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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 246 KB, 700x1247, Defunct - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4116356 No.4116356 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>4108242
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/2crFvKV
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4116381
File: 316 KB, 638x576, 1492204504126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm gonna do it guys, i'm gonna go to bed and when I wake up, I'll do DAD. no more excuses

>> No.4116401

You swear?

>> No.4116406
File: 3.54 MB, 3000x4000, golfgirlsketch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4116414

welcome newfag, post your work on the website indicated in OP to track your progress. This thread is just for discussion and tierposting

>> No.4116415

The amphibian man challenge was a good time. Also, nice typography on the op

>> No.4116432

DAD is a cool concept but the core community cliquing around it sucks major ass. if dad was based on an ID and not "muh name and avatar fagging" it might be alright but its full blown discord trash.
also the admin is weak

>> No.4116435

Did I bully you too hard?

>> No.4116444

or you could not participate in the whole discord community at all
I just filter every channel except for the art submission channels where there is minimal conversation at all. Also, I just lurk there, I don't and never liked talking to everyone there

>> No.4116451

The bully we need and deserve.

>> No.4116456

If you bully hard enough, is it possible for the one great to arise from the ashes like that one movie about the drummer?

>> No.4116464

havent done dad in over a year and a half, so no
>not participate
>I don't and never liked talking to everyone there

>you dont like it and youre still in the discord anyway.
yeah id figure most people wouldnt want to talk to those dramatic kids.
the community around DAD is social based on the discord, not social based on the anonymoose image board that hosts its threads. i come to 4chan for anonymity, not for being a fag. DAD is good for being a containment thread and thats about it

>> No.4116465

Take the bullypill, kiddos.

>> No.4116468

>havent done dad in over a year and a half, so no

>> No.4116470


> admin is weak
are you talking about the fact that site updates take half a year to happen, that his art is shit, or that he's going to kill himself at some point in the near future
because at this point i don't know

>> No.4116471

already done it, you must be blind af

>> No.4116473

I haven't done dad in about the same amount of time too. Spooky.

>> No.4116476
File: 235 KB, 973x1199, KJG smug pig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>havent done dad in over a year and a half

>> No.4116478

> he's going to kill himself
i cant be the only one who kinda wants that to happen out of curiosity of how the next guy handles things

>> No.4116480

>tfw every time without fail if the site dies or the threads die, someone takes the place of the fallen
What is this phenomenon?

>> No.4116481

youre right, i should be using a shitty website to validate myself that im working hard enough by putting in the minimum effort for a submission and then head off to clown around in discords and play overwatch like the good little "artist" that i am

>> No.4116482

Not entirely accurate.
There was a three month drought between sites. The threads were fucking miserable.

>> No.4116485

the golf girl you posted? I'm blind and stupid, I don't see it in DAD

there's pro-tier artists in the server, some hardworking ones based on the las-house hours, and some with decent discussions about art. It's just that majority of the users are either kids, whiners and uwu owo posters. It's annoying

>> No.4116486
File: 48 KB, 1280x720, partoftheshippartofthecrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The site must have an admin

>> No.4116489

There must always be a Lich King.

>> No.4116490

It's better to be writing salty posts about how a community is bad and everyone else should give up like you did?

>> No.4116492

hi slug

>> No.4116493

>pro tier artists
thats rich ◙Ü◙

>> No.4116495


>> No.4116496

Mathias and INNO are pros.

>> No.4116498

>he doesnt know about the actual full time pros in las discord

>> No.4116499

Mathias has literally worked as a concept artist lol

>> No.4116502

wait wtf?!

>> No.4116505

Are we talking about the current Mathias or the first Mathias?

>> No.4116506

Current crit god mathias

>> No.4116507


>> No.4116511

there's actual pros in the discord
even some who work at studios like the storyboard guy, or someone whos work sold out at comiket

>> No.4116513

It still hurts ;-;

>> No.4116516

Dad should just host ads and use the revenue to hire programmers.

>> No.4116518

maybe i was wrong about discord...

>> No.4116519

But then it would lose its soul and its soul is all that's keeping us together.

>> No.4116521

If money is ever wanted patreon tip jar with no rewards should be used instead of god damn advertizers.

>> No.4116522

How would it lose soul? It would get more exposure, banana can take it easy, and the site can be expanded more. Perhaps some new blood can increase motivation. You could even hire moderators.

>> No.4116524


freelance programmers cost a lot, dude
$60-$100 per hour
ads could never come close to handling that

>> No.4116525

We don't need moderators, we need a T R I B U N A L

>> No.4116527

Damn, maybe it's time to become a freelance programmer instead. With that kind of pay, might be able to live comfortably.

>> No.4116528

The solutions you guys are offering seems to intentionally shy away from mainstream success. Who is going to tip? No one here seems to actually care and always puts the responsibility on someone else. With big company support you can rely on revenue and makes dad more official, like a real website such as Instagram or deviantart. Right now it’s just a hole in the wall site full of people afraid to talk or put in minimum effort.

>> No.4116530

Why are you intentionally looking at the negatives? There was a time I wanted to be a programmer and the competition is fierce, but on the flip side that means it’s cheap to hire. It was like $30 on odesk, and I imagine extremely way cheaper to hire pajeets.
I can imagine art related companies like Wacom or those online art websites wanting to advertise here. The idea behind dad is unique and fulfilling if you can pitch it right.

>> No.4116533

Post ads on facebook and add google+facebook login system.

>> No.4116534


DAD's connection with 4chan will prevent it from being in the mainstream.
Banana's talked about having deleted several accounts entirely. The artists requested it because did not want to people to be able to find their old work because of those connections. In the super-punitive inside circle of most professional art cliques, being associated with 4chan is practically a blacklist.

>> No.4116535

>Right now it’s just a hole in the wall site full of people afraid to talk or put in minimum effort.
Oof. Sometimes that's just we need though.

>> No.4116536

we selling out now?

