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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 690 KB, 1260x2240, lazypotato - Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4072572 No.4072572 [Reply] [Original]

Last thread: >>4066177
>Link: https://dad.gallery/
>Backup just in case: http://last-artist-standing.herokuapp.com/

>Submit your artwork everyday (or your preferred frequency)
>The deadline for submissions is 23:59:57 GMT each day
>You should spend at least 30 minutes on each update
>Miss a day and you'll be alright, just keep going
>Have fun

>New thread is made whenever it is needed
>Please link to past thread
>Enjoy yourself.
>Please refrain from drawing sexual encounters with underage humans ;^) (a.k.a no child porn you sick pervert)


Something's broken, what do I do?
>Eat a banana. Potassium helps.

What is the goal?
>Be better.

me is beginner and not know draw, can me join?
>Yes x100. Stop asking and start submitting art, chum. You can't be the worst, like literally.

What is Last Artist Standing?
>The legacy, the legend, the original, the predecessor. It has changed and ruined lives of many lassies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=epg08FlksTc

Lava who? w what? banana whom?
>Lava was the deceased mother, potentially dead by surgery. Rest in peace mr half-empty toothpaste lemur.
>w is the heartless hypocritical pedo-enabled asshole father. Emerge occasionally to enjoy being the local scumbag that he is.
>Current dad: banana. Fuck up time to time but is trying his hardest, ganbatte kudasai!

LAS discord: https://discord.gg/curUdax (temporarily unavailable)
DAD discord: https://discord.gg/eh3z24v

This is a library of resources some users have made for the community. Please give it a look:

This is the /las/ list of inspirational artists. Everyone can contribute to the list and discover new cool artists:

Please comment on each other artwork because DAD's children love attentions

>> No.4072588
File: 355 KB, 1280x794, TRIBUNALofVenus_fragonard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice effort with the font, dog.

>> No.4072589
File: 1.51 MB, 425x481, 16b.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*leans forward*
*wets lips*

Tier List

>> No.4072597
File: 1.56 MB, 1920x3096, dejte.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072606
File: 119 KB, 2700x2160, dad_alignment chart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Cleaning the guillotine*
Alignement chart.

>> No.4072619
File: 374 KB, 2700x2160, DAD alignments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072632

just to recap on what this is
were submitting art work
and then you rate it
is that all or am i still getting this wrong

>> No.4072635


You submit work.
You continue to submit work regularly to increase an arbitrary number.
You build discipline through habit and when you no longer need the site, make it, or give up, you leave.

People who are getting caught up with ratings and throwing shit fits or getting ego boosts off of "tier lists" and "ratings" have missed the point entirely.

>> No.4072638

This pretty much

>> No.4072641

so just spam your art here and improve hopefully?im trying to sum this up in a way i can understand excuse the autism

>> No.4072645

anime posters go in chaotic evil

>> No.4072646

Post your art here in the thread and get feedback.

>> No.4072647


More or less, but keep in mind everything you post has to have been done with 24 hours of your designated posting period (you can do any frequency from weekly to daily).
Each submission should represent at least 30 minutes of work, WIPs are permitted.

>> No.4072648

this desudesu
tierlists are just memes and mostly for shits and giggles
no one should take them seriously

>> No.4072652

post your stuff on the website to track your progress

>> No.4072655

what about furries

>> No.4072656

They go in tier 4

>> No.4072658


>> No.4072675

>I have nothing in life more than to just strive to draw stick figures and boxes on a black canvas to keep up a fictitious number.

Oh, it was a very painful slap. But... thanks! I am lost and this slap allowed me to look at my situation clearer. These boxes and stick figures are my comfort zone in which I am stuck.

I have only recently started to "feel the form" sometimes. Yes, my scribbles looks clumsy and flat, but I don't try to convey volume, I'm trying to see volume by myself. This happens very rarely, but much more often than before. But yeah I'll try to do more finished works.

Speaking about my number. I'll kill my strike not just to prove anything but to take a little break. But that doesn't mean I won't come back with boxes, lol.

>Are you trying to learn from Steve Huston or are you just copying from the book/video whatever and calling it a day?

You're right. If I don't apply what I copied, then I won't learn anything. I should to draw more and THINK before and during drawing.

Sorry for my "drawings". I can’t promise that I will become better, but I will try.

>> No.4072676

I kind of like tier lists because they get me more amped to draw, but they shouldn't be taken too seriously. They're a very subjective thing, it's not worth getting mad over.

>> No.4072680

don't give up daddy

>> No.4072683

>Speaking about my number. I'll kill my strike not just to prove anything but to take a little break.
You really don't have to desu.

>> No.4072691
File: 595 KB, 5400x2550, promisebreaker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is one of my pieces called promise breaker (excuse the edge)

>> No.4072693

Don't take what I said to heart. I don't want karma biting me later. You do need to look more at what you're doing, though. That goes for everyone who I gave crit to.

>> No.4072696


>> No.4072704


the least you could do is do the courtesy of posting your own work after your bitter tirades anon

>> No.4072707

^ this
Reveal yourself uncle.

>> No.4072713

I doubt he will, if he actually cared about giving crit to others so they could improve he would've just done it on the site comments. He's just a sperg mad about tiers

>> No.4072719

>site comments
oh yeah, those are a thing

>> No.4072721

be glad y'all got 51ip tierlist instead of mine, y'all don't want that smoke

>> No.4072722


I'm one of the good users. That's all I'll give you.

>> No.4072727


yeah ok sure anon i totally believe you gigantic pussy

>> No.4072728

do it faget

>> No.4072745

can you crit the art i posted instead of messing with the tards then? thanks

>> No.4072747

lel no ur not coward

>> No.4072752 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 464x400, randall.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this current time line is getting dark daddies
why ?
let's just do our best!

