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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 2.11 MB, 3000x2611, awetos - dad yakusoku edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4096176 No.4096176 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>4090231
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/curUdax (temporarily unavailable)
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4096181

Awetos did well on that piece she spent like a month on

>> No.4096182

Good job, Awetos!

>> No.4096189

awetos finished it? IT'S FINALLY FINISHH???

>> No.4096195

Congrats on the OP Awetos

>> No.4096203


>> No.4096213
File: 2.08 MB, 1000x575, awetos.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4096232

fuck me thats dedication

>> No.4096235

DAiB challenge in a nutshell.

>> No.4096246


>> No.4096252


>> No.4096265

a wet toast

>> No.4096292
File: 990 KB, 500x207, its over.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4096295

I started my DAIB sketch.... I’m going to win!! Believe in me anons!

>> No.4096312

Absolutely beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes.

>> No.4096378

After me, loser.

>> No.4096383


Lets all be realistic here. Both of you are after me.

>> No.4096392



>> No.4096395
File: 193 KB, 1314x1531, おはよう、愚かなお父さん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4096406


>> No.4096414


>> No.4096438
File: 35 KB, 583x439, 1503363502056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it better to focus on playing to your strengths or targetting and improving upon your weaknesses for DAIB?

>> No.4096440

The mods of /ic/ don't deserve any respect because of the shithole they allow this board to become, also because they don't update the sticky.

When they decide to finally start treating this place with respect, that is when I shall start listening to their nitpicky advice

>> No.4096448

If you don't focus on your weaknesses then it'll only be more apparent what you're lacking in the final submission.

>> No.4096492

Not him but I have a lot of weaknesses and it feels overwhelming sometimes to manage them and know what to focus on.

>> No.4096497

Best thing to do is just tackle them all until there's less.

>> No.4096501

id say strengths

you gonna study your weaknesses every other time, buting emphasis on them will just not make your piece the best you can do

>> No.4096546



>> No.4096570

For something like DAIB I would start off by deciding on something you know you can put some passion into. Then I would pick ONE OR TWO things you have a hard time with and force yourself to add that. Ie if you like drawing stylized women than just draw one, but if you know you have a hard time drawing hands than make a picture of a stylized woman where her hands are a main focus. Don’t force yourself to add backgrounds, intricate clothes, extreme perspective etc into the same picture even if those are all weaknesses.

>> No.4096575


Did you intend to post this in this thread? What does this have to do with DAD?

>> No.4096603

I didn't even sign up for DAIB but this sounds like good advice for practicing in general so I'm going to try it.

>> No.4096604

I'd recommend balancing things out. Don't try too many new things, but also try to get better at working out your weaknesses!
I believe in you, you'll come out of this challange more powerful

>> No.4096682

I secretly wish echo misses the deadline.

>> No.4096684

I had some trouble submitting, is there an issue with the site? It doesn't look like it's rolled over to the new day yet.

>> No.4096687


Please get in touch with me over discord.

>> No.4096695

Is this our first lost streak due to midnight posting

>> No.4096696
File: 164 KB, 168x225, excited banana.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


aaaaah it is!
the new rollover system works
sorry, sola

>> No.4096721

he's not even a flawless anymore, so why?

>> No.4096723


More like due to typing

>> No.4096741

He's always posting one or two minutes before the deadline and is over 100. Just wanted to see it happen.

>> No.4096759

I want to start drawing once a day... but I just can't come up with anything to draw.
How to creativity?

>> No.4096764

just draw what you see

>> No.4096766

When I'm out of ideas I usually start with a single line and a theme, and usually something comes to me that I didn't expect.

>> No.4096769

Do you have an inspiration folder? Reference folder? Study/Tutorial folder?
Make some if not.
Do studies if you can't think of anything original to draw. Draw from references you like, or copy the artists you like.
Once you start to build skill and pull from other artists the easier it is to just sit and draw something daily because you have more of a mental library to pull from.

>> No.4096842

Drawing heads/faces is tough. I've failed you Loomis.

>> No.4096846
File: 399 KB, 1280x1033, hobby_japan_space_marines_lg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How to creativity?
Grab an issue of Hobby Japan magazine and use the pictures as references and inspiration. There are mecha musume girls, anime characters, tanks, jets ... even Space Marines!

>> No.4096862
File: 37 KB, 657x527, 7E0F2EB4-5F22-49F0-9AAB-F1241E928F23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks guys I was surprised to open /ic/ and see that this morning

>> No.4096864

Thanks for the tips anon, I haven't tried some of those.

>> No.4096865

We're all gonna make it

>> No.4096958
File: 656 KB, 280x304, 1539606974281.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4096975

What do you usually go practice when you're struggling with everything/unsatisfied with your work? I've been trying to draw a bunch of stuff and it's all turning out like shit.

>> No.4097006

Anyone else ever feel like playing video games and relaxing is a waste of time? It's starting to bug me whenever I'm doing anything that it's not productive because I probably could do it.

>> No.4097010


Most (can't speak for all) people need time to decompress and let their brain work through the problems that they've encountered.

>> No.4097021

watching tv shows helps to recharge

>> No.4097023

Yep, feel this way too. Though now I'm starting to wonder if I get too tense in the head by always thinking about my work, and maybe I should forget about it entirely for a couple hours so I don't end up spinning my wheels and repeating the same mistakes.

>> No.4097026

Yeah, I feel that sometimes. But I've been trying to relax and watch anime lately because I've realized that taking in art and stories I enjoy helps me feel creatively recharged. It would be nice to be drawing all the time, but I feel you must consume good stuff as well if you want to put good stuff out.

>> No.4097028

What do you get inspiration from? Anime? Vidya? Other artists? Go look/watch those for a bit. Take a break but get back to work tomorrow.
To a degree yeah. But for the reason above, it's okay to take a break and spend a few hours once in a while to binge on them a bit. When you start to prioritize video games over drawing is when it's bad. I wasted almost two years prioritizing video games over art after I graduated and I regret it so much. I used to draw maybe once a week back then. Now I've switched to only binging on anime/vidya once a week if that and draw everyday.

>> No.4097034

I have that too but I'm trying to do this less. I started meditating again and it helps gain see perspective. My work matters to me a lot, I want to be good at what I do and improve as a person and artist. But I also have to take into consideration the people I love, spending time with them too and fulfilling their emotional needs of me. Finding balance is hard, especially because I feel I should be constantly working in order to catch up with all the fundamental drawing skills I'm missing, but I don't think that attitude is healthy. 6 hours a day is a decent amount to spend daily, I think.

>> No.4097056
File: 10 KB, 993x130, here we go.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey guys.
The big one is in progress. I'm giving myself as much as a week to focus on dev only and finish up the patch. Whether or not I get it done by then, I will be moving on to DAIB as intensely and passionately as I can muster, but in the even that the patch is incomplete, I will balance it with dev work to see it through to completion.
Hopefully you'll like it once it's complete.

>> No.4097059

>Banana upgrades DAD to it's best form for DAD at its Best
Like pottery, thank you Banana!

