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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 500x292, 1563055526048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4040030 No.4040030 [Reply] [Original]

I'm a weeaboo in despair
I had no creative future the moment I was born in the west
I have no culture, don't know my own mother language, destroyed myself with colorful distractions on the internet, making myself lazy and soulless
Maybe north america really is fucked creatively, can't do anything right, has barely any artists to look up to, a fucked industry history, and makes mediocre work. Compared to japan, it literally almost has everything, good values, an actual fucking culture, a creative history and future, and talented-like artists that are idol-like
even fucking europe has more artistic future than america
Although, I most likely am making excuses, I ruined my own life, I think I should jump off the balcony or pick up smoking rather than seriously consider making comics.

>> No.4040049

Just draw. You're overthinking things.

>> No.4040063

>I have no culture,
>don't know my own mother language,
>destroyed myself with colorful distractions on the internet,
>Compared to japan, it literally almost has everything,
>good values,
>an actual fucking culture,
>a creative history and future,
>and talented-like artists that are idol-like

On the long, long shot that you're for real and are having some sort of crisis, try /pol/. This sounds a lot like their talking points. Specifically try /pol/ in the short term, in the long term you should actually fucking go to Japan.

>> No.4040064

/pol/ thread

>> No.4040071

fuck me, I really am a faggot for taking this shit out on you guys
someone just report this thread

>> No.4040073
File: 93 KB, 500x351, sad-yeehaw-43124995.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a westaboo in despair
I had no creative future the moment I was born in the east
I have no culture, don't know my own mother kanji, destroyed myself with colorful waifus on the internet, making myself lazy and soulless
Maybe Japan really is fucked creatively, can't make anything new, has barely any artists to look up to, a fucked industry history, and makes pandering work. Compared to India, it literally almost has everything, good values, an actual fucking culture, a creative history and future, and talented-like artists that are idol-like
even fucking europe has more artistic future than Japan
Although, I most likely am making excuses, I ruined my own life, I think I should jump off the balcony or pick up a salary man life rather than seriously consider making comics.

>> No.4040090
File: 175 KB, 299x850, Let's Speak English, Mary Cagle5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fuck me, I really am a faggot for taking this shit out on you guys
1. Yes.
2. Oh shit, you ARE for real?

if this thread gets the hammer continue in /vent/ at >>4036249
I the mean time talk about yourself.

>destroyed myself with colorful distractions on the internet,
I don't think that is true. Worst case scenario you can still learn better storytelling methods, or how to care about important issues (not necessarily /pol/ shit). And I was being serious about the Japan comment. I don't actually like anything that comes out of Japan but everything I hear about the place sounds charming. Hell, becoming someone worth letting immigrate is a good medium term goal in itself.

>> No.4040344
File: 3.74 MB, 3262x4982, artist earnings, college percentages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>3 hours and 30 minutes ago
>no response
>no post in /vent/ that looks like it could be OP's
Please don't actually get a useless degree and move to a foreign country on an anon's urgings, the possibility of that happening is the sort of shit that'd keep me up at night

>> No.4040441
File: 24 KB, 631x732, 1564246254684.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks it's any better in the east
It's bad everywhere anon.

>> No.4040443

This is could be a powerful copypasta

>> No.4040630

fuck it, I'm bored, I won't self sage. I don't even know if self bump works, it's 1 and a half AM
>storytelling methods & important issues
I can look at the works of now and see what works and what doesn't.
I also really feel that I can stir up at least 6 themes I can write and draw that I haven't seen yet
For japan, no thanks, to be honest
I'll stay here in Hongcouver, I have to work with what I have.
I knew how bad art school really is, but thanks for the reminder
After cooling off, I remembered that japan is also looking dim in terms of the industry, and manga being dime a dozen, and probably looked upon as young kids/teens stuff
I won't start on what mangaka/mangaka assistants have to go through

>> No.4040631

>tagged 2 people twice
I've been sleep depriving too much

>> No.4040651

I had a similar feel about 3 years ago, my advice would be to go out and talk to other artists. There’s quite a few people out there that can interact with you on that same wavelength. There’s also shit petty people out there, but that’s life. Keep the good ones and disregard the rest. Mainstream American culture can absolutely get infuriating, but people with genuine passions, nuanced tastes, and a need to create do exist. Chances are you’re just isolated and lonely, and the only way to change that is to make genuine relationships. I’ve been there, and your problems as a disenfranchised male youth are very real.

Try also eating well, having a balanced routine, sitting in the sunlight, and getting exercise if you haven’t already. It’ll improve your mood considerably. Also stay away from /r9k/ and /pol/

>> No.4040661

I'll say one more thing I need to vent at least once in my life
I'm a literal zoomer
I was born at the worst time, I literally missed out any certain fun stuff that went on in old art communities that some people like to talk about. This still happened to me for the past few years, finding some special things on boards like /qst/ that would have been even more fun if I was born earlier enough to get the full experience
all this sacrificed for what, fucking mediocre flash games and youtube videos that appeal to autistic kids with single digit IQ's?
I missed out on a good past, and I think I'm in for one shitty future

>> No.4040694
File: 188 KB, 1200x840, D03Mbm7UwAAcS1B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what? You're absolutely right. Not everyone can succeed, and I guess you're one of the many that cannot.
Sometimes these thoughts go in my head too. I'm also a teenager and I also sometimes think about how much better things could be if I had spent my childhood differently, or if I were born in a country like Japan where art education is more important.

In the end, you're nothing but competiton for me. If my opponent isn't going to try, I guess it's an easy win for me, right?

>> No.4040699

>the West has no culture
lol https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Great_Books_of_the_Western_World#Volumes

>> No.4040701

>I had no creative future the moment I was born in the west
>I have no culture

if by the West then you mean America then yeah.