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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 102 KB, 924x889, kjgpwned.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4053305 No.4053305 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread got deleted.


Discussion about the course and KJG

>> No.4053307

Anon's links:

part 1

part 2

part 3


part 4

>> No.4053318

any good software to compress the video? 1gb per 10 minutes is too big for me considering its only 720p.

>> No.4053322


>> No.4053323

what the fuck is bin ?

>> No.4053328
File: 46 KB, 1000x1000, 51Lx5j5RtUL._SL1000_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a thing you throw rubbish into

>> No.4053334

man i hate teadrinkers

>> No.4053336

part 3 needs a key

>> No.4053342




>> No.4053345

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.4053364

Anon who bought here. Part 5 either today or tomorrow

>> No.4053374

is this series good?
i get that gi is the best artist in the world but that dosnt mean hes as good at teaching.
still gonna watch it like just wanna know what to expect.

>> No.4053375


>> No.4053381

dont expect anything good
Thanks man!

>> No.4053514

how tf do i open this shit? tried both magiciso and poweriso. Is it some special program i dont know about?

>> No.4053517


>> No.4053521

just rename it to .mp4. Idk if it works on windows that way, i have a mac

>> No.4053522

Just change the extension to mp4. It should also work as .bin file in any standard media player (like VLC Player). It''s not a packed file, it's just that the site gives the videos as .bin files. Don't know why.

>> No.4053528


alright, guess im the only 3head around here. Thanks brothas.

>> No.4053532

Let me guess. He's gonna draw boxes around his figures to show perspective and ramble about useless stuff.
Don't expect artists like kjg to articulate how they draw. They themselves don't understand it that well. You are expecting to learn the skills he acquired after many hours of practice and observation through a video of him drawing. You might as well try to learn how to play basketball by watching a pro play.

>> No.4053538

while i agree to some extend. I still think we can learn something about his intuitive approach. For a beginner? no, but for people has a base level of understanding and know we wont ever be able to draw like him, then yea we can learn something.

>> No.4053906

Dammit the stupid download limit got me. It said no more than 1GB every 6 hours.

>> No.4054004

>You might as well try to learn how to play basketball by watching a pro play.
Ironic that you'd use this line of thought, since that's exactly what professionals do in order to learn, and also in order to prepare itself against specific teams.

>> No.4054168

Do you not see the difference between someone learning basketball and pros learning the weakness of opposing teams? Ic is learning how to dribble and shoot by watching someone else dribble and shoot. Its a very intuitive process that can only be gained by practice. Even understanding anatomy and perspective conceptually doesn't imply you can represent them properly on paper.

>> No.4054176

No. They use video footage for all steps of the learning. I'm not disregarding practice, but even a world champion can watch someone worse than him and learn something from the way he - for instance - runs.

The absolutism of your claim is what ruins it, not the rationale.

>> No.4054199

When he said you have to see picture in your mind clearly before making a drawing, I thought, he must off learned a lot from tracing pictures, because that what tracing does to you, as opposed to drawing from observation, when tracing images kind of imprint in your mind and you start to see images appear on blank canvas. But he also can draw from observation, so ....

>> No.4054218

>pros don't understand what they're doing
lol no. what's more likely is you're too stupid to understand the basic shit they're teaching

>> No.4054386

man this is some based stuff, but wish the camera zoomed ina little bit more when he was emphasizing about some of the details on the face.

>> No.4054514

the answer is do both

I've been drawing for years, but just recently I started being satisfied with my imagination drawings, and its also in the recent months than I traced a lot

I am not saying tracing is all you need to learn to draw from imagination, even if that's all I did for a few months. but it was what I was missing from being able to put my ideas on paper more easily

cant say much about all that "images appearing in your head" thing, I always had flashes of images, they only last a too short moment to actually see the image, but you can feel it, how in a dream you cant actually see or read but feel what you are looking at as being real

>> No.4054547

can we see your work?

>> No.4054551

thanks man!!

>> No.4054556
File: 350 KB, 1840x1042, Comic2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some of the best stuff I drew today, all from imagination ofc

>> No.4054561

practice some skulls from ref

>> No.4054567
File: 158 KB, 1004x644, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4054569


>> No.4054578

no, I am not him, and I dont know his stance on tracing. kind of funny you though I was him tho, I havent seen his recent art but I believe his line art is cleaner and his shapes more tight

maybe pyw summer crab. I am not planning on ever stopping from practicing stuff, but that doesnt mean I have to practice years on something until I master it so I can go to the next one. I am not putting all my eggs in a basket

>> No.4054583

Thanks anon, good work, going to take your advice. How long have you been drawing?

>> No.4054591

Thanks anon, tracing made me quit art, I made few art gains with drawing from photos and life over the years and then after listening to Neil Adams on youtube, tried tracing and it was many times faster than obs drawing, in what you can remember after the study. Absolutely disgusting feeling.

