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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4031961 No.4031961 [Reply] [Original]

Please justify the fact that I hate this book by agreeing with me. It can't be that I am retarded, it must be that the book is bad.

Unrelated, does anyone know how to get good without knowing how to read?

>> No.4031968

nah betty is a retard
get keys to drawing or something else

>> No.4031971

The book is an absolute meme with unfounded psycho babble. Keys to Drawing is what begs should read.

>> No.4031974

thank god im not the only one. reading this bitch's ramblings made me want to ram my head through a wall. hopefully bert serves me better

>> No.4031985

Just skip everything except for the exercises.

>> No.4031995

I was kinda doing that but then I got to an exercise which took over an entire page to explain "trace your hand through a viewfinder" and I'm not sure I can keep going. there's also tons of exercises which are solely there so she can say "this and this probably happened while you did that, and you probably thought this and this" and she's never correct

>> No.4032189

Nobody can prove they learned something from this book.


>> No.4032401

>he skipped the required materials part
>it's the books fault

>> No.4032443

No, I felt the same way, it instantly sucked in any joy or drive I had and I dropped it. Even though the practices aren't bad, it's just really boring. Follow >>4031968 advice instead.

>> No.4032449

>does anyone know how to get good without knowing how to read?
Copy big tiddy animu drawings and squirt a load on every page you finish.

>> No.4032553

right/left brain is only a concept to get beginners to recognize there are other areas of their brain that makes for better artwork, and what it feels like accessing those areas.

this is a better book that does the same thing without relying on made-up psychology.

>> No.4032565

It's not a bad book.

It's just designed for people that want to CAPTURE what's already there. If you just want to draw celebrity photos like normies usually do it's perfectly fine.

If you want to CREATE and draw from imagination go with loomis.

>> No.4032569

Betty Edwards is a meme. I wish people would stop recommeneding it over Keys to Drawing, which teaches the same shit without trying to be a pseudo-neuroscience book.

>> No.4032570


But again you need to understand that these books are trying to appeal to normies that just copy celebrity photos or family members.

It's not for pople that want to draw manga. Loomis is better for that.

>> No.4032726

I read this when I was first starting out and it taught me how to see and stop symbol drawing, That's what this book teaches you.

>> No.4033152

Just draw other complex things that aren't humans once in a while and you'll stop symbol drawing immediately.

>> No.4033162

Hey retard, there are a shit load of artists who enjoy drawing from life and nature. One day you'll realize that maybe 1 percent of people actually create finished pieces completely from imagination. Get out of the /ic/ echochamber for a while.

>> No.4033853

where did he say that he didnt have any of the required materials?

>> No.4033854


Hey brainlet nobody said drawing from nature was bad

>> No.4033863
File: 33 KB, 336x334, 1408218672697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can I read this or Keys to Drawing and do the exercises digitally? My endgame as an artist will be digital.

>> No.4033865

That's what the book teaches you how to do. To "CAPTURE" what's there. Retard. NGMI and kys

>> No.4033866

I figured it was implied, why else would he quit from tracing his hand? I guess it's probably not the case in hindsight. My bad didn't even realize I read too deeply into his post.

He still decided to drop the book before it got to negative space which is pretty silly and impeding his learning. After negative space is fine to drop the book and try to learn from other sources while keeping up trying to draw complex objects around you. There's useful practices for figuring shading and framing but those skills aren't usually what someone gets the book for.

>> No.4033870


>> No.4033878

hey i'm OP. i dont want to laze out on the important shit even if its kinda boring or whatever. But I just cannot fucking stand Drawing on the Right Side. Will Keys to Drawing give me what you think I'm missing out on? Or would you reaaaalllyy recommend going back to Right Side until this negative space part.

also that specific part made me want to drop the book cuz i was absolutely baffled at how long it took her to explain such a basic exercise

>> No.4033881

kill yourself. Nobody said that was bad.

>> No.4033884
File: 48 KB, 645x729, 1562468758610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> drawing from life is the same as drawing through a viewfinder or using a grid!

hope they treated you well in the special class champ. You couldn't have missed the point of his post harder. Drawing from the right side of the brain is normie bait built on hack science, not a book to be followed by artists. The guy said it was hobbyist-tier and you sperged out. Just because you had fun with the book doesn't mean you're any less cool honey, now go back to playing with your coloring books

>> No.4033892

You just have to power through and deal with her weird beliefs until you finish negative space. After that is more fundamental stuff you should get from other books like perspective, rendering, and framing.

Not him but it's the foundation to drawing from life and even if you don't need it it considerably speeds things up. It's something that has helped generations of skilled artists be able to draw from life.

>> No.4033893

The perspective grid or viewfinder I mean.

>> No.4033907

I'd argue that learning to construct in 3d space through blockforms first is faster and more effective then a viewfinder. Then again, way back when, they had the time to sorta sledgehammer the information in their brains untill it finally worked in 3d after tracing enough times.

>> No.4033908

This book is amazing if you think you can never draw. Like I did. The theory is bullshit, but the nailed the "release your chains" side.

>> No.4033924

It's probably the meme-iest of all meme art books.

>> No.4033953

You're so braindead it hurts

>> No.4034095

im studying loomis fun with a pencil atm. should i study keys to drawing first?

>> No.4034291

I think it was pretty good desu. Just the tutorials tho, I just ignored all the unnecessary jibberish

>> No.4034564


>> No.4034650

I thinks its pretty great for an absolute beginner. The exercises are good even if you don't have all the equipment and even tho it might be pseudoscience by today's standards, it does a great job at putting a beginner into that mindset of drawing and not being scared.

>> No.4034745

This book taught me how to draw