>> No.4116540

That’s why I was brainstorming tentatively that dad could have its own anonymous forum on the website. I still like the idea of anonymous critiques and commentary, but at least it won’t have the negative association it does with 4chan.
I feel like people on dad are using it as a crutch because posting your work on actual social networking sites is anxiety inducing, but the more you fear the water the more you will never get in the pool.
You guys are so negative and close minded.

>> No.4116542


> That’s why I was brainstorming tentatively that dad could have its own anonymous forum on the website. I still like the idea of anonymous critiques and commentary, but at least it won’t have the negative association it does with 4chan.

You're still missing the point.
As long as this general thread exists, and people have the knowledge that it has connections to 4chan (which are evident after a little digging / talking to some of the users), it will always have that negative association. All of these threads have been archived.
The only way to purge that reputation is to go the route of the SCP foundation, break away from and/or disavow 4chan entirely and foster a community that grows on its own.

>> No.4116543

>The only way to purge that reputation is to go the route of the SCP foundation, break away from and/or disavow 4chan entirely and foster a community that grows on its own.
Please no, lord what an absolute shitshow SCP has become.

>> No.4116547

>already on 4chan which is negative
>/ic/ is even more negative than that
>a general of /ic/
>a subset of /las/
>also a subset of /ded/
>/dad/ <-- we're here
Are we doomed to fail?

>> No.4116550


Well, what do you define as "failing"? Not surviving longer than a specified duration? Not being a highly public, high traffic and profitable website?

>> No.4116551

/dad/ isn't a subset of /ded/, /dad/ and /ded/ are both sibling subsets of LAS

>> No.4116554

Which days' submissions are kringle critting for her sunday and monday streams??

>> No.4116555

Honestly I don't get why people want dad to become a big thing. You don't get this cozy small community atmosphere in a lot of places, and i enjoy dad a lot just for that. When I want to go on a big site with a lot of users I go on Twitter or Insta, when I want to see a small community of artists I go to dad

>> No.4116559

cozy is bad

>> No.4116563
File: 496 KB, 247x236, 1501975297891.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh ill say anything in stream for 100 dollars as long as its within twitch guidelines so i dont get nuked. im all about that cash money life.
real talk tho to all yall anons any and all support is appreciated, being part of the DAD community is already its own reward.

also to; >>4115121
sundays critique will be fridays work (bcz that was the day i was originally going to critique. and since i usually finish after 5pm for these things anyway i've decided to have the monday crits be the work of that day like OG crit streams. i know im not technically obligated to do these but i consider 51ip a good friend and i promised to do my best to continue the crit stream legacy, so obligated i shall be.

also also
tomorrows stream is going to be 2 hours earlier than usual, aka roughly 11.5 hours from this posts timestamp. SORRY ONCE AGAIN for the scheduling turbulence, please know i hate this as much as you do

>> No.4116565

see >>4116563

>> No.4116567

>i've decided to have the monday crits be the work of that day like OG crit streams.
oh FUG

>> No.4116581

I like the cozy community here. And I already have a twitter account if I want asspats

>> No.4116591

I say we need more tierlists

>> No.4116596

Tierlists after DAIB is over
Everyone who doesn't finish DAIB is subhuman tier 0

>> No.4116632
File: 134 KB, 1072x1600, IMG_20190401_174100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4116635

>Had an idea of drawing a cute boy
>Read the rules again
>Realize it doesn't adhere to the rules so have to come up with something new

>> No.4116638

Good thing you caught that. Reading comprehension is really important.

>> No.4116668

What do you have in mind?

>> No.4116725

wow this new thread grew fast

>> No.4116731


>> No.4116736

*suffocated her with a pillow while you were asleep*

>> No.4116739

That graffiti is awesome. Thanks for the feature ShrineyDog!

>> No.4116778
File: 216 KB, 590x541, FFCCC0FF-729C-4AC9-8702-4060D4416F4F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4116801

wtf happened and why didn't they invite me?

>> No.4116806
File: 35 KB, 347x424, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm burnt out dads have been for days but it just ain't comin back, tho still grinding out every day
wat do? it's just getting worse but i refuse to lose my streak. I haven't once yet i can't let it happen, I'm so close to a level up.
I discovered automatic drawing through my procrastination was hard to do though and really let go - any dads have experience with it?

>> No.4116851

Hang in there, DAD.

>> No.4116857

are you a flawless? week 1ner?

>> No.4116859

>half way through the month
you've started working your daibs by now, right daddy?

>> No.4116862


>> No.4116863

The "never give up" japanese fisherman guy there makes it a whole lot funnier.

>> No.4116864

oh shit I just noticed, s m h

>> No.4116876

you can take a break and start again. Or go for a lesser frequency. didn't banana modified the streak count for this instead of resetting to zero?

>> No.4116882

The spirit of DAD is to draw as much as possible, not keeping big streaks by doing nothing but the bare minimum. So don't worry about losing your streak.

>> No.4116906
File: 420 KB, 611x623, mare_aura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draws girls
>calls them boys

>> No.4116914

so cute

>> No.4116921

I'm pretty sure that's what majority of dads will do for the /cm/ challenge

>> No.4116926

Might as well just make a cute girls challenge.

>> No.4116931

anyone who will draw girls with futa dicks for the challenge will also be placed in subhuman tier 0

>> No.4116935

whoa there tiger I didn't know this was a competition based challenge

>> No.4116937

I just want more excitement..
I'm so bored and lonely....

>> No.4116941

well, at least you're not horny

>> No.4116942

same. Its rare to find any small community like this anymore.

>> No.4116943

Which is exactly why we must destroy it.

>> No.4116944
File: 175 KB, 1200x1200, 1531697131800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Need to do uni work but also need to draw

Life isn't fair daddies

>> No.4116961

the person who draws the cutest boy gets fanart from ME!

>> No.4116967

I'll probably submit my cute boy to daib since that's what I'm comfortable drawing. We'll see next week

>> No.4116973

i don't think anyone's going to like my cute buy except me desu

>> No.4117016

Isn't Vad on about that level too? Him,Yog, Nile and a few others are pretty much pros waiting for a company to hire them.