>> No.4054602

decided to take it serious like 8 years ago, until then I rarely drew but I was known for being the "artsty one" because I didnt had competition. but from deciding and actually putting in the work there were a few steps. procrastination and bad hand health didnt help so dont think it was 8 years of drawing everyday,

what I did find to help me learn was, what I call, the 2 r, recognition and reproduction

we all come equipped with the ability to recognize objects around us (if you are not blind), but you have to understand that there is a difference between being able to recognize something and being able to reproduce it

being able to recognize something is like hearing somebody talk and knowing what language they speak, being able to reproduce is like hearing somebody talk and know the language and what they are saying

before you are able to draw what you want, you must train to be able to reproduce what you see, and you do that by life studies (photos are ok too) but also memory drawings (you look at the ref, then you draw without looking at it, check your drawing with the ref after you are done, and then draw again keeping in mind the observations you made. rinse and repeat until satisfied then go on the next ref)

tracing is important from building hand eye coordination and muscle memory (I dont mean knowing how to draw something without putting much though into it, that's a different kind of muscle memory, I mean knowing what lines your hand is comfortable making and implementing them into your drawing without putting much though into your lines).

its like tracing is for dexterity, and life studies and memory drawing are for intelligence, if you want RPG terms. and you need both for drawing, both knowing what you want to draw, and being able to put it easily on paper

>> No.4054614

I see, thanks for the response -- do you have a blog?

>> No.4054622
File: 1.08 MB, 1851x1038, Comic2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>4054602 cont
ps. you have to do a lot of them both to feel their effect. to give you an idea of what a lot is, in the last 2 years memory drawing is what I mostly focused on, on and off, except for the last few months when I traced 2 yoh yoshinari books and half of the first overlord artbook traditionally, you can find them in the artbooks threads (traced with a lightbox) and digitally I started tracing the second overlord artbook, the lwa artbook (like half of the pics I have) and thinking of starting a final fantasy artbook too

we are talking maybe around 500 traced pages, each with like 5-20 drawings

now I trace as a warm up, memory drawing when I want to learn to draw something from imagination, and obviously drawing from imagination. you have to train that too. if drawing from memory its work, then tracing and memory drawing are like training to make it easier

dont look down on drawing from photos and life. its true that its slower than tracing and you can make observations in doing both (you can also do both mindlessly and gain nothing) but I am sure that if you only did tracing you would had lack the analytical thinking to make that tracing actually useful. and while you can notice stuff when you trace, its also easier to forget that if you dont practice it. memory drawing might help more with retention

dont skip leg day bros, you gain from all types of exercises. better you be an all around

sorry if I sound preachy, I wish I had somebody to tell me those when I was starting out and clear out some of my misunderstandings

no blog yet, I am planning to do that when when I am more consistent. I do lurk here from time to time and I do wall of text tho. been a d/ic/k since 2014 autumn

>> No.4054729

Sorry, what do you all mean by tracing exactly? Like really having a photoshop layer on top of a photo or art and literally tracing the lines?

>> No.4054759
File: 43 KB, 699x629, TrexSketch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any courses that teach direct drawing?

>> No.4054794

I'm retarded. What the fuck do I do with .bin files?

>> No.4054809

You open them with any media player. You can also change the extension to .mp4

>> No.4054820

Oh shit that worked. Thanks anon, love u.

>> No.4054978

very interesting, i'm going to try this, how do you spread your time out between memory study, tracing and more traditional studies like anatomy/perspective/whatever else?

>> No.4054984

do you trace each image multiple times? or just once? have you tried implementing memory between traces? say trace twice then draw from memory?

>> No.4055013

when is the next part

>> No.4055060

waiting, and also - will the anon uploader, upload all the series? looking forward for the last ones

>> No.4055162
File: 276 KB, 1920x939, Tracedemo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to trace by simplifing the subject.

>> No.4055287

>dynamic camera angles when I'm trying to focus on his brushwork
at least watts doesn't do this shit

>> No.4055308
File: 53 KB, 640x640, 1465823849391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck. I figured out a lot of the shit with he talks about with the head on my own a few months ago when I started drawing with pen. I feel smart now.

>> No.4055311

i like mischief do u know how to clear the canvas with a shortkey

>> No.4055384

I think you're pretty good my dude!
Just so you know, the bump of lips is NOT a byproduct of teeth. and your skull is too wide.

>> No.4055471

Just create a new blank canvas

>> No.4055511

Imagine literally tracing for any reason other than line confidence

>> No.4055810

I stopped trying to balance my practice a long time ago because my schedule is all over the place. I have periods in which I do only one or two, from a few days up to a few months, then I drop them to do something else, and later I might come back to it. Usually I decide by picking what I feel my bottleneck is atm.
I do the same with my procrastination too for example. A few months I might only play video games, then for a few months I might only read, then for a few months I might switch to watching anime, only to turn back to video games when I finished a few animes.
I trace only once, but a lot of the drawings I trace are in the same sphere so I still do a lot of reiteration. When I draw I usually stick to only that for that drawing session, which might last a few hours, unless I get bored and switch to something else or get an idea. But after I take a break and start another drawing session I might decide to practice something else. But that is because thats how I like to do thing, and I believe here its best to do what works for you, and not necessarily look for what others do.
I dont do this >>4055162, but I am sure its just as helpful, do whatever you want, dont let bad stigma of something be an excuse for not drawing.
>the bump of lips is NOT a byproduct of teeth.
I know, what from my drawing made you think that? because I drew them next to the teeth? thats aprox where they are. I do tend do draw bigger lips rather than thin ones because thats how mine are so
>your skull is too wide
yes, its on the wider side this one, Ill keep that in mind but I am not afraid to exaggerate, its consistency I am focusing more on
its the main reason I do and started, but you can still notice stuff when you trace, and try to remember for your imagination drawing. Its my recommendation if you are just starting out, switch hands, or suffered an hand injury and are recovering.

