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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4066252 No.4066252 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a beginner getting into digital art, should I go for a wacom or huion tablet? I see everyone talking about wacom but they're three times the price for not as much pressure sensitivity.

Also, any specific recommendations? looking to spend no more than $100, portability preferred

>> No.4066294

your post shows how little you know about tablets, the 8024 levels of wacom are way different than the 8024 of the chinesse tablet, huion is cheaper for a reason you dum dum, wacom is overpriced because they are the top technology of the market so far, they use a different tech to transfer data from the screen to your PC, and that tech is copyrighted, not even chinesse can copy it without getting into trouble so they have to use other ways to trasnfer their data, huion will fail you on so many ways that a wacom would never fail, I have a old model of the first cintqs, and it works as fine as the first day I got it, not s single problem, no cable breaking, nothing, but lots of huions crap itself at the first months, yeah there will come some anons sayings that "heyy my huion works just fine yada yada yada", whatever, I recommend you not being a cheap fuck and buy a tool that will last you practically foerever, and that also has the best tech for your interest.

>> No.4066299

Decided on this: https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07DPC98DT/ref=ox_sc_act_title_1?smid=A30BRCK3LE6SB5&psc=1

>> No.4066304

I'd recommend Wacoms too, I've been using the same Intuos pro for a decade and it still works just fine, and I've never had any issues with it that couldn't be solved by turning my PC on and off.

>> No.4066315

Pressure sensitivity is a scam on huions but I do still prefer them to wacom, they work better for me, probably to for wacom tho kiddo

>> No.4066318

XP-Pen started out in Japan just like wacom and its cheap

>> No.4066322

i started with wacom but didnt like the size. do yourself a favor and get a big one regardless of what you choose.

Ive also used both huion and wacom and outside of wacom seeming slightly more indestructible, theyve both worked just fine.

the wacom pen eraser not existing on huion and not being able to easily scroll through browsers kinda sucks though, those are the only demerits id give huion coming from wacom.

>> No.4066323

I bought an Intuos 5M in 2012 and it works like a charm. Only the drivers are a bit shitty sometimes, but I never had a problem since I switched to Windows 10.

>> No.4066324


is a piece of shit, the pen will broke in a week

>> No.4066329

okay, then buy it and no problem, nobody is forcing to buy wacom here, im just telling why is the better option, and fucking understand men, the technology is wacom is copyrighted, only them can use it, so any other label must come up with their own, that I doubt it will be the same level, maybe the difference is not that big but calling them as good as wacom is just nonsense.

>> No.4066365

i thought the only thing wacom had patented was the no battery pen, which just recently ran out

>> No.4066409

Why do you think wacom is the only company that produces tablets that recognize not only pen tilt but also pen rotation?

>> No.4066446

Is that a trap?

>> No.4066448

No, it's a girl dressed up as a boy pretending to be a girl.

>> No.4066476

does she have a female penis? (aka male clitoris)

>> No.4066509

I used nothing but Wacosm as well for years, however I must add that Wacom has probably the shittiest spaghetti code drivers out there. Even after constant updates and updates their drives are pron to shutting down on stratup or freezing or just outright stopping to function randomly requiring a full restart.

>> No.4066537


>> No.4066540
File: 94 KB, 211x211, 1532673275385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She has a massive boiclit.

>> No.4066544

So it's a girl?

>> No.4066545

>portability preferred
>looking to spend no more than $100
Dude, come on. Just save up and buy something that isn't shit. You're not gonna get a machine that can draw on the go and won't crap out on you for under a hundred.

>> No.4066546

She can be a girl if you her to be uwu

>> No.4066610

A small drop broke one of my huion pens. I asked for a replacement and they declined until I specifically mentioned i was going to switch to wacom instead of buying a new pen. Go figure, they changed their minds and offered me a replacement if i payed shipping. I ended up going with a Surface Pro anyways.

They arent bad tablets or pens, they are more than good enough for any type of digital art. But its no different to Amd/Intel or Toyota/Ford. One will be better at a premium and the other will be good enough and cheaper. Huion is fine only because they are cheaper.

>> No.4066625

Where's the uncropped version?

>> No.4066681
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You should get the the most expensive thing you can afford so when you quit, someone who could really use it can get a discount.

>> No.4066778


>> No.4067729


>> No.4067748

I have windows 10 and the only way i made my 22hd cintiq work reliably after years is by downgrading the drivers to some arbitrary functioning version and keeping it there. Every few months i try to update, but it has yet to fail to break.

>> No.4067777
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