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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 118 KB, 600x960, 0d69205490172818541f90d47194375a98647c791d470-diTX2D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4034911 No.4034911 [Reply] [Original]

do you want to know a certain secret about drawing, software and social media tricks that you otherwise wouldn't find the REAL answer to.. this is the place. Only open for day or two before THEY steal the secrets for themselves and leave ic dry again.

>> No.4034915

where is the secret. bitch bastard. post secret. i kill you mother fucker bitch. make me run jia , craig mullen

>> No.4034917

The secret to coloring grayscale is adding a light cold-warm gradient map before the real colors to shift the hue of the shadows.

>> No.4034921

get an asian slave to do your job and pay him 5% of your revenue

>> No.4034927

The secret to overnight 10k social media gains are engagement groups and buying comments.

>> No.4034931

The secret to painting like an Asian God is to squint your eyes.

>> No.4034936

if you kys while chanting "I'm a NIP" will make you reborn as a nip with amazing anime style

>> No.4034941

The secret of secrets is secret.

>> No.4034946

The secret of kells is a great movie.

>> No.4034947


>> No.4034959

Bad attempt. Back to >>>/int/djt

>> No.4034965

learn japanese lol

>> No.4034966

thats how you bait weeb fags. now go kys

>> No.4035002

The secret is drawing every day, breaking down your goals into smaller ones and finding a routine that works for you. Try not to get caught up in social media but also stay informed on trends.

>> No.4035015

unironically squinting your eyes is one thing that will take your art quite far lel

>> No.4035020

whats the secret to getting art jobs? Are there "career" sections on websites? Or are you suppose to email people?

>> No.4035081

just draw

>> No.4035099
File: 69 KB, 1024x684, 1562750796235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret to getting good is to draw porn and never fap. The sheer enjoyment that you will get out of drawing will be immense, you will be driven purely by masculine sexual drive and you will turn it into creative power .You will never stop drawing as long as you can stay away from touching your pp.

>> No.4035101

what are engagment groups. And 10k - are you talking bought bots likes? Bots cant be a auditory that you will sell to, so whats the point?

>> No.4035261

absolutely based

>> No.4035265

The secret to artistic enlightenment is being able to fit your entire drawing hand up your ass

>> No.4035351
File: 99 KB, 640x640, Z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...When I finish my linework, I use fill tool to fill everything outside of it, then I make my linework transparent and on the next layer I'm filling everything inside the resulting blob. With a little trimming it's a perfect base for clipping group/mask.

That's my secret boi.

>> No.4035351,1 [INTERNAL] 

what if im asexual

>> No.4035745

>are you talking bought bots likes?
No. Although you will have a certain percentage of bot interaction based on your content regardless, it's to ensure that you'll come back to their platform if you're on the lower end of activity, and give you the feeling that you've reached a bigger audience after you've got over a certain follower milestone

>> No.4035751

I hate that this is 100% correct
it's hard but im drawing way more even though im horny constantly

>> No.4035762


one can also use layer options to create thicker lineart like some nips like to do

>> No.4035804

stop giving away our secret

>> No.4035819



>> No.4035826

>what is inverse selection

>> No.4035982
File: 9 KB, 187x137, csp_sai_transp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does PS even have the transparency/color thing that Clip Studio and Sai have.. where tf do you even find it

>> No.4035985


>> No.4036042

That sounds like actual work. We're here for the secret!!

>> No.4036056


>> No.4036085

artstation has a jobs page but the amount of people applying for those positions has to be astronomical

>> No.4036175

they should be automatically sorted by pro members, relevance etc. meaning that a bot takes care of the rest and filters them out automatically.

>> No.4036189
File: 22 KB, 164x201, 54678v77.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone read what's written on the lower three layers and the layer mode on the selected one?

>> No.4036965

I joined a freemasonic lodge. Shortly after I sucked off Jeff Bezos and fucked the Queen of England in the ass. Now my furry gangbang art is appearing on the cover of Time magazine.

That's the secret to making bros.

>> No.4037461
File: 29 KB, 700x629, 5YKHW2F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4037480

Tracing. Seriously. Trace pictures, learn the correct line work, and then attempt to do it on your own. Trace pictures and then use a good base to render. This is all for studies of course, your public work will be all yours.

>> No.4037535

any PS pros here?

>> No.4037543

why would you need that ? you can use the same brush as an eraser

>> No.4037559

the brush size would almost always be different since they are separate tools, and I'm keeping a specific brush as an eraser. If you haven't tried it out it's quite comfy using the transparency via a quick shortcut.

>> No.4037568

I have a shortcut to switch between eraser and brush tool. It’s pretty smooth

>> No.4037820

You can do this in PS with most (but not all) brushes but you have to jump through some hoops

>> No.4037825

No and it sucks. Big reason I mainly use CSP now.

I don't know any way to do it elegantly or to maintain the same size of the current brush.