>> No.4056383

i'm starving for part 5, is our dear anon ded?

>> No.4056399

I'm sure this is going way too far for most; but i'm always curious and motivated to try new stuff out;

ho of you made some efforts in practice on actively imagining things? like really closing your eyes before drawing and imagining the form of what you're going to draw?

I done this a while ago over 4 weeks daily, it drained me out so hard and after things got better for a while i got stuck after 2 weeks, 2 weeks later i gave up because it's been so draining.

thinking about giving it another shot, maybe something developed, idk. i just tried it and it felt good so far. some people seem to have this ability quite developed, there must be a way to be training it.

>> No.4056497

i've trained simplifing human figure in perspective and that is what it help me the most. i dont visualize images but i have a general idea of what i want to do and then i use the fundamentals of perspective to draw it. but if you have the ability to visualize huge images and composition in your mind i guess thats okay too.

>> No.4056723
File: 20 KB, 348x394, 1541252131317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hope the rest of the parts get uploaded soon...

>> No.4056775
File: 1.15 MB, 1280x720, quality sample.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Encoded the first 4 parts to HEVC format, from 100MB/min to 5MB/min

I also share this guide in case anyone want to compress their courses to save some space:

>> No.4056799


There's also handbrake as an alternative to this method.

>> No.4056802

Thanks, that file size was exaggerated

>> No.4056907

Uploading anon here. Not dead, I’m just stuck with my work computer (that has mega and other file sharing websites blocked). Got unlucky during a work trip and had my flight cancelled today. Tomorrow I’m back hopefully with my personal computer, so I’m hoping to be able to upload more during the weekend

>> No.4056918

Thank you, I love you

>> No.4056928

No prob brah, thanks for the update

>> No.4056964

arigatou gozaimazu anon senpai

>> No.4056981

thanks dear anon, you're the hero we need

>> No.4057558

No problem guys, in the meantime just practice with the videos you have

>> No.4057640

hey I've always been curious of this as well. I used to have a friend back in middle school, he was always like this God tier artist, but I quickly learned that he would print out pages off of google, shade the back and trace the colored image on the front side of the paper.

Was always wondering if tracing was actually helpful in improvement. Would like to see some more of your work, because I take it you've already invested a lot of time into all this tracing yourself. Thinking maybe if you traced an image enough times, you could probably recreate the exact same image from memory

>> No.4057744

I dont have much to show since I autistically focused on tracing once I started it (like I do with a lot of things) and just recently started trying my hand at imagination drawing again.
>if you traced an image enough times, you could probably recreate the exact same image from memory
Whats the point of being able to draw a image from memory? I believe you want to be able to draw a subject which is in a imagine from memory. So drawing from memory from several images of that subject I find, for me, works better for learning it . Again, tracing is more for dexterity, than it is for intelligence. If you want to give this thing a try, go ahead, and if it helped you make a thread months later talking about it. Like I said before, I only traced something once, so you will be the one to test it out.

About your friend. Once I realize tracing is a genuine form of practice, I remembered I used to trace from some books with drawings with dotted lines for kids and I realize that is what might have give me an edge over my pears when I was a kid, and why I become known as the "art kid".But I did not realize that, and once my ego was feed enough that I was the best, I considered tracing beneath me, and stopped doing, and then slowly I become dissatisfied with my skills and gave up drawing until in highschool when I decided to learn to drawn and become an artist. But it also did not give me the knowledge, the backbone for knowing how to draw something from memory, which you will have to train by actually drawing stuff from memory stuff.

watch this, and keep in mind the second key point he makes when approaching tracing

The same thing could be happening to your friend. Help him too if he failed in the same ego trap as me.

and gain, watch that video several times, be humble, dont consider watching a video twice beneath you, repetition is the mother of learning

I look forward to hearing from you in the future.

>> No.4058294

doing gods work anon, much appreciated!

>> No.4058598

Thanks for this grabbed the 4th and it was a bummer. I found at least a tip or insight from 2 and 3, but absolutely nothing from the 4th. It's just drawing and boring, you start to loathe his work because he's drawing the same formula over and over again.

>> No.4058641

No, he does not mean tracing. He means drawing from memory. Drawing from observation is also a form of drawing from memory. He means you have to transfer what you see in your mind to the paper. Imagination is a form of memory drawing as well.

>> No.4060568

Hope everything is okay anon:)

>> No.4060572

idk, getting something out of it so far, hope we'll get more!

BUT i don't think its matching their pricepoint

>> No.4060585

Definitely not for beginners but I find it very interesting.

I hope more parts find their way out here.

>> No.4060592

Anon here, got back home. Tomorrow new parts will be uploaded. Thank you all for the patience

>> No.4060593

You're a real champ my guy, appreciate it.

>> No.4060611

Now that 6 days have passed what did we learn from kim.

>> No.4060615

Thanks pal :)

>> No.4061238

that i was already on the right path with how i drew heads and the order of lines.

>> No.4061825

ohh this thread isn't dead. bump.

>> No.4061973
File: 422 KB, 1280x720, stamp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post what you have done after watching the first 4 vids!