>> No.4097061
File: 369 KB, 600x438, D_WWI9LXYAEab2T.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awetos you cheeky fuck, I do love those

>> No.4097065

that's an adorable pic

>> No.4097066
File: 169 KB, 650x650, Shopee_02080e2e43fffdcd63a1723c3cc29451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you banaenae

>> No.4097069

Alright I'll take a break tonight then.

>> No.4097082

Did we talk about what cute military girls we liked from bNix's challenge?! If not who are our favorites?! &thanks bNix for the neat challenge!

>> No.4097100

I liked Potato's exhausted trio a lot.

>> No.4097237

j's ones are awesome

>> No.4097248

i wonder what it'll be

>> No.4097267
File: 284 KB, 500x509, 1564362512505.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any new user options or is this purely a visual update?

>> No.4097276

Good morning, DAD!

Don't forget to stretch every couple of hours of continuous work so to be able to draw for all eternity. Do hand stretches, arm stretches, back stretches, leg stretches and walk a little around your place (go to the restroom, grab a glass of water, etc) and you'll be way better off in a few years from now.

As we, artists, tend to stay sat a lot on a daily basis, that affects our circulation, leg muscles and back muscles, so do not neglect those at all! Your arm might be what you use to draw, but if you can't sit to work what is that worth? Push-ups and pull-ups will help you gain more back muscles, which in turn will help your posture and thus make your life easier in the long run.

>> No.4097277

How to deal with butt sores and neck soreness?

>> No.4097280

You neck soreness either comes from bad posture or the position you sleep, I'd bet on the former. Put your monitor on your eye level instead of having to look up or down on it, that way the weight of your head will be set on your spine and less on the muscles.

As for the butt soreness it could be your chair as well as daddy giving you a hard time every night... I'd see to the former tho.

How to deal with them? Exercise. The only three exercises we as humans need to be healthy, in general, are pull-ups, push-ups and running, do each of these in the morning and your posture will be better than ever.

Medicine is not made to keep us healthy, we keep ourselves healthy so to not need medicine.

>> No.4097282

T-thank you for being neat and c-challenging too, daddy.

>> No.4097286

Asian massages

>> No.4097289
File: 341 KB, 1536x2048, 1557367532117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope you guys haven't forgotten about the Year Long Challenge

>> No.4097290

>paying small asian grandmas to step on you

>> No.4097294

I'm skimming through some of the submissions, looks like awetos, j and gottagitgud are halfway to completing their goals. I hope I don't jinx them

>> No.4097314

Don't forget to breathe through your nose, daddies

>> No.4097333

*breathes through mouth while dabbing*

>> No.4097343

*ngmi and no-chin intensifies*

>> No.4097351


>> No.4097353
File: 39 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4097391

>no Inktober challenge
Should I make it? Is there any reason why nobody have made it yet?

>> No.4097401

yeah you can make it, people probably didn't know if someone else was making it

>> No.4097408

Another day I can stay home and protec my cute demon daughter.

>> No.4097416
File: 1.54 MB, 540x432, 1417332559072.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw everyone is thinking that someone else is going to create it so no one ends up creating it at all.

>> No.4097479
File: 225 KB, 677x750, 0CFFC5F7-6FDF-4A3B-9E91-6D79A2141253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is DAIB going to be an artbook?

>> No.4097491

Might be neat if it got compiled into an artbook

>> No.4097501

burp in my face

>> No.4097554

I wonder what the dads that draw primarily porn are gonna do for DAIB. Is Vusta gonna do a finishied piece that isn't furry porn? j not drawing massive dicks?

>> No.4097556

Apparently nsfw is allowed for the challenge, though I was thinking of doing furry that's suggestive or romantic but not pornographic.

>> No.4097567

Btw shrineydog, I was the one who was going to make the new thread- I just assumed it would be made when it hit the bump limit. Good doggy! (the lettering for DAD always looks nice, Ive been wanting to compliment you for a while on that)

>> No.4097692

Should I take JMGN’s place?

>> No.4097712
File: 349 KB, 2480x2609, sheissposten.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It could...

>> No.4097717

>the best a dad can get

>> No.4097723


More user options will be available, but what in particular did you have in mind?

>> No.4097732

please yes. I love looking at car accidents

>> No.4097734

Can you make it so it doesnt log you out every single day?

>> No.4097737

are you logging in with different devices? cause it logs out any logged in session if you log in somewhere else

>> No.4097738


That's probably an issue with your browser settings. I haven't personally encountered this issue.

>> No.4097767

Its the same device, it just logs me out after a dad rolls over the next day.
It happens with every browser I use

>> No.4097780
File: 251 KB, 707x1000, firiyabathing1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Started this one to practice values and shading..problem is I burn out halfway through every piece and have mostly unfinished art like this.
as always redlining and crits encouraged...and yes, I like amazon chicks!

>> No.4097783

I browsed all the submissions by Awetos, really nice gains bro. congrats

>> No.4097787

doesn't awetos have lung cancer or something

>> No.4097793


>> No.4097795


I'm not sure if it's rollover; currently session expiration is set to the default, which is just when the browser closes.

>> No.4097798

yeah...real helpful there..Lets see your work then?

>> No.4097812
File: 228 KB, 776x1119, Mercenaire en cours.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4097820

really cool work anon i love it really nice great nice

>> No.4097829


Ooooh, pretty. Did you photobash any of his armor/props? And I'm asking this genuinely.

>> No.4097831


>> No.4097832

No, I painted by hand. There's this one brush I really like that I got from Proko's brushpack, I think the name is dur rond 15 or something like that.

>> No.4097834

Retarded newfag

>> No.4097837

no need to insult him. poor newfag.

>> No.4097843

*kicks the newfag in the teeth*

>> No.4097847

Challenge idea:

>Design the DAIB 2019 artbook

If there are no objections I'll make it later today.

>> No.4097852

n-no! someone help him!

>> No.4097856

I know that they are a dunning-kruger newfag with amazon fetishes but come on Daddy, I know you're better than this

>> No.4097858

*Helps him up just to knock him down again*

>> No.4097860

*slaps the newfag around with my penis*

>> No.4097866


Why do you build me up (build me up) buttercup, baby
Just to let me down (let me down) and mess me around?

>> No.4097869

That was really fucking gay, daddy. Holy fucking shit.

I'll even go back to drawing after that one.

>> No.4097870

>gets a helpful advice to ask for tips in a thread more specified for his art level
>instead of being glad that he got an advice, he gets butthurt and asks critique giver to post his work
Disgusting. Immature begtards who can't take criticism are the reason why I stopped bothering with giving critiques and comments. You deserve to be bullied.

>> No.4097891

I wish I was beg.. I want daddies to bully me~ ^p^

>> No.4097893


>> No.4097895

Post work and I'll bully you, animefag

>> No.4097899
File: 647 KB, 833x696, 1501196198006.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4097903

remember when we cared about the flawless falling? now I don't even notice when anyone breaks their streak
I mourn the past but I also do not mind this kind of present

>> No.4097905

lassies matured into daddies

>> No.4097907

crossing off flawless got depressing pretty quick, I started to dread it

>> No.4097908

I've never seen anyone fall for the merc wip before.

>> No.4097911

Yes, it's I, the master prankster that makes newfags fall for merc. I've been here since 2012 and several have fallen for my ruses already, perhaps you'll be the next one.

