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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4032016 No.4032016 [Reply] [Original]

Can western media be saved? Nowadays in the west, your series is greenlit based on social justice checkboxes, and not on the merit of your work. Publications like Shonen Jump are like a "filter", popularity polls and issue sales dictate whether you stay or go; a kind of "crucible" if you will, where the wheat is sorted from the chaff. Are nips just generally better at creating convincing characters, settings and stories than most current "pro" westerners? Comic and cartoon ratings for western material is on a steady decline and I have a sneaking suspicion that it has something to do with the quality of the art being poor.
Your thoughts, d/ic/ks?

>> No.4032024

Japan got all its magic from nukes. Time to nuke western kikes.

>> No.4032032


>> No.4032033


>> No.4032044

>N-nukes makes you reta--

>> No.4032050

funny how most of that 'drawn by' from the right hand side could also be applied to Adventure Time. makes you think.

>> No.4032056

And adventure time lacks any real visual identity. Really makes you think.

>> No.4032070

Huh? Like it or hate it, but AT had a very distinct visual identity.

>> No.4032088

>noodle limb
>bean mouth
>bright colors
>thinking that is remotely distinct

>> No.4032094

Oh shit Toriyama's self taught?

>> No.4032104

Basically. His "career" started when he just started entering shit into Jump contests for cash.

>> No.4032109

>cultural impact yet to be determined

>> No.4032111

>thinking that is remotely distinct
But it is. Anyone who sees a screenshot of Adventure Time and is at all familiar with the show knows exactly where it's from. There is zero chance of confusing it with any other cartoon. Not sure if you understand what the word "distinct" means. It has nothing to do with perceived quality or skill.

>> No.4032114

That is the result of marketing you fucking clod. See something enough times and it will stick with you whether you like it or not. My mother's seen maybe one or two pictures of Goku in her lifetime and she can recognise that orange cunt from a mile off.

>> No.4032115

OP was being super generous with that one. That said, the short-lived sjw circlejerk over it will soon die down and SU will be forgotten in ten or so years.

>> No.4032125

I wasn't talking about the characters who might have recognizability due to being popular, but the style itself. Regardless of marketing, there still weren't any cartoons that looked like AT when it was first airing. The show didn't copy any particular cartoon that would make it look derivative. It was by any definition of the word visually distinct from everything else that was airing at the time. Not sure why that is so difficult to accept for you.

>> No.4032129
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Ward was a calarts graduate you fucking mong, and flapjack was already doing noodle limbs before AT.

>> No.4032130
File: 188 KB, 1280x1024, 1550367614413.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, AT guy also went to CalArts and all that jazz, what are you talking about?

I agree with his art being more memorable and unique (albeit simplified and overly copied), but not with the "hobbyist" part.

>> No.4032137

Noodle limbs were literally the first animations ever made you dumbass. Obviously AT didn't pioneer that. Doesn't mean anyone could confuse AT with some Mickey Mouse short or a Fleisher cartoon either.

I have nothing positive to say about AT, I don't like the show at all, but it does look very unique and the fact that stating this seems to trigger you to no end is fucking hilarious.

>> No.4032166

Fundamentally it's because the West never moved past seeing the animated medium as "kiddy cartoons". Those shitty cartoons weren't designed because of a lack of talent in the continent, it was becauses they're trying to be "self-aware" to a certain degree.
Like sure they sometimes want to tell epic stories and have action and fights and that jazz... but they keep it as a shittily drawn cartoon so people don't feel like the show is taking itself too seriously. Basically they're the equivalent of a teenager making love jokes dancing around the issue but not outright confessing to their crush
>lol we look so cute together in this photo hahah don't you think? People think we are boyfriends lmao can you believe it?

