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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 287 KB, 1429x1222, SmartSelect_20190707-173019_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4003909 No.4003909[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

He probably looks like Chrischan. I wish he made his old art instead of doing this bullshit or calling everyone a pedo 24/7

>> No.4003915

All I know is he's fat and probably mentally ill. He can't really work on his old art since that Cloud Meadow game keeps him busy all the time I think

>> No.4003917
File: 60 KB, 1158x201, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yikes anon I didn't need to read that kind of shit before sleeping while looking up that tranny on twitter
let's forget about that faggot and go back to drawing/sleeping

>> No.4003921
File: 94 KB, 960x720, 926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're right, got a full days work ahead of me

>> No.4003923

Redpill me on this guy. Who was he before his brain died?

>> No.4003926

>biological sex does not exist
The absolute state of trannies.

>> No.4003930

I didnt really know about him until about a year ago and by then he was a bit far gone. He made this animation I really liked called "The Hitchhiker". I guess during these last few months he was going off on people for drawing porn of peni parker, calling them pedos and shit. In these last few days he said he was trans or something after months of being some kind of radicalized ally, blocking anyone who didnt agree with "muh trans right"

>> No.4003932

Chrischan 2 electric boogaloo

>> No.4003934

you know when someone is bullshiting when they start arguing semantics.

>> No.4003969
File: 100 KB, 826x1280, 1512518574.dieselbrain_paizelli_2018_2.png.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>*checks out his art*

>> No.4003971


>> No.4003972

It used to be a lot more tame. I assume since all he does now is weird monster porn he's developed a taste for that.

>> No.4003986

Then why is it so important for him to be a woman if they're just social constructs?

I am already 110% done with this abomination of a human existence.

>> No.4003987

if bio sex doesnt exist then why the fuck are you trans you massive cumdumpster like i swear to fuck i can support someone wanting to live their life without bothering others but then my balls start sizzling the moment you try to erase gender non comforming people by pretending there arent basic structural differences in males and females both in body and brain i swear to fuck if i see one more tranny on twitter talking about how being trans is a social stament im gonna sound with a rod of piping hot red metal

>> No.4003998

it went from being
>sex and gender are different things
>sex isn't real

>> No.4004002

nuclear fire when

>> No.4004006
File: 632 KB, 1045x586, thereisnogod.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A lot of these "incels"/autists probably feel it's a lot better to become trannies instead of living their current miserable lives. After they become a "woman", they get to join a big community of other trannies that they can socialize with instead of being a lonely loser. Also sjw women who used to ignore them as a man, will now adore and give them attention even if they look like pic related. Also will defend them from mean "cis bigots".Do you guys remember how many women was defending the "maam" who had a meltdown in that GameStop clip?

>> No.4004011
File: 231 KB, 1420x946, 27-ask-polly-lonely-animal.w710.h473.2x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit trully terrifying. A bunch of normal guys turning "trans" by the hour. This is some sort of mind virus, a cultural poison, it cannot be natural.
I even feel bad sometimes for finding some "traps" attractive. I can't help but think that they were once regular guys full of potential, and now are a taslteless, plae imitation of "girls"

>> No.4004015

nothing wrong with crossdressers and feminine guys, its all about just doing what makes you happy while staying true to yourself, if someone feels pretty as a man in a dress when horny then no issue, they understand their appeal. The issue actually comes when people just use the idea of becoming something else as a cope instead of accepting that they can enjoy things while being themselves

>> No.4004016

>Doing it for attention
People like you said the same about gay people. Can't you just drop the retarded excuses and just admit that you don't like that people that you think are gross are allowed to exist?
For people that always claim to "Say it like it is", you guys sure love to put up these faux arguments instead of just being honest.

>> No.4004017


>> No.4004019

At no point did I actively follow them but there was a point where every other post from them I saw on my timeline was calling everyone a pedo. They used to draw right, do they still do that?

>> No.4004020

look up the term "semantic contagion".
similar shit happened years ago when news agencies started to cover healthy people that wanted to amputate limbs and become disabled on purpose, and suddenly doctors/psychiatrists started to see an upsurge of people claiming to have such a condition after it was publicized.

>> No.4004026

They're not wrong
Transtrenders are a real thing that now being Trans and LGBT+ is trendy and pretty much deciding they wanna be 'KAAWAII ANIME GIRLS SO QT SO PRESH UWU" womyn on the drop of a hat

Don't compare them to gays, gays had it hard for the past few decades earning their acceptance and still had the modesty to know when to stay in the closet. Tranners didn't work for it and have absolutely no shame

>> No.4004032

>People like you said the same about gay people.
Considering that most homosexuals were abused as children I would say there's plenty of discussion to be had.
>Can't you just drop the retarded excuses and just admit that you don't like that people that you think are gross are allowed to exist?
Can't you just drop the retarded white-knighting? We can go in circles all night all day long and argue "no u" but that wouldn't clear up shit, aye? How about a novel idea: TALK ABOUT IT INSTEAD OF DANCE AROUND THE ISSUE?

