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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 585 KB, 1200x1615, f57ee08e4805d62dc4ad83f3c8d2f478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4036635 No.4036635 [Reply] [Original]

**Don’t aimlessly study the fundamentals or anime. Learn the fundamentals (form, values, color, composition, etc.) through properly copying anime.**

How to study anime/get better at imagination drawing/obtain a style/etc.:
>Find an anime reference you like (an illustration, screenshot, anime figure, 3D model, etc.)
>Find learning material that will help you reconstruct your ref using simpler fundamental elements
>Trace the ref using that construction
>Copy the ref using that construction
>Draw the ref from memory that using construction
>Repeat the process for the same ref multiple times and mix in other refs
>After studying a lot of refs, drawing from your head will become easier

**Focus on Tracing/Copying/Memory drawing the big shapes/values/elements first then later worry about the finer details. Focus on only a portion of a complex ref first then move on to studying the full ref.**

General anime style discussion:
>Questions about achieving certain styles/techniques/compositions etc.
>Drawing methods, study habits, resources, tutorials, tools, software, etc
>Be specific and try to post a sample of your study attempts before asking for help.

**Keep most of your personal works for /alt/ or the other critique threads. Here we should be drawing copies from good references to mindfully up our mileage, internalize appealing aesthetics, and learn from each other’s processes and knowledge.**

General Art Overview:

Japanese Book Collection:

Recommended Resources:

Discord: https://discord.gg/3bwdfRk

Previous Thread:

>> No.4036637
File: 796 KB, 1805x2560, 010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4036638
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>> No.4036639
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>> No.4036642
File: 39 KB, 498x710, 1519464132482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have any of you fags learned anything aside from having the ability to copy on a 1:1 ratio?

>> No.4036651
File: 99 KB, 723x691, 1558806679557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the ability to copy on a 1:1 ratio?
I fucking wish my dude
At least I'm having somewhat fun with my studies but jesus christ sometimes I feel so lost on what to improve on

>> No.4036653

RIP, sadpanda
Better get all those artbooks while you still can.

>> No.4036655

That's because you're actually not improving or learning anything new, you're just learning how to be a better copy cat. There's no saving you.

>> No.4036671
File: 44 KB, 477x640, 1550644225585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gone through several head studies (loomis, houston, hitokaku, bridgman, reilly, nma courses) but the thing I mostly lack right now is mileage/experience (My proportions, lines, angles and observations tend to be off somewhat)
Right now I just need to copy and draw a fuck ton while keeping attention on my mistakes and attempt to correct them as good as I possibly can. After I'm confident with drawing heads and features from any view, I'll move on to proportions of the body (along with gesture/structure) and anatomy in general. Shit just takes a lot of time and I'm used to instant gratification from other hobbies, so I get easily frustrated. Luckily I have enough discipline to keep going and keep practicing. /blog

Thanks for listening

>> No.4036684

Do you still feel it's off with a proper background? An off-white background with noise (or any other background) could help you see what's lacking better.

>> No.4036695

As opposed to copy 1:1 Charles Bargue's plates you mean? Stupid crab.

>> No.4036696

improving is fun. Not improving is not fun. If you aren't having fun or doing something interesting, you might be better off not wasting your time because that clearly means you're not improving.

Art's more puzzle than grind, work smart, figure out how the game is played; 10000 hrs is a meme. Im sure you have written things in school for 10000 hrs, yet has your penmanship ever improved?
If things aren't working out, that means you have to try and figure out why they are giving you trouble. It could just be that you are going about things wrong, or maybe you don't know something you're supposed to know. Get better sources.

It is good to take some time to go over your work and pay attention to which parts you have trouble with. Then study the parts you have trouble with; try to solve the issue so that you no longer have trouble every time you do it, it collectively makes a big difference if you are successful at this.

>> No.4036700
File: 2.67 MB, 1920x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better be drawing.

>> No.4036702

An academic study is not equal to copying your favorite gook cartoons. An academic study of life doesn't sacrifice detail and forms to fit a budget and a timeline and to make it look good in motion for animation on the cheap. Keep copying your animay dumb dumb.

>> No.4036773

>academic study
>academic study of life
I'm laughing at you. You know nothing.

>> No.4036780
File: 154 KB, 968x1056, tumblr_pv9oq5enX51u22504o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so close to cracking the formula anons. I'm just missing that matte finish I'm looking for. Blurring without causing glow/line loss is proving difficult.

>> No.4036783

Are these threads worth it?

>> No.4036805

They're redundant but if it helps siphon the riffraff and keep you retards entertained with tracing over your favorite animays keep them coming.

>> No.4036813
File: 152 KB, 579x800, tumblr_p8nq1q7lHs1silwu4o1_640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can some kind anons post artists who are good at retro style, including fx? Heart-Puff/Pikiru is the only one I know.

>> No.4036816

retro style is for trash spics with no originality or creativity. it's like copying toriyama and dragonball shit.

>> No.4036845

you're irrelevant

>> No.4036855
File: 2.32 MB, 900x675, 73880272_p32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here are some I found right now. Maybe those are good for you:

>> No.4036876

I’m trying to study the way to make cute+hot males, yaois, general fujo stuff. What do you guys think makes a good husbando? Post your top husbando aesthetics.

>> No.4036891
File: 419 KB, 1402x1907, 72549993_p5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can look past the fetishy stuff this dude has a very appealing and solid 80's/90's style without relying on gimmicks like VHS filters.

>> No.4036892
File: 448 KB, 1224x956, original_4245098c4ce0dcf0aacf1c8efc3546ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally why not just study ACTUAL artists from that era?
knockoffs from today won't get you anywhere.

>> No.4036893


>> No.4036908

Draw a tomboy girl add a dick

>> No.4036954

I do, but pulling off the retro look digitally is what's hard. It's not like I have cel sheets, paint, and 80s recording equipment. So far there are only a handful of tutorials, most of which are just the same.

