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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4094317 No.4094317 [Reply] [Original]

Redpill me on discord. Is it a good art platform?

>> No.4094319

It's a chat room.

>> No.4094331

there's no perfect artist community, anyone who actively chats in these discords isn't a prolific artist.
Artists are the ones that only show up once in a while to post art, they're too busy actually practicing instead of sharing memes.
And yes, by that definition, /ic/ as well.

>> No.4094333

just look around some art servers and judge for yourself

>> No.4094383

It can be good if you do this
>Go to a discord with lots of subforums
A sever with 5-10 subforums each dedicated to a diffrent style could be overwhelming at first, but I find its easier for your art to be seen and all those extra servers act as /beg/ traps. No one good at anime posts in the anime subform they all post in semi-realism. My favorite servers are ones with 'abstract'/'etc' subforums because it gets rid of all the "random scribble I just wanna show off"
>Live by PYW
If any one critiques your work you should do name:@randomcritique has:file to find their art. People don't crab on discord, but young /begs/ try to critique artist way better than them and A. Point out something looks off, but give the wrong reason why or B. Repeat some meme advice they saw on an insta tutorial. They don't mean harm, but they could give bad advice.
>Avoid power struggle discords
You know discords run by teens, ambiguous rules, servers that try to have a political subfourm, or a server you know is going to have a big moderator fight. Just avoid them.

>> No.4094448

The lack of privacy made me delete my discord account in 3 secs.

>> No.4094548

>If any one critiques your work you should do name:@randomcritique has:file to find their art. People don't crab on discord, but young /begs/ try to critique artist way better than them
I've always done this and every time the guy talking smack was a massive dunning-kruger with art way worse than mine
I don't know if better artists just word things nicely or avoid critiquing altogether to appear more friendly / marketable, but I got the most scathing crits by really shitty artists. I wish I could just dismiss what people say, I think overthinking all the criticism has fucked with my head

>> No.4094563

An experienced artist can tell when X user is spewing bullshit about Y user's art and it's enraging how many people just shrug it off, but then attack whoever calls the dunning kruger out.
Your best chance would be to encounter one of those users that call out bullshit critiques, but those users are usually cast aside by the server for not sugarcoating their opinion.

I witnessed a dunning kruger talk about wanting people to be more honest in their critiques, then the next day lashed out so hard at someone who gave her one for "being rude and giving unwanted criticism".
People don't want to take honest critiques, they want to look like they can take them.

>> No.4094572

I try my best to avoid discord altogether. I find it to be a waste of time.

>> No.4094582
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Henlo I just discovered discord recently. I find it a lot of fun, but I find what >>4094331
said to be extremely right and wonder if other people just don’t realize discord is killing their gains. I uninstall discord every night and only reinstall at 10PM for one hour before bed.

>> No.4094590

"art community" is a classroom or atelier where people sit down, work, then chat. Noone does both at the same time every day.
An art discord server is more like an art gallery than an atelier. One portion never speaks and only posts art, the others chat their heads off pretending to know about art.

>> No.4094604


privacy for what?

>> No.4094620

So you have blog or anything?

>> No.4094712

are you a gamer?

>> No.4094740

I have blogs and other accounts to post my art and maybe respond to a few comments/messages. I don't really hang around them to talk.
Discord is a chore because it's actually having to try and communicate in a chat room with multiple people. And the subject tends to change rapidly.

>> No.4094948
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do SFW Telegram servers even exist? How does this app have like a barillion users but it's never mentioned anywhere?

>> No.4094957

Does anybody have a discord they are willing to link that they feel is somewhat helpful? I know nothing is perfect but I appreciate anything.

>> No.4094974

>somewhat helpful?
if you mean helpful for learning there are none

>> No.4094975

It's mostly a slav thing. That's why.

>> No.4094979

I thought it was more of a furry thing
and isn't it banned in russia?

>> No.4095005

>so-shill media

weak people who want social stimulation and authority figures (daddies) that are incapable of raw autism gains.
They will only find light through schizo wilderness like jesus

>> No.4095037

>I uninstall discord every night and only reinstall at 10PM for one hour before bed.
What the fuck? RIP registries.

>> No.4095038

no but it has hot nazi trannies

>> No.4095047

The good groups are exclusive. It's only good to meet other artists and talking to commissioners.

>> No.4095051

Jesus CHRIST are discords always this full of drama? Or is it people in general? Or artists?

>> No.4095078

are you aware you can use the web app? if you are aware of this, why are you uninstalling the desktop app to hold yourself back?

