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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 197 KB, 1194x791, kim-jung-1485724896947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4028183 No.4028183 [Reply] [Original]

Opinnions on Kim Jung Gi, sincere ones please.

>> No.4028185

we had this thread dozen of times, why dont you check the archives?

>> No.4028186

Very good artist with a lot of mileage and deliberate and applies practice. You can become him if you just draw constantly and learn how to use perspective and memorize the construction of things as well as build a large visual library. No big secret or trick.

>> No.4028188

Because thoose werent sincere enough?

>> No.4028219

> lazy, mostly monochrome pieces.
> Can’t use references correctly and relies only on imagination
>copies japanese stylization ( he’s korean)
>no one actually like his art but his gimmick of le no construction lines xd xd
>doesn’t explore complex issues in his work, and barely has any POC representation.

>> No.4028225

Post your work

>> No.4028242

>>doesn’t explore complex issues in his work, and barely has any POC representation.

Heaven forbid an artist actually do work he enjoys instead of exploring the fact that we live in a society.

>> No.4028243

how are people falling for this, it isnt even bait, its a joke

>> No.4028248

Excellent draftsman and the sheer scope of his imagination and memory is remarkable. But I think it's a mistake for most artists to try be like him. The man has been drawing obsessively since he was in kindergarten, he just never quits. He says it's like breathing at this point. Even counting his hours, he's probably gifted on top of it.
I'm not saying this to discourage anyone, because anyone can get better, but find your own way of adding value to your work. There's more to art than memorization and performance drawing. It's fair to say KJG, god he may be, isn't the best in every area.

>> No.4028278

Literally who?

>> No.4028282

hes a guy.
or should i say 'hes a gi'?

>> No.4028308

So good that i actually feel fatigued and uninterested in his work now.

>> No.4028310

Souless ngmi trash next thread

>> No.4028376

Hes an printer not an artist

>> No.4028379

Lol what
Jesus the state of you people
Post your work

>> No.4028386

impressed by the process
bored by the result

>> No.4028387

Can’t even have a proper discussion? Thats sad

>> No.4028390

The guy just draws what he sees and has been doing it long enough to become a walking and talking printer.
Anyone will get to that level if they draw the same stuff over and over until they can reproduce it effortlessly anytime.
That is not talent, just raw discipline and effort.
The guy's alright, just overhyped by normieshits.
It's like being mindblown by some old guy because he's old.
I mean, if you avoid dying you'll get there eventually.

>> No.4028426

>first they confuse chicken scratching to the point of accusing pros of doing it
>now begs are confusing human printers so they can call pros such
when i though we finally reach rock bottom, we sink in even more

>> No.4028428

>You can become him
then there would already be dozens of artists like him given how much some asians spend drawing

>> No.4028440

and don't forget he's also a mysogonist piece of asian dogshit

>> No.4028480

I’m begging the rest of you to not fall for this bait and give this person 20+ (you)s. please don’t bump this useless thread like I know you want to, just hide it and move on and actually draw.

>> No.4028481

Unironically pyw

>> No.4028485

yet he was the only one that reached this level

>> No.4028491

i wouldnt put him in the same category with masters like Aaron Rutten, Jazza and Mark's Drawing Tutorials
but he is decent

>> No.4028510

yeah, most people who idolize this guy are normies or beginners. his work is great but very repetitive. once you've seen a drawing by him you've seen all of them, basically.

>> No.4028517

>Unironically pyw
I guess i shouldn't tell the chef his food is shit when he literally served me shit because i didn't work as a cook for as long as he has
quit breathing
>he only one
stop interacting with other people forever and in your next life too

>> No.4028532
File: 316 KB, 504x785, 20190624_180933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You almost had me going there, ngl.

