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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 365 KB, 914x1237, nemori - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4102039 No.4102039 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>4096176
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/curUdax (temporarily unavailable)
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4102045

Good doggy! Why such an old image, though? Not that I'm complaining, it's one of my favorite things from Nemori.

>> No.4102056

Dad please give me a (You)
im so lonely

>> No.4102059

But you're never alone. I'm always here.

>> No.4102060
File: 94 KB, 447x599, a4f42135409524c86027be438039d713.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since nemori is someone who I haven't picked as an OP yet, and that particular piece is one I've had in the back of my mind as an OP for nemori since I saw it back when it was posted. Nemori's got so much great stuff that it would be hard to go wrong picking anything by them, that said, I guess I have a bit of a bias towards pieces that seem "self-contained", rather than collections of studies and characters (although I sort of broke that when it came to hoppy not too long ago).

>> No.4102101

>still having trouble drawing fucking boxes in perspective
should I just kill myself or what, Jesus I'm retarded

>> No.4102107

Only if you reborn from your ashes like a phoenix. Drawing boxes in perspective is kind of boring and requires patience. Frankly, if you get the basic principle, don't stick around and just move on to structures. Hand-eye coordination takes time to build.

>> No.4102120

>dreamed of drawing
daddy, im growing stronger!

>> No.4102122

: )

>> No.4102139
File: 1000 KB, 418x480, 1556223908872.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am at the moment that I am satisfied on how the drawing is turning out but I fear I may screw it up

wat do

>> No.4102146

Screw it up or be forever satisfied.

>> No.4102155


If digital, you can always turn back the clock. If not, pray.

>> No.4102184
File: 656 KB, 1080x1080, 27298101-9D48-4304-9D84-196FE6F8B0E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be the next OP daddies!

>> No.4102187
File: 282 KB, 250x250, 1559137510709.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aaaaaaaaaa dads I'm so fucking garbage fucking shit fuck I swear the only thing that gets me through this shit sometimes is the simple hope that if I stay dedicated maybe just one day far in the future I won't be fucking god awful AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA how am I supposed to do DAIB FUCK

>> No.4102195

me too

>> No.4102199

>come up with an idea, it doesn't even have good, just something you find interesting in the moment
>do some shitty sketches
>figure out what's making them shitty and what are the elements of the image that you need to study to draw them good
>do studies & more test comps based on what you learn

>> No.4102204

I feel you man. Another day, still /beg/. But I gotta be hopeful and practice every day.

>> No.4102247

>draw everyday
>try to study everyday too (I haven't managed that but that's an ideal to strive towards)
>do 30 day long challenges of a particular study topic (ie study anatomy everyday for a month)
>spend hours looking at your own art to see what's wrong with it, spend hours looking at others art to see what's right with it, compare the two and figure out what you need to learn
>when you do study, don't be lazy, have some focus, try to learn something. Have the same kind of level of attention as if you are trying to figure out what your girlfriend meant by "it's not you, it's me" when she left you. Really focus on trying to figure the problem out
>Do things like still-lives, bargue plates, life drawing, plein air, etc all the buzzwords. Read all the books that /ic/ mentions too

I do most of these, I try to do all of them, but this is definitely the way to improve
One thing to add that I haven't been able to do is
>get critique from other artists
Get it from really good artists that are way better than you, and get it consistantly
I've been given critique by really good artists only a handful of times and it's really been a "level-up" experience. They will point out your bad habits, and they might even mention why you have those bad habits. They will point out things wrong with your art that would have taken you months/years to learn on your own, all in one sentence.
I'm sure I would be 10x better than I am now if I had critique like that on a consistant basis

>> No.4102255

to add onto this..

I find there's two frames of mind I'm in at any given time, when it comes to art
>I don't know what I need to do to improve/I see no weakpoints
>I need to study everything and I don't know what's most important

In the former, to solve this problem, you just have to study something, anything, it doesn't matter what, even if you think you're good at it, just study it more becuase you can always get better... and you'll realize you actually suck at it and now you have something you need to study

In the latter... you do the same thing, just study anything, it doesn't matter. If you suck at everything, than you have alot of work to do, so pick something and get started

I suppose there's a third frame of mind, that being "I need to study x" but that's obvious, in that situation you should study x

The key thing to take from this is to study. Don't sit around thinking about studying. Start drawing, that's the only way you'll improve. You're not going to get better by just sitting there

>> No.4102261
File: 289 KB, 868x611, 1557148151161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good daddies!

>> No.4102264
File: 131 KB, 715x943, d5g8bt8-f176245c-c1bc-4cab-8e0d-0c20194f661f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me of this

>> No.4102306

kringle's critting today's submissions, make sure to include a note in the description if you want her to review another day instead

>> No.4102348


>> No.4102359

which daddy are you i want to compliment your art :) haha :)

>> No.4102374
File: 181 KB, 284x416, 6DA77002-AC69-4121-8DD7-80CCA0A9D9A9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102375
File: 154 KB, 506x508, hidden in plain sight behind wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhmm haha :s

>> No.4102382

hi daddies i forgot to post yesterday so i lost my streak
i need cute animals to cheer me up

>> No.4102385
File: 62 KB, 225x359, 1556082739256.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad daddy! failure will not be rewarded!

>> No.4102398
File: 93 KB, 402x640, 3C037BA0-E839-478A-8FC0-FFAA46E9415C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don’t worry anon! you can get it back!! ganbatte!
*sprays bad daddy with bottle*

>> No.4102406

i won't fail again daddy
thank you daddy i love you

>> No.4102450
File: 76 KB, 423x750, 1561979332628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102456
File: 85 KB, 800x539, tinies_peeking_over.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i need cute animals to cheer me up
The tinies say "hi!"

>> No.4102465
File: 928 KB, 426x240, 1566328170739.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You better keep drawing or else!

>> No.4102487
File: 31 KB, 355x300, 1560191586841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4102578

I wish I was a bit more delusional so looking at my art wasn't so demotivating.

>> No.4102592

The only way to get better is to keep making art.
Everyone wants to make beautiful art but don’t want to/get too intimidated by the work it takes. If you want to make good art you just have to keep on trucking.
Fuck feeling down, use your self hatred as motivation to keep trying.

>> No.4102614

Also just wanted to add, ignore the fact I fell for the art school meme for a second but I was legitimately the worst draftsman in my classes. And I knew it. But I stayed and I improved. Not nearly as much as I wanted to but I never would have gotten to were I am now without sticking through and working hard instead of giving up. Everyday I had to look at my chicken scratch compared to my classmates who had YEARS more experience than me. Everyday had to put my shitwork next to people’s masterpieces for critique. You have to believe in your potential through your hard work. That’s it. That’s all you need to do to improve your work AND yourself.

