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File: 70 KB, 605x702, BrokeParents.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4041945 No.4041945 [Reply] [Original]

This question is for adults only, if there are any here anymore.
What is the endgame here? Cartoon fun sure, make a few bucks. What happens when you are older, how are you going to pay for a house with this shit? Artists don't get paid jack shit compared to so many other professions. Is this just a hobby for everybody? HOW DO YOU MAKE REAL MONEY WITH YOUR HARD WON TALENT?

>> No.4041977

sell your art, what are you dumb?

>> No.4042018

But I already make money oblivious anon

>> No.4042021

Studio Jobs at Disney, Dreamworks, Riot, Blizzard, etc. Freelance illustration. Children's books. Concept Artists and Designers. All sorts of careers.

>> No.4042031

I was born into a richfag family, so I just draw because I'm passionate about it. I might create an independent graphic novel or animated miniseries one day.

>> No.4042036

Lol very few people get those jobs. Go for it but don't put all your eggs in that basket

>> No.4042053

Define a few.

>> No.4042112


>> No.4042144

Young man's stuff. Once you hit 40 you're being pressured out if not already burnt out, meanwhile in other fields you'd be hitting your prime making major bank

>> No.4042153

I do furry porn for a living
I don't know what I'm going to do when I'm too old and weak to draw, I have no family, I don't earn enough to build any substantial savings that would serve as a pension.
I guess I'll just have to off myself then
Don't be greedy, you got 50-60 years out of this world, you don't need those last 20, not enough to give up 2000 hours a year in a cubicle for it

>> No.4042158

What is it that pressures people over 40 out of these jobs other than the burn out factor?

>> No.4042174

The problem with such thinking is that every thing you use to paint and all the luxury you enjoy is built by a wageslave. Someone has to do what you look down on for you to pursue something else.
But I would also end it if I become too old to support myself. Better than a protracted death

>> No.4042205

I kind of don't have an "endgoal". I'm gonna try my hand at furry porn, indie games, and webcomics and if that doesn't work I'll go be a code monkey or see if I can't get into the coast guard or something. The "endgoal" is to make enough money that I can live a life to my bare minimum standards and won't have to suck dick or sell plasma for spare change. If I get to old then I'll just an hero.
Life is a gamble. You should throw a few dice before you give up the pot.

>> No.4042213

>what's the endgame

>> No.4042231

I've been learning how to program incase this shit doesn't go right

>> No.4042311

Fortunately, society will collapse long before that becomes a problem.

Your safe, comfortable jobs will disappear as all our assumptions, beliefs, and institutions collapse and the earth turns into a planet of flames, storms, drought and dust.

Life is what happens when you're making plans, anon. >>4042213 has it right.

There ain't no tomorrow.

>> No.4042313

Every job will be either shit done by robots or only accessible through nepotism by the time I'm old.

>> No.4042350

I don't want a family, I find drawing and painting to be very relaxing so I'm learning it instead of dating a 3dpd crack whore.

>> No.4042437
File: 232 KB, 745x680, 1564339537960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll give you a solid blueprint for an awesome life...

1.) Spend years 16-32 doings art, promoting at comic cons, shilling your art

2.) If you still haven't hit your stride by 33 then start jogging in your free time and join the army. They will give you free housing, free food via buffett, free gym membership, college tuition repayment, and you'll probably get to throw a live grenade at basic. Then you'll get shipped on a plane around the world to shoot innocent people that defy America's imperialism, all while being in the company of your new best friends. Army cutoff age for joining is 35. Just don't have a criminal record and get in shape by that age. You'll get free healthcare as well. They pay for your kid's everything and pay you even more if you marry some thot.

It beats a boring life of begs. [Running through a forest shooting a gun at enemies and possibly die with full valor and glory VS a boring life of failure]

>> No.4042543

Wageslavery is worse than being homeless.

>> No.4042550

Wait... but drawing is my end game. I already worked for a decade, got married, and bought a house. Now I’m retired and I draw all day.

Anon, I think you got the order of operations reversed...

>> No.4042553
File: 28 KB, 281x290, 1539853863626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. What is the difference between retiring from a company and retiring from self-employment?

OP seems to not know how retirement works, are you aware this is a website for people over 18?

>> No.4042582

If you stagnate it's your own fault.

I segwayed easily from art to porn to gamedev and i'm now segwaying into softwaredev in general. Still have my patreon porn projects running that pop out $$$ every month if I just invest a minimum of time interacting with the community, updating content and queueing up new stuff at the beginning of the month. One halfway decent porn game can instantly pump your patreon from 1k to 2k, and if you get lucky or invest more time into promoting it you can reach 5k or more.

But despite this op has a bit of a point. The danger is stagnation and complacency. Don't stop growing. Being able to make really high quality art is an incredibly valuable skill. If you doubt this, try emailing a genuinely great artist and try to hire him so you can use his art to sell/promote your product. If you even get a reply you'll get a quote that will make the sweat run down your forehead. QED.

Don't stagnate anons, and you'll be alright. You most likely won't ever live the bourgeoise salaryman lifestyle, but those guys are all depressed as fuck deep inside and need to act smug and superior to compensate for the fact that they don't really have a life and don't really create anything of value. They are just a cog in the machine, shaking hands, and wearing suits.

