the most beautiful cartoon style female face in general. Only SE's more realistic approach to FF characters can compete because Namco somehow dropped the ball with both T7 and SC6.

>> No.4134224

I go to a college where a vast majority of the population are skinny young white girls. Fatties are for all intents and purposes uncommon. I could count only a few on my hand if i wanted.

You weebs hate your fat whiteness so much You legit would kill to become cute girls if it,means you can get,more pussy.

>> No.4134238

holy shit. Imagine looking at that painting and thinking it's useless and bad. The coombrain meme is real

>> No.4134253

Wrong. I visited usa in 2014 and uk in 2016 and i saw 0 cute skinny white girls.

>> No.4134256

If you read the post you would see that the poster was saying the problem with western comics is they have no cuteness.

>> No.4134263


>> No.4134320
File: 156 KB, 570x938, 7F47F7FE-6DE2-4531-8AEF-2AC1E2C05DC1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s not that Western artists can’t draw faces, but rather they lack the ability to simplify into appealing shapes. Instead of working on a simple design they quickly move past that stage and obsess over rendering (extraneous trimmings for a Jap). Honestly it’s like there’s something in European genetics or culture that makes them draw by a process of addition, in contrast to the Chinese/Japanese who ‘subtract’ away the gross until all that’s left is a pure realm of shapes. When it comes to appealing faces, shape design is absolutely vital, which is why even Western shape-dominant styles, many of which were influenced by Ukiyo-e, are superior to the masses of form-dominant art

>> No.4134352

Read the post below, the augmented one

He basically states that there is no good technical comic artists because they don't make cute art

The poster just doesn't get art unless is cute art

Hang all weaboos

>> No.4134605

>Honestly it’s like there’s something in European genetics or culture that makes them draw by a process of addition, in contrast to the Chinese/Japanese who ‘subtract’ away the gross until all that’s left is a pure realm of shapes.
Delusional weeb

>> No.4134606

>Honestly it’s like there’s something in European genetics or culture that makes them draw by a process of addition, in contrast to the Chinese/Japanese who ‘subtract’ away the gross until all that’s left is a pure realm of shapes
Either bait or this anon is retarded

>> No.4134656

It's not genetics, it's culture. If you draw the apex of cute you get accused of being a pedo by the kike cabal of child abusers who love to shift their blame into others on tangents, and the sheeple believe them so now your career is fucked and your life is done.

>> No.4134672

>you get accused of being a pedo
Only if you draw loli porn, you can draw cute things and be fine.

>> No.4134694

Have you looked at facebook art groups recently? The fuck you can.

>> No.4134695

Give me an example of someones career being destroyed for drawing "the apex of cute" whatever that means to you

>> No.4134696

>you get accused of lolis
>because they're secretly pedophiles
so close. imagine being this oblivious--engaging in the same hysteria as you're criticising.

>> No.4134715

The entire anime industry and every japanese artist you worship's sense of appeal came directly from Walt Disney's discarded sketches that westaboo japs managed to smuggle into japan.

>> No.4134741

When will this meme die? Sure maybe back in astro boy times this was true but japan most certainly taken the throne of 2d animation leaders in the world. Everyone else is trying to copy japan now in one way or a other.

>> No.4134746

uwu u wrong

>> No.4134750

Disney artists were indirectly influenced by the Japs in the first place. Rackham, Nielsen, Robison, etc (artists that had a strong impact on the old Disney style) all were inspired by Ukiyo-e

>> No.4134784

And the Japs were heavily inspired by western artists, to the point where traditional japanese techniques were mostly discarded for western ones when japan opened the country. For example the Yōga art movement in Japan

>> No.4134792

How often do you see Japanese artists doing Japanese painting(nihonga) nowadays? How often do Japanese artists use woodblock prints nowadays? Or using traditional styles?