>> No.4117018
File: 422 KB, 797x748, 2b114d21b9b0003e3f89241a47f024bbf19d0531cf474aac337ee5b866896f95.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a first weeker no but personally I haven't missed a single day since I began drawing again and started dad to make sure I did it every day, which is something small that im kinda proud of, given I don't even change my underwear daily kek

I think thatd just ruin my confidence and I'd hate myself too much to even want to start again, though I would. I think it halves now tho as a compromise but idk

thanks dad I'll try make you proud
tokens when?! D:

>> No.4117046

I’ll like them anon! All boys deserve love.

>> No.4117049

I'm going to make a loli challenge and nobody can stop me. Not even the Admin himself.

>> No.4117050

*bans your small pp*

>> No.4117055

make it, then you and everyone that joins it can get banned ;)

>> No.4117076

it's not against the rules as long as you don't specify whether it's sfw or nsfw

>> No.4117079

underage is against site rules

>> No.4117081

as long as it's not sexual it's fine

>> No.4117082

only if it's porn

>> No.4117087
File: 231 KB, 678x700, 1560036284849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mrw someone draws lines on paper or arranges pixels on a screen in ways I don't like

>> No.4117088

Are we gonna go talk about this again

>> No.4117207


>> No.4117211
File: 16 KB, 200x126, CB20D2CE-F526-4979-A785-EBFD9042CA2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kringle here. strum!

>> No.4117217

Are challenges going to be more prominent on the site later on? Some of the past ones should be yearly (National ( ) Day Challenge) and some should be open to anyone so new users and beginners can participate immediately (e.g Hit the Books challenge, Draw a Box challenge, etc.)

>> No.4117225

I like the idea of continuous challenges people can do at any time. For yearly challenges I guess people can just make them over and over again, speaking of which is anyone going to make an Inktober challenge?

>> No.4117280

>Post in wrong thread

First I can get my drawing right, and then I also make a post in a completely different thread by accident.
I am going to submit a trash drawing tonight, I am sorry but this is all I could do tonight

>> No.4117293

DaB challenge was the best. Hope it's redone again one day. It really kills you for a month though since you have to draw something other than your regular routine.

>> No.4117309

Past challenges can get redone with better and more flexible guidelines.

>> No.4117336
File: 145 KB, 942x938, DAD_donkey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


DAD Official Invite Post (Elitist On Donkey Edition)

Morningly sad, dads!

If you want to join "Do Art Daily Official Discord" you can write me (stultus7#6249). Also you can find me in old dad discord.
You need dad account and some submissions. I will send you invite.

Thanks to everyone who joined in the last few weeks. I will stop annoying anon with my posting for now.

>> No.4117367
File: 458 KB, 1536x2048, 1553880269853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dadas, should I start posting again ? It's been more than a year, and last time I asked, opinions were mixed, so I played coin, lost, and so didn't post.

>> No.4117397
File: 213 KB, 1080x731, cute house.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm doing a self portrait

>> No.4117399

Why not? Pick Every Other Day for start.

>> No.4117459


>> No.4117469

What's your username? The answer depends on who you were.

>> No.4117471



>> No.4117474 [DELETED] 


>> No.4117477

Start again only if you think it'll help you. Don't force yourself.

>> No.4117479

Seconding this. I draw every day but posting something every day for me feels kind of nerve-wracking sometimes.

>> No.4117480

Guess I'll start again then, thanks for the (you)s

>> No.4117491

I feel bad for making kringle critique my 500x200 low quality jpg image

>> No.4117495

Not the same anon but should I continue posting here if I really hate my work? I practice daily anyway, and I was doing it before coming here, but I just really hate uploading my shit drawings publically and having them be in a gallery other people can see.

>> No.4117504

I feel the same way as you. I even started uploading very low quality images so nobody would bother with them, but thinking about it again maybe that's not the way to go about it.
Well, I realized that people don't think much about other people's work, and people don't comment on my work either so I guess it's pointless to think about what other people think about your work even if they see your work.
But if it's about comparing yourself to better artists, look up to them instead of feeling bad about it.

>> No.4117515


I'm not as experienced in art as I am in other subjects, but in my experience with those other subjects it's my feeling that learning to be comfortable with being bad is helpful for improvement. I can't really articulate why I feel that way, at least not with only two hours left to draw something though.

>> No.4117518

Submit after the deadline ends then. You've got a lot of free time after it. Anyway, if you can do fine without DAD then go ahead. I'm afraid to stop because I basically started drawing just as I started DAD.

>> No.4117520


I'm not the person you were originally replying to, I was trying to say that DAD helps with that.

>> No.4117526

Sorry, I only noticed after sending the message.

>> No.4117557

mommy kringle is the best <3

>> No.4117566

She'll think that's me now. FUCK!

>> No.4117624

Yeah, maybe I'll take a break and just focus on doing the challenges or something. I feel like I've gone from "drawing every day because I like the process and learning this stuff" to just "drawing every day so I'll have something to submit here."

>> No.4117627
File: 6 KB, 180x54, aff7a1ef-7a67-47a1-9852-286a24fbe857.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based on their art, who do you think are the youngest and oldest dads?

>> No.4117645

Still better than not drawing imo. If, while searching for inspiration, you find something that gets your thing going, you won't have to go through the warming up phase. You'll be ready to go for it.

>> No.4117648

what's up with that gif

>> No.4117654

A former dad said he was 47, aside from that I think the oldest would be beanhead and the youngest would be LUSO

>> No.4117659

you got a problem with it, brother?

>> No.4117665

depends on wether you're ok with it, mate

>> No.4117666

Yeah I'm not quitting drawing daily, just probably taking a break from this place for a bit because submitting shit publically stresses me out.

>> No.4117667

Hoppy's probably one of the more younger daddies, don't know who the others are though.

>> No.4117671

did kringle say what time the stream is tomorrow?

>> No.4117672
File: 19 KB, 355x335, 71dS3ccrJVL._SX355_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well I did spend a few hours drawing like I promised but it's not finished so it'll have to wait until tomorrow. looks like the day on the site just reset anyway

what's the difference between all the discords/ how many are there? i joined the /las/ one a few months ago but never posted anything and was never kicked like some people claim they were

>> No.4117675

not that I remember.

