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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4067183 No.4067183 [Reply] [Original]

So far I only know of Endling, Lesean thomas and whytmanga

>> No.4067200
File: 77 KB, 708x988, EBP7pCxU0AABhEl.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ctchrysler. I always thought he was a white, 16-17 year old girl.

>> No.4067215

>top tier

>posts a dogshit image

Yikes as fuck

>> No.4067217


>> No.4067234

Endling's black?

>> No.4067236

I'm sorry, but this image looks just like a jap drew it, it's much better than 95% of western artists

>> No.4067238

>black nuartists
>top tier

how could you even think of putting these three totally unrelated things into the same sentence

>> No.4067246

I forgot about this guy, is he still alive or what?

>> No.4067256
File: 123 KB, 748x1024, D_J2gs2UcAAZsuX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nachoz (@nachoooz) is pretty good as well

>> No.4067257


>that anatomy
>pretty good


>> No.4067276

cope more lol

>> No.4067282

Jesus thanks for reminding me how much of a failure this board is. >>4067256 posted an appealing image of a stylized character and you talk about anatomy?

Christ no wonder most of you fags are NGMI.

>> No.4067289

why does it matter what their skin color is you psychopath

>> No.4067310

how come discussions about race are always the same? at one hand we have the the insecure faggots who say they want blacks to be less shit, but when one does something cool, they shit on it anyway. at the other hand we have retards who feel the need to point an artist's race and brag about other's success to "annoy the huwite man". almost no one actually gives a shit about the artist or his art. it's so fucking tiresome. Go fuck yourselves.

>> No.4067315

people on this board are genuinely racist. they laugh at the fact that blacks are bad but once they get proven wrong they turn into crabs

>> No.4067318

i like norasuko but his stuff doesnt feel japanese

>> No.4067329

that's not my point at all. i'm telling you this whole discussion is retarded, both sides turn into retards to defend/attack something they didn't create for stupid reasons

>> No.4067352

I think you're a retarded faggot but I digress, race is the last thing that will legitimately trigger a crab's meltdown.

>> No.4067467

Endling is black

>> No.4067482

Japanese people aren't black though

>> No.4067484

Endling is white, he posted a picture of himself on insta. And he's always drawn himself white (I know that doesn't count all the time)

>> No.4067500

>top tier
Are you 12?

>> No.4067501

Man, its been a while since I've heard of Endling.

Thanks for the hit of nostalgia.

>> No.4067509

Why is it that when someone posts a Asian worship thread noone bats an eye but once in a while there is a black artists thread and people just come in here and say "why does skin color matter?" and shit on everything that gets posted? Why does this only happen to black artists? Like if you don't care just hide the thread and go crab in the other 20 metathreads about Jim Chan Li or Sakimichan.

OverlordJC is one. I follow a couple but I will post them later.

>> No.4067534
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>> No.4067547

>Why does this only happen to black artists?
newsflash: /ic/ is full of bitter, racist, and very lazy artists who would rather blame everyone else for why they still suck at art instead of examining themselves.

>> No.4067551

when discussions of asians come up they it is almost always in the context of their asian upbringing, all black artists posted in here is american, so let me ask you again, why does it matter what their skin tone is?

>> No.4067557

Ah shutup loser. You're probably the same homo I argue with on a daily basis on the same things. Why don't you get better than these Negros in this thread? Does it hurt you a subhuman is somehow better than you'll ever be?

>> No.4067560

Please just answer the question, I am curious as to why you think the skintone of an artist is of any significance at all.

>> No.4067568

Please hide the thread and stop shitting up a sharing thread. I've had this same conversation on this board 20 times in the past 6 years almost 7. You know the answer you just want to derail.

>> No.4067582

you obviously don't since you can't answer

>> No.4067659

i think he fucked you in the ass anon

>> No.4067693

what an idiot. I bet he doesn't even understand disney ears and says "real mouse ears dont look like that! BAD ANATOMY" not understanding stylistic choice, graphic design and marketing.

>> No.4067713
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>> No.4067731

Not appealing.
Not anime.

Also why the fuck do you know/care about random artists' skin color?

I like it. Post your excuse.

