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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 4 KB, 125x87, 1512149701881s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3998403 No.3998403 [Reply] [Original]

/ic/ is so negative all the time, let's have a thread to talk about things we're happy about and remember that despite how hard it is to be an artist, we have good times which keep us going.
Feel free to brag about reaching follower goals, getting art gains, finding companionship in other artists or whatever else you want to tell the world about here!

>> No.3998404

desu if you need these types of thread to continue just do yourself a favor and give up now while you're still ahead.

>> No.3998405

i improved so much in a month thnx to villpu and now im actually enjoying the process

>> No.3998406

No faggot.

>> No.3998409

are you the guy that joined DAD and posted the pain picture?

>> No.3998417
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I found an art handle that doesn't sound bad, today. I was being way too autistic about it and lost a bunch of time trying to find one, but I got it now.

>> No.3998425

I think my art has been incredibly clean lately and I'm happy that despite the struggles, I'm finally learning how to do lighting and perspective in an interesting way. It makes me feel professional.

>> No.3998426

Bitter fag

>> No.3998457
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>> No.3998462

nice anon, i hope you keep improving

>> No.3998464

Streaming on Twitch has been going really great for me. I've drawn almost as much in the past 2 months as I had in the past 2 years together, and I feel like I'm improving many times faster than I ever had before.

>> No.3998495

I have one too
Except I have to add an extra e on the end because someone has it on twitter and I'm not sure if I should have all accounts have the extra e.

>> No.3998521
File: 478 KB, 1160x1600, Kouya_ni_Kemono_Doukokusu_v10RAWMQ.rarKouya_ni_Kemono_Doukokusu_volume_10image034.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've improved immensely over the past month; by actively segmenting my time for studies and for personal work.
Drawing hasn't been this fun in years

Appreciating my health has helped a lot too, a few months ago I was diagnosed with tendonitis, and the weeks I had to not draw felt like a years.
I now take regular stretching breaks, take care of my back, and exercise my forearms to get blood flowing through them

Besides that I've discovered a lot of artists that inspire me, before I had a lot of artists that I appreciated but none that made me say "THAT'S what I want to do!", you know?
Most of it it Itoh Sei and a lot of european comic artists, and I'm excited to find more

>> No.3998567
File: 536 KB, 1105x1600, 1550312787582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good thread.

I'm back to drawing after a 2 month or so hiatus. I stopped worrying so much about the final result and started enjoying more the process. The feel of making lines, of them slowly representing something on the paper. It's good. Learn to enjoy the process. Find a way. Personally, taking my time to make the lines and think makes drawing feel like this enjoyable thing everyone who likes to draw talks about.

>> No.3998572

>Besides that I've discovered a lot of artists that inspire me, before I had a lot of artists that I appreciated but none that made me say "THAT'S what I want to do!", you know?
What changed? I've been at it for 12 years and I don't want to be like any other artist. I wish I had someone to look up to.

>> No.3998573

I googled my name and someone did a study of a study I did. Obviously it doesn’t mean much cause it was just a study, but the fact that I posted something that made someone else go “hey that’s cool” or “hey, I’d like to try that too” made me feel good.

>> No.3998583

Damn this panel is so good
I need to reread berserk, i was too immature back then

>> No.3998593

I finally feel like my style is crystalizing. Feels so good after trying for so long to see what sticks.

>> No.3998598

I don’t consider myself an artist but I love drawing and it makes me so happy atm

>> No.3998653

Oh by the way, there wasn't a good opening to talk about this in the nickname thread but there are multiple websites specifically for checking if/where a username is taken


I actually wanna research that, what do you know so far about arm health?

>> No.3998658

>Oh by the way, there wasn't a good opening to talk about this in the nickname thread but there are multiple websites specifically for checking if/where a username is taken
Thanks mate. Looks like I'll have to search some more.

>> No.3998660

I’m happy for you, anon.