>> No.4028534

>comparing cooking to drawing
this board is beyond salvation

>> No.4028538

>cooking doesnt take year of practice, effort and repetition to master

>> No.4028541
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>Food analogy
>A crab

>> No.4028550
File: 49 KB, 226x212, 1563584384441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone disagreeing with my god is a crab
turbo normie and ngmi
stop pursuing art and lead a mediocre life like the hollow shell you are

>> No.4028561

only the negative because everyone knows how god tier he is already
>messy artwork, not easily readable
>a lot of his work is vulgar, inspire disgust
>his porn is worst than unappealing
>despite being the God, doesn't have Masterworks that represent him like other great artists of their times have
I praise the God KMJ for his UNRIVALED skills but that's about it

>> No.4028581

What an empty, stupid post

>> No.4028582


>> No.4028583

he's a budget ruan jia

>> No.4028585

Hhahaa MEEMS

choke on my cock

>> No.4028586

look at yours KEK

>> No.4028587

What an empty, stupid post

>> No.4028591

Real 16 year old hours, apparently

>> No.4028592

>still no argument
damn that post really sent you into seething mode, child

>> No.4028597

it would be interesting if he was doing digital painting

>> No.4028598
File: 2.10 MB, 320x240, 1550597438436.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pot kettle black etc

>> No.4028616

Why haven't Kim or Superani started putting out tutorials for us disgusting westerners yet? They'd make a killing. The amount of talent that is close to Kim coming out of those Korean art schools is crazy.

>> No.4028644

Never heard of him before coming to /ic/, now I know that he draws stuff from imagination ind is supposedly really good at it.

>> No.4028645

they might know they would make bucks, but it would be wasted time education wise, because the west cant be dammed to put in the required time

>> No.4028653

He does give courses here and there and you can find them on youtube but it basically boils down to this :
>draw an object from real life
>rotate said object on your paper
>add some 3d shapes to said object
>add details to said 3d objects
>repeat for 20 years

>> No.4028654

I'm in awe of the apparent easiness of his work, much like a gymnast makes his moves look easy (until you try it). I was dissapointed in his comic, it seems like the level of his comic work is almost similar to what he produces on the fly, it is good but not better than his regular stuff. I think he would do better on a comic with a story containing weird/magical elements, where he can draw whatever strange beasts or mechanical stuff he wants to.

>> No.4028655

There are plenty of Korean kids that are almost just as good if you look over the net. It's the only reason i haven't deleted my facebook account.

>> No.4028670

exactly. The way he draws from different perspectives and angles with great accuracy directly is definitely impressive but i was never enamored with the finished work.

>> No.4028674


Hey, it's alright, anon. We all know you probably suck at drawing and need to vent your insecurities. It's OK, just keep grinding those fundamentals, man.

>Post your work

Agreed. Don't talk shit unless you can prove you're on equal levels with Jung Gi.

>> No.4028744
File: 55 KB, 258x360, 1506683005827.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's so difficult about simply posting your work anon?

>> No.4028748

thnx anon

>> No.4028759

>Disgusting westerners
There are westerners coming out of his school, they were simply motivated enough to learn korean and study there.
Now I was going to use pic related as an example because he is french but then by searching his art I found out he's still asian. But there was a blonde dude I think with Jisoo and KJG on the superani comic con stand

>> No.4028762
File: 62 KB, 786x436, Gerald-Parel-And-Then-Came-the-Sayans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4028787

Anyone go to his panel in SDCC?
I have shit memory but this what I recall.
>His first stroke in a face is the most important, it's usually the brow and he uses it as a guideline, parallel to the perspective line or the perspective line if extended towards the vanishing point visualizing it mentally
>In fact, a lot.of his guidelines are in his head, he visualizes all the perspective lines and the boxes every object resides inside of.
>He likes to study the internal components that from something and how they connect (for example in a motorcycle) and he uses a mental catalog to choose models and parts

>> No.4028788
File: 47 KB, 769x431, 1538058109523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This are the ""people"" who claim irony doesn't work in written form. Pathetic.