>> No.4062047

Hi everyone. Finally have my personal computer with me. So, I uploaded new videos:
Part 5


part 6

Enjoy. More parts coming soon

>> No.4062054
File: 1.88 MB, 498x280, slurp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only if you post those juicy bunions, Ciara

>> No.4062065
File: 251 KB, 2362x1500, copies1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4062088

Much appreciated senpai

>> No.4062110



Some of mine are here

>> No.4062117
File: 1.18 MB, 3338x1000, 5684BD6A-4C3B-4BF2-B04A-BABAEEBFB51F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, bro

got a pentel brush pen and practiced drawing skulls with no sketch like he does, never uses a brush or drew directly before
I think I’m getting better, the first ones were kindergarten tier
I did 2 pages of faces afterwards, but they came out like like those reddit rage faces, so I think I’ll go back to skulls a bit more

>> No.4062122

These videos are honestly dogshit. Why do you ngmi faggots suck this guy off so much?

>> No.4062128

>I watched the clips and didn't turn into KJG this shit is trash

>> No.4062129

I think you’re missing the point pretty hard with the chicken scratch and messy lines, you’re just masking how bad your strokes and shapes are. Take a look at what KjG actually does when he draws, and then look at what you do

>> No.4062141


>Just copy him

You can't be this retarded, right nigger?

>> No.4062151

That's not what I said, I think you need to reread that.
As it is, you're just copying his drawing in a lackluster way without reaping any benefits of what' he's actually showing you.

>> No.4062159

Tysm anon really appreciate you sharing this with everyone. Thanks for making 4chan a place of actual positivity.

>> No.4062163

Thanks!! Waiting anxiously

>> No.4062169

forgot to make them smaller? thx btw

>> No.4062185
File: 12 KB, 454x480, 1524416305496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Encoded Part 5 and Part 6
Keep it coming anon kun


>> No.4062189

you the man

>> No.4062235

Ahah I have no time to make them smaller. Day job and whatnot. But people here are downloading and making them smaller, so everyone helps out in their own way

>> No.4062236

No problem. I imagine there are a lot of people like me just lurking and taking the best they can from each thread, and not wasting a lot of time with internet discussions. I downloaded a lot from other people who post here, so I have to give back

>> No.4062237

HEVC version updated with parts 5-6

>> No.4062255
File: 72 KB, 960x1280, WhatsApp Image 2019-06-23 at 7.55.34 PM(5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit i took from 3 eps so far

it may just be me but he does say himself it took him 13 years to get to that point, i think he studied enough where he just does the whole structural stuff and perspective in his head and is a very good draftsman from all the mileage.

so i dont think its a good idea to go ahead and try and copy his execution steps exactly

what i did learn tho or more like understood after years of watching him is how much thought he puts into his overlapping and the subtle changes in line, those are all informed by thousands of studies or drawings he has done in the past. and he always uses perspective as a cornerstone of his drawings, not sure if thats the word for it...

so, he uses overlapping to suggest perspective but all overlapping is based on knowing the forms/structure and being aware of vanishing points constantly and relating them to the structure (more than likely the bones) and then building what he knows already on top.

more than likely im fucking wrong but whatever

anyway thx anonn.

>> No.4062333

thanks guys, these are great

>> No.4063455


You sound like a retarded faggot. Stick to tracing.

>> No.4063466
File: 111 KB, 773x925, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/ic/ has no excuse anymore
Make new excuse. Now.

>> No.4063468


I'm literally retarded.

>> No.4063546

cheers boys

>> No.4063920

source on pic related? only really need a name, but a dl link wouldn't be unappreciated

>> No.4064598

should be in archive

>> No.4065548

Any updates on the remaining parts?

>> No.4065558

i'm not sure why you want them so badly. i've watched all of them and it's garbage, only gotten worse with every video.

>> No.4065570

ok upload it then we will decide

>> No.4065582

I find it to be a good supplement to other learning material, it's refreshing to hear the thought process and approach of someone who's not "interpreting" "reference".

It's certainly not for beginner's, he obviously won't be able summarize everything regarding anatomy, value, light, color, perspective and so on, it's not a complete art-package by any means.

That said, he did work on that over-rendered space suit a little too long.

>> No.4065583

Anon who bought here. More parts coming soon, keep lurking this thread

>> No.4065593

Wow, i may have other uses for reducing file size of video files thanks
Thanks! KJG definitely can never translate his 30 year of experience into video, we all have to grind our hands just drawing like him. His use of the brush pen makes sense now.

>> No.4065596
File: 42 KB, 300x250, 6nw4wfSWAW-10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

13 years of hardcore practice?

>> No.4065600

He clearly states that it took him 10 years before he was able to draw a human from head to toe and that he used simplified forms before being able to distill them down into one step.

For all those who think he magically absorbs everything at first glance.

>> No.4065639

he said he used simple forms, but he never said he used construction
from what he’s shown, he would just draw a box for the head to have the proportions, placement and facing and then draw the head inside of it the same way he did in the start of the lecture without simplifying anything
literally the owl

>> No.4065650

Construction, at least in my eyes, is breaking things down into simpler forms and then building upwards towards more complexity, like what he is doing with his various mannequins, the first one that is only boxes and cylinders, followed by the more organic one.

Yes there is quite a leap if you isolate the head, which goes from cube to head, you could break it down like an Asaro head if you want a middle-ground I guess.