>> No.4037008
File: 1.19 MB, 1580x2048, 5833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's really not hard at all, all you need to do is add some noise.
They rest is really just color palette and art style.
Making it look like it was literally shot on film/a screencap of VHS is honestly ugly, and quite gimmick-y.

>> No.4037009
File: 451 KB, 914x1081, yamane.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4037013
File: 353 KB, 1448x2048, D9FpU-NUYAYIOFt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4037014
File: 451 KB, 699x699, 34935e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4037074

Do I learn how to draw normally (drawing shit I hate like realism) before doing this?

>> No.4037096

Its more effective but if you hate it then no

>> No.4037171
File: 846 KB, 910x1526, 13513454213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New thing from as109, is it just me or there's something really wrong with it?

>> No.4037183

Her lower body is tiny, as if it's on some extreme perspective

>> No.4037318

Yeah but you're not

>> No.4037325
File: 135 KB, 1200x1648, IMG_20190725_120801.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you into fujoshit to begin with? Of not, most girl would know you're trying to fit in with the fujo crowd.

>What do you guys think makes a good husbando? Post your top husbando aesthetics.
That depends. Some like muscular guys, shota boys to feminine girly types to idol pop guys

>> No.4037339

Her head is wider than her hips which is a retarded mistake.

>> No.4037345

Shitty anatomy + shitty colors

>> No.4037352
File: 189 KB, 1500x1125, D9m2keRWkAEf5B9.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


check out: https://twitter.com/AngryangryD

>> No.4037359

what type of brush should I be using for my sketch work and for my line work? I often feel like my line work is too thick, I use the regular pen tool on medibang

>why medibang
I broke Sai trying to make it work with my tablet while doing dual screen on my PC, and medibang is the software my tablet seems to like the best.

>> No.4037383

how does people identify if an artist is male or female? It is because of the way how they draw their characters?

>> No.4037570

>It's really not hard at all, all you need to do is add some noise.
>Making it look like it was literally shot on film/a screencap of VHS is honestly ugly, and quite gimmick-y.
The noise looks gimmicky and like shit.

Stop posting trash that can't draw.

Sketch work is personal and can change a lot. I'm constantly changing between pencil type brushes which are light and don't change size much but I can press and get a dark mark out of. Sometimes hard round with pressure jitter on just density, just opacity, or both to get really imprecise sketching that doesn't let me worry about details early on. Sometimes I sketch with a size jitter opaque hard round, or opaque flat no jitter. Experiment and change up so you don't get comfortable and thus get comfortable sketching with anything.

For pens/inking, try using any pen with no size jitter. Add thickness by going over the line or erasing away. Flat line, add strong or make weaker after.

>> No.4037624


>> No.4037665

>anime study thread
>severe lack of people posting their own art
I thought this was a study general, not an inspo general

>> No.4037667
File: 172 KB, 1555x760, drawpile10-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gonna practice the body

>> No.4037670

That's why these threads aren't worth the trouble.

>> No.4037672

wait a bit more, there's a few that will pop up in 100+th post

>> No.4037679
File: 584 KB, 1435x805, Moe blob and Shounen Ant Person.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy's eyes are absolutely fucked but I'm still kinda happy with way I painted his skin. I also wanted to play around with the moe blob art style, is she cute?

>> No.4037685

its pretty good of course, but the bluryness of the eyes is bad, would look better if it were similarly solid as the rest of the drawing

>> No.4037686

what resources are you using to study anatomy and form?

>> No.4037687

none, I just copy stuff I find, as well as my own body a long time ago

>> No.4037689

Thanks for the feedback, anon. I thought they were a good idea at the time because I see a lot of anime artists do them, I suppose it doesn't look good with certain styles

>> No.4037694

oh well, I notice other artists do it , and i hate it when they do it too, ruins a perfectly good drawing imo. it's jarring, either the whole drawing is blurry or none of it is.

>> No.4037695

Fixing it now, based anon!

>> No.4037792
File: 592 KB, 1094x1426, 1556925255040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the workflow for integrating 3D into your stuff? What program is best?

>> No.4037810

aaaa this whole time i've been putting the arms too far forward

>> No.4037931

Get familiar with a 3d package and shoot. Something like Blender is free and easy to use, version 2.8 is releasing very soon and is an excellent tool. Modelling and rendering is very easy, and the grease pencil/animation stuff is good for artists.

No matter what you pick you'll have to learn how rendering works. The basics of PBR will help you with art rendering and materials too. Workflow is sketch/compose the shot, model it, render out the layers, then bring into your art program for compositing. You can render out any number of passes like depth pass for ao, material id, object id, and so on. You can use these to help your selections when you paint over them.

>> No.4037940

>render out the layers, then bring into your art program for compositing. You can render out any number of passes like depth pass for ao
That's fucking nice, I didn't know you could do that with Blender so I'll start with that. I just hope it's possible to port the models into CSP

>> No.4037990
File: 915 KB, 2214x1241, curvedorstraight1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guys I have a question.

You know how eyes are in straight line in front view.

What about 3/4? Are they over a curved line or in a straight line?

This is super confusing to me as I see contradictory advice all the time.

>pic related

>> No.4038033

Looking straight ahead = straight
Looking up = curves up
Looking down = curves down

But draw a proper ball first dio mios

>> No.4038042


yeah but what about 3/4...

>> No.4038054
File: 8 KB, 400x400, tegaki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4038056


Technically curve but the curve is extremely minimal unless it's from above or below so it doesn't matter. And the apex of the curve is on the center line.

You are clearly just constructing because you saw someone else do it instead of actually understanding what you are representing with the construction. Learn to draw before stylizing.

>> No.4038075

>Learn to draw before stylizing.

Learn to stop being a retard.

I only drew it to ask a question and it's on my recycle bin. It's not a fucking final piece...

>> No.4038077

>You are clearly just constructing because you saw someone else do it instead of actually understanding what you are representing with the construction

Yes that someon is loomis retard. I am asking to understand that was the whole point.

Jesus you can't ask something here without someone being a smug fuckward.

