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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 96 KB, 1024x862, 1559700752314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4047721 No.4047721 [Reply] [Original]

So we all agree now furries are the Masters of the art world?

>> No.4047730


>> No.4047731

Nope, but there are more highly skilled furry artist than other porn artists.

>> No.4047738

I am getting the feeling that furry porn just pays the bills. So many "furry artists" aren't really furries themselves.

>> No.4047741

sure why not.

>> No.4047742

I didn't realize there was other art besides porn

>> No.4047744

i feel like every furry artist is either top tier or worse than /beg/ and very few of them are inbetween

>> No.4047803

>furry porn just pays the bills
Ohohoho if only you could see how wrong you are.
When you do the calculation it's almost worse than just flipping burgers.

>> No.4047811

I haven't done it. Just heard it pays a lot by a lot of artists. Any other niche things people prefer?

>> No.4047813

Bullshit. There is no such thing as a furry that can make quality art. Post any work and I’ll tear it a new one. You furfags really like deluding yourselves.

>> No.4047817
File: 1.31 MB, 1500x879, jmgn.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4047818

pyw if youre actually that confident

>> No.4047824
File: 298 KB, 673x1002, wylde casual.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what counts as a furry? for a long while i was itching to ask what counts as one considering how the word furshit has been toss around anything from bipedal stylized animals to things with animal heads.

>> No.4047827

For significantly less work though, but yeah it's basically minimum wage but only working like 10 hours a week instead

>> No.4047830

10 hours a week is a very optimistic estimate.

>> No.4047831

I mean 5 hours per drawing seems generous

>> No.4047834

If you can get away with 2 drawings a week. That depends on how much you could charge

>> No.4047838

Furries are the only ones with money.
NGMI if you're not a furry.

>> No.4047858

this. you get paid somewhat well but not often doing furry art. it evens out

>> No.4047913
File: 301 KB, 1280x997, 1483132979.seyorrol_foxgarden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting gabe's rubber monstrosities
hope this is bait

>> No.4047926

Furry art is really forgiving thats why it seems like there are more good ones. Think about it, we are human so our eyes are super critical of art depicting humans but furry is far removed enough that you could make plenty of errors and it will still look okay to us.

>> No.4047929
File: 224 KB, 583x1508, 2f2afe72951642aaecc48c1a7b904ea2623ba1d68aeb9f5e566c879a4e132b5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is what pays bills
>this is what people want
absolute clown world

>> No.4047939

I like this meme for the sole purpose that it bothers non furries

>> No.4047998
File: 66 KB, 720x960, roberto-ferri-f3b151cc-73be-4ae8-a6c2-10b5707a556-resize-750.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roberto Ferri, Ruan Jia & other non-degenerate skilled artists exist.

>> No.4048008

...These people, they have a twisted mental, I'm sorry.
Just look at these 2 examples.
>Oh but it pays the bills
>Oh but I'm making people who like it wank to it
If someone approaches them & tells them to draw rotting rats corpses in suggestive positions for a big paycheck, will they do it?!

>> No.4048010

Dude I'm a furry and jmgn's art is legit disturbing to me

>> No.4048016

People really pay for this? You'd have to be blind to not notice the flaws in composition and lighting. Led alone how this piece fails in every aspect of the principles and elements of art.

Again, you furries can't do anything right. And the fact that a furry did make this only makes me demerit it even more. This is not good art. This shouldn't even be considered art. At most, it falls under degenerate art.

>> No.4048021

Sorry bro, it has soul

>> No.4048028

lel if it was 2 lolies instead of 2 foxes you would be jizzing all over yourself

>> No.4048033

I know one furry-loli artist that charges 37 dollars an hour.

>> No.4048037

It would have soul if it was made by any normal person. But due to the nature of how the artist is involved with a community of anthropomorphic animal lovers, it loses any soul it would have had.

Basically, because this is drawn by a furry, I shit on it. But if the same drawing was drawn exactly the same by a non-furry, then I would applaud it.

>> No.4048140

>Wants porn to have museum quality of fundies

You are fucking stupid mate.

>> No.4048257

>my meme artists are better than your meme artists

>> No.4048311
File: 142 KB, 850x1015, slugbox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck. i say this as a furry.

work like that isn't the majority. fetish art will always exist in every niche. and 99% of furries do not want that. They want pic related.

no. most of them have a list of blacklisted subject matter. but if someone is going to draw those corpses, it's a bigger reflection of society. lots of artists used furry art to stay off the streets. many of them wouldn't get into it if not for a shit economy.

>> No.4048339
File: 156 KB, 1263x1280, 1564032760.someguy987_someguy9873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the point is that fetish art in general has an extremely low barrier of entry compared to vanilla porn, gabe charges 200+ for this kind of zero effort garbage

>> No.4048380

this picture makes me hate humanity

>> No.4048381

Imagine drawing furry porn and not even enjoying it for peanuts for a living instead of just getting a regular well-paying job.