Kinda like that. That, and they rely on half the episodes being comedic or slice of life to keep the facade that this isn't supposed to be taken seriously. Adventure Time too but I give it a pass because it was the pioneer on the noodle style and at the beginning it really was a comedy, and even then the style lent itself to be molded into more terrific shit like the Lich King. Danny Phantom was in a weird spot where it tried to be action (I loved it because of the action) but also comedy and had a very simplistic style while it could have been better as an anime. Admittedly DP was held down by a low budget.

Avatar and DC/Marvel shows were examples of western cartoons being able to get serious and draw with more detail but guess what, they kinda failed. In the sense that you don't see many people talking about them. All kids liked them of course, but we also liked Spongebob and the Fairly OddParents and whatever else was available; the gains don't justify the resources spent on doing a proper animation. Why does Japan do it? By abusing animators AND because on that country it does earn you a lot of money.

>> No.4032183

I'd also add that most animation houses on Japan usually will pick an already written manga/novel with a defined style and story and merely adapt that into TV, so it gets easier because that doesn't happen here.
That, and they sell fucking Blurays for up to 500 dollars AND SOME PEOPLE WILL BUY THEM. Mainly talking about Fate, I remember seeing those ludicrous prices for their blurays. They make tons of money with merchandise and by making the manga/novels sell even more if the anime is popular. There's a lot to be gained by making a proper anime while I don't see the benefits of a better drawn Steven Universe - Avatar, Teen Titans and Batman were already peak western cartoon and there was no real gain.

>> No.4032190

When are we going to get more works like Moomin or Akage no Anne? I heard Hilda was good, that might scratch that itch.

>> No.4032194

have sex

>> No.4032199

>will be forgotten in ten or so years
you underestimate autists and their persistent obsessions

>> No.4032228

>japan is from decades ago
Every time. Why didn't you put some moeblob in it instead? Media in general is trash today, Japanese or not.
The West is going through an identity crisis these days and the quality of media is at an all time low. Also the cartoon industry is dying, so - much like moeblob - SU is just a hardcore attempt to pander to keep the consensus high. Hiring the "first woman" for a show matters more than the show.
But otakus actually buy statues of moeblobs to hotglue or something, while SU fans just tweet that the characters aren't fat enough. Both industries are dying, or at least becoming more niche and shifting to an obsessive audience, the "fandom". It's just that the Western industry is dying faster because social media changed the US much more dramatically than the rest of the world and people are placing virtue signaling and vanity over literally everything else. The West has become so narcissistic that they don't care about culture, entertainment, nothing matters except looking good on social media.
The style is ugly like Klasky-Csupo but it's distinctive. I don't even think it's that commonplace these days except for the noodle limbs, I don't see those tiny button eyes in other shows. And as much as I hate AT it has a whimsical children's books quality to it which fits the tone.
The issue isn't with style, it's with quality. Even SU wouldn't be that atrocious if the quality was better and it wasn't associated with the most obnoxious fanbase on Earth.

>> No.4032257

is going to Calarts the only way to get anywhere in American animation these days?

>> No.4032260

should have used a recent moe trash instead of dragonball

>> No.4032385
File: 32 KB, 400x236, 1434153447708.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's not pretend that Steven Universe is the golden standard for what the west makes, and let's not pretend that every anime is Dragon Ball (and even then Dragon ball isn't exactly godlike every frame). I highly doubt you can name more than 2 cartoons that follow your theory of being greenlit by checking progressive boxes, and that's because it's not true. Most of the reason that the west doesn't have the best cartoons and comics anymore is because it had destroyed it's systems for allowing new talent into the industry. So most of the people that would be in cartoons are either doing art on social media, which does produce some really great shit, or have spun off and made Webcomics.
Part of the reason that western comics and cartoons aren't defining the medium is because America is focusing it's power on film. That and the fact that American studios are disorganized as fuck and interesting ideas either get killed by focus groups, no funding, or a lack of a real production team to make sure the Good Idea becomes a Good Show. America is leading the way on 3d animation both stylized and hyperrealistic, non-traditional media like stop-motion, and we used to be the gods of 2D.
AT isn't just bean mouths and noodle arms. Lich King and Prismo are perfect examples of AT doing unique things with its design. Also a good chunk of AT'S unique style lies in its fx and environmental designs.
Additionally SU isn't just weird character design. It can do some interesting things with environments and backgrounds.

