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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 602 KB, 681x720, 1564335819084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4042728 No.4042728 [Reply] [Original]

Being a weeb makes things harder for people who wants to learn drawing?
I have seen that weeaboos always struggle way more than regular people, I would like yo know the reason why that happens.

>> No.4042740
File: 193 KB, 1080x945, 1555765080271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Weebs absolutely refuse to knuckle down and study from life instead they religiously follow whatever that is printed in moonrunes or anything drawn in their weebshit style. A perfect example was when we found copies of Loomis printed in Japanese and all of the sudden the thread started circlejerking about how great Loomis was after years of trying to shove fundamentals down their throats and absolutely refusing to study.

To make matters worse the weebs actually encourage to copy so it is no wonder they're handicapped and progress extremely slow if at all. They'll have to unlearn everything they've been told and whatever bad habbits they picked up from their how to draw "x" tutorials.

>> No.4042751

cant blame them. the old guard, todays teachers, come from an era where they could just go up to a company and be like 'oi, gimme a job', they dont understand what an utter pain in the ass it is to work so hard for something that isnt even guarenteed to have a successful outcome.
in japan though the manga scene flourishes, people consume it daily, weebs look at it and they see opportunity.
why produce in a boring old western style that wont go anywhere?
(this is ignoring the reality that japan hate us and wont give us jobs.)

>> No.4042752

being a weaboo implicitly means you must've consumed a hell of a lot of media
we all know what that does to someone

>> No.4042756

Weebs have less brain cells than average so they struggle with everything more than the average person

>> No.4043542
File: 8 KB, 256x197, 1551456103278.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pedophiles have lower IQ than the general prison population

>weebs sacrificed their brain ridges in the name of appeal
Somehow I always knew

>> No.4043560

Longest retard streak I've seen on /ic/ so far

>> No.4043586

Post brain

>> No.4043589


>> No.4043609
File: 124 KB, 370x370, ddb81rf-2befae8f-8a33-41b0-b8bd-16c7f056a150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bad advice / tutorials, and common irl reference doesn't look like anime, and so isn't fully useful.

>> No.4043680

Weebs are under some delusion that they don't need the same art fundamentals seen in traditional art and are dumb enough to think anime anatomy is different from real life anatomy.
Not anime's fault since a weeb who doesn't have their heads up their asses could make significant gains.

Hi, weeb.

>> No.4043698
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To me is the opposite, weebs are far higher than me in the hierarchy since I only draw ugly cartoons, but is OK since cartoons are supposed to be ugly. I could never draw Anime, is to realistic and complex compared to a cartoon.

>> No.4043699
File: 491 KB, 1092x585, creeper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was stuck in left for like 1 year until I started to learn the form of things, then I improved.

I think it has to do with the fact that anime art can be seen as symbolic even if the person that drew it has a deep understanding of form. And if weebs are drawing only anime art, they will be learning slowly because they are not learning the form the same way people that draw more realistic proportions will.

People that draw realism are placed with the full challenge instantly, learn the form or the drawing will look bad, people that draw anime aren't, since it's somewhat symbolic they can end up with a nice drawing from time to time, making them stay with that method of learning, and the moment they leave what they have practiced so much (say a neutral face looking forward) and drew a head in another angle, it will fall apart because they don't have a good understanding of the form.

Now people that draw realistically will learn the form because it is a must, and if they attempted to do a head for example in a angle they aren't familiar with they would have a bigger chance of success because they understand form way better.

You can understand the form of your anime drawings and draw them in any angle weebs, don't get me wrong, but it's gonna take you a long time and it's gonna lock you up to whatever anime head form you have learned, the faster way is to learn the realistic face planes and shenanigans, you will be able to style the face in whatever you want. Form also means you have to know to draw cubes perfectly, without any problem whatsoever because if you can't draw a cube, you can't really understand anything more complicated than that.

So weebs, please get into realistic faces, it does impact your learning speed by a lot of time. You have to fail at drawing in order to improve, so go for the hardest things that will make you fail the hardest ways, so that you can improve in big steps.

>> No.4043706

Is this a joke? The left is far more appealing

>> No.4043716

I think a lot of them don't look at the reason behind the stylization. They just copy the anime style blindly because it's appealing to them with little regard on how the style was created. I myself like drawing in that style but I understand that I must observe reality in order to better understand why an artist stylizes things the way they do. It also helps to was the artist too to give one a better understanding.