>> No.4102621

We're all self taught
It doesn't matter whether you went to school or not because you know what happens in school?
The teacher walks in, gives a mumbling half ass presentation that doesn't teach you shit and then gives you your assignment for 2 weeks and you learn on your own
we're all self taught

>> No.4102634


The biggest advantage of school that you can't get on your own is the people in it. It's the only part of your life where you have people whose job is specifically to analyze what you're doing and help you improve. Unfortunately most people don't recognize that at school age, so they don't take extra advantage of their teachers.

>> No.4102650
File: 506 KB, 1759x1069, xrated_by_liz_yarosz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unfortunately most people don't recognize that at school age, so they don't take extra advantage of their teachers.
Emperor's Teeth, don't I know it! If teenage college me had listened to Liz when she was harping on me, maybe I'd be a real artist like her. I told my daughter that if I ever win the lottery, I'm going to go back and buy several of Liz's paintings; the extra bonus for Liz will be her getting to hear me say she was right and I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

>> No.4102665

The teachers are 50 year old boomers who haven't been in the industry for 30 years and insist that there's no use for digital art despite 99% of the market being entirely digital,
They'll teach obselete techniques like airbrushing and lithography.
And their skills are just above /beg/ tier at best
but it doesn't matter because they don't care about teaching, all they want is your money

The students are even worse
A typical group of art students will have the following demographics:
>70% people who think they're talented but have never studied and will never study, they'll get an A because the class is piss easy but you can't talk about art with them because they're garbage
>20% people who don't even like art but just took the class becuase it seemed easy
>5% weebs and furries who also suck at art
>4% tattoo artists that actually have art skills but they won't talk to you because you've never been to prison
>1% people who actually want to improve their skills, this is (you)

>> No.4102670

Have u gone to art school

>> No.4102675

If you want someone to tutor you 1 on 1 and help you improve
instead of giving 60k to a bullshit school, give it to an individual artist and hope they take you under their wing as their apprentice

I've never heard this being done and I doubt any artist has the balls to do anything like this but this sounds like a nice idea imo

>> No.4102677

yes and it was 100% a waste of time and money
I think I actually got worse at art through art school because of the amount of passion for the subject that was ripped from my soul during that time

>> No.4102755


I’m not the guy you replied to but I wholly agree with
>>4102677 , I went to art school with Illustration as major and it was awful, so much so that I called it quits after the first year.

>> No.4102881

I went to art school also.
I honestly don’t regret it because I never would have gained what I did if I didn’t, however I definitely agree with >>4102634 , I wasted the first two years at least following their dumb as fuck curriculum. I was too dumb to realize I didn’t want to go into moldmaking or video or sound design. I just wanted to fucking draw good.
It wasn’t until my third year I found decent teachers and realized everyone else didnt teach me ANYTHING.
I found three teachers that were legitimately good and took ONLY their classes for the rest of the year. I gained all I did in those last two years. Basically I got lucky and found one teacher who was able to tell me who the other two decent ones were the end of my 2nd year.
The only positive with going to art school is being “forced” to do art for 6+ hours a day with someone who is (hopefully) a professional.
So yeah, it’s not all bullshit IF you have the drive to work and KNOW WHO IS TEACHING YOU.

>> No.4103060

I needed to hear this. Thanks anon.

>> No.4103099

Fucking hell, I just wish i could somehow discipline myself better for the sake of improving on art. It's somehow tough to do hard work where you're constantly in a place, where you're free to relax, do monotonous house work and play games all day. Every time an art challenge shows up, or a commission I get a proper deadline, and get my head in right spot.

>> No.4103108
File: 943 KB, 1280x720, 1548419489807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in your same position
the more free time you have, the less you value that time.
Time is so abundant, it doesn't matter if you waste an hour, you have seemingly endless more. but then nothing gets done

You're already in las, so just extend that.
Have a list of daily tasks and try to hit as many of them as you can. I have on my list
>do las
>go to the gym
>study art
>study maths
>study programming
>eat healthy
>wake up on time

I don't hit all of them, most days I only hit 2-3, but it's better than nothing
Get rid of the games, you're probalby not enjoying them anyway if you're worried about productivity, it's just another thing to add to the daily stresses

I've been trying to find ways to change my frame of mind about procrastinating, here's the two things I'm trying so far:
>see procrastination as the enemy that is destroying your life and costing you time and therefore potential money, and be relaxed when you are finally productive, because you are now safe in the realm of doing what's right
>realize that you're a free human being, and are in complete control of your actions, and procrastination is a bad habit you picked up back in school to avoid doing things you don't enjoy. realize that you've wrongly associated "hard work" with things you don't enjoy, and try to release those feelings. contemplate why you're procrastinating and realize that you DO actually want to do the work, and that feeling will motivate you to do it willingly and not need to force yourself to do it

>> No.4103180

Is hitting the gym a meme daddies

>> No.4103189

Always been confused by the constant shilling of gyms when most artists are never going to need/want something they can't get at home.
It's going to be harder to hit those goals when you spend time going to and back from a specialized place.

>> No.4103192

well, do you want to be a phatetic wimpy little artist or an absolute chad like scott eaton

still applies if you are a girl

>> No.4103199

just buy some baby weights

>> No.4103246

>try to make a string
>c++ is not okay with +'s being used if it's not with other strings
>have to make five strings just to say one sentence
What the fuck guys, there has to be an easier way

>> No.4103247

This >>4103199. Or just get a stationary bike or jog around the block

>> No.4103249


>> No.4103250
File: 163 KB, 290x290, _540.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm coming for all of those gains yo

>> No.4103253

Found your problem, go with C and don't make strings. Strings are for showers, algorithms are for chads.

>> No.4103254

I know right? Java makes it so easy, but I'm now learning C++.
I thought C++ was still relevant, but sometimes people say it like it's a dead language or something.

>> No.4103255

Remember daibbers, no rules, just tools ;)

>> No.4103262

*loads up 3d model posers, 10TB reference folders and sketchup, photobashes everything, color picks all the color schemes, applies all the filters*
job done, give me my badge and tier 5 position

>> No.4103272

Even if you tried, you wouldn't make anything good. That's why I laugh every time.

>> No.4103291

I don't even think anyone on DAD knows how to photobash. And the one guy who does trace over 3D models does a half-ass job.

>> No.4103295

Is this new? I've never seen this link before.

>> No.4103296

Do you have any daddy you consider a rival? Even if it's one-sided. Rivalry can be healthy.

>> No.4103299

It's some beta mobile version of 4chan. Probably a failed thing hiro already forgot about. No, it's not new.

>> No.4103302

bunnyburger. Damn bunny is already drawing cute anime girls all smooth and nice like.

>> No.4103308


>> No.4103313

all my headcanon rival daddies don't post anymore

>> No.4103316

This. I don't want to lose to myself and stagnate.

