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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4072371 No.4072371 [Reply] [Original]

So me and my friend were painting at his studio and I brought my favorite sable brushes, some which were given to me by my late father.

He was getting angry at his piece and "accidently" snapped the brush in half, now he didn't know the full history of the brushes but he still knew they were mine and expensive.

I immediately went into a tardrage and threw paint all over a custom painting he had done by Andrea Cofrensco (pic related is by the same artist).

We ended up throwing each other around the room pretty violently until he screamed over and over for me to get out and go kill myself.

Now he's saying he's going to open a small claims lawsuit against me for the 2000 dollars he paid for the painting, I'm not sure if I should just pay him out of court and part ways or take countersue him for the destruction of my property.

Any opinions /ic/?

>> No.4072373

I don't think "sentimental value" will hold in court over "2000 dollars" OP, you fucked yourself

>> No.4072386
File: 502 KB, 1239x1753, tumblr_ofnacnndjE1ruqwvco1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Andrea Cofrensco
nice artist

>> No.4072392

Yes, I feel bad for defacing one of his works but I wasn't thinking at the time, I just saw red when my "friend" snapped my father's brush.

>> No.4072402

>"accidentally" snapped
>my "friend"

You keep putting him and his actions in quotes as an attempt to make him seem worse and his actions as malicious kek
Meanwhile you "accidentally" defaced a 2000 piece you'll never reach the level of. Now instead of him paying for the brush, you'll also pay 2000 dollars for the painting.

Hopefully a weekend or two in anger management for both you tards too.

>> No.4072414

Why are the skirts too fuckin' long are
They some gangster christian school girls?
This, unless you are female then you can sue him for raping your father brush

>> No.4072421

There's a slight chance the friend broke the brush and only after realize it wasn't his. OP can't prove it wasn't an accident unless he's ommiting something from the story.
There's no chance OP walked up to and threw paint over the piece, then only after realize it was an Andrea Cofrensco work.
OP sought revenge. The brush snap could very well have been an accident or not.
Two wrongs don't make a right, a $2000+ lesson.

>> No.4072429
File: 87 KB, 748x461, e35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They some gangster christian school girls?
ye boi

>> No.4072462

What could be the context behind this pucture

>> No.4072468

It's a picture of my harem

>> No.4072469

>Any opinions /ic/?
Your thread is off-topic blog trash and you're both retards

>> No.4072470

>"so you're applying for our art academy!"
"yes, I'd love to participate in it and learn with you!"
>"well, says here you have a criminal record for destruction of property"
"oh that was just a fight I had with a friend."
>"Destroyed a $2000 painting, eh? I'm sorry anon, we don't allow autismos in our academy!!"
>"back to the /beg/ mines for you, retard! HAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"

You just NGMI'd yourself anon, damn

>> No.4072474

So everyone thinks I should just pay the 2k and not bother with court? Should I ask for the damaged painting then?

>> No.4072476

You're an autistic psycho faggot piece of shit and I hope he robs you blind in court for fucking up that painting. Kill yourself, OP, your friend should stomp your fucking face in.

>> No.4072479
File: 93 KB, 510x376, sukeban-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he never heard of sukeban
it's great and appealing as fuck.

>> No.4072481

He snapped my late fathers brush, you wouldn't be calm in that situation.

>> No.4072482

Noone here even mentioned you settling out of court, talking to a wall there ngmi-anon.
And you're asking for the damaged painting too? choke on half a brush.

>> No.4072483

/ic/'s nightmare

>> No.4072488

Don't pay anything, he's the biggest faggot in this story.
It sucks for your brush.

>> No.4072490

I'm glad your faggot father is dead. That painting is worth more than your dumbass dad's dumbass brush. Fuck you. If you care that much about him then off yourself and help him suck cocks in hell, you fucking cunt.

>> No.4072492

What're the odds that your friend browses /ic/?

>> No.4072495

Not OP, but I think he's right here >>4072490

>> No.4072496

>giving (you)'s to trolls

>> No.4072497

It's possible I guess.

>> No.4072503


>> No.4072505

sucks that your brush got broken and all, but come on.. Why'd you go on a rampage and destroy 2000$ worth of his property

but out of curiosity OP, what kind of painting was it that it was worth 2000$? was it of anime, similar to the one you displayed in the OP pic?

Can anime artists really make that much per illustration? Holy shit.

>> No.4072509

Seems to me that it wasn't just a regular print of his work but a commission.
Trad paintings are hard and for OP's friend to pay 2000 to have a unique copy of Andrea's work, it meant tons to OP's friend.

I wonder if I stain one of OP's father's shirts with coffee by accident he'll burn down my wardrobe.