>> No.4095099

I use the mobile app

>> No.4095100

Not at all. It's just people looking for online friends or a place to shill their work. Unless you're an incredibly basic bitch you'll have nothing in common with them. People are really emotional and "girly" for lack of a better word. Any time there's a slight bit of conflict or asking someone to clarify you get a timid "nvm it doesn't matter", without even pushing the subject. Drama happens, people give awful critique, usually people are bad or on diverging paths from what you want to do. There will be some people who are very good but the best creators hardly consume what the consumers are consuming: they're too busy working and getting better. You end up with a lot of artists who are more consumers of media and unproductive things like chatting, watching movies/shows, playing brainless games like overwatch/etc. NSFW is always filled with autistic things where everything has dicks. People will go in circles trying to figure out basic perspective problems they'd know if they ever cracked open a book. You get a lot of people who've never studied and when asked for help on something will "lol idk i just do it". From what I've noticed compared to even programming discords, the artists are bigger spergs completely out of touch with reality and incredibly cliquey. I'm not edgy or /pol/, but I've never felt welcome in any art discords. I've found they're a waste of time unless I'm looking for quick critique but even then they get lost in minute details that don't matter. Otherwise, I want nothing to do with them because my goals never align. The "reference" or "inspiration" posted is never what I want to see or draw. The MDJ and Church of Sinix servers are terrible, naming those as I know they're bigger public art ones.

>> No.4095153

kind of hate posting art on discord, I'm a really insecure person and since servers feel more tightly knit than traditional social platforms the reactions/likes weigh heavier on me esp when I compare myself to others

>> No.4095259

Worst(potentially anyway) thing you can do using Discord is actively look for "communities". Find people, talk with them on Discord. General communities are pretty much most likely shit for both productivity and because of the drama that their wide demographic can stir.

>> No.4095417

I found good artists on discord but they draw super generic stuff and I feel very out of place
I posted art in a bunch of servers and I got added by maybe 5 people, none of which became a real contact. Vast majority of users are passively looking at the content and spamming those emoji reactions like they're upvoting shit on reddit. And almost immediately you realize there are a handful names, usually the admin's buddies who have all the attention and the entire community is built around those few people. So it's just like social media but with Reddit's plebbery and 1/1000 of the reach.

>> No.4095531

For Discord, keep up

>> No.4095634

I have no idea what registries are
My art computer does not have internet
I never use my lightweight laptop
I am going to be a GAINS MACHINE.
How do you get into these? Tired of going into rooms with 600 members and 100 of them are newbies.

>> No.4097522
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Discords main problem is that anything above /beg/ rarely gets good critiques. You either get a lot praise or overly harsh critiques from people envious of you.

>> No.4097534

>joining another mans art server and being at the mercy of his rules instead of making your own

art servers are a waste of bandwidth

>> No.4097598


>> No.4097602

so exactly like /ic/

>> No.4097626

And don't even dare point out the fact they aren't at enough of a level to teach. Every artist has something useful you can learn but you get nothing helpful from a beginner posing as a pro.
After weeks of chatting with a user on an art server, he started spewing clear nonsense as advice so I looked up his art and realized I was talking to a dunning kruger. I imagined him being way better than what he actually was and accidentally fueled the ego of a 1-year old artist.
He exploded and "was fuming right now" when I implied we weren't at the same level and that his knowledge of art was undeveloped, and I was pressured by the server and its admin to apologize for "disrespecting him". Safe to say I left that place, they kept shitting on me then @ me for critiques.

Either find a very strict art server, or find a half-normie art server and mute all the chats.

>> No.4098129

Discord biggest problem is how each new post on a board pushes the old post back or instant changes the convo. This encourages people to give short simple meme-esque replies. Why spend 10 minutes making a well thought out response when the convo has already changed? This encourages people to keep the convo by replying in short bursts. A lot of discord convos have the insight of "bump"

>> No.4098241

>People don't want to take honest critiques, they want to look like they can take them.
Yeah, i'm always so tempted to give crits on people who "welcome it" but then there is the issue of
>if you're not a master yourself, you cannot dare to see fault in others
Shit, i wish people would care to tell me what's wrong through their eyes but other issues arise, like:
>personal preferences
>intentional crabbing/bullying because easy target
And i doubt anyone cares to take some time to actually look at what others draw unless they're impressed with it at first glance.

Best thing to do is to just draw and be your own critic. Even if your shit is total crap, what are people going to do in the public space?
You're either ignored or get pity/praise/likes/attention from other artists/bots playing the social media game.
But in the end, i believe those who actively seek criticism are doing it only to get attention on their art. not because they want to improve.
They lash out because they expected praise, not critique.

>> No.4098249

A big issue I've noticed is a lot of them are underage/immature. On top of that you get really annoying panicking about how they're 20 and never gonna make it, or 24 and their life is over. It gets really tiring as someone older than that.

>> No.4098281
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i own the best art discord and YOURE not allowed in

>> No.4098292

Telegram is full of furries. If you want to draw foxes & wolves, go for it anon.

>> No.4098325

>This encourages people to give short simple meme-esque replies.
in the last server I was in you'd only get those emojis directly under your post
it's even more soulless than social media

>> No.4098330
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What are some good servers to get commissions from and just generally shill shit?