>> No.4097912

Wasn't Fluffy the winner of the LAS flawless? Where are they now? Are they in DAD under a different name?

>> No.4097914

Hehe! Maybe another time!

>> No.4097916

tfw /beg/ but scared of being bullied so I rarely post work

>> No.4097920

pyw and don't worry about criticism anon.

>> No.4097923

"Do like the best and ignore the rest."

>> No.4097924

You know what?
Just for you I'll bully EVERYONE.
I'll bully ESPECIALLY those of you that won't post anything today.

>> No.4097925

If by bully you mean crits, please do; I'd really appreciate some crits on what I've been posting lately.

>> No.4097935

the bully we need and deserve

>> No.4097990

I'll post in the gallery every day until I get critted/tiered. I'll keep posting every day even after that.


>> No.4098024

please don't

>> No.4098115

Don't worry, I post every day and I never get mentioned.



>> No.4098117

it's ok beanhead, you're getting a lot better

>> No.4098132

Oof, I've been found out, how did you know?

But thanks anon, I really appreciate it.
Maybe I should try commenting on all submissions again, just to give some people the idea that they're being seen but also as a motivator to keep pushing for it every single day.
Not now though, I need sleep so I'll do it tomorrow.

>> No.4098133

I haven't gotten mentioned yet but I guess it's because I'm really plain.

>> No.4098140

whats your name and I'll mention you more often

>> No.4098142

you play it a bit safe with your focus on drawing, people only really comment if it’s some cringe animu shit. you’re genuinely trying to learn and that’s cool, but I’d branch out more in style and think about your goals in art. Also I like the chicken you drew

>> No.4098143

That's not how it works.

>> No.4098146


Then you'll never get mentioned...

>> No.4098149

I'll get mentioned out of sheer skill. You'll see.

>> No.4098156



>> No.4098160


>> No.4098163


No, I believe you. I'm waiting on this sheer skillz.

>> No.4098172
File: 28 KB, 400x400, 1539280634691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like your stuff Beanhead, I have a bunch of your submissions in my stolen gains folder

>> No.4098193

Just glad I went from tier 0 to tier 1.

>> No.4098229

Wanna bet I'll fall a few tiers on the next list? I feel it coming...

>> No.4098275

I'll go from tier 1 to at least tier 2 next time. For sure.

>> No.4098277

I'll go from tier 2 to tier 4 in one fell swoop, just watch me.

>> No.4098282

tier-5 coming soon

>> No.4098299

>car accidents
Did JMGN draw some freaky CARS related shit back when he was still active on LAS?

>> No.4098353

Based bunny actually working hard. Still Tier 0 here though.

>> No.4098379


Are you referring to 51ip's tier list or is there a new one I'm not aware of?

>> No.4098442

Just mention yourself r tard

>> No.4098460

woah this oneironaut guy is super good.

>> No.4098463


shut the fuck up oneironaut
don't think we haven't forgotten your tantrum

>> No.4098492


>> No.4098529

We need another tier list after DAIB is done

>> No.4098536


>> No.4098539

Just draw your best, anon-kun.

>> No.4098542
File: 318 KB, 916x1376, Screenshot_20190903-180249-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i posted this back in the traditional thread but I'm beginning oil painting. I haven't been on /ic/ for months. heading back to drawing now, good luck everyone.

>> No.4098544

>implying it would make a difference

>> No.4098549

>slug jelly
oh hey it's you

>> No.4098551

If there's someone to be mentioned it's aerce. I think he's been making more visible gains lately.

But are you going to join dad?

>> No.4098557

I-I'm sure I'm gonna make it to tier 5 with my DAIB piece!!!

>> No.4098558

I believe in you Dad.

>> No.4098559


nah, busy. mostly doing realism so I'm drawing boring shit

uh, just wanted to see how things are, but then I'm gone lol

>> No.4098591

i love my pal 10A

>> No.4098593

What tantrum?
The oneironaut is unironically one of my favorite artists on the site.

>> No.4098602

They said they loved whenever tierlists get posted and recognized that tierlists are purely for fun and games and not to be taken seriously at all, it was honestly quite heartwarning.

>> No.4098604

>tfw take tierlists seriously because it's one of the only times someone is honest

>> No.4098606

I really want to make a tierlist but it's so much work to really ensure that I'm fair to everyone.

>> No.4098611

It's more fun if you're unfair.

>> No.4098691

what's better
posting shit tier work because you didn't have enough time to finish anything better or switching to posting every other day?

>> No.4098700

switching to weekly

>> No.4098705

as long as you're actually doing at least 30 minutes, even if it turns out shit, I would stick to daily

>> No.4098742
File: 309 KB, 1000x1000, DC349D0D-C661-42BB-8D88-06235F72964B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty princess points challenge

>> No.4098743
File: 249 KB, 1400x680, 6F55E153-4173-4BB8-B2BF-79DA2DF0D029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4098744
File: 82 KB, 914x716, ED9D56D2-4075-4181-8456-3A9EB84E3B91.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know you would date all of these.

>> No.4098747

make it

>> No.4098761

oneironaut doesn't copy anymore?

>> No.4098771 [DELETED] 

Well you hit the nail on the head.
I find it a bit difficult to try new things so I tend to hang around in practice routines I've done before.
Biggest issue is that I kinda lost track of where I want to go with art, when I started more than 2 years ago all I wanted to do was draw big tiddies and animu girls but that is no longer the case.

But thanks for checking out my work, it's always motivating, it's comments like this that help me grow and show me what I can do better to improve.

>I have a bunch of your submissions in my stolen gains folder
Heartwarming but what is this stolen gains folder for? Seems a little suspicious.

Pro advice right there, everyone take note.

>> No.4098777

Well you hit the nail on the head.
I find it a bit difficult to try new things so I tend to hang around in practice routines I've done before.
Biggest issue is that I kinda lost track of where I want to go with art, when I started more than 2 years ago all I wanted to do was draw big tiddies and animu girls but that is no longer the case.

But thanks for checking out my work, it's always motivating, it's comments like this that help me grow and show me what I can do better to improve.

>I have a bunch of your submissions in my stolen gains folder
Heartwarming but what is this stolen gains folder for? Seems a little suspicious.

Pro advice right there, everyone take note.

>> No.4098782
File: 20 KB, 576x1024, not my work btw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw approach drawing like learning math
>"how am I supposed to do complex algebra if i can't even make 1 + 1 = 2, I need to do sums a billion times correctly before I even attempt complex algebra"
how wrong is this analogy?

>> No.4098783

Posting shit tier stuff.
Everyone's going to have off days, and occasionally have to rush art to maintain their streak sometimes. And the point of DAD isn't to make presentable art every day, it's about DRAWING every day. Even if the end result of your efforts doesn't looks great, what matters is that you spent time drawing it, not that it looks good or not.

>> No.4098787

Use a calculator

>> No.4098788

What's the wolframalpha of art?

>> No.4098791

Both of those analogies are wrong, that's not a good way to learn math, and even if it were correct that wouldn't be a good way to learn to draw either.
How you should learn depends a lot on what you're hoping to get out of it, how hard you're willing to work, and how you personally learn best.

>> No.4098797

can i have an extension to the daib challenge


>> No.4098798

You should make a flash game.

