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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 40 KB, 491x487, no don't chicken scratch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4106986 No.4106986[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

this mindset needs to stop

>> No.4106999

preach it my fellow /beg/tard! bad artist rights!!

>> No.4107003

>tfw too smart for clean lines

>> No.4107005

who hurt u

>> No.4107006

Why does chicken scratch even matter? It's called a sketch for a reason, a sketch was never meant to be a final product. It's probably just a bunch of weird ocd autistic weirdos. But seriously let'a have an open discussion about, bring it on smooth liners, tell us about your point of view.

>> No.4107011

>maybe I should improve my draftanship?
>no, it's the people who can actually draw straight lines that are weird
quit deluding yourself and practice your damn linework, pretending you're not bad won't make you any better

>> No.4107012
File: 978 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2019-09-09-00-18-04.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For example this one is by Michelangelo, it's full of what can be considered chicken scratching. It's almost like you HAVE to apply different volumetrics to stroke style to get the right visual style.

>> No.4107013

There's a difference between sketching and inefficient mark making.
1. Indicates that you're using your wrist and fingers to draw when you should be using your elbow and shoulder. Making straight lines and smooth curves way harder to pull off.
2. Gives a hairy texture to everything.
3. Indicates tunnel vision in the early stages of a drawing. In the sketching phase you should be thinking about the big picture.
4. Takes way longer to do everything.

>> No.4107015

You've probably never even sketched something in your fucking life, otherwise you'd know that you want it to read easy instead of having too much noise. Line is practically another language, like any conversation you want to be clear and to the point to get the message across instead of ambiguous hairy lines that is difficult to read.

>> No.4107016

Dude no one is saying they can't draw a straight line, there a people that literary do both, I'd be worried about someone who is trying to be too technical, restricting their artistic ability.

>> No.4107019

Good draftsman is eternal. What, you believe in bad draftsmanship? Though, it’s totally fine to just bang out a string of ideas you can choose from to compare and contrast the best out of the bunch, and it’s also fine to be quick and dirty in your sketches for work. What I’m trying to say that if you don’t have the ability to be able to choose when to turn habitats on or off you need to work on your craft. I believe everyone should work towards mastery of the medium. At the end of the day they’re tools that you can use to fully realize your ideas.

>> No.4107020

Not chicken scratch. Notice how much longer many of the strokes are. Just because many lines have been drawn to give impression of form does not mean it's chicken scratch.

>> No.4107022

It’s pretty obvious why learning environments stress the importance of good technique, retard. It’s not for the people confident in their abilities, its for the beginners.

>> No.4107023

I guarantee Michelangelo started that picture with a loose gestural sketch with broad strokes. The added lines actually give the piece rhythm in this case. It's not chicken scratch.

>> No.4107024

>Not chicken scratch
You have to be lying.

>> No.4107027

these threads should be banned

>> No.4107034
File: 171 KB, 804x1032, 77831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4107037
File: 114 KB, 1728x520, Mike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's another Michelangelo. I bet you think this is chicken scratch too?

>> No.4107042

If someone posted that in /draw they would litteraly be called a beg.

>> No.4107046
File: 366 KB, 1130x560, 1567888406621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Probably because it's unfinished, loose, and gestural.
The anatomy and mark making is perfectly sound.

>> No.4107048

Oh I understand, I also understand that there are paintings that sell more at auctions than what I could make in a year, they could also be seen as chicken scratch to some people.

>> No.4107049

iirc chicken scratching comes from when a drawing newbie picks up a pencil, grips it really fucking hard, sticks their tongue out, and bit by bit makes tiny line after tiny line to produce a tree or whatever.

>> No.4107050

You do know all those rules change depending on the context of the drawing right?

>> No.4107051

this guy gets it

>> No.4107053

Maybe if you're drawing on a sticky pad.

>> No.4107055

You have no sense of creativity do you?

>> No.4107056

But there would a percentage of people that would consider it chicken scratch none the less.

>> No.4107057

Okay, maybe if you're engraving something into a steel plate with a pick and a chisel. You may get some scratchy linework if you're not careful.

>> No.4107059

Doesn't change the original definition/intent of the term.

>> No.4107066

I guess chicken scratch is more of an qualitative opinion than a quantitative technical word, since it's just subjective at this point. If there was an algorithm, which there isn't, then all my points would litteraly be destroyed.

>> No.4107074

Doesn't matter what you call it. It still looks indecisive, amateurish, and generally ugly.

>> No.4107079

Everything you said is still qualitative. This conversation is not moving forward till you can bring up quanatative factors.

>> No.4107082

I already did here>>4107013

>> No.4107092

people calling things chicken scratch when they aren't doesn't make the term subjective, it just means those people are fucking wrong. Dumbass

>> No.4107093

You do know those techniques are not efficient in all cases right? How do you not know this? Are you even worth debating with?

>> No.4107096

Show me your personal examples then.

>> No.4107100

>they're wrong cause they're wrong

>> No.4107104

They're generally efficient when you want to draw something. Unless it's very tiny.