>> No.4103320

I don't have a rival, but I want to get as good as nemori someday....

>> No.4103322

Kazoo, but don't tell her that.

>> No.4103349

Look up _ on DAD

>> No.4103351

doesn't show anything for me?

>> No.4103357


>> No.4103359
File: 1.10 MB, 1631x838, 11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they've showed their process sometimes

>> No.4103361


Nobody sadly. The ones that are around that could have been are hacks.

>> No.4103362

>tfw people still remember this legend

>> No.4103367

Not good enough for a rival yet.

>> No.4103373

For me it's Aerce, maybe 10A but he doesn't look very competitive.

>> No.4103459

How do I stay focused? Sometimes it just feels like something is too difficult or I don't know how to deal with it and basically procrastinate accidentally. Then later I feel like I worked a long time, but looking back on it, I thought I did and I didn't really.

>> No.4103465


>> No.4103468

This technique actually annoys me. I hate taking breaks and stopping. It kills my momentum. I also accidentally overstay my break because of that.

>> No.4103481

Well you are the boss of your own time. If you want to extend an extra 5 or 10 minutes then fine; the clock isn't going to point a gun to you and I see nothing wrong with that. But beyond 10 extra minutes it defeats the purpose...especially after less than 3 to 5 sessions.

Maybe try taking more supplements like stuff to help with cognitive function. Make sure to do exercise everyday as your body is no longer like a childs. Adults are high maintenance when it comes to needing energy. Above all else it's just discipline to commit to something.

>> No.4103485

Does exercising give me more energy? I tend to get tired easily now after 12 or so hours.

>> No.4103505

Kill everything that distracts you. As much as it hurts stop doing whatever you do to waste your time you'll thank yourself.

>> No.4103516


Of course it does.

>> No.4103572

I’ve joined a lot of discords the past week and what I’ve learned is that most artists are Not That Serious about art. /dad/ has the retarded correct philosophy but a defeatist attitude, other artists have a lackadaisical approach but at least a delusional attitude leaning on the positive side. I’m always biting my tongue because I want to point out they are not that serious about art.
>”lel I wanna be improve! I wanna into good art!”
>sees them play video games until 3AM
>S-sorry I didn’t draw today haha oh well ^_^ I’m so cheeky
>here is my retarded chibi drawn the exact same way for the billionth time but I’m insecure so give me likes uwu tell me it’s the bestest

>> No.4103585

They have to pretend they're trying to get better so they look good. I'm sure they don't give a shit.

>> No.4103588

Discords are difficult because people actually talk and may be better than you in some aspect. /dad/ is just straight to the point and honest. Did you draw today or not? And if you didn't, you lose your streak. It's as simple as can be and yet probably the most difficult thing for some people to do.

>> No.4103592

Every time I play video games now I feel like I'm wasting precious time I could spend doing drawing or something else productive.

>> No.4103593

Same for me. That's why I stopped playing vidya altogether.

>> No.4103595

>tfw stopped playing vidya and watching anime
>sometimes don't even feel the sun on my skin
This is what life has become.

>> No.4103597

>DAD discord
People actually post there enough for you to garner this information?

>> No.4103602

Is Banana going to do anything to improve the community aspect of dad? It's the weakest part of the site right now, the two discords for the site are not active at all with the official one being closed off for whatever reason.

>> No.4103604

But he did, he made post replying more efficient and path to other pages on the site. I don't remember whatever else Banana does though. He's always pushing updates, but I can't remember the logs.

>> No.4103610

the closed off one seems pretty active to me

>> No.4103614

The las discord has a lot of good artists but so many of them have such a negative attitude. Honestly it feels like only a few people there earnestly enjoy drawing

>> No.4103615

>tfw those who earnestly enjoy drawing don't talk much and just post their art once in a while

>> No.4103618

There's no DAD discord. Everyone's at the LAS one

It was dead until I started posting. It's still pretty dead anyhow and the split doesn't help.

>> No.4103627

I like drawing and learning new stuff but I worry sometimes if I'm capable of improving well enough, or if what I'm posting is good enough.

>> No.4103630
File: 215 KB, 794x860, runescape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I cannot manage a Discord while simultaneously running a site, for several reasons, which include conflict of interest, time consumption and general frustration with the minute complications of it all.
I can and am, however, making improvements on the site itself for that purpose.
Previously, people were concerned with the implementation of comments on the DAD site, thinking it would kill off the DAD discord or thread activity. Clearly, that hasn't happened. I'm obviously still working on the big patch, and I think being able to communicate in a more efficient manner is important. Beyond notifications activating based on quote processing, each challenge will have it's own "thread", each user page will have it's own "thread" (or wall or shout box whatever you want to call it), and the dev center (in development) will also have discussion threads.

Note that this does not include a "forum" or "community" page. If you can just make threads on the DAD site, such a feature can and probably will kill the threads or significantly stifle their activity.
This stuff is coming; apologies, but the last three days (including this one) have not been productive at all due to significant fatigue. I can't possibly be burning out, can I? I'd hope not. I should be good to code hard tomorrow, as some plans I had were cancelled. I'm working on DAIB starting Monday.

Again, apologies if I don't respond to all of you immediately, but do know I read all the posts and messages on the threads / dad channels, including the scathing ones that think I'm not going to make it. Point is, your concerns, advice and stuff are all being listened to. Communication on this front regarding the site specifically should improve with the Dev Center rollout.

>> No.4103681

I've been going to the gym and it helps, I get fit, my mood also improves and it's also a way to get a bit more social interaction with humans.
Plus, I always carry a sketchbook so sometimes I get a little early and try to draw the people I see, which is hard but a good exercise.

It feels really good to get stronger but I only learned that when I experienced it after going to the gym, better motor skills also help when you are trying to draw with your arm more instead of just your wrist.

>> No.4103683

No, the dad and las discords are quiet compared to the >mainstream discords but at least on topic. I was just pointing out my disappointment at the other ones. I’m okay if dad’s community is not that vigorous, it’s all about improving drawing in the end.

>> No.4103689

Y’all guys leaning a bit on the entitled side asking Banana to run a discord too. Banana is doing hard work running the site and checking these threads already.

>> No.4103714

Are you talking bout the las or dad server, coz the las is less formal or more shitposty.

>> No.4103717

How many messages in a day do you need for "active" discord?

Just to clarify. You mean DAD discord in the OP?

I know that there are 3 discords: las, dad unofficial and dad "official".

>> No.4103718

The people who actually draw seriously don't post much or at all on the servers

>> No.4103721

>he doesn't know about the secret fourth server

>> No.4103725

I wanted to joke in the same way. But then I thought that it’s better for people do not even ask a question about its existence.

