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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 1.47 MB, 848x1200, d8bp0al-401de09b-e6f8-4d14-9d09-1ed2fa20ada0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4032656 No.4032656[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Opinions on Alke.

>> No.4032662

Most likely a closet pedo.

>> No.4032664

these autistic "opinions on X" are even more autistic than those "how do i draw like X"

>> No.4032665


>> No.4032667

His figures are spot on, understands how to convey gesture with hands and knows how to use them, he is not afraid to draw feet and is capable of stylizing form without sacrificing a lot of anatomy. However his faces are quite subjective and not at all a fan of the western/anime hybrid mashup.

>> No.4032671

I agree, I used to be hexed by his work, but once you have seen one of his pics you have seen them all, they grow boring and repetitive real quick.

>> No.4032675


>> No.4032677

>Most likely
uhuh. yeah its only a chance dude.

>> No.4032681

This is pretty accurate. Draws great bodies, feet, hands but the face can come off as creepy when he renders. When he does a more flat look it's pretty good though.

>> No.4032685

Even if only an iota of a chance, that is still too much. In order to prevent the normalization of pedophilia, even if we know he is not, we must call him out as a pedo and an abuser and that is the message we should be spreading. Look at the OP pic, to say that is not clear sexualization of a minor means that you are either also a pedo or in sheer denial.

>> No.4032686

Kinda wish both types of threads would be deleted by the mods. They're just spam at this point. Threads where someone introduces their favorite artist or art genre and dumps their favorite works from the artist/genre are better.

>> No.4032693

desu unless you are a degenerate footfag that gets off a naked foot what the fuck is so sexual about what's on the OP? Not negating the fact that the same artist draws sexualized women but by your logic literally every artist ever that has painted a girl is a Pedo strictly based on the subject matter.

>> No.4032696

It's seems you havent seen his full range, he draws a Lot of naked girls, not women, literal kids.

>> No.4032702

My point still stands, what exactly is so sexual about the OP?

>> No.4032734

I want to be as good as him so I can do wholesome loli renaissance paintings

>> No.4032735

Living the dream.

>> No.4032739

Then start practicing, strongest points on his work are figure drawing, gesture and color accuracy.

>> No.4032744

those are the best artists though

>> No.4032749

it's probably the good and old
>it makes my peepee stiff and it makes me feel guilty about it, so he must be r-right?

>> No.4032763
File: 84 KB, 904x864, flat,1000x1000,075,f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If didn't draw Disney retarded faces yeah that could be very good

>> No.4032767

>we must call him out as a pedo and an abuser
Any proof he's molested a child? You sjws are retarded.

>> No.4032770
File: 1.59 MB, 849x1200, DvO5ONwXcAAaNVD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


How about this one

>> No.4032773

Oh no, ban all children from bending over!

>> No.4032776

disgusting pedos should be burned down

>> No.4032777


You're joking right?

>> No.4032779

Theres a versión where you can see her ass.

>> No.4032782

Of course I'm joking, she clearly has visible breasts and not a child. It's a Woman trying to be cute and youthful which only reaffirms the notion that all Women are basically overgrown children.

>> No.4032783

he's colors is pretty cool, too bad he's a pedofag

>> No.4032787


>the petite woman defence


>> No.4032788

>Children can't have breasts
That's not how it works

>> No.4032793
File: 176 KB, 332x332, 1516811637457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No idea who this guy is but he seems pretty based

>> No.4032794

I could upload some of his clearly pedo pics but don't want yo get banned, at this point you are just baiting.

>> No.4032802
File: 104 KB, 680x661, 1563985109334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look, we all know that the artist does draw material that you will be banned for. But to suggest that >>4032770 and >>4032656 are deviant you're crying wolf. It's people like you that sets precedence towards censorship. If you are really concerned about Predatory Pedos going after kids why not focus your attention towards the LGBTQ+ community? Just recently we've had a tranny trying to get her balls waxed express how *he would instruct 12 year old how to use a tampon? Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.4032805

Good skills, disgusting subject matter. Move on.