>> No.4038086
File: 533 KB, 2214x1241, 9brjdn4x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you should know the anatomy of the face in the first place, the eyes are paralel but the eye sockets are like pic related kinda, thats why when you rotate the face like 3/4 you can see more of one eye because the nose bridge covers part of the other and you can see more of the other because the eye socket lmao

this anon is right>>4038056 go back to loomis

>> No.4038090


I am doing loomis. I did a loomis question. Jesus Christ

>> No.4038093
File: 65 KB, 476x543, BGoldnew_zpsabd8f372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

question...any good artbooks or guides for 90s and 2000s anime? im looking for a bit more inspiration for me art.

>> No.4038097

>you should know the anatomy of the face in the first place, the eyes are paralel but the eye sockets are like pic related kinda, thats why when you rotate the face like 3/4 you can see more of one eye because the nose bridge covers part of the other and you can see more of the other because the eye socket lmao

Also I already know that.

I am asking if they are curved or not because Hitokaku has them paralell and the loomis book has them curved.

I just asked a question. fuck your condecending bullshit.

>> No.4038104
File: 45 KB, 635x665, 1522362842822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4038108
File: 89 KB, 745x366, hitokaku.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I mean Hitokaku uses a straight line. I am trying to understand something.

>> No.4038113

Fuck it... I am just using hitokaku.

>> No.4038120
File: 70 KB, 449x544, example.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on head tilt and shit. as noted by:
See my shitty scribbles.

You still have to map the actual shape of the eye/socket onto that construction line as others have said.

>> No.4038138

Ok thank you that helps!

Just one last thing I'm not offended by being called shit. But I do think it's bullshit the implication I am not doing loomis. When that's exactly what I'm studying and "I am just doing anime without studying fundies lol"

I just had a question about the fundies I'm studying, no need to be smug pricks about it.

>> No.4038156


Bullshit implication I am not struggling trying to learn fundies aside.

I have to thank you. It helped greatly.

>> No.4038173

Glad to be of service.

Pity us crabs anon. One day your critical eye will exceed your drawing ability, and then you too will resent those who can't perceive their own mistakes, for they cannot hate their own drawings as richly and completely as we hate ours.

>> No.4038203

draw the eyes simultaneously, not one at a time

>> No.4038477

>god mine

>> No.4038480

Tip from the guy behind the original /asg/: remove the discord link from future stickies.
It has nothing to do with anime studies anymore, when someone eventually posts art it turns into a shitty hugbox.
Cut their flow of /beg/s, they're not there to actually improve. You will not get any quality content off what they say about your art.
Anime Study: Discord Edition is a shell of what it was, and having the discord in the sticky makes no sense anymore.

>> No.4038483

was it autism

>> No.4038486


Aqua, why did you get so triggered. People legit thought you were shitposting because of how much of a lil fag you were being.

>> No.4038488

It's a cool place and they say it gets cooler

>> No.4038493

Fuck that was the perfect feedback I needed, thanks anon. It’s something I struggle with but you reminded me to keep working

>> No.4038499


>> No.4038501


>> No.4038509

You're gonna have to put up with all this fuckery if you even step in the server :
Or not if you're looking to go full retard.

>> No.4038535

You are the fag who made it into a hugbox yourself.

>> No.4038544

And you've been samefagging for over 10 minutes, go grab a fucking pencil for once.

>> No.4038548

I've always thought you were the embodiment of the whole NGMI archetype

>> No.4038552

Why the fuck is there drama

What’s so fucking drama-inducing about drawing pictures

>> No.4038560

How do you paint like that? I liked this a lot.

>> No.4038561
File: 19 KB, 600x335, Try harder aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, I'm way better than you. Go draw some eyelids dude.

>> No.4038567

“I’m surrounded by amateurs goddamn!” - some amateur

>> No.4038572

You're shit compared to me, Dare.

>> No.4038576

You did? :) I used thick black lines to sketch and after laying down base colours on the layer below, I merged them. Part of the appeal is actually caused by trying to clean up the messy line work hehe. This might be completely useless to you thougj

>> No.4038580

Go draw

>> No.4038581

Wait I just realised that sounds really redundant and vague

>> No.4038583

Are you the guy who insisted Winx Club and Barbie was anime a couple of weeks ago?

>> No.4038584

tgis is fucking cancer

>> No.4038590
File: 53 KB, 523x253, Aquaisgonerejoice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, also Dare is way better than you. Its not even a competition between you two.

>> No.4038593

You're both shit, go draw.

>> No.4038594

You can't even draw so you shouldn't be talking fag.

>> No.4038602

One last time.
Op? Next time the link needs to go.
The server's a bootleg at best. Save the /beg/s before they turn into dunning krugers.

>> No.4038603

Bro make some tea and get off the internet

>> No.4038604

fuck off already with your discord drama, fag.

>> No.4038605

But the crabs men /beg/ to differ
Judging by the works in the study channel

>> No.4038607

>/asg/ is fighting with each other
Don't make me pick a side. Why can't we get along? Why can't we just draw anime? Why must we kill and start wars with each other? I tired of seeing good artists die in mealiness wars. Why must we send young one to die for nothingness.

>> No.4038609


>> No.4038612

>tfw no idea what's going on
looks like I need to make myself a discuck to lurk on those shitposters

>> No.4038613

The /ic/ we skate is getting pretty /beg/
the aqua's getting salty so we might as well kek

>> No.4038614

What are you on about? It's one salty crab trying to start drama. Just ignore him.

>> No.4038621

My drawings are pure garbage, how about yours?
That's the way I hate it and I'll never git gud

>> No.4038622

Hey now, we’re NGMI

>> No.4038624

Thanks! But I'm wondering more like, after laying the flat colours, how do you make it look so soft? You lay shadows with a soft brush?