>> No.4067755

Yet are working on anime. What are you doing exactly?

>> No.4067758

huh? how are they subhuman when they are unironically achieving more than you and most people here. How does reasoning even work?
Are you being ironic because le "4chan"?

>> No.4067767

Agreed. I would say it's because of the anonymity of 4chan, but social media has proven that morons and malicious crabs wont feel any less inhibited by their actual identities be attached to them.

That's why it's always a shame when crabs tryy hard to derail good discourse and good vibes in a thread with creative momentum.

>> No.4067788
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wtf, is he like 1/16 black or something?

>> No.4067808
File: 120 KB, 502x700, 820B7758-9247-4042-A6B8-4C1B1229EF1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Felipe Smith? His style is a bit different from typical manga shit but he’s actually gotten his manga published in Japan.

>> No.4067940

except this thread would've been dead already if it wasn't for the shitposting. "post black dudes who draw manga" isn't interesting honestly.

>> No.4067947

>Ending will never release his inner desires and make loli hentai

>> No.4067952

No the fuck hes not lol

>> No.4067955


>> No.4067969

I'm being ironic. I'm black myself.

>> No.4068066

That's the reason why I never mention my skin tone when posting my art. (the artwork is all that matters!)

>> No.4068150

Why can't pridefags just post their favourite [insert ethnic group here] artists worsk in regular inspiration threads and have them be judged on their own merits?
With art that's presented in this kind of overtly political context I can never be sure whether I actually like it, or if I feel obligated to feel that way about it on some subliminal level, and since I don't want to let others exert that kind of influence over me I default to disregarding it - I'm sure I can't be the only one who reacts in this way.

>> No.4068161

wrong. you saw what happened earlier. Racism is big here. as soon as you mention your race people will try to bring you down. Especially black people. It's like >>4067509 said. I agree it's silly to attach your race to art but why is it always political statement for someone to say "I'm black"?

>> No.4068178

Retarded newfaggot

>> No.4068195

silly anon, you're supposed to be coLoRbLinD to race because people aren't treated or perceived differently from others based on their race!

>> No.4068214
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Resa is a good one. my favorite pic from her

>> No.4068241

>at one hand we have the the insecure faggots who say they want blacks to be less shit,
Wait, which hand is that? LOL, I don't care if Negroes manage to achieve being "less shit," I just want them to leave the West, go to Africa where they belong, and leave civilized races the FUCK alone.

But if a black artist is good, then they're good. No skin off my nose, who gives a flying fuck.

>skin color!
>skin tone!
Don't say these things when you mean RACE, you stupid faggots. I'm not racist because I have an irrational hatred OF THE COLOR BROWN. ffs.

>> No.4068242 [DELETED] 

You are all niggers and women. Shut the fuck up and fuck off back to where you came from if a few mean words hurt you so much.

>> No.4068288

>waah black people on my board
you're so funny. I'm a man btw. No one is hurt. Can't you accept a little criticism? Sounds like you're the one so bothered.

>> No.4068289
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>getting this triggered

>> No.4068314

So, what exactly have these artists accomplished in terms of sales figures and new IPs?

>> No.4068336


I don't know about the other 2, but iirc Lesean Thomas actually got an anime made.

>> No.4068353

whytmanga also made a manga

>> No.4068358
File: 182 KB, 640x800, 04da0333b94a195aceba7c7e7661d8281478544969_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, he's done a bunch of work on multiple shows and got to create 2 anime, and now he's going to create a third one called "Yasuke", inspired by a real-life black samurai.

>> No.4068362

t. Election tourist

>> No.4068373

She's actually a half black half japanese blasian. Which I guess still equals "black"

>> No.4068380
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saskia gutekunst

>> No.4068405
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>hurr hurr let me measure black artists against standards I don't use for anyone else or wouldn't apply if I didn't know they are black so I can somehow justify my reasons to talk shit about them in a later post

>> No.4068459

No he's not

>> No.4068462

>black anime artist
>draws big ass and tits

>Asian anime artist
>desperately trying to be Japanese

>white anime artist
>wants Asian gf

>> No.4068487
File: 26 KB, 260x339, 51RaIY124nL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board will argue about the most irrelevant things nobody gives a single shit about.
But won't have the strengths to finish pic related and learn fundies.