>> No.4032812


Nice whataboutism retard. Pointing out that a image was likely made as fap material for pedos is not a moral judgment and doesn't say anything about one's opinions on free speech or other societal issues.

>>4032770 has the ass as the second focal point, the way the fabric is painted seems to accentuate the groin area, especially with how the seam makes it look like labia. There's also the innuendo of the "don't open til christmas" label. Even if the artist didn't paint two extra versions; one in just panties and the completely nude, it's clearly a pinup of a child like figure. Breasts or not.

OP is not as obvious, but again the way the fabric is painted seems to accentuate the figure in a way a non pedo would have steered clear from. It also just looks like a pin-up overall and not a innocent portrait.

>> No.4032832

It seems like your definition of a child is clearly different from ours. First and foremost, the figure on the OP is not a real child. Secondly, the other image with the focal point on the buttocks is not representative of a child due to the obvious matured female features. If we want to get specific behind the anatomical differences between the ages look no further than a medical textbook showing proportional discrepancies that are obvious to most people. The figure has well defined glutes, breasts and stylized in a manner to fit the visage of neoteny.

Despite the artist clearly illustrating younger characters, the fact remains they are all fictional and heavily stylized to the point you cannot even call it a child anymore.

>> No.4032847

cool artist, ty OP
anyone who thinks little girls aren't cute af is a fucking pussy lmao

>> No.4032857

No, they're just closet pedos who think that drawing cute girls is something sexual.

>> No.4032868
File: 36 KB, 842x286, 1561433887226.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4032873

AI can now distinguish pedos.the purge is near faggots

>> No.4032875
File: 72 KB, 250x241, 1519127308920.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>drawings are child abuse
I guess Robocop is a literal murderer too.

>> No.4032882

Who knows what the removed content was. But it was associated with that image.

>> No.4032884

Great, let's start with the enablers of pride events encouraging children to witness all the progressive content :^)

>> No.4032894

purge both at the same time. fucking fags and pedos

>> No.4032906

Funny how a drawing is considered child abuse but a 10 year old frolicking his little ass at a gay club at two in the morning in front of a group of old men throwing dollar bills at him is viewed as stunning and brave. Complete clown world.

>> No.4032931

>removed in europe as part of the AAPR (Act Against Political Radicalization) agreement for not meeting standards for objectivity and moderate speech
>hidden to viewers with psychological profile b-48 because it may cause these individuals emotional trauma. Consult your doctor to review your profile or request access for the unfiltered results for this query for journalistic, scholarly or otherwise professional purposes.
>removed in [your current location] for promotion values not in line with local community standards of decency and moral sensibility

>> No.4032938


>> No.4032977

nutted to the other version of this

>> No.4032980

why would someone do this ?

>> No.4032986


What's wrong with painting a kid? There's nothing sexual about it.

>> No.4032987

are you retarded or pretending to be retarded ?

>> No.4032989

Some people just like drawing cute girls. Cute things are cute.

>> No.4032991

yeah and some like drawing children in questionable positions with naked versions.

>> No.4032994

good skills, boring style, no personality, borderline cp. pass.

>> No.4033011

You have got to really disconnect yourself from calling these drawings a child, it's not a child.

>> No.4033028
File: 387 KB, 1065x1480, yande.re 439867 bikini cleavage range_murata swimsuits yuri02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His figures/anatomy is top-tier, but for his faces he could use a lesson from Range Murata or some study from the old Masters. Other than that I like his work, solid composition, beautiful colors and value, etc.

>> No.4033031
File: 65 KB, 640x905, FB_IMG_1531509743410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Alke, he is one of my favourite artists. His work is so cheerful and genuinely give me an smile everytime i see it.
I agree his faces can get a bit boring and sometimes creepy but his expressions are spot on.

>> No.4033035

its a deception of a child.

>> No.4033037

it is, and that's a good thing

>> No.4033040
File: 272 KB, 1400x990, sample-9d60dac0ae2aa1310f451f4d2ca10084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4033042


>> No.4033043
File: 156 KB, 707x999, sample-d37f8d8285121dbb7427901fa27c256b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4033054

why is it always the guys defending children ( be it drawn or real ) the ones who end up being the ones who sexually abuse children and are later vanned for it?