>> No.4048382

..save for side muzzles. i fucking hate it when that happens.

>> No.4048383

If by “art world” you mean the online market of poorly socialized individuals who are willing to pay out the ass for poorly rendered images of gaping iguana assholes then yes, I suppose they are.

>> No.4048385

This world needs to be cleansed in flame.

>> No.4048389

it's sad but it's true

>> No.4048405
File: 66 KB, 473x630, kys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If they were the masters of the art world than they would be smart enough to burn bridges with the furry fandom in the first place since the entire fandom is mainly just people who never grew out of their childhood fetish and let it fester in their brain until they crack. So it's better to work your way to the top because it's feels better to do that instead of ending up wasting their life and artistic potential by drawing furry porn for a living.

>> No.4048409
File: 42 KB, 628x488, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meme aside, this might help.

>> No.4048463

Even the thumbnail is soul shattering stuff, what the fuck

Furries say it's a "fandom" for anthro animals but if you show them Redwall they don't give a shit. They are in it for the glowing horse dicks, it's all about the porn and only the porn, maybe it was different in the 90s but as the community became a safe haven for homosexual degenerates it just turned into cancer. There's no fandom left.

>> No.4048464

art like this hardly deserved to be called furry

>> No.4048476

There's a fandom but it's more underground, you actually have to look for that kind of content.
I think that part of the community is mostly content creators that mostly know each other/ of each other than "consumers" if you will

>> No.4048482
File: 32 KB, 218x281, 1543044980131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Furries are autistic and therefore there are many hardworking retards among them who became pretty good.

Maybe in 10 years we will see a lot of Tumblrinas excelling at the field, but I don't think so because furries at least had standards (as a collective).

>> No.4048573
File: 10 KB, 227x225, 1552290902214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pick one

>> No.4048793

>in 10 years we will see a lot of Tumblrinas excelling at the field
Imagine a future where rcdart is the next Rebecca Sugar

>> No.4048869
File: 128 KB, 900x781, He+increased+the+price+milesdf_9ecbc9_7184778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no no no NO no no haha no no no, you've misunderstood

>> No.4048900

lmao idiot
do you realy think you can build a brand like miles df?

he is the Gucci of furry porn
most highly skilled artist charge 300usd at most

>> No.4048911

funny you say this because redwall is a big thing among furries

obviously if you interact with furries on places like furaffinity and 4chan you will mostly meet pornographers

>> No.4048929

>redwall is a big thing among furries
I have seen ZERO popular redwall-like content from furries, the only examples I can think of run exclusively on waifu bait and paywalled porn, and the only SFW artist I still follow is finally caving in to porn.
I searched for the top post mentioning "redwall" on /r/furry and it has 200 likes, the post with most comments (30) is some guy saying that he loves redwall and people give him shit for having a mouse fursona because mice = micro fetish
Furries are trash.

>> No.4049021

No like, is drawing reptiles, birds, amphibians, anthropods, monsters, aliens, and robots count as being a furry artist? I just wanna draw some in peace without being labeled a furfag or resorting to make them look like cute girls wearing halloween costumes.

>> No.4049024
File: 104 KB, 360x360, 1555899544896.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Draw a dragon
>It's sexy

>> No.4049027

She's a humanoid dog. Sure she has a small snout and shit but The same can be said for some cats. In other words, it's furry.

>> No.4049031

I hate.myself for saying this but this doesn't look half bad but doesn't justify Th r high price tag. Like holy fuck 6000 dollars for this?

>> No.4049037

I like drawing cool stuff. I'm largely not interested in drawing humanoid animals being naked or fucking each other unless they're kemenomini looking or semi-furry.

>> No.4049373
File: 40 KB, 487x615, D_0k61EUEAUyU07[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most of the art is decent at best, i think you just surround yourself with the cringy furshit as an excuse.

>> No.4049415

>not interested in drawing humanoid animals being naked or fucking
Based an-

>> No.4049432


I meant cat girls and monster girls most of which meant to have them look like actual monsters none of that cute girl cosplay bull shit. You're the fucking degenerate here.

>> No.4049435


>> No.4049464


>> No.4049511
File: 59 KB, 850x672, A1478C2E-BBF1-4F75-B066-CF7D0962D7B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really. I’m biased against furries so even if a furry made artwork at Ruan Jia level quality, I would still shit on it just because it was made by a furry.

Imagine it like this. If pic related scored around a 80 to 90 on an American grading system (a good B+), I would automatically score it a 0. An F regardless of how good it is.

