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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4113805 No.4113805 [Reply] [Original]

Why is krita so shit at higher res?
the max resolution i can draw is 4k x 4k, then it starts lagging, i've been able to draw on 10k x 10k canvas in photoshop with ram being an only constrain

>> No.4113815

that's what you get from a patchwork group of people that work fuelled by donations and kickstarters

>> No.4113851

what are you drawing at 10k?

>> No.4113857

>sucks to be you for not cucking out your bank balance for secret code thats only as expensive as it is because its shilled to hollywood and other big money businesses

>> No.4113903

why would you even want to work any higher than 4k? 1080p is good enough for most people

>> No.4114052
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>> No.4114062

Maybe you should quit being an autist and pick up a pencil, if it's unlimited res you want.

>> No.4114097

>drawing in pencil
This is the humor I needed today

>> No.4114106

But everyone other than professionals pirates adobe software so the financial argument is nonexistent.

>> No.4114130

traditional artists work with a4 sized paper most of the time. how is that any different? the only reason youd work at 4k+ sizes is if you want to make a huge side-of-a-building sized poster from it

>> No.4114134

Tweak your memory usage settings.

>> No.4114352
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>> No.4114357

problem is if you make a 1080p canvas zooming in or looking at it from a bigger monitor will make it pixelated, i like 4k x 2.5k cause it lets me zoom in and use the entire thing as a big sketch pad with lots of space at 100%

>> No.4114365

Ok i get what you mean about having lots of sletchpad space. Im just used to sketching in am animation program so when i run out of space i go to the next frame instead of using a 99k x 99k canvas

>> No.4114455


>> No.4114793

its not ok to steal just because its easy to do so.

>> No.4114796

It’s not stealing, it’s renting without paying.

>> No.4114797

ill also add the more youre locking yourself into the adobe workflow, the more youre fucking yourself over for when you do have to start paying. you can just move to something else easily because all those shortcuts and methods will be burned into you. thats how they get you. thats probably why they let you.

>> No.4114800

cant* just

>> No.4114806
File: 137 KB, 1116x1280, 78CC34D2-5C45-4247-B74D-45B1C4974A93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t use photoshop.

>> No.4114807

Eh, I don't really find Photoshop's workflow that different from CSP or SAI.

>> No.4116332

how much ram do you have?

>> No.4116339

oh really? You can't do a retarded unnecessary size of a file on this cheap(free? IDK) program that just showed up?

>> No.4116345

I knew it was a loser.

>> No.4116353

OMG I'm gonna lock myself on the workflow of the industries' default software that every other software wish it was. Look at the hairy lie you're telling yourself just because you don't know how to pirate a program. We learned this shit cracking games in the 90s. Don't worry, just a little crime won't get you to hell if you pray saying you're sorry.

>> No.4116642

gnu/linux cuck take the black pill and use windows theres nothing better.(yet)

>> No.4116989

doing it or not doing it is whatever. normalising it in conversation on public boards like this is what is leading to this internet crackdown.

>> No.4117750

Tell me what's been stolen, physically.

>> No.4117757

He’s butthole

>> No.4117778

Krita could be a really decent program if not was for the optimization part.
You can adjust the preferences to fast the enviroment a lot, but even with that is not "good enough". If the thing was reallly fast I think it could be a serious competitor of other more professional options. His brushes are not... bad they are ok, the stabilizer ... could be better, but is there so it is a starting point, and the animation environment also is there, so the things are there, they exist, unlike other programs, and that is really really great, but without that improvement in speed it never gonna shine properly.