>> No.4033056

Could you post. My friend keeps asking for it.

>> No.4033065

I have no proof except for his art but I'll still assert that he has touched a real child and that is the message that we should be spreading. For the greater good, to halt societal degeneracy.

>> No.4033067

I love how crisp the foreground looks. Remove the anime jailbait and this would be a great picture.

>> No.4033073
File: 74 KB, 601x800, smc 045.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Murata is another case for a hit or miss, his faces are borderline uncanny due to the simplicity from them with a well defined figure. I think we can all learn from Alphonse, he seems to have figured out the right medium between stylization and keeping forms present.

>> No.4033080


That face looks hilariously cut and pasted though

>> No.4033083

The struggle is real.

>> No.4033084

>everyone thinks you're a joke and you can't even stop children from changing their sex.
hahaha, westerners can't get more retarded than that.

>> No.4033088

his pcitures are mostly pin ups of girls posing, they dont have any composition at all, the only pic I have seen that has some composition if the one of the girl doing the ship in the bottle, but still, that composition is pretty weak, I think he is not very focused on that, because that is is biggest weak side.
love his work btw.

>> No.4033090

>generic boring anime face

Theres nothing to learn here, at least Alke fused moe moe crap and western aesthetics, he did created something newish.

>> No.4033100
File: 1.89 MB, 2110x1028, ex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To be fair that's not all the faces Alphonse does.

>> No.4033101

Laugh all you want but you know I am right. It doesn't matter if he is guilty or innocent of any real life crime but as long as we can convince enough people to THINK he touched a kid irl and if that stops other loli artists, then that is worth fighting for.
Your textbooks don't often depict reality. I've seen real life lolicon where these characters have noticable ass and tits. It's disgusting and sickens me to my core.

>> No.4033105

stop, this is ugly as sin, if you find those faces cute or appealing then your sense of beauty lies on your ass.

>> No.4033107
File: 119 KB, 706x1000, sample-9d094af09dee306c3f25c1e3056b8e36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish he would draw more pictures like this one, it's his greatest composition so far

>> No.4033109

It's not bad and it seems you like him a lot but honestly, he is boring compared to Murata or Alke

>> No.4033115

That's crazy good

>> No.4033121

And he went from complete Crap to this mastery level, if you check his pixiv he stills have their first pics, maybe as a testimony that hard work earns you good skills.

>> No.4033126

>How about this one
The face is youthful, but the body is not. It's matured. So it's cannot be pedobait, at worse, hebebait, which 90% of the world is ok with.

>> No.4033132

I mean, you're not wrong... Woman are cancer because they never really grow up

That's why men stopped trying and just stuck to 2D I think.

>> No.4033133

hahahaha, i'm sure they're really worried.

>> No.4033148

clearly a pedo
if you think otherwise youre clearly lying to yourself. what a faggot

>> No.4033149
File: 63 KB, 1017x575, 1528505739208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just realized that this is perhaps the first time we're not arguing and genuinely agree with all sides from somebody in this board. And it's not a piece from Ruan Jia, Feng Zhu or Kim Jung Gi, it feels like we're in the twilight zone.

>> No.4033161

Prove it. That’s right, you can’t

>> No.4033167
File: 31 KB, 600x600, 046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I legit hope people like you fucking burn in hell. Nothing's worse than killing through thought crimes. If you don't have proof, you don't win in court. That's not justice, that's corruption.

>> No.4033170

he is anon, and that's a good thing. being attracted to a subject matter helps making the artwork appealing. we need more pedophile designers.

>> No.4033171

>girl has big tits
>people here are triggered and calling her a child
when did this place turn into resetera?

>> No.4033172

Post the nude version already

>> No.4033173

fuck off pedo

>> No.4033174

nah, i'm staying

>> No.4033183

>draw an anime little girl
creator murdered, blacklisted on all sites
>draw an anime little girl with a penis
>call it a trap/femboy/non-binary/whatever word that isnt offensive this month
stunning and brave, very inclusive and very gay fuck off bigots

>> No.4033185


>> No.4033187

this literally isn't true, observe reality pls

>> No.4033189

hot take: both are nasty.