>> No.4004034


>> No.4004055

dieselbrain ? More like poobrain

>> No.4004064


punch him in the Dick while saying "Not Girl"

>> No.4004068

>This is some sort of mind virus
>"semantic contagion"

I think you have it exactly right. It's not limited to transsexuality either. A whole bunch of modern ideas and attitudes spread like a virus. Even something as innocuous as considering yourself an "introvert" has gone from being a personality description to an identity, with people using it as an excuse to be anti-social. It's all quite insidious.

I think there were always going to be people who felt they were the wrong gender, but the social and medical barriers were high enough, and the condition considered shameful enough, that only a very small percentage of people would actually consider themselves "trans".

Nowadays, with transsexuality popularized in the media, and the need to "pass" being de-emphasized, to the point where people can demand to be considered the opposite gender by merely declaring themselves to be so, people now decide they're the wrong gender as an explanation for all their emotional and mental issues.

>> No.4004092

> Even something as innocuous as considering yourself an "introvert" has gone from being a personality description to an identity, with people using it as an excuse to be anti-social. It's all quite insidious.
>Nowadays, with transsexuality popularized in the media, and the need to "pass" being de-emphasized, to the point where people can demand to be considered the opposite gender by merely declaring themselves to be so, people now decide they're the wrong gender as an explanation for all their emotional and mental issues.

The same can be said for master signifiers like "Autism" or "White." Anyone can claim to be autistic explain their emotional and mental struggles as just part of their identity, or push their Whiteness to explain and oversimplify complicated characteristics and problems in society. Part of it just feels, silly. It's the effect of psychological and psychiatric departments working with academia to change important epistemological frameworks in society, to where our modern discourse is going back to Kantian formalistic idealism that focuses too much on imaginary essences and loosely assigns reality based on them.

>> No.4004104


Man you hit me with some ten-dollar words, but I think I got the idea.

I do agree that all this nonsense started in academia, and used to be mocked by general society. In the last 15 years or so it's spread out into general society.

>> No.4004143

Okay and?
Jesus since when did /ic/ become a place for people to bitch about pointless shit. Get back to drawing. Go argue on /b/ you autists

>> No.4004157

Looks like a bizarro dimension version of the chad stride.

>> No.4004164

He had made some good animations, but always knew something's off with him.

>> No.4004182

Honestly to me anti-SJWs and triggernigger types who spread some modern day 'red scare' about trannies and gays seem everybit much like a mind virus to me, of an entirely different sort but arguably worse and more poisonous.

>> No.4004215

Both groups feed of each other really

>> No.4004227

Well that too

>> No.4004246

I just unfollowed some porn artist guy who vented he might start transitioning because the thought of being a woman turns him on too much. I'm pretty sure total dependence to porn is a strong cause of transexualism. You desperately need more and more degenerate shit, and devolve into the dream of becoming a sex thirsty woman yourself. All internet trannies are obsessed with sex

>> No.4004260
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>> No.4004269
File: 250 KB, 956x1280, fucking nothing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>489 favs

>> No.4004294
File: 28 KB, 480x792, 5f3ae37ac3ed331f8598ec8d8f0daa934b4836bc5785ccd4e1c60490ebbfc884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nothing wrong with crossdressers and feminine guys
And this is how it's done. "Nothing wrong with X" "Why do you care?" and just like that we have a 8yo kid that names himself... fucking lactatia and twerks for a bunch of homos in the clubs. Nothing. Fucking. Wrong. With. That.

>> No.4004316

What's amazing is that someone who is a crossdresser or a feminine guy would still be less of a faggot than you and your christfag LARPing.

>> No.4004324

>twitter trannies lurking this thread

>> No.4004334
File: 774 KB, 1080x1080, 1562324804179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who called all the Twitter pedos and faggots here?

>> No.4004336

so you are saying its bad to be a fag?

>> No.4004341

Ah, yes, the "if you're not with me you're one of them", truly a sign of the supreme Aryan intellect and argumentative capabilities.

I despise trannies just as much as you do, but I'm also not delusional enough to believe that people with questionable fetishes have any sort of inpact on me and my everyday life, nor do I believe in some sort of slippery slope effect.
The reasonable reason to have a problem with trannies is because they expect the rest of the world to warp and conform to their delusional world view, which makes any sort of interaction with them extremely uncomfortable since you're forced to parttake in a role playing session and forgo everything you know about human interaction. Gays, twinks, autogynephiliacs/crossdressers (who still identify as their born gender), furfags, etc. are just people like anyone else, except with slightly less normal sexual preferences. They don't expect strangers to interact with them differently from any other people and the absolute biggest impact they could have on your life is either by being harmless visual distractions (by being flamboyantly gay) or that some gay guy comes up and hits on you.