>> No.4072759


My hard read is that you're a buttmad t2. Lick my t4 boots

>> No.4072765

And still you're too pussy to PYW, hmmm

>> No.4072766


>> No.4072771

no one who's actually good call themselves as good lol especially after sperging that much on the previous thread

>> No.4072788

“Being powerful is like being a lady. If you have to tell people you are, you aren't.”
Margaret Thatcher

>> No.4072800

I am a lady.

>> No.4072802


>> No.4072807


I'm much better than most of you. I just don't post much things revealing how good I am.
Okay, Arma.
Work on your anatomy.
I'm good but I'm not great. Is that fair?

>> No.4072810

the widest asshole on dad

>> No.4072811
File: 519 KB, 2700x2160, dad_alignment chart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Skipped people are irrelevant.

>> No.4072812

Why are you so obsessed with Arma?

>> No.4072814

>I'm better than most of you
lel there's that meme again
again, fags who sperg like this usually have shitty work quality than they actually think

guy has a crush

>> No.4072815


> I'm much better than most of you. I just don't post much things revealing how good I am.

holy shit this is another level of delusion
thanks for the laughs

>> No.4072816

>guy has a crush

I-I do not.

>> No.4072817

I see myself as a neutral evil but lawful evil sounds good too

>> No.4072818
File: 48 KB, 904x531, 24fwpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit this fucking guy

>> No.4072819


>> No.4072822

Wtf, I got included.

>> No.4072823


> I'm good but I'm not great. Is that fair?
how the fuck do you expect an answer to that if you haven't posted your work brainlet

>> No.4072825

Chaotic Evil too, I have no idea how

>> No.4072827

Neutral good :)

>> No.4072828

I'd say I'm definitely better than you nigger, but I'm not posting my work ohoho :)

>> No.4072829
File: 14 KB, 360x276, fly-you-fools.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whizzard lawful evil? but he sacrificed himself for us

>> No.4072833


It's on the website.

>> No.4072835

He doesnt draw

>> No.4072839


>if I say he doesn't draw maybe he/she will reveal themselves

>> No.4072840
File: 253 KB, 1024x768, mindisafire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072842

hey shit-for-brains how do you expect people to assess if you're good but not great without identifying yourself
are you as stupid as you are butthurt about your tier list placement

>> No.4072844


.....well about that, you see....

>> No.4072851

Why do daddies have such an inflated ego? Why are people in tier 4 and 5 boasting and looking down on others even if they themselves said the list doesn't really matter? I don't get this, daddies.

>> No.4072852

You are true to yourself, Lawful evil people are on the right path.
Open a patreon.
Yes. Still, you are a Poultry.
Make things happen to fulfill your destiny.
YES! Indeed.
Tier 2 is not that great. Talk less, draw more.

>> No.4072854

Tier 4's are insecure about their placement and feel very threatened at the lesser tiers that they could superseded them one day and leave them behind.

>> No.4072858


not even on your list dude nor do I have a streak

>> No.4072861

*grabs your feet and drags you down a tier*

>> No.4072862


>> No.4072863

>Grabs your feet
OwO, daddy!

>> No.4072864

don't breath the same air as me if you aren't this high on the list

>> No.4072866

None can be this irrelevant.

>> No.4072867
File: 224 KB, 960x1440, MUGEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

critique plz

>> No.4072868

I want my friends and peers in tier 3 to join me in tier 4! I don't think I really deserved the placement I got, there are other people more skilled than me in lower tiers. But the biggest thing I want to see is improvement, from both myself and my peers, so we can all be tier 5 someday.

>> No.4072870

>image search
Work harder anon. If it can help you, i recognize this samurai champlooo dude.

>> No.4072871
File: 113 KB, 529x386, 1651e7d775bba6fc588d45c4ba3bfcc6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*drags everyone down to tier 1*

>> No.4072873
File: 47 KB, 599x560, urine rank.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072875

which areas should i work harder in i was going for a realistic but stylized approach also do image searches really work like that?

>> No.4072876

>Lawful Evil
I'm not sure how to feel about this...

>> No.4072878

Except me, because you aren't autorised to lay your hands on me.

>> No.4072879

I'm fine with this.
At least I didn't get skipped.

>> No.4072880

You're right.

>> No.4072886
File: 105 KB, 480x694, cost down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072889

But I'm tier 1.

>> No.4072891

Welcome to S U B H U M A N T I E R 0

>> No.4072896

el goblino...

>> No.4072897

You're not a tier 4.

>> No.4072903

I don't feel like one, but that's what Will decided I am

>> No.4072906

I think I figured out who the hard critic is. It's oneironaut.

>> No.4072908


>> No.4072912


don't think i won't use my behelit to sacrifice all of you for immense gains

>> No.4072913

>hardon for Arma

Ahh makes sense.

>> No.4072917

I want to marry Fujo, I'm so enamored by that art...

>> No.4072925

oneironaut always struck me as the kind of quiet guy that never says anything no matter what but maybe i'm wrong.

>> No.4072928

Fujo's art is soulful! SOULFUL!!!

>> No.4072931

>tfw no qt quiet daddy gf that secretly hates my guts but only talks about it anonymously online

>> No.4072934

Speeedy threados

>> No.4072937


I can see it being him. Him or either 10A.

>> No.4072938

Accuracy is what you need. Draw me two people smiling, one has a forced smile the other is really happy.
Image search is an oracle, a cheap one. For now it's all our realm can afford.
I allow you to feel good about it.
I found the best thing I could do was just to type away at my own work and let the dying die as they always have.
You should, because this is what you are.