>> No.4033191

Corruption? I am aware it is but this form of corruption will be used for the greater good. And I know that we won’t win a legal court but the court of public opinion will turn on him in the blink of an eye. And the damage to Alke’s brand, reputation, and future prospects by having the public attack him is worth far more than what the justice system can dish out. You see, the modern justice system is archaic. It’s too slow to catch on to progressivism. Concepts such as “due process”, “innocent until proven guilty”, and “apolitical judgement” is often at odds with social justice. And we need social justice to stomp out the degeneracy from society even if costs a few innocent people.

>> No.4033195

he draws some sexy children
keep getting mad retards hahah

>> No.4033201

good larp desu
also, this desu.

>> No.4033202

except little girls are hot

>> No.4033206

You know I’m still right.

>> No.4033214

sorry, consequentialism isn't a plausible philosophical position. the process has to mirror what the result is meant to look like or you get a horrible distorted mess. if you want to live in a just society, try not being a piece of shit yourself.

>> No.4033220

>wanting to end pedo degeneracy
>'s-stop being a piece of shit!'
Nice try Jared.

>> No.4033230

None of the shit you spewed really matters. I was on discord and I showed a few people Alke’s loli hentai and, by seeing his loli art, they had accepted my word that he was a irl child predator regardless of my lack of evidence purely because of the subject matter of his art. That may not be your notion of justice but my stance is still morally and ethically justified.

>> No.4033241

He’s good. Spreading his shit will prob just get him more commissions

>> No.4033245

>I was on my echo chamber and everyone agreed with me on a controversial subject, so I must be right!

>> No.4033246

plus, it'll make discord trannies mad

>> No.4033248

>I am aware it is but this form of corruption will be used for the greater good
Just like a white mutt would say. Fuck off American, fucking hate your kind ruining this fucking world.

>> No.4033250

Ex-tumblr smut-haven twitter is reality.

>> No.4033251
File: 140 KB, 850x1202, __original_drawn_by_alkemanubis__sample-7d5ce951d7989859b692b984530848c9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of sick fuck would commission shit like this? I swear,anybody that supports this shit is a closet abuser and deserves to get the firing squad.

>> No.4033254

You're the one saving this stuff on your computer you retarded millennial. Get some self awareness and fuck off damn mutt.

>> No.4033255
File: 53 KB, 340x443, 37f963eabd15abdeea94feb50ea0e793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What kind of sick fuck would commission shit like this?

>> No.4033258
File: 366 KB, 530x633, 1437518584276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There we go, you see those are clearly well formed and matured breasts. It clearly signifies her Womanhood.

>> No.4033260

Samefag here, You know the more I look at it the more like it just seems her neck is snapped.

>> No.4033267
File: 104 KB, 1200x908, IMG_3553.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lolifag genocide when?

>> No.4033268

i snapped it while we were having sex. sorry

>> No.4033269

This is actually the biggest issue with the picture dismemberment is not ok.

>> No.4033272

you can't even genocide literal fags influencing your own children, mutt. face it, you're a joke.

>> No.4033276
File: 40 KB, 750x1066, gunslinger_chibi_girl_by_alkemanubis_d1qdz38-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Old Alke works

>> No.4033278

That means nothing. I've handled the breasts of tweens that are about on par with that pic. That loli could still very well be underaged and you're just finding excuses to justify your degeneracy.

>> No.4033279

No fucking way. This gives me hope.

>> No.4033280

Probably the retarded who commisioned the pic asked for that, i don't think alke could do such a rookie mistake, commisioners since they don't know about art use yo ask for this kind of things "let me see her face".

>> No.4033281

Y-yeah i-magine that haha
How can they even get hard for that haha i def c-cant haha

>> No.4033282
File: 48 KB, 762x1049, chica_que_corre_no_se_porque_by_alkemanubis_d1of2xd-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More old alke, everything is possible.