>> No.3998660,1 [INTERNAL] 

Finally i found my art style after 4 years of constantly changing art tastes and development, feelsgodman

>> No.3998708

I just started two weeks ago, and still learning my fundies but I've been learning something new everyday and the the drawing process itself is super fun, especially gesture drawing.

>> No.3998818

I just got my first big freelance job from a company, we all can make it anons

>> No.3998843

At my core there is hatred.
I draw not because I enjoy it but because I hate myself.
Anger is what drives me forward and gives me strength.
I'm not good and I'll never be good.
And so it shall be.

>> No.3998846

I don't have anything positive to say, everything is awful

>> No.3998850

Did you get an art degree or pure self taught?

>> No.3998851

Then actively seek happiness

>> No.3998874

>if you need these types of threads
Fuck off and die faggot niggerfaggot nigger
Focusing on the negative is ic's and half the world's problem. How about focusing on the positive exercises the very neurons responsible for enjoying life, thereby increasing your capacity to do so.

You've got it all wrong m8. Anger is no strength. As long as you allow yourself to give in to it, people can control you through it, same as any base instinct. But face it, find the roots of it, and convert/divert that same energy for something worthy of your time, and not only will you be in control, and stronger for it, but you will have nothing to subconsciously detract from everything you achieve.

And in the spirit of OP, I'm in the process of making some really cool gifts for people atm. I really hope they enjoy them. I think they will.

>> No.3998907
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Nothing really changed in me, I've always been trying to find my own thing but never had any sort of "direction".
That changed when I saw Bridgman (and his many students), I knew that beautiful anatomy and forms was what I wanted but that's purely an illustrative side.

Itoh Sei's work was more akin to love-at-first-sight, it brought the illustrative side (anatomy) together with beautiful comic panelling and composition, along with designs and writing that just made me go "You can do that?"
Here's a random page I found, there's a lot of "high effort" pages like the last pic but even normal pages I think carry the point

Summary of my research:
>Ibuprofen is useless, numbs a but but inhibits recovery
>research on icing says it's useless to possibly, potentially, slowing down recovery. But there isn't much research.
>If it hurts hold it still and let it rest
>Stretches every 30 minutes for fingers, hand, wrist, and arm
>Forearm exercise (like pullups) help get blood flowing through the tendons

>> No.3998911

I had decided to give up drawing for good, and after years of hiding my stuff because of self doubt, for some reason I finally decided to say fuck it and create an account on artstation to dump the few drawings I considered "finished". Got contacted for my first job in something like 30 minutes.
It doesn't pay much but it means a lot. (It also actually is a good pay for my shitty 3rd world country standards)

>> No.3998935
File: 116 KB, 750x1065, the_storm_by_cuestionador_ddao9t3-pre (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recently im doing some collages and that makes me happy.

>> No.3998956

in case you want a critique, it feels stiff, because you just put some pics side by side. heres's one way I would go if I wanted to make collages:
>step 1, spend a few hours collecting pics I like
which I dont need to do because I already have such folders I constantly expand from here
>step 2, break
>step 3, spend a few hours to select and cut various subjects you like, save them on blank background files
>step 4, break
>step 5, repeat step 3
>step 6, break
>step 7, use your files to make collages which flow into one another

>> No.3998976

really nice
lurk more buddy

>> No.3998983

I'e been drawing with my off hand for a while now, both when I could not draw with my main hand and when I wanted to prepare for such times, but Ive had a very slow progress. Until 2 weeks ago, when I got my got my main hand in a splint again. The difference this time was that I started tracing as a form of practice. For the past 2 weeks, each time I woke up after a day of tracing, my lines were faster than the previous day and I could make them longer before they started getting shaky.