Shame. Here's to hoping that you get accustomed to it

>> No.4117709

>well I did spend a few hours drawing like I promised but it's not finished so it'll have to wait until tomorrow
you're allowed to post works in progress

>> No.4117710

One's dead, another one is slightly less dead, the /las/ one has more activity but it's less about the site.

>> No.4117712

>A former dad said he was 47
Former? I just changed my post frequency is all. My streak stands, anon.

>> No.4117714


>> No.4117732
File: 225 KB, 589x800, 1557616337224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Draw more cute boys!

>> No.4117754

i dont wanna post wips cause it feels lazy, i'll just finish it tomorrow and hopefully i'll get faster at drawing at some point so i can post a finished thing every day

>> No.4117767

It's post work every day, not finish something every day.

>> No.4117776

Psikier is canon daddy irl

>> No.4117777

You'll easily burn out if you worry about submitting finished works everyday

>> No.4117788


Since they said they were going to crit Monday's work, chances are it'll be pretty late in the submission day and close to the time the crit streams have usually been happening, I'd guess.

>> No.4118058

Banana, are you alright?

>> No.4118060


I'm fine. Don't worry about me.

>> No.4118070

What about the rest of you dads? Are you alright?

>> No.4118072

Physically, yes. Artistically? Not at all

>> No.4118074

What's the issue fellow dad?

>> No.4118075

it's fine nanners, go and take a break

I'm on overtime for the whole week but I'll try to push something for daib and cute boy

>> No.4118089
File: 5 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still struggling along trying to keep the streak

>> No.4118101

Keep up the good effort!
You've got this, struggling is good. At least good struggling is good.

>> No.4118163

based on their art, who do you think is a shit poster on /ic/?

>> No.4118167


>> No.4118171
File: 9 KB, 300x304, 6g4801w690481n75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4118185

nessie won daib guys

>> No.4118200

this aint no competition, sonny

>> No.4118212

winner absorbs the souls of all the losers

>> No.4118220

nessie already has so much soul

>> No.4118233

how do you think she got it in the first place?

>> No.4118237

shit that should've been in the terms I wouldn't have signed up

>> No.4118252

give me your souls and i can defeat nessie \o/

>> No.4118274

DAD Topic Challenge should be like >>4117496

>> No.4118294

>want to post
>on every other day schedule
>6 hours until next posting period comes up
this is poopoo

>> No.4118304


Better than
>Haven't even started on todays drawing
>Feel like falling asleep and don't know if I'll make it

>> No.4118306

Reminds me of the random emoji challenge on thunderdome

>> No.4118310

>falling asleep at 3 pm

>> No.4118316

good night daddiezzz =w=

>> No.4118353
File: 63 KB, 595x465, zczxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you guys think mielgo fucks his models

>> No.4118385

sleep well friend (*^^*)

>> No.4118511


I see a bunch of things about thunderdome but where can I see the challenges or maybe even participate?

>> No.4118534

LAS discord

>> No.4118552

>thunderdome channel
yeah about that..

>> No.4118554

I'm looking for a community that will cheer up on me and support me whenever I will struggle with my daily drawing routine. Is this a good place for that?

>> No.4118557

if you're nice or cute usually you'll get a positive reception, but aside from a few bad eggs we're a pretty helpful

>> No.4118561

Just don't get too needy or clingy.

>> No.4118580

If you can get past the shitposting it's pretty alright

>> No.4118604

If you become my onii Chan then maybe...0/////0

>> No.4118609

Cut that out.

>> No.4118620

cursed art accounts, don't be like this DADs

>> No.4118634

Thanks! I feel that I'll fit in then UwU

>> No.4118637

oh nooooo abort ABORT

>> No.4118667


>> No.4118670

this is kind of scary in a way...

>> No.4118671
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>> No.4118672
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but first, where did you heard/learned about DAD?

>> No.4118673

I wonder where he is now

>> No.4118707
File: 363 KB, 1157x1110, 1565410651863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind focus on drawing, but I have trouble with staying focus with school work and finish them early so I can have more time to draw.

>> No.4118726

>where did you heard/learned about DAD
Before posting my art on /ic/ I browse catalog to make sure that I'm using correct thread. I've noticed this thread, get curious and came inside.

>> No.4118727
File: 599 KB, 508x513, 1530669310779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I just noticed a critical flaw in Procreate daddies.
If your screen brightness is turned down, the colour picker makes all colours darker as well.

No wonder I have been struggling to get the right colours all day

>> No.4118734

;-; is that true holy shit

My ipad is constantly dimming I feel like. It can be max brightness but after about 15-20 mins it automatically dims and I can't see what I'm fucking doing. I turned off all the screen-dimming options in settings and it still does it. It's my least favorite thing about the ipad.

>> No.4118744

there's another dimming option in settings somewhere, mine kept turning the brightness up and down even though I'd turned off the obvious ones
I forget where it is but it was easy enough to find with google, other people have the same issue

>> No.4118748
File: 229 KB, 540x473, r.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Even he has more followers than me. Im upset about my art, its plain and boring. I need to step up my game.

>> No.4118753

>If your screen brightness is turned down, the colour picker makes all colours darker as well.
why did the procreate programmers do this?

>> No.4118779

Is there going to be a crit stream today after all?

>> No.4118787

is it that time of the month again, banana? please don't be too hard on yourself. We all want to see you succeed!

>> No.4118797

>We all want to see you succeed!
Except me. I want to see him fail so I could bully him.

>> No.4118802

u can bully him regardless of his failure, he is very bullyable.

>> No.4118807

>came inside
OwO daddy cummies

>> No.4118810

He probably married JMGN, but on a more serious note I do wonder where he went. Maybe he got tired of all the bullying and just left silenty?

>> No.4118821

He missed the start date for a couple of the seasonal challenges and said he'd be back in time for the next ones. Guess he just kept getting the date wrong and gave up?

>> No.4118823

Yeah I might come back around. Maybe when I get better it'll get easier.