>> No.4033295

Draftsmanship is pretty bad but it looks like he did have a good sense for color and light

>> No.4033297

>anon says as he uploads the image of a loli he has saved on his computer.

>> No.4033366
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1485031290403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday we're going to be just like Alke. Keep the dream alive boys.

>> No.4033373
File: 165 KB, 303x311, 1536317463313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm able to get away with lying to people to make them do what I think they should short-term, so surely it's a viable long-term strategy for social improvement as well
golly anon, breeding paranoia and turning well-meaning idiots into pawns of your agenda seems like a really swell idea to me as well. what could go wrong, right?

>> No.4033375

Then start practicing, we are gonna make it.

>> No.4033382
File: 1.76 MB, 1200x902, 1563715260627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is peak Americanism.

>> No.4033414

Pretty cute, dkw people are getting so mad at a drawing, don't like then move on.

leave it to americans to stick their noses up your ass and then get mad when they caked in shit.

>> No.4033442

>we must
kill yourself

>> No.4033443
File: 2.16 MB, 1018x1440, 08c4584163cef5ef79032569f0c842b2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really like this more flat style he has here

>> No.4033453

sounds to me like you are jelly of his skill as an artist famaland
you are ngmi

>> No.4033455

>childish face
>big tits
>fat booty

What kind of pedo would even like this?

>> No.4033457

Pedo means attraction to pre-pubescent children, breasts form during pubescence, literally impossible to have a pre-pubescent child with breasts.

>> No.4033459

>guy stabs friend
>"pretty cool, i dont know why people are getting mad at moving your hand forward while holding a knife"

hes a pedo and you know it

>> No.4033464

Probably bait, but you perfectly described what makes social justice a dangerous cancer.

>> No.4033469

Thanks, anon. So I can finally drop this whole "pedo evil so I must concoct Machiavellian schemes" act?

>> No.4033470

so what, I dont care two dicks if he is a pedo, I would care if he was stalking little girls IRL.

>> No.4033472

its disgusting and vile and a blight on society, but base on your reply so are you

>> No.4033476

not really closet dude.

his art is fucking awesome. love the guy. proof pedos are the master race.

>> No.4033478

Anon, you're free.

>> No.4033479

Is pedophilia a learned behaviour or a innate sexual preference?

>> No.4033481

I dont know how he can be a closet pedo, his name is public, he has a facebook and everybody know his real name, nobody cares, he is in a relatioship and her girlfriend seems not to care, nobody cares, he is just a weeb that is super skilled, and does lolis for a living.

>> No.4033482
File: 33 KB, 938x669, 1562039635306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're a retard. art doesn't hurt anyone and not all pedos rape children you dumb fag. i hope your sexuality gets criminalized so you know how it feels. go whine somewhere else.

>> No.4033485

hes not closet at all. hes just a pedo, which is cool.

>> No.4033491

>this graphic with no source proves my point

you could have easily done that yourself.

>> No.4033495
File: 197 KB, 1045x918, 1562412456273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4033500

DESU, I don't care about Alke's art or whether or not he's a pedo. I think he's good and has some fantastic technical skill. Just not my cup of tea.

I DO however hope that he knows the laws regarding drawn child porn because, let's be honest, that's what Alke's x-rated stuff is. Laws differ country to country, state to state, province to province, etc. His art could land him legit prison time if he's in the wrong country.

>> No.4033503

i love her ass face at the end. it's even funnier because she lives in a country where gay nightclubs are used as child prostitution rings and the network she works for is known for protecting literal child rapists.

>> No.4033506

he lives on Argentina, here on southamerica people dont even know what loli is, Argentina is a shithole of a country, nothing is going to happen to him, stop being so paranoic and eager to spread terror, police has better things to do that deal with some drawings done by some weeaboo spink.

>> No.4033507

It's doctored, the real stats show men responding to 11 years and up, exactly when puberty hits, then peaking around 16 to 18.

>> No.4033515

Even in placed where it's illegal, he draws breasts and wide hips on them, so I don't see how anyone could prove these are supposed to be underaged and not just drawn in an overly cute style.