>> No.4038915

I don't know if this is what you mean about engagement groups but I have in my mind for some time the idea of joining up with people interested into the activity of engaging in each other's posts. Engagement encourages other people to engage too. This is what happens naturally to people who make popular stuff and has a lot of friends. My idea is to emulate it. Basically circle jerking with other artists who, like me, aren't actually very sociable.

>> No.4038917

This is actually a good advice. You draw something interesting that catches your attention and focus more than a regular meaningless pose.

>> No.4038920

That's gonna save me some time. Good one. Thanks.

>> No.4039039

>I don't know any way to do it elegantly or to maintain the same size of the current brush.
To get it to behave like CPS I had to change some shortcuts and write an autohotkey script

>> No.4039047

the easiest way to be successful is

>>be a woman on the internet

good news, anyone can be a woman now

>> No.4039120

kim jung gi refuted this shit hard, dude masturbates whenever he's not drawing

>> No.4039142

And Frazetta said he learned anatomy in one night. Doesn’t mean it true

>> No.4039143

just draw

>> No.4039157
File: 320 KB, 400x400, 1231231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>copying line layer and applying gaussian blur it makes it look really soft

>> No.4039187

that sounds like a chinese telephone version of frazetta copying bridgman's guide to drawing in a day

>> No.4039193

thats what he said. check his interview

>> No.4039882

shit that's actually pretty smart , why did i never think about that

>> No.4039937

Social media follows will get you cheap commisions but bigger clients don't care about how popular you are with the internet nerds. You need to find a job in the field, make connections and be a good person to be around/work with.

>> No.4039943

select. then ctrl+shift+i

>> No.4040095

That's fucking genius.

>> No.4040587

This is a good one; helps it not look amateur.

>> No.4041140

real secrets please

>> No.4042683
File: 675 KB, 847x1300, yeet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I have a hard time copying something I imagine a small dot under what I need to draw. The dot has a lines of varying degrees coming out of it. I just need to find the right degree and draw it.

>> No.4042710

measure angles by the hour hand it'd be on a clock

>> No.4042716

>I imagine
Here's a real secret: you can draw lines on your reference. When drawing from life you can hold your pencil vertically in front of the subject.

>> No.4042800

huh this would be good for doing perspective
I'm stealing your secret anon, thanks

>> No.4043200


>> No.4043213

seeing if your values and colors read correctly

>> No.4043271

I believe so too, read the testimonals on "your brain on porn" thing. I'm trying it starting today.

>> No.4043277


There's also that Napoleon Hill about sexual transmutation. I think you're into something.

>> No.4043363

goddamn this is true

>> No.4043436


>> No.4043447
File: 53 KB, 1280x720, noice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mace girl has a cameltoe


>> No.4043461


>> No.4043464


oh yeah? and how do you add the colors over the gradient map to make them look proper

>> No.4043700

No one can in that resolution, you can't make out the kanji.

Maybe natives can decipher it given the context.

>> No.4044652


>> No.4044663

1. I unironically have no clue what you mean, just tried doing it and I don't see how its supposed to help
2. That's not how pros fill in their flats. Use the lasso tool with mouse.

>> No.4044701


>> No.4044705

If you explained what this does somebody who exclusively got good with Photoshop could actually help you.

>> No.4044874
File: 1.44 MB, 2052x1529, F0DB438B-42B7-42A9-90EE-FB221CD6EF35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Or this

>> No.4046003

Anon do you mind explaining? Also if >>4039039 is you, I don't know anything about automatic scripts I'd really appreciate it if you could shed some light on your technique

>> No.4046659

Or just magic wand outside the lines and invert selection and fill. Way easier.

>> No.4046663

It makes the color you're using to draw "transparent", essentially turning whatever brush you have into an eraser with all of its textures and settings.

>> No.4046732

you'd still have to remake every brush tip that isn't a generic brush into a brush. brush hotkeys is such a pain in the ass in photoshop it's really only worth painting in there at the very end for me touching things up.

>> No.4046758

you know you can use an eraser with all the settings of your brush including texture right ?

>> No.4046776

You have to save it as a generic brush tip. In a lot of packs, brushes are only set up to be brushes so you have to resave them and organize. You also can't easily transfer the current brush settings to the eraser settings.

>> No.4046992

The standard brushes in PS (not the new painterly ones) have "clear" blend mode available to them, which makes them work as an eraser. The shortcut is Shift+Alt+R, and Shift+Alt+N to set it back to normal mode. The script I use just toggles between the commands so I can have one button press do it.

>> No.4046997

Weird i guess i never had that issue since i only use one brush

>> No.4047263
File: 414 KB, 957x767, 1562989731123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have spent at least 2 hours a week searching for muh perfect brush, constantly changing up my toolset instead of drawing
>Realise if I drew and experimented more I could make do with any brush
>Still keep searching
Seeing the op pic reminded me of this quandary. What is the perfect brush bros? How do I find my honey, my pal, my buddy, my man? How do I find the perfect mix of hard and soft, transparent and opaque, textured and not, size-dynamic and size-static? I just want to end my eternal search.

