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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4113044 No.4113044 [Reply] [Original]

shill your discord server here

my discord:
one of our members apparently went and commited an hero so we have some vacant slots
posting work required to unlock chat
minimum of one work posted a month to stay in
all skill levels accepted

>> No.4113060

>one of our members apparently went and commited an hero so we have some vacant slots
About 40%?

>> No.4115627


>> No.4115650

>one of our members apparently went and commited an hero so we have some vacant slots
Was he that fat?

>> No.4115694

>posting work required to unlock chat
>minimum of one work posted a month to stay in
Lol, no wonder that tranny went and did sudoku

>> No.4115784


>> No.4116815

New server, 12 hour art challenge. It's just what it sounds like.


>> No.4116819

Any servers without anime-fags?

>> No.4116836

you're on an anime website, inquiring about an anime-free chat room. What the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.4116837

Any servers with only anime friends?

>> No.4116840

not a full on art server but we have art related things on there.

click at your own risk


>> No.4116847

Link not working, but I'd like to check it out.
Can OP repost new invite?

>> No.4116860

i can smell the tears and estradiol from here

>> No.4118749

anyone has the invite link to art kings?

>> No.4118762

Any servers with only nsfw animefags?

>> No.4118764

Any servers with only sfw hobbyists?

>> No.4118765

Any servers with sane, decent people?

>> No.4118767


>> No.4118769

any communist servers dedicated to creating 90s style zines for distribution?

>> No.4118772

>sane, decent people?
an ableist AND a bigot!?! lifetime ban!

>> No.4118783

In the /beg/ threads

>> No.4118804
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>one of our members apparently went and commited an hero so we have some vacant slots
The D*scord trannies driving vulnerable robots to transition and kill themselves are all true

>> No.4118817

Any servers with mostly shitposters?

>> No.4118819

Art Kings

>> No.4118858

Say no more


>> No.4118907

hit me up

>> No.4118912
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all of them

>> No.4118916
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i post stuff in it, there is a channel for others to also post art though

>> No.4118918

https://discord.gg/MZRMsx8 is sfw only

>> No.4118926
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>tfw Discord admin
>prune expired members on sundays
>almost half of them gone

>> No.4118932

Any discords for disabled artists such as myself?

>> No.4119337

Studio Spark

>> No.4119353

How bad of an idea would it be to start a discord sever where you're the only admin and you have sole control over the server (basically no other mods/admins but you)?
I was considering starting up one where I'd be a benevolent dictator and run it like a 4chan board (no hugboxing/safespace/tumblr shit). But I might consider adding an automoderator bot for when I'm not online.

>> No.4119359

>adding an automoderator bot for when I'm not online.
To do what exactly?

>> No.4119361

If you were reffering to the bot, I'd most likely use it for anti-spam/malware links/etc. Maybe I'd also use an AI bot anons can talk to for shits and giggles. But the more I think about it, the more I'm thinking of just skipping the mod bot and leaving everyone to their own devices.

If you meant what I do when I'm not online, then it's just the usual school/work stuff.

>> No.4119363

I think you just wanna be a mod for the epeen

>> No.4119371

I wouldn't do it for the power fetish, I'm actually pretty anti-censorship and don't believe in banning/kicking users unless absolutely necessary (like if they're revealed to be underage or they post irl CP/malware/viruses/other illegal material).
I just personally hold the belief that if you want to do something right, you've got to do it yourself. Every single art discord I've come across is way too circlejerk-y spacespace-tier. So if it's only run by one anti-social spergfaggot (me), then the chances of it becoming tumblr is lessened.

>> No.4119405

whatever your intentions are,
1) if you start a server and make it public, you will lose control over it, and will end up with yet another shit server
2) if you start a server and keep it private, you will fail to keep the users active, and will end up with yet another dead server

>> No.4119418

I was planning on making it public since private servers seem elitist and hugbox-y to me, and I've never really had good experiences with them.
Out of curiousity, why would I lose control over the public server? I would be the only one with admin/mod status, while everyone else would be regular users. Like how people could make their own unique boards on eightchan before it died (rip). My main intention is to make a server that gets somewhat close to chan culture, so no bullshit like pc language policing.

>> No.4119425

Because you can't handle a server by yourself. It's hard with regular people let alone shitheads from 4chan. You won't get it anywhere near chan culture because people won't make a dummy account specifically for your server, they'll use the account they use for everything else, and even if you did manage to create a 4chan bubble on Discord you wouldn't be able to steer the server toward art and critique, it will just turn into social shitposting and memes like every other server.
The only use of a public server is creating a network for social media, but if you want to do that you have to enforce a behavior policy and people who participate will naturally hugbox because their mindset is networking.
If your server doesn't get big because you're being too strict or you don't ban the /pol/tards it will die quickly.

>> No.4120266

been to >>4118858 and it's almost nothing but animefags

>> No.4120309
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not me
why the fuck would you ask for that

>> No.4120566

im basically doing that right now and its fine
i only have a mod because a dipshit friend wanted to be able to upload emojis but they dont do anything else

recommend: disable the ability to post images, links, vc, etc. from your autojoin role.
either manually give users a role when they talk and seem like they aren't total shit (vet them via, you know, chatting in your chat) or look into bots that do so based on level. eventually they post enough = level up = can now post images, links, etc.
if they've made it that far, they probably aren't just going to cause chaos in the server with the ability to post gore if they wanted to. they probably don't want to post gore at all!

depends on how big you want it to be though. if you get tons of members its unrealistic and i dont think the auto-mod bots are sophisticated enough but idk.

>> No.4120800

What the hell is going on with those lines

>> No.4121293

Any discords to join if I actually care about learning something and I'm above 22 (college age?) but not boomer yet or is it all kiddie gamer and tumblr thing?

>> No.4121476

state what exactly it is you're planning to get into as an art career. you might as well join an art youtuber's server if you're just looking for general improvement

>> No.4122370

Face is great but the lines and colors are super ugly

>> No.4122491

Something I've learned is that people who frequent discord servers are never sane.

>> No.4122521

I can vouch for this

>> No.4123723

i run one and am so fucked the therapists give me free therapy out of pity

>> No.4124051

Anyone know any art tube discords who're not totally up in their own ass and throw you out because you were snarky to the mod? Asking for a friend.

>> No.4125297

I want to draw more, since I guess I'm a newbie, but would like to do it with a group of people who are willing to share some tips and hold me accountable. I need a push.

>> No.4125315

Sad dog kids? Sounds like some trap-fuggy-gay shit

>> No.4126043

>Sounds like some trap-fuggy-gay shit
I don't know how much of a down syndrome degenerate you would have to be to come up with such a phrase.

>> No.4126339

he's right though, sounds like some >>>/trash/ garbage.