>> No.4033516
File: 154 KB, 1500x1500, 1561832355160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4033524

True. But I'd be more worried about the gangsters that roam the favelas. I'd doubt Alke would easily let what he does slip in normal conversation but's always good to be precautious.

>> No.4033526
File: 1.31 MB, 989x1022, 1563975216098.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly, gotta love how the West pretends to be the moral arbiter much like our anti-loli anon here >>4033459
to the extent violence, murder, or worse are justified. In anon's case, slander and defamation are perfectly fine, no due right of process because he doesn't believe Alke to be human. Anon has no evidence, just feelings. Just like America has no evidence to justify attacking Iran - just rumors and speculations.

>> No.4033527

Fabellas are on Brazil.

>> No.4033528

Source, please? It's really interesting.

>> No.4033530

use your eyes
court doesnt work how you think it does

>> No.4033537

Nevermind, I searched the title of the graph and found a Quora post with a bunch of links on the topic.

>> No.4033540

youre a fucking retard wowee

>> No.4033543

can I have a link for this?

>> No.4033556

>u-ur retard

>> No.4033557

Hey faggot - I'm not the one advocating breaking the law because I feel personally violated by lines on a piece of paper. There is no way lolicon can be seen as a comparison to literal child rape or child exploitation. Having a fantasy - even if it's as disgusting as a rape fantasy, is still a fantasy. The reason it's produced in literature, video games, and other media by men and women is so they can experience (sometimes undesired) carnal pleasures. If you really think any sane lolican poster on a Ugandan basket weaving forum wants to start diddling kids - you're a low-IQ retard and everything you think and believe is binary and you need to stop! The only person you're effectively hurting is yourself and your little Discord squad of trannies that are already mentally deficient.

>> No.4033560

Which court?

>> No.4033561

Alright. And yes it is interesting, but also pretty obvious. Of course men's sexual interest lines up with puberty, it makes evolutionary sense.

>> No.4033569
File: 1.72 MB, 1018x1440, 72831144_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone shut up and post more Alke.

>> No.4033571
File: 1.69 MB, 1018x1440, 70781216_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4033574
File: 1.70 MB, 1320x933, 75750976_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4033577
File: 527 KB, 1131x1600, 67627672_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4033578

how do you even learn to paint like that? it's not fair.

>> No.4033579
File: 269 KB, 855x1200, D6A75qFUYAALk_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post more Alke
i prefer to diversify my lolifolio

>> No.4033580
File: 661 KB, 1131x1600, 67627672_p2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4033581
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>> No.4033583
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>> No.4033584
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>> No.4033585


>> No.4033586


>> No.4033590

It looks fairly simple, lay down your midtones, paint your shadows and light with hard edges, softening them around certain areas like the skin and fabric. Biggest thing you can do with simple styles like this is not worry about rendering.

>> No.4033597


>does loli for a living
>not a pedo

pick one

>> No.4033598

Thanks anon, I'll try.

It looks so soft...

>> No.4033607

are you dyslexic or just american? learn to read, you dunce.

>> No.4033617

He's a pedo.

>> No.4033621

Maybe in your shithole, but here where I live, if the claim is "he raped child because of his artwork of youthful females" and there's no proof of raping anyone, he's non guilty. It's that simple
2D is not real, get over it. It's not a crime to be attracted to youth, it's wrongful to take advantage of the innocent and unknowaged, which is what kids are, but not drawings.

>> No.4033632


A non pedo being a full time loli artist is about as likely as a vegan animal rights activist being a professional butcher

>> No.4033634

me either. what a coincidence.

>> No.4033646

Haha, yeah.. or a priest being a rapist. Or a male feminist being a creep to women. Or a politician who's in it for personal gain. Or a left wing outrage newspapers being run by libertarians. Or PETA killing most of the animals they confiscate. Or China not being a democracy. Or you not being naive.

>> No.4033647

your lack of comprehension is worrying. go back to his post and reread it until you understand. Holy fuck, what's wrong with america's educational system?