>> No.4072511

moral of the story, treat other people's property with respect

>> No.4072512
File: 34 KB, 400x386, 1566068054873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4072514

You must be 18 years or older

>> No.4072520

It was my friends OC with the blue haired woman and robot eyes man from ghost in the shell posing all actiony infront of a blue spider robot, blue haired woman had nip slip too, one of a kind painting.

If it was my late fathers shirt and you directly poured coffee on it, then yes we'd have a problem obviously.

>> No.4072526

You say your father gave you the brush.
As an artist, what would you father think of you ruining a one-of-a-kind piece of art?
Severe disappointment, "it was just a brush".
Brushes are many, you ruined a unique piece.

Shame, anon.

>> No.4072537


>> No.4072538

Anon, it's just your dead father. It's not like he was close to you so why would you go into a autistic rage and ruin an, admittedly weeb, painting?

Fuck man, when my father died, I didn't even attend his funeral. I had a frat party to go to. Can't have things like that wasting my time when I could be getting turnt.

>> No.4072544
File: 30 KB, 450x450, c43.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This right here is going to haunt OP all night and even maybe during his whole life.

>> No.4072551

the kind of ppl who intentionally destroy art are not disturbed by that kind of stuff to lose sleep over

>> No.4072553

You didn't have good relationship with your father did you anon?

>> No.4072559

this is just some adjusted copypasta right?

>> No.4072562

This is really sad, what kind of man doesn't want to be like his father? You sound like another broken momma's boy, weak and insecure.

>> No.4072565


>> No.4072570

Listen. you paint throwing motherfucker. Don't you fucking talk to me about daddy problems. Alright? Just cause my father was never around cause he was too busy with work, just cause he always ignored me and mom when he came back, just cause he would always drink one beer too much and hit us, just cause he left to Thailand for some underage tranny slut and left me and mom alone doesn't mean I had any problems with my father. I'll fucking break more than your paint brushes if you don't shut your whore mouth...with all due respect.

>> No.4072575

so people here are really like this... for the first in a long time i feel dirty for interacting with this board.

>> No.4072578

I stand by this anon as support towards the statement that that anon is shit and the thread shouldn't turn into a "who has the worst daddy" competition.

OP has a severe social disconnect and should sort it out with professional help.

>> No.4072586


>> No.4072591

Honestly, don't get offended, but that story is hot as fuck. I wanna watch your dad plow a tranny.

>> No.4072592

Damn i would kill my dad if i were in your shoes
fortunately, my dad was a stupid'er version of richard from gumball
Oh and i'm not op lol

>> No.4072599

you're actually retarded.
You have no respect as a human being at all. How do you have no values, and respect for your very own dad? ;someone responsible for bringing you into the world? Now I don't know your history with your father at all, or if he was abusive towards you, which may explain the reason as to why you seem like you don't give two fucks about him, but hope your attitude comes to bite you back in your ass when you have kids, and they don't think twice about coming to your funeral.
To be quite honest op, I don't know if you're being serious or not asking a question like this on ic, but if you are, there's nothing wrong with valuing things given by people like you Father.

Me personally, I'd be upset too if some idiot carelessly just snapped a brush given to me as a present from my father. I'd be fucking pissed too.

Now to go about and destroy a 2000 dollar painting in a blind rage was surely unnecessary. However, I don't blame you at all for your actions.

It's good that you value family and to hold things given to them dear and close to your heart, but you need to understand that it's sometimes better to hold it in and let it pass until that burning rage of anger dies out a little.

There are plenty of dicks and assholes out there which I wouldn't give two shits if they died the next day, hell if I could without consequences I'd handle the bastard myself. But there are always repercussions to our actions, and that's something we always have to think about before letting our emotions take control and making situations worse than they were before.

Let the ultimate judge decide in the end.

>> No.4072610
File: 11 KB, 400x400, lanasmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah you wouldn't have problems with your dad because he was barely around there to start any lol

>> No.4072611

legitimately based

>> No.4072731

>lending people sentimental stuff ever.

>> No.4072756

>being sentimental about stuff ever

>> No.4072780

>Any opinions /ic/?
Yeah, quit acting like a nigger.

>> No.4073288

fake story
anyone falling for this needs to take a step back

>> No.4073313

based OP, that guy shouldn't have broken your shit
this artist from the painting seems to draw loli, just tell your friend you're gonna out him as a pedo in court and that you know about his stash
If redirecting doesn't work just say that the brush signified your father figure and your manliness by proxy due to its phallic shape and your friend triggered gender dysphoria in you by snapping it, now you're trans. Post the story on Twitter along with a crying photo of you in lipstick and runny mascara holding the fragments of the brush.