But I get why he skips this, going overboard with preparation and constructions stiffens the the end result and locks you in.

>> No.4066950

Any updates on when the last parts drop?
Afraid that the thread is going to die.

>> No.4067058

If it does I’ll just create a thread, no problem mate. Sorry but day work is very heavy this august, that’s why I am being very slow with the uploads

>> No.4067060

Dont worry anon, youre doing gods work. Take your time

>> No.4067316
File: 566 KB, 1080x1056, Screenshot_20190815_151729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4067331

if real then... Blog?

>> No.4067462
File: 24 KB, 328x358, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4067770

It's short for binary. You're supposed to get loonix and decompile them

or just change file extension to mp4

>> No.4068350

bumping for great justice

>> No.4068350,1 [INTERNAL] 

bumpity bumpity

>> No.4068739

or just get a player that isn’t complete garbage, I downloaded and watched them on a fucking ipad

>> No.4069328

S-surely the set will be completed...

>> No.4070310

Tomorrow will post one or two more. Won’t leave the anons down

>> No.4070525


>> No.4070575

thank you senpai

>> No.4070627

What the fuck is a .mkv file?

>> No.4070636

jesus christ anon

>> No.4070656


>> No.4070658

hi grandpa

>> No.4070696

kek. come on anon, lighten up. it's a joke

>> No.4070944

absolute legend

>> No.4071226

Hi guise, random anon here, been watching all 6 so far and desu, i'm really enjoying it and can already feel a little level up. I See this as setting the course rather than a magic Switch and IT's working fine for me so far. That said: IT's certainly not 200$ good. You can hear him eating at one time ffs, thats 20$ gumroad shit considering the not so great quality overall. Thanks anon for sharing, you're the mvp

>> No.4071356

Can anyone just make fucking a torrent wtf is this autist mega stuff

>> No.4071442

i will after paidanon uploads all

>> No.4071928


>> No.4072640

Just make the fucking torrent egain

>> No.4072790

he wont just leave us hanging right? r-right?

>> No.4072805

where are the other parts?

>> No.4072821

they dont think it be like it is, but it do

>> No.4073021

Is it only 6 parts?

>> No.4073044

How mad is everyone gonna be when they finally download all this shit just to see its a fat scam

>> No.4073083

Why would people who didn't pay for the content be mad?

>> No.4073094

the game

how mad are you right now, get fucked

>> No.4073123

not mad at all, I've been playing the game this whole time with my brother so we've been losing it at least once a day for over 10 years now

>> No.4073125
File: 2.19 MB, 3000x3560, kjginspo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got inspired by kim jung gis livie art so i tried it myself
i don't know if i'll finish it, the man's insane with how quickly he gets these done

>> No.4073132

sad cunt

>> No.4073160

Sorry but is it only 6 parts for the course?

>> No.4073170

its 9 parts. technically 11 if you count parts 6-2 and 8-2

>> No.4073228



>> No.4073254

Where is other parts?

>> No.4073324

i need part 7

>> No.4073603

I wasn't mad, I was disappointed. I wasn't looking for salvation but it's a bad course that I know is used to scam idiots by the name of KJG and SuperAni. I've said it's bad from everything I've seen uploaded and get attacked as a crab. So many negative experiences on /ic/ lately around similar things I'm usually better off not posting because so many people have their minds made up already about worshiping their idols.

>> No.4074464

You guys need to relax. OP will get to it when he gets to it. Thanks for all your hard work, OP, and please don't pay attention to the impatient planck-length IQ crabs in this thread.

>> No.4074829

>muh compression
>muh torrent
>muh file extension
Fuck off, entitled faggots.

This, everyone impatient for the rest is a binge watching retard who won’t get any use out of it anyway.

>> No.4074853

I don’t know a thing about KJG besides that he draws without a sketch and apparently masturbates a lot, but this is the best, most useful demo I’ve seen in a long time, and the only way someone cannot benefiet from this is that he’s a total and utter /beg/ or very advanced (doubt.jpg).

The production is half assed, it’s overpriced, and he doesn’t actually say anything useful in the 6 parts posted so far, but if you cannot extract something useful from watching him draw, you either shouldn’t be posting opinions or you should have left the board a long time ago.

I don’t understand what people expect him to tell you, there isn’t much to be said about drawing outside of color, and what little there is has been milked to death a hundred times over.

>> No.4074860

>there are morons on /ic/ who can't use MEGA
Lol, I'm thinking this very thread has been
Linked to other sites. With all the faglords rushing for the succeeding parts.

>> No.4076181

pretty cool mecha design in the top right corner. All without reference?

>> No.4076305

pretty much screaming ghost in shell

>> No.4076414


>> No.4076638

Its a mix of a Mil Mi-24 and with a ghost in the shell mash up

>> No.4076643

may i print out this image and produce cum on it., ma'am

>> No.4077983


Thanks you so much!

>> No.4077990

eight years spent on nothing, post your work so that i can prove once and for all that tracing is nothing but a waste of time

>> No.4078729

i feel so bad for stealing from that gook but whatever

>> No.4078808

uh is there a translation?