>> No.4038625

Pick your pencil up, go draw

>> No.4038627

Ohh you were asking about the anime girl, well one thing I noticed is anime artists always render skin like it’s almost glowing. They do this by showing some of the colours shine through the hair, and using a slightly brighter skin colour to airbrush just the centre of the face- it’s almost unnoticeable but has a considerable effect

>> No.4038629
File: 553 KB, 1513x3364, IMG_20190728_023341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get the show on, get paid

>> No.4038636

coming from someone who left the discord a while back, it did became shit because it's literally a cesspool full of /beg/s critiquing each other, including aqua. Sorry aqua, but inviting a server full of weeb shut ins is a bad idea in the first place

>> No.4038646

Oh I fully agree. A significant portion of good artists left long ago and a large portion that stayed are looking for kisses and hugs. I got temp-banned myself for stopping the sugar coating, shouldn't have given the ownership to someone that's doesn't give a damn.
What gives? Go draw.

>> No.4038672

Permaban ANYONE who posts a discord link. Range ban them. It only turns threads to shit.

>> No.4038673

I can copy references well but when it comes to original drawings of the same style, I cant seem to make them. Whay do I do, anons? Am I just not imaginitive enough to think of a good image in my head or is it a problem with my knowledge on the subject? I can draw the refence pics without looking after memorizing it, but I just cant make anything original. Hlep

>> No.4038674

>Don’t aimlessly study the fundamentals or anime. Learn the fundamentals (form, values, color, composition, etc.

>> No.4038678

Aww man, so I need to get a loomis book before I can draw anime girls?

>> No.4038679

My suggestion would be, try starting to introduce originality to when you use reference pics.
Draw the reference in a slightly different angle or pose, learn to break away from it.
Practice straight up original pictures as well, it'll eventually grow on you.
Refs are additions to your drawing knowledge but that knowledge itself needs to grow.

>> No.4038685

Hmm. Thats actuslly something I never tried. So I should try to make the references in a different pose? I should probably get to studying anime anatomy then. Any good books for that, anon? I'd go through the 20GB jp book MEGA folder but its pretty tedious to do so

>> No.4038690
File: 81 KB, 750x500, yohsketches02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're aiming for more creative, exaggerated anime poses there's some content of that type in "The Art of Yoh Yoshinari Rough Sketches".
I think there's an online copy of it on e-hentai.
If you're looking for more realistic figures and poses, try the croquis cafe videos on vimeo (nsfw).

>> No.4038703

I'm more of a fan of the exagerrated proprtions and poses so I'll try out thr first one. Thank you ver much anon! Really, thank you!

>> No.4038710

No problem, have a good study session!

>> No.4038718
File: 1.02 MB, 498x498, CapSalute.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welp that's a a wrap for me anime discord. The tournament is still going on, just friend me at #7093 or join Inno's server

You're gonna make it. -BMAC

>> No.4038720

>attention whore
kill yourself

>> No.4038722

>he's making commissions now

>> No.4038723


I'm pretty sure Chico was original /asg/, not you.

>> No.4038726

Well you'd be wrong.

>> No.4038728


archives don't lie you attention whore

>> No.4038729
File: 241 KB, 1080x1829, IMG_20190728_025849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The first anime study threads were mine you piece of shit
It's got my art as the thumbnail image in 2017.

>> No.4038730

>nigger from Portugal

>> No.4038732

not him but irc the first 2 or 3 drawthreads were by some anon and then someone else picked up the threads as generals was chico the former ?

>> No.4038734

reeeee copy anime you retards I don't give a shit about other things just draw cute tomboys getting fucked

>> No.4038735

hmm no

>> No.4038741

weren't the first asg without a pasta in the op?

>> No.4038743


>> No.4038744

Nope, they were probably just not called /asg/ but something else after the threads kept getting deleted. My memory doesn't remember the acronym but when I remember I'll post it.

>> No.4038748

You're a pathetic human being.

>> No.4038750

It couldn't be /alt/, no?
Alt's still around

That is the earliest anime study I remember making.

>> No.4038752

i remember it was HOW TO DRAW FUCKING ANIME

>> No.4038754

A significant portion of those artists left while you were still the admin.

You spent the vast majority of your time in general chat getting into arguments instead focusing on art related discussions.
It’s your self-proclaimed reason for stepping down as admin.
And then you got temp banned because you kept doing it.

You ran the server like a daycare, trying to discipline members who broke the rules by putting them in a detention hall until they finished their homework.

>> No.4038756
File: 2.50 MB, 1200x1500, 1559585767740.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What has this guy done to deserve this bullying?
I'm not into those faggy discord so why not keep that stuff where it belongs

>> No.4038757

Here's a tip from a 35 year old moron who still browses 4chan: all online communities turn out like that, no exceptions.
A community is started around a thing, but eventually people get to know each other better and start talking about mundane things, just like you would talk with your RL buddies. This alone is fine as long as the original purpose of a server/IRC channel/forum stays the same, right? But it won't, you know why?
1) People get bored. Not that many people have a long lasting, strong drive to follow what they started, in this case improving your art within a specific style. Some will choose to branch into something different. This leads to old posters/users contributing less except for offtopic talk about nothing in particular.
2) As the group grows, conflicts arise. It's inevitable. Sooner or later someone will get mad enough to create drama, branch out of the server/IRC channel/forum and create his/her own, advertising it as the real good thing unlike the old one that supposedly went to shit.
In the end everything will turn into a "hugbox" unless it's moderated with a strong hand and/or straight out denied ANY offtopic talk. You won't find of this approach around and certainly never on any Discord server.
It's better to accept these things WILL happen eventually and use the opportunity to make friends with members/users/posters who seem like valuable people to make acquaintance with, whether you're looking for professional approach to the thing you like or just having fun conversations.
I've seen these dramas happening so many times in so many different communities, from racing games to art forums to a fucking real life chess club, I shit you not. It WILL happen. Always. Trust me.

>> No.4038760

Yeah that's it

see >>4038750

>> No.4038761

What brushes do you use to render in CSP?

>> No.4038763
File: 853 KB, 1536x2048, Screenshot_20190727-211349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

found it

>> No.4038768


>> No.4038770

Thanks anon.
I'll give up on this.
It's moved on, grew into its own thing and I can't do anything about it.
But hey, asg is still a thing after years so, yay. It's just a different thing now.