>> No.4047292

>step 1, open your favorite drawing program
>step 2, open brush list
>step 3, search for your brush, it should be called "default"

>> No.4047298

That's the GMI layer.

>> No.4047611

hm if it just works on basic old brushes it's not really relevant to me. But still thanks for explaining the shortcuts.

>> No.4047757

There's no need to find the perfect brush setting as much as there is no need to find the single perfect drawing method. You just go with it and tweak them on the go. I personally change my brush settings everyday as I draw. It's more liberating this way, rather than trying to hunt for the golden goose.

>> No.4047780

>in the /ic/ art ghetto
>the secret

the secret is buy more lotto tickets nigga bitch you know we all fucked kekekeke

>> No.4047784

download a ton of brushes, choose a new brush at random every few minutes

>> No.4047796


Don't be thrown no Loomis round
He ain't gonna save you, Clown
Mesmerizing, hypnotizing, the crabs, dey biting

I can't feel my wrist
but the struggle be real
in the mother fucking art ghetto /ic/
i see what it means to be free but nay shit that aint me
cause i gotta do a commission
and add an omission
on the shit I actually wanna do
not this lollygagging catgirl furry voodoo
shit mane

Life aint easy fo /ic/

>> No.4047799


Vilppu tears me up
but I cant fact - u- late and approximate
eight heads high but lord I wanna die die die

Why they be hating the sketch I posted?
You could at least red line, or teal line it
'nstead of baccarat backwards deep frying my anal sphinctor into chaos land internet drama bullshit

this nigga got his book ripped and we we wept ?

>> No.4047805


Can we just dance a little /ic/ ?
in this fucking bullshit for a second?

Ok because Its like:
I lay down the anatomy and I can't for the life of me
Make that perfectly scratched mark and each line is eating me up inside
When will this tormentuous vibe torrent itself outside

Haters gonna hate, but money man gon' live
Fuckin' blessed lurkers that don't gotta dance like me /ic/

>> No.4047812


So then it hits.
Existential drama fucking intercourse within myself.
Why did I need this? Can I just go back to flowin'? Can I just draw and be happy about drawing? Nope Nope Nah

Because you lack in the inquiry, the talent
the gemini that surprises the syrups left eye
I'm not saying nothing
but I am not not not not not saying nothing ya feel me

ok ok ok ok ok
tower girls always rollin
why dont them bitches get off the ride
how about some tower girl girl rolls me for a change
but the girls, they tower over me, mcmanlet but he draw land

>> No.4047820


So then I'm fappin to bae
At least I SHOULD BE
but the left got me sealing my right and the rest be confused you like the happy trail there?

Yeah thick bitches.
sluts and strippers sucking
but not sucking as bad as me
cause the faps over

and now I didnt even draw my fap material

and i just wanked it to some asian dude who draws awesomely divine pony punch pelt back wards loops and hullahoops of semen fallin on this ho ya dig?

WRY he can't even pronounce R!
Why can't i trade for that level of "talent"

because fool ramen tastes different to you

>> No.4048282

did you just make this up or is it based on some lyrics/song i actually want to read it to a beat

>> No.4049313


i just made it up

>> No.4049396

Switch your brush blending mode to Erase

>> No.4050796


>> No.4051047

nice,thanks bro

>> No.4051067

Stop giving away our secret

>> No.4051071

Thats not the real secret though zeronis have another to make the lines soft and work much better than blurring

>> No.4051081

What is it?

>> No.4051086

why can't you just draw the lines with a soft brush?

>> No.4051097
File: 207 KB, 431x850, 276B39A4-08F9-47D3-A003-A0E0B2BB08FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it will be too soft

>> No.4051105

This fucker lucked out getting into riot early when they couldnt hire the big boys. Not that riot hires many permenant artists anyway, most of it is commissioning the work from arthouses.

>> No.4051110

Keep coping anon

>> No.4051113

My secret is a little different, I'm not allowed to jerk off unless I put an hour into drawing that day. This is getting less useful as I age, fuck.

>> No.4051117

Im not even mad, i'm glad it worked out for him like it did. Just saying for being one of the biggest games currently out, he's not the most technically skilled artist. My problem with him is mostly subjective, I think his designs are kind of shit and the coloring style is too saturated for me.

>> No.4051118

You can't tell me what to do

>> No.4051668
File: 164 KB, 1200x700, D_ATOgVUYAA8-bB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2.5D Workflow.

Learning how to render your animus in 3D is gonna take off next year and you're gonna see lots of loops of anime girls behind and in front of reflective and refractive materials.

With it, color management is gonna have more interest in it as people explore blenders 'filmic' color configuration and also start painting with high dynamic range values.
HDR painting will only be possible with something like https://sobotka.github.io/filmic-blender/, which also works in Krita btw.


You can't be a pure 2D artist anymore to 'make it', besides, you'll learn anatomy quicker in 3D than you will with loomis LMAO

>> No.4051669
File: 124 KB, 1200x600, DtGk79FUcAAe9hQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
