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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 25 KB, 460x259, 190718104950-01-kyoto-fire-0718-large-169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4022600 No.4022600 [Reply] [Original]

mods deleted the thread about the kyoto animation massacre. wow.

>> No.4022608

mods here are a fucking joke

>> No.4022612
File: 13 KB, 197x158, huh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did you make a new one, knowing that the mods pruned the first one?

>> No.4022617

Take it to /a/.

>> No.4022620

what does this have to do with ic ? are we critiquing the amount of weebs dead N

>> No.4022621
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>> No.4022629

There are already threads about it on /news/. Have you ever tried visiting other boards?

>> No.4022636

considering the amount of actual board de-railing posts that are allowed to stay up, it's shit.

>> No.4022639

at least we can answer those autistic "how do i be like this artist" threads with loomis, we cant do it with this one

>> No.4022642

the industry is very small, and since this board is made up of mostly people going towards making it in the industry, a lot of anons are going to have a different perspective. they're animators who went through the grind like all of us are doing

>> No.4022653
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This one is special for Iriya-cunt
I know you still lurk here, fagot.

>> No.4022659

>think even 1% of ppl here are going to make it

>> No.4022662

Exactly. I already work at an animation studio though not in Japan. So this attack really shook me

>> No.4022669

You're next

>> No.4022672

> bait thread about Kyoto fire
> deleted due to low quality bait
Imagine my shock

>> No.4022679

Very funny. Everyone is so flippant about this 33 people just got murdered, i guess i am on 4chan so what should i expect

>> No.4022686
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>> No.4022687

People seem to be extra nonchalant about murder and tragedy here nowadays though

>> No.4022691

Ppl are been killed all the time get over it

>> No.4022696

we already live in a clown world so people being nonchalant about mass murder on 4chan out of all places is given me hope

>> No.4022697

If corpse pics get posted then anons suddenly change their tune. No face to attach our empathy to.

By the by, I hope the perpetrator gets the noose. I doubt anybody would cry in humane all things considered.

>> No.4022698

I don't mean to be insensitive but are there any job openings for Kyoto Animation now?

>> No.4022702
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Yes, people die every day

>> No.4022710

animators don't die everyday fuck average people

>> No.4022712


>> No.4022713

True but i value the lives of 33 artists over 33 thousand random normie consumers

>> No.4022715

they do in japan from overworking

>> No.4022744
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Not sure how accurate this list is. Written 17 hours ago

Rip, this is really hard to hear, I loved the show Free

>> No.4022749

at least no good anime was harmed

>> No.4022752
File: 179 KB, 592x974, YOU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Anata ga koko ni itara īnoni to omou

Buildings can be rebuilt, no matter what the size. The void in sky is not just the absence of buildings, but the loss of faith in the human conscience. We hold out hope that this, too, can be rebuilt.

>> No.4022766

youve obviously never watched nichijou

>> No.4022770

yeah i dont watch those shitty slice of life shit

>> No.4022778

I wish you were one of them. Difference being nobody will miss you.

>> No.4022780

i'm so edgy

>> No.4022782

stop being over dramatic, everyone is going to die eventually anyway

>> No.4022786

i dont either but nichijou is special https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78ZFjoVZUgw

>> No.4022849


>> No.4022866
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Edgy nihilism and psued behavior is in and has been in for a while now. I think most of these people stopped mentally developing past 16 years old so they spaz out when they see others treating human life with value. They just can't understand why you would care about anyone other than yourself and think they're "intelligent" for acting like they're still moody teenagers. With the current state of 4chan though it's possible that they actually are moody teenagers.

>> No.4022872

They're disconnected from reality cause they don't have enough interactions with people. Probably sad people that spend too much time on Internet, grew up with it, and are always looking for new, harder kind of stimulation.

Or just psychopaths using anonimity.

>> No.4022878

I've been feeling that for a while online. Like for example if the US goverment was beaten to death by a turkey people would focus on the 'lol so funny. Turkey!' part and completely ignore the 'USA has no infrastructure and leadership part'. Weird analogy, but I think it gets my point across. I feel people no longer know the weight of actions any more.

>> No.4022912
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My buddies, this is proof that sorcery works, Palo sorcery to be precise.

>> No.4022959

People are becoming increasingly retarded with how obsessed they are with fictional characters. Sure you can take advantage of that with getting bux doing porn of them, but killing people because of their waifus is going too far fuck.