>> No.4049543
File: 134 KB, 500x730, 1253089747532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it's more that it's become less of a taboo to actually enjoy it, so better artists aren't so afraid of publicizing/getting into furry

>> No.4049548

who cares

>> No.4049552


It's definitely not as taboo anymore. I once accidentally posted how much it sucked that FA was down (when it was being down for ages a few years ago) from my main twitter account... the one directly connected to my real life identity with professional portfolio, arstation, linkedin etc. It was only way later that I realised I wasn't logged into my furry account. Sweating bullets I logged back in and deleted the post, but not before noticing that a whole bunch of guys I was following and who were following me (I don't do any nsfw from that account and didn't follow any furry or nsfw artists) liked my post. That was an odd moment. I still keep it very separate as best I can though ofc, to avoid any awkwardness. But I wouldn't have to fake my own death if my identity were tied to the furry world.

>> No.4049553

that's a really shallow reason to hate someone's art. there are fanbases (like capeshit for example) that i dont like but that doesn't necessarily make or break a good piece of fanart for me.

>> No.4049592

Only Veramundis is.

>> No.4049597

Nah, he's a shit artist. My reason for saying that is here >>4049511

>> No.4049616

You literally said that something that is objectively high-quality would still be subjectively trash to you because you despise the content, which is just a statement and not an argument. What are you attempting to argue for or against? (And why do you have furry porn saved to your iphone if you hate it so much?)

>> No.4049617

we get it, you're a child who has to make sure everyone knows you don't like thing

>> No.4049619

Many of the best artists have always been a part of the community for years, so I don't think so.
Furry isn't particularly a niche thing or anything (just taboo), so I think it's only natural for the community to have really good artists.

>> No.4049623

Alright Jimmy, where did the furries touch you?

>> No.4049631
File: 40 KB, 600x600, 2dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And why do you have furry porn saved to your iphone if you hate it so much?


>> No.4049674

He's good definitely underrated but he's sperged out about it a couple times and it hurt his image.

>> No.4049703
File: 176 KB, 326x326, +_f804562740fb0c4b43a7d932eaba5e13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this hell?

>> No.4049708

If it weren't for the anthro foxes knocking boots this would be a pretty nice piece, actually

>> No.4049720
File: 152 KB, 1280x1261, 1548956758647.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4049983

You're interested in drawing actual monster girls & cat girls naked of focking yet you AREN'T a degenerate?...

>> No.4049998


>> No.4050040

>makes bank off furries
>has qt furry gf

god I wish that were me

>> No.4050063
File: 1.39 MB, 1500x1154, 1485458148.seyorrol_gardenofgohma.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does a bit of tasteful erotica ruin the piece for you? Is it just because of animal heads?

>> No.4050085

yes. In my own cocky mindset I thought I could make a quick buck with furries, which ended up being true because got commissioned several times. One of which was yiff. Thought I could do it easy, just spit it out and enjoy the pretty penny.
Nope, suffered the entire time. Longest and worst art I’ve ever created in my life. Seriously contemplated returning the money back to furry that commissioned me. Closed commissions after that. Haven’t done furry art since. You you’re able to barrel through that, I applaud you.

>> No.4050095

everyone has that one fucking commission that makes them question their existence, be lucky you don't have to go through it again

but then again you made the first mistake of communicating with furries so

>> No.4050133

Were you into furries in the first place of did you just think it was an easy way to make money? What's the worst comission you ever did?

>> No.4050233

Post your work

>> No.4050239

I don't understand how people suffer over the imagery they have to draw. It's like seeing a girl who gets genuinely afraid of some cow blood, am I just desensitized to everything or is everyone just a pussy?

>> No.4050240

>am I just desensitized to everything

>> No.4050243

You just want to draw "cool stuff" UNLESS it's animu kemonomimi porn, truly patrician taste

>> No.4050276
File: 103 KB, 442x740, 100% Sad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This pretty much.

>> No.4050284
File: 223 KB, 375x500, 1493127236240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4050800


>> No.4050958
File: 73 KB, 1017x1920, received_216765912590627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My OC is the master of the world

>> No.4051160
File: 436 KB, 2156x1800, 1f58d322d7439857a9a86da3ef6eb147.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Darkgem
You deviantartlets can't even into furries properly.

>> No.4051162

Thats gay

>> No.4051226
File: 48 KB, 724x551, miles df brand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i am a furry artist and i havent ever heard of him

it's a big investment to even get close to where he has in the furry world. it is apex fallacy to assume furries make bank. most furry artists are making fast food money.

>> No.4051238

No. They may have good porn but that's all they have going for them.

>> No.4051240

when you say big investment, do you mean time and hard work or paying for advertisement and shit?

>> No.4051260
File: 88 KB, 980x815, new_artbook_vol_6_and_calendar_2019_by_miles_df_dcbp2mo-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

both, if you want to have mainstream furry merch like him. social media and customer relations are big time sinks.