>> No.4103730

thanks banana, shoving all the work and responsibility on to you isn't fair d e s u, you've been doing good

>> No.4103743

>las discord
is there a new link? the one in the template is dead

>> No.4103747

I trade models but no one notices, which is what I want

>> No.4103748

Get a long streak first, then you can get in by asking one of the mods.

>> No.4103750

You can join the secret seventh server here
>discord.gg /urf4get

>> No.4103751

>one of the mods
How do you find out who they are in order to ask?

>> No.4103755

You get a streak first, then you ask around for their discord handles. Alternatively you'd have checked the archives, but you don't want to join that much... do you?

>> No.4103759

Honestly I don't, all this discord bullshit is getting very cancerous.

>> No.4103761
File: 30 KB, 256x256, mirc_logo_256p.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys lets make an IRC chat
fuck discord

>> No.4103763

>all these dead/offtopic/supersecretcirclejerk discords
fuck you guys, i'm making my own discord, with blackjack and hookers, and banana should make it the official one

>> No.4103764

jokes on you I have my own secret server and I'm the only member that's allowed in it

>> No.4103765

Most people already prioritize other platforms, more intuitive ones. Going bath to IRC, even if I agree to be a better system, would be bad from a networking standpoint.

>> No.4103766

Someone dm me an irl letter at 45 Whitehall rd

>> No.4103789

Because non members used to spam in the server back when it was a free invite iirc

>> No.4103790

jokes on you I have my own server too!

>> No.4103794

Even if you have secret servers with ONLY gmi’s how the fuck do you find anybody to populate it?

>> No.4103802

Sikrit clubs like that never lasts anyways. Even highly vetted groups like Cicada 3301 broke apart after a short while.

>> No.4103803

Every secret club discord I've been died because of a lack of interest over time. Still want to make friends with and improve with the people here though.

>> No.4103804

It's my own secret server. I don't need new members to populate it

>> No.4103806

how long is long? i draw every day & have done so for years.

>> No.4103807

over 1000

>> No.4103813
File: 7 KB, 249x190, FB57C17F-DD8E-4F70-85E0-098D147EAB5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my skype friends in middle school where we’d come home and chat all afternoon about whatever, laugh, larp, and draw cringey OC shit with each other.

>> No.4103814

based and gmi

>> No.4103815

Same, I remember how you could randomly get put into skype groups and now suddenly be in contact with more people.

>> No.4103816

>randomly get put into skype groups
good times

>> No.4103822

No such thing as friends these days. Only """allies"""

>> No.4103823

I still stay in contact with two people I've been friends with since we were like 12. We just talked on discord and we'll be visiting one another in person again in a couple days. We had so much skype group drama and memes and shit when we were younger.

>> No.4103825
File: 84 KB, 377x898, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this count?

>> No.4103826
File: 9 KB, 300x194, 00042E82-194B-43AE-A37C-8E60B728006D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you breh
It seems like no one is just that close to each other anymore and any friendships are transient and surface level

>> No.4103827

gimme your name and I'll dm you an invite :)

>> No.4103828

Same, I kinda miss my Discord art friends from my teen days. They were very cringe times, but still, I sometimes miss them.

>> No.4103829

Is there more than one /las/ server? I’m in one but I’m not sure if it’s the same one as the other anon is applying for

>> No.4103833


>> No.4103835

Just ask for a mod on one of the servers Im sure they'll give you a invite

>> No.4103836
File: 2.65 MB, 320x240, 140.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to have a friend like that but then I realized she only ever came to me to talk AT me, not with me. She'd ramble to me about her cringey ocs for hours, and wouldn't even let me get a word in even when I made 100+ page comics I wanted to talk about with her. I decided to stop talking to her after she would invite me over only to ignore me in her own home to do Undertale erotic rp on Discord. I thought I was done with her but then a few months she convinced my family to let her crash for two weeks, she didn't bathe the whole time and stayed on our couch so long it had a dark stain by the time she left. She yelled at my mom for making spicy food and tried to talk to my little sister about Undertale porn, so I've cut all ties with her. I'm glad I have new internet friends now

>> No.4103838

there are at least 7

>> No.4103841

Message a mod on discord.

>> No.4103842
File: 86 KB, 275x283, 053E6CD0-4995-42C5-98EF-05055C33C236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Undertale erotic rp on Discord
I didn’t think it was possible for a combination of 5 words to elicit such primordial disgust in me

>> No.4103843

Why would anyone do that?

>> No.4103845

Sorry, I just made an 8th

>> No.4103847

Absolute madman

>> No.4103848

>Message a mod on discord.
how do i know who the mod is if don't know the server? i don't really use discord much sry for being a newfag.

>> No.4103849

>there are more discord servers than some people's streaks

>> No.4103851

the guys with colorful names and lots of tags are probably important some how

>> No.4103865

Everyone I’ve talked to about dad has responded with
>oh I don’t think I’ll ever be able to keep up with that
Do they actually mean it? Or is it a polite way of saying
>forcing yourself to draw is killing your enthusiasm for it so I’m not going to do that

>> No.4103867

They probably think both will happen.

>> No.4103868

Tried that, the mods aren't interested in adding people they don't already know

>> No.4103869


>> No.4103870

What happens if what you want to draw is so far out of your reach? I think of lots of stuff but I'm too /beg/ to even hope of accomplishing them and making them look decent even after tons of study.

>> No.4103876

oh that's even easier then, just start with the basics. assuming you do representational drawing then you need to understand how objects exist in 3d space and if that object is a person or animal then you need to know the structures that comprise them in that 3d space. and unless they're naked you need to understand how clothing would interact with those structures. presumably there's also light coming from somewhere so you need to understand how light works too & if that light is in color than you need to understand why colors happen. you also probably want the whole thing to be nice to look at so we need to look at other images that are nice and see how they handled all of the previous concepts in relation to eachother.

>> No.4103881

What is you dad name?

>> No.4103883

was she also fat and greasy?

>Undertale erotic rp
yeesh at least I keep my filth to myself

>> No.4103908

>you also probably want the whole thing to be nice to look at so we need to look at other images that are nice and see how they handled all of the previous concepts in relation to eachother.
This is my main problem, when I look at other people and see what works they make it feels like some unattainable witchcraft.

Shit's just not clicking with me. I just can't ever seem to string what I'm practicing together into a finished piece, or even a coherent one. The flaws just pop out immediately and I want to quit.

>> No.4103909

Kringle stream today monkaS

>> No.4103910

I love you Kringle!

>> No.4103911

*you will never cuddle with kringle in bed*

>> No.4103912

thank you kringle!

>> No.4103914

just focus on the simple things.
break the image down into 3 values & figure out how all the shapes are related to eachother

>> No.4103926
File: 15 KB, 637x482, hollydistressed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you bud. I wonder if it's just a matter of time and experience, fuck it up every which way so you know how to do it right, but I feel you.