>> No.4118826

> https://pastebin.com/EdvyLXkD
discord really is full of 14 year olds huh

>> No.4118830

There's a vid of him painting Belladonna, fucking turbo chad just approached her irl once and said he wanted to paint her

>> No.4118831

I think I'll stop drawing publicly too. I want to know if I really built a habit or I'm still dependent on DAD.

tldr. all teens should die anyway.

>> No.4118834

That was hospital, right? J would have a wild time with him for sure

>> No.4118835
File: 16 KB, 411x290, 1494572401682.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i reading

>> No.4118846

How do I enter the male challenge
Can you not enter challenges after they start?

>> No.4118847


>> No.4118848

tl;dr what is this literal autismfest?

>> No.4118850

Damn, I was hoping to enter both daib and the male challenge
Maybe next time then.
There will be a next time, r-right?

>> No.4118855

Some teenager join in the /las/ discord, showed off his lack of social skills in it and got banned

>> No.4118856

daib next year probably, male challenge whenever someone feels like indulging in a bit of /cm/

>> No.4118862

Hopefully the challenge system will get revamped so past challenges can come back.

>> No.4118864
File: 66 KB, 291x348, 2016-01-28-1453943740-4241424-Disgust_Inside_Out-thumb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is not an excuse, this is an explanation. I would do anything to get back into the /LAS/ Discord. Be it self-mutilation or bribing server moderators. There are no limits now. I will do anything to get back into the server. I will do anything. Anything. Let me back in, I will be good. Please. I won't stir drama, I won't stir drama. I will be mild-mannered and even shy if you'd like me to. I will be submissive, docile, anything. I will do anything to get into the server, anything at all. There are no limits to how far I'll go. There is nothing else for me, do you understand this?
That's a big fat barrel of "How about fucking NO?", yikes.

>> No.4118865

Give it a couple years or so.

>> No.4118866

Does this person even have a DAD account?

>> No.4118867

What challenge would you look forward to the most if old challenges could come back.

>> No.4118869

I feel a bit better now never having joined the discord.

>> No.4118870

topic hell from og las

>> No.4118873

Is this what this generation has become?
Fuck, I remember getting the banhammer every other week as an underagefag 10+ years ago.
Being a depressed sperg doesn't grant you a free pass to rejoin a group you're technically too young to even be in.

>> No.4118876

You welcome Hell itself?

>> No.4118882

with open arms

>> No.4118884

I love it when dumbass teens think they're all grown up after one year.

>> No.4118888

Which daddy is this? I wanna suck their cock.

>> No.4118889


>> No.4118891

I don't think they even draw or post to DAD

>> No.4118901

I don't care, I just want to fuck them silly if they turn out to be an adult. I love depressed pathetic daddies like Jerry and etc.

>> No.4118903

I’ll take a bribe of $25,000 to get an invite back you little bitch boy

>> No.4118908

I remember what it was like when I was 14
we were all filled with bullshit in our head
my best advice is to write it all down in a diary, don't let people see it, don't spill your spaghetti, and just get through it, you'll be fine once you're 20

>> No.4118911

An invite to the las discord is worth like 15 bucks tops.

>> No.4118920

Seeing him get invited only to be immediately kicked again is priceless tho

An give me my 15 then :^]

>> No.4118921

Pick up a pencil for the first time in years, niche, and I'll consider it.

>> No.4118922

Nothing is stopping you from making your own /dad/ discord. It's not like the admins draw or anything. And not everyone is required to join your server, either. It can be only 5 dads out of the 40 that are posting and still mean something.

>> No.4118929
File: 136 KB, 1200x1600, errerg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder

>> No.4118936


>> No.4118939

Friendly reminder to all my daddies that staying /fit is just as important in making it. Take care of your precious hands. I joined dad right after my wrist healed and it took one whole YEAR!!!!! Don’t be like me and ignore your body. Doing something physical everyday is ideal. And always workout your arms and wrist with small weights. Hand injury’s are some of the most complex things to fix so don’t take them for granite. Also if you do get injured. Avoid steroids and surgery until you are 100% sure you know what needs fixed. I hear so many stories of people blindly taking these treatments only to make it worst. Hand injury’s are so hard on the mind and can make you depressed. Love you daddies and keep working hard!!!!

>> No.4118945
File: 428 KB, 1080x1920, 66D5DB98-4716-4629-A862-268D2F393437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kringle here, crit strum is up!!!

>> No.4118947

crit the apology text

>> No.4118948

https://twitch.tv/kringle_c forgot link WHOPS

>> No.4118950

Kringle will you be critting daib posts as they come in or are you going to wait till the end and do them all at once?

>> No.4118951


I'm doing fine.

>> No.4118952

im just going to be critting work submitted by its own merits, regardless of site/board context, challenge or otherwise!

>> No.4118987

Ya got me, but I’ll spare you all of such a thing

>> No.4119007

It's not even a year has passed

>> No.4119064
File: 34 KB, 405x315, death-reaper-pd-wmc-405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you for the baby daddies.

>> No.4119108

why is every girl on dad asian

>> No.4119110


>> No.4119113

it's not my job to educate you bigot

>> No.4119116

Except it is

>> No.4119118

>dying after 1 day
what are all these guys doing

>> No.4119119

>I hate how you are a furry

As always thanks for the crit!

>> No.4119123

Too hard to commit

>> No.4119129

tell me a scary bed time story, daddies.

>> No.4119130

How shameful would it be to make my boy for the cute boy challenge additionally a furry

>> No.4119132

Once upon a time, Banana implemented the Tribunal!

>> No.4119145
File: 46 KB, 680x637, fb3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I developed a crush on Kringle

>> No.4119152

Subscribe to her to show your love

>> No.4119155

i would accept it begrudgingly

>> No.4119172

that's heresy, son

>> No.4119235

I told myself I wouldn't submit anymore but I still went and did it...

>> No.4119256

submit to me <3

>> No.4119267

Welcome back!