>> No.4134802

lol that's the biggest stretch I've ever read. Congratulations weeb trash

>> No.4134804

I'm still waiting for an example of this, oh wait you have none, your just mad that you can't get away with drawing and selling loli porn

>> No.4134848
File: 55 KB, 600x849, IMG_4027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I also dislike anime in general, but you can't deny that westerners have a very poor sense of appeal when it comes to cute/sexy women. At least Jap art of women looks (on average) cuter/more appealing than western ones. I can't even think of many examples of appealing looking western female art (appealing as in they look fuckable or have the 'kawaii' factor).
Pic related is an example of western art I find appealing.

>> No.4134850
File: 69 KB, 430x638, IMG_3838.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another example.

>> No.4134857

>Every European artist in the last century were inspired by Ukiyo-e
Is this a new meme?

>> No.4134860

Lol fug - I remember doing a study of bottom left like 4yrs ago

>> No.4134872
File: 31 KB, 275x275, 1567694100523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

maybe its because western art vast and filled with different subjects and style choices that dont aim to get your dick hard?

>> No.4134900

Maybe if westerners were so afraid of someone's dick getting hard they'd be drawing more actually aesthetic figures instead of the crap they do.
As if there weren't people in the world who get off to feces and corpses. Stupid puritans can never win against the sickos and all they do is make the world worse for everyone else.

>> No.4134967

zarya and Symmetra's designs is not up to par with the rest of the cast.

>> No.4135029

what if it's because they think with one head instead of two

>> No.4135034

Why are westerners so afraid of sexuality? Something being cute and sexy is not always pornographic and lewd
seriously, the west has a lot of growing up to do. Cant you incels just be mature?

>> No.4135037

its a bit tough to see if often when you dont live in japan, near japan, or know any japanese people.

>> No.4135039

whos afraid? porn comics are a thing.

>> No.4135040

I go ahread and post a cute western porn comic that is not trying to copy anime.

>> No.4135071

They look like sexualized dota characters, theres nothing special about them.
And to answer your question how about shit like One piece, FF or even MGS? If you can count that.

>> No.4135072

white women are trash, everyone knows this in 2019

>> No.4135086

>They look like sexualized dota characters
Thats a really weird thing to say, considering Dota has the worst brand recognition value of all those pop-fantasy video game license.
(and i did try to find a picture similar to >>4133711 but with the Dota characters, so everybody could compare, but could not find any. Shit marketing at its finest)

>> No.4135095

Anime is generally ugly and choppy so they have to make up for it by devolving every face into its base appeal and characteristics.
As a result, weebs have completely lost any sense of nuance and therefore can't tell the difference between a well proportioned western face and the generic trash OP has in his picture.

>> No.4135112

You anons sure get butthurt easily (I'm not even a weeb). If you don't believe me just read into it - from the dozens of different Western art styles around, Disney chose to study the one that had strong Japanese influence. Not Mannerism, not Baroque, not Realism, no instead they went with the Golden Age Illustrators

>> No.4135113

>that is not trying to copy anime
isnt the whole point of this thread that youre upset westerners arent copying anime?

>> No.4135120
File: 205 KB, 900x660, takatoyamamoto-Slider-4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your point? It's obvious that the Japs learned a bunch of new art techniques from the West, nonetheless their core shape-dominant aesthetic hasn't changed. Even in more realistic Japanese art it's heavily Notan

>> No.4135133
File: 29 KB, 616x680, EDUG0c2WsAMxa0m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing wrong with cute/sexy. Your just so used to being marketed when you encounter something different it makes you uncomfortable and mad

>> No.4135178
File: 1016 KB, 3000x1404, Hasegawa_Tohaku_-_Pine_Trees_(Shōrin-zu_byōbu)_-_right_hand_screen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People are mad at you but you are a bit right about Japs and the Chinese having a history of design philosophies based around simplicity, space, and elegance. Like the other anon said, it's cultural.

>> No.4135207

Because westerners are repressed losers ashamed of their capability to sense beauty.
You're not cool in the modern west if you care, if you think, if you notice things. Just consume and shut up.