>> No.4073314

You fucked up hardcore. A brush can be fixed quite easily, and if you're creative it can be fixed quite beautifully, but artwork cannot be restored. I won't say you're completely in the wrong, and I understand having a short fuse, but legally speaking you're fucked up the ass sideways with a rake. You can maybe counter-sue and get off, but that's a matter of how good your lawyer is and not a matter of if you're actually wrong.
It reads like pasta but I'm bored and have no other threads to reply to.

>> No.4073315

>just tell your friend you're gonna out him as a pedo in court and that you know about his stash
That would get you fucked up in court. It's completely irrelevant to the case and the judge will fuck you over for doing some dumb shit. Don't try it

>> No.4073318

That was a 100% genuine shitpost
Though I'm curious how this would resolve. If a guy throws you a punch and you punch him back, can that guy still sue you? Feels like a similar situation.

>> No.4073326

It can go both ways. IIRC There's precedent for both

>> No.4073331


>> No.4073585

I don't believe any of this happened, but you are correct. This would be a small claims case, and they have no fucks to give for sentiment. You'd be entitled to the cost of replacing a paint brush at current market prices, and be on the hook for $2000 if the other person produces a receipt showing they paid that much.

If it actually happened.

>> No.4073598

This would be a small claims case, you moron. There's no "redirect" in small claims, there's no lawyers and nobody takes the stand. I believe the judge would shut you down in a heartbeat if you tried that, they don't have any fucks to give and there's 20 other cases waiting in line at any given point in the day. And if you sperged, they'd sanction you or toss you out after finding for the plaintiff.
Small claims is easy.

GuyWithDestroyedPedoArt: "I lost this, because of [other person]"
Judge: "Did you do it, [other person]?"
[Other person] "Yes, b-but..."
Judge: "Finding for the plaintiff for $2000. Case closed. Bailiff, next case please."

>> No.4073822

When autists collide

>> No.4073838

What kind of tard doesn't have any kind of original art in display under glass?

>> No.4074190

don't pay for shit, he can commission a new piece if he misses it so bad
tell the judge he threw the paint in the ruckus after you confronted him over your fathers brush

>> No.4074197

If there were no witnesses just lie and say you didn't do anything.

>> No.4074247


that is depressing op. I hope this is fiction.

>> No.4074350

not realy

>> No.4074373
File: 44 KB, 644x386, ace-atorney-1_001_14019643531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf anon this is nothing like my court dramas, hollywood lied to me

>> No.4074381

Cringe. No wonder your father hit and left you, you pathetic faggot, lol.

>> No.4074703

That's good actually, he can't prove shit. I'll do that.

>> No.4074715

thats pretty sad to know your own father is a worthless drunk who fuck trannies. no wonder your turn out to be the same piece of shit like him

>> No.4074727


Are these just OP bumping the thread with insults towards someone else with daddy issues because of their OWN daddy issues?
If so: quite sad of you, autist.
If not: quite sad of you, autist.

>> No.4077141
File: 216 KB, 1128x629, Grandia-Feena-Sue-Justin-startvideojuegos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lets be sad autists together

>> No.4077152

>tell the judge he threw the paint in the ruckus after you confronted him over your fathers brush
That's excellent advice for losing a small claims case. Good job, anon.

>> No.4077166

Give him a nice suck to say sorry

>> No.4077175
File: 1.90 MB, 268x268, a few good crabs.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about just saying you didn't destroy the painting?

>> No.4077776

You would easily lose a court case. You didn't give him a CHANCE to replace your item or compensate you for the sentimental loss (emotional damages) before sperging out like a fuckass. You need therapy.

>> No.4077778
File: 1.37 MB, 268x200, roll-derp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've had a man make a horrible joke about the brutal way my father was killed less than a week after he died and I didn't sperg out and throw hands, I just told him to fuck off and let our friend group know what he did. He got his just desserts being socially ostracized and I didn't have to lift a finger.

This dude actively CHOSE to try and attack my dead dad while your friend probably accidentally broke your brush, you dumb asshole.

Also who the fuck lets someone else use their sables? I don't even let my best friend touch mine because she's a clumsy fucker. I'd sooner trust her to pull the plug if I were on my death bed in a coma than let her touch my brushes.

>> No.4077786

just hope the judge is a boomer who doesn't understand anime or art and sees less value in the painting

>> No.4077812

Honestly every person with common sense knows that you should never lend anything you care about to anyone, ever.
People are retarded and don't even know how to use a mechanical pencil, I had the sleeve of my rotring 600 bent by a lady who pressed down on the paper like an animal instead of clicking the fucking button