Remember to study but most importantly, make sure you enjoy it. It's ok if you want to talk with someone or take a break even if for a bit, it can be hard. Don't end up like me clinging onto it and end up ranting on 4chan. We can be better than that.

>> No.4038773


Seems in the end the mods gave up and just let this thread stay as containment. The moderator on IRC said the name of the general kept getting deleted because the name had "fucking" in it and wasn't taken seriously.

And so this Aqua person is latter OP. So anyway, lets not try to rewrite archived history with a 2017 thread...>>4038729

>> No.4038780

dam if look in these archives those threads were comfy as fuck

>> No.4038796
File: 601 KB, 1000x1000, you could have been drawing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reporting in

about to watch today's episode, i'm excited to do a few more

>> No.4038841

Who's Inno? Can you post his work?

>> No.4038852


He went full retard after some guys argued with him wether an artist used 3D models for millenium eyes in a drawing and got really assblasted over it today.

Also other general faggotry and dramawhoring.

>> No.4038857

Wait, that saber, are you Papa Boa?

>> No.4038874
File: 136 KB, 1920x1080, -2019-jul-20-024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no, i'm just some ngmi anon... who's papa boa?

>> No.4038901
File: 89 KB, 638x900, DFMK-PZXoAAWsu_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Papa Boa is a huge saberfag and he used to read me Legacy Wars as a nightime story with his soothing hunk voice. But now he has left after the reform in the server we were a part of and I never figured to add him. Now his sweet Panama ass is drawing Sabers somewhere and I haven't heard his soothing voice in months.

>> No.4038916

>he used to read me Legacy Wars as a nightime story with his soothing hunk voice.
The fuck?

>> No.4038922
File: 13 KB, 581x92, I miss him.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He only actually did it like a couple times. But I do miss Papa Boa.

>> No.4038923

not with that attitude
sounds gay

>> No.4038925


Legacy wars, forgot that part.

>> No.4038935

Do you have a tablet with a screen? I find that it's impossible for me to draw clean lines on my intuos so it's kinda disheartening to sketch on it.

>> No.4038953
File: 167 KB, 600x568, otp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i recently got a 2nd gen 12.9" ipad and i'm really enjoying it. hatching quickly used to be impossible for me on a screenless tablet.

i like to spend time cleaning up my lines either way, but it definitely feels a lot faster and better on the ipad. for reference, pic related is work that i've posted before, done on a screenless tablet. it looks like the end result is about the same

>> No.4038962
File: 1.49 MB, 3000x3000, girl00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

May be the same, but the effort it takes to clean the lines just doesn't make it worth it for me.

I bought a XP Pen 15.6 pro from China, will take like a month or two to come, but hopefully sketching on it will be better. Here's something I made these days.

I'm also drawing a lot more traditionally too... need to make a habit of drawing in any way I can.

>> No.4038973

>Here's something I made these days.

yeah i'm actually a big tradboy, so i had issues with a screenless tablet too. but after using it for a while and then switching to an ipad, i do miss basically having my hand be invisible and always seeing the entire canvas

>> No.4038987

btw, your sketches are beautiful, keep it up :D

>> No.4038995
File: 2.72 MB, 3120x4160, IMG_20190728_160014.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to study the head using a compass and ruler.
It's getting complicated...

>> No.4039000

>moe face golden ratio
incredible deconstruction. this is absolutely the craziest image i'll see today. i've done this before, but not to this extent... interested to see where it gets you

nice calligraphy btw

>> No.4039002

homie you gay as hell

>> No.4039009

No u.

>> No.4039014

That's incredibly gay

>> No.4039044

This is completely pointless.

>> No.4039056

No u.

>> No.4039060

He meant the las/dad server

>> No.4039061

I'm surrounded by fucking amateurs goddamn it.

WHY AM I EVEN HERE!! FUCK YOU, this is a fucking hugbox filled of delusional /beg/s who think everything cheats at art just because THEY do!

>> No.4039093

don't invest so much of your time on others and start improving on yourself. Also you should stop exposing yourself too much on /ic/. Godspeed on your journey aqua kun

>> No.4039095

>Anime study general
Imagine my shock

>> No.4039112
File: 1.13 MB, 3588x3596, 1562647195662.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, are there actual cheats? where can i get some of them?

>> No.4039115

The Vitruvian Loli

>> No.4039127
File: 249 KB, 645x729, 1564098250215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IQ =217. Paid 19500$ so there should be no mistake.
>I'm not interested in life.
>I'm looking at those idiots who doing something without realizing that we all end up in the grave.
>But whatever.
>Lets look at the music they're listening to. K-pop, rap, fucking 6ix9ine. How the fuck do I live in that society?
>You really think they have read at least one book in their life? I'm afraid not.

>> No.4039136

yes it's called studying and practicing :)

>> No.4039137

Look at what fujoshi are into, I only know that bungou stray dogs is popular.

>> No.4039249

You keep improving anon. Good job.
What have you been up to these days?

>2nd gen 12.9" ipad
I've also been considering dropping a lot of money into an ipad even though I've never owned anything apple before. I'm not sure if it'd objectively be a better choice than investing into a screen tablet, makes me wonder if I'm not fooling myself just to get my hands on a fancy expensive tablet.
The portability and easiness to use seem very appealing to me though.

>> No.4039255
File: 583 KB, 917x454, sdfdsfdsfsdffsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always had the most troubles with hair and recently came up with this approach
>no line for the strands, just render them out first big then small just on top of each other

How do you think this looks?

>> No.4039260

It looks a bit like plastic but I think it looks pretty

>> No.4039313

Fucking sick, mate
How do I get as good as you? Do you just trace over things you like until you know how to draw it?
How much do you usually draw each day? Do you follow Hitokaku's way of constructing heads or something else?
Sorry for all the questions but I'm totally amazed at your art

>> No.4039359

Copy from books and the artists you want to make. This does not mean tracing. Put your art next to art that's better than yours and figure out what's different. Change that next time you draw.

>> No.4039368

Aquapaulo a shit.