>> No.4072940

Soul is retarded, but I am for sure enamored by the color harmony and the line drawings, they are very good. If there's something I don't like is that Fujo draws kids, but at least not in a sexual way. A redflag nonetheless.

>> No.4072943

which furry daddy with be the first to break into t5

>> No.4072945

>A redflag nonetheless.
about what? pedo?

>> No.4072949

FuSta, obviously, when tier 6 and 7 will be adopted by the council.

>> No.4072950

There's also the fact that I'm a sucker for frills, and Fujo draws them a lot and really well.

Yeah, anime fags tend to have no moral axis, and so many start lewding minors eventually.

>> No.4072957
File: 1.19 MB, 2316x3779, 15.08.2019.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Why is he so bitter guys?

>> No.4072962

>Piss fetish
That's a headcase, def. Good art tho.

>> No.4072963

needs some of that daddy cock

>> No.4072965

Learn how to trace.

>> No.4072968

>the tribunal
>the council
What is DAD becoming.

>> No.4072970

It's all so tiresome...sigh.

>> No.4072972


>> No.4072979

No. My pal 10A is probably one of the most chill guys around.

>> No.4072984

Is there anything by him that isn't referenced?

>> No.4072987

So, what is our political system? Are we a federation, a platonic republic, a monarchy, a dictatorship, anarchy, what? Is banana the republic's president? If so should he be voted out? That's not the case, so it may be that we are a fascist regime... Heil Banana!

>> No.4072990

I'm politically clueless so I'll let the /pol/acks here figure it out

>> No.4072992

An Empire, this is what you are part of.

>> No.4072995

Only if it's an enlightened monarchy, for there are no blood ties.

>> No.4073001

based king banana

>> No.4073005

Enlightened despotism you mean.

>> No.4073007

Tribalism for sure.

>> No.4073010

Tribunalism fo sho

>> No.4073012


>> No.4073013
File: 92 KB, 1866x933, TRIBUNAL_featureIJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073015

Do you think a system based on despotism would've lasted so long? For a fact, monarchies served the people before it served the rulers, they had to give their lives for their people, but nowadays any random retard with some money can become the ruler of a country, take foolish decisions to stay in power, resort to populist means to acquire power, etc. Monarchic systems such as the Portuguese one were similar to republics as we know today, but people are far too retarded to read nowadays and just think everything is about "muh despotism" and "muh fascism" if it's not some sort of pendulum alternation of power that only fucks the people in the long run.

>> No.4073019
File: 48 KB, 1200x1306, 1200px-Political_chart.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where would each daddy fall if they were our leader?

>> No.4073096


I'm not an expert, but on inspection it looks flat in a way I can't explain. It might be that the nose is placed in a way that looks like the face is in full profile, but it also looks like you can see part of his right eye socket and right eyebrow, so that part doesn't appear to be in profile.

>> No.4073099

>make it so that if you stay in the same tier for an entire year you get eliminated
>huge gains

>> No.4073105
File: 69 KB, 650x502, ayyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073106

goodbye t5 daddies

>> No.4073117

t6 and t7 incoming.

>> No.4073127

When you surpass t5 you can finally leave and have your DAD graduation ceremony

>> No.4073136

That sounds just like my animes :O

>> No.4073146

AA i want a dad graduation

>> No.4073147
File: 352 KB, 1200x1592, how-to-draw-manga-improve-at-manga-drawings-in-60-minutes-a-step-by-step-manga-drawing-tutorial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073148

t5 should actually leave Dad and find another platform. Ganbate t5.

>> No.4073154

what do we call a DAD that graduates?

>> No.4073155

I sort of agree, yes

>> No.4073159


>> No.4073161

They then belong to the order of the elders, aka the grandads

>> No.4073162

a father.

>> No.4073164


>> No.4073165

I feel like I need to get to at least t7 before i'm confident enough to post in other platforms. My one blog with 6 posts is already stressing me out. Until then please take good care of me daddies.

>> No.4073187

you're welcome to stay daddy, even when you become a granddaddy you don't have to go to a home, please stay!

>> No.4073276
File: 5 KB, 600x450, sad kitteny.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why me Evil

>> No.4073323
File: 13 KB, 195x499, google images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


neutral master race

>> No.4073328


why is banana neutral good
i can see arguments for chaotic good or lawful but why neutral

>> No.4073334

Sometimes Banana is lawful, sometime's he is chaotic. When you split the difference, he's neutral

>> No.4073358

That just sounds like extra chaotic.

>> No.4073362

He's also cum pee kanji poster and self proclaimed kirikae's rival but looks like he found a new crush to fond over. Either way he's less skilled than any of these two

>> No.4073363

this guy sure gets around

>> No.4073364


is he good tho

>> No.4073396

Some notes on UX and UI design for Banana:

-On the "user" page, have the actual level show up instead of only showing "x/x to level x", this is confusing. Just look at systems that have levels, such as games;
-trade the "latest submissions" under "users" for all user submissions, you have two pages for that for no reason when you could simply have one;
-have it so when you open the images from user submissions the arrow keys on the keyboard default to the next and previous submissions by the same user;
-have it so when you click on a badge you're redirected to the challenge page;
-have it so the users are able to sort people on the search field by streak. I'm aware this is possible already if you go to the DAD challenge, the list is already there, but it's rather counter intuitive;
-put the things on the nav in order of importance, so, imo, it'd go "main page" right next to "notifications" to the left, then "submit", "browse", "users", "profile", "challenges", "news", "help" and "log out" to the right, you can disagree with me tho.

My two cents, you can simply ignore. I'm not able to modify the code on GitHub because I only know very basic html5, css and JS, but I've been doing a lot of UX recently, and those are the things getting my attention the most. You could also eventually fix the BG for the front page, I guess you were planning to have it rotate through some of the user's works, and I advise you to make them a little blurred/desaturated when you do so to not contrast too much with the main UI.