>> No.4098854


>> No.4098867

Good morning, DAD.

Remember to keep your mind healthy.

Drawing is fun and all, but when you do it so much it can take a toll on you psychologically. Take mental breaks from art during the day, read books instead of playing games or delve into music playing and production.

Remember, too, that your visual library will only increase if you explore things you haven't already, and books, even though non-visual, can help at that a great deal. I advise, however, you don't read much fiction, at times the internal debate carried by philosophy books can be far more beneficial than the new hype in terms of a young teen that suddenly discovered they were a wizard/semi-god/dating a vampire, but I concur the visual library from philosophy is mediocre at best.

Some recommendations:
>[Frank Herbert] Dune;
>[Sun Tsu] The art of war ;
>[J.R.R.Tolkien] Lord of the rings;
>[John Dickie] Cosa Nostra;
>[Herman Hesse] Steppenwolf;
>[Melville] Moby-Dick;
>[Plato] The Republic;
>[Dante] The divine comedy;
>[Goethe] Faust.

Books on history can bring a great deal of depth to your storytelling as well as serve of inspiration for your work, those are also the ones I have the most fun reading. Anyhow, stay healthy, daddy.

>> No.4098941
File: 646 KB, 1000x1148, SamuraiJack.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Funny, I drew something very similar in 2017 ON THE SECOND LAS WEBSITE, holy shit, time flies

>> No.4098945


>> No.4098947

one day we will be free from the good mornings

>> No.4098954

does that mean we will have bad mornings?

>> No.4098956
File: 29 KB, 500x273, google images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4098957

Yes, cherish the good mornings while they're here.

>> No.4099019

we need a good night poster instead

>> No.4099035

Average morning daddies!

>> No.4099047

Splendid afternoon papa's~

>> No.4099053

Subpar evening fathers!

>> No.4099059

>delve into music playing and production
Making music is hell. Doing art is pretty relaxing compared to it.

>> No.4099063
File: 229 KB, 400x370, 1567451538026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time for a DAD *clap* MEME *clap* REVIEW

>> No.4099069


I think the nice part about music production is that you can always hear what you're making. In art you have to step through that phase where you're just mechanically placing things down on the page and you can't really see the whole picture yet.

>> No.4099075


Also if you're not actually using hardware there's not really much technical skill, so you're only limited by familiarity with software. You don't need to "grind' the same way as you do in art.

>> No.4099086

10/10 because i made it

>> No.4099109

The ear tires much faster than the eye. And having to listen to that loop on repeat for hours is not fun. Not to mention you can't put music in the background while you make music.

There's a lot of grinding to do if you want to be any good.

>> No.4099120

>you can't put music in the background while you make music
This is my biggest gripe.

>> No.4099159

The analogy is wrong because 1 + 1 = 2 isn't algebra, but arithmetic. Algebra is finding variables like y = 1/3x + 2. Arithmetic is used in algebra because algebra branches off of arithmetic to find solutions that would otherwise not be as easy or possible. In the same line of thought, it also prevents you from doing things a billion times to reach an answer. If one approached drawing like math, they would know they can't always understand the concepts the first time, but that because the answer was reached before, it can be reached again using logic and reasoning provided one is aware of the set of rules that bound you.

>> No.4099345

I want to be complimented by daddies!

>> No.4099375

VuSta meru bunnyburger gottagitgud Oneironaut Whizzard awetos Grabstein AlmostGoodAtAnatomy bezdomny Petal.jpeg Cath guespiere MysticLog j Valley echo huhnchen silvemis tsflipp Beanhead Nessie Brother-kun tabascoshrimp Zeke Nirest 10A CGraphite tmart11 Saucy Choob mrpurin Inno lazypotato hoppy Clapped Aerce fujo koki bëghel psiekier Pawn KazooKD consuis dranandrom Ravioli Manu Kanemix3 Defunct kringlefkr bNix Lilramune Moth mehmeh nemori Arma Amreio sola Vastian Dataizm
You're all doing great and I love you.

>> No.4099380

if you end your streak today, i'll give you a SPECIAL compliment! <3

>> No.4099382

What if my streak has already ended

>> No.4099385

you suck

>> No.4099387

You're a great job, retard.


>> No.4099389


>> No.4099390
File: 269 KB, 785x546, 1507468160830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

l-love you too anon!! gambatte

>> No.4099391

I actually got complimented! Nice.

>> No.4099395
File: 78 KB, 600x516, goliath_girl_salute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awetos, you have done DAD proud. We have the best-looking OP on this board!

>> No.4099403

>See featured submission
>"Ay, this thumbnail looks nic-"
>Get greeted by a juggling Impmon with his dick hanging out
>Realize it's by Saucy

>> No.4099423
File: 76 KB, 705x902, おやすみお父さん.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4099438


>> No.4099452

I love you too anonkun

>> No.4099462

rip owo

>> No.4099478


>> No.4099482


>> No.4099483
File: 71 KB, 809x717, 1564436942883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4099485


>> No.4099489

no active streak uhu?

>> No.4099501

Thank you!

>> No.4099538

Domo Arigato Mr. Roboto

>> No.4099551


>skipped, again

No hope, get the rope

>> No.4099629

Skip me again and I'll fucking tribunal you.

>> No.4099640


>> No.4099641

Should have worked for that streak more.

>> No.4099691

I submitted my first art.
I hope to be able to maintain a daily frequency.

>> No.4099694

was here intermittently in las, ded and currently on dad holding a small streak now and then
how does lava, w and banana compare as webmasters, people and artists? do you think they're gonna make it or did they all fall for the stem meme
sorry woulda made this a poll but there was no good way to do it

>> No.4099696

thanks (you) too

>> No.4099712

good daddy!

>> No.4099742

Lava's dead, during his time alive he was a good art twitch stream often hosting small art games with his chat (draw x, y, and z at the same time as him, then he'll crit them on stream), his tenure as LAS webmaster started strong but declined quickly with his health, as he went AWOL for extended periods of time probably due to spinal tap surgery and his impending death, he never made it in art but he made it in my heart, may his toothpaste lemur soul R I P.

w is a good programmer, but not someone you want in any position of administration due to his multiple nukings of the DED website, keep him as just a programmer and it's all good. His art was also pretty alright last I remember, I can't recall if he made any finished pieces.

banana is a good guy, he hasn't gone nuclear yet like w, he has however played with the idea of committing suicide a number of times which is worrying. He has a lot of trouble with improving his art, and it's not helped with his job, programming the website and dealing with his suicidal thoughts, but I wish him the best of luck and everyone in the LAS and DAD discords would be more than willing to help him with improving his art.

>> No.4099762

We have been attempting to help him but he is quite dead set onto his schedule on how to improve at art in his own way.

>> No.4099775


I still have the workday to get through, but I would like to discuss this when I get home.

>> No.4099795
File: 828 KB, 1200x1326, 1522707132196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like to add that Lava had an extremely elitist view about art despite being peak /beg/, probably even more so than banana, or at least at a similar level. Reading his blog was often pretty obnoxious.
This classic las meme is a perfect example of the things he would write.

