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4086338 No.4086338 [Reply] [Original]

>draw the whole day
>eat a small portion
>only comfort youtube and podcasts
>read a bit before sleeping at 3am

how do you deal with loneliness anon?

>> No.4086341

I draw

>> No.4086347

By drawing cute girls doing cute things.

>> No.4086348

Get out of the house, visit friends if you have any. Even engaging in small social stuff like saying hello to people at the park and striking up small conversation can be nice.

>> No.4086351

go outside you stupid faggot

>> No.4086360

need and art friend?

>> No.4086361

>H-hey mlady what's u-
>*police sirens*

>> No.4086366

Talk to old and middle aged people if women scare you or something. The friendly ones are usually pretty chill.

>> No.4086416

I occasionally attempt to make friends and get reminded how tedious that is and then return to being reclusive

>> No.4086452

i jerk off in the mirror. I am a fucking chad, unlike yourself.

>> No.4086458

Likes make me feel less lonely. I wish I had an art friend, but nothing has worked out yet.

>> No.4086468

I want orbiters and or acquaintances. People I can keep arm length and not get too close to but leave the occasional nice comment. But I'd be afraid of over time them getting too close and realizing how awful of a person I am and leave me like everyone else.

>> No.4086476

Orbiters are awful, they're the worst kind of follower

>> No.4086478

I think I actually do have Avoidant personality disorder.

>> No.4086480

I don't have any yet, how so?

>> No.4086518

Try to eat healthy, try to do excersise now and then, try to go outside a little and keep my social relations, after this, drawing becomes more easy. I usually find that if i don't do this, i can't concentrate and never improve.

>> No.4086524
File: 1.14 MB, 852x854, burger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go for a walk
learn to cook basic meals
have fruit or healthy snacks in the house to eat when you're too tired to prepare food
have breaks to clean your room and take plates to the dishwasher
fix your sleep schedule
sit on a bench in the park and draw some trees

4chan will radicalise you into a slobbering idiot in large doses. you need to go outside.

>> No.4086526

I think it's amazing that you can draw the whole day while feeling lonely. When i get lonely i can only feel the pointlessness of it all. What's the point of getting good if I have no friends or family? Who am I working for?

>> No.4086537

no I talk to everyone

>> No.4086540

You mean unlike yourself, the mirror you fag lol

>> No.4086541


>> No.4086544


>> No.4086551
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>What's the point of getting good if I have no friends or family? Who am I working for?
It should be for yourself, but I do see your point.
was just reminded of Akiman, top of the game artist, still successful etc. but still lonely af

>> No.4086585
File: 29 KB, 226x296, izutsumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sketch some cute characters being happy or with big goofy smiles
Always makes me happier

>> No.4086658

this is cute

>> No.4086659

I don't want to deal with people anymore it really sucks I want to be alone

>> No.4086660

I promise I'll orbit and leave you if you look cute and have a shit personality

>> No.4086738

>how do you deal with loneliness anon?
tolerate until you acclimate.
>no more material concerns
>eternal freedom to explore

>> No.4086924

god I fucking wish I had such an isolated schedule

>> No.4086929
File: 361 KB, 882x720, 1498880209325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's an estimated 7 billion people on this earth right now and you mean to fucking tell me you feel lonely and can't go through a day without wallowing in your own self centered isolation? If anything we need less people there's too many of us and sooner or later there will be a purge whether through another great war or a plague resistant to all known drugs. In the mean time go outside, get a job, or perform voluntary community services you fucking socially awkward autists.

>> No.4086952

Imagine being this out of touch

>> No.4086961

Seconding this question.

Is there a way to tell the lonliness to fuck off? I want to enjoy being alone and being productive/efficient towards my goals.

>> No.4087189

You should start living by a set schedule. Wake up early, go to bed early, eat healthy, and exercise every day. It will practically make you a different person

>> No.4087193 [DELETED] 

Ive had one friend over the past 6 years who i text but never see and ive been single ever since my last gf cheated on me 8 years ago spend every day alone in my room. Sometimes i go to starbucks. You get used to it.

>> No.4089592

i don't even know why i keep on living.