>> No.4073398

all minefield galleries go in bottom

>> No.4073432


Pee poster here

Oneironaut is not me, that was just throwing him under the bus for shits and giggles. Kirikae always had a grudge against me. It was painfully obvious.

>> No.4073434
File: 26 KB, 739x415, I am the law.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lawful neutral with the tribunal
hell yeah

>> No.4073435

Also I'm not cum poster or kanji poster. Thanks bye.

>> No.4073469

Sure oneironaut

>> No.4073609

I want to smell 51ip's feet, lick his toes, all that jazz. Am I weird for that? Can't a man be free in this country? Please don't judge me.

>> No.4073699

no you will not get validation for openly sharing your fetishes

>> No.4073704

Tier 1: bonjigoden, sola psiekier, low streaks, choob, larval, Andrew Li, Koki, Awetos, the1banana, lostallsanity, Erizzo, 7b7a2f, Zeke, guispiere, kroporo, meat sweats, grabstein, Mystic Log, Petal.jpeg, Aerce, knsnd, Awful, Agent, Tabasco Shrimp,51ip

Tier 2:Nessie, tsflipp,Vusta, Peltingfury,Fujo,Whizzard, J, Nemori

Tier 3: Negakona, Tipsy, Jerrybreem

>> No.4073711

There's a lot of people missing there.

>> No.4073712

noooo, moth-fortress lost their streak

>> No.4073713

They are tier 0

>> No.4073721

Okay, I'm finally at level 4 and can create a challenge to draw cuties in military outfit. Should I make it so every participant draws or redesigns a uniform from their country? I think that'd be fun.

>> No.4073722

Do it!!!

>> No.4073724

This is the soul tier list

>> No.4073738

I declare Negakona as our new residential daughter.

>> No.4073749

Is that a literal underage?

>> No.4073775

I'd rather make one up

>> No.4073784

I'll make it so you're able to redesign around the uniforms, how does that sound?

>> No.4073792

yes yes nice :)

>> No.4073807

you could keep it broad. design one, historical, from your country, etcetc.
I wanna do historical ;_;

>> No.4073814

Check if the challenge description is okay.

>> No.4073820
File: 128 KB, 495x370, EAwKQvyXsAAsm6a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4073834

Seems good, for me!

>> No.4073841

What about the ones that fall out? The ones that maybe are still drawing to this day. Their name forever written into history of DAD.

>> No.4073850

they are ded dads

>> No.4073857

we call them child support payees

>> No.4073862

What are dads that run away leaving their kids behind called?

>> No.4073863

Big bois that don't need no daddy

>> No.4073869

D/ic/k heads

>> No.4073961

What do you daddies think about a gender-bent self-portrait challenge when the "dad at its best" challenge is over? Sounds like fun to me.

>> No.4073970

You all think I'm Lawful Good. Soon, soon I will rise and steal your slugs, soon I will chip away at your gains for my self. Just wait. I will rise as the true chaotic evil I was always meant to be.

Now back to drawing, Dad.

>> No.4073971

rip Mathias

>> No.4073977

mite b cool
see who is the prettiest of them all

>> No.4074019

oh damn, rip moth-fortress, I hope this isn't the big goodbye

>> No.4074024

that's sounds embarrassing ahaha. I'd probably try it out though.

>> No.4074026

i'd rather not dox myself so any self portraits are out

>> No.4074029

Are you that popular for anons to be able to know you, senpai?

>> No.4074033
File: 206 KB, 718x1000, arma_las-118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not a matter of popularity, anon.

>> No.4074037

wow arma's hot please fuck meee

>> No.4074040

>That look
Yeah, Arma should get some therapy.

>> No.4074043
File: 349 KB, 665x790, clapped_meet_the_dad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about me fampai?

>> No.4074045

you can watch

>> No.4074051
File: 1.37 MB, 3260x2280, thaane_seriousmeetthedadGRRRRRRimmoodyandangrygrrrlookatmyfaceIMREALLYSERIOUSAUUGGHHGRRrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me! Do me!

>> No.4074053

Are we just gonna post all the DAD Meet the Artist pics ITT?

>> No.4074054

No wonder oneironaut's so attracted to Arma, damn...

>> No.4074056
File: 1.64 MB, 2481x1749, daijouvu_Illustration73.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4074059

is this guy still in dad?

>> No.4074062
File: 307 KB, 777x800, meru_meeat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4074069

that guy has some depraved bisexual vibes

>> No.4074071

what does thaane sound like?

>> No.4074072
File: 307 KB, 1156x1305, J_313A7A9C-CC2E-4590-A751-D69304BEF57B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've changed, my girly side empowered me.

>> No.4074073
File: 46 KB, 585x734, bunnyburger_20181108_024048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like a feminin Morgan Freeman.

>> No.4074075

bunnyburger is very cute and WILL make it!

>> No.4074078

let me be ur shota bf ;_;

>> No.4074079
File: 451 KB, 881x1300, x3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arma looks like a suave Eren Yeager

>> No.4074088

I wish I didn't miss out doing meet the artist challenge :c

maybe another meet the artist or similar meme. We just had a self portrait a few weeks ago

>> No.4074094

Marry me <3

>> No.4074217

Fuk i died

>> No.4074232
File: 45 KB, 350x350, token.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give your token to the TRIBUNAL, out of mercy they will resurrect you.

