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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.59 MB, 1041x1065, dd1zztj-b45f03cf-0787-4746-a3d6-f58bad165ee8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4115517 No.4115517 [Reply] [Original]


I can't believe a girl draws these, I always thought it would be a fat japanese man

>> No.4115521

Ok op, now go back to drawing loomis, ok?

>> No.4115522

AGP girls make the best art

>> No.4115523

yeah and

>> No.4115526

>westerns can't draw ani---

>> No.4115528

I am 22 years old Polish incel and I have never had a girlfriend

>> No.4115529

wtf a GIRL drew THAT???

>> No.4115545

wait what's your point? this is the usual western tumblr nuanimu beg doodles

>> No.4115546


>> No.4115547
File: 112 KB, 900x840, 37bf46b7580.9438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>unironically thinks this looks anything like actual anime

>> No.4115548

Uhh no it isn't you willfully ignorant fool. And this is coming from someone who looks at anime 24/7. It looks just as good as any Japanese artists works. If she never revealed herself and added Japanese text to her description I would have believed she was a native.

>> No.4115552

then you need to look more at anime, because this is stiff and boring as fuck

>> No.4115555

Have you seen her other works? It looks like authentic Japanese quality.

>> No.4115556

>stiff and boring
How does that disqualify it from being anime?

>> No.4115559

>And this is coming from someone who looks at anime 24/7.
somehow this was supposed to come off as a quality argument that proves your skill and perception as an artist I guess? Dropped

>It looks just as good as any Japanese artists works. If she never revealed herself and added Japanese text to her description I would have believed she was a native.
phew and he calls us stupid. It's not our fault your taste is beg level shit anon

>> No.4115563 [DELETED] 

friendly reminder that this person and probably her incels are trying to suk orbiters in with this beg stuff

>> No.4115566

on /ic/? that'd be dumb

>> No.4115583


Having a big laugh mate?

>> No.4115592
File: 287 KB, 1000x1414, sakiyamama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's right though. I have never seen a jap with a line quality that looks like they just traced a sketch with Illustrator's bezier line tool but I see it all the time with westerners including this artist.
Take a look at this done by an actual Jap, very similar rendering style, but look at the subtitles in the line, It doesn't look like soulless bezier curves.

>> No.4115595

imagine being so invested in japan that you think the japanese never draw a stiff figure

>> No.4115609


>this artist is better than her therefore her art is disqualified as anime!

you guys are funny

>> No.4115614

>h-how can you now worship this female artist's polished turd? c-can't you see she's a westerner gurl?

>> No.4115616


>t-this girl isn't anime because I have artists who are soooOOOooOOo much better
>lalalalala I can't hear you lalalala

>> No.4115618

You people cope too hard.

This is not even close to beg, pyw fool

>> No.4115620

>t-this girl isn't anime
nice strawman, retard. but no one said that

>> No.4115623

I honestly can't find a low tier Japanese artist that polishes their work as much as her or has such a soulless line style.

>> No.4115624
File: 193 KB, 532x484, beg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uh oh. it looks like /ic/ have spoken

>> No.4115630
File: 109 KB, 528x341, put the gun down, rob boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the girl go ...

>> No.4115632

>I honestly can't find a low tier Japanese artist

You can. You just don't want to.
>that polishes their work as much as her or has such a soulless line style.

Now you're just being subjective.

>> No.4115641
File: 184 KB, 485x1482, cirno-s-Store-Blend-S-anime-Characters-sakuranomiya-maika-pillow-cover-kanzaki-hideri-body-Pillowcase-hinata.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is obviously traced

>> No.4115644

Even if it is, and? Can you trace and do just as good?

>> No.4115647
File: 186 KB, 1259x1248, pixiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pixiv > newest from everyone

I like the japanese art community more than the western one but I don't know why so many people on /ic/ pretends japanese are always better artists. I follow a lot of japanese people on twitter and see amateur art RT all the time.

The main difference I find between most western and japanese artists no matter their skill level is that western artists usually like to draw with thicker lines. Japanese artists like to draw with very thin lines. You can probably eventually emulate "japanese art" if you try to do master studies of their line art style.

>> No.4115649

>You have to be a chef to criticize food.

>> No.4115651

sure. anyone can trace

>> No.4115653

Okay, prove it.

>> No.4115654
File: 63 KB, 734x604, not soul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You can. You just don't want to.
I honestly can't. Every low tier Japanese artist has a lively freehand style.
>Now you're just being subjective.
This is not soul, my dude. Anyone can do line work in MS Paint with the 1x1 pixel brush and it'll have more soul than this.