>> No.4028789
File: 171 KB, 555x555, 12435342345243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better than anything any mán will ever create
my soul is maximum
you cannot find what doesnt exist

>> No.4028815
File: 1.94 MB, 4032x3024, 20190719_132035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Youing myself to post a pic
>Everytime you introduce a new element you have to consider whats important in terms of size and perspective
>he drew this using three point perspective and made a 1 point drawing after
>references the lines of the skull that form a face and use that also as a perspective guideline
>for him the thickness of every element is important
>even the very minor element in composition can serve as a guideline for perspective.
>He'll have an online course available soon
>Uses straightlines but start curving a line because at such point is the eye level (horizon)
>doesnt indicate the horizon line(eye level) but he visualizes it

>> No.4028829

>fanboying this hard

>> No.4028836

I feel he would make a lousy animator, i mean he never draws movement, and when he does, it feels stiff, i think his drawings are very skilled, but also is like seeing one of those machines with tons of stuffed animals.

>> No.4028844

>Barely has any POC representation
He barely ever draws white people anon.

>> No.4029124

>doing things from memory good, imagination and soul, bad.

>> No.4029135

>thinks imagination is not from memory
thats a really weak bait newfag

>> No.4029435

The lack of white people cancels out the lack of POC, giving him a Progressive-Score of 0.

>> No.4029496

Mindblowingly skilled, but wish he weren't endlessly picked up by the marketing side of the community and meme'd for everything he's worth. I liked it much better when he was still relatively unknown outside of his country and allowed to do his own thing for an audience of slightly more experienced artists/connoisseurs. Back then too, as a foreigner, when I managed to find one of the few scraps of his work hidden in some obscure corner of the net, it felt like an amazing nest-egg.

>> No.4029564

White is a color

>> No.4029596
File: 274 KB, 926x857, perspective.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, Kim.
It's not that hard.

>> No.4029600

yeah what an autist he draws like he have fisheyes

>> No.4029956

that brushpen is like his sword. get scared little boys...

>> No.4029978

Katsuya Terada is almost at the same level. Then you have Kopinski and the other Superani artists.

>> No.4031138

>He'll have an online course available soon

>> No.4031169

it's a well-known fact that gooks have weird, warped vision. probably why they can't drive for shit

>> No.4031175

this has to be the funniest post I’ve ever seen on this board, nothing compares

>> No.4031204


We'll also have a painting course by HyunJin Kim (his right hand man), a course by Karl Kopinski and Miss Jisu.

KJG will mostly focus on the basics (like on the picture) but also anatomy and drawing anthropomorphic animals. His course will hopefully be available by the end of July.

>> No.4031242

Btw, I've studied through superani so AMA. Maybe I can shed some light on their teaching process.

>> No.4031716 [DELETED] 

anyone have pdfs of his books?

>> No.4031749

Explain to me their teaching process master

>> No.4031758

>anatomy and drawing anthropomorphic animals

finally a tasteful avenue into that furry porn artist side hustle

>> No.4031957

sucks balls because can't color

amirite fellas

>> No.4031965

he can though

>> No.4031987

his colored work is a lot weaker than his inking stuff

>> No.4032163


>> No.4032380


1) Anatomy is often taught as formulas. Think Riven Phoenix Structure of Man but better, as in you literally memorize the formulas of drawing the skull from any angle. They use the eye as the canon for the head.

2) Basic forms are very important, especially the box. They don't teach perspective in a very detailed way (like the course in NMA) but eyeballing boxes and forms inside boxes is very important. Something like Peter Han's dynamic sketching.

3) They don't sketch fast and loose. Every stroke is actually pretty slow. It's still confident, but not "gestural" like many classical artists and animators like to do. In fact, there is no "gesture drawing" as good form and shape desing (and anatomy) have "gesture" naturally in them. So yeah, no "mindless" quick sketching. Everything is pretty analytical. I'm not saying that gesture drawing/quicksketching is bad, it's just not good for this kind of process.