>> No.4103933

what time?

>> No.4103935

>>/ic/thread/S4090231#p4093270 this time

>> No.4103937
File: 192 KB, 422x814, 9C881E6F-11E9-4C4F-92E3-2A79296F5C22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just BE yourself

>> No.4103945


Not that person, but on this topic, I want to eventually move to animation (like for a game, not for prerecorded scenes) and I have no concept of when I'm going to be "ready" to start thinking about practicing that. I have a hard enough time making a still frame not look disjointed, so making an animation look believable feels very distant, but I also feel I'll be delaying too long if I wait til I'm "done" before I actually start learning animation concepts.

>> No.4103954
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 3134CF89-53BB-4264-9945-25DC0F717F33.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kringle here, due to some personal circumstancrs critique stream tommorow may be really delayed or postponed till tommorow, im really sorry everyone.

if youd like a crit in text form in the meantime just respond to this with your username and ill respond while im in transit.

again super sorry, do your best everyone!

>> No.4103955

that's ok kringle you're a good daddy

>> No.4103956
File: 77 KB, 640x616, 2721C508-B491-4864-B79C-4F4D23FF583E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you guys too

>> No.4103968

idk much about 3d, but timing and spacing are just if not more important as you ability to draw well. so even if you're just doing stick figures & rubberhose, you should practice those concepts while you build your drawing foundations. you could also try to do perspective turns of your figure drawings & still lifes.
more specifically for the purpose of games you should also practice doing motions with a limited frame count.

>> No.4103969

There’s a literal middle schooler making the worst most cringey “music video” with her finger on her phone of her two gay OC’s to some zoomer emo music. Are you telling me you don’t have the guts this idiot does? Have what Buddhism calls, “the beginner’s mind.”

>> No.4103973
File: 90 KB, 640x482, D652A9AC-5D31-49BF-BCAD-19ED00762C2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saw hoppy’s entry today and somehow KNEW it was their daib. I’m hyped.

>> No.4103975

>1 week into the daib challenge
oh god oh no

>> No.4103981


plenty of time still

>> No.4103982


>> No.4103984
File: 3 KB, 125x125, 0DF9F282-6EB0-41AC-B2D2-FC6FD16213C7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We should ALL being doing our daib. Erryday!

>> No.4103987

Can we make daib a yearly thing?

>> No.4103990

I was just thinking the same thing.
It’ll be like pixiv fantasia

>> No.4103993

>pixiv fantasia
Isn't that a loose collaboration between multiple artists to world build something with crossover themes/characters/locations?

>> No.4103998

>the kid in the front of the class that reminds the teacher that we had homework

>> No.4103999

time for your wedgie

>> No.4104002

I don't know why that faggot is being so secretive, but ask Chun#7636 after a streak of 14.

>> No.4104005

I'd love to see DAD's progress from daib 2019 to daib 2020 etc.

>> No.4104007
File: 34 KB, 355x309, ED6C8ADA-92B9-4ABA-9412-6FE4E54709A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

really happy you liked my tree drawing anon!
Kring if you have time can you crit the pose on my submission? it looks weird to me ;_; there’s some composition issues,I’m gonna fix those myself, but idk what to change with the pose
it’s hoppy btw

>> No.4104013

Don't worry pringle

>> No.4104059
File: 22 KB, 1680x400, DivEquParts_05.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stumbled upon this really neat guide about unusual equal division techniques that is almost never covered in perspective books. Might be useful for DADs studying perspective.

>> No.4104063

krenz covers this

>> No.4104064

whoa that's a cool trick

>> No.4104065

It's cute but I hate how he makes everything look the same clay material
What is it about the rendering that makes it so

>> No.4104072

If text means, not on stream, I'd like to get a nsfw crit for my daib sketch, if you're willing

stay alive, kringle

>> No.4104110

Holy fuck

>> No.4104113


>> No.4104114

single <3

>> No.4104134

and ready to kringle

>> No.4104155

Everything is shaded with gray and the same level of detail. (Hair should be more brilliant and delicate, cauldron should be round and shiny)

>> No.4104158
File: 56 KB, 585x464, 2450AAF9-CEC4-4FF0-BCF1-9DB9492C4FC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That actually a really cool point.

>> No.4104169

whats this used for?

>> No.4104207

I'll make a shit drawing so people think I made massive gains.

>> No.4104210
File: 227 KB, 467x433, 23b01c1e3037bd2e5edf222232869b7c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heath ledger would make an excellent canidate to play arthas

>> No.4104211


It would be real sad you're still at the same level for 2020 daib.

>> No.4104217

naughty dad! try your best and youll make massive gains anyway!

>> No.4104219

80 IQ plays

>> No.4104288

grabstein makes me sad.

>> No.4104296


>> No.4104298


>> No.4104322


>> No.4104326


>> No.4104331



>> No.4104388

I wish I could say I wasn't already doing that.

>> No.4104403
File: 35 KB, 179x167, cat yell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's so few posts of DAIB wips so far... are most of you guys planning to save it for the last week or what?

>> No.4104408
File: 23 KB, 400x285, anime boy in distress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to start but am so perfectly uninspired

>> No.4104417

>the last week or what?
You underestimate my ability to delay until the last minute!

>> No.4104418

>Half of those are mine
I better off myself while I'm at it.

>> No.4104446

Yeah, it's not gonna look much better if I give it more time..

>> No.4104458

let's make a roadmap so that daddies stay on schedule! :3

>> No.4104463

I got one more week for planning and studies, then I'll buckle up and start on the illustration. That's my roadmap

>> No.4104490

Yeah man it sucks. I keep getting burnt out from just doing grinding but I don't have the skill level yet to attempt anything personal or finished. I just feel stuck here.

I hope you can push through it and succeed; shit's rough.

>> No.4104531

i've been spending the first week brainstorming and taking notes

>> No.4104537

no idea what I'm gonna draw, so there's a 70% chance I won't upload anything intended for the challenge at all

>> No.4104538
File: 27 KB, 560x432, Dul6XCRU8AEsaxR-orig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've pretty much given up hope on doing DAIB. I'm prepping to move super far away and it's so stressful that there's no way I can possibly focus on art. Maybe I can join DAIB 2020....

My only hope is maybe I can whip something up in the last week of the month, but that would be more like "Dad At Its Best-for-having-just-moved-and-having-nothing-set-up-and-probably-living-in-a-friends-living-room-for-several-weeks." Not quite the "Best" I wanted.

>> No.4104547
File: 19 KB, 330x381, 1468410623671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2019... I am forgotten...

>> No.4104557

>strawberries and raspberries aren't berries
>bananas are berries

>> No.4104562

Didn't sign up lol

>> No.4104639

hazukashi desu....