>> No.4068501

Majority of /ic/ are socially inept and incapable of having meaningful relationships

>> No.4068506

The standards we apply to everyone?

>> No.4068509


No endling is actually black, his gf actually said and quote "endling is the whitest looking black guy i've met" . He's just very light skin, his dad is black and his mom is white

>> No.4068608

>I agree it's silly to attach your race to art but why is it always political statement for someone to say "I'm black"?
Because it has no relevance at all you autist, we might as well create threads for artists who has green eyes and threads for artists who are blonde
Nigga, you can be percieved and treated differently for a multitude of reasons that you can't help, for example, being physically attractive, so why does it only matter if you're treated differently because of your race?

This race/gender identity bullshit needs to stop

>> No.4068617

>we might as well create threads for artists who has green

Except we do. We constantly make threads praising japs for having good art, trying to figure out their "secrets" and not one person makes the "This isn't about race" comment.

This thread was fine until you guys started to whine about how black people always try to shove their race into everything. There was nothing political about this thread other than discussing black artists that draw anime which we both know is a scarce thing and isn't commonly seen. Just say you hate black people and go.

>> No.4068619

You'd have a point if the threads was about how awesome people with squinty eyes are able to draw, but they're obviously not.

How often do you see a white artist thread? A hispanic artist thread? Stop worshipping race, dumb racist.

>> No.4068622

I don't worship race. In fact I was personally interested in this thread because I don't see many black artists. Do I care that they're black? Nope. However, I AM curious to see some black anime artists in the industry. No one at the beginning of this thread mentions that they are good because they are black. You guys just assumed. You see the word "black people" and think "Ugh, here they go again". The real racist is you.

Obviously we are not looking at the same threads. I have seen countless threads of people praising Asians for being able to draw. Some go to as far as trying to come up with reasons why they are so good. The most common conception is that it is ingrained in their culture to work hard, and that they have better art education in school growing up.

>> No.4068638

>Do I care that they're black? Nope. However, I AM curious to see some black anime artists in the industry.
You contradict yourself in the same sentence.
An artists race should be of same significance as their eye color, it doesn't have any impact on the way their art looks. If you see a piece of art and don't think twice about it until you learn the artist is of a specific race, you are a literal racist.

An actual topic that would be of significance would be the environment they grew up in, the country and culture they lived in that might have influenced their art, like for example what you said
>The most common conception is that it is ingrained in their culture to work hard, and that they have better art education in school growing up.

>> No.4068645

You are right. Their race has nothing to do with how their art looks. My sentence is saying just that. There aren't many black people that draw anime. Their art isn't anymore significant than the next person because of their race. However it is interesting to talk about because all you hear about are Asians. That is what this thread is. Stop trying to act like I am glorifying black people's art because they are black when I literally haven't said anything remotely close to it. And for god's sake. Please knowledge your racism.

>> No.4068646

acknowledge* sorry.

>> No.4068652

>Their art isn't anymore significant than the next person because of their race
Then why have this thread?
Why not make it a "western artists drawing anime" thread?
Could it be that you do actually put a lot of significance on the race of the artist after all?

And feel free to point out where I have shown bias towards any specific race of people.

>> No.4068656

Make the thread if it bothers you so much. I do not care. If you are so upset that people are talking about black people then I do not know what to tell you. My attitude stays the same with any race. By your logic if we even were to make a western anime artist thread there still would be an issue.

>> No.4068660

Pay attention dumbo, I've said multiple times that culture and environment is very significant influence when it comes to art, so no, a western artist anime thread would actually be very interesting.

And again I don't care that it's specifically a "black thread", but rather that it's a "race thread" in general. That shit is gay. Stop letting race live in your head. I would call it out just the same if it's a white artist thread, or purple artist thread.

>> No.4068662


>> No.4068665

Endling is black? News to me. He looked pretty white when I met him.

>> No.4068668

You people say that yet when it happens you never do. I highly doubt it. Anyway, I don't really understand why you keep perpetuating the idea that I am obsessed with race. I'm not. I have said several times that race does not matter. It's worthless bickering with you so I hope you have a good day.