>> No.4089648

yourself obviously, like everything you do in your life, you're your first fan


>> No.4089650

don't you dare be such a normalfaggot and at the same time post hifumin

>> No.4089717
File: 64 KB, 406x456, head wound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If anything we need less people
This is a very stupid notion that's spread through ignorant nihilistic young people. If you look at the data, most developed countries don't even meet the replacement quota, that is to say, for every 2 parents they have less than 2 children and thus don't even replace themselves. You hear about Japan having a critical lack of children all the time (1.3), but it's the case worldwide except in the poorest countries.

In an extremely poor country it's to be expected because most of your kids will die and having several to support you in old age is far more important. In my country the number is only 1.7. That means that the world population will drastically drop within several generations even if nothing happens, and the general trend is that the drop is only accelerating as poverty is eliminated. No great wars or plagues required idiot, with time your misanthropic fantasies of the human race being decimated will come true

>> No.4089750

it isn't about replacement. too many exist now and extremely diminish the value of everyone by lowest common denominator effects. they also force extreme specialization which is complete industrial-age aids. population drop will be a gift.

>> No.4089856

Extreme specialization is what allows for civilization to develop. What you call the lowest common denominator is leagues ahead of the average person 100 years ago in many aspects, from relative IQ (100 before is not the same as 100 right now) to capability with the aid of education and technology. If the population is reduced by 3/4 do you honestly think what constitutes the lowest common denominator suddenly becomes different? Yeah if there are fewer people each individual is more valuable, so do you want to go back to villages? You just want lots of people to die, and that's perfectly fine as long as you don't do anything, but you shouldn't lie about it. You know, one of the common arguments made by the perpetrators of the genocides of the 20th century was that they were being committed out of compassion.

>> No.4090133

extreme specialization leads to repetitive knowledge and ridiculous levels of accepted ignorance due to lack of oversight. it isn't about wanting people to die, just knowing there are real tradeoffs. more people isn't this magical thing detached from how the world works. most of the time it's just more retards that make it worse. put them all on their own planet and watch it fail.

>> No.4090137

if you avoid new experiences and social life and just draw all day you won't get good at art the same way as if you did those things.

Kim Jung Gi said it too.

>> No.4090156

>extreme specialization leads to repetitive knowledge and ridiculous levels of accepted ignorance due to lack of oversight
Valid point, but necessary when society grows more complex, and this is necessary for there to be (technological) development (more exceptionally skilled people on the planet). But you're right that you end up in a gigantic machine that nobody understands, or say a factory where everyone can make one part but nobody knows what it's for.
>there are real tradeoffs. more people isn't this magical thing detached from how the world works
>most of the time it's just more retards that make it worse. put them all on their own planet and watch it fail.
So in other words it's easier to fuck things up than it is to improve them, and the amount of people that fuck shit up increases far faster than the people that can improve things. I get it, but you simply need more people to get more things done. I don't think the decline of possibility should be celebrated

>> No.4090301

the most exceptionally skilled engineers i've seen historically and alive are fairly generalist in their knowledge. at some point you have to become a physicist. you just eliminate wasting time on useless subjects. the dumbest people i've ever seen are hyper specialists. they're worse than baseline.

>simply need more people to get more things done
there's a critical point, diminishing returns, and finally decline. mythical man month type shit.

>> No.4090304
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I work at the coffee, sometimes people will congratulate me but that is not the reason why I go out, I just like being around people even if I don't interact with them I guess

>> No.4091836


>> No.4091880

Check out schizoid properties as well. I'm a mix of both.

>> No.4091886

what's the difference? i know i can google it up but I'd rather hear it from someone that has it.

>> No.4091926

No care for social interaction, emotional detachment, indifference, and a general lack or low enjoyment in things.

>> No.4092062

avoidant personality is something that can be worked through. schiz are avoidant by rational choice. general practice for schiz is to only treat for secondary illness like depression. pretty much you can't relate to people because your brain chem isn't the same and dealing with them is traumatizing.

>> No.4093235

I buy this incredibly hot camgirl cosplay to wear and masturbate to her when I can because she doesn't stream too much and I talk to her on snapchat sometimes it doesn't even cost that much

>> No.4093258
File: 7 KB, 250x240, 1506860600684s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love being alone, I hate people, I don't even have any friends cause I don't want any, most people are boring as shit anyway and waste your time, that can be used to make art.