4) HyunJin Kim teaches a pretty interesting painting process. He goes from light to dark but without construction. He picks 4-5 values and pretty much "carves" inside the painting. It's pretty classical , but interesting nontheless

>> No.4032386

is this leaked somewhere ? would be nice to get a more analytical approach

>> No.4032395

Superani style online courses will be available at kazoneonline.com

In the mean time, check out videos by Riven Phoenix. I know he isn't very popular in here, but his methods are good. Just use his methods for learning, but use different references. Also, Peter Han's dynamic sketching. Books that are useful are mostly basic anatomy books. Also, books by artist called RinoTuna are very helpful.

There's also a Chinese artist called onezukabin, who will have a very very analytical book released at of the year.

>> No.4032397

are the courses on kazoneonline.com going to be free ?

>> No.4032400


Actually, in just a moment...

>> No.4032404

its out and expensive for how short it seems.
i'd pay if it was more extensive, this way i'll pirate it.

>> No.4032406

Let's have a group buy.

>> No.4032414

He's a virtuoso, excellent at his craft but completely devoid of any creative drive. Good but boring, I hate seeing him compared to Terada, who's a far better and way more imaginative artist than KJG.

>> No.4032415

i've check it the intro video and it seems to be "watch me draw" type of videos, hopefully the actual course does teach you how to actually draw figures

>> No.4032422
File: 87 KB, 1096x1337, kimgu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$200 for skillshare course that shows me how to draw figures in bad perspective?
no thanks

>> No.4032427

not a bad idea

>> No.4032433

I honestly don't know how to make it happen though. We'd have to have a trustworthy buyer. Are there any sites where one can only access the money until he has uploaded files?

>> No.4033066

>200 smackaroos
Hope based artbook thread comes through again.

>> No.4033108

there will be some sort of free trial i'm sure.
those tuts won't be safe for long. KJG is too popular for his stuff not to get ripped off.
even no name people get their courses pirated so

>> No.4033120

I love how y'all getting trolled here. Let's admit it, secretly we all fap to his hentai drawings

>> No.4033693


>> No.4033833

>if i act like a retard i'll get away with it

News flash: you are the retard.

>> No.4033970

Tempted to buy this course

>> No.4033974

I dont actually. I fap to the idea of being to draw like him

>> No.4034180

Buy it and share it, anon

>> No.4034244

post one of his hentai drawing that isn't straight up vulgar and unappealing

>> No.4034247

>post something that i personally dont like so i can tell you its bad because i dont like it

gee i wonder what your reply will be if he posts one, im sure youre very open minded

>> No.4034328

>assuming everyone is dishonest like yourself
lmao, anyway looks like you can't post any.

>> No.4034346

youre laughing your ass off at your desk right now?

are you mentally handicapped?

>> No.4034352

>what is a joke
you fucking dumb cunt

>> No.4034365


>> No.4034367

Typing "cringe" as an entire post is fucking cringe you memeslut, go fuck yourself

>> No.4034378

please enough anon, I usually use cringe just to shitpost but for real your last post was autistic and you just keep going down the path of embarassment, call it a day and stop shitposting retard

>> No.4034381

Puh-lease anon my last post was TOTALLY a joke and we were just having a little fun time but in ALL SERIOUSNESS (lets get realsies here), Suck my cock

>> No.4034461

that is extremely well put

>> No.4034475

unironically cringe, kys

>> No.4034481

>Heaven forbid an artist actually do work he enjoys instead of exploring the fact that we live in a society.
this is exactly how I feel when people try to guilt artists for not being woke enough. it just creates bad art when guilt ridden people try to inject politics or inclusivity into their work when they aren't doing it for the benefit of the oppressed, but their conscience and ego.

>> No.4034498

That is soooo CRINGE
Like Y I K E S im EPIC CRINGING right now

>> No.4034739

as expected you're the mentally handicapped one
that or underaged

>> No.4034769

brain damage

>> No.4034801
File: 148 KB, 1000x666, enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


based and fun pilled

>> No.4035023

Has anyone bought the course yet? I would immediately but I already spent $1400 within the last 2 months on courses. Not budging anymore even if it's the great Gi.