>> No.4119282

shut up Vusta/Saucy

>> No.4119292

Wrong furry :3c

>> No.4119327
File: 29 KB, 567x502, 7B213E9D-3089-44ED-A175-B68B3644804B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your boy is hella sick. Send me your daddy power and help me overcome this.

>> No.4119329

bro I'm sick too. Let's be sick buddies

>> No.4119331

Get well soon dads, don’t forget to spoiler your submissions so other dads don’t catch your sickness.

>> No.4119333

they don't look asian at all

>> No.4119335

Get well soon daddy!

>> No.4119347

Fuck bro. I’m so hot and sweaty right now. Bring me some orange juice please. I’ll owe you a solid.

>> No.4119400

Sorry bro I just drank the last orange juice

>> No.4119408

Br-bro, my penis feels funny, do you think you could massage it for me? I think it's swelling cause I'm sick.

>> No.4119431

*gives it a lick*

>> No.4119433

extremely hot, would erp with them if i had the chance

>> No.4119437

>inb4 the original file has a ransomware inside that disappears once you let the kid in the server

>> No.4119441

It would be a whole lot more fun if it was. Instead it's just the general complaining about uni and work. Lame grown up things.

>> No.4119445


I feel second-hand embarrassment reading this. I post art regularly at DAD and kind of lamented not being part of the community because I don't do discord but now I'm happy I don't. This kid should get his noodle checked and get a positive outlet, which drawing could be but evidently he can't be assed and wastes his energy on being an unproductive cunt. People who have no interest in art should fuck off from /ic/ and DAD. Also you have to be 18+ to be here anyway.

>> No.4119457

>4 years before this kid is old enough to rejoin las discord
How much do you think YOU can improve your art in 4 years? Will you still be a part of DAD in 4 years?

>> No.4119461
File: 31 KB, 739x415, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the discord is comfier than the other chan servers I've been. Lesser edge and drama. Might be cool if you want to check it out

>> No.4119463

A lot, I hope. I was part of las 2 years ago and I made some modest gains between the time I left and rejoined this year. But now that I'm doing Dad I feel like I'm improving a lot faster

>> No.4119469
File: 59 KB, 750x735, 789591e5aee5552b63569b5aae9f9117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4119481

Mmm! It tastes just like raisins!

>> No.4119482

>This kid will join LAS at 18 with 4 years of progress and be pretty good
>Meanwhile I will be 30 and still /beg/ and that much closer to death

>> No.4119487
File: 26 KB, 480x640, 5tyc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing bro

>> No.4119490

Tags: Yaoi, guro, cock and ball torture, insects

>> No.4119497

>it's been a decade since that song came out

>> No.4119525


No he won't because he is a miserable little shit that has no real interest or passion in art let alone gitting gud

>> No.4119539

I hope I can improve significantly, especially since I'm practicing every day now.

>> No.4119553


>> No.4119554
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>> No.4119562

i think mine's gonna be a furry too, i hope it isn't awkward

>> No.4119570
File: 115 KB, 640x786, 76bc5ffeec953d08ab912f774a8fdf96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make it kemono instead

>> No.4119694

>there are daddies here that were 4yo when that song came out
Now I feel really old...

>> No.4119704

we really are the daddies...

>> No.4119714

can I be a mommy

>> No.4119722

Only if you're serious about drawing.

>> No.4119723

only if you give milkies

>> No.4119738

I hope you aren't drawing just to fit in. You gotta have a real passion for it.

>> No.4119741

Where we fitting in? The freaks club?

>> No.4119760

I'm just drawing for fun. I'm not tryna make a profit out of it

>> No.4119767

The gay club.

>> No.4119780

I'm pretty sure he was referring to how some people are drawing as little as possible just to keep their streak instead of drawing for the fun of it.

I think this mindset is really unhealthy and yet quite common (I'm talking about koki, Varsils, Thunderounet, Cath, Dream, Valley, KazooKD, BanjoKazooie, dare and even the1banana who won't fool me with his sob story in the description).

>> No.4119813

I edited this post so the replies don't make sense

>> No.4119828


>> No.4119831

But Daddy, that's lewd!

>> No.4119835

I still think that Carthage should be destroyed.

>> No.4119843

How's DAIB going for you so far, daddies?

>> No.4119847
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>> No.4119855

Hey, fuck you, man. I've willingly ended my streak when I didn't feel like it, and 30 minutes is still better than no drawing. Everyone has bad days.
I needed to rest and think a bit to have fun again.

>> No.4119888

Name a couple passionate daddies!

>> No.4119894

You deserve to be bullied and you know that.

>> No.4119896

everyone begs to be bullied
someone finally does it

>> No.4119902

I don't mind being called named but implying I'm wasting my time doing something I don't like is just wrong.

>> No.4119940

Half of those users are beginners, *x* amount of time is not going to look the same between a beginner and expert.

>> No.4119947


you have no idea how long things can take when people actively try to learn and push themselfs or when frustration kicks in and nothing clicks
beginers also prone to erase and correct constantly

>> No.4119948

I'm still under 30 though.

>> No.4119951

look at this GRANDPA

>> No.4119954

Bro I just wanted some orange juice bro.... fuck still hot and sweaty. I’m begging you daddies. Stop fuckin me and take care of me

>> No.4119960


orange juice is sugar and concentrate anon ive told you this before its not good for you
shut up and drink the celery, banana and pomegranate smoothie i made for you and get back in bed

>> No.4119976
File: 139 KB, 1200x900, 68628584.cms.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...here you go...by the way, don't tell that other anon i'm giving you this

>> No.4120027


/beg/ here
Every night I post something to /dad/, and when I look at it the next day it looks like something I threw together in 10 minutes. But in reality it took me 2+ hours.
I guess I'll get faster through practice, but don't underestimate how long it takes to do even simple things for a beginner.

>> No.4120031
File: 61 KB, 850x602, __original_drawn_by_chita_ketchup__sample-b769d22d150b331c58a86f2478fea7a4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can relate

>> No.4120123

Flaubert was a dipshit, in addition to a bourgeoisie advocate.