>> No.4068670

If race truly did not matter to you, you would not participate in this thread.

>> No.4068703
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Not that the art is bad but why does it matter
That thread is no better than the "muh superior asian genes" cocksucking ones

>> No.4068755
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>so why does it only matter if you're treated differently because of your race
Either you're literately retarded or your feigning ignorance here to act like you're on the upper ground

>This race/gender identity bullshit needs to stop
>conflating issues surrounding a person's born physical traits with some random issue tumblr made up
Lol, so you're actually retarded
Wow great idea, anon! Why doesn't everyone in the world just magically forget thousands of years of history so you can feel better about being too stupid to understand how race has affected groups of people around the world and continues to do so.

>> No.4068763

Great arguments anon! You really changed my mind here.

>> No.4068766
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I seriously hope you don't believe this

>> No.4068767

Why did you waste time and effort typing this completely useless response? Who hurt your butt?

>> No.4068801

I know he isn't top tier but inkerton has this nice style that's kind of a mix of old 80s/90s anime art and chibi stuff

>> No.4068802
File: 214 KB, 1080x1080, Ryu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your work?

>> No.4068807

Whyt manga's art style isn't original in the slightest but I would be lying if I said he wasn't good at art. I would love to see him develop his own style

>> No.4068846

I think he's a bit too far in his own rabbit hole for that sadly.

>> No.4068851

Inkerton is black? Fucking hell I didn't know that

>> No.4068888
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Noone plugging P-Shinobi?

>> No.4068892

woah hes amazing

>> No.4068896

I was speaking generally and very obviously not specific to this thread, but ok.

>> No.4068902

Dude why is it such a hard concept to understand. All the major schools in California are dominated by Asians then 2nd whites then 3rd Latin American at the very bottom are blacks. In the black "community" it's pushed to be either a rapper or play basketball. The arts is overlooked, especially the entertainment industry. But ironically the ones shoving blacks as role lead character are Asians and Jews as they're at the top of the industry in numbers and positions. There are no black leaders representing black entertainment and the few that are doing it get sounded out in the noise and are niche.

So when SJW shit gets shoved in the mainstream it's black people getting the blame for overrepresentation when blacks aren't even in the fucking industry and we have yellow skinned mongrels speaking for blacks visually. This creates artificial hate for a group as a whole who barely had the chance to express in the medium. Instead it's just "shut up and rap in the corner while we keep making BMWF subversion to conquer and devide".

Sharing black artists is simply inspiration to help show that there are people like you who broke the mold and had the discipline to do so in a world where you're told to be a box of pre-made this and that and don't forget to vote democrat.

>> No.4068910

this. As someone who is black I was particularly interested in this thread because there's not many people like me. The black community doesn't encourage art, let alone anime. So seeing this thread was a fun discussion. I hate how some of these idiots ruined it though

>> No.4068914

Why can't a black person look up to an asian artist and think they can become just as good as them? Why does the artist have to be the same skin color before you can look up to them?
No employer will be able to tell what race you are from your portfolio, art is a completely level playing field, it's just about your skill, not your race, gender or sexual attraction.

And as far as I know, no parent really want their kid to go into art, regardless of their race.
Who fucking gives a fuck what race does what, you have been brainwashed into thinking that race has some weird spiritual significance to your life, just fucking draw dude and become an inspiration not just to your own race, but to everyone.

>> No.4068922

Why are you so bitter? what's your trauma lol.

Are you upset that the spotlight isn't on you? Are you upset that people don't care about your art or something? You are getting exceedingly offended over something that is so small. Anyway, I do draw for myself and I don't care about race. It is just nice to know that there are people like me out there. I would expect you of all people to understand since you are an artist, right?

>> No.4068927

Just the state of the world really, people are so obsessed with shit that doesn't matter because of some dumb narrative that is continually pushed.
> It is just nice to know that there are people like me out there.
that's my point, you know you don't have to think like that right? You can think of an asian, white, hispanic person as someone just like you as well.

>> No.4068952

>race doesn't matter!
>whyy are blak ppl so bitter!
>every thread discussing black artists or blacks in general turns into a shitshow

>> No.4068976

>You can think of an asian, white, hispanic person as someone just like you as well.
no, niggers can't. niggers are incapable of empathizing with people. that's why they act like pests anywhere they go.