>> No.4039372
File: 321 KB, 1343x1937, jul_27_2019(2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm seriously blind to my own stuff. not even sure if its considered eastern or western. but Is this appealing at all?

>> No.4039384


That's the new copypasta, aqua the dramawhore posted that before leaving the discord.

>> No.4039389

sure, if you're pedo

>> No.4039391

Well he was right in everything.

>> No.4039407

this just looks like a child anon

>> No.4039413

Lol, he is in denial about pros using 3D models in drawings as aides, that's why he went full fag.

>> No.4039430

That’s actually pretty good advice haha.

Yeah, I’m a woman. I mostly just want to draw really self-indulgent stuff, my ships and fandoms are almost always very niche. I’m not into shota, but I like bara sometimes, and I’m looking for kind of a sweet spot between the two. Ikemen, I guess? Trying to crack that formula.

I’ll look into it, thank you!

>> No.4039434

Given the reactions you're getting I'd say you're doing good.

>> No.4039467

Are you the guy the calls anything that isn't moeshit not anime?

>> No.4039738

post feet please

>> No.4039757

Looks western

>> No.4039822

What are some good artbooks to study 80s and 90s styles?
Here are my suggestions to get the ball rolling: Sonoda's artbooks, Shirow's, and a lot of /m/ ones (Macross and Gundam in particular) can be found on Archive Scans.
If you can find them, the Viper game artbooks (Sogna was the dev, some of the artbooks hold that name) are also pretty good.

>> No.4039825
File: 770 KB, 1600x2270, 076 - Gall Force.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And forgot my example

>> No.4039827

It's cute but the eyes, nose and lips look western and way the eyes are spaced far apart doesn't really work in the art style.

>> No.4039904
File: 242 KB, 307x450, CrabTurtle-SRL-NA-C-UE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4039909

Is there a Color Lookup equivalent in CSP? Like a collection of LUTs?

>> No.4039911

Okay, so you are that guy.

>> No.4039915

No that guy is me. I remembered that thread. More than likely there were 3 people in the flamewar.and I was defending that guys art that was too western.

>> No.4039944

No, that was me. I haven't posted art since then.

I still stand by the fact that anime is more than moe.

Thank you, man for being so nice. There's actually an anime I want to emulate so I will post some studies later.

>> No.4039989

Mabe try some Akemi Takada artbooks (Patlabor, Kimagure Orange Road etc.).

>> No.4040008
File: 87 KB, 500x720, 1559834293908.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you want to draw lolis? You're not a sick disgusting pervert are you?

>> No.4040010


Nothing wrong with being a sick disgusting pervert so as long as you don't touch actual real children. Keep it to graphite on paper.


>> No.4040059


>> No.4040298

I like it but looks too much western.

>> No.4040300

for reference, r-right?

>> No.4040301

as if thats an objective negative. disgusting

>> No.4040307

yeah get the oil and put some on your toes I'm struggling to imagine what that looks like and need help

>> No.4040316

yeah that would be great haha

>> No.4040568
File: 767 KB, 1085x875, construction study.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this trying to figure out a couple of things, mainly why necks are so long and how to make them that long and look good, and also trying to find a basic shape for the upper torso that works but I definitely failed at that one.

What else should I try to do when I do stuff like this?

>> No.4040571

didn't mean to reply to you

>> No.4040576

How should I study artbooks as an intermediate /beg/ that lacks style and is trying to take my style towards a more anime/manga feel?

>> No.4040593

Thanks for the feedback guys. I'll keep trying different things out. probably study a few Korean artists. I'm not going for anything explicit btw. I just wanted to try something slightly questionable. I shouldn't be drawing kids like this though. my bad.

>> No.4040626

What? I wasn't there during the drama but I remember aqua himself using 3d models for his comics

>> No.4040627

Is that mochi? Good fucking taste. But now I just remembered about the sad panda nuke again, sigh...

>> No.4040628

oh fuck I knew I forgot to save someone

>> No.4040682

why you trannies are still clogging the thread with this shit is beyond me

>> No.4040686

Yeah, tries to take every shortcut himself then projects the shit out of that and calls other people cheaters.

>> No.4040729

yeah haha. I got his stuff from nhentai

>> No.4040878

this nigger can't draw

>> No.4040943

There was a discussion recently criticizing artists that use 3D models and photobashing for concept art and he went ballistic because he does something similar for his drawings.

>> No.4040968

He went ballistic BECAUSE he does something similar? I am looking at the talk right now and that is not it at all. youre mixing up the faggotry said there with the faggotry said here

>> No.4040994

can we just post more studies and less discuck bullshit drama

>> No.4041221

Still a pretty stupid thing to get pissed off about, regardless.

>> No.4041393
File: 245 KB, 1172x780, 1265_914676768888.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is this still westernpiggu like?
im studying space jew artstyle

>> No.4041604
File: 166 KB, 1180x1395, 1549068680938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you consider this chicken scratch?

It's fine. Not westernpiggu, yet.

The most defining trait of westernshit to me is how much rendering western artists put into it.

>> No.4041607

This isn’t chicken scratch! The lines add a lot of appeal

>> No.4041613
File: 157 KB, 375x1000, reines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, anon. lately for fun i've just been copying anime and then doing original work (pic related) based on what i learned from the copying. but in terms of actual studying, i'm reading some moonrune books on color and rendering, trying to push toward finished pieces.

>The portability and easiness to use seem very appealing to me though.
yeah i didn't expect it to make that much of a difference, being so simple to just pick up and start drawing. i actually have huion screen tablet that i bought last year, but it's so unwieldy that i find myself instead just using a regular tablet for drawing on the pc.

i've used a lot of different methods (loomis, huston, hitokaku, etc.) for construction while i was going through the material. after i was done with a book, i kept what i liked and discarded the rest. currently, i'm thinking about silhouettes a lot so i start with just flat 2d shapes to build a clear silhouette and then make perspective constructions over it.

it's hard for me to estimate how much i draw a day but probably on average 2-3 hours a day for the past ~18 months. interestingly, i find myself drawing about the same amount now that i'm working a job compared to when i was neeting it up.