>> No.4115655

Her lines is fine you utter nu-weeb.

>> No.4115658

>I honestly can't.
He just did >>4115647 for you. Case dismissed.

Everything else you're saying is subjective.

>> No.4115663

What part of "lively freehand style" don't you understand? I don't see any terrible vector tracing going on in that picture except for that guy that made some sort of logo (so that guy doesn't even count). All of it is more interesting than OP's artist.

>> No.4115668
File: 1.41 MB, 3000x3996, 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

never drew anime though.

>> No.4115669

>All of it is more interesting than OP's artist.
>Everything else you're saying is subjective.

Hear yourself for a moment.

>> No.4115671

>never drew anime though.

Then you can't do better. Why did you bother to post.

>> No.4115673

Also not only is it not anime but how how can you fuck up the face so badly?

>> No.4115677

I can't care less

>> No.4115681

>but you didn't trace this specific style
anon, tracing is tracing no matter the style, and anyone can do that

>> No.4115684

>and anyone can do that

You didn't prove otherwise. Also she isn't tracing so I don't see why you're trying to jab at angles non-existent.

>> No.4115687

You shill an artist that puts their twitch vods behind a pay wall and I don't think it's worth it, I shit on them. Nothing personal, kid.

>> No.4115692
File: 493 KB, 700x988, 76739371_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This artist is in the pixiv ranking currently. You are wrong.

Besides, that picture you posted looks more western than op.

>> No.4115693

I'm not the OP who made the thread.

>> No.4115702

Why does race matter? Anyone can draw pixiv tier anime art if they practice.

Ya'll are all ngmi

>> No.4115704

>now he's deflecting the gender to race since he ran out of things to hit her with

sad. SAD!

>> No.4115719


>> No.4115725

How the fuck does a woman get this good at art yet I can't draw anything even though I love anime girls far more than her?? Talent is real and it hits every day

>> No.4115726

Post your work.

>> No.4115727

Hahahahaha I love these zealots getting pissy about muh true nippon drawings. Bullying needs to come back.

>> No.4115730

First, stop being an incel and accept the fact that women can be better than you. anyone can be better than you. get rid of your dumb ego

Second, this woman has been drawing since 2008. that's about 11 years

third, you are here on ic complaining about how you're bad at art. Do you want to get better? Draw more. don't waste your time on here

>> No.4115734

>Her lines is fine

Where did I criticize her lines faggot?

>> No.4115735

talent is only a thing to lazy people who want to make excuses for why people are better than them. better start drawing bitch boy

>> No.4115737
File: 93 KB, 790x719, 1524970567452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>11 years
Not him, but I have been drawing for about five years now and I get accosted, nagged, humiliated and henpecked because of my current level in these five short years. Why does she get a pass?

>> No.4115740

>this is the usual western tumblr nuanimu beg doodles
you either have no clue what any of that words mean, or are clinically blind

>> No.4115743

How the fuck can some woman be better than me are drawing cute girls?? Fuck this shit, my one and only passion in life and some roastie whore takes it away

>> No.4115748

You haven't been drawing for 5 years, don't lie. You probably drew for 5 minutes once in the entirety of 2019 and then counted it as a "year".

Post your work.

>> No.4115749

Might as well kill yourself, faggot.

>> No.4115752

nice try, but the poster count didn't raise

>> No.4115754

I feel a strong urge to donate $50 to her stream live just to piss some of you off.


Is the >>>amount<<< of work that you put in the equivalent of 5 years? Do you have a folder of drawings that you've amassed over the years? There are 365 days in a year so do you have less than 365 digital files in those 5 years of drawing or more? Say you have 800 files total that's still less than 5 years worth of work if you drew once every day and even then that's an abysmally low amount if you ever want to be better than her.

>> No.4115765

Don't know what you're asking. sounds like you stay in your comfort zone to me.

Lmaoooo have fun with your fragile ego

Don't know what you are implying

>> No.4116135

Do girls reference themselves and self-insert into their artwork? Why else do they draw such things?

>> No.4116142

girls like cute things
op probably really likes dolls or something

>> No.4116186

This is hot

>> No.4116972

I keep hearing this word and that "wall" is always like $5 quit being so poor holy shit
I don't care about this girls work but damn why people are so scared to spend even a tiny bit of money on artists is fucking annoying

>> No.4116983

god that's hot af

>> No.4116985

what a garbage thread

>> No.4116994

literally shilling her own art in this degenerate shithole. Way to get 1k viewers though.