>> No.4043718

i won't get into tastes, if you like that one that's fine. But theres no way on earth that I would be able to draw anything deviating from 3/4 faces and front views when I was at that state, the form thing is still relevant.

>> No.4043719

You can smell the newfaggotry from their posts

>> No.4043724

Stop baiting I don't want the holy word アニメ even close to the abomination on the right, the left looks even better.

>> No.4043758

Because anime is harder than unstylized realism and animefags want to straight up draw anime

>> No.4043773


>> No.4043775
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>> No.4043778

the left isn't anime
the right most definitely isn't anime

>> No.4043823
File: 156 KB, 768x960, 1563672936149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Went from something that could pass into a children book to fucking tumblr shit
I can't remember the last time that i wasn't sure if I'm being baited

>> No.4043851

t. assmad weeb

>> No.4043860


>> No.4044320


Weebs learn from anime, and not real life.
It is only when you draw from real life that you will understand how to mutate and alter human anatomy rules for it to end up looking like something pleasing, whether it's western comic-tier or anime-tier.
On the other hand. if you learn from anime, you will not understand much of what you are drawing, as anime is "the shadow of real life". You cannot look at a shadow in order to understand how the original forms work, and you need those three-dimensional forms if you want to be able to draw more freely and 'correct'

>> No.4044345


>> No.4044369
File: 144 KB, 1024x768, 454d7629e84d87711e3c29f816b6f1eec8b48772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I only draw ugly cartoons, but is OK since cartoons are supposed to be ugly

If you had watched something that isn't Calarts SJW rainbowpuking shit, you would probably be on a level with a "realistic and complex" weebs, don't you think?

>> No.4044495

anime anatomy is in fact different from real life anatomy. If you want to draw ugly gross characters you'll draw them realistically.

Its because of idiots like you that it is so hard to learn. You learn anime by drawing anime, not by drawing traditionally.

>> No.4044503


>> No.4044527

Actually retarded. It's the same anatomy but simplified and stylized for a certain appeal.

>> No.4044537


>> No.4044555

wow. weebs really have less brain cells than average

>> No.4044579

find me an irl anime girl you autistic nigger, they don't exist. Therefor the most "realistic" thing to do, is to copy them where you find them; IN ANIME.

>> No.4044585

do whatever you want but dont complain about talent after you spend 10 years barely improving.

>> No.4044658
File: 52 KB, 640x510, anime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, you learn to draw anime AFTER you learn the fundamentals, which are based on real life, which is something most ngmi weebs never fucking do. Weebs like that whine and moan like shit about motivation and whatnot because they don't feel like they can draw freely because they based their knowledge on two-dimensional knowledge which does not adapt into drawing creatively and pretty

>> No.4044670

it's simple, anon. if you learn 3d shapes, you can translate that into millions of 2d variations. but if you learn only 2d shapes, you can only translate that into a few variations. all your drawings will probably look the same, and you'll only get frustrated at your lack of creative freedom

>> No.4044676
File: 155 KB, 744x1052, D8nFSYIU0AAvCr3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since when was anime 2d?

>> No.4044685
File: 50 KB, 1000x1000, febelle-women-039-s-socks-sexy-warm-thigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you can't draw freely, it's because you have a mix between poor gesture and poor structure.

If your goal is to draw anime, you can learn structure and gesture 10x better with anime, as what you draw will actually apply to how you normally draw anime.

>> No.4044695

Name ONE fundamental you can't learn by studying anime. Perspective doesn't count.

>> No.4044699
File: 27 KB, 480x480, 1555687901053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manga faces - the single, most important feature of the manga style - are very abstract and follow very loosely any construction laws.

So weebs learn about construction, try to apply it to manga and fail hard on the key feature, the face, creating a negative feedback loop between the two things.

If you want to convert the weebs, emphasize body anatomy and teach the hacks of drawing faces - which are mostly basic shapes memorized - and hair - which is entirely 2D at points.

>> No.4044706

Good example of ugly cartoon, when I was a kid and this was airing I wanted to die, each character is uglier than the other, with their Bonnie Tyler hairs and busy orange'n'white patterns. Not to mention the drag queen makeup.

>> No.4044741

A lot of weeaboo artwork is broken, but it is broken in asthetically pleasing ways. On the surface this means trying to copy artwork and wondering why your work didnt break the right way, which is an easy process to stumble with. For life drawing, your metric is just drawing the thing which has an observable comparison to make, and steady progress to observe.