>> No.4022970

90% of the planet is literally hellworld

>> No.4022973

Theres nothing really edgy about it.
It's a tragedy and a damn shame. Whoever did it needs to die. But really I dont feel that much for it. I dont live there. I dont know them. I can pretend to be shocked but massacres happen every month. Its nothing new to be surprised over even if it is shitty.

>> No.4022976

it's about a stolen soundtrack, not waifus

>> No.4022982

I only checked in the afternoon, and people were talking about a Hibiki girl not being a virgin or something like that.

>> No.4022994

Oddly enough it's about trains, not about waifus this time

>> No.4022998

kyoani hasn't released any official information stop reposting facebook shit

>> No.4023000

This is true and the only defense people will come up with is BUT ANON THEY MADE MY K-ONS!!!!

>> No.4023012
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this. since when did accepting death/crime as a daily par for the course become edgy? it's sucks that it happens but we don't have time to drop and mourn the 200+ people that die every minute.
I will admit though that this incident makes me more annoyed then usual, because they were talented artists.

>> No.4023059

This is an attack on women.
KyoAni has a 2:9 ratio of male-to-female employees, and some male workers have reported mistreatment towards male animartors.
It would not surprise me if this atack was madwe by some INCEL FUCK WHO SHOULD BE CASTRSTED who took pity to the pathetic whinny men who didn't knew their place in a female-led company and decided to engage in misoginistic vengeance.


>> No.4023062
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>> No.4023065
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>> No.4023069

who let this tranny out of resetera

>> No.4023070

>2:9 ratio of male-to-female employees
no wonder the kill count was so high

>> No.4023076

Women a shit

>> No.4023077

Honestly, work

>> No.4023132


who drew that.

>> No.4023134

Stopped reading there..

>> No.4023152

Because the first thread was made by a frog posting shitter, I imagine.

>> No.4023170

You know, 4chan is often looked at as a place of absolute chaos (because it is). Even looking at the /beg/ thread it's 95% memes and shitposting. But there's a sense of stillness that comes from the fact that it's chaos. After a few months (and I've been here for years) you learn to understand the ebb and flow of the boards and it becomes like any other forum.

In a way, anons act exactly like they're expected to act. You learn to filter out the bullshit and the LEL IM EDGY and the memeposters real quick. And then it's a hundred times more mature than the rest of the safespace internet.

>> No.4023173


>> No.4023374

Cry me a river

>> No.4023375
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>look how smart and mature I am

>> No.4023386

The job openings are going to be weird.

>> No.4023388


>> No.4023396

that's a weird way to fire your employees

>> No.4023404

>roof door locked
>burned to death between fire and locked door
But in the end, they wouldn’t let them go

>> No.4023408

they were tsundere about it

>> No.4023422
File: 82 KB, 390x390, obvious_troll.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4023819

Women are the niggers of gender.

>> No.4023977

You guys are a bunch of INCELS.
Which woman hurt you? did you mothers hit you? did your girlfriends raped you? deal with it, assholes.
this is why men don 't deserve sympathy. women's lives are more important then male lives.
Today 20 women lost their lives. This was an attack on women, you like it or not.

>> No.4023979

nice joke tranny

>> No.4023990

hello all! i am big troll! wiminz and stuff!

>> No.4023992

there is no point to target women they are just objects for pleasure and to sell products

>> No.4023996

To me it just sounds like you are very naive. When you die, nobody will give a shit too.

>> No.4024000



>> No.4024014

I donated $200. fight me

>> No.4024019

hook yo boi with 100$

>> No.4024022
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>> No.4024030

couldn't they have jumped out of a window? or was fire/smoke too fast?

>> No.4024038

There was an explosion that probably covered many windows with flames hot enough to melt metal. Also most of the people on the upper floor's first reaction was to head to the roof instead of bail out a window but when they got there the roof door was locked and by then it was too late

>> No.4024046

I wonder if the guys doing the fundraising realize that 1 Million is not enough to cover the damages.
KyoAni lost way more than half their resources and staff. Chances are they're gonna need to change locations too, not to mention the fines they'll have to pay due to workplaced safety law violations and compensate the families of the 30+ deceased workers and the injured staff. Also, they'll need to buy all of their equipment and supplies back.
Taking other studios into account, I'd say they'll need about 60 to 80 millions just to partially recover from the damages.

Sadly, chances are KyoAni is already over at this point.