Also this.

>> No.4032487

yeah, with me

>> No.4032539
File: 698 KB, 1280x830, 1543284289713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It can do some interesting things with environments and backgrounds.
That's because the cool shit in SU was designed by Guy Davis. Check who he is.

>> No.4032635

Many mangaka are self taught and make it in the industry when they are fairly young like early 20's. Same goes for animators over there. They're like machines.

>> No.4032641

Avatar was animated by koreans

>> No.4032666

AT has more creativity in it than most shows with it's setting and character designs but the emoticon faces and lack of actual hands keeps it back.

>> No.4032684

is the west fucked or can it be saved? where is safe? wageslaving in the east is a pretty intense shift for anyone that grew up in apathy school factories.

>> No.4032687


>> No.4032727
File: 506 KB, 687x921, Adam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no undoing the mistakes of the west.
The mass majority are physically inept which lessens their functional capabilities in our society and the public is so quick to shriek about diversity rather than creating their own works where they can put in thematic that minorities would genuinely appreciate.

>> No.4032736

isn't social media essentially being used as a tool to experiment on these morons? schools and media made them this way, maybe it can fix it. though i am skeptical on the whole shattered teapot coming back together again. eventually these people will have little power or value but it's super shit right now.

>> No.4032844

>rather than creating their own works where they can put in thematic that minorities would genuinely appreciate.
Hehehe that's when I'll intervene... :3

>> No.4032911

Think about it anons, really think about... in the future, advances in technology will make animation more accessible for what it is now. Think... with time the screentablets will be more accessible, it means that more people could make the transfer from analog to the digital in a more intuitive and natural way. Then, the programs will be improving more to make the animation process more efficient, you can already make shorts by yourself with the existing ones, without major problems, imagine that 3D advances so much that you can accelerate the whole process more or that the advances in automatic interpolation like what Cacani does (as you can see already in archaic stages in the last season of Jojo's bizarre adventure) facilitate everything.
We are already seeing that more and more animators are doing it for themselves, with their own "class b" shorts, on YouTube or other sites, others take the path of porn (just look at the number of new animators that have appeared around the world)
It is a matter of time for ... one day, it will be so efficient to make animation for a group of people in different parts of the world to say "hey and if we do something BIGGER"? and launch with crowdfunding to do their own micro-studies; independent animation projects with people who joined for the occasion, who will eventually form their own network of independent animators, or groups, communities, etc., and simply launch the projects online.
When that happens we will see a new revival of animation, there will be so many series everywhere, perhaps of low quality to what we have now, but it is a matter of years for the level to rise, and there will be NO restrictions on anything, because people will finance what they want, literally.
No companies, no associate with political agenda to get opportunities, not sticking to visual styles because "it is what sells", nothing, just people doing what they want and people financing whatever they want.

>> No.4032925

think that as it was a circle thing; we already have a major inflection point a few years ago, with the golden age of "flash animation", which yes, it was not of a very good level, it was archaic, but it had "soul" everywhere, no one can deny that.
Now a new inflection will come, think of the previous one, but with all the advances we have now, the facility to communicate and set up remote work groups, etc. Each time the level of independents will be higher and it will be easier to reach that than in the previous stages.

>> No.4032951

Blame (((Capatalism)))

>> No.4032960

I think the West is utterly fucked, we are quickly undoing the culture and achievements we built up in thousands of years.

You have failed to consider one crucial thing: the corporate grip on entertainment. And I'm not just talking about the actual corporations, I'm talking about freelancers too. On the internet you have to behave like a megacorp if you want success. Everything you do is an exercise in marketing. There is no place for creativity in this era, and marketing has always been in opposition to quality because you only have one budget and only so much time, you spend it all on the art or you spend it on the marketing.