>> No.4079456

Paid anon here, back from the grave. Part 7 here:https://mega.nz/#!3vIgiCAT!PK3wOPvBxCitJpWNxG3dfYMq0yhuQMUOcnTJX3tCYck

>> No.4079478
File: 78 KB, 290x350, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for this. can't help but think pic related, this was the worst one yet

>> No.4079480

The next one is a bit better, even though he barely talks

>> No.4079487

Thanks, thought it was a troll the last week keeping everyone's hopes up.

>> No.4079489



>> No.4079508

Maybe it was me the “troll”? I wrote that I was going to upload them during the weekend, but I ended up being busy with my job and some comissions I am working on, and only today I managed to upload

>> No.4079511

Thanks, anon

Jesus Christ, is it just me, or is the 4chan captcha fucking borked?
I have to do an average of 7 fucking captchas to post, and every single one seems to either be the slowly fading ones with a million buses or a dud that tell me it’s wrong even though it isn’t.
This doesn’t happen on the muh advertiser safe space boards, is hiroshim00t trying to kill the nsfw boards or something?
I haven’t bothered posting on /if/ outside this thread in weeks because of this shit.

>> No.4079523
File: 313 KB, 324x425, Screenshot_2019-07-17 Pinterest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a special place in my heart, you know that, right anon?

>> No.4079525

Thanks anon. I would putty insta account here for you to check but I’m afraid the superani cops would get to me

>> No.4079614

waiting for encoderanonkun

>> No.4079931

Appreciate it, I believe you forgot 6-2 and skipped from 6-1 to 7.

>> No.4080010

but the part 6-2? :(

>> No.4080128

Ahah sorry. Tomorrow will put up the missing one. In the meantime, have part 8 https://mega.nz/#!7zZFRaDJ!LClHKIyHoZ7bRdRe9mMcVVYiSZZHbt5bGaFgeKfIdyM

>> No.4080226

You are the best anon thanks for the uploads

>> No.4080304

Danke anon :)

>> No.4080598

thank you very much anon for the classes. now waiting for the encoder-san

>> No.4080617

Part 7 encoded, but I'm having a hard time downloading big files from mega, so part 8 will be up in about 2 or 3 hours.

>> No.4081945

thank you based anon

>> No.4082427

what settings did you use for handbrake for this quality? I want to try it for my downloaded anime.

>> No.4083070

F. Tried everything to download the part 8 from Mega: VPN, JDownloader, Alldebrid, the Mega app, manual downloading, importing the file to my Mega account, downloading as a zip. The download just stops at some point.

Just choose x265 (10-bit) as the encoder instead of x264, constant quality around 20 (lower values for better quality, higher values for smaller size). "Medium" preset is okay, but if you have a fast CPU try "Slower". Also, limit the resolution to 720p since most 1080p anime is upscaled from lower resolutions (540p, 720p, 810p).

>> No.4083073

I'll try this setting tomorrow! thanks!

yeah the part 8 stops for me too. Maybe it's being downloaded so much MEGA is imposing limits on it

>> No.4083173

So has anyone actually got better from this? Do you guys even use it? Or just hoarding?

>> No.4083230
File: 40 KB, 534x259, Head-Step-by-Step.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You tell me

>> No.4083302

For those of u that dont know what to do with the bin, you can open it with Kodi

>> No.4083329

Someone make a torrent or something. I can't download all of them without being limited for 5 hours by mega. I don't have the money to pay for a mega account either.

>> No.4083335

>no construction lines
what an amateur

>> No.4083337

show some examples of portraits before u watched the series

>> No.4083373

kjg doesn't use construction lines

>> No.4083465

What the fuck is kjg?

>> No.4083469

Just download 2 a day, retard. One at a time, not all at once so you use up the limit with no finished files. Use your brain.
You’ll have them all sooner than waiting for a torrent.

>> No.4083472

kim jung gi

>> No.4083522

Yeah, I’m not into martial arts

>> No.4083533

haha funny troll yes

>> No.4083534

Mega.nz limits total downloads to 5gb per day. You can just reboot your router to get a new IP in order to remove that limit.

>> No.4083539

OR just add them to your cloud and watch it on mega

>> No.4083657

that's what I'm doing retard.

>> No.4083729

thats pretty good. How much facial anatomy do you know? As in, do you know all of the insersions of the muscles etc or do you have a good understanding of just the superficial forms? Also how are you with women/ drawing from ref

>> No.4083747

That mega limit goes down, when 100s of people download the files.
You do realize than 4chan and /ic/ don't block countries right?

>> No.4083825

what the fuck are you even saying?

>> No.4083922

good shit anon, gmi.

>> No.4083963

Then you’d have downloaded the files by now, faggot.

>> No.4084093
File: 241 KB, 630x467, FemaleMuscleStudies.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh.. I think i sort of can do it. I'm not good with figures yet, though. I can't really draw from reference, since i've just memorized the forms and anatomy and when I do draw from reference, my subconscious takes over ("symbol drawing"). I can't do the whole "gesture" thing like Proko. When I try to do the gesture beforehand, I just lose the flow. To me, it has to be slow and calm, not quick and loose, so I never do like 20 second gesture drawings etc. This course has mainly helped me with the stylization of heads. I haven't gotten to the figure part yet, but It's been okay so far (not 300 dollars worth, but still, decent.)

>> No.4084118

Thanks for the response but what about the question regarding facial anatomy?