This tough me that:
1. You cant see the result of your training after X amount of hours or after you got bored, but after waking up after a day of training.
2.Tracing is useful in getting dex and fast. While I had my main hand in a splint several times before, I didnt get that much dexterity with my off hand and I still struggled with everything. But now I started having more dexterity with everything I do. I still feel the impulse to do something with my main hand, but when I do something with my off one I dont feel that much of a difference (except for drawing and writing, still got a while to go)
3. If somebody has more "talent" than his peers when starting out, my theory is that he must have traced when he was kid, but the parents did not think much of it and just though of it as a form of getting some quiet time for themself, and the artist does not remember those times so nobody acknowledge tracing. as the reason for his head start

>> No.3998992

I am not your buddy, pal

>> No.3999001

Wow congratulations Anon!
I like it, don't have much more to say other than try to avoid same amount of tonal masses. Yellow and red read as one tone and feels like black is about 1/2 of picture and red and yellow take both 1/4. Likewise in drawing there should be one dominant tone, let's say black, then visibly less of midtones(yellow& red) with some smaller spot(white). It's a general rule in composition to have bigger, mid size and smaller spots, similar with one dominant colour. I think collage is hard because it's pure composition. You don't have to apply the rules I listed every time but bearing them in mind will help you understand why something works and when to break these rules.
Almost cut myself on this edge. Figure why you hate yourself and don't be scared to actually make effort to improve yourself. Make little steps towards improvement, it'll make you feel more fulfilled and happier.

>> No.3999378


>> No.3999379

self taught , i have an engineering degree

>> No.3999386

How do I start drawing and getting better
rather than browsing /ic/ all the time like the 95% of people here clicking and reading threads day in and day out?

>> No.3999389

Just do it, there's no how

>> No.3999392

never EVER gonna make it

>> No.3999394

This is pathetic

>> No.3999397

Managed to create a drawing habit and am gonna use DAD to keep it up.

I also reconnected with an art friend and made a new one through him who's good at some stuff i'm really lacking in. Gonna introduce them to DAD i think.

>> No.3999410
File: 109 KB, 768x408, 1550528205446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time I think about giving up for any reason I remember that when I was starting out with my art journey, doing my Fun With a Pencil exercises, I posted one of my drawings in the /beg/ thread and a cool anon told me "GMI"
I'm sure he would be disappointed if he knew I gave up, I won't fail you anon

>> No.3999473

First anon here. Thanks for the reply.

>> No.3999537

this is utter shit, drill fundies and kys faggot

>> No.3999548

for some weird reason i didnt cry today before going to sleep

>> No.3999633

I just started with self portrait meme, and holy shit looking in a mirror is so much better than a picture. Life references can't be beat.

>> No.3999651

Within a month two returning clients asked me to charge them more. One actually just paid a couple of hundreds more than I invoiced. Life is good

>> No.3999681

Good for ypu anon

>> No.3999722

Underrated Thread

>> No.3999912

>be shit artist
>have everyone around me saying im good
>be on /ic/ and get told why im shit

100% glad
feels good that I can post here without putting my name on anything. I posted in /beg/ for the first time today so its nice to think that I'm finally started on the road to improvement.

>> No.3999952

same situation here except it was the foot exercise from dobson's how to draw
I won't fail you, anon

>> No.4000056


>> No.4000838
File: 119 KB, 638x819, burnehogarthdrawingthehumanhead-23-638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was just mindlessly copying Hogarth's simplified heads yesterday and I woke up being able to draw head better. My arts still beg-tier, but I'm slowly improving

>> No.4000866

tnx anon

>> No.4000886

Nice, anon. I'm also trying to get head structures and faces right atm, I feel like I've been improving a bit aswell. Even if it's challenging, it's fun to try replicating how your favorite artists draw faces (like drawing them from a different angle).

>> No.4000906

1) I know exactly how To market myself,
2) I know which demography I should focus on,
3) The script for my story has all the elements to be unique & memorable.
(I was afraid of being too generic, or having a weak scenario )
4) I know how to achieve my childhood dream !

>> No.4001223

But can you draw?