>> No.4032969

not even undoing the current shit which is way more harmful and stupid and completely out of control. people get off peacocking how ignorant they are and how unwilling they are to change that. i get that's a great protection strategy against the corporate shit but it's just left them braindead to everything, and then they still get converted through media.

>> No.4033034

>popularity polls and issue sales dictate whether you stay or go;
I would argue this is no ta good idea because (despite what they thread i wants to say) it leads to pretty heavily derivative stories and art which in turn leads to staleness and lack of innovation. It is good for creating large quantity of content that actually sells but at the huge detriment of becoming strictly formulaic and barely trying anything new.

>> No.4033106

When you realize how much of the good shit that you love today actually bombed in its time it becomes very clear that the market is actively avoiding this kind of content. The market hates cult shit, they want sales records. It's not that the producers have shit taste and they can't recognize quality, they're just painfully aware that certain ideas won't sell no matter what you do with them.
It's so much easier to keep giving your audience more and more braindead shit and destroy culture until you can just go with AI-written garbage than give them good quality writing and see it bomb only to become a cult thing when they wake up to it decades later so someone else can butcher it and make 10x the money with a dumbed down version.

>> No.4033113
File: 27 KB, 625x626, 1409492529790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no real action lines
Lots of action lines aren't necessary at all to make good animation. It can even be a cop out when you can't animate strong or intense motion with speed, distortion, etc. alone.

>flat color, no shading required
Flat colors doesn't mean bad. It's harder to make something appealing using only a very small amount of flat colors and I think that Steven is a good example of it looking appealing. Shading does happen in the show but it is when creating atmosphere or showing a change in scenery. It keeps the general tone bright and cheery, hence why most western kids animations are like this with shadows.

>clothes are "painted flat"
Adding unnecessary detail can ruin the flow of what someone is going for. All the designs in the show are clean, soft, and simplistic. Adding wrinkles or making the clothes a separate entity would ruin this, even if they are very capable.

>no harsh edges, a completely rotund silhouette that looks near unidentifiable
I could identify the silhouette easily. Having soft outlines isn't bad it's just a style observation.

>proportions and anatomy is nonexistent
No it's not, which is why the character doesn't look jarring. You have to understand and apply anatomy and proportion to create characters that bend the rules so much yet still look natural while in motion.

>design tells us nothing about the character
I've only seen the show <3 times but I think his design shows his personality really well. Goofy ignorant happy kid.

>colors are warm but the lack of any shading or anatomy suggests the artist only has cursory knowledge
It's the opposite. If you can make something simple and break away from so many rules while still looking pleasant you have to understand the rules well. If you don't understand the rules, you can't break them so harshly, consistently, from every angle in motion and have it come out so natural.

tl;dr this style has merit, simple isn't bad. it is just being used too much, probably due to greed

>> No.4033219

>You have failed to consider one crucial thing: the corporate grip on entertainment.
but when people talk about limiting corporate power in general the libertarians and most conservatives go batshit. western media is in this problem because they allowed it to happen. everyone is obsessed with the fallacy of unlimited growth and marketing teams help their employers by doing everything in their power to make people behave in the ways they want us to. nobody is resisting and nobody is stopping them because this has already become normalized. I only hope the next civilization that rises from the West's ashes will learn from our collective mistakes.

>> No.4033265

I get depressed seeing how horrible and behind the western side of the world is when it comes to cartoon shit. How do asians do it? Just raw discipline and work ethic?

>> No.4033271
File: 340 KB, 565x856, 1537648733754.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon I agree with most of what you said but you know what's really brutal? I was about to post something like "comparing Steven with Arale is more proper" because Arale is more round and cartoony, and I went looking for a picture of Arale, then I realized that Arale is rarely in her default outfit. She wears very different shit all the time, often breaking silhouette completely, and the character is so recognizable by style and basic proportions alone that it doesn't even register. Her design is also very complex at times and you don't perceive it as busy or jarring. Imagine Steven wearing something different and he instantly becomes another character.