>> No.4024238

It’s very unfortunate, some of the victims were greatly talented artists and I can recognize the people who looked up to them, then just to see them get ripped away so suddenly is heartbreaking. Although, I can’t mourn properly because my connection isn’t as deep as others nor do I care enough to do much more than sigh, I will say that it’s tragic and the person responsible should be sought out and justly punished.

>> No.4024270

>justly punished.
He was wronged by his waifu, what more does he deserve

>> No.4024271

>being a weeb is the greatest punishment

>> No.4024282

the twitter leftards who were cheering the deaths of KyoAni animators are retracting their comments after they found out that the mayority of victims and staff were female.

>"yeah! anime is degeneracy! fuck KyoAni!"

fuck twitter and fuck jack dorsey.

>> No.4024287

people really donated to the company and not the victims?

>> No.4024289
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>burning to death because you chose a career in drawing cute girls
even when you make it, you're in hell

>> No.4024296


>> No.4024299

Why was the roof door locked?

I heard the arson chained up the fire escape, is that true?

Also, what was his motive?

>> No.4024305

Why people even cheer for the deaths of others on twitter?
Worse yet, why twitter allow this top happen?
Same shit happened when totalbiscuit died.
Fucking repugnant.

>> No.4024308


>> No.4024319
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>> No.4024344


>> No.4024346

I saw this one, but where are the other ones, with retractions?

>> No.4024352


>> No.4024357

>KyoAni lost way more than half their resources
Scratch that.They lost fucking EVERYTHING.

>Hideaki Hatta: “We’ve Lost Everything, Both Paper & Digital”

They lost the data of ALL their series, movies, novels, everything.
Holy fuck.

>> No.4024358

>no more Free!
Fuck yes!

>> No.4024360

look at the bright side, when you die, you wont even notice the difference

>> No.4024368

Do they not know wtf a backup is?

>> No.4024375

There's some good animations,some funny moments I can't lie, but all this moe/cliché anime stuff will prevent me from watching a single episode. (my opinion)

>> No.4024379

Not having any connection with dead people but still remaining respectful != being an edgy retard who behaves like a jerk.

>> No.4024388

1) Backup of paper?
2) Your servers, your hardware or your software stored in hardware can die in a fire too,you know. (unless stuff is saved BOTH in the Cloud & inhouse, it's not 90% safe)

>> No.4024419

my mommy is the only good female out there.

>> No.4024420

I bet she’s really proud of her little incel

>> No.4024424

mommy treats me well.

>> No.4024434

>unless stuff is saved BOTH in the Cloud & inhouse, it's not 90% safe
or you know, you could have it in 2 buildings

>> No.4024446

fuck off incels
Off course the incels are gonna dismiss violence against women as "bait" so we don't have to take it seriously anymore.

cRY more incels. the mainstream media agrees with my point

women lives MATTER. men lives DO NOT MATTER. how hard is this to understand this basic fact of life?

>> No.4024469

Exactly this

1. Scans
2. Game companies have a backup server in house and then a second backup server somewhere else, why wouldn't animation studios do the same. Specially in Japan where there's a natural disaster every other day. Was their building that immune to those kinds of hazards?
Also yes, cloud storage is a thing.

>> No.4024481

I was wondering, don't they have cloud backups or services? That would be too careless or greedy. But it is an industry... so

>> No.4024580

Just cause you shave your legs and wear a skirt, doesn’t mean you’re a girl. Seek help.

>> No.4024605
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>reads thread
yes this was a very worthy discussion to have. good job for posting this.

>> No.4024689

>but we don't have time to drop and mourn the 200+ people that die every minute.
but you do have time to make all your edgy remarks

>> No.4024690
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>anons buying b8 this obvious

>> No.4024710

Poe’s law. How do you know it’s bait?

>> No.4024763

Compassion is no longer the meta

>> No.4024776
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go get him sister hehehehe :*

>> No.4024821
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I bought myself a drawing tablet to somehow put a positive lining on this disaster. It's a huion H610 v2. I hope that will do for a beginner.
I haven't drawn since I was a kid drawing sketches of pokemon in a notebook, but I'm determined this time to get a at least little practice done every day until I can look at my art and think it looks good enough to post.

>> No.4024825

Why am I not surprised that someone with a hammer and sickle in their name doesn't understand the value of human life.