>> No.4068980

This is the dumbest thing I have ever heard

>> No.4068984


>> No.4068985

Name some blacks you admire and why you do

>> No.4068987

Anthony Jones - Super fast renderer, looks amazing
Robaato - Does nice big tiddy
Lesean Thomas - Good energy

probably more, but these are people from the top of my mind who happens to be black.

>> No.4068994

There you go, back to the niggers can't do what I'm doing because "x, y, z". When proven wrong you lash out with why does skin color matter, admire me comments.

>> No.4069001

You are telling us that we are wrong for relating with someone that comes from the same exact community as us. That is dumb. Ultimately I don't really care what race an artist is. I know you so desperately want me to but I don't. As I said before, it is just nice to see successful black anime artists because they don't pop up as much as others do. That said, a conversation about white, Hispanic, western, etc artists I would be just as invested in. There is nothing wrong about talking about artists of different races as you are saying.

>> No.4069010

How do you know they come from the exact same community? Some random hispanic artist could have more in common with you than some of the black artists posted here.
>I know you so desperately want me to but I don't.
No, I don't, I want you to not care like I've been telling you the whole time.

Race is just so pointless to me when it comes to art.

>> No.4069019

I'ts not anime or manga ny definition if it isn't made by japanese

>> No.4069020

Different races have different cultures, like you said with asian's earlier. So yes, if I am black I come from the same african american community as another black person. It doesn't mean we live the same exact lives though. I agree with you that people have different experiences

>> No.4069024

I can guarantee you that a white american probably shares more similarities to you than a black german person

>> No.4069034

Your definition of anime is absolutely useless then. Because you would not have been able to tell if OP image was drawn by a black guy or an asian.

>> No.4069044

I said African American community.

>> No.4069050

Yea, that's true, but this thread did not specify any specific group of black people, just black people.

>> No.4069053

don't care if niggers can paint/draw/make tricks as long as they stop shitting where humans live

>> No.4069054

get this shitty /pol/-tier drama out of /ic/ you colossal faggots

>> No.4069057
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>niggers are incapable of empathizing with people.

I guess you're GIGA-Nigga. You seem incapable of any empathy at all. Only a racist caricature of a man. I wouldn't be surprised if there's a hollow husk where your soul is supposed to be.

I bet you're antisemitic too. Go back to pol.

>> No.4069065

>with people

>> No.4069075

As an American, it's the same as having a thread about Americans being good at anime because it's just so uncommon. Seeing people in a group that is not commonly associated with a skill manage to do that skill is cool. This is just a more specific variation of that, you fucks.

>> No.4069081


>> No.4069123

The ones that can paint and draw aren't the ones shitting in the streets. You pol tards are barking at an invisible enemy who will never read your posts. You act as if the little amount of blacks on 4chan should go tell the rest of the population to stop doing what anon doesn't like. If that was what you wanted to see happening it wouldn't end on a happy note hence why we're here in the first place. So not only are black people as painters rare but the support outside it, along with your valued wants is missing as well.

>> No.4069378

Endling is black.

>> No.4069471


>> No.4069508
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>> No.4069745

>"Race doesn't matter!!"
>said on a board that frequently spergs out at the sight of artwork containing a black subject.

>> No.4069749

>13% of the populace being responsible for 50% of the rapes, mass shootings, and homicides

Yeah, he's correct. But feel free to bitch.

>> No.4070012

Those numbers aren't accurate. If you had any understanding of criminal justice you'd realize that blacks are more likely to be convicted than their white counterparts. Recently, in Minnesota we had a black police officer who killed a white lady and was sentenced to 10 years in prison, had he'd been white, that wouldn't been the case. And this is actually a precedent because an officer has never been convicted of manslaughter on the job. And also mass shootings are mostly done by white folks so i'm not sure where you're getting this statistic.

>> No.4070021

Blacks killing blacks makes up for that percentage. If you hate niggers so much you shouldn't care about bringing up a statistic in your favor.