>> No.4033291

>We're called A-sians son, not B-sians. Get those grades or you get the hanger tonight.

>> No.4033302

Let's make it happen guys!

>> No.4033320

Just ban communies from industry.

>> No.4033452
File: 565 KB, 1600x1385, jpusa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad we can all agree that a single example can determine which country has the superior output.

>> No.4033466

desu considering the relative popularity and longevity of each series this is actually a much fairer comparison.

>> No.4033471

You only see the good stuff that makes it to the west and gets popular enough for you to be able to find it. The majority of manga and other professional japanese illustration has literally the same issues that are on the left of OP's image.

>> No.4033511

A shame Cartoon Network stashes away the better shows to Saturday mornings. Johnny Test reigned over the channel back in 2010 - 2015 while DC's shows went largely unlatched.

>> No.4033781

>Why does Japan do it? By abusing animators
I always hear this regarding why Japanese animation is better-looking than Western cartoons. Doesn't the west do basically zero actual 2D animation anymore? Everything is done by koreans now.

>Avatar and DC/Marvel shows were examples of western cartoons being able to get serious and draw with more detail but guess what, they kinda failed
As a fan of Young Justice, I can tell you that those kinds of shows failed because executives made them fail. They made good ratings and the fanbase was there, it's just that executives are autists that only want to market to little kids. When they found out that the fans of those early 2010s action shows were older, they sperged out and cancelled/didn't renew the shows. They could've made merch for the older audience but suits already had it in mind to sell cheap, shitty plastic toys in Walmarts. It didn't help that action shows were more expensive to make. Execs have no passion or sense of quality. That's why they pushed TTG so hard because it was cheap to make and got decent ratings + shitty plastic toy sales for kids. Similar thing happened to Thundercats 2011. It had an older audience so it got cancelled in favor of the Lego version, which was cheaper to make and sold toys to little kids.

>> No.4033801

Half the shit on the left doesnt even apply to the character you posted you fucking moron, holy shit.

>> No.4033806
File: 64 KB, 654x673, bart... i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>removes the initial context of the image
>half the shit posted doesnt apply to either image at all

>> No.4033809

i was like this as a teenager where i drew obsessively and would churn out drawings and animations and a lot of impressive stuff as a teenager that generated a good following

but then a bunch of things went wrong and i stopped drawing and disappeared from the fanbase i had generated and am retarded now and cant seem to restore myself to that level of obsession

>> No.4033810

youre dumb
person youre arguing with makes sense
you are weird and dumb

>> No.4033837

ah yes, who can forget shin-chan, of the famous anatomically accurate proportions and detailed shading

>> No.4033902

so was batman

>> No.4033991

>schools and media made them this way, maybe it can fix it.
Why tho, they're the perfect little consummerist pigs they wanted them to be and will die in the hill of defending their corporate masters against accusations of making shit products for shit people.

>> No.4033996

DC and Looney Tunes need their own tv channel. CN has been sabotaging all WB properties since Turner got bought in 96.

>> No.4034066


damn is that what happened to those shows? I remember Young Justice looking fucking dope and the new Thundercats looking fantastic but i remember them also just kind of disappearing out of nowhere and i was super confused as to why cause i would have thought everyone would have liked those shows? They looked SO good. Man fuck the suits and execs for ruining that

>> No.4034101

No they don't, things can be bad in different ways. Though even generic soulless isekai trash at least gives it's characters like, anatomy.

>> No.4034102

Love that you used Batman given that BTAS featured Japanese animators too.

>> No.4034108

>Doesn't the west do basically zero actual 2D animation anymore? Everything is done by koreans now.
I think it's just the inbetweens and the keys are done by western animators, but I could be wrong and the studios just use the storyboards. Pretty sure that's what happens in SU and that's why the art style is so inconsistent.