>> No.4004351

I'm not a trapfag but I can only admit rubbing it to cross dressing is fine, it's just like any other fetish... As long as it remains that, a fetish. It's imprecive how the Internet can blur one's perception of reality.

>> No.4004369

I follow them because of that monster porn game, and whew, its a ride

>> No.4004372

I draw Silent Hill tier nightmare porn and I think that's beyond horrifying.

>> No.4004375

Drawing futa over and over again fucks you up in the head.

>> No.4004383

Please give me sexy (spooky) nurse paizuri

>> No.4004384

When will dumb she feminists realize that trannies are literally Intel's in a dress?
They are even misogynistic towards real women

>> No.4004385
File: 129 KB, 820x660, 441-4412701_transparent-twitch-emote-monkas-pepe-monkas.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make some calls

>> No.4004389

They already fucking hate their guts. Don't know what a "terf" is?
Same for a large chunk of the LGB who hate the T.

>> No.4004390

Tfw no terf gf

>> No.4004391
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1555161908416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's all so tiresome

>> No.4004395

I'm not a fan of the big fat yellow cyclops he keeps drawing. Even then he never really posta anyways unless its some bs tranny shit or calling people pedophiles.

>> No.4004396

Go to bed anon. The nuclear bombs will have dropped by tomorrow morning and it'll all be over.

>> No.4004399
File: 74 KB, 549x1024, 1550393537779m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's comical to think of how weak troons are to loli. It's their kryptonite.

>> No.4004416
File: 12 KB, 480x242, 5d64f8d74ede9c35c69497f3d90932ff7164ec32afb7703bbf8c4186ed39f4a2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jokes on you, I don't even believe in god.

>> No.4004418
File: 64 KB, 500x433, 8fe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I despise trannies just as much as you do
Meme incarnate

>> No.4004421

Because you say so?
Literally 'Stop liking WHAT I DON'T LIKE!'
It's a sign of child-mindedness and immaturity.

>sort of slippery slope effect.
The reasonable reason to have a problem with trannies is because they expect the rest of the world to warp and conform to their delusional world view, which makes any sort of interaction with them extremely uncomfortable since you're forced to parttake in a role playing session and forgo everything you know about human interaction.

Is that from personal experience?
What has a tranny done to you personally?

>> No.4004422

tranny please

>> No.4004434

>"No u"

>> No.4004438

I am glad we still have people like you to save the white race. God bless America.

>> No.4004440
File: 148 KB, 540x1488, 1492698423525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cringe fag


you should

>> No.4004443

God is a bullshit concept to keep sheeple in check.

>> No.4004444

god hates anime though

>> No.4004450

that penis is impossible without going limb or actual bone to support it's shape.

>> No.4004455

>in the year of the Lord 2019
pleb, you're so centuries ago.
Without God and Goddesses inspiration, you won't be able to draw.

>> No.4004465
File: 96 KB, 1478x831, 1-DwCtOxDmkmqGIc5r3OGFFg_njznzr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it is the current year

>> No.4004480
File: 73 KB, 429x410, 12880203432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck relying on something that doesn't exist

>> No.4004481

t. cattle

>> No.4004486
File: 2.88 MB, 480x360, think of the children.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

b-but anon- i'im so objective.. i don't operate based on pure emotion like those icky sjws..

>> No.4004490

>needing muh higher power
Get a load of this faggot.

>> No.4004492

Considering trannies are literally indoctrinating children... you should prob shut the fuck up

>> No.4004493
File: 75 KB, 700x394, BioShock_No_gods_or_kings[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4004496
File: 52 KB, 466x379, 1551317140329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be an artist
>thinks he doesn't rely on things that don't exist

>> No.4004498

>>4004182 > >>4004418

>> No.4004510

And doing Bible studies isn't indoctrination? The absolute state of burgers.

>> No.4004543

terfs are radical feminists anon, they aren't simply anti-trans, they are anti-male

>> No.4004547

Anon. They self insert AS the loli

>> No.4004549

can't argue against these digits.
delete all anime now

>> No.4004726

Literally this
>sex and gender as synonyms
>now sex and gender as antonyms

>> No.4004807

aren't these an american problem? I don't really see this much happening here in asia but it is slowly spreading like a virus

>> No.4004812

>calling everyone a pedo.
pretty sure anyone who's hellbent on defending a cartoon character's right are actual predators irl just so they can hide that fact

>> No.4004879

> das "S" muss mit

>> No.4004910
File: 76 KB, 599x627, tpb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4004936

That guy sounds off the charts AGP.