>> No.4074235


>> No.4074263


>> No.4074266

>that'll be one easy payment of $59.99

>> No.4074414

I FINALLY WORKED UP THE NERVE TO BE MORE SOCIABLE so I went to join some group chats in that lmao eatingdisorder site and WHY POST A LINK TO YOUR ARTIST DISCORD ON AN EATING DISORDER SITE IF YOURE NOT GOING TO TALK ABOUT IT??? Well bitch you deserve being ousted for your ED then.
I didn’t read the fine print “don’t mention ED’s” LMAOOO
>so are we all from the same place here?
>what do you mean?
>does everyone here have an ED?
>what’s an ED?
>I thought this server might have been advertised somewhere else like Twitter. I found this invite from MPA.
>what’s MPA?

>> No.4074416


>> No.4074417 [DELETED] 

I went to join a strict ana chat today too
>sorry you can’t join if you eat more than 600 a day
>what? I got here with 1600 a day. Are there seriously users who last several months on 600 a day?
>yes, there have been users who have been on 600 a day for years.
“We have been a strict ana group for 4+ years”

>> No.4074422 [DELETED] 

That’s why dad is cool at least you don’t get KICKED
They’re all shitty artists anyways. I only had enough time to browse “the comic channel” and it was some cringey ass “I told everyone how to say I love you in my native language ^_^” also the girl pretending not to know what ED and MPA was had a black girl chibi icon and just between you me and the Chan’s I’m fucking racist as fuck and black people are the fattest of all this only makes me angrier stop pretending not to know what an ED is or are you THAT FAT?!? I need to lay off the goddamn stimulants lmao my heart rate is like 121 omfg anger is an aerobic workout Jesus

>> No.4074439

Do you like ping pong players?

>> No.4074446

daddy ;;

>> No.4074447
File: 28 KB, 415x739, rimmer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have it in that you're really skinny and struggle to eat?
Cause I'm the same (and a daddy) and I wouldn't mind talking to someone about it. I've never had anyone to talk to it about and struggle - today I weighed at 110 at 5'11, a few months ago I was 102.
I'm trying my best to put on weight but idk if you'd like to talk I can give my discord or something. I just think I've read your comments that go along with submissions so I am putting this all together and doing a bit of assuming, so apologies if I'm wrong.

>> No.4074451

I too like another batch of meet the artist challenge

>> No.4074460

i love you all

>> No.4074469

These series of vids are really informative even if I not doing VFX at all, they even got a screenshot of proko's vid on light and shadow in one of their explanations

>> No.4074472


>> No.4074475

Awetos please eat

>> No.4074506
File: 716 KB, 1712x1302, awetos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4074511

stay safe awetos

>> No.4074529
File: 725 KB, 1000x1206, 272ACB0F-21E0-414C-B5E3-2CF96A901FA2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shopkeeper challenge has ended! who made the best shopkeepers? which are the coolest? discuss!

>> No.4074535

>who made the best shopkeepers?
you posted it

>> No.4074537

DAD making a game when?

>> No.4074547

I completely forgot.
I had a few cool ideas but managed to make none at all.

Shit this sucks, I let everyone down.

>> No.4074548

I'll miss you Peltingfury D,:

>> No.4074553

>shallow tumblr le mysterious cool stereotype doodle
>implying anyone even gives a fuck about some rando

>> No.4074642

Guys, here's my super duper cool guy art tier list:
Numero uno super duper master artist tier: Me
Loser, smelly gay baby boy retard tier: Everyone else

>> No.4074646

>numero uno
haha more like tier 1

>> No.4074649


>> No.4074737

Jet is friend shaped!

>> No.4074749


>> No.4074759

Wife shaped you mean.

>> No.4074851

Jet and Nirest look like sisters

>> No.4074857

>girls in military uniforms
PERFECT, I was just thinking I want to work on character design for --
>from your country
Pfeh. Is this optional?

>> No.4074863

Which country are you from?

>> No.4074885


I'm stinking American, which isn't the worst thing for uniforms, but I have a setting in mind based on WWI Europe (specifically the countries Germany rolled through on the way to France.) The US uniform during that time is definitely not my favorite, but it's also that I wanted to draw something specific. It'd be good practice either way, though.

>> No.4074890

Does the military uniform challenge need to be a girl or can it be a girl (male)?

>> No.4074893

I'm going to be drawing a cute soldier boy regardless, and no one can stop me

>> No.4074894

>don't ask don't tell

>> No.4074897

absolute madman

>> No.4075015

Am I supposed to do my best without refs for that September challenge?

>> No.4075019

You can't do your best without reference, that's retarded. Would you do your best with shitty shoes on a marathon? No, just use the tools at your disposal, that's your best.

>> No.4075021

nah man, open up that 3d poser

>> No.4075024

of course not, i'm gonna make sure to use sketchup and photobash my way through the rest of it like a real pro

>> No.4075098

Based nessie

>> No.4075261

No rules, just tools. The old masters and artists like Rockwell and Gurney used refs. Use what you need to use to make your work the best it can be.

>> No.4075266

what the fuck is going on rn lol

>> No.4075272

people talking about military uniform challenge and the dad at its best challenge

>> No.4075276

Drawing girls is gay

>> No.4075282


>> No.4075427

I can't wait for that fucking anime to end

>> No.4075443

But why? It's the best current airing anime right now.

>> No.4075449

Same, moeblob will be the end of the medium

>> No.4075509

>7b7a2f actually did it

>> No.4075517

get back up again and make us proud, dad!

>> No.4075590
File: 2.05 MB, 540x578, 8b9.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, 7b7a25 if you're reading this,

I didn't realize it was you who posted yesterday that I told to drop out, I would have been alot more shy to reply had I known you had such a high streak.
I dropped out of las about a year ago with a high streak like that, in the end it was the right thing to do, it sounds like you're burned out, enjoy your break but do be sure to come back in a few months.