>Do you just trace over things you like until you know how to draw it?
i've traced before, but very quickly i felt that i learned all that i could from tracing. then i started to draw on a grid to keep proportions. i gradually reduced the squares on the grid until it was just a single rectangle. now i just try to measure entirely by eye.

it's very nice, anon, i don't think it's very western at all. i would make the neck a tad thinner and put more detail in the eyelashes if i wanted it to be more eastern-moe-style

>> No.4041672

Not chicken scratch. chicken scratch is when instead of drawing one single stroke, you draw 50, like a chicken scratching the page

>> No.4041682

But what about multiple strokes on the same line?

>> No.4041683

absolutely fine

>> No.4041685

That should be fine imo

>> No.4041691

not just fine but beneficial (in moderation)

>> No.4041812

this should be the banner of ic

>> No.4041822

the point of this thread is focus on the anime style, this is a valid crticism

>> No.4041826
File: 49 KB, 677x677, 0C0510DE-86F5-44C1-82AE-BB69100C7135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drawing cell second form

>> No.4042235
File: 135 KB, 1250x1350, akaakarin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are the arms and hands alright?

>> No.4042272
File: 1.63 MB, 910x1526, 1564198958254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe something like this

>> No.4042277
File: 1.63 MB, 910x1526, 1564198958254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck forgot the hand

>> No.4042355

I've definitely seen more /beg/ than this doing commissions desu

but the lack of engagements that tweet has is exactly why I wouldnt make a commission sheet unless I had at least 300 followers

>> No.4042430

arms and hands are okay akarins face needs to be redrawn copy her expressions a few times and come back to this after

>> No.4042454

>discord is cancer
No shit.

>> No.4042533

Fuck you I'm painting

>> No.4042535

just accept some artists use 3D imagery in their work!

>> No.4042541
File: 539 KB, 848x1200, 73188428_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4042555

what about it is special?

>> No.4042557
File: 11 KB, 645x773, 1548115061788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4042560

probably just think it looks cute

>> No.4042725

that's that average ass shit man try harder

>> No.4042777


>> No.4042806


>> No.4042852

look at all the shapes the hair makes aaah it looks so cool
jst really cool shapes and colors
composition is good, a really well made, solid image
nice and subtle, good strokes, idk everything about it looks good

It's miles ahead of this >>4042272 for example

>> No.4042854

Terminal ABR.

>> No.4042927

What does that even stand for

>> No.4042944

>cant chose a style and stick to it
>Torn between doing celshaded, painted, and animu-rendered works
>Everything is hit or miss
>Can't fuckig chose where to go.

>> No.4043013
File: 119 KB, 1250x1350, akaakarinn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks anon, i didn't realize akarin's face was fucked up

>> No.4043153

you copy an artist you love someone you'd kill to be as good as

>> No.4043172
File: 2.00 MB, 3264x2448, 20190730_152039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this chicken scratch?

>> No.4043184
File: 280 KB, 1250x1350, 327271sq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything is fucked up,i hope you were uasing a ref and you are just bad at copyng

hands are absolute trash
their eyes are looking in to nowhere
akarin face is deformed lookd at her eyesockets, nose placement and eyebrows same thing with kyouko or whatever was her name eyes are not at the same level for that tilt

tldr: ROOMIS

>> No.4043188
File: 3.97 MB, 3264x2448, daio2jj3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4043194

Damn you actually fixed it, what the fuck were he thinking? His latest works looks really bad.

>> No.4043209


>> No.4043508

depth of field with cute bright face, it's nice.

>> No.4043620 [DELETED] 

understood anon, i used some old screenshots, the idea on my mind was cool, guess my atual level din't make for it, it was fun drawing at least.
thank you very much, going to read some /loomis/ rn.

cute crab btw

>> No.4043623

understood anon, i used some old screenshots, the idea on my mind was cool, guess my atual level din't make for it, it was fun drawing at least.
thank you very much, going to read some /loomis/ rn.

cute crab btw

>> No.4043722
File: 687 KB, 1000x682, Tsukihime study comparison..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Learned some stuff, leveled up. Any criticisms guys? I didn't nail the background as hard as I could have but I just wanted to finish it and it wasnt really the focal point of the study.

>> No.4043739

Pretty good,anon. Nice job

>> No.4043753
File: 495 KB, 1000x682, -2019-jul-31-056.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice job anon, you have good technique. it's very close to the original. the shadows aren't quite as dark as they should be and you're missing some key highlights on the dagger around the pommel and crossguard. other than that, look at the the rectangular light shape between her jacket just above her sash. the cast shadow from the jacket isn't distinct enough and the rectangle of light is too bright so that area kind of stands out unnaturally compared to the original.

i marked some areas where you might be misunderstanding how the artist is communicating through light

anyway, these are really small things. i don't think i ever did a study that matches the technique of the original so closely, so i think you did a really good job. i'd love to see you apply this in some original work

>> No.4043824

Thank you so much, I have been waiting about 6 years to earn this level of praise and its wonderful.

The AO is a completely oversight, I was aware it wasnt right as I was working it, wanted to come back to it and just never did.

The jacket cast shadow, I made a shadow map at first and added, subtracted from there. When I got to that cast shadow I couldnt figure it out. I was stumped. I ended up going full black on a seperate layer and reducing it down to like 40% and still wasnt happy but decided to continue anway. I could render the clothing but couldnt figure out how to do the rim lighting on the belt sash underneath the cast shadow and make it look good. The back of the belt was not defined as well as it could have been and I think the complexity of solving the first problem bled over into solving the second. I was trying to only use 3 darks but couldnt properly pop the shadow out with that and the definition suffered.

The key highlights on the knife were another problem of lazyness and trying to be too creative. I should have painted them in on a second layer above instead of putting them into the line art on a clipping layer.

So again I thank you for your time and I will grow from this crit.

>> No.4043832

You did well anon

>> No.4044481

Just wondering, what does your original stuff look like?