>> No.4099804

>Nigga what the fuck do you know about feeling anything? You're the human equivalent of a half-empty toothpaste tube.
still makes me laugh, the absolute PINNACLE of LAS memes

>> No.4099823
File: 679 KB, 200x199, ani_happy_al_bundy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not skipped!

>> No.4099825

I started the other day. Let's improve together anon.

>> No.4099826

Thank you anon! <3

>> No.4099883

>tfw you could be drawing but instead choose to work on a script to rip videos from an 18+ site despite doing nofap

Sorry to disappoint dad, I'll work harder tomorrow.

>> No.4099885

Promise me to use the video as reference.

>> No.4099887

>tfw the only people you know who can code on DAD are banana, w, fluff and nile

>> No.4099888

it's okay as long as you share

>> No.4099891
File: 30 KB, 500x696, no nut november.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4099898

What is it with webmasters and their ways? Is it the only way for someone to pursue and create a site at seemingly no positive gain but intrinsic?

>> No.4099912

This suicide thing makes me sad. I understand that this is his personal matter, and perhaps it can help him. I am happy when a banana draws something. But the knowing that someone is counting to day X is demoralizing.

Oh boy, this last month was like a roller coaster. I had health problems because of all this. On the other hand it is a very interesting experience. And I am glad to see people like banana and other dadstors on this ride.

>> No.4099917
File: 48 KB, 1026x344, oracle_aybabtu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize there are a lot of people on /ic/ who are in IT, right, and some of them are *also* in DAD?

>> No.4099919

No, of course not. How could I possibly realize that? I also didn’t know IT people can script. I thought they just worked for dumb people.

>> No.4099940

Here we go daddies, an OFFICIAL DAD POLL!!!


>> No.4099949

>I'm not skipped for once

>> No.4099960

Newfag here. Is it fine to submit studies you did of other artists' work? Like a master study of a painting?

>> No.4099961

Yep, that's fine, a lot of daddies do that.

>> No.4099962

Yeah, there's no problem with that so long as you did at least 30 minutes of work

>> No.4099966

Did one of you niggas really just resubmit a CtrlPaint study from 2013?

>> No.4099968


>> No.4099975
File: 73 KB, 1000x303, dilbert_boss_etch-a-sketch.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No, of course not. How could I possibly realize that?
I swear it comes up every few threads. Some anon states that he does such-and-such with a given technology, and then a few others chime in about either having done that, or wanting to do that, or Pete Tranter's sister's doing that; this is inevitably followed by a group realization that there are a lot of people on /ic/ that do IT for a living, *wish* that they could draw for a living instead, and henceforth struggle with the associated NGMI feelings that brings about.

>I also didn’t know IT people can script. I thought they just worked for dumb people.
The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive, but using your IT knowledge outside of work hours for personal projects can really cut into your drawing time.

>> No.4099977

Ok thank you.

>> No.4099983

>there are a lot of people on /ic/ that do IT for a living, *wish* that they could draw for a living instead, and henceforth struggle with the associated NGMI feelings that brings about.
Is this why /ic/ is so depressed and bitter? It would make sense, this place has a very different culture than any other artist community I've been around, on 4chan or otherwise

>> No.4099994
File: 2.30 MB, 240x240, 197d36da-db2b-42eb-8021-e9505df04a55.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4099995
File: 726 KB, 1080x1133, crabs_from_ShiratoSanpeiArtbook_p023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is this why /ic/ is so depressed and bitter?
Honestly, no, I don't think it is.

>It would make sense, this place has a very different culture than any other artist community I've been around, on 4chan or otherwise
The anonymity 4chan affords us really brings out some of the worst online behaviour in people here; or, rather, it exacerbates the problem of the culture here being like a giant toxic echo chamber. The same feelings and urges that make us post here can be manipulated - even unconsciously - to produce activity that someone from the outside would find abhorrent.

It'd be like a waiter from Dick's Last Resort who didn't realize that the "rude to customers in a tongue-in-cheek way" thing is all part of the act, and continues to be rude to everyone around him even when he's off the clock.

>> No.4100004

Love you too, dad.

>> No.4100067


Can i join?

>> No.4100081


So on the topic of how I'm approaching art, I seriously have to confess that it's an extremely nervous situation for me.
Anyone who remembers me from LAS remembers that I was week one and held somewhere between one hundred and two hundred days of a streak, before taking a hiatus during the summer.
LAS was extremely valuable as an experience. Before, I would just draw for thirty minutes, lament how horrifyingly shit the outcome was and then give up for another month. It's been like that ever since middle school. However, LAS did assist me with actually consistently drawing for 30 minutes a day.
What I personally failed to do (and LAS exacerbated this through topic challenges) was actually focusing on something and drawing in a manner that advances my learning. Thirty minutes of a random sketch based on a topic amounts to little to nothing in terms of actual concrete improvement. Part of what makes this whole thing difficult is that in that extreme beginner stage, there were an insane amount of conflicting opinions on what the best track to learn was (learn fundamentals in this order; don't polish turds, don't approach pieces until you're 'ready', make nothing but finished pieces and keep learning, keep sketching the same object over and over till you get it like Sycra). It was overwhelming.
To that end, I had found some sort of direction in the form of the Aguri guide, which seemed to give a logical trajectory to learning akin to a "school-like" process. First, you grind out a serious understanding of perspective, then you move on to figures, etc etc. It seemed logical, clear, and the resources are more than readily available. I'm almost done with the 'start', and have been actively trying to intake the information and then applying it later.


>> No.4100088 [DELETED] 


>Aguri Guide

I can't believe people are taking what I wrote as gospel when it was never meant to be a guide to anything. How does a shitposting fight between another anon turn into a "guide" that gets shilled on this board for 6 years possible? I tell others not to follow it and that it was just me throwing things to the wall at the time but people insist I'm not the sole creator of "aguri" guide.

I've said it many times and I'll say it again; Aguri was just the Pretty Cure girl I shitposted with. It's not the name of an Asian artist. It's also not belonging to some guy on pixiv (that too was fabricated). So if you genuinely keep following it I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.4100092


The thing is, I'm learning, but I know I'm slow. Partially due to OCD compulsions, these perspective studies took a really long time, because I really, really wanted to make sure I had mastered the concepts I was learning before advancing. I advanced exceedingly quickly in mathematics in my youth with this process but I do confess I am a lot more mentally acclimated to the topic (like, algebra at age 6 fast). Side note, there's nothing remarkable about my mathematical acumen at this moment.
But basic math isn't entirely like basic art. There's no iterative ladder of "addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, PEMDAS, algebra, parallel equations, etc". Art seems to be this particularly odd pit of trial and error and eventually knowledge magically seems to take shape and form, especially when taken from the approach of "just make pieces, and before you make pieces do relevant studies to prep for them".
The Aguri guide, though I'm slow as a snail in advancing, is a point of sanity. I know it's been memed on as a /beg/ and ngmi trap for newbies, but it's a similar way to how my mind works, and I have made concrete improvements. I'm a hell of a lot more motivated, and I'm trying to make pivots in my approach for more efficient learning.
As an example: I've been trying to do pieces that use the knowledge gained from each segment of Eric Olson's lessons, while also tacking on some extraneous things to at least play with and explore, such as composition, line weights, filling the space and other things. Before I freehanded a 1-point drawing or two, I made sure to thoroughly get an intuitive sense of how the grids worked and jumped into it, and now 1 point is second nature. I'm trying to do that with 2 point, and people both on the threads and on the discords insist that I should be freehanding from the start, though I strongly believe one grid-adherent drawing should at least be made, otherwise, I haven't truly absorbed it yet.