>> No.4001412

Someone reposted my art. I know it's a little thing but that made me smile

>> No.4001530

Good for you

>> No.4001759


>> No.4001763


>> No.4002294

The only person who likes my art on tumblr is some anon from here. I really appreciate it.

>> No.4003447

cute anon

>> No.4003455

Worthless trash

>> No.4003511

Posting porn on /v/ and getting a sitewide 3 day ban usually does the trick for me.

>> No.4004468

Found some incredible artists through Instagram (using it for the first time), just absolutely enchanting stuff! I feel like an ancient explorer discovering new lands and cultures, fucking wanderlust.

>> No.4004483

Wasted my short vacation. I thought I was gonna draw a shit ton and ended up not drawing a shit ton nor did I get to binge watch anything. At this point I am convinced I'm not going to make it. I am about to just call off work today to clear my head before I smash everything.

>> No.4006743

The guy whose comics I've been following for 10+ years has just followed me and featured my profile in his insta-story. I'm crying

>> No.4007182

damn I actually did a lot of work in the middle of the year. I stopped drawing for a few months and forgot a lot but I'm reading my notes from then and it's like I was an entirely different person and I remember it too so I guess I might as well keep reading the drawing skills are coming back to me that big break from art won't matter once I read the rest of these notes

>> No.4007216

remember to drink water and take breaks
burnout can be just as bad as not drawing at all

this board can be negative but its the only one i keep coming back to

>> No.4007220

I think the manequin is finally starting to click. If I keep it up I will be able to draw bodies and leave the drawing floating loomis heads hell!

>> No.4007620

Post some links bro

>> No.4007723


>> No.4010300
File: 69 KB, 786x328, kekers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whenever you feel bad /begs/ remember this is your competition. You're already leagues ahead of most non /IC/ browsing /begs/ because you're actually trying to learn and grow by reading art books, video tuts, and getting critiques. Most non/IC/ artist just watch 'top ten beginner mistakes' videos and call it a day.
heck you're even better than some popular Instagram artists. Most of them stagnant over the years and stop improving while you grind every day, so stop thinking 'wow their better than me' and start thinking 'I'll be better than them one day'.

>> No.4010319
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Some good artist on here follow me.

>> No.4010488

>my life was always disappointment disappointment disappointment
>pass highschool ok
>go to abroad to study
>start smoking weed
>start doing shrooms
>find Jesus
>stopping shrooms, weed
>having drawbacks from not smoking weed, panic attacks
>stop school, go on a gap year to clear head
>find a group of christians, actually good people.
>get baptized
>get win over drugs
>stop smoking cigarettes, drinking
>stop masturbating completely
>comeback to abroad, find a job first day im here
>pay all bills
>get free bread at my job
>win after win after win
its only looking up boys

>> No.4011091


>> No.4011244

Proud of you, anon.

>> No.4011270
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Fumino a shit. Uruka best girl.

>> No.4013408

That's the spirit!

>> No.4014933

It was my birthday this week and I took the decision to seriously learn how to draw. First try was years ago, I discovered /ic/ and gave it a try but gave up. So here I am again, back to square one.

>> No.4016423

Frustration is the weirdest mental trap. Being frustrated at work yet coming home and not releasing it by drawing. Maybe it is a way to cope with work, kinda like an addiction.

>> No.4018729

Based thread. Anyone has new good stories to share?

>> No.4018735

Once I was drawing at a restaurant and a waiter saw my work, brought over his tattooist friend and started gushing :)

>> No.4019234

Not much, I worked decently for some time, even got commissions (small but not bad), now after my travel ended I'm regrouping, cleaning my space, getting inspired by surroundings and favorite writer. I've been in a weird slightly paranoid and depressed(but productive) mood during the trip, then in a slumber, and now I feel like I'm waking up still dizzy but fresher and comfy, still planning what to do next. I'll try to just work hard and turn off harsh criticism and high expectations because they fuck with my mood and self worth and not necessarily help with works.

