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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 90 KB, 425x600, vilppu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4095680 No.4095680 [Reply] [Original]

how the fuck do people just start drawing without doing any kind of construction?

>> No.4095685

The same way children bike without training wheels

>> No.4095686

1. Have enough experience to "see" the construction without having to draw it.
2. Use other lines to position and rotate new lines.
3. Don't be afraid of making mistakes, even when drawing with ink.

>> No.4095696

Construction is done in their head. They have done it so much it just becomes a minds eye thing.

>> No.4095699

If they draw without construction and the result is as good they've probably drawn a lot, probably more than all of us combined

>> No.4095718

They do still construct, just shorthanding everything they've learned.

>> No.4095723

By constantly keeping in mind the position of other strokes already in canvas, and making each new line meaningful in relation to other lines.
Where does the line start, where does it stop, and what it describes with the other lines around it. Decide these things before making the stroke.

>> No.4095727

Ironic that you would post a picture by an artist that uses/teaches construction religiously in their drawing phases.

>> No.4095736

A better allegory would be doing maths without drawing the little working out diagrams you start off with when your a kid.
They do do construction, they just don't draw that step and do it in their heads. Or rather they draw the construction and detail layer at the same time, but still think in that order.

>> No.4095741

ms paint.

>> No.4095743
File: 733 KB, 971x1251, Tintorettoselfportrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It just werks - Tintoretto

>> No.4095765

Now that I think about it, that phase I had of using the airbtush to sketch instead of the pencil is good for me because the airbrush is too big for autistic details, thus forcing me to just draw.

>> No.4095795

this is the rule anon

if you know what it looks like, you can draw it without construction or reference. If you can't draw it, you don't actually know what it looks like.

it's a very simple rule. this one trick helped me improve my art a hundred fold.

>> No.4095805

post work

>> No.4095815

This. I'm curious.

>> No.4095823

You gain the default knowledge of where shit should be to depict what you're trying to depict. It comes from drawing the same thing over and over and over until you can clearly see it in your mind's eye.

doing construction is a crutch, or a helpful assistant for people who are unsure. Practice until you're sure.

>> No.4095835

I only do construction for complicated poses or angles, once you know how certain bones and muscles connect and their range of motion it becomes second nature

>> No.4095836

Because construction is a meme that got popularized in the early 20th century by American art schools. If you actually put pencil to paper instead of shit post on /ic/ all day you'd know that drawing directly is perfectly doable.

>> No.4095882

Breathing is a meme that got popularized in the early BC year 1 by the creator Yahweh. If you actually put a noose around your neck instead of inhaling and exhaling on /ic/ all day you'd know that just killing yourself is perfectly doable.

>> No.4095917
File: 52 KB, 640x567, imaginationhorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can draw somewhat okay from imagination, even in pen and ink with no rough sketch underneath. Pic related is a quick imagination sketch of a horse, I made plenty of mistakes, but I wasn't too careful either as if I was going to be putting it on social media.

I don't "see" construction lines that aren't there. I have an image/impression in my head that I want to draw, sometimes it is clear, sometimes it is vague.

If you mean "without doing any construction" as in Superani style drawing, it really is all just about being careful/accurate yet confident with your lines, understanding the subtleties of what you're drawing, keeping proportion in mind at all times is key or you will make obvious mistakes. Drawing in this way is about starting with one line and building from there. Every single mark counts and affects the rest of the image.

All drawing is muscle memory and pulling from previous drawing experience and knowledge that you've built, and using that to repeat, improvise and invent. Drawing like this is no different except its far more unforgiving. Its very humbling at first because it will expose how much you suck and how little you know.

>> No.4095934
File: 193 KB, 700x1006, luca cambiaso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>construction is a meme that got popularized in the early 20th century by American art schools.
wrong. try the renaissance