>> No.4100101


I've made concrete progress this way, albeit slow. If you see the stuff I've made now in comparison to the absolute fucking shit I shat out on LAS on a day to day basis, it's night and day.
However, I do concede that maybe I do need to pivot the way I'm learning. I want to shoot for thorough mastery of the craft, and maybe that aim is too steep for something of my exceedingly low caliber, like a kid wanting to prove the Collatz Conjecture after learning multiplication and division.
Point is, it's scary for me to make a pivot on my plan right now, especially when I do hear conflicting opinions on how to learn best. It's scary for me to make pivots to a set plan that at the very least I can lean on for some semblance of structure, that has kept me extremely motivated in recent weeks. It's scary to make a change that could very possibly land me at the same spot I was two years ago, fumbling about on a plateau that overlooks a one-inch cliff like I was on LAS, going absolutely fucking nowhere. It's also particularly annoying because I really, really am in a novice position, and with differing advice from my betters, I don't want to slight my superiors by choosing someone over the other. I depend on all those people for advice in the first place. I know my place, a foot above the bottom of the barrel, a place where you shut up and listen. I just don't know who to listen to.


> Lava had an extremely elitist view about art despite being peak /beg/, probably even more so than banana, or at least at a similar level.
If I ever reflected any elitist attitudes, I sincerely apologize. Was there a particular instance that comes to mind?

I can't speak for everyone, but I made DAD for a few reasons, one being the purpose of learning pertinent coding skills after leaving my previous job (which used very unusual languages). Actually landed me with my current job. The other is because I owe where I am now to Lava and the LAS community as a whole.

>> No.4100117

>n that extreme beginner stage, there were an insane amount of conflicting opinions on what the best track to learn was (learn fundamentals in this order; don't polish turds, don't approach pieces until you're 'ready', make nothing but finished pieces and keep learning, keep sketching the same object over and over till you get it like Sycra). It was overwhelming.
This is the main thing I'm nervous about now with learning. I love drawing, but oftentimes the sheer complexity of what I have to do can be overwhelming and I'm not sure what I should be doing, or where to focus my studies next. I worry sometimes that what I'm practicing is just a waste of time and I should be focusing on some other aspect of the process.

>> No.4100124

from what i see of your mindset towards art, i think you'd really benefit from the russian academic approach to drawing anon. they focus on rigorously meticulous construction & perspective as the basis for learning. there used to be a really in depth thread on CA, but you know what happened to that.
this is just a beginner program but it should give you a good idea of what their style of learning entails.
nma is also gonna do some classes w/ the russian method but it's not done yet.

>> No.4100132
File: 80 KB, 643x820, 0a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4100133

>conflicting opinions on how to learn best.
There's no how to learn best that works for everyone. As for me, I wouldn't use any guide or book unless I'm absolutely lost. I prefer figuring stuff out my myself.
I also believe it's easier to learn from artists similar to yourself, artists that think in a way similar to you.

>I just don't know who to listen to
Sometimes it's best to listen to yourself.
Even if you're worried you're not learning it's easy to check if you learned something. Just ask yourself if you know more than you did before. If the answer is no, then change your approach.
No matter what you do you can always check this.

I may be just another beginner but I'm very goal oriented. I always set goals before I start drawing. "Today I'll learn a bit about this", that kind of thing. You can never be wrong if you can see progress.

>> No.4100134

practicing is never a waste of time just as long as you're learning 'something' that challenges you.
generally speaking for representational art, perspective, form and gesture are the 3 things that you need to know no matter what you want to do.

>> No.4100157


Interesting, I'll consider it.

>> No.4100158


>> No.4100159
File: 1.54 MB, 1300x2000, Madoka.Aguri.full.1791868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've said it many times and I'll say it again; Aguri was just the Pretty Cure girl I shitposted with.
Very qt girl, superb taste aguri-anon!

>> No.4100167

Good night, DAD.

Remember to have a good night of sleep.

Keep in mind that a good sleeping posture is key to having a good health. Depending on the position you lay in bed you blood won't flow properly to and from your legs, your mandible might be forced improperly, your teeth might be under stress, your back might be skewed, your breathing might be impaired, etc.; and each of those can lead to their own array of complications later on.

Have a hot shower before you got to bed so to relax your muscles, brush your teeth and hair, clean your workplace so you can get to work as soon as you need tomorrow. Pray if you're religious, read to sleep if you like it, maybe meditate, but do not let yourself fall asleep with a phone in your hand, that's the quickest path to mediocrity.

Either way: good night, daddies.

>> No.4100184

*sleeps headstanding*

>> No.4100186


>> No.4100189

*meets God*

>> No.4100194


>> No.4100199

good daddy

>> No.4100211

Thanks anon I knew some cared

>> No.4100226

I love you but I cannot listen to your advice. I do not care enough about myself

>> No.4100227
File: 112 KB, 666x500, 1aid7p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are not going to make it. Not because of some 'spark' meme or anything, but you simply do not have the correct mindset. Stop now, and just enjoy a comfortable life as a computer programmer.

>> No.4100229

Good night latina. Hello 300th post.

>> No.4100346

really really cute Vusta

>> No.4100352

I want to FUCK VuSta's furries

>> No.4100359

i wanna hug vusta's furries

>> No.4100371

Donation box for hugs for VuSta’s furries below

>> No.4100374

Where's the donation box for fugs
But hugs are good too, I guess

>> No.4100386

>wait 6m to 1year for a checkup to see if it grew
w-what! why not just just do a biopsy of it to be sure

>> No.4100400

That’s what I thought too!
Ig if they stick a needle in there they might jostle the bastard?

>> No.4100416

>September has but started
>My friends be telling me my work had a sudden surge in quality
That's it, I'll win DAIB.

>> No.4100434

It’s fall :^) everyone is at their bestest, the summer slump is over and the winter blues aren’t here yet.

>> No.4100436
File: 3.59 MB, 1242x2208, F1B64044-021F-4277-995D-D014C5AAA635.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Awetos art is on tumblr! Is this /makingit/?!

>> No.4100437

Not my hemisphere.

>> No.4100439


>> No.4100446

Okay....how the hell do I get into learning how to color?

>> No.4100449

>this time of year is supposedly my best
I feel disappointed

>> No.4100450

Whoops wrong post I thought you mean pixiv/tumblr doesn’t count

>> No.4100451
File: 100 KB, 958x960, 5D7176AC-1FD8-448B-AABA-7EAA66421E85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’ll peak in November
Maybe artists are like seasonal flowers.

>> No.4100454

Hopefully I'll make something decent this year.

>> No.4100471

James Gurney's book on the subject.

>> No.4100475

Forgot to mention that there's also Scott Robertson's how to render.

