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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 824 KB, 792x1062, l-prince-of-meudon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4016796 No.4016796 [Reply] [Original]

What's the appeal of this?

>> No.4016801

google abstract art and read up on it instead of asking dumb questions.

>> No.4016809

Read my post again, slowly.

>> No.4016821

And your read my answer again.

>> No.4016826

Nice rebuttal, idiot.
>can't give answer
>hurr durr read more

>> No.4016836

Interesting abstract elements and use of colors, visually contrasting with sharp bold shapes etc some of the elements seem tacky to me so i'm not a complete fan, but it's a fun piece to look at. And it has a fair decorative value to...

>> No.4016837

It looks like shit tho

>> No.4016838

this is already better than 99% of abstract art since it actually uses shapes and colors competently in an attempt to look like something

>> No.4016840

Just google it, you dumbass. Nobody here is going to give you a satisfactory answer that isn’t regurgitated from decades upon decades of easily researchable study anyway.

>> No.4016841
File: 60 KB, 1280x720, justdie[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do your own homework

>> No.4016851

>just Google, don't ask us about art it's not like we discuss art here
Holy shit, is this the power of /ic/?
There's no way there is an answer to that monstrosity.
The shapes are hideous.

What's next?
>i-it's what is represents, you just don't get it

>> No.4016858

>i don't understand dubstep
>what's the appeal of dubstep
>dubstep is shit
>no one can convince me
>i'm not feigning retardation for my grade 9 homework assignment.

>> No.4016862

>nuh u jus don get it
Dude you just got me btfo with such a smart and well thought post, I surrender to your huge intellect. Please forgive me for wasting your time.

>> No.4016874

this same thread is made every day. there are books, university classes, documentaries, movies, and endless threads supplying you with the information necessary for a proper education. but here you are acting like a trollshit. sorry, you are retarded or underage.

>> No.4016887

nothing, its just some shit ngmi drew because they dont want to put the hours on mastering an actual skill

>> No.4016896

>this same thread is made every day but I can't give you a simple answer so I will tell you to do something else that will take you at least hours to get the informations you need and call you a troll
Dude stop, I can take this much destroying with facts and logic.
I would be ashamed to use this board.
At least I got some logical answer, thank you.

>> No.4016906

>logical answer
why do you want this? why do you need others to tell you how to enjoy an artwork? how are you not a troll? give me a logical answer to that.

>> No.4016910

>ur a troll cuz u want to know how shit art with shit shapes is liked by people
I wonder if you'll grasp what I just said.

>> No.4016919

are these threads being automated by bots?

>> No.4016939

Called it, you don’t actually give a shit about learning.

>> No.4016945

you are just a troll trying to shit on abstract art, aren't you? if you think real art is so bad and meaningless just go back to your anime bullshit and stop making shitty threads.

>> No.4016957

i don't think these are legitimate humans making these threads. they don't seem capable of having a discussion. search for a chatbot and strike up an argument. they respond the same way, just the 4chan ones respond with empty insults.

>> No.4016960

because there is no legitimate discussion.whats there to discuss about ?

>> No.4016970

>I ask something
>lol u don't actually want to learn

Sorry, idiots, but it's the second time I've come on this shitty board because I don't get the love for something as shit as abstract art and I expected something more than
>just go somewhere else, you're just a troll

Enjoy your illogical soulless art with shitty shapes because muh colors.
Stay subhuman, shit eaters.

>> No.4016971
File: 976 KB, 1731x2095, 40f3464cd5763a50005994b7622f4c762009e67601ffaa5b270ec1a5a8b54ad0[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4018114
File: 806 KB, 1200x1200, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the virgin abstraction and the chad enlightenment

>> No.4018137

There isn't one.
All "abstract" movements in all fields are shit.
This is an art board and that masturbatory shit doesn't belong.
Even pornographers wouldn't have the bad taste to defend that garbage as art.

>> No.4018145

>there are books, university classes, documentaries, movies, and endless threads supplying you with the information necessary for a proper education.
The same is true for outright lies like lysenkoism, post-colonial theory, racial kali yuga downfall theory.
Doesn't mean shit how much output there is on a subject.
The truth is the truth, lies are lies irregardless.
Now kys you pseud.

>> No.4018148

>another reactionary zoomer who thinks classical art is the only real art while crying about abstraction being awful and deceitful
you're tiring and were never looking for a real discussion in the first place, just people to pat you on the back say "yes we will destroy these degenerates and bring real art back to the world". and you'll just dismiss anyone defending abstract art because you're already convinced it's bad and people just pretend to like/understand it because they don't want to be labeled as "not getting it". but really, you just don't get that there's nothing to get, and you're supposed to appreciate the abstract and anything that strays from reality as something open, experimental, and insightful that goes beyond realistically portraying forms and figures.
take an art history course on all art after impressionism, then you'll start to get it. but I doubt you'll seriously do that, because you don't actually care about art, you just care about being right and advancing your politics.