>> No.4044959

mosty cuz they want to make the art that they admire, insted of just enjoying art,.Most of them want to draw lewd girls doing lewd things, they don't enjoy the process they enjoy the outcome.

>> No.4045164

Weebimay to horseface

>> No.4045170

anime style is the result of minimalism applied to fundamentals. it's an act of reducing to important parts after knowing a bunch. cartoon-obsessed morons get stuck as eternal begs cause they try replicating the artwork of a foreign culture as outsiders. the only real paths are getting involved or imitating with overkill fundamentals.

>> No.4045239

Explain Yoh Yoshinari then, you brainlet.

>> No.4045247

Find me a good anime artist worth their that never had to learn fundamentals.

I'll spoil it for you, they don't exist.

>> No.4045253

>anime anatomy is in fact different from real life anatomy
pay attention to the proportions in 90's animes. They are for the most part correct. Except maybe the nose. The rest is proportional

>> No.4045278

No, just your moeblobs.

>> No.4045346

oh hey that's the guy who did little witch. Damn he is really good.

sorry what am I explaining now?

>> No.4045348

wtf do you mean? in what way does using anime as reference prevent you from learning fundamentals?

>> No.4045350

That's because they are seinin anime. Sailor moon for example didn't have realistic proportions, and is very charming for it. And their proportions being accurate only makes my argument stronger as to why it is good to use anime as reference.

>> No.4045351
File: 205 KB, 521x499, Yoshinari_is_pleased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4045354

A lot of anime is very flat. You will be missing a lot of understanding of how light falls on an actual 3 dimensional form if you refuse to draw from life just because you're obsessed with cartoons.

>> No.4045357

wah wah wah cope

>> No.4045359

Ok. Anatomy.
Wew, that was easy.

>> No.4045361

prove me wrong faggot

>> No.4045362

Keep on tracing, weebscum.

>> No.4045364
File: 43 KB, 142x143, retarded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

posted a pic of you

>> No.4045370
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>> No.4045373

this except some caveats. because anime is just distilled principles turned minimal you can learn most things from copying (good) existing artwork. however, to get anywhere interesting you'll need to train for fine arts either way. that said, most clueless morons these days get pretty far in digital with undo/redo, layers and construction.

>> No.4045375

if your goal is cartoons and only cartoons simplified light patterns are perfectly fine. complex light patterns break stylistic guidelines and look north korean.

>> No.4045378

you probably won't normally learn soft shading from anime, but if your goal is to draw anime you won't need soft shading anyways, although there are anime styles that use soft shading.

>> No.4045380
File: 1.03 MB, 4096x2022, AHHHH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, what a shit thread. Learn your fundies AND draw anime

>> No.4045387

These are sweet anon

>> No.4045402

It's not mine btw, I just wanted to yell in the filename

>> No.4045406

oh? oh whats this? Anime with good fundamentals? HMM I WONDER IF I USE THIS AS REFERENCE I MIGHT LEARN FUNDAMENTALS




>> No.4045414

but why would i study actual humans when all i want to draw are slightly abstracted humans

>> No.4045430

I told you guys, weeaboos are the lower IQ monkeys of every classroom, they eat that "entertaiment" for a reason, because they are braindamaged.

>> No.4045431

Go and show us how it's done then.

So you know how to draw slightly abstracted humans.

>> No.4045442
File: 1.43 MB, 1114x1600, otonari_129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You say that like I'm against it, I'm not. But artist suffer if they never do any life drawing with real humans. Drawing from anime and drawing from real life will absolutely make you a better, well rounded anime artist.

The variance between an anime character and real life just isn't that extreme. Even cartoonist that deal with simplified shapes have done life drawing. Animators from both side of the globe have a long history of drawing from life. Studying humans will help you in drawing humanoids. How would it ever impair you in drawing anime?

>> No.4045501

oh well I was never against using reference from life, I use my own body as reference all the time. I just know anime is the best reference source if you're trying to draw anime.

>> No.4046026

>weebs are retards and cannot learn shit
>thats why weebs struggle with a oversimplified artstyle
anatomy dont matter as long as there are anime tiddies

>> No.4046068

nature is the greatest teacher. every anime character is just an abstraction of something real. If you understand how to draw real people and make them lifelike, you can take that fundamental knowledge and do anything you choose with it - that's artistic freedom... instead of just copying from artists who are better than you because they did all of the things you didn't think you needed to do.

>> No.4046118

if nature was the greatest teacher, russia wouldn't have had to steal nuclear technology from america, they could have just "developed it from nature" like america did.