You'll probably find yourself still drawing everyday for about a week just out of habit, but it'll slowly fade away and you'll struggle to draw even once a week. but don't worry, just let it go, get some rest, draw when you feel like you want to draw

>> No.4075600

I'm boutta step it up yoooooo

>> No.4075604

Who's excited for the /DAD/ at 100% challenge?

Who's excited for the tier list to end all tier lists?

>> No.4075608

I predict that, myself included, everyone participating will be extremely dissappointed in their efforts for this challenge.

>> No.4075610

It's funny you speak of DAD at its best (DAIB, plz. I'm tired of having to type it out every time), I'm working on the idea for it now. Not actually drawing, just getting references and taking notes. I'll start the thumbnails and specific studies when the challenge begins tho.

As for the tier list, you can shove that up your ass for all I care

>> No.4075611

I forecast that, myself included, will hand in a polished turd because I'm /beg/

>> No.4075615

Wouldn't it be DADAIB? you can't shorten something that's already shortened!

>> No.4075617


fuck off oneironaut
you don't get to be a cunt then regret it later own up to your autistic tantrum like a man

>> No.4075639
File: 164 KB, 800x1083, cheerful!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not skipped!

>> No.4075671

September will be a really fucking busy month, holy shit. May God bless me, for I'll need it.

>> No.4075678

Good luck daddy!

>> No.4075755


I don't know how I got onto this list at all, but I'll take it. I notice I'm starting to recognize more names than I used to.

>> No.4075787

Is the gallery down!?

>> No.4075788


>> No.4075789

It begins

>> No.4075791


>> No.4075792
File: 180 KB, 450x450, advice-cock.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4075795
File: 350 KB, 899x1020, birthday gift from Semi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously speaking, the site will be back (with working images) in about 20-30 minutes. I'm running a somewhat heavy job on all the images in the S3 database, so it's gonna take a while for things to readjust.

I've spent a lot of really unproductive time trying to chase down the GIF bug with no success and also procrastinating heavily due to how fucking shitty my old source code is, so as to make concrete progress, I'll be taking some time to make a lot of small, gradual, but concrete changes to the website. These are not documented in the patch notes... I will be overhauling that part of the site overall in the near future.

Today's Menu:
Fixed a miscellaneous security issue
Improved Cross-linking: Challenges on the front page will link to their actual challenge page, clicking a badge will link to the associated challenge
Made the S3 content public. What does this mean? Well, instead of these super-clumsy generated urls, you can now reliably use permalinks to your work when you "View Image", and these will not expire.

More tomorrow. Will resume drawing once the last big patch occurs. I can't in good conscience focus on art when I know there are existing problems with the site.

>> No.4075806

aight we're live
nighty night, daddies

>> No.4075807

God bless you, son.

>> No.4075866


>> No.4075867


post your work or fuck off

>> No.4075872

>tfw you will never bully innocent DADdies into literal suicide

>> No.4075876

Wanna make a bet?

>> No.4075889

Oh nooo

>> No.4075904

some people juat want to watch DAD burn...

>> No.4075911

Is it cheating if I start working on the loose strings for my DAIB entry now? Like, there are some things that need stand-alone designs and could be seen as tangential to the challenge.

Idk, I just want to do it already.

>> No.4075936

I think that's fine

>> No.4075958

I've already started working on character designs for DAIB too, I don't think anyone will care

>> No.4075961

*DAiBs on the h8ers*

>> No.4076077


>> No.4076126
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4076303
File: 8 KB, 480x360, glenn_danzig_singing_mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4076321


>> No.4076334


>> No.4076348

I'm not oneironaut
I'm just someone who's gone through the same feeling of keeping up a number and not actually getting anywhere in art
whether it's 200 days or 500 days, everyday you spend "just keeping up a number" is a complete waste of time
you learn nothing
you make nothing worth publishing

It's becomes a leech on your artistic passion, once you've drawn that 30 minutes doodle, you've used up what little motivation you had that day and you won't draw anymore, you're constantly stuck at the bottom. You need to take a break

>> No.4076353

p y w

>> No.4076361

sure oneironaut

>> No.4076364
File: 52 KB, 720x720, 1565465658915-v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus fuck I hate Nvidia drivers. Always bluescreening after an update.

>> No.4076365

51ip has got to play this in one of the streams on day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LDU_Txk06tM

>> No.4076489

>I'm just someone who's gone through the same feeling of keeping up a number and not actually getting anywhere in art
>whether it's 200 days or 500 days, everyday you spend "just keeping up a number" is a complete waste of time
>you learn nothing
Thats quite the bit of projecting
You made a big mistake by not using your daily scheduled art time practicing. Its not safe to assume that others are making your mistake

>> No.4076515

i can't believe peltingfury is fucking DEAD

>> No.4076575

Maybe it just never worked for you because you just never had the spark

>> No.4076648

all around me are familiar faces...

>> No.4076649

>Current year +3 +1
>Rocking an Nvidia card instead of AMD
>Probably rocking an Intel over an AMD
I can tell you're a gayman, son. The recent AMD architectures have been far better for artists and other professionals that need high-end pcs, but games usually suck mostly because they games are not really optimized for AMD hardware, so I'd say to look into going full AMD (and using Linux with Krita and blender while you're at it)

>> No.4076655

Works on my machine

>> No.4076676

tribunal fucking when

>> No.4076681

What's wrong with these?

>> No.4076684

they smell funny

>> No.4076687

I see, tribunal

>> No.4076688

posts have to be done within the 24 hour time period for that day, they said in the submission that these are previous thing's they've made

>> No.4076691

I see, tribunal

>> No.4076694


>> No.4076697

god I can't wait for the tribunal

>> No.4076700


What you do when that happens is you draw something fun, whatever makes you want to do art in the first place. Then when you do that you see what you need to work on. Stopping entirely is dangerous, because restarting momentum is difficult.