>> No.4035024


>> No.4035041

Gi isn't his last name or first name.

>> No.4035043

You know who I mean because you're correcting me you massive faggot.

>> No.4035091

Lol fuck off nerd

>> No.4035135

I don’t know how the fuck could the joke be more obvious. But it just goes over their heads lol

>> No.4035712
File: 22 KB, 512x476, 1557411267738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we are not koreans, we dont know which is what, we just refer to him with what is recognizable around here

>> No.4035924


Also where is the rip of his course it's been 2 days already

>> No.4035940

Insane skill but I don't feel anything in his drawings
If he didn't draw his stuff in a performance setting freehand without sketch he wouldn't be 1/10th as famous
I think Terada is more limited in visual vocabulary but can do more expressive things, such as a comic
Takehiko Inoue draws similarly to KJG, with a brush and just a very basic sketch for placement and he made Vagabond like that.

>> No.4035945

Oh fuck off you stupid crab.

>> No.4035953

I'm not crabbing, he's insanely skilled, but it's objectively true that the majority of his appeal is that he draws everything freehand with a brush. Half the photos of KJG drawings include him in the picture, he markets himself as a performative kind of artist, he does drawing shows all the time etc. his product is really his ability, not his drawings. If all you saw of KJG were his finished drawings you'd have a different perception.

>> No.4035962

His appeal is that he draws WELL freehand. I was already impressed with his work before I knew he did everything in mere hours with no preparation.
>If all you saw of KJG were his finished drawings you'd have a different perception
I actually think you are crabbing anon.

>> No.4035963

he is an example of what humans can achieve, and thats what he is acclaimed for, not his style. youre like a crab complaining of the fame of a nigger for being the fastest runner in the world by saying that he wouldnt be able to run a marathon and be as good as other runner

>Half the photos of usain bolt races include him in the picture, he markets himself as a performative kind of runner, he does running shows all the time etc. his product is really his speed, not his running. If all you saw of usain bolt were his finished running tracks you'd have a different perception.

>> No.4035968

>If all you saw of usain bolt were his finished running tracks you'd have a different perception.
What a stupid argument
>Usain St Leo Bolt OJ CD (/ˈjuːseJn/;[12] born 21 August 1986) is a Jamaican retired sprinter. He is a world record holder in the 100 metres, 200 metres and 4 × 100 metres relay. Owing to his achievements and dominance in sprint competition, he is widely considered to be the greatest sprinter of all time.[13][14][15][16]

How the fuck am I crabbing if I am saying he's insanely skilled, holy shit. If I were dismissing him saying he's not actually that good that would be crabbing, I am saying that a big selling point of his is his performance and this is fucking true because he himself markets that aspect of his drawing all the time.
Then I said that Inoue draws similarly but is recognized for the work he made, not for freehanding with a brush. I'm sure most people don't even know how he draws.

>> No.4035977

He's not crabbing, it's a valid opinion to have of it and he never shit on KJG.

>> No.4035984
File: 281 KB, 822x1000, newloomis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's a summary of /ic/'s opinion on any given artist:
>asian: born artist, ubermensch
>white: ngmi, should literally kill themselves with an apple pencil stabbed through the throat
>popular: degenerate and a complete hack who uses references/draws from imagination

>> No.4036002

lol, that underkin on the bottom one

>> No.4036248


>> No.4036287

>with no preparation
Doesn't he plan things out before hand? In a couple of vids he says that for the big murals he decides what to draw earlier.
Katsuya Terada does it there and then which is why he keeps pausing and thinking.

>> No.4036437
File: 130 KB, 640x640, 54732242_129993394742528_4275359133114060265_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wish he would toon his stuff up more often. My fav pieces he's done are his Astro Boy ones.