>> No.4070026

all I hear is opinions and nickpicking

I am sure both cases had their different context, more deeper than
>he was black
>he was white

>mass shootings are mostly done by white folks
do you want to know how I can tell you waste time on TV instead of drawing?

>> No.4070038
File: 136 KB, 1014x788, fred perry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really love Fred Perry's stuff eventhough his fundies aren't the best but it has a lot of personality


>> No.4070717

not a surprise when a good portion of that 13% has been put at an economic disadvantage thanks to discrimination for decades.
Racism is dying but let's not pretend that these people weren't shoved into ghettos in the first place. sure people can lift them selves up, but that takes time.

>> No.4070800

based negro

>> No.4070819

The fact that this thread devolved into /pol/ retardation speaks to how we need to stop focusing on harmful bullshit, and just draw.

>> No.4070864
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>> No.4070869

ngmi fuck off
mass shootings =/ terrorism

>> No.4070872

It also shows why people need to keep posting black artist. /ic/ thinks black people are dumb, but when they see successful black artists they fucking SEETHE! They know they have no excuse to be a NGMI, so then then try to minimise their talent and intellect.

Really shows how pathetic they are.

>> No.4070874
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Or its nature to them, as virtually every city where they are a majority they has become a crime infested cesspit. Even the richest black neighborhoods commit over twice the amount of crime in poor white neighborhoods.

>give them more money

How about they starting earning it instead of sucking taxpayer funds, and stop throwing money at consumerist garbage, and reinvest in their own communities?

>> No.4070927

Like this? Lol

They are few in comparison to the legion of successful white and Asisn artists, and the examples are poor man's representations of the counterparts they choose to emulate. More so since while whites and Asians have shared cross culturally for centuries and improved as a result.

>> No.4070939

>How about they starting earning it instead of sucking taxpayer funds, and stop throwing money at consumerist garbage, and reinvest in their own communities?

How about give them a fair start. The majority of wealth is generational. They were cordoned off from the rest of society after the abolishment of slavery, left in vicious cycles of discrimination and poverty. This was the only possible result. Something has to be done to lift up their communities. It's unreasonable to expect an entire demographic of people to pull a magic trick outta their asses.

As early as birth, wealth can influence the likelihood of incarceration. Growing up with less family wealth means living in poorer neighborhoods with lower-quality education (Nguyen-Hoang and Yinger 2011) and a greater exposure to high ‘‘street’’ crime and high imprisonment areas.

>Or its nature to them
Why do you think black people are inherently more violent than other human beings? Nothing you've brought forward so far supports the notion that black people are inherently more violent; at best you can make the argument that black people are circumstantially more violent (i.e. they've been in poverty for so long, what do you expect)
Also blacks in Jamaica commit fewer crimes per capita than whites in America.

>Even the richest black neighborhoods commit over twice the amount of crime in poor white neighborhoods.

where are the stats. that would be a much more useful statistic to post. last I heard of that shit was from john tron.

>> No.4070945

>not even posting his most memorable youtube video


>> No.4073342

Endling is white lol

>> No.4073344

>he’s actually gotten his manga published in Japan.
And it bombed because it was mediocre and the japs even called it "Nigger Manga"

>> No.4073371

Where the fuck are the black artists I came into this thread for? Why are we posting about "muh niggers" and crime statistics? I thought this would be a straight forward topic but apparently we can't have that because negroes are involved.

>> No.4073385
File: 60 KB, 800x450, dee666439bc0a3344064e71fba45b0803683292cb1e811fc7c7c29387b207efd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>japs even called it "Nigger Manga"

I couldn't find any sources on this. That actually happened?

And bombing isn't a big deal. like 99% of manga bomb anyway. Even my favorites like deadman wonderland arent appreciated by the japanese.

>> No.4073392

>That actually happened?

You know it didn't.

>> No.4073540

This thread was /pol/tard bait and they took it hook, line and sinker.

>> No.4073875

>Different races have different cultures,
Um, no? You trying to say a French and an American have the same culture because they are both white? That idea is specifically American and you cunts just can't shut up about race, can't you.

>> No.4075445

Whyt is a failed artist kept alive because of his personality and token status, Leshawn's debut original series crashed and burned with the very people who supported his project and had poor advertising and support from Netflix, Endling is white.