>> No.4098331

Discord is full of freaks and bullies.

>> No.4098332

i'll give u 1x life stone for an invite bro

>> No.4098337

>A lot of discord convos have the insight of "bump"
And how. I saw a few a server owners / VIPs who posted an update on their latest WIP every time someone's drawing was getting attention.

>> No.4098349
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alright post your discord id

>> No.4098364

>Telegram is full of furries.
I know, but it's all porn.

>> No.4098385

You can use it on a mobile browser

>> No.4098390

Usually older users know other users and can get in some pretty good groups, which, although small, are fairly active and chill, public shit is mostly furry tho

>> No.4098391

Discords are just people talking about nothing or being so caught up in the drama in the server that you eventually have to leave.

>> No.4098401

I wouldn't know where to start to find people willing to invite me in a Telegram group since nobody even mentions the service. I'm just an intermediate guy looking for a sfw art server. Dropping a temp mail just in case someone has an invite txikyejt@sharklasers.com

>> No.4098405

been to a bunch of discord servers and chatrooms in general, and without fail they are pretty much just a little petty circlejerk of faggots who have known each for years and spend entire afternoons shitposting about literally anything but their server's actual topic. that's if you can even find a place with good artists in the first place, because usually they're also the blind leading the blind. I'm pretty sure joining such a community of randos is worthless, the only way it could be good is if there was some vetting process like an IRL event that has a vetted discord server and everybody there knows each other and is accountable for their posts, but there's nothing like that around me/that I have access to.

while anonymity is a valuable aspect of the internet that must be protected, this is one of the downsides. fucking retards EVERYWHERE spout crap because they can get away with it and it really dilutes any potential discussion

>> No.4098432

>while anonymity is a valuable aspect of the internet that must be protected, this is one of the downsides.
but discord is not anonymous, if you're linking your work like any semi-serious person would, you're everything but anonymous
if anything people hold back from calling out the dunning krugers because they don't want negative attention, and the main purpose of a discord server, for the person who creates it, is to shill himself

>> No.4098588

well I am new and only join those discords to learn stuff, posting what I draw via file sharing and whatnot. I have no idea why anybody would think such discord servers will get you fans but if that's what you're hunting for it seems double worthless. idk maybe some people have success on the right servers but I'm not seeing it

>> No.4098600

>I have no idea why anybody would think such discord servers will get you fans
you just don't see it because you don't have fans, it's a networking tool for growing artists to connect and shill each other to grow their followers
that's why you always see a clique in the server, it's the people who matter making friends with other people who matter

>> No.4098643

>who matter

it's true they have circlejerks but that's a bit of a grandiose phrase considering
>hey guys went from 10 followers to 57
is hardly a hugely efficient use of your time, unless you can prove: discord gets you on track to a serious career, has jumpstarted artists who are currently successful, and will eventually lead to a garage full of lambos. alright you don't have to prove the last one.

but really who are these artists who networked via discord and it worked out well, all the faggots I see in these servers are happy that they have 1k people followers (of which 1/10 are active accounts who give a shit)

>> No.4099812

Do any "Proffesinal" artists hang on discord? Like, not hobbiest who sells stuff at cons or has commission sheets, but someone who's worked in a studio or has been hired by a company. The cutoff for discord users is always comms sheets. Out of all the discord servers I've been on only 1 had a working artist and that dude worked on seseme street

>> No.4100214

>Do any "Proffesinal" artists hang on discord?
Mostly streamers and YouTubers, a few webcomic artists, people with a Patreon

>> No.4102418
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Tag a discord fren /IC/

>> No.4102444

I'm a mix of lost soul and whiner but it all happens internally since my art gets ignored

>> No.4102503

What's the point of making a discord server if you're never in it? I'm in a few patreon discord servers and I've noticed the artist don't really talk much and are always "offline". Which wouldn't be a problem if people talked but no one talks unless the artist talks. Like why even have a discord at that point?

>> No.4102505

Also, I don't draw

>> No.4102508

Nice categories but the illustrations are all over the fucking place.

>> No.4102510

No, Its ran by furries, nothing good comes from furries.

>> No.4102516

>Like why even have a discord at that point?
it's part of the internet celeb package
also it's free and you can shill your promo stuff directly to your patreons or drop by and pretend you care

>> No.4102531

Fuck, reminds me of my teen Discord days when I'm actually active. Sometimes I miss it.

>> No.4102532

>literally sociopathic
I have a hard time accepting this, why can't we all just be friends

>> No.4102535

To gain notoriety? no
To learn how to draw? also no
To look at anime titties? yes

>> No.4102581

>>literally sociopathic
trannies and women rule the internet, how is that surprising

>> No.4102594

so...like here then?
With the exception of a lack of constant shitposting, why are you pretending as if it's radically different than here

>> No.4102599

>is literally doing that right now
lack of usernames isn't some huge difference.