>> No.4104652

bishin desu ne

>> No.4104655


>> No.4104656



>> No.4104682
File: 22 KB, 300x300, J4qXoO6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally have something I want actual crit on for the stream.

>> No.4104689
File: 6 KB, 225x225, 3AF6E4A9-E681-4554-97B4-7969867E0B20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon... I have bad news....

>> No.4104691

You haven't heard?

>> No.4104695

You gotta find me first

>> No.4104697

I-isn't it tomorrow?

>> No.4104707

a lot of you are building up the daib challenge thinking you're going to come out with some artstation shit, have fun and do your best, it'll be nice knowing you'll have a benchmark to compare to a year from now

>> No.4104708

I regret not signing up honestly. I've been really dissatisfied with my work so I'd figured I wouldn't be able to make something interesting for it. I gave up before trying.

>> No.4104713

daib's a great way to get dads to put together everything they've learned so far and realize their limits, some dads may get rude but very necessary awakenings, others may be pleasantly surprised by what they can achieve when they dedicate all their efforts into a single piece

>> No.4104721

ahem.... the awakening....you’re talking about me

>> No.4104731

You and that smelly dad that hasn't washed over there

>> No.4104842

This. I have no idea what to draw

>> No.4104844


>> No.4104848

I know what I want to really draw but I like the knowledge to pull it off the way I want. So I'm just going to end up doing something within my means. It sucks when you have a good imagination but no way to do it.

>> No.4104849

*lack the knowledge

>> No.4104860

Kazoo but mostly because his name is similar to mine

>> No.4104864


>> No.4104871


>> No.4104881

I think drawing withinyour means is ok. DAIB is supposed to be what your current skillset is. You don't have to stress too much over it

>> No.4105010

DAIB is like the final for art. All you losers waiting until last minute to study. The perfectionism cope is laughable.
>O-oh if I wait until last minute then if it turns out shitty it’s because I rushed! It’s not really at my best!

>> No.4105016


>> No.4105027
File: 68 KB, 300x300, LAS losers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The main discord is open again now that summer's over.
If we attract too many shitposters from other discords or boards though we'll have to close it again, so play nice and be careful who you invite in I guess.


>> No.4105052
File: 164 KB, 168x225, excited banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I found a solution to the "gif" bug.
Besides that, progress continues as usual.

>> No.4105066

>implying I don't always rush my art projects at the last minute

>> No.4105073

good daddy

>> No.4105160

An easy fix would just to save hash of images and rejecting duplicates y'know. Unique constraint hash if it using sql

>> No.4105169


That's definitely a possible fix, but I had something simpler.
Performance problems are what cause the script to behave extremely erratically. Essentially, some people gifs with a large number of frames. These frames need to be recreated in thumbnail and avatar size, causing the submission creation script to bug out due to the extensive processing time. Now, precisely why the record creation script runs repeatedly due to the image uploader taking a really long time is a bit beyond me (and the gem for uploading images is not really well documented), but at least we won't encounter that problem anymore.

By flattening it, we won't have animated thumbs any more, but we won't be having timeout errors. I'll compensate by having an icon indicating "animated" in submission lists and challenge entry lists, etc.

>> No.4105177

I'm pretty sure I've had the duplicate problem before with a really large file that wasn't a gif

>> No.4105182


Ah dear, that's kind of a problem.
Well, maybe I need to lower the file size limit or find what's causing the duplicate entries to begin with. Can you point out the exact submission?

>> No.4105225

It's been a while since it's happened to me. Instead of doing multiple submissions I used to stitch submissions together into a single image in PS, which I think was contributing to the problem somehow. Since I deleted the duplicates when it would happen it's kind of hard to remember which files triggered it specifically. I just dug a bit through the archives because I remembered posting about it in the threads when it was happened to tsflipp, it seems it happened to them on June 13th, but checking their submissions it looks like they deleted the duplicates too.

To the best that I can remember, I'd go to submit and the submission page would hang for a really long time until the page would crash, I'd reload DAD and go to Today's Submissions, which would sometimes either not show any submission from me, or would show one, then a few minutes later if I checked back there would be duplicates. That said, I remembered a dad in particular that it happened to really badly one day, they don't post anymore but if you check their submissions it'll be really obvious.

>> No.4105232

whoops, nm, im an idiot, it looks like they were just reuploading after every small change over and over again

>> No.4105261
File: 1.91 MB, 4214x2000, banana.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, whenever things mess up on the site I usually screencap them, so I went through some old screencap folders of mine on a hunch and I found a submission that it happened to back in January. For context the submission page says it was posted at 15:48, left screencap was taken at 15:50, and the right would be at 15:54


>> No.4105299

>whenever things mess up on the site I usually screencap them
now that's a very good daddy move

>> No.4105346

aaaah fucking hell this might be more difficult to fix than anticipated

How's your internet? Is uploading 4.8 MB typically strenuous to upload?

>> No.4105356

according to speedtest 233Mbps down 35Mbps up atm
although that submission was back in January so things could be a bit different now

>> No.4105363

>doing stretches of my hand like I'm praying but pushing together slowly but firmly
>feels good man
>but pinky on my left hand refuses to go straight no matter what and is now sore after stretches

>> No.4105414
File: 28 KB, 472x474, DAD_badge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good day, dads!

If somebody still wants to join "Do Art Daily Official Discord"... I decided make process a little easier.

This is small and slow server with ~70 dads. We are trying to keep it comfy, but fresh dad are welcome!

You can write me directly (stultus7#6249) or find me in old DAD discord, and I give you invite. You only need to have an account on the site and several submissions.

>> No.4105436



>> No.4105442
File: 65 KB, 770x702, B83924F8-46E5-4506-8953-2E5563BA2704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4105456

Hey Banana, hope you didn't forget about DAIB!

>> No.4105476

I can't believe DAIB is halfway over

>> No.4105479

I thought I had my idea down solid for DAIB before it even began and now I can't stop with the ideas and just start reeee

>> No.4105485

I'm having the same problem, every time I sit down to start on what I think is my good idea, newer better ideas keep popping into my head.

>> No.4105505
File: 66 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*thanos snaps the discord servers*

>> No.4105537

Sorry if it looks suspicious. I don't really want to make public invite available. At least not yet.

You can write your discord nickname here and I will contact you myself. Alternatively, you can leave a comment under any of 7b7a2f's posts on site.

This discord born when nka (old DAD admin) disappeared.

Basically it is DAD-oriented discord. There are fewer people than in las, and communication is slower. Someone might like it.

>> No.4105592

afaik this is the dad server, the other one is the las
and the third one, I'll never tell...

>> No.4105595
File: 70 KB, 583x466, __illustrious_and_unicorn_azur_lane_drawn_by_ham_points__67eb2b054441fd83d4ffa088f46b3b96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please tell meeeeee!!