>> No.4044526
File: 861 KB, 2752x4148, 030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone enlighten me on hitokaku? I tried his way of constructing the face (from the translated web site of his) and I absolutely loved it, so I downloaded his "It's fun drawing people! Face and Head" book, but I'm a bit confused since I don't understand japanese.

How am I supposed to work with this? Am I supposed to copy EVERY drawing in the book like pic related? or do I only follow the tutorials (for example the construction of features such as ears and eyes) which is specified a bit further in the book?

I would love some input from those of you that have worked with this book.

>> No.4044541

useless exercise anon

>> No.4044604

Not as good

I have taken most of this year off to do studies and work on family issues.

>> No.4044640

You don't have to copy every single drawing, but I'd say copy until you feel like you "get it" and then move on to the next piece of information. Just keep in mind to always try to reconstruct the reference all the way, don't just copy the exact lines you see. You want to be as deliberate as possible with every step in the process when you are studying so that you really internalize everything you learn.

>> No.4044690

>Just keep in mind to always try to reconstruct the reference all the way, don't just copy the exact lines you see.
What do you mean by this? Should I be thinking like "WHY does the artist place this line like this, and WHY is that angle like that" kind of stuff? Should I be thinking in space and shapes for every feature and how to bend those?
>You want to be as deliberate as possible with every step in the process
Could you elaborate on this? English isn't my main language so I don't exactly understand what you mean.

>> No.4044694


>> No.4044720

>What do you mean by this? Should I be thinking like "WHY does the artist place this line like this, and WHY is that angle like that" kind of stuff? Should I be thinking in space and shapes for every feature and how to bend those?
What I mean is that if you're copying a drawing of a head, you should start by drawing those mahjong tile and half sphere shapes and progressively adding more forms and details until you have that final result resembling the reference, instead of just copying lines and shapes as you see them 1:1 without doing any construction groundwork.
>Could you elaborate on this? English isn't my main language so I don't exactly understand what you mean.
You know how professional artists can draw details directly without doing any construction first? That's because they already see the construction "in their minds," which means that they can skip putting the construction on paper and move directly to the final results.
What I'm saying is that when you are studying something and trying to learn to draw it from imagination, you want to make sure you go through every step and construct everything properly. Don't skip any steps, no matter how boring or pointless they seem, because only by drawing the thing properly many times over will you be able to internalize it and eventually be able to draw it quickly directly on paper.

>> No.4044905
File: 173 KB, 700x616, 1551646517594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh okay, I think I get it now
Thanks for the info, anon. Appreciated

>> No.4045060
File: 44 KB, 500x642, b7ea514f2be73a889742e6c494362edd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello friends, I would really like to try and give Akihiko Yoshida painting/coloring style a go but I'm having trouble breaking down how he would do it, any attempt is met with failure, does anyone here have any tips? Or maybe a timelapse of one of his paintings? I've only ever found one, but it was just a pencil drawing

>> No.4045106

you earn a follower anon, your works are looking great!

>> No.4045113

damn thats pretty accurate

>> No.4045223
File: 471 KB, 948x554, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4045226

I like it :)

>> No.4045410

Sauce on the original reference?

>> No.4045424
File: 171 KB, 947x538, 72E2ECC3-6DB2-44AE-BFEF-9DE602F5BA43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4045561
File: 558 KB, 800x1066, IMG_0518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did this without erasing, except for the parts that I erased.

>> No.4045832

Heavily underrated post, thank you for writing all of this anon. What you're saying must be right, 10000 hours is a meme. I know one person who's been painting daily for a few years now and although you'd expect an extreme improvement, the difference between their current and past work is negligible. Grinding mindlessly only brings misery, you don't feel like you're learning anything and it is probably true if you're drawing without giving it a thought like a zombie. It's extremely cheesy but I rewrote your post in my sketchbook as a reminder to look at, and my bad handwriting is an additional proof. To be honest I wasn't aware mindset matters so much because of the "just draw" meme, that no matter what you draw you improve. It's a stack of lies. Huston talked about how studying the gesture of human body is plenty of fun, but I could never feel anything else than misery and doubt. Probably that's where the problem lies - I wasn't studying it, I was only mindlessly trying to draw primitives.

>> No.4045841

looks western

>> No.4045868

and is that bad ?

>> No.4045879


>> No.4045884

I mean, I actually like this one, because of the stylistic choice I suppose.

>> No.4045903
File: 15 KB, 644x800, d90.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anime general
>uhhh so what if i draw anything but anime lmao

>> No.4045936


>> No.4045960

Damn, thought it's a qt tomboy

>> No.4045978


>> No.4046051
File: 101 KB, 798x598, sketch40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wasn't studying it
exactly. I've made that same mistake for far too long, I'm not making it anymore. If you don't feel like you're learning anything, then being told to keep doing it is bullshit and lies.

Keep trying to figure it out anon, don't settle for trouble and bad looking parts, try to fix em.

>> No.4046361

Insanity Is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results

>> No.4046547

A variant of the quote in 1981 states "repeating the same MISTAKES and expecting different results", and I feel that adds more to the argument that "just draw" is an invalid response.
If you've practiced that many times with little no progress, it's meaningless to your progress other than being a slow, brute-force way of learning. The progress you experienced with mindless drawing is practically coincidental.
You need to stop, look at what you're doing, plan the next lesson, be your own teacher.
Practice today. Analyze yesterday's drawing, give yourself a critique with the bit of knowledge you grew today, figure out what you should practice tomorrow. You're bound to find something wrong in it.

Find what you're doing wrong, practice it, look back, find what you're doing wrong, practice it.
Can't find anything? Look at others' art, study it, look back at your art, find what you're doing wrong.
At least that's the study method I've been comfortable using.

>> No.4046891

not anime

>> No.4047270


>> No.4047471


Check out this guy. He has very short step-by-step on rendering various materials/body parts, in form of pictures and videos. I'm sure other anons too will find them useful in one way or another.

>> No.4047704

thanks anon

>> No.4048049

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