>> No.4020829

I kinda relate. I sometimes have small periods where I stop being "depressed" (not clinically depressed, more like low mood and low energy) and am super hyped and excited about drawing but curiously that's when I don't draw at all.

>> No.4021408

just let go you'll draw whenever it happens do what your instinct tells you to and you'll maybe be happy and draw better when you get around to it

>> No.4021467


>> No.4021514

I agree with you but
>Fuck off and die faggot niggerfaggot nigger
chill with that shit anon
>How about focusing on the positive exercises the very neurons responsible for enjoying life, thereby increasing your capacity to do so.
Listen to yourself

>> No.4021544
File: 877 KB, 2037x1951, НовыйХолст1as33.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking LOVE drawing muscles!

>> No.4021651
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>normie actually making some good points
The art path we follow here is to get to "industry standarts" and make it
Nobody on /ic( draws for fun

>> No.4022937

No matter what I do it always takes me an incredible amount of time to get anything done. For paintings, starting from scratch it takes me half a day to get to the point where my values are blocked in. For art with lines, the sketch takes me a long time because I want to be accurate, and it takes even longer to finish my actual linework over that. Watching streamers knock that shit out in less than an hour makes me believe I am what you'd call an npc. Even casual artists who've been drawing for a few years on and off have more appealing products than me, who spends minimum 3 hours a day drawing
Not like I'm gonna stop but I wanted to see if anyone else had this problem and if it went away passively

>> No.4022944

this is the anti-vent thread, my dude

>> No.4023547

It's very usual to have great ideas and inspiration when you can't draw them right away and later the mood disappears, they don't seem good anymore or you try and they're coming out shitty. I note down some ideas but if I use them I don't stick too tight to initial thought. It has to feel fresh and you need to be excited for the idea, and with big expectations come big disappointments if it's not going as you've planned. I try to just be consistent and keep a bit of willingness and something good will come up

>> No.4023571


But I got better by listening to whatever ic said and doing the opposite of that.

>> No.4025461

Care to share some advices with a beginner about the do and don't of /ic/?

>> No.4025690

Fuck you

>> No.4025921

Read >>4018872
Don't fall for the meme of the board
>Implying people learn programming by installing gentoo
>Implying people get fit by doing GOMAD + SS
>Implying people become masters of art by grinding Loomis mindlessly

>> No.4026662

Thanks, i'll keep that in mind.

>> No.4028450

joke's on you I draw to make my own porn and I'm having fun

the industry is fucking garbage

>> No.4029481


>> No.4029533 [DELETED] 
File: 26 KB, 241x308, 2C7EE315-DDAF-4D8F-9C8D-66C2D815F6D0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>start doing shrooms
>find Jesus
>stopping shrooms, weed
Funny I had a similar experience, except I found a fear of death and a newfound shame of doing drugs. I guess I did call out to God during the darkest part of the trip. Could never be a christian though, they want me and mine replaced.

>> No.4029535

i didnt draw for 5 days and i just drew today and damn its fun

>> No.4029539

>start doing shrooms
>find Jesus
>stopping shrooms, weed
Funny I had a similar experience, except I found a fear of death and a newfound shame of doing drugs. I guess I did call out to God during the darkest part of the trip. Could never be a christian though, they want me and mine replaced.

>> No.4029543

I feel ashamed and sometimes even pained when I try to draw.

>> No.4029624

God is great eh?

>> No.4031116
File: 25 KB, 600x190, MET museum _ not even once.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess no rules, just tools also applies to how we live our lives. I should probably quit alcohol.

>> No.4034640

If /ic/ can be positive then i have no excuse. Ok. I'm going to try again.

>> No.4035651
File: 38 KB, 359x359, 1460522089460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post a new drawing on instagram
>20 likes after 2 days
>2 new followers
>usually get 30-40 within the first hour of posting along with 10-15 new followers
What the fuck. Why?

>> No.4035656

Have you been overusing hashtags? You might’ve been shadowbanned

>> No.4035661

How long does this shit last?