>> No.4105604

The third one is a closed off sekkkrit club. Also, fuck santi.

>> No.4105621

But what’s the point if it’s the same 40 people?

>> No.4105644

>drew for five hours through the night
I can feel my strength returning

>> No.4105650

*steals you strength*

>> No.4105656

*steals your stolen strength*

>> No.4105666
File: 14 KB, 112x112, 405337568901726209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'ma beg for some strength dads I need it rn

>> No.4105674

satan blessed this man

>> No.4105675
File: 10 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4105677

Stay strong my guy. You're going to be ok!

>> No.4105679

Daddy, enough of this games, I'm going into DAIB and I need your strongest strenght

>> No.4105684
File: 60 KB, 859x689, strength seller.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4105692

get my strenght

>> No.4105752
File: 24 KB, 369x387, 64217F6A-78DD-4025-90BF-F991CB841078.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing is fun and rewarding!

>> No.4105760
File: 52 KB, 526x640, tenor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you just say.

>> No.4105832

aaaaaaaaaaaah it's almost 11am wtffffffffffffff

>> No.4105833

kringle stream today daddies!

>> No.4105852

what day will she be doing crits for?

>> No.4105863

You can ask for a particular day if you want

>> No.4105866

that's nice of kringle

>> No.4105867

I will be glad if Kringle crit friday works as planed before.

>> No.4105906

I'll ask to not be criticized then.

>> No.4106047

Okay so my name is guespiere and I would like crit for today please.

>> No.4106051

that'll be 4 tokens and 1 badge

>> No.4106058

I'll trade in my Kangaroo Master badge. 4 tokens is a little too much, though.

>> No.4106090

Wait a second. Are you Changeling? Tell something that only you and I know.

>> No.4106107

First and foremost: what is your goal with art? I can't give you advice if I don't know where you're going.

>> No.4106110

Damn Meru that's such a perfectly lewd idea, I love it.

>> No.4106148
File: 5 KB, 256x197, rimsy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106152

Oh no!!
*dashes away*

>> No.4106154

daddies are being naughty!

>> No.4106162


>> No.4106165


>> No.4106207

h-hug me daddy

>> No.4106220


you all better be females

>> No.4106227
File: 104 KB, 694x1304, 1562042828947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

qt bois tho

>> No.4106289
File: 35 KB, 540x301, 115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4106382
File: 228 KB, 1280x960, 1496289732080.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kringle here!! thank you everyone for your patience!! the crit stream is now live \o/

i will still be critiquing fridays(two days ago's) work, but if you want sundays or todays critiqued instead just let me know.

also good news, the mic/audio situation has been fixed! hooray for clean audio.

>> No.4106495
File: 10 KB, 168x225, disgusted banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Site renovations (the intent of this patch) is taking quite a while due to how annoyingly time consuming it is to both design, test and work with an entirely new site layout, so I will continue to work through today on it. Tomorrow, I'll start DAIB and progress will be slower.

Rest assured, I'm still working on it.

>> No.4106497

I'm trying to learn to code
what do I need to learn to make dad site?

>> No.4106501

The will to continuously update the site despite little to no demand from the users. Sometimes I feel like Banana stresses himself out too much.

>> No.4106513

Learn the programming language Ruby, then learn the web framework called Ruby on Rails, then you can help out with DAD.

>> No.4106518
File: 34 KB, 168x225, blues banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


A functional-level understanding of Ruby on Rails, a basic to medium-level understanding of HTML/SCSS/SASS, a basic understanding of RESTful APIs and a basic understanding of javascript. The site is not particularly complex, though the code is sloppy and I'm simultaneously cleaning my shitty amateur-level trash with cleaner, more professional code.
But if you're learning for the sake of pursuing a career, just choose web frameworks that are most in demand right now. There are more programming jobs than qualified candidates.


I have high expectations of myself as a professional web developer and as a potential professional artist (the operative word being potential).
The first because it helps me justify my pay grade and comfortable life style despite my self-perceived inadequacies (I don't think I have imposter syndrome) and because it's the duty of a webmaster to make prudent updates (which I have been a bit sloppy on for various hiatuses and all, I mean, christ, we still don't have tokens, topic challenges or the tribunal yet).
The second because for the concept of LAS to be properly honored, I need to achieve a caliber of success that vindicates our mission statement. How the fuck does it look if the webmaster / site admin himself is /beg/ as hell? It reflects on us, poorly. I don't just want to succeed; it is a prerequisite for me to do my job correctly.

Am I stressed out? Sure, on occasion, maybe frequently. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping. But I'd rather be highly motivated and anxious than complacent only to regret things later. I've done the latter for over a decade, and it fucking sucks.

>> No.4106523

>topic challenges

>> No.4106526

Everyday until you like it.

>> No.4106539
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>> No.4106631

I watched your stream up until you face revealed, no hard feelings tho

>> No.4106649

It begins....

>> No.4106670

>you naught boy

>> No.4106713

thanks for streaming!

>> No.4106714

What are some kringle crit stream memes you've noticed while watching dads?
>"lets thicken her up a bit"
>facial proportions

>> No.4106716


>> No.4106717

Hates yaoi and soul

>> No.4106735


>> No.4106736


>> No.4106737

>oh honey...

>> No.4106808

Can somebody fill a newfag in on topic hell please?

>> No.4106819

>keep drawing
>still not improving

>> No.4106833

It was a "feature" where you also had a topic streak. The topic was chosen from a rather small pool each day and you'd need to draw whatever the topic was for that day. The problem being the topics weren't exactly fun to stick to, and being a small pool you often got repeats. Some sad lassies got hooked into topic challenge and didn't want to lose their streaks, and so remained trapped in topic hell - drawing the same shitty topics forever.

They say that some of them are still out there to this day, drawing the same recycled topics over and over....

(also there was voting for the next day's topic from a pool of 3, but you could vote even without an active topic streak, so a lot of non-topic lassies would vote on the shitty topics just to punish the ones still trapped)

>> No.4106863

Draw more, out of your comfy zone.

>> No.4106866


My first two crits both started with "oh boy." I escaped that fate this week, though.

>> No.4106900

Maybe I'm retarded but I don't feel like I'm getting what I'm supposed to be learning often, even following the books for what I know I'm weak in it's still not clicking with me.

>> No.4106914
File: 297 KB, 637x625, wolfhed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i just joined the discord, what now

>> No.4106920

Draw art daily

>> No.4106923

The irony is that the entire point of joining is just to join and do the same things you always do.

>> No.4106924

nothing really
you just lurk and chime in if you feel like talking

>> No.4106927

You could post work and ask for/give crit. That's all I really use it for

>> No.4107070

Thanks for crit from 7b, kringle.

