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4013631 No.4013631 [Reply] [Original]

Was wondering if anyone had experience with this. Basically I had a bunch of thriving projects and abandoned them all for over a year. My patreon and revenue all suffered dramatically because of this, but I couldn't seem to get back to doing work no matter what I tried.

What the fuck caused this? Why cant I perform my creative job properly like a real job? It's gotten so bad that I'm actually going to go to a therapist like a little bitch and try to resolve it.

>> No.4013632

Therapy isn’t for bitches and anyone who tells you so is a superfaggot.

>> No.4013655
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You had a patreon and still stopped doing art? Man, I hope this doesn't happen to me, I've stopped doing art overnight as well but I wasn't making money yet so whatever. I was having tons of art gains and one day I just stopped drawing for half a year, took me a long fucking time to recover.
I noticed that when I start playing videogames, I start prioritizing playing vidja rather than making art, and eventually I just quit drawing daily, and it just snowballs from there, maybe you started playing videogames at the time? Right now I'm completely bored with vidja and I find myself drawing all day.

>> No.4013767

I think that kind of happened. I do remember wanting to play vidya more. Now I dont do much at all

>> No.4013789

>Right now I'm completely bored with vidja and I find myself drawing all day.
This shit is why I've been drawing every day recently. There's no form of vidya or other media that I'm interested in at all, so I can turn to drawing instead of investing into something that bores me.

Feels kinda liberating to create instead of consume. I'm enjoying the struggle and hurdles that come with learning new concepts.

>> No.4013987

ime, burnout is the result of work/life issues and the stress they cause compounding until you just mentally can't do it anymore no matter how hard you force yourself. first and foremost, it's important to recognize that burnout is real in the same way a physical injury is; to get back to where you want to be, you need to focus on recovery. you also need to take an honest look at your working conditions & everything that surrounds them and try to come to terms with what is making drawing and life feel bad.
for me it was a shit living situation & failing relationship & burying all those problems by working as much as possible without any regard to anything else. my health was suffering a lot from all the stress too.
>recovery (or at least things that worked for me idk)
take a real break, one where you do the things outside of art that make you happy without constantly hating yourself for not working. truly taking time off is really fucking hard. it so much easier just stay stay miserable out of inertia and your ingrained habits. do what you need to in order to turn off for a while, this might mean getting away from the computer entirely. if movies/vidya etc makes you feel like you *need* to draw, go camping or do something physical instead.
if worries about your online presence are a stressor it might be good to publicly take a hiatus & get away from the internet altogether for a while. social media and content aggregators will make you feel like shit especially if you're constantly using them to measure your creative output & success against everyone else.
try approaching art from a different angle than you did before. for me this meant going out in the woods to do plein air everyday & working as remotely as possible. it could be anything though, 3d, animation, traditional, sculpture writing etc... learning a new medium & getting all those beginner gains again brings back the excitement you had for art in the first place. /1

>> No.4013995

finally and most importantly, make an effort to resolve whatever issues there are in your working conditions and life that lead to burnout in the first place; you're just setting yourself up to burn out again otherwise. this could mean improvements to your office or workflow, i could also mean removing bad people from your life.
good luck anon, try to be nice to yourself while you figure everything out, it takes time but you can come back stronger than you were before.

>> No.4014566

This is why games scare me. I love playing vidya but have stopped buying any this year to make myself bored and force me to keep drawing. It hasnt worked that well i just distract myself with other stuff like youtube and 4chan

>> No.4014576

Fuck man I remember back in middle school when I got Oblivion. All I wanted to do is go home and play it. I stopped reading aside from for school, stopped drawing nearly as much and didn't go outside nearly as much. Stopped giving a shit about school also. 8 years later and I'm just starting to read and draw again. Pains me to think how many thousands of hours I've wasted on media I don't even really like anymore. I have 1500 hours in dark souls 1 alone. I guess such is my fate for having an addictive personality.

>> No.4014885

Wish I'd seen this a long time ago. I think every thing you're saying is completely true and echoes my situation. Great posts

>> No.4015021

my mom died recently so I’ve stopped drawing. really would like to get back into the swing of things but grief is kinda taking its toll. I’ve been using all my mental capacities for work instead of art because it’s like I have to ration it out. everything feels really difficult, I’m not sure how to come out of it.

>> No.4015072

>I noticed that when I start playing videogames, I start prioritizing playing vidja rather than making art, and eventually I just quit drawing daily, and it just snowballs from there
This is too fucking real

>> No.4015089

>used to wake up and immediately begin studying runes for hours and drawing rest of day
>make incredible gains and self discipline
>move out and immediately gain weight and wageslave so little time to do either now

it hurts

>> No.4015120

do you draw porn for a living?

>> No.4017006


>> No.4017553

I'm sorry to hear that anon

>> No.4019607


>> No.4021970

ditch the video games, they are designed to be addicting. In the end, what do they do? And I direct this to everyone who also get addicted to video games easily. I definitely drew a lot more than before I got a 3DS. But I'm going to put them down and play only if I'm with people or something.

>> No.4022046
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Thanks for sharing your story. I think nobody replied to your post directly, because many of us feel the same guilt.

>> No.4022401

Must we eliminate vidya from our lives in order to keep our skills from dulling? Is that the sacrifice one has to make? Truly horrifying.