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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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4031696 No.4031696 [Reply] [Original]

for those that are familiar with the flow state, have experienced being in such a state, and know that it isnt just a meme:

how often are you able to enter flow state and stay in it?
are you able to consistently go in the state?
how long does it usually take to enter it?
do you have any personal techniques that you learned to help you get into it faster?

the most common thing people say is that its extremely hard to get into the state and takes a long time of doing one thing to enter it. ive seen several videos, read Flow by mihaly csikszentmihalyi and all that but im curious about anyone heres experience with flow

>> No.4031743

Cold, silent loneliness.
You can focus immediately if you don't have distractions like people demanding your attention or chores waiting to be done. So clean your room, pay your taxes, and tell the rest of the world to fuck off until you're done. By the time you notice it's 3am and you got 8 new canvases done.

>> No.4031949

why do you wanna be in this state ?

>> No.4031958

The stars have to align, but as you experience it more, you know your preconditions better and can trigger it on demand

It’s basically like comfort zone drawing.
>pick a medium that you can easily draw it
I like pen sketching
>choose a topic that you inherently enjoy
For me its copying animu references or mechs
>have material ready
I usually queue my recent pins on Pinterest
>wait till the world is asleep - no incoming text messages or emails
For me this is between 11p and 5a, otherwise i can flow through meals and the world interrupts me because they want to eat
>have a snack or break in mind
I like grinding a bit, then checking /ic/ and drinking a smoothie

I can hit flow during my first page of sketches, and I can keep it going for maybe 3-4 pages depending on how complex or good my reference material is. So maybe 4-5hrs.

I used to flow all the time in high school when i was programming. I think coding is easy flow, so I was familiar with the feeling and could translate it to drawing (and other stuff)

I usually parrot the “just draw” meme but i should be more specific in that u should probably be flowing while drawing...

>> No.4032040

Just a meme you fucking hippie.

>> No.4032047

>tfw enter flow as soon as I start drawing
>even broke my arm once and only noticed once I finished my pieces
it's even worst if I put some shitty pop music on repeat, my brain literally goes afk thoughts side and focus only on drawing

>> No.4032065

didn't you ever done something, anything. where time seems to pass really fast. before you know it hours and hours have passed.
a state in which time doesn't exist, only the that thing that's in front of you.

>> No.4032084

>how often are you able to enter flow state and stay in it?
>are you able to consistently go in the state?
go in yes. Consistent, no.
>how long does it usually take to enter it?
Not long. I just start fucking around and i get shit done
>do you have any personal techniques that you learned to help you get into it faster?
Stop doing anything that isn't drawing.

>> No.4032103

I mastered this state. I use water release technique, Suiton: Frowingu Stateru No Justsu (放水 フローイングスターターノフス) to enter flow mode MK1. You need a lot of chakra to support it, hand seals are: Tiger Ox Dragon Hare Dog Bird Rat Clone seal Dragon Ram.

Be careful, you will quick run out of charka if you are BEG, or this technique may be too hard for you overall. If you mess hand seals you may cause water explosion, because of large amount of released chakra.

>> No.4032118
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This is why mankind must go extinct

>> No.4032134


>> No.4032136

>how often are you able to enter flow state and stay in it?
Maybe a few times a week when I'm feeling really good, I can stay in it for maybe 2-3 hours at best
>are you able to consistently go in the state?
lol no
>how long does it usually take to enter it?
I don't keep track, I just start drawing and sometimes it happens
>do you have any personal techniques that you learned to help you get into it faster?
I found turning off music/audio helps but I like listening to stuff when I draw so I don't care. It's usually easier when I'm doing something in my comfort zone or that I really enjoy, like coloring/painting.

>> No.4032169

Is that the same as "the zone"?

I wish stoners would stay away from means of communication, I can't keep up with their dreadlocked lingo.

>> No.4032517

this is every time i put a pencil to paper or draw on a tablet, it's called having fun and enjoying a hobby

holy shit this board really doesn't like to draw

>> No.4032533

Its the only way I do anything at all anon.

>> No.4032537

Yes, this is what it’s like when I shitpost.

>> No.4032637

It happens when you when you start to like or take ownership a piece. When it's starting to resemble what you imagined in your head, or to look better than that, even. You start to see the interesting directions you can take it. Maybe if I try this here, what if I render the hair that way, mix these colors? And when a theory works, and it often does in this "state," it feels good. It can feel like everything you're doing is right for a prolonged period of time, and you might forget to eat or attend to other matters.

There's a video that I related to recently about what this guy calls "the Valley of the Suck" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QGwZIoBTFXY
You have to get beyond this to be invested in a piece. And it doesn't always happen which can make you feel shitty, but it also does happen more often as you become more competent in general.