>> No.4093401


>> No.4093447

skill isn't intelligence. IQ is a measurement of itself. knowledgeable is a factor of effort and good choices.

>> No.4093452


>> No.4093487 [DELETED] 


>> No.4093557

I deal with it by having friends and family

>> No.4093568

Based as fuck.
I don't give this comment for free, know that you're one of the selected few to get this praise

>> No.4093668

unironically this frogdude.

>> No.4093686

Have fun dying without loved ones or no one to carry on your name

>> No.4093749

>Have fun dying without loved ones
everyone is born alone and will die alone.
>no one to carry on your name
who cares? I'll be dead eventually, tf do I care if someone still has my last name after I'm dead? That's the most selfish and egotistical thing in the world

>> No.4093757

>>409374Being a nihilist in 2019

>> No.4093786
File: 129 KB, 800x492, Figure_47_01_04[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine dying
imagine caring post death
imagine the arrogance of understanding life
imagine your shitty name is carried on at all after one generation
imagine your irrelevance in the face of type II civilization/ AI development/ expansion of consciousness

>> No.4093796

What does it a matter to you when someone doesn't want children?
Focus on your own self

>> No.4093797

Nihilst fags get your time machine

>> No.4093828

if you have faith you can believe anything. it's as logically valid to nihilism as anything else. saying someone is wrong for being nihilist or just chill with not knowing, is fucking arrogant without a basis.

>> No.4093835

DO you even know what nihilism is you dumbass

>> No.4093854

you know there's an age requirement for this website?

>> No.4093855

And you don't meet it

>> No.4093857

the nihilist is appealing to logic and now a site's ruies. very cool

>> No.4093860
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>> No.4093862

Nihilism is for unambitious dummies who did good in highschoool but failed in college

>> No.4093866

Shut em up good

>> No.4093872

Love is not real, and who cares, do what you like,

no kids = more free time to do what I want until I die.

>> No.4093877

>i need to nut in women so children will remember me and satisfy my existential issues.

>> No.4093880

It's not about fucking man

It's about feeling that there is something greater than yourself

>> No.4093883

plenty of things are greater than myself but very few of them are god(s). not that i'm the one denying them or anything among this wheelchair convo.

>> No.4093886

I'm not talking about gods, you got niggas in here wanting to kill themselves cuz they cant get a girl lmao

>> No.4093888

how is it nihilist being suicidal over not getting women? the counter-argument to being chill living alone was dying without loved ones. so wtf are you even saying. this is massive incoherence.

>> No.4093892

guess I just can't relate

>> No.4093895

Why do you need to feel theres something greater? imo thats just weak.

>> No.4093898

uuum, I like being with other people and feeling like were working towards something? I like having a life consisting of meaningfull relationships and friends who make me a better person aswell as helping me in reaching my creative goals?

>> No.4093899

maybe you're just really low quality so you benefit from being around the average person. i'm still with this frog dude >>4093258 that people typically waste your time, if not totally awful to deal with. what makes it enjoyable outside of lala land?

>> No.4093900

Ok normie. There are no meaningful relationships, these concepts have all been made up to hide the truth that you're alone and will die alone. People don't really care they only care if they can get something from you.

>> No.4093905

Most peoples lives are so boring and mundane it makes me want to off myself out of boredom when they talk about it with me, they a like copies of each other living the same life, doing the same shit everyday, thinking the same thoughts, and what really takes the prize is that they actually think I give a shit.

>> No.4093908

what level of normal are we talking about here? there's the basic working class fishbrain. then the functional business/ engineer/ social chameleon types which are fundamentally just good routers. then the int/ creative types which are not even grounded to this planet and have trouble acknowledging you as a person. i'm sure there's a few more.

>> No.4093913



Kill your selves then you sad pathetic freaks

>> No.4093914

This is so accurate. Especially the router part.