We're all going to make it.

>> No.4042693

Wagecuck all day find my only joy in life grinding fundies all night

>> No.4042712

Being able to sell your art, and just your art, actually your art, because people specifically want your art is straight up impossible. You have to be a god, and even then you have to strike the right chord in your audience which makes it all a big gamble no matter how skilled you are. Most of your audience is sex-obsessed ADHD millennials and zoomers who say they love things they can't sit through.

>> No.4042719
File: 93 KB, 500x351, sad-yeehaw-43124995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I should make neon genis evgalion for ADHD kids?

>> No.4042865

>What is the difference between retiring from a company and retiring from self-employment?
Well typically if you work for a company for a set number of years then they'll give you a benefit or even a pension when you retire. When you retire from self-employment you just stop making money.

>> No.4042936
File: 79 KB, 1920x1080, 1556075379655.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you honestly believe that? Do you sincerely, unironically, TRULY think that's how things work?

The absolute state of wagies.

>> No.4043740

sure, if they don't lay you off and replace you with younger and less experienced workers for the sake of cheaper wages. It's not just the art and design companies that do it. Software development, insurance/finance jobs, retail management... no one is safe from getting a pink slip out of the blue one day and losing everything.

>> No.4043893
File: 249 KB, 500x315, 15637089212200.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens when you are older,
im 35 and im drawing gay porn.
Anything is better than doing wagecuck bullshit.

>> No.4043903

Half the people don't get pensioned, and we're already at a point where pensions can barely be paid because not enough young people can find jobs. And the few who do have a good pension still can't sustain their quality of life because a pension is never even 1/2 of what you were making while working.

>> No.4043993

Are you going to tell me that you are not saving for retirement since your first paycheck?

>> No.4044539

>anything is better
Uh. Not so sure about that, degenerate.

>> No.4045464

How much do you make a week?? Dont larp pls share the truth turn off your trips help me out, how do you find clients?

>> No.4045496

The nice thing about freelance illustration is that it doesn't have to be the same shit over and over. You can always decide to work in a slightly different field, like go from editorial to children's books or from games to comics. Another nice thing about being an established freelancer is that you can take days off whenever you want so you can't get burnt out that quickly. No one can tell you what to do, unlike in a regular wagie job.
A week idk, sometimes I have whole weeks off and some weeks I make a whole month's income. I make ~$2500 a month - ~$2000 after taxes (being from a piss poor euro country). Not gonna lie beginnings were hard but after 1 year things got very comfy, I work 6 hours a day on average and I get 5 days off in a typical month. Sometimes there's work over the weekend or late night hours. You find clients by setting up a portfolio and sending it to companies that you'd like to work for, duh. There was a whole thread about it not so long ago, the answers to these questions are pretty obvious. The hardest part is you have to be at least somewhat good at what you do and the work you present needs to be something of relevance to the business you want to get work from.

>> No.4045651

fuck off old fart, you're not welcome here

>> No.4045653

>create a popular comic/franchise
>collect revenue

>> No.4045658

>believing societys lies

>> No.4045679

I know how to program so I don't need art to make a living. I'm learning how to draw so I can make art for my video games.

>> No.4045711


I learned how to program in order to build games around my art. Now I'm kind of curious about switching lanes though... programming seems much more fun and profitable as a freelance home office job.

Any tips to get started? I only know c# and unity though, lol. Know nothing about webdev.

>> No.4045881

Seems the successful ones here aren't trying to make Art the main occupation. Scary truth!

>> No.4045910

Wait, cant you do animation shit? For companies? Am i missing something here? Every goddamn startup needs some concept art nowadays, even if its the logo, learn to css and bootstrap good and ur set

>> No.4046041

Surely this is bait lol

>> No.4046044

Become a college professor and make wages off a bunch of saps like us.
Either that or make a lot of IPs that get a lot of traction. You can't make money one single way. Artists make a living by being flexible in every way.

>> No.4047038

I have a regular Job and actually do Uber eats in the weekends, I just want to Draw fan art from CARTOONS I like, note I said CARTOONS not ANIME.

>> No.4047041

>I said cartoon not anime

>> No.4047044

I’m an accountant I make 4000 a paycheck
This is just for fun

>> No.4048149

my god what a devastating black pill this thread is. God help me I don't know what to do now. It really is that bad! I knew it was tough but.. it really is all a meme and fantasy... asdfjk;l

>> No.4048175

I don't care much about making money, but I do want recognition

Doing a few graphic novels

>> No.4048180

maybe put your focus on something else, instead of worrying too much of a future you are unaware of.

>> No.4048184

Are you stupid
I used to think this was true and found out the army pays 24k a year
They have benefits for their soldiers but only because they live in poverty otherwise

>> No.4048190

A decent freelance commercial artist makes more than I make doing a customer service job. So what's the end game.

>> No.4048193

Splash art illustration, magic cards, book covers etc. Concept art too.

>> No.4048280

How many of those are there at that level? 50?

>> No.4048289

I was actually surprised at the amount of low level artists that do work for large companies like Riot, Smite, MTG etc.

>> No.4048345

What's this, a little ray of hope? Good to hear

>> No.4048355

He said low level