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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 111 KB, 1080x1336, 1562201394674.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3998781 No.3998781 [Reply] [Original]

Is there an equivalent ''artist'' version of e-thot? Raking money from horny orbiters. Why aren't you doing that?

>> No.3998785

Is... is that really bathwater?

>> No.3998787
File: 48 KB, 680x497, 2aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3998789

Sells her dirty bathwater for more than the 99% percent of ic could sell a commission

>> No.3998792
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Sam Hyde

>> No.3998795
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>> No.3998796
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>> No.3998802

>pizza emoji in name

pedos fucking EVERYWHERE holy shit and these fuckers dont even hide it
absolutely disgusting

>> No.3998804
File: 320 KB, 1506x1078, 1526731759771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3998810

>google Belle Delphine
>top 2 automated results have "death" and "death date"
What the fuck?

>> No.3998814

I don’t like dirty money

>> No.3998815

I want