>> No.4117064

a paywall is a paywall, cuck

>> No.4117111

have sex... HAVE SEX you FUCKING INCEL why won't you HAVE SEX please please please before you go on a shooting spree HAVE SEX

>> No.4117117

Bend over then. If you keep telling me that I'm so cute then spread me some pussy cheeks.

>> No.4117192

Ew but the sameface

>> No.4117272

What's wrong with scarface?

>> No.4117316
File: 223 KB, 1000x681, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Girls are horny sluts

>> No.4117326

What makes you think that

>> No.4117329

she seems cool. lots of girls draw anime man. they're the best at it too. all the schools i went to there was always a weeb group and they knew how to draw anime good alrready.

>> No.4117351

contrary to popular belief, women like to draw cute things more than men do

>> No.4117473

>contrary to popular belief

You don't know how to use the word "contrary".

>> No.4117600

>degenerate shithole.
She was shilled on reddit for complaining about twitch giving her a warning for drawing camel toe.

>> No.4117613

There are literal women right now who have channels where they paint their breasts and whole body IN THE NUDE and call it art, camel toe streams, and cleavage streams and they don't get any kind of warning. But heaven forbid someone moves a few pixels on photoshop they get a strike.

>> No.4117615
File: 68 KB, 750x544, ae909.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4117637

the body painters wear pasties to cover their nipples and the camera isnt zoomed in on their nipples for 30min, hentai artist had the camera zoomed in on the camel toe.
calling these things the same is bs.

>> No.4117647


I'm not calling them the same I'm saying one is over the rules compared to the other. Learn to reading comprehension.

>> No.4117926

Post your work

Snip Snip

>> No.4117928 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, there's already another thread about this exact same artist

>> No.4117945

Girls can be just a perverted as guys. I remember hearing from a girl I met sophomore year and she told me and a couple other people that she masturbates all the fucking time, like more than 8 times a day or some crazy shit like that. That's when I realized that girls can be just as needy

>> No.4119944
File: 178 KB, 1000x889, ECgSqP7UEAA-AwG.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fat japanese are better

>> No.4119956

anime like that is so soulless

>> No.4120257

Its like these guys do this stuff like its natural. I feel like most westerners have to sorta force that style or try really hard to get it.

>> No.4120400

she got banned its your fault incels

>> No.4120401

fucking twitch dude.
i hate these puritanical companies. raze all these corporations to the ground.

>> No.4120404


>> No.4120462

Absolutely disgusting the West is against itself now. Asian artists can draw lewds, but English speaking ones can’t?

>> No.4120883

What the fuck? I don't understand twitch man. You have these women with cameltoe streams and they're A-OK. But drawings? Oh hell no sound the alarms and grab the ban hammer.

>> No.4120889


>> No.4120891

>get popular
>get the hammer
Why is this so common? Can't have the little man climb up?

>> No.4120963


She didn't deserve it, but I cant stand when they try to distance themselves from the sexuality of their drawings the moment it becomes an inconvenience to them.

>> No.4120965

I guess we know that twitch mods are men and not women.

>> No.4120973

They are SJWs and that's the only thing that matters. We can't have animu girls (on twitch) because it hurts the feelings of the landwhales

>> No.4120977

The colors are nice but there is nothing sexy in the composition, the facial expression, and the arms are too stubby in my OPINION
Also, women are stupid, in fact

>> No.4121003

I don't see any attempts to distance from sexuality here at all. There really is a difference between something like ecchi pin-ups and hentai, I don't this person's full resume so I'm just assuming they didn't grow off anything other than one-off ecchi illustrations. Twitch admins are faggots that play it loose with the written guidelines so I get why she's frustrated and wants clarification here.

I never really understood why Twitch decided to open up the gates with Art/Creative streams when they can barely conjure the competency to moderate people saying the gamer word of the day.

>> No.4121026

More like easily triggered snowflakes operating said hammer.

>> No.4121094

She literally has porn hidden behind a paywall.
Yumemi is covered in semen in the thumbnaill, but yeah I wholly endorse "fuck Twitch" more than this girl, I just hate this hypocrisy from some artists.

"It is just me exploring more dynamic angles" is the most obvious asspull I've ever seen.

>> No.4121222

Same but I'm 19 and I can't draw ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

>> No.4123596

It's the betas at twitch, if she isn't a twitch partner racking in that dough she is a non-entity to them. Fucking disgusting human beings run that damn site