>> No.4024828

>consumerism as way to mourn an event that doesn't personally affect you
>buying a tablet on a whim instead of practicing with pencil first

>> No.4024831
File: 532 KB, 400x308, 7dbda8eab561dd6dc10156ded95851fbe9a77869424ba3cb87b9f593ed0864bf.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's a huion H610 v2
Supporting chinks instead of nips.

>> No.4024847

You can think what you want about the blogposting.
It does personally affect me, if not nearly to the extent of the families and co workers. It affects everyone who they had am impact on and just anyone with an interest in the industry. Consumerism is unavoidable and not really a bad thing.
I might try traditional media as well. I just don't like how your hand gets in the way when sketching using a pen, or pencil.
Kyoani, as far as I know, doesn't make tablets for drawing.

>> No.4024867
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>> No.4024878

no point in practicing with pencil if you're going to go digital anyway

>> No.4024880


>> No.4024889
File: 430 KB, 1211x1114, 1562174715913.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Twitter SJW gang actively celebrates the death of people in this incident
>Threads on 4chan get systematically deleted
>Suddenly the narrative gets changed to muh wimmenz
>The Twitter gang retracts their comments and do a complete 360 on their narrative
>Suddenly threads on 4chan about the incident are actively encouraged and even hiroshimoot puts the donation link up there in the page
This is all so tiresome

>> No.4024894

>>Threads on 4chan get systematically deleted
/a/ has had a sticky about it since it happened.

>> No.4024897

looks like only containment, making shitty troll threads or spamming the boards with it requires actions

>> No.4025299

>basic truth is edgy


>> No.4025303

>>The Twitter SJW gang actively celebrates the death of people in this incident

Who where?

>> No.4025963

Example >>4024319

>> No.4025987


That's a tankie even other leftists hate him.

>> No.4026981

>fuck twitter and fuck jack dorsey.
I'd rather have it all out in the open. Twitter doesn't create those opinions. it just exposes our hipocracy and ignorance.

>> No.4027354

You have no fucking idea what you are talking about.

>> No.4027475

Pretty generous to assume it shaves its legs.

>> No.4028089

kook at his head!!!!! he's like the anitchad!!

>> No.4029250

The hero we didn't deserve. Fuck anime.

>> No.4029256

a legend

>> No.4029261

>twitter leftards who were cheering the deaths of KyoAni animators are retracting their comments after they found out that the mayority of victims and staff were female.
The saddest thing is that it's actually alright to apologize. They just didn't know they were women, it's totally ok to cheer if men died.
>Same shit happened when totalbiscuit died.
I didn't know that. Fuck the internet, people are filth deep inside.

>> No.4029263

>Hideaki Hatta: “We’ve Lost Everything, Both Paper & Digital”
This sounds really horrible out of context

>> No.4029272
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There's this

>> No.4029276


>> No.4029289

From Twitter searches I only see people trying to politicize the fact Kyoani hired more women than average, and saying that the arsonist was driven by misogyny. And a bunch of other SJWs saying "Guys, guys... please! Let's not make this political, men died too and gender doesn't matter when you are a victim! Please like and retweet if you agree!!!!!"
Which is in a way even more sickening than some asshole cheering. God, I fucking HATE social media.

>> No.4029293

It's all who can get on a taller soapbox and who gets to have the most brownie points by virtue signaling the hardest. Like and subscribe if you agree.

>> No.4029299

These days I really hope the Sun will gift us with an EMP and fry all technology forever

>> No.4029301

you'll probably kys in 3 hours without internet

>> No.4029328

My only loss would be online shopping, I need art supplies. But I can take a train and buy them from one of the best places on Earth once a year so not even that much of a concern.
It would be a liberation more than anything.

>> No.4029331

im pretty sure the train wont work with an EMP

>> No.4029344

I didn't specify what kind of train.

>> No.4029349

How will anyone have the capacity to manufacture art supplies without electricity.

Have fun scribbling anime tiddies in the sand and watching them wash away in the morning tide

>> No.4029359

sounds like a horrible way to live , i hope if the sun curses us with an emp wave to just explode too

>> No.4029396

>How will anyone have the capacity to manufacture art supplies without electricity.
People made paints before electricity. A lot of art supplies are easily made and you will have lots of time to find the ingredients in the jungle.

If humanity survives the initial chaos you'd have a beautiful Earth. Modern people with a modern mindset, thrown in a context where they can actually apply their sensibilities, true peace. Or maybe it would be a festival of hatred and murder but I like to think positive. Humanity is good at rebuilding shit.