>> No.4107073
File: 56 KB, 168x225, broke banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have to go to bed, so I apologize for putting this down immediately before I go to bed, but I would like some feedback, and I'll certainly read and respond after work. It's a bit greedy, but I have three specific questions.
Given my current skillset / history: https://dad.gallery/users/2/submissions

When approaching the DAIB challenge, how best should I approach it?
- Focus on my weaknesses and attempt to push myself in areas I haven't explored
- Focus on my strengths, and exhibit a masterful piece using what i am concretely capable of doing
- Focus on elements that make a final piece look aesthetically appealing (color, composition)

How much of the three weeks should I spend "preparing/studying" for the piece versus actually spending time working on the piece itself?

I have almost no experience with color, and very little experience with value. Should I stick to line work, do a greyscale painting, or attempt color?

>> No.4107086

In my opinion, for you it would be best to
>Focus on my strengths, and exhibit a masterful piece using what i am concretely capable of doing
>Focus on elements that make a final piece look aesthetically appealing (color, composition)
Working on weaknesses can come another day, for now I think it's best to focus on what you are already capable of.
>How much of the three weeks should I spend "preparing/studying" for the piece versus actually spending time working on the piece itself?
Honestly I feel like spending time on studies is going to be a form of procrastination. In my experience it's better to jump in, and study whenever you directly encounter a problem you cannot overcome. I think it's worth it to spend time doing thumbnails and color/value tests, as overall you should spend most of your time doing work that will directly contribute to the piece.
>I have almost no experience with color, and very little experience with value. Should I stick to line work, do a greyscale painting, or attempt color?
Which one are you most comfortable with? If you can't do color, perhaps see what's the best thing you can do with just lineart or greyscale. Color is a very deep and rich topic, and trying to learn it well enough to make good pieces with in 3 weeks is frankly a huge task. If you don't know how to do color now, chances are your piece will look pretty bad if you color it. Stick with what you're confident in.

>> No.4107149

>a lot of non-topic lassies would vote on the shitty topics just to punish the ones still trapped
That was fun :^)

>> No.4107171

thank you for the crit kringle i love you

>> No.4107181

Thank you for the crit as always! Someday I'll have the time to actually watch you during the stream ;;
I appreciate you making the boobs and butt bigger <3

>> No.4107212

ty for crit kringle is it at possible to work on what you said and put it into practice & then hit you up just to see if I fully understand what you meant? your crit was just unironically loomis & skeletons for me, and boxes lel; but I'd appreciate it a bunch.

>> No.4107285

I agree with >>4107086
It's not good drawing a topic you're not very familiar with and only have a few days of study under, you'll undoubtedtly make something you're not proud of

Go with your strengths as much as you can

>> No.4107295

Daddies, what books/videos should you look into for painting and rendering? I already know of CTRLpaint and James Gurney.

>> No.4107298

marco bucci videos look good too, daddy! https://www.youtube.com/user/marcobucci/videos

>> No.4107307


>> No.4107308

have fun daddy!

>> No.4107317

I always wondered if any dads went to art school.

>> No.4107324

drop out now and enroll in mechanical engineering

>> No.4107325

Absolutely not the class is taught in my second language WE FUCKED BOYS!!!
I’m the “but tuition is free” fella.
I remember a lot have mentioned it but ... it doesn’t exactly look it.

>> No.4107326

I actually dropped out of engineering. This school accepted me despite my dropped-outness, so we gotta daib

>> No.4107329


>> No.4107330

Are you at some hotshot school? What's your schedule like?

>> No.4107342

I start an art class at a community college tomorrow. It's for a graphic design program.

>> No.4107345

Awetos that is the cutest cat i've ever seen.

>> No.4107376

I'm cramping so bad I'm bouta to kill someone

>> No.4107421
File: 424 KB, 1370x1370, 4DF73C09-4628-4D58-BCAA-945D361869A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah I didn’t want to share in case daddies find my blog but whatever it’s cute

>> No.4107426

nooooooooo the kitty!!

>> No.4107432
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>> No.4107438

Awetos a hungry

>> No.4107467

What if you have no strengths.

>> No.4107480

then you suck!! git gud

>> No.4107483

Burn your soul for quick temporary gains.

>> No.4107496

I wish I knew how. I keep grinding but it all looks bad.

>> No.4107497

What're you grinding atm, daddy?

>> No.4107500

Boxes and heads

>> No.4107502

Also studying value

>> No.4107504

Have you gone through keys to drawing, fun with pencils and loomis head and hands?

>> No.4107509

Yeah. I keep going back to them, especially loomis heads, because I keep screwing things up when I try putting them into practice.

>> No.4107514

post some of your work in the las or official dad discord's crit channels, daddies will help

>> No.4107515

I'm really nervous to join the discord. We'll see.

>> No.4107520
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cute daddy

>> No.4107523

Thanks. I just feel stuck in a rut and not sure where to move forward.

>> No.4107527

Scott's how to render

>> No.4107534

Threat not, we don't bite... unless you want us to owo

>> No.4107539


>> No.4107592

im sick daddies ):

>> No.4107599
File: 83 KB, 1080x1080, A95AE3EF-55CE-4708-9E89-635F85DFC53B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Class dismissed. It was intro to coreldraw and photoshop. A Chinese profe lectured for 2 hours. I’m not sure what to think or what I was expecting.
>actually mention the soul meme
>shows deviantart tier portfolio works
>biggest fucking edging at the beginning of lecture by staying on page 1 of a student portfolio for 30 min
>inbetween shitty /beg/ /asg/ works is epic and complicated animations/effects
>accidentally opens a folder of scantily clad cosplay girls
>discusses preference for Lolita over thicc girls
>literally mentions the “stop using photoshop to make girls thicker” meme

>> No.4107603

I’m starting to wonder if uni is a waste of time and if I’m better off working. But I hear from working friends they’re too exhausted after work to do anything. But yet with uni I’m also going to have a lot of homework. I wanna git gud but also can’t be a drain on society in the meantime.
>unironically been a NEET for the past year.

>> No.4107615

I warned you about art school bro
the teachers are all retired boomers that are totally out of touch with the current market and probably weren't that good at art to begin with

>> No.4107616

Just learned someone I knew since I was a kid is dying and this is weirdly comforting. Thanks, daddy

>> No.4107644


>> No.4107723

The only good art school in the traditional sense is artcenter. Of the brick and mortar ones there's also Watt's and Brainstorm, but those aren't really "traditional". Unironically just pirate everything by schoolism from cgpeers and you'll be better off by a fraction of the price, if it really helps you then throw some money at the creator via gumroad or something

>> No.4107790
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oh i just realized it's cirno day

>> No.4107807

thanks, glad you appreciate the concept!

>> No.4108058


>> No.4108090

hello fellow boomer

>> No.4108244
File: 215 KB, 800x1067, hachiko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4108242