>> No.4100494
File: 24 KB, 464x400, randall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy nice plenty to read in bed after jus waking up, feels nice, despite the fucking kookaburras cackling outside my window that are the reason I'm now awake ree. nana can you teach me perspective it makes me wanna blow my brains out and I feel like a brainlet. I can uhhhhhh teach you uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. probably nothing in return

>> No.4100503
File: 288 KB, 1851x1080, 57546F63-AA89-4CB7-B080-D05F0A7C2DDA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a defeatist attitude
I’m trying a new thing where I ironically pretend I am the greatest shit there ever is. “What would miv4t do?” I had a fat dumpy friend in HS who would always reply she is a 10/10 but we both knew the truth but it was still a lot of fun to BS around like that anyway.

>> No.4100514

I do need a mindset change, yeah- fake it till you make it and everything. I've been disappointed with a lot of stuff lately, but some cool shit is coming up for me soon so I'm looking forward to that.

>> No.4100526

Nah, don't fake it. That's some meme shit. Be real and make it. I loathe those who say they fake it, because that will become a point of weakness. Once that weakness is exposed and broken, you'll be a broken shell because you had a faulty mindset.

>> No.4100530

These are wise words anon

>> No.4100545

Thanks anon.

>> No.4100549
File: 40 KB, 566x562, 1564293144024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm fucking ass but thanks.

>> No.4100553


>> No.4100556

jk I'm just very dramatic

>> No.4100567

I'm glad summer is over

>> No.4100579

>tfw summer is over
>classes start up again
>literally zero time to draw
Absolute suffering.

>> No.4100580

>a few more months before the start of a new decade, 2020
How were the 2010s for you, daddy?

>> No.4100582

2010s was basically the only era I know, so take that however you want.

>> No.4100588

wow, it's intense to think about how much has happened in my life in ten years, I guess that's a lot of time though but it doesn't really feel like it for some reason
it's been a wonderful decade for me though, I found love, I rediscovered my love of art, I lost touch with some friends that I probably shouldn't have had and found new ones that I'm thankful for, I think I'm optimistic about everything except time, it's spooky to me how short ten years feels, I hope it goes a lot slower than these did, but even if it doesn't I'm really happy

>> No.4100594

wasted half of it being a NEET playing videogames

>> No.4100598

I've wasted so much time back then. If I don't make it in four years I'mma seppuku with my wacom pen

>> No.4100600

Haha, I remember saying the same. 4 years ago. Life is still cool though. Got another 4 years to try again.

>> No.4100601


>> No.4100619
File: 52 KB, 720x720, 1565465658915-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I am a full-stack developer, but honestly helping /las/ between work and drawing would probably kill me.

>> No.4100624
File: 113 KB, 1840x1714, 5r6yh45rt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aguri guide is good, don't worry about speed though
I'm trying to learn maths and it's taking me way longer then it should, but we've all got our own rate of learning

taking what you learned in a study and applying that to personal art is very good, it makes it clear why you learned it, it now has a reason to exist in your mind. Always apply what you study

Personally I don't care too much for advanced perspective, it's useful but it's more technical than I care for, as long as I can roughly draw things in a 3d space I'm fine

Always save your old work and look back on it, that's good, it's very motivating

Yes, aim higher than you can realistically achieve
if you aim low, you'll hit lower, if you aim too high, you'll still hit pretty good
you gotta haggle with life, shoot high and life will bring your offer down a notch

I don't think you're elitist, the fact that you worry whether you're elitist probably means you're not elitist

I know you're sick of conflicting advice, but I wanna offer mine anyway
>pic related

>> No.4100625

whoops, a paragraph got lost there at the bottom

"you need to have an even distribution of skills

It'll be extremely demotivating to spend months mastering only perspective and then draw something, because you can't make a nice picture that's ONLY perspective
the perspective of the picture will be good but it'll be brought down by poor knowledge of value, colour, anatomy, etc.

"you're only as good as your weakest fundamental""

>> No.4100626
File: 29 KB, 996x389, daddy coders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow so many daddy programmers!

>> No.4100631

>tfw a fellow daddy will never help you debug and get into the industry for sweet programming money that can be used to retire and do art

>> No.4100634

It isn't all that great.
Only if you are really good and passionate you will rake in the money, else you'll just end up as one those other millions of minimum-wage codemonkeys.

>> No.4100635
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>Hey anon please code this half impossible task on topic I know nothing about. Deadline is in couple of days.

It's not that fun.

>> No.4100642
File: 271 KB, 590x428, CANS_dogsmiling_379727605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Majority of it spent depressed and wasting time drinking and video game
End minority spent fixing myself and pursuing discipline and what I always wanted to do.
Despite the majority the minority makes it good.

>> No.4100643

good doggy!

>> No.4100679

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzwiG70BvyU God sinix is so hot
Anyone going to lightbox expo?

>> No.4100680

every time I see sinix talk it's so jarring, I never get used to it

>> No.4100706


>> No.4100712

>wake up
>immediately nuked with ten thousand "GOOD MORNINGS"

>> No.4100728

I found this artist I like’s PERSONAL BLOG. Ahahaha it’s over for you, bitch!!! Now I see all her WIPS and process videos.

>> No.4100729

pls gib

>> No.4100735

bls share

>> No.4100740

gimme gimmmee!

>> No.4100748

>Personal blog
>not AD

>> No.4100835

I'm a neet so I just like to mess around with it. Nothing professional

>> No.4100856

it's twitch subtember this month, any daddies with twitch channels besides kringle and 51ip?

>> No.4100861

The worst era of my life, the only two good things that came from it were the friends I made online and the skill I've gained as an artist.

>> No.4100885

>youtuber/streamer makes a big effort to say they're going to upload/stream more/regularly
>they drop off the face of the god damn planet
every time

>> No.4100890

Kazoo used to stream but she's abroad so not streaming right now. I don't remember her streaming handle though.

>> No.4100892

I used to when I was a scrub, but now life's got the best of me and I don't really have the time for it

>> No.4100900
File: 80 KB, 820x461, 319-3192377_agario-poker-face-smug-anime-girl-face.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How far are you into your DAIB challenge?
you have started it right?

>> No.4100903
File: 228 KB, 1280x720, GG-11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4100904


>> No.4100910

False alarm, turned out it was a completely new one from the one I thought I had seen.

>> No.4100954

If I make one will you subsrib?

>> No.4100956

only if you actually stream!

>> No.4100971

Yes, I've made a couple of thumbnails and character designs, I also did some studies from life and from artists aimed towards DAIB.

All in all, it's been going oddly fine, I hope I can get it right this time.

>> No.4101002
File: 75 KB, 705x530, 1523940153357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah uh 'bout that....

>> No.4101083

>implying I signed up

>> No.4101104
File: 695 KB, 1599x1160, Georges_Blind_Smiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4101107

I'm starting to work on my lineart for it.