>> No.4029401

i dont want to live in a world without digital art.

>> No.4029801

how is kyoani problematic in any way?

>> No.4029807


>> No.4029810

Go back to your cave and stop using the internet

>> No.4029819

that tumblr says they're "enablers" and "pedophiles"

>> No.4029831


Stupid fucking luddites.

>> No.4029862

how? isn't that studio known for being pure and shit? like, it makes it's characters cute at best? do they only support ghibli and think every other studio should burn?

>> No.4029871

I think it's a troll. I hope at least

>> No.4029878

Ikr? I work at an animation studio... the thought of some cunt actively trying to burn me alive simply because I work there is just beyond fucked. it was a living nightmare for everyone stuck inside and it's a shame people feel ok to joke about that shit.

>> No.4029932
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>makes a movie based off of a manga about a disabled girl as well as her bullies/classmates
>not only focuses on the deaf girl, but has universal themes of cooperation between peers and everyone feels human; overall praised by many medical professionals and teachers, one of the few animes you can watch with anyone
>tumblr still hates it for no reason
its funny because Koe no katachi is probably the most perfect anime/film that tumblr would want, with the 'antagonist' (the bully kid in the beginning) being punished in the worst way possible. But I don't think anyone knows what these fuckers want because all it takes is for one of them to "point out" a flaw/oppressive mistake in something and then everyone else piles onto it like lemmings (regardless of whether they didn't have any problems prior to the individual's complaint). These niggas can't think for themselves

>> No.4030319

I hope the new building they make has atleast ONE fucking fire escape ladder or door.
Jesus christ, all those deaths could have been avoided if the Japanese just followed standard building safety protocols and not have the exit be the only entrance.

>> No.4030323

the worst part is that someone actually wrote an article like that and publish it, the west is fucking dead.

>> No.4031528
File: 787 KB, 748x948, kyoani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>From Twitter searches I only see people trying to politicize the fact Kyoani hired more women than average, and saying that the arsonist was driven by misogyny.
You can thank the mainstream media for that.

>> No.4031617

the world is bad
everything is bad

>> No.4031618

We have mods? Nice joke

>> No.4031623

Why of all things, a fucking arsonist attack, that feminist and SJW use to twist it to their narrative?
I know they're retards but fucking hell.

>> No.4031800

If you think caring about a studio that had some of the best working conditions in the industry is akin to pushing a "feminist and SJW" narrative (and is therefore bad), then I don't wanna be right. KyoAni did actually hire more women on average compared to other studios; they also offered salaried positions which is unheard of in an industry that is almost entirely dominated by precarious contracting work. These are things that need to be highlighted, not complained about.

>> No.4032774

>If you think caring about a studio that had some of the best working conditions in the industry is akin to pushing a "feminist and SJW" narrative (and is therefore bad), then I don't wanna be right.

Nobody is complaining about how KyoAni had more women or better working conditions than average, you retard.
Everybody is angry that feminists are using a recent (as in less than a few days) arson with 34 CONFIRMED VICTIMS AND 34 INJURED as "proof" about how the world hates women and men want them dead at any cost, just because most of the victims happened to be female. That's the agenda people are complaining about.

A lot of people right now believe than the arsonist did it because he hated women thanks to shit like this >>4031528, when actually he was just another mentally ill otaku.

NOBODY cared that KyoAni hired more women than usual. All people cared was the anime output.

>> No.4033053

people who enable and catter SJWs are worse than the SJWs themselves? why is that the media ALWAYS sides with the bad guys here?

>> No.4033128

Anon, the fact that KyoAni hired more women on average and had better pay simply makes this story all the more tragic. We DIDN'T know before, and now we do! Why do you think highlighting that is in any way problematic? Sure, it's easy to construe that the perpetrator hated women, but that's largely a surface level take as details of this story are still developing. Even if he's just a "mentally ill otaku", that doesn't provide much clarification. I saw many people fear that the KyoAni arson would have similar reverberations on otaku as the Tsutomu Miyazaki case at the start of the Heisei Era. Which if you don't know anything about that, involved the murder of four little girls and the molestation of their corpses. So even though we don't know, the conclusion isn't that far off to make; it's certainly bringing in more ad revenue, anyway.

>> No.4033135

they deserved to get roasted.

>> No.4033145

I can't imagine thinking they ever deserved this unless you have like an unbridled hatred for their portfolio.