>> No.4093919

they have to be this way; deprogramming that out of people takes years of healing. the average person today is broken like an animal into conformism.
yes, it is sad, but it is possible to bring out something within. I recommend you try to do that with yourselves as well.

read existential philosophy, read postmodern thinkers and humanist psychologists. this is how I'm dealing with loneliness, although in a way it makes it worse, in a way it allows me to confront the loneliness.

loneliness is the normal condition in our society

>> No.4093920

it's like this becauseof commodification and captitalism

>> No.4093923

yes and its systems of control like the family, the education system, etc.

>> No.4093926

more like urbanization and corporatism. yes, >>4093923 and education without a doubt.

>> No.4093990
File: 78 KB, 328x246, 1500900829442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish I could do that. Instead I draw for 2 hours, get tired, then browse 4chan all day only to feel guilty about it afterwards.
Loneliness doesn't bother me, I want to gitgud.

>> No.4094038

Dumb frogposter, but this

>> No.4094046
File: 148 KB, 480x480, IMG_3849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally a non-retarded frogposter.

>> No.4094560

I do, here is my Discord.

>> No.4094609
File: 362 KB, 1200x933, 1554116437960.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its a discipline thing, you want to know what helped me? Addressing the feeling i get when i hit my limit and want to be lazy, contextualizing it and saying to myself "i don't have to listen to this". It helps to understand your own limits, i know i can't JUST focus on one thing for several hours, i need something playing to break up the monotony for a few minutes so i can go back to drawing, either a livestream or movie. You might be the same, maybe you need tiny breaks inbetween the sessions so you don't lose interest. Also this is assuming you're sleeping, eating and drinking right.

>> No.4094647

This. If I had money I would move to the countryside where no one lives anymore for miles. Too bad I'm a neet with no money

>> No.4094702

What I do is that after I've finished drawing I take a break and watch a movie or something, then later I'll be motivated again to go back to drawing.

>> No.4095564
File: 1.48 MB, 1455x857, Screenshot_126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't listen to the edgy retards, go out there and make friends. Find some sort of local art community and if you live in bum fuck nowhere then try and find a chat room with people that aren't degens. Fuck it dude just go do something you like that you know other people do. Being lonely can suck ass but it's all about realizing that you're in control of your life and that you can work on your own social skills and have people in your life that make you content. If you have friends or people in your life then spend time with them and if you've got a voice in your head telling you that you're a piece of trash just realize that everyone has that and we all cope with it in our own way. You're worst enemy is you're self expectations, learn to better yourself but no hate yourself in the process.

>> No.4095572
File: 235 KB, 406x431, 69598619_2100447836722323_1769501907199459328_n.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go out there and make friends

>> No.4095578
File: 405 KB, 568x361, Screenshot_266.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still thinking not having any friends is cool
Are you 14 anon?
OP is lonely and you neck beards use the thread to circle jerk your sad, boring and uneventful existences.

>> No.4095589

>Making friends
>So call friends start staying away from you as soon as you do something not normalfag

>> No.4095595

What do you consider something "not normalfag" Anon? Ever consider that maybe liking loli vore is something that you shouldn't share with people?

>> No.4095605

I feel like it's more about the fact that its cringey to try and reach out and make new friends as an adult although the rest is good advice.

I relate to this too, I act reserved to strangers always make nice, quiet introverted friends and soon my mask slips off and I say some offensive things I find funny or reveal how perverted and weird I am creating some alienation. You will find friends as fucked up as you are who also like you, they are out there.

I'm starting to feel this often, I just want to be happy and spend time with other people.

>> No.4095606

No one wants to be friends with someone who has a bitchy and negative attitude like yours.

>> No.4095620
File: 343 KB, 1386x1600, John-Ruskin-lithograph-London-1880.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Ruskin, he's an aesthetic hyperconformist and should make any American artist feel at home. He'll give you projects like telling you to wake up dawn to paint the clouds but he's an unparalleled analyst of art, not really a true "critic"

>> No.4095626

In America, not having any friends is "cool" because America is a Conformist society which is marketed to the world as something free and individualistic. The country was never genuinely religious either, since conformism in a global sense really precludes that. The choice has always been between peer-influence and revealed truths, and the revelators are semi-divine

>> No.4095649

By eating a bigger portion

>> No.4095869

>how do you deal with loneliness

I got a girlfriend and we've lived together for a few years now. The real kicker is that the loneliness is still there.