It's the same principal. Anime is like a human technology, if you want this institution you've got to westernise, and that's only gonna happen by copying the west.

>> No.4047131

I watched stuff like Powerpuff girls, Rugrats, Dexter's Lab, Ruby Gloom and KND, they were Ugly.

>> No.4049646


>> No.4049664

Ah, a man of culture. I have the feeling today's Cartoon Network gets its art directly from tumblr.

>> No.4049675


"nature is the greatest teacher" is literally about art, it doesn't apply to nuclear physics you absolute mongoloid

>> No.4049682


>> No.4049706
File: 21 KB, 480x480, 1563604711745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post shows you have low IQ. Sad!

>> No.4049742 [DELETED] 


>> No.4049743


>> No.4049744


said the cheeto rump supporter

>> No.4049749

weebs are autistic in nature you cant really blame them. Just wish them luck with their plan to live in japan and get burned down by another autist

>> No.4051237
File: 1.57 MB, 4095x3581, Dz3b1H5V4AEZg-x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got you, bro


>> No.4051287
File: 273 KB, 583x720, 1549166299327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, thank you so much

>> No.4051288

Do you know of any other animator twitters? I only know this one and Y. Nakamura's

>> No.4051290

Go on sakugabooru and go down the list of artists, there's usually a link to their twitter

>> No.4051326

Soul => Soulless

>> No.4051335


>> No.4051426
File: 2.19 MB, 4032x3024, 11587C9C-90A3-471A-AAA6-DA9161768660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a weeb just starting to draw, and I’m using drawabox. I’m learning the fundamentals and doing the work, but when I’m burnt out or something i sketch anime. I haven’t learned the first thing about anatomy yet. It’s fun and satisfying, but I’m aware of and actively practicing the things I need to start. That’s alright, right?

>> No.4051437

kai ikarashi is awesome too, his feed is fucking wack tho and hard to sift through.

>> No.4051464
File: 30 KB, 700x550, ED71298D-31C1-4F75-912D-C36075A1F178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that’s fine. Keep it up anon

>> No.4051466

One of the few weebs with functioning brain. What a fascinating specie

>> No.4051469 [DELETED] 
File: 617 KB, 1536x2048, E0030DBF-0083-4025-A6DD-E9232A4E79D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks lads, this is the first sketch I made but like I said I basically tried to copy a reference 1:1... don’t know how to scale certain things or proper anatomy I just did my best to copy exactly what I saw

>> No.4051502
File: 130 KB, 383x500, 1561824696464.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's more anti-weeb shitposting than there are anti-fundies weebs on /ic/.

>> No.4051509

because there are less autists using a computer.

>> No.4051514


>> No.4052017

OP btfo

>> No.4052028

I'm not entirely sure what you just said but I'm pretty sure you're still a liar

>> No.4052058

i guess you proved me wrong

>> No.4052124

oof thats brutal

>> No.4052194
File: 674 KB, 1920x1080, 1562650732445.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The real reason?

Because weebs have things they want to draw, so being into anime is the reason they get started.

Basically weeb is their entry into art, and 99% of anyone who starts a hobby never makes it past the entry phase. Outside of weebs there's not many people who "get into" art. There's weebs, the people who were drawing as kids and were told they were great (so they're already good by highschool), comic fags, and furries. Art isn't really a hobby people just get into because they were forced into it or something, so they need that early push. Normies don't really feel the need to draw, or have the desire to put that much effort into learning how to draw. So being a weeb is the most common push for people attempting to get into art.

So basically, weebs suck because they're almost always /begs/ and people just dabbling in the hobby. While you rarely see /begs/ of other interests, because other interests don't really encourage people to draw.

>> No.4052263

getting out of beginner level is hard because the concepts require artistic thinking with dedicated prolonged effort. most people are clueless brainlet zombies so they give up/ crab/ turn to making 'creative' artwork instead. cartoon-obsessed manchildren keep at it with as many brute force methods possible, nearly always go digital, and never get around to comprehending basic concepts like gesture.

>> No.4054687

funny you mention IQ because the only pedo i know the name of had 121 IQ
also nobody mentioned pedophiles, you are projecting at this point

dude, you need to try some brain enhancements to realize how abstraction works
you clearly dont get it

what a beautiful piece of shit
this is a perfect example explaining why i dont respect this artstyle

after downloading the pic ill name it: "4 months of tumblr"

>> No.4055462

Seething pedophile deserving gunishment.