>> No.4018156
File: 68 KB, 650x772, om307GN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Want to understand abstract art
>Go to university
>Read tons of books and study for years
>Get degree on history of art
>Attend tons of galleries and museums
>Converse with the brightest minds in the field
>Expand mind through psychedelic drugs
>Go on an enlightening trip across the globe, only equipped with pen and sketchbook
>Visit the Dalai lama
>Meditate for years
>Reach nirvana
>Experience temporarily induced death
>Stare at god himself in the eyes
>Experience infinity itself, all that ever was and will be in a split second
>Come back to this earthly realm
>Abstact art still looks like shit


>> No.4018173
File: 304 KB, 515x541, 1562604606446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The most telling about these threads is that they're never an art dump.
There's always only 1-3 pics and then a lot of whining about how they deserve status and anyone who thinks otherwise are just uneducated.

Dump art and/or GTFO.

>> No.4018180

>as something open, experimental, and insightful that goes beyond realistically portraying forms and figures
Maybe in the 30s, you know the last time any of this was innovative in any sense.
Not that innovation has ever been a qualifier for good art.

>> No.4018195

Good abstract art has some effort behind it (craftsmanship, theory, layout, color, theme, aesthetic foundation).

Bad abstract art is someone putting low effort on a canvas and making up shit to cover their own lazyness and lack of dedication.

>> No.4018204
File: 99 KB, 639x960, inverted_personages.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's my walkthrough for this piece:

>First you take a look at it and you see it's clearly supposed to be a picture of something.
>You obviously notice the face, hand and leaf.
>Then you see the strands of hair, the shoulders, then you notice that the hand with the leaf doesn't belong to the person on the picture at all because both of their hands are right below their head.
>Then you notice the outline of a crown on their head.
>So you find out the person is royalty, perhaps the hair alluded to a queen of some kind?
>But after reexamining the masculine facial structure, you conclude "No, it's a prince."

I did literally exactly this and all without even reading what the piece was called.

It's not obvious what it's supposed to be, that's the point. The appeal is analyzing it, trying to figure out what it is or what it means and just playing around with it in your head. Have fun, that's it.

Anyway, that's if you wanted a genuine answer and not just an excuse to shitpost.

>> No.4018210

Not knowing who on earth did it. Visionary, colorful, potentiality historically significant. It has a pedigree from other artists' styles that can be understood. Big wooden kitchen with a stove burner, hung up on the wall, top quality.

>> No.4018213

Looks like the stick figures I drew as a kid and about as well-colored. Canvas background layerr is better quality but that's about.

>> No.4018217
File: 225 KB, 1080x1350, deierling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On a par with the magic realists ( I think it's a misnomer), the Der Blaue Reiter group, neue sachlichkeit, slightly more intense than most cubism , is it Picasso? I'm guessing it's a female artist ... avant garde with a taste for history

>> No.4018219

>implying i'll give you a (You) for that post
Read what I said retard. I included that pic related for a reason, you can do the same thing with it as you can with the OP.

>> No.4018220

>have to be "explained" and overanalyzed to be enjoyed

>> No.4018221
File: 936 KB, 742x608, faghead2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my abstract art faggots

>> No.4018222

I didn't understand your language.

>> No.4018231

Sick tattoo design brah
Needs a dagger thru the skull, a snake, some flames, bat wings and scroll w text spelling MUM on it though.
I kid, looks better than the rest of the inane stuff ITT.

>> No.4018232

Thread is worth it for this post desu

>> No.4018233

I was explaining OP's pic, if you paid attention. Maybe I should've clarified "that piece" or "the OP piece" at the beginning instead of "this piece", but that's not an excuse at all lmao?

>> No.4018235
File: 16 KB, 365x346, 1482128598552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nice rebuttal, idiot.
See, the thing is, you think you're being sarcastic

>> No.4018237
File: 174 KB, 544x704, lost_souls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think it only looks cool to me because i was the one tripping balls when i scribbled it out

abstract art is more for the artist than the audience most of the time.. sort of like a feedback loop to record your subconscious

>> No.4018238
File: 187 KB, 550x719, boxxy).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4018242

So it's public masturbation in other words.

>> No.4018243


>> No.4018334

I actually really like that face. Very dramatic and ominous.

>> No.4018435

I'm kinda getting sick of these low quality threads on /ic/ the past week or so where people make these one liner question posts where they don't really want to discuss art and instead just whine about politics or something they saw on twatter.

I like the art dump threads where they expose different works from a genre they like. I find a lot of new artists in those threads.

>> No.4018609

There are no threads on /ic/ lower in quality than the abstract shitters though, not even /beg/.
Here i'll show you:
1. /beg/ posts are mainly posting art unlike these threads.
2. /beg/ doesn't try and whine people into liking their shit.
3. /beg doesn't go on about how only someone uneducated couldn't like their scribbles.
4. /beg/ doesn't try and pretend their art deserves some kind of special status.
5. /beg/ doesn't have 90% of their threads consist of spergs taking any and all off-hand comments as an excuse to rant endlessly