>> No.4120129

It feels so good when you look at old drawings, try to redo them, and put together a better one in a few strokes. Then throw it to the bin cause you know you can do it again, or put more time in and do something even better

>> No.4120158

Andrew Loomis confirmed better than "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain"

>> No.4120169

I've killed my streak a couple of times, fella. I push to draw every day because it helps me stay on track and practice. Not every drawing is gonna be fun. Also, as little as possible? I've had a couple of days where I just doodled something quick but I disagree that I don't put time in my work most of the time.

>> No.4120170

>study for 1,5h
>already tired
I think I'll go take a nap or something.

>> No.4120172

I draw for the fun of it, but I also work 8 hours a day and have to do social life from time to time :(

>> No.4120179

comfy daddy

>> No.4120192
File: 8 KB, 240x193, 5d5fe138.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Think I'll just do a quick drawing to give me a break
>3h later I'm finally done, and it still turned out terribly
A-at least I have my streak

>> No.4120205

good daddy!

>> No.4120313

What resources/methods helped you guys see in 3D better? I'm struggling with that right now.

>> No.4120320

Life drawing organic stuff helps a lot, it doesn't even need to be humans.
Also practicing breaking down photos into spheres, cubes, and cylinders to understand the construction helped me a lot.

>> No.4120342

What do you mean that's illegal!? Illegal should be for them to be so hot and for making my dick hard.

>> No.4120372

my daib is going to be anime tits

>> No.4120374

Thank you!

>> No.4120377

I've changed my daib piece a few times already. Guess I'm just gonna post a compilation of them all, even though they didn't turn out all that great

>> No.4120393

just make one and stick with it ffs

>> No.4120396

Are you me, daddy

>> No.4120418

I'm gonna delete this post in a little bit, reply acting as if kringle just posted her nudes

>> No.4120423

nice jojo pose but the thighs need to be thicker, I expect better next week

>> No.4120426


alright that's it i'm shutting down the website

>> No.4120429

the boys in women's clothings were supposed to be drawings.

>> No.4120432


>> No.4120433

Contrary to popular belief he really didn't do anything wrong

>> No.4120436


Joke's on you I work eleven hour days

>> No.4120454

god bless

>> No.4120455


>> No.4120460


>> No.4120466

that's ok, I've got the next website in the barrel

>> No.4120558

>if we kill the site enough times eventually we can have Kringle as site admin

>> No.4120574

what makes u think that

>> No.4120578

A member always becomes the new site admin so by that logic, you just have go through the rotation until you reach who you want.

>> No.4120579


we don't want banana?

>> No.4120586

runnerman1 is next in line

>> No.4120591

holy shit is that guy still around?

>> No.4120595

I should rephrase that. It’s never a want, but a need.

>> No.4120608
File: 60 KB, 500x430, 1557714285665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dubs decide which user gets banned for absolutely no justifiable reason whatsoever

>> No.4120611


>> No.4120613

There used to be a site function for this. It was called a tribunal and the mafiaso controlled it behind the scenes.

>> No.4120627


>> No.4120690


>> No.4120697

that was over quick

>> No.4120702


>> No.4120703

I'll miss me

>> No.4120732

How did you guys learn to stylize so nicely?

I don't have a problem when drawing something semi-realistic - it just takes a lot of time and references. But actually designing new stuff or creatively simplifying it? That's just mindboggling.

>> No.4120740

Just seconding the organic drawings.
Preferably live models, or real dead ones ie skulls or taxidermy animals. (Nature museums are great if they’ll let you draw in them.)
Also at the beginning, don’t try too hard to see the shapes. Concentrate on the abstract shadows that create planes. If you try to hard to fit in boxes/cylinders everywhere you’ll wind up with an inaccurate drawing. It might take a while but eventually it will click, you just have to start seeing the slight changes in shadows as planes, eventually you can start to simplify those in your head.

>> No.4120774


oh so technically we dont need banana because someone else will just take his place?
it would be good to have him but its no great loss if he just packed up and left?

>> No.4120781

Yeah. Admins are like Kleenex: pull one out, another comes out.

>> No.4120784

Curious which dad’s style you are envious of?
My general understanding is that AFTER you’ve mastered some basic understanding of shape/proportion/other fundamentals is when your style starts to come to fruition. Without a decent grasp of fundamentals, you don’t have much to play around with.

>> No.4120807

Thank you. I've been attempting value studies from photo refs and I was interpreting the shadows and different values as planes; it felt like I was sculpting the form while working on them. Is that more of what I should be trying to feel out in general?

>> No.4120811

Not him but there are a lot of people here I'm kinda envious. I barely know what to focus on and practice half the time, it gets overwhelming. Right now I'm just trying to work on boxes and shit so I can get out of /beg/ hell eventually.

>> No.4120817

Banana please install a big "delete everything" deadswitch to las site incase you get bullied away, this will teach >>4120781 some manners

>> No.4120822

Crack open a hole in the roof of their skulls, pop a straw in there, and start slurping those gains away my friend.

>> No.4120827

*bullies banana away regardless*
hmm? you thought I cared about the wellbeing of the site and its users?

>> No.4120830

gib names

>> No.4120833

what if banana is bullyposting himself in this thread

>> No.4120837


there is already one built into heroku but i don't intend to hit that button ever
very unlikely that i can be bullied into closing the site ever; only time i'd even consider it is if i was dead or someone made a new one that everyone migrated to and liked better

>> No.4120838

Big brain plays

>> No.4120840

This feels exactly like something Lava would say.

>> No.4120841

>someone made a new one that everyone migrated to and liked better
*launches new and better site*
*grabs all DAD's users with flashy features like a Tribunal*
*waits until banana gives up and deletes DAD*
*close down site, w style*

>> No.4120842

It's worked every other time, so your bets would be pretty good. Except you'll inherit something that'll cause your own downfall.

>> No.4120843

the Lava curse

>> No.4120850
File: 76 KB, 800x606, c6c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4120851

Why does my internet provider think this site is piracy

>> No.4120856

But I want them to keep their gains, I want to get good so I can draw alongside them at a decent level.