>> No.4084182
File: 21 KB, 381x264, Skeller.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do have a decent understanding of the skull and I think I can sketch it from any major angle, but I still make proportional mistakes and have to do some erasing. I have learned the muscles of the face, but I don't remember the names, I just know the rough alignement.

To be honest, what this course has mostly done for me is reinforce the idea that I'm pretty much doing the same thing but I'm less skilled. It's pretty much the way I started drawing - I didn't know that you have to do the "quick and loose gesture" etc.

Unironically, what helped me as a beginner the most was the tuts by Riven Phoenix. Not his drawings, but his methods of memorizing anatomy as different formulas.

>> No.4084224

Anons, please be civilised. We are enlightened people, people of art, not bloody plumbers.

>> No.4084233


>> No.4084254

>>4083337 this

>> No.4084344

So you have memorized every surface-level muscle to a degree where you can direct draw it in that quality diret on a posed figure? damn... i'm still trying my best to get my figure drawing to a decent level, i feel like learning all those muscles in between would just distract me and is not that important in the beginning, but it's pretty damn impressive! idk how long it would take me to memorize everything.

>> No.4084363

I have faggot.

>> No.4084376

I mean learning the muscles is the main thing that has helped me after learning form. I don't know all of the muscles yet and i constantly keep going back and forth (learning to draw is not a linear process). But yeah, fundamentals are important.

To me, it would be Form (and "basic" perspective) > Anatomy > Exaggeration (or gesture, whatever that means) > Linework ...

What I mean is that form is king. If form is correct, you can add anything and it will still look okay. You can even add fake muscles like the old artist who liked to draw muscular babies did. What you can do to make it more "dynamic" is to just exaggerate the forms.

I never understood why many (mostly western) artists tell you to do quicksketches and that the gesture is the most important thing (or how the author of the FORCE tells you to think like a ferrari). It's probably just a completely different approach.

With proper guidance and a lot of practice you could probably do decent "direct drawn" figures in a few months, but It has taken me a lot longer since I draw just as a hobby and am self taught.

>> No.4084542

Who's the guy getting choked by Chad Gi?

>> No.4084558

Feng Zhu

>> No.4084583

how much time did it take you do draw this, roughly ?

>> No.4084607

I honestly don't remember. It's a few months if not more old. Since it's a study, maybe 45-60 minutes?

>> No.4084614


The way I do these speed sketches is I press ctrl-z and reverse in photoshop, then make it into a gif and reduce the frames is necessary + speed it up. That's why I don't know the time it took me to draw these. I could've taken breaks etc.

>> No.4084634

What kind of Pentel brush pen do you use?
Got me a 'Pentel Pocket Brush Pen' and it has a really awful issue with ink flow.

>> No.4084644

>I never understood why many (mostly western) artists tell you to do quicksketches and that the gesture is the most important thing (or how the author of the FORCE tells you to think like a ferrari). It's probably just a completely different approach
Im quoting paraphrasing Steve Huston here. Gesture is the "fundamental design line" - how everything in a figure or composition flows and connects together. He says its far more important to understand for great artwork than knowing how to create the appearance of forms in space with structure. Gesture is what makes any design flow beautifully together and gives it a lifelike quality -whether it is a flatter line drawing or a fully rendered piece.

Basicly, starting with a gesture drawing that looks lifelike and building the forms to follow that is far more effective and efficient than trying to frankenstein a figure together one form after another.

>> No.4084666

One more thing. Huston also says you can construct a figure with perfect and realistic 3 dimensional forms, but if it doesnt flow together well (the purpose of gesture then it all falls apart and loses its life. Karl Gnass also calls gesture the spirit of the pose. Gesture is hugely important.

>> No.4084678


Like I said, to me, gesture is just exaggeration. Frankesteining a figure together can be very "gestural".

>> No.4084688


There was a artist who has learned with superani a KJG thread like a week or so ago and he said that they don't generally talk about gesture and apparently they don't do much quicksketching

>> No.4084883

The difference between a stiff clunky figure drawing and a fluid, beautiful figure drawing isn't just exaggeration.
>Frankesteining a figure together can be very "gestural".
It can once you develop an intuition and feel of how things flow together in a lifelike and rhythmic manner. That is, after a ton of deliberate practice. I'm not saying if you don't do a gesture drawing first you're not actually using the concepts.

And? Don't take what they do and don't do as gospel. There's a ton of things that are conducive to great drawing and picture-making in general that they don't use much or at all. Anyway, Peter Han does talk about center lines through forms (or the long axis curve as Huston describes it) and lines of action in his book.

>> No.4084993

do you have the book digitally by any chance anon? the dynamic bible by peter han

>> No.4085041

Look in the book thread, dumbass

>> No.4085067

anyone have part 6-2 and part 9?

>> No.4085073

that's cool

>> No.4085082

Part 6-2 and 9 please anon

>> No.4085424


Is 8-2 already available?

>> No.4085480


Sorry i missed, who is Jeff and what about picrelated book, is it good?

>> No.4085763

Just shut up and wait for the OP, how impatient can you be??

>> No.4086568

You dumb impatient fuckers . practice with what op has uploaded till now, you won't gonna get better drastically with the other videos. Give op some time, If not watch some porn for academic purpose

>> No.4087304

Paid Anon here. I will upload the final parts by the end of the week. Sorry guys but been busy with work. I still haven’t let you down, just be patient

>> No.4087320

Don't worry man, you're doing this for free. Take your time.