>> No.4035667

It happened to me and lasted say, a week with posting? Someone said that if you don’t post at all there’s a chance it’ll stop within 3 days

>> No.4035675

i want to make something so i don't feel worthless but it makes me feel even more worthless when i can't fucking do it right

>> No.4035677

Anon you’re worth something even if you’re not productive. This pressure that you put on yourself is probably the cause of your burnout

>> No.4035679

Worst thing ever posted here

>> No.4035687

Different anon- why? It looks appealing

>> No.4036627

Its shit and you have shit taste NGMI

>> No.4036716 [DELETED] 
File: 11 KB, 312x312, 228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just want to say that artists fucking suck. A bunch of the artists I follow make me cringe so much. Shut up and post the drawings you fucks thenkyu.

>> No.4036722

Don’t get too upset now

>> No.4037132

Yesterday i drew for 4 hours and today i drew for 5.It quite relaxing when you grt into the zone

>> No.4038807

Congrats, Anon. If you can make it into a habit, you're on your way.

>> No.4038930

I wont get better if I don't draw. I lost interest in drawing studies. So I should draw for myself. I will still improve if I try to make each piece better then the next!

>> No.4039926

if you dont study, atleast learn
reading a book and just drawing the examples mindlessly is shit i see everywhere and it baffles me, read and then you try to apply what you remember to what you find fun. when i was doing perspective i drew minecraft and splatoon stages cause i liked the geometry and it was fun

>> No.4039947
File: 2.09 MB, 400x278, 64326550-EDF5-4916-9034-DB5AF93B34B2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post the gif you stupid cock

>> No.4040668

>perspective studies
Not that anon but that's actually a good idea. Nice practice for isometric art too. Thanks anon!

>> No.4041463


>> No.4043208

Thank you for bumping this thread.

>> No.4043211
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 32f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4043275
File: 23 KB, 152x254, sicko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw art gf
>tfw she's coming over Friday to watch a movie, paint and fuck
I haven't been this content in a long time.

>> No.4043301

ive started working on my portfolio project again and fingers are crossed it will get me my first contract job. so i guess thats positive

>> No.4043948
File: 826 KB, 1000x799, cb235bfa0c2590108ee6fb4abaeed0e5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This time last year I was really really struggling with health problems, so much I could barely sleep let alone spend any good time drawing.
It's taken a long time to recover but I just kept trying to be slightly better each day and now I'm doing way better.
It makes me so happy to just be able to lose myself in art for a few hours without health stuff getting in the way you have no idea, even if the result is bad or if it was just a dumb shitpost or doodling with friends on a shared canvas site. it feels so good to have time for myself and the health to use it again.

>> No.4046640

Glad to hear it, consistency is key so don't worry about shitty doodles. Just keep going.

>> No.4046642

today i finally got accepted by MTG. Took them 3 months to get back to me but i made it bois. never give up a,d keep grinding those fundies

>> No.4046643

I did nothing, but grind for a few months and today was the first day I tried to draw something unique. It was a redraw of a background that took me a day of pointless pixel pushing and infinte perspective grids to make for it to still look wonky. Now it takes me like 40 minutes to make the new background that looks decent without a perspective grid.
I feel like a buff guy who doesnt know his strength in a china shop now. The running-krugger will probally wear off soon, but damn I feel good

>> No.4046670
File: 337 KB, 1877x2107, 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Using the Ai Shinozaki threads from /s/ as a reference is really nice. The photos are not TOO lewd and they are all in a really high resolution. Also, I can learn while looking at nice huge tiddies.

>> No.4046682

i do the same too but i use fit girls thread to practice anatomy

>> No.4048808

Wow good job Anon! Are you already a freelancer or just starting a career? As a kid I loved MTG and doing illustration for a card would be a cool tribute to my kid self, but my style sailed too far away from it to make it a reasonable goal, maybe someday...

>> No.4050790