>> No.4101154

Just started the lineart

>> No.4101275
File: 1.96 MB, 600x600, time for AAAAAAAAAAAAA.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4101341


>> No.4101363
File: 502 KB, 832x1764, ehee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Saucy here, here's how the 2010s have been for me
>2010 - in school, not into art, no other interests, basically a normie except for not having any friends
>2011 - become a ponyfag, please F
>2012 - still a ponyfag, I guess I just jacked off all day or something
>2013 - get into art, still a ponyfag, now my life has meaning
>2014 - art skills still shit because ponies are just 2d cylinders, became a furry
>2015 - more of a furry, got a digital tablet
>2016 - stopped being a ponyfag, stopped drawing on paper entirely, joined LAS, og flawless btw
>2017 - made big gains in las, decided I want to do art and furry as a serious hobby, start trying to study more
>2018 - did lots of studying, started taking on commissions, about 1 every 6 months, dropped las
>2019 - doing alot more commissions, doing alot more studying, got back into las because I realized being out of las is lonely
>2020 - won the lottery and became the next craig mullins all at the same time

>> No.4101368

I drew like shit and only started seriously studying at the very end of it. As in, late June this year.

>> No.4101378


>> No.4101383

Kazoo that looks like it should be questionable/nsfw right?

>> No.4101388

Really? Me too! I only started drawing in early june this year.

>> No.4101389
File: 60 KB, 500x374, group feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this made me go through the decade and realize I've lost like 4 years of art gains to being sick or working so much I had no time to draw

>> No.4101395

got any improvement pictures? sounds inspiring

>> No.4101398


>> No.4101404

Yep. I'd been drawing a lot beforehand but it was just spinning my wheels and churning out garbage.

>> No.4101415

*jerrybreem returns*
Leave DAIB to me.

>> No.4101435
File: 3.66 MB, 3060x1780, sunhuiz art progression 2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I had a more well thought out progression pic awhile ago but I've lost it, I threw this together as quick as I could

>> No.4101440

honestly 2019 seems like a step down from 2018

>> No.4101443

god speed friend

>> No.4101446

>study VuSta's way of doing hands
>suddenly feel a lot more comfortable drawing them
T-thanks. It looks like you're using the hexagon method, is that so?

>> No.4101449

It is in someways
I haven't made any images that are as interesting as last year. The ideas haven't hit me as strongly

I've been focussing alot on areas in my art that were weak, things like
>clean rendering
>proper colours
>muh style - trying to make my art more consistant in terms of subject matter and rendering

but also, it has been a much more stressful year, I've gone through alot of demotivated moments. I'm hoping next year will be more relaxed

>> No.4101452
File: 2.54 MB, 8000x5530, Progress.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2010 - middle school, just played games all day
>2011 - ditto
>2012 - ditto
>2013 - changed schools, got my ass handed to me on a plate, decided to become an engineer, found 4chan
>2014 - began HS, took an interest in singing and drawing, still studying 90% of the time
>2015 - relapsed on school after I failed to enter a military HS, dunnin-krugered hard at singing and art (both anime related, glad I nuked everything from then)
>2016 - got my shit back together and decided to study for the best engineering universities in my country (military), put art and music on hold, went to a boarding school for high efficiency students, studied harder than ever in my life
>2017 - already done with HS, stuck to the boarding school to try once more for those universities, got disillusioned halfway through the year, drew for escapism
>2018 - went to university for physics, ended up being good at the subject but felt mediocre with the way things work in my country, came back to 4chan and found the old friends I made on /ic/ in 2015, got into political drama and produced my share of cringe political propaganda (I'm glad those times are now behind me), had a lot of retarded opinions and felt like sharing them with everyone. Most important thing this year is that I went back to the grind and decided to make it in one year.
>2019 - dropped out of university, moved in with my parents, drew every single day for as long as I could
>2020 - made it, now I'm employed at local studio. It's a small one, but it's something. I hope to broaden my horizons in the years to come.

Guess I'll post work too.

>> No.4101457

fuck dude that's a rough story, sounds like you had life thrown at you full force at the age of 15 or something
I'm 21 and life still hasn't really hit me yet

>> No.4101463

I wish I had, maybe I'd have made it by now.

>> No.4101493

Also I guess to clarify
>Drew all throughout middle and high school, not particularly good at it because I never really studied
>Spent most time shitposting on 4chan and playing vidya
>Met a girl, her art is pretty good and it's leagues ahead of mine; we started dating
>Realize I could be doing much better in terms of my own work
>Found /ic/ recently
>Decided to start practicing for real
>Struggling with a lot of stuff, but I'm hoping to get out of the /beg/ hole at some point

>> No.4101505

i like reading daddy's stories

>> No.4101515

>wast 9 years old at the beginning of the decade OOF

>> No.4101530

baby daddy

>> No.4101533

why would you do that I'm terrible at hands

also something like that, ye

>> No.4101543


Aight, I'll mix it up a bit. Thanks for the extensive response.

>> No.4101617
File: 13 KB, 214x273, 1474869912065.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>name is on there
T-thanks anon, now I gotta try my best even harder.

>> No.4101622

Im new but what is Daib? is it in the challenge log that I missed?

>> No.4101638

Good progress! Do you have any practice methods/tips?

>> No.4101652
File: 34 KB, 519x591, bgc_nene_ganba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Im new but what is Daib? is it in the challenge log that I missed?
Probably; it's the month-long "DAD At Its Best" challenge. Hang in there, DADdies! Plenty of time left!

>> No.4101707
File: 142 KB, 1280x1093, 261a3731-23a2-4b66-b91a-a7601ae5f74b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4101711

It's okay, son. It's better I have a bad day than you, so go ahead and draw.

>> No.4101714

hang in there daddy ;_;

>> No.4101715

It's so I can become tougher and face more difficult challenges and finally make it.

>> No.4101724

You show promise, believe in yourself more dad!

On a more off topic note, which books/videos would you recommend to a beginner?

>> No.4101822 [DELETED] 

2010-11 - Literally a child
2012- Discovered tumblr and drew basically nothing but homestuck fanart
2013 - drew tons of Dangan Ronpa fanart
2014- drew lots of Jojo fanart until I got fed up with Tumblr fandoms, and decided I wanted to make something original, no matter what it was
2015 - Fucked around with RPG maker and doing pixels for a while before giving up and deciding to make comics
2016 - Started a webcomic with 0 planning over the summer and had a good time with it
2017 - Made a short educational comic for a local zoo I volunteered at. Ended my old webcomic out of frustration and started a new one. Started college, and also did /las/ for a few months.
2018 - Made a lot of comic progress, at the expense of spending less time learning and making illustrations
2019 - Got really burnt out from comics and started doing more illustrations and studies and I feel like I'm finally making gains again, though I need to get back on comic making soon
Feel like I've been on a very very slow upwards climb. Spent a lot of my teenage years meandering and learning no new skills, so now I want to try and make more concrete improvement and make more art through the next decade

>> No.4101917

The first 5 years were wildly successful, things were looking up. The past 4 years have been very sick, lost gains.

>> No.4101924
File: 192 KB, 410x409, 1F99718F-D651-423A-8207-1C195BB9C5C2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn’t Kringle critique today’s submissions?

>> No.4101926

alla prima by schmid
do lots of painting from life
i wish i died 20 years ago
>How were the 2010s for you, daddy?
i haven't had a friend in 10 years.

>> No.4101929
File: 21 KB, 309x400, arthur stern.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh and also athur stern's exercises are really good

>> No.4102001

late night watching if you haven't downloaded it already


>> No.4102014

why would i watch anime instead of drawing.

>> No.4102040
File: 15 KB, 259x194, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new thread >>4102039

>> No.4102048


it's only 20 mins of your time