>> No.4076704

he's constantly doing this and can't keep a streak. can't believe he's still lying to himself, he just did this a few weeks ago.

>> No.4076733


>> No.4076739


Have you commented on the site to let the person know? Does anyone actually leave comments? I've never seen one at least.

>> No.4076742

wait, people don't read the threads??

>> No.4076745

>Not being able to post comments anonymously
Yeah, I don't want to be known as the dick, so I just use the thread.

>> No.4076747


>> No.4076750


>> No.4076757
File: 96 KB, 640x619, tribunal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4076783

finally dipped in this general... so this is a habit building thing right? has anyone made it using this? are the mods on this site any good? whats this tribunal thing?

>> No.4076790

Fuck off

>> No.4076792

Yes. Yes. No mods other than the owner, which is pretty chill unless >>>loli porn. Something that needs to be implement where the userbase (I think) will call users on their bullshit, like posting with a backlog and not drawing for at least 30 mins and still posting.

>> No.4076801


>> No.4076807

Fuck on

>> No.4076820

Fuck out

>> No.4076830

Fuck in

>> No.4076837

The site's better than the fucking threads I'll tell you that much.

>> No.4076839

The site is pleasant, the threads are just for shitposting and drama

>> No.4077001

while i do appreciate the responses i still have doubts
who here has actually made it with this tool/community? are the users / owner any good? should i join the discord?

>> No.4077011

A few users are decent, mostly begs. Owner is eternal turbo beg furry, but what can u do.
Discord is kinda its own thing now, not that related to dad anymore. U can get some feedback there at least.

>> No.4077013

Who knows. Some. No.
You sound like an obnoxious self important redditor.

>> No.4077018

what are you expecting an infomercial or something? if you feel like joining the site and using it to help form a habit then do it if you feel like joining the other communities then do that. if you dont want to then dont. why are you trying to get any1 to sell this to you?

>> No.4077019

The Discord is whatever, as for the people that made it there are a few that use the system but most are on the right path. The owner is a pretty bad doomer scalie that loves to self-loathe.

Post work tho, there's nothing to lose.

>> No.4077021

no one else here ever had to ask this many questions before signing up, lmao

>> No.4077026

Tugelbend left the original /las/ because he got a job in concept art, Naf won the Medibang manga contest from a year or so ago. I think there are some others too.
Just join, mate. The worst thing that could happen is that it's not for you and you quit a few days in.

>> No.4077027

You're thinking too much about it, it's far more simpler than that

All las is is
draw everyday
that's all it is, it's just, draw everyday
if you draw everyday do you think you'll get better?

>> No.4077031


well unmotivated losers and every other "organized" community or discord on /ic/ has been ass so im being cautious

>> No.4077034
File: 466 KB, 1231x880, 1536268444616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw have plenty of time to make a post for the day but debating just letting the ol' streak die

>> No.4077035

All of you messages read like you're a cunt, don't join retard.

>> No.4077036

Stay strong anon! Just keep it alive for one more day, you can power through!

>> No.4077045

fuck you im joining just to spite you

>> No.4077047


It's not like you actually have to participate in the community at all, you can just use the site as a landmark for your own practice.

>> No.4077054

Unmotivated losers and various discords require some amount of socialisation to join
but not with las, you don't have to talk to anyone, you just register a name and start posting

>> No.4077059

Listen you faggot

and everyone else here ITT

THIS GUY is not Oneironaut and >>4076348 too

I'm pretty sure Oneironaut is just responding to each of my posts like a fucking vampire flea attaching credit to my dues rather than just outright posting as himself. 99% I post he keeps saying "sure oneironaut" and I just let it go majority of the time cause why not nobody gives a shit it's an anonymous imageboard.


He is not me and I have no idea why he keeps trying to take credit for my posting habits.

>> No.4077064

Also why are you even speaking as if you gave the guy credit? Are you that desperate to take over someone elses shitposting*?

*not shitposting

>> No.4077068


>> No.4077070
File: 78 KB, 780x520, 024cf19f913421b59ee089895b78ef74.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why can't we all just be nice to each other

>> No.4077073
File: 181 KB, 1200x800, Can&#039;t see it coming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I say we forget the tribunal and go straight for an inquisition.

>> No.4077075

It is starting to piss me off a little. I let it go for too long. I pride myself in all the posts I make but when you have a little gayboy self possessing someone else's posts I begin to feel like I'm giving this guy a reputation for no reason.

>> No.4077080

> bananas a doomer

Anyone really worried he might one day randomly have a breakdown and just nuke the site like w did?

>> No.4077087

his random bouts into suicidal thoughts does make me consider that a possibility, I just hope he sorts himself out and we can be happy for many years to come rather than a sudden, unsatisfactory, abrupt end.

>> No.4077088

Oh shit, almost forgot that tomorrow there's 51ip's crit stream. Can't wait to get roasted.

>> No.4077093


>> No.4077095

wait we having a stream tomorrow?

>> No.4077101

Yeah, been thinking about that too. No matter how much we tell him to simply study that he'll get good he keeps finding himself excuses not to draw, and then there are all his suicidal remarks. From my experience having mentally unstable people in positions of power always end badly, but that's also often the case because they are also the ones with a sense of self-importance over the roof and thus want to be in that position.

>> No.4077123

> banana
> having any sense of self-importance
I think you have a point on how its bad that unstable people shouldn't be in a place of power, but I doubt he took the position for his ego.
So what do we do? I have a friend who can help build a replacement site just in case. What about that one dude who worked with him?