>> No.4033654

This fucking guilty in the court of public opinion shit is cancerous. Calling him a pedo and shit without any claims is pure bullshit. The shitty part about it is that most Americans are unaware of this shit even though it's one of our american rights. The man draws good art. Let's agree with that and move on.

>> No.4033656

>Calling him a pedo and shit without any claims is pure bullshit
so what if he is? i know i don't give a fuck

>> No.4033665


None of what was written contradicts him being pedo

>> No.4033667


I mean, if you literally has made it your job to draw pin ups of kids for your customers to jerk off to then it's kind of a fair assumption

>> No.4033679

he never implied he isn't, you drooling retard.

>> No.4033686

not a loli

>> No.4033688

Any good website like pigtails in paint?

>> No.4033719

Anon, I know you've never seen a woman outside of porn but I've slept with minors and I can assure you: some do develop early. And some develop just like that picture.

>> No.4033724
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>> No.4033728

And when they do, they stop being pre-pubescent, and are no longer loli.

>> No.4033732
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>> No.4033741

wouldn't that just make him hornier?

>> No.4033750

Daily reminder that /ic/ has a relatively large amount of female posters. Disregard all "omg pedo/perv" posts, as they're probably some jealous roastie who hates youth in other females.

>> No.4033756


>> No.4033761

Many people regardless of sex don't like pedoshit.

>> No.4033777

His flats are soo much better. Most of his fully rendered ones feel too uncanny for me

>> No.4033779
File: 1.83 MB, 1320x1320, __chroniko_kaiba_drawn_by_alkemanubis__3ffac07eae9f42a53cbb076fd2252c82.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he has patrician taste at least

>> No.4033784

he is a full time weeb, he buys mangas and such.

>> No.4033787

You're too far down the anime rabbit hole.

>> No.4033791

>i don't like that
>let me go on this thread full of that thing i don't like
>yeah, i know
yep, that's a female thing

>> No.4033793

Women tend to destroy anything that they deem as competition of attention regardless if the competitor is fictional or not. It doesn't matter, it may be a car, a hobby, a friend or a dog she will go out of her way to destroy and make your life miserable so she can have the spotlight.

>> No.4033802

> drawthread



>sketchbook thread

>"so and so used to post on /ic/. I don't know what happened."

>> No.4033803

And vice versa

>> No.4033821 [DELETED] 

Why are you triggered?
>let me go on this thread full of that thing i don't like
loli isn't even allowed outside of /b/, and even then most of the pornfagging isn't of little girls so I don't know where you're getting "full of that thing" from
Most of what I've seen were from shit artists dude lmao

>> No.4033825

Why are you triggered? Calm down, and quit projecting too. Most guys don't want to fuck little animu grills either.

>> No.4033840

and here you are, in a site famous for having anime little girls and guys who want to fuck anime little girls in a thread about anime little girls, but you're here because you don't like anime little girls, right? Hahaha

>> No.4033846

Most guys would love to fuck little anime girls, don't fool yourself.

>> No.4033848
File: 109 KB, 1114x960, 1437712104405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you want to be the cute little anime girl instead? What does that say about you?

>> No.4033857

Nothing wrong with that too anon, cute anime girls are the future.

Screw 3dpd though, they deserve to die.

>> No.4033879

don't do that, you'd look disgusting

>> No.4033883

let's condemn everybody who draws rape, bestiality and Guro art aswell. they are obviously rapists.

>> No.4033898

/ic/ help

on one hand, loli is clearly the "diet" version of Pedophilia. People consume the diet version of something because they want the real version but don't want to suffer the consequences. There are the odd cases where someone actually likes the diet version by itself, but I digress.

the other hand is, I believe in full artistic freedom. You, as a creator, should be freely available to create anything you want to using the talents that you have worked hard to grow

So what side do I take? there's clearly something morally dirty to lolicon, but my issue is more about its consumption and its fans than the fact that its made.

>> No.4033899

you're free to do whatever you want and have the opinion you want. stop asking someone else to tell you what to think, faggot.

>> No.4033903

>Screw 3dpd though, they deserve to die.
Literally the most intelligent thing said in this thread.