>> No.4087634

What a horrible young people have gathered here. So many impatient bloody snowflakes. Just wait patiently, OP is ripping the content for free. Be civilised. You are an art person, not some damn bricklayer. And remember,
“You are not special. You're not a beautiful and unique snowflake. You're the same decaying organic matter as everything else. We're all part of the same compost heap. We're all singing, all dancing crap of the world.”.

>> No.4087647

I hope you at least read the book

>> No.4087670

fuck off with that elitist shit mate bricklayer is a fine profession and they're a lot less uptight and bitchy than the artists on this thread on average

>> No.4087966

Encoded part 8 (finally) uploaded
GDrive: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vuM_a3wDJgn_mu0NsHvUCebLcVlQM6Me
MEGA: https://mega.nz/#F!8g0C0SYT!ue_1WzpkBoGS-nXTx_2WJA

>> No.4088127 [DELETED] 

>babbie’s first edgy quote
Shut the fuck up, you stupid nigger.

>> No.4088168



And big thanks to the anon sharing the lectures, much appreciated.

>> No.4088558

legends, thankyou anons

>> No.4088919

So how do you learn from this?

Just draw along?

Screenshot final result and trace it?

>> No.4088948

Like you learn from any video. You watch it casually once and see if the content is worth studying. If it is you keep a mental track of everything you want to learn from it and then you watch it again and again while experimenting with the things suggested till you can use them.

>> No.4088950

Same way you learn from anything else

>> No.4089288

draw along but there's really not much to learn

>> No.4089335


>> No.4089611

was there only 8 vids?

>> No.4089657

This isn't something you watch to learn how to draw step by step. This is something that shows you the promise of analytical drawing techniques and how far true understanding and mileage can take you. This is an artist giving you an honest look into his process, not another beginner tutorial vid that regurgitates Loomis by someone who doesn't use it.

Watch this to be entertained, inspired, and humbled.

>> No.4089663

Yeah, all finished now

>> No.4089669

fucken nice

>> No.4089677

Uploaded parts: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6-1, 7, 8-1
Missing parts: 6-2, 8-2, 9

>> No.4091958


>> No.4091968

you overestimate your knoweldge, very innacurate

>> No.4093002

in real life feng is the one choking this korean nerd tho

>> No.4093601


>> No.4093618

think of the skull as malleable...

>> No.4095089


>> No.4095239

Based anon

>> No.4096121

bump :D

>> No.4096487
File: 1.10 MB, 2242x1122, Screen Shot 2019-09-02 at 3.14.54 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Has anybody seen this? Looks more comprehensive than the course OP bought. I don't speak Chinese so I can't tell if this is a genuine course or what.

>> No.4096544

It is


It apparently costs like 600 eur or something. It's his class lectures recorded

>> No.4096556

Looks way better than what we filthy westerners ended up getting, this is ridiculous!! I'd buy it if it were a bit cheaper and if I knew how, wish there were a way to pool money together for this kind of thing. Guess I'll have to save up

>> No.4096804

>magic doesn’t exist. methods do.
$600 says it’s literally the same
>direct draw finished drawing
>draw a box around it
>”see, people are actually three dimensional”
shtick, just longer and without eating while talking

>> No.4099967


>> No.4100202

>and without eating while talking
premium content

>> No.4100243

Bruh go home you're just bitching to bitch

>> No.4100407

>no construction lines
>Bruh that's amazing he's literally the best artist of all time xd

Clown world

>> No.4100412

his large scale drawings would still be incredibly impressive even if he a sketch beforehand

>> No.4101158

part 3 still need a key... anyone have news about the rest of the course?
anyone knows where i can find the other courses kjg made ?

>> No.4102357

k im a moron, i just find the complete folder on mega and part 3 it's unlocked :D
waiting for the rest of the course ***

still, anyone knows if there is any other kjg course online avaible?

>> No.4102370

it's all the same

stop hoarding, start practicing

>> No.4105097

Amazing. Thanks a lot, anon!

>> No.4105122

Please, I'm probably a better artist than you. And how do you know it's all the same? Did you buy the course? The content is clearly different, imbecile.

>> No.4105539

Just wanted you girls to know that I’m the best artist in this thread, including Kim Jung Who and your artistic labours make me giggle.

>> No.4108851

ded tred
ded op

>> No.4110739


>> No.4111018

it's all the same

stop carrying, start practicing

>> No.4111569

pls op

>> No.4112157

Meanwhile in another dimension this thread op is Kim Jung Gi and is uploading this dimension op drawing course

>> No.4112173

Peak reddit post

>> No.4112481

missing vidyas aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

>> No.4112701 [DELETED] 

How easy/difficult is it to transfer your emunand setup to a new card?

>> No.4114737

op may be busy with his day job and his life.Keep practising on what you've got for now. His videos won't make you a god tier artist in a day anyway fags.

>> No.4115250

>t. /beg/
It’s been 3 weeks, op bailed

>> No.4118256

hope bump

>> No.4118629


>> No.4119528

>mfw I'm a completionist

>> No.4119878

never give up hope

>> No.4122077

Real artists give up daily if not more.

>> No.4122216

Hopeful bump, please anon , only two more parts .