>> No.4033151

Even then that would make you an insane psychopath. Of course, this is 4chan.

>> No.4033153

they are just npcs anyway

>> No.4033160
File: 37 KB, 807x659, itsallsotiresome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4033166

what article is this? PLease say it's from a major outlet otherwise you are a fucking retard.

>> No.4033184

>We DIDN'T know before, and now we do! Why do you think highlighting that is in any way problematic?
...Because it doesn't matter?

People died, anon. That either more men or women died doesn't make this any less tragic.

>So even though we don't know, the conclusion isn't that far off to make
Sorry anon, but assumptions don't count as evidence or truth.

Highlighting shit only serves a fuel for people to bitch and do bitter remarks like how it's happening right now. Like I said before, people believe the arsonist did it because he hated women, which is, as far as we know, a lie.
I know people really like to jump to baseless conclusions, anon, but the truth relies on facts, not gossip and agendas.

We don't need people believing bullshit biased facts and sentimental garbage. We need people to know what really happened, how it happened, so we can prevent it from happening again.

>> No.4033190

>b-but women life matters and men are pure evil

>> No.4033213

>...Because it doesn't matter?
It does matter; have you not read any of the articles you're complaining about? It just sounds like you're finding more reasons to hate on tumblr.
>We need people to know what really happened, how it happened, so we can prevent it from happening again.
No shit, you're just gonna have to wait like everyone else. We're not gonna get all of the details very soon, anyway; so why bother?
Now look who's making assumptions.

>> No.4033231

>It does matter
Tell me how it does then.

>It just sounds like you're finding more reasons to hate on tumblr.

>> No.4033234


You are both losers.

>> No.4033238

You must be 18 to post here.

>> No.4033273

>Tell me how it does then.
I already have; there's no use in repeating myself. Why you refuse to acknowledge those facts on the grounds that they're somehow "biased" or "sentimental garbage" is beyond me.

>> No.4033300

I mean... AMERICANS.
Why would a country with one of the biggest and worse crime rates care about people dying? 33? Try 1000s per week. It's all about perspective. Why would less than 1 percent of people dying in the US be a tragedy verses Japan with like 1/100ths of US population under conditions like tsunamis wiping out half of them be a fair comparison? Of course it's a bad thing in Nipland numbers, but nothing to American numbers.

>> No.4033356

>I already have
No, you don't.
>there's no use in repeating myself.
And you never will.

>> No.4033379

>And you never will.
Okay buddy, whatever you say.

>> No.4033381

do you have some daddy issues by any chance ?

>> No.4033386

No, why is that important to you?

>> No.4033708

>No, you don't.
>And you never will.
And that sentence means nothing
I looked over the argument-he's right, you know

>> No.4033713

Because it sounds like you have an issue with men

>> No.4033715

Fuck off

>> No.4033721

So because the studio have more women than average its more tragic that it got burned?

>> No.4033734

Not that anon, but it's tragic because Kyoani was a very progressive studio. Japan was always known for its shit working conditions and animation is definitely one of them, but Kyoani was one of the few companies that not only paid and treated workers well, but it also supported families eg. having a nursery. One of the reasons why Japan's population is declining is due to the lack of support for families and especially mother (whose job prospects get fucked if they do decide to get a child)

It is more tragic not because the victims were mainly women, but rather what the company did and represented in a country with a troublesome working industry.

>> No.4033747

Well I don't; I'm not sure why you would suspect that.
No, you.
It's because a studio with comparably better pay, benefits and representation got burned; yes, it's more tragic. KyoAni represented a positive direction that workers in any industry ought to strive for, especially in a country known for wagie cagie working conditions like Japan. Also, >>4033734.

>> No.4033760

Its a shame sjw are riding the news to push their propaganda

>> No.4033789
File: 101 KB, 1024x768, disgustedsigh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>actually caring about workers is "sjw propaganda"

>> No.4033957

>tumblr still hates it for no reason
what? what could they possibly have a problem with?

>> No.4034820

is there something they can't find a problem with if they decide they want to? even if they met god, the perfect being, they would find something to complain about

>> No.4034868


sjw here, no one hates it you faggots just like to pretend that people hate things to make yourselves feel better

that being said its probably my /favourite/ movie because of how it portrays disability

>> No.4034871

literally no one said this you absolute retard

>> No.4034872

do everyone a favor and kys sjw fag