>> No.4033910

Loli's are overly idealized. I think a large part of loli consumers would be disgusted by actual prepubescent children.
I for one hate even being around those loud and stupid little snot-noses. I don't see how anyone could get an erection around that.

>> No.4033911

>on one hand, loli is clearly the "diet" version of Pedophilia. People consume the diet version of something because they want the real version but don't want to suffer the consequences.

stop being a fucking retard, nobody wants real kids as much as nobody wants real women. do you really think anime girls look like real woman?

do you think people who feel pleasure killing in a game also want to kill people in real life?

seriously kys.

>> No.4033912

I feel the same way about other fetishes too. They're definitely disgusting/degenerate but they only simulate the act rather than being the 'real deal'.

I think shit like lolicon/guro/snuff/beastiality/etc. (if it's only kept in stylized drawings) is mostly harmless. But it shouldn't be seen as normal and should still be a degenerate taboo.
None of that bullshit about 'kinkshaming', if someone points out how fucked up a fetish is, it's perfectly reasonable. I've seen some degenerates who get really hypersensitive and asshurt over being 'judged' when they should really have thicker skin.

>> No.4033914

found the freak that drinks diet cola because he likes it more

>> No.4033916

The people who actively seek out pornographic drawings of children are the same kinds of people who sit down in a video game and shoot a dog over and over without playing the game. Your brain is fucked, pedophile.

>> No.4033917

This. You ever babysitted kids? they're noisy, smelly, annoying, wired, shit's fucking terrible. Loli is a universe away from that shit thank god.

>> No.4033919

I think rape play is a good comparison

>> No.4033922

i like lolis and shooting dogs on videogames. literally nothing wrong with that

>> No.4033925

>are the same kinds of people who sit down in a video game and shoot a dog over and over without playing the game
That dog was a bad boy. Not a good boy.

>> No.4033932

I agree. Since it's not really 'rape' because the 'victim' wants it to happen. It's still a taboo but ultimately no one is really being 'raped' in the end.
It only becomes a problem if the people participating in it lack self awareness and want to flaunt thier degeneracy without thinking of the consequences.

>> No.4033948

I have a feeling you are the pedo and are afraid drawings like these will make real cheese pizza less popular and harder to get for you.

>> No.4033952

There's nothing funny, and it's clearly the pedos working against art because lolicon killed the gravure and cp industries in japan. They know exactly what they're doing and the west is being a bunch of faggots for allowing it.

>> No.4033958

Social justice is inherently degenerate. It prevents fair competition, the only true measue of merit and virtue.

>> No.4033962

>hey guys lets stop pedo porn
>that means UR A PEDOOOO!!!

shut up retard

>> No.4033966

>what's wrong with america's educational system?
feels>reals starts at kindergarten.

>> No.4033968

Not him but it's usually the case. Pedoera and Pedogaf before it has had nothing but scandals because the people involved with those places are all doing the same shit.

>> No.4033969
File: 30 KB, 339x337, e1461ed5625d630c6cffe1ff9a83fcb5c129f42941c78da682d6638b2dce8d2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never though my thread would unleash hell this hard, feels good.

>> No.4033972

loli and shota don't represent real children. They serve a purpose closer to cutesy animals. There is loli and shita porn, because there's porn of EVERYTHING in japan, but the only reason america is so obsessed with this loli=pedo meme is because america has been conditioned to be sexually starved animals devoid of emotinal responses. That's also why sjws have to go out of their way to find shit to claim offense over, they need to roleplay having feelings and anger is the easiest to play.

>> No.4033973

>accusing people without proof because of parallelilsm is only ok when I do it
100% pedo confirmed.

>> No.4033976

but dude, he's saving children by worrying obsessively with a non-issue, he's the good guy, and not creepy at all.

>> No.4034027

Eh, I usually like rendered stuff but not so much alke's. Some of his rendered pieces can look really nice, but often it kinda misses the mark

>> No.4034029

Brazil has a very low AoC, most favelado monkeys have 13 year old girlfriends.