>> No.4135243
File: 240 KB, 1100x777, 1543065562002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shut the fuck up, you clearly haven't seen more than 2 anime if you think Overwatch has anything special about its designs.

Get a single roster of Megaman bosses and there you go, more creative characters.
Even some shit like Naruto or DBZ has stronger character design without having to make everyone a muslim.

If soulless games are what you're after, just pick League of Legends or whatever Chinese Gacha is doing great now. Fate, ever heard of fate? It would be a great enslaving piece of software to a Westernized cumbrain like you.

>> No.4135246

>he doesn't know frank frazetta

>> No.4135247

lol what a loser. No shit you're afraid of muh evil brown peoples your peak art is glorified emoticons.
Fucking noses man, that shit's scary.

>> No.4135253

Anyone else appreciate the irony of stupid weaboos hating on Overwatch when their beloved nippon love the fuck out of it? It's the non-Disney western IP with the most japanese fanart.

>> No.4135256

east vs west threads and threads about women should be deleted on arrival. How is this even about art it's just console wars

>> No.4135291
File: 60 KB, 323x640, 1468371243727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry I don't wanna fuck aliens like some fucking weirdo

>> No.4135306

Peak cartoon porn would be Joe Mad style dudes fucking Gainax style girls.

>> No.4135321

neither does landwhale, that is not to say that there are pretty women on both sides, but I prefer white all the way.

>> No.4135322

Fucking based

>> No.4135352

Cherry picking the image LMAO

>> No.4135356
File: 58 KB, 171x182, 1356369292364.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna fuck aliens like some fucking weirdo

>> No.4135358

We get it, you have a bad relationship with your mother

>> No.4135368

This artist is actually korean

>> No.4135566

Megaman bosses are ok but they dont have much character or room for storytelling in their design.

>> No.4135724

Cast has characters from all over the world, 31 are playable

4 brown people, 2 black, 1 purple
rest of humans are light skinned

>b-b-brown p-p-people
>no darkies, jerkop
>posts generic moe complete with flat face syndrome

Top critic right here
You cucks probably don't even KNOW anime

>> No.4135733

1 black man is enough to make the american incel feel unpersoned.

>> No.4135930

Ngl I think the girls on that sewing pattern are cute, there are/were lots of cute cartooning styles from the 1950s.

>> No.4135938

Non-white people live rent free in your head forever.

>> No.4135946
File: 22 KB, 498x498, 1557217020469.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am Brazilian, your crocodile tears have no power over me.

>posts generic moe complete with flat face syndrome
Good job ignoring all other examples, Sambo Corps.
If anything, those Touhous show you can have great variety without the need to make half of your cast brown, just by altering hair, clothes and posture.

Skin color is not a creative design solution. It's on the contrary lazy and also done in a way that shields it from criticism because it becomes eggshell territory.

The thing Overwatch does right is varying SHAPES and COLORS.
By shape I mean having big robots or small dwarves, not fat women.
By color I mean exploring the entire rainbow when it comes to spells, fuselage, costumes and hair, NOT skin color, as pink and brown are just two different shades of a very limited hue range.

Another thing it does right is incorporating a lot of anime aesthetic elements, but that's not enough to make the gratuitous brownies and LGBT power trips swallowable.

In conclusion, do I think Overwatch is bad on a technical level? No.
Do I think it looks bad? Yes. Like a good shirt with holes all over it.
Do I think Overwatch has anything special about its designs?

Not at all. That was anon's initial claim that led me to retort, and he just thinks it's special because of either (or both) of these:
- Has consumed too little anime and has little to compare Overwatch to. Pick any random Japanese fightan and have a field day if you like mass-produced, mainstream variety.

>> No.4135958

What do you mean atypical, that's her in-game art

>> No.4135963
File: 1.24 MB, 1925x1809, rr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's literally the colorists

>> No.4135984

Based Brazilian BTFOs Bimbo loving Muricans with bad taste

>> No.4135988

Most westerners do because white women are insane.
image the offspring current generation white women are going to produce......Yikes.