OverlordJC is solid but comes off as a poor man's Deadslug or Jaya Ply.

Anthony Jones boasts very solid rendering skills and creature designs. Highly recommended.

>> No.4075489 [DELETED] 

As promised now that the foretold shitfest died down here are some artists....

ken lashley

>> No.4075499 [DELETED] 
File: 470 KB, 1272x2000, marco-nelor-power-progression-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marco Nelor


>> No.4075502 [DELETED] 
File: 49 KB, 900x475, family_ties_by_k04sk_dcwncif-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ko4sk kalen

>> No.4076592

based as hell

>> No.4076605

Anthony Jones really gets rid of that stereotype between black artists that all their shit is either some shonen anime bait (DBZ Naruto or My hero) or something with street fighter

>> No.4076608

shut up nigga tweet about it

>> No.4076620

>mass shootings are mostly done by white folks
found the twittertard

>> No.4076630

Lmfao the whiteys are just pressed because there are black people with actual careers while they're still drawing boxes

>> No.4076632


>> No.4076781

Anthony Jones is also a complete snake oil salesman, which is to say all of his gumroad shit is almost completely garbage. I also love the clip of him telling an entire class of students that he tricked people into thinking he was good and that's how he got jobs, and he was there to teach them how to trick people too.

>> No.4077151

It's because a lot of people are happy to jump at any opportunity to be degrading, racist, suspicious of, and just plain mean to black people.

You could explain it with more detail, but that's what it boils down to.

>> No.4077163

Wtf I love N-words now

>> No.4077186

itt: normies get mad that we still dont like darkos. breed a culture of we wuz kangz and you get this. keep getting mad

>> No.4077721

This post is what happens when you use "triggered" "ironically" until one day you're not being ironic.

So...they're not black. They're mutts that actual blacks call on only when they're useful.

C'mon...if it's a "black artist" thread, at least post an actual black artist. I personally know a black (African born, no white or Asian blood) engineer, surely you guys can post an actual black artist.

>The most common conception is that it is ingrained in their culture to work hard, and that they have better art education in school growing up.
Also that they're an intelligent race, and their temporal-parietal brain regions differ from other races...that's an area of the brain associated with spatial processing, which could partially explain Asian's greater average abilities in things like drawing and math. More research needed.

>> No.4077739

>That idea is specifically American
No, variations on the theme of a pan-European identity were present in European writings before America existed.

>If you had any understanding of criminal justice you'd realize that blacks are more likely to be convicted than their white counterparts
It's rare that you see this stupid argument applied to murder.

Yes, blacks are convicted more often for the same crimes as whites, but no, it's not just because of "racism." Blacks are more likely to have longer rap sheets, more likely to have committed a more brutal version of the "same" crime, more likely to act out in court and draw the ire of the jury...on and on.

In the case you mention, the black officer - with a record of 3 complaints against him in 21 months, one for assault - shot a white woman "in self-defense" who was calling the cops TO REPORT A SEXUAL ASSAULT. And people are outraged he was convicted...? The dude literally shot the woman as she was walking up to the squad car, AFTER he and his partner had declared the situation all-clear and safe.

The counter-examples the news media have given are of officers of various races shooting or otherwise killing black people who were RESISTING ARREST. And yet, the officers were criticized and there is outcry every time they are not convicted!

Take the counter-example of Darren Wilson shooting Mike Brown, for example. Brown was not only leaving the scene of a crime, he assaulted Wilson, he tried to get Wilson's gun (and it ended up firing, so he came close to getting enough power over it to shoot Wilson), he initially tried to run away and then he tried to charge the officer. Wilson shot him non-fatally several times before finally making a lethal shot, and Wilson prior to the incident was a MODEL officer for years with praise for his ability to defuse tough situations. Result? NATIONAL WITCH HUNT.

You're seriously a goddamn moron if you really believe the system is biased AGAINST blacks.

>> No.4077749

>So...they're not black.

They are. by that ideology african americans aren't "black" either.

>Also that they're an intelligent race...

You are just proving their point of the double standard, lol

>> No.4077753

Why do we need a thread about black artists in the first place?