>> No.4034201

i was considering a shit post along these lines, like cherry pic the top animation of a one piece film vs 60s spiderman, where both are just toei animation.

>> No.4034333

By supporting more independent productions

Making your own shit

Teaching yourself how to animate from the old masters.

Getting into crowd funding and paving way to a new term of indie animations in the west...


Congrats you saved western animation. Though...you better not use these skills to do anime styled hentai bullshit though...

>> No.4034343
File: 122 KB, 1012x760, MentorAndNeophyte.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you support gays?? Yes/No??

Forgot About Morpheus
Still D.R.E.(A.M.)
Dhe Straight And Narrow
Rabin Lenin Did Nothing Wrong

>> No.4034664
File: 60 KB, 612x305, 1547799965815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American cartoon, Japanese cartoon, all made in Korea.

>> No.4034678

Get your ass in co/

ur >13yo
If not stop watching baby shows you faggot

>> No.4034733

/ic/ Artwork/Critique

We're criticizing art, I suppose

Back to /co/

>> No.4034870

But the same is true of the first image. Shin-chan is a slice of life comedy, SU is also a slice of life comedy just with occasional action scenes.

>> No.4034914


>> No.4035467
File: 76 KB, 500x620, 1536733860803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toriyama is a good artist, not a good story narrator but SU is worse than anything that toriyama has made.

>> No.4035518

what about all the no-name 20 yr olds on twitter and pixiv pumping out shit like nothing? maybe not professional fully but a lot are competent.

>> No.4035588

Underrated post

>> No.4035644

both of those suck ass

>> No.4035695

Nuke me papi

>> No.4036109

For Cartoon Network (and likely the other networks/studios too), absolutely no animation is done by a westerner. They're all storyboarders or writers. They fuck around all day and whine one twitter, then send in their sloppy storyboards in to be deciphered by korean slaves. You're right about SU; that's a huge reason why it's inconsistent shit.

>> No.4036125

Is there a career more cucked than animation? It's worse than even comics. You spend months on a fan animation that looks better than the show and get 20k likes then nothing else happens. It's almost impossible to monetize animation because it takes so fucking long and two of the 3 people I can tell who have a patreon are popular for viral reasons.

>> No.4036151

Yeah, because corporations are never ever criticized and you, a true mature adult, don't just want companies to take care of you like a surrogate parent while you mope around.
Complaining endlessly about corporations, but demanding they support you, IS the mass opinion.

>> No.4036628

If you haven't done that yet I highly recommend reading the novels and comics.

>> No.4036739

>Why didn't you put some moeblob in it instead
You're one of those fucking idiots who believe moe was invented in 2010 (and think it's a genre) and everything before that was just Cowboy Bebop aren't you? You can just as easily go and pick the main character design from some popular shounen from today to make the same point

>> No.4036749
File: 201 KB, 1280x719, M2T6aUy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guy Davis isn't the one doing most of what people would consider "cool" about the backgrounds.

>> No.4036751

I've seen better backgrounds in the average harem anime.

>> No.4036760

Congratulations anon, I'm sure they look amazing.

>> No.4036769

You can't really use backgrounds as a measure of quality in anime when they just send people out to photograph japan and trace the images 90% of the time. (Which is fine if they can spend more time on animation)

>> No.4037035
File: 184 KB, 1984x878, Seems like.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4037113
File: 30 KB, 719x427, images (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>your entire opinion on the value of the west's art is based on what is popular and successful at the moment
>ignore past works by the west because noodle art is more popular now
>you refuse to call it good out of being pedantic
>most anime is the same face moe characters but you overlook that to bait/shitpost
>people still fall for it (incluiding me)

Disney stopped doing 2D bc it wasnt as big of a draw to see movies as 3D computer animation, and most studios followed this trend (road to el dorado was a failure mostly because of this) drastically reducing studios's interest on elaborate cartoons. This didnt and doesnt happen in the east.