>> No.4032647


>> No.4032653

This killed me lol

>> No.4032708

I reach mine after 12am where everyone's asleep and I'm less critical of myself. The problem is I'm always sleep deprived.

>> No.4033984

All variants of this concept come from sports.

>> No.4033993

There's no trick to flow; it's just doing something challenging well.

>> No.4033994

fuck off chakra is real and porn is sucking all your life energy

>> No.4033997
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>> No.4034144

not sure if this is actually flow but
for me its usually when i feel like i really wanna draw something,not like for lolz but really wanting tk draw something.

there really isnt something that lets me go into it .like just for the pure fun of it, not using my brain (sorta) and just drawing

usually around 2 hours max but 1 hour is probably my usual .

its not supereasy to get in or superhard, it really just come and go whenever it wants desu.
even tho its sounds retarded but yes, my hand decide if it wants to draw and what too.

(that said im still /beg/ level so i dont think my comment will be helpful)

>> No.4034174


>how often are you able to enter flow state and stay in it?
whenever i want, as long as i have no outside responsibilities. lately life has been rough so getting into this state is a pain because I’m bothered every 5 seconds by something
are you able to consistently go in the state?
>how long does it usually take to enter it?
if i find some youtube background noise and start warmup sketches, probably about an hour
without any outside influence (like if im drawing on a train with no wifi) its faster, but i like chilling and listening to stuff
>do you have any personal techniques that you learned to help you get into it faster?
make sure to do comfort zone warmups to boost your mood, collect refs beforehand so you aren’t scrambling googling shit in the middle of drawing, put on some chill music or super long yt video and go at it

>> No.4035807

"flow state" is just self-hypnose. I think some call it "the zone".
It's basically your mind wandering as it's doing a regular activity.

It's most common when playing a sport because of the neuro-chemicals released when exercising. Take care of your physical and mental health.
Alternatively just take THC/CBD if you can handle it.

>> No.4035824
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>> No.4035860


On a daily basis. It just requires a task that is not too far out of my comfort zone. Not too difficult, but not too easy either. Takes me about one 25 minutes to an hour. Sometimes less.

For the reasons stated above the flow state should not be chased or even necessarily be desired when learning.
Sure you'll hit it at times but the more common state you should experience while making real progress is akin to being a awkward fat guy at a gym. You may feel stupid, weak and useless, but you show up and do the work anwyay.

>> No.4035864

>It's basically your mind wandering as it's doing a regular activity.

"mind wandering" is usually what you call having a lack of focus.

>> No.4035906

Is that the new way of saying "you're in the zone"?...

>> No.4036062

Yeah it's called "enjoying drawing". Fucking weebs are always trying to make this about some sort of higher meaning. It's a hobby (or job) that you enjoy doing. That's it.

Fucking flow.

>> No.4036156


There's nothing weeb or spiritual about the concept of flow dumbdumb

>> No.4036157

how do i know who posted this

>> No.4036163

1) Usually when I'm doing something like a rendering which is mildly challenging but not heavily cognitively taxing.
2) No.
3) Usually like 30 minutes to an hour.

I'm parroting Csikszentmihalyi here so you've probably heard this before, but I'll say it for the anons who haven't - I find people usually hit a flow state when challenge meets capability. If you're challenging yourself beyond your skills (which you SHOULD do often) it's very cognitively demanding and generally you're not going through the motions, you're thinking hard about what to do. If it's far beneath your skills, you're bored. If it MEETS your skills, you know what to do at each turn, but it's satisfying rather than boring, because you're actually applying yourself and what you learned. That's when I hit the flow state, I find.

Flow state is peak performance but it's not peak learning. If you're drawing to learn, it's not necessarily the ideal state to be in (because you're in a sort of autopilot). If you're doing work/competing/just want to draw etc it's great.

>> No.4036170


'Flow state' is just a term to describe that sensation of deep focus where you (generally) lose your sense of time and are less aware of distractions. It's meditative but it's not spiritual, there is no intrinsic higher meaning. And it doesn't just parallel 'having fun' - a lot of people enter states like that during periods of deep discomfort (like athletic competition or danger).

It's being 'in the zone', basically.

>> No.4036214

Weed helps, but mostly i just start with a line.
I try leaving puzzles for myself when i'm working in something. Little things that don't make a lot of sense at the time.
This makes me analyze my works again every single time i sit to draw/paint, and very often they trigger my senses.

And also, music. Music is just the main fuel, for me. I can engage with both drawing and analyzing the song at the same time, and i end up learning more about both.

One carries the other.

>> No.4036225

one song looping per image

>> No.4036280
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>imagine being so ngmi you think flow state is magic