Who are you on dad, I'll tell you if you're one of them. Chances are if your art's good then you're up there.

>> No.4120857
File: 1.80 MB, 500x500, intensify_forward_firepower.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Intensify forward firepower!

>> No.4120859

>Why does my internet provider think this site is piracy
File-sharing anon. We have a whole board (/t/) dedicated to it.

>> No.4120860

>extremely complex and powerful warship that's used for conquering the galaxy
>can't even hit two shots from 500m away on a target that's moving in a straight line
>doesn't even have shields to protect from such cases of destruction

>> No.4120865

I think value studies are fine for deciphering planes, but if you wanted to you could negate value entirely and just try contouring and measuring planes to start out with. That way you aren't concerned with value changes at all to start out with, just where and how the planes change.
The way I learned was just from "crawling" through whatever I'm looking at, measuring certain landmarks against other landmarks, and then putting in values once I checked the initial drawing was accurate.
What really matters I think are what references/objects you are using. Ideally they should be organic, but with easily decipherable planes. Skulls are always the best thing for /beg/.

>> No.4120877

>2nd week of drawing class
>few drop outs as expected of course
>today we're learning about gesture drawing
>"oh shit time to unleash my true for--
>psyche we're actually learning to draw things as basic shapes!!
>oh...that's not really what I was expecting--but construction is my strong point!
So I construct my drawing better than almost all the kiddos whom I thought were better than me based on the first week of "blind contour" drawing and basically I feel like an asshole and should have just pretended to be more shit than I am because I got no critique other than "your drawing should be center". Hell I even self critiqued myself and it feels like the teacher thinks I'm an asshole

I wish I had enough money to go to Art Center or whatever so those guys could drill me a new one. Though what am I expecting for a community college class.

>> No.4120885

>gesture drawing, except it's not what you think
kek, holy shit. I had the exact same kind of thing happen. It's good practice anyways though. Don't underestimate your prof's fundamentals nor get too hot headed. You'll be your own down fall. Just refine your work as much as possible and try to get as much critique and experimentation in. You sound like you wouldn't even last at AC.

>> No.4120886

>Don't underestimate your prof's fundamentals nor get too hot headed.

Yeah I know. There are a lot of things I don't know that I've neglected in traditional art so I hope I'll get a lot out of this. I did learn some things like positioning and just being there physically made things a lot more clearer.

>> No.4120888

If you're not getting a decent critique by your second week get the fuck out of there.
I wasted so many classes on shit teachers who either didn't know how to critique my work or didn't want to.
Your gains will be so much more with a teacher who gives good crit. I stayed in those classes with shit teachers because I thought "Well I'm still drawing...", but I wish I would have just switched classes.

>> No.4120895

>If you're not getting a decent critique by your second week get the fuck out of there.

I kinda would but Drawing 1 & 2 is required for the graphic design program so I can't drop it. There were so many times he went up to the board and I wanted to say something additional to make myself look like I'm engaged with what's being taught but then if it looks like I'm more knowledgeable then it 1. as what's happening now I'm not getting feedback and 2. singles me out as being the "already talented (not really) guy".

>> No.4120898

Are you even taking design yet, that class is the legitimately difficult one.

>> No.4120902

Not until next year. I'm only taking 1 class but I plan to go full time immediately in January/February after quitting my job.

>> No.4120917

It doesn't hurt to ask him for more critique after class or during. Your paying for the instructors time and feedback, if you feel like you're not walking away with anything valuable, don't just sit in that. If he gives you a half ass critique just ask him if that's really all you can improve on, or ask him specifically for things you want to improve on.

>> No.4120927

I was in classes with people who legit had never drawn before and the professors always appreciated it (like would straight up tell me it was refreshing to hear) whenever there were contributions from students with more technical mileage and ability.

If you're ahead of the class, professors will help out students who are struggling more than you, but are more than willing to give critique if you ask for it after class or something. Remember to be specific about what your intended goal is however, as in you don't want them to critique your mecha waifu illustration as an abstract painting.

Since you're at a community college taking an intro to drawing sort of thing, you have to remember the professor's bar for new students is very low. A lot of people take Drawing 1 as what they intend to be their 'easy elective', so they sort of have to cater to that.

>> No.4120937

I'll try that then. I feel like I've tried some similar stuff just not extensively, so thank you for the advice on what to focus on!

>> No.4121127
File: 185 KB, 482x630, 1558147547866.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mor I daib the more I realize I have noo idea wtf I'm doing

>> No.4121136

Coming to know what you don't know is a valuable part of the learning process. You may struggle now, but by confronting your weaknesses now will let you improve even more in the future!

>> No.4121221

same here and there's one and a half week left

>> No.4121318

I forgot to tell Latina good morning but she's already left for school :(

>> No.4121330

The beginning of the end for latina anon...

>> No.4121358
File: 119 KB, 1001x899, IMG_20190818_155411.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw can't work on cute boy challenge in public because people might see

>> No.4121370

Cute daddy <3

>> No.4121396
File: 643 KB, 1022x731, 1567577222433.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hang in there dads. We gonna get through this

>> No.4121428
File: 46 KB, 736x932, 10jg4r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trying to do specific pose
>Autistically pose in front of mirror and try to imagine myself with big muscles

>> No.4121430

I think it's admirable that you're putting in so much effort.

>> No.4121432
File: 1.72 MB, 2576x1932, 2ad909e386126486e181feecb41d47fc36187729595ce1616993029f89c38a7a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to become a cutie so I can take my own reference photos

>> No.4121433

>>Autistically pose in front of mirror and try to imagine myself with big muscles
That's good though, using yourself as ref is a very useful technique, your body and a mirror are superb tools.

>> No.4121434

did andrae draw this?

>> No.4121482

>tfw feel this way about the opposite but could probably do this challenge if could draw cute boys

>> No.4121522
File: 74 KB, 800x534, Shibuya-Hachiko-Statue-v01-800x534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4121521

>> No.4121813


That's why it's useful to attempt to finish things, look at all those things you need to practice that you didn't know you needed.

>> No.4121814

That's a death flag if I've ever heard one!