2/10 for making me reply tho

>> No.4037124
File: 298 KB, 1200x675, lupin-movie-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>doesnt happen in the east

>> No.4037292
File: 35 KB, 400x567, images (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just this year there have been countless relevant 3D cartoon movies/CGI while almost zero noticeable 2D animations, while in China/Japan/Korea, 2D movies are abundant while their computer generated ones are garbage.

The priorities are not the same with both markets, and this classic dishonest "how can they even cOmpEtE?!" while cherrypicking is the cancer of 4chan.

I dont see Korea being able to make CGI detective pikachu or the lion king remake (tho its only pretty CGI).

>> No.4037360

this looks terrible, jesus christ
poor lupin

>> No.4037364

it seems to me like the vast majority of anime at this point is retarded harem shit and moeblob
I don't know or care if it's a genre or when it was invented

>> No.4037836

watch the actual trailer, it looks awesome ya twerp https://youtu.be/Uw7jrQQK3Mc?t=11

>> No.4037840

agreed. looks soulful as fuck. jigen needs his beard though.

>> No.4037862

i just want another collapse

>> No.4037890

Both series are pretty garbage honestly, like it's stupid to compare them because there are far better examples of both american and Japanese animation and character design.

>> No.4038012

To be honest, anyone calling Dragonball garbage is basically just saying that they are a shit tier artist with irredeemably bad taste. Especially when you single out the fucking character design, which is some of the visually strongest and most iconic in all of entertainment.

>> No.4038019
File: 595 KB, 640x480, 1562527164199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to hate it but it looks so good

>> No.4038028

Cartoons used to be for adults. Disney changed that.

>> No.4039519

That's GT Goku which Toriyama didn't work on. Not that I care about him anyway, Dragon Ball is kinda shit.

>> No.4039536

arale is better than dragon ball z and i think toriyama would agree desu. i think arale and the original dragon ball were more of his "core" style, lighthearted adventureswith some edgy moments here and there. i can only imagine how soul crushing would be to end up making just a power level battle manga... you really have to be into it to make it like that, or do it the araki way: completely disregard your own canon and do whatever you want to do instead,

>> No.4039537

and now vietnam and thailand

>> No.4039541

well, i don't know if the debate is 2d vd 3d, or traditional vs digital. because all animes are done with digital tools nowadays. Not even ghibli does traditional 100% anymore

>> No.4039549

It looks OK. Not a fan of the facial animations here and there, and lupin's upper lip is weird as hell. Zenigata is the only really good model from what I see.
Lupin theme 10/10 as always

>> No.4041676
File: 800 KB, 700x700, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Toriyama still drawn both that picture for daizenshuu and the design for gt

>> No.4041735

..never watched the anime but this is 3D done right unlike the Pokemon Movie shit that's ironically airing around this time.

>> No.4041837

The world is big enough to have both styles. Art isn't a winner take all thing.

>> No.4041890
File: 658 KB, 400x295, a3359c612dd9860d4d376ef77e6d424f[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muscles and other anatomical features are defined but still given a child-like roundness to reflect age
granted, I haven't really read the manga so I'm not judging that, but the anime wasn't that great in the art department

>> No.4043744

holy shit anon this hurts so much, so fucking much, i wish you were wrong

>> No.4043949

Most asian nations (Like japan)
have invested in theater and art, making their creativity uniqe in conrast to western nations who invested more into production and writing and art(or theater) was not nessessity.

>> No.4045133

Makes me think of this one thread a while back where an anon talks about creating something tht would be a "shock" to the art world and to the consumerbase/general public. He has this whole plan to hve a group of artists (probably fellow anons) sneak in under the radar into the public eye and then suddenly turn out something revolutionary. I dunno if it's possible at all but I like the idea.


>> No.4045718

>Implying Dragon Ball had consistent quality and convincing characters
They literally made Kai to replace the scenes that were so poorly animated it made the actual quality of the show apparent to those rewatching the series