>> No.4077127

even worse is a slow, drawn out, inevitable death where activity is draining, everyone knows the site is dying, and people are trickling away, but the site is still barely alive by a thread and everyone is stuck waiting for it to choke and expire (see conceptart.org and the original las after Lava died)

>> No.4077132

>(see conceptart.org and the original las after Lava died)
Also a billion forums.

>> No.4077136

The site is available on GitHub as is, making an alternative would only kill banana faster, in all honesty. Nicnac and banana, from what I understand, had a big disagreement as to what to do with the website and he just stopped working on it all together.

>> No.4077140

I thought he said he was taking a break from these for a while to focus on getting better?

>> No.4077144

W-what!? I thought daddy would be hosting them every Wednesday. It's not like he can draw much with his fucked hand.

>> No.4077147
File: 5 KB, 227x222, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

51ip are you streaming tomorrow? this is important

>> No.4077149

Which daddy has the most soul?
Which daddy is the best in technicality?
Which daddy is the most friendly?
If you had to be stuck in an elevator with a daddy, who would you pick?
Which daddy is ngmi?

>> No.4077150

not me

>> No.4077154

I wouldn't be surprised if the autistic backlash made him not want to stream again for a while. That was a level of retardation seldom seen.

>> No.4077155

What happened?

>> No.4077156

Someone lost all their spaghetti last thread about it, like, every single strand, very messy stuff.

>> No.4077161


that was fluff and this was waaaaaay back
nicnac and banana are on good terms
they have done several art thunderdome things or whatever

>> No.4077162

51ip, then I can beat the shit out of him without repercussions :^) ;
Banana, sadly. His mentality about art is just wrong to boot.

>> No.4077164

oh shit lol. the tierlist was a fun thing, can’t believe that people would actually care so much about it. will was actually generous with it, imo

>> No.4077165

The improved links and stuff is all really good. Good job, Banano.

>> No.4077188

Uh oh, guys. My hand hurts.
This is the end for me... Remember me not for I am, but for all those tiddies I've yet do draw but never will.

>> No.4077191

if you mean has the most polished works, mrpurin or inno
pii so that i could finally know their true identity

>> No.4077200

daddy nooooo!

>> No.4077202

Same here, I've been using a movement restraining glove to draw now so to aid that. It sort of works, but it's really tough to get the same control I get without it.

>> No.4077223
File: 53 KB, 550x435, oswald-mosley-blackshirt-supporters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright lassies, what's our uniform for members of the tribunal enforcement agency?

>> No.4077225

probably something with two thunderbolts

>> No.4077231
File: 30 KB, 474x474, Inquisition uniform.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4077237
File: 80 KB, 719x719, 792a16d3-ff70-4d16-a660-073add84cd68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i frequently leave comments for lovely daddies to show i care about them

>> No.4077243

valid anon

>> No.4077252
File: 1003 KB, 1500x1563, tribunal chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4077256

How about a challenge to design Tribunal-chan, the Judge, and then holding a poll to figure out the official design?

>> No.4077262

Someone make this

>> No.4077284
File: 331 KB, 1012x900, loomis and tribunal.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

today I will remind them

>> No.4077285
File: 241 KB, 813x910, freeman and streamer chans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4077286


>> No.4077290
File: 283 KB, 900x1093, forza and 23 30 club.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4077305

is this lokki?
i miss lokki

>> No.4077314

I'm gonna say 99.9% sure it's Lokki.

>> No.4077333

Madman Guespiere cutting it short at 23:59. Watch out, lad.

>> No.4077335


>> No.4077343

Oh, did Tipsy not post due to the site maintenance? Rip.

>> No.4077348


>> No.4077359


I should hope that sort of thing wouldn't be a distraction from the goal of helping people get better. If he wants to work on his own stuff though that's all good.

>> No.4077360

So it's true then, tipsy...

>> No.4077365

too much time preparing those tierlists huh, tipsy...

>> No.4077367

WTF Tipsy, it was true?!?

>> No.4077370

W-what was true abut Tipsy?

>> No.4077376

So it was true then, tipsy...

>> No.4077390


>> No.4077450
File: 62 KB, 1280x720, my daugh-sleepin-61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4077459

My freakin keyboard decided to break over night. Was in panic mode the entire morning, thought my entire PC was borked. Won't happen again daddy.

>> No.4077470

shut the fuck up shes sleeping at least lower your voice

>> No.4077471

It's okay son, you're doing great.

Arschloch, verpiss dich.

>> No.4077482

Leck meine Eier

>> No.4077484

Of course it’s me

>> No.4077486

OwO Ja, papi!

>> No.4077618

Hey DADs, what're y'all doi- oh my.

>> No.4077764
File: 704 KB, 1866x2004, birthday gift from Aruvee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today's menu:
> Fixed a security problem by updating a gem.
> Adjusted the display of the submissions index a bit. User avatars are now displayed instead of a generic "user" icon. This is a minor improvement, and not the "finalized" display. A serious site design overhaul will arrive in the near future.
> Finally, you can actually use a calendar selector to view a specific date. Obtuse arrow buttons replaced with Prev Day / Next Day.
> Header "Browse" button is no longer bound to a date, so it will now always pull up the "Today's" submission as defined by the site time.

>> No.4077766
File: 173 KB, 300x300, beeg yoshi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh, and i shouldn't have to mention, more will be worked on tomorrow.

>> No.4077767


ah fuck its late, i forgot one more thing:
> selecting a date in the future will default to today's submissions instead of showing nothing

>> No.4077771

God bless you, Banana. Have a good night.

>> No.4077774

thanks for the comments daddies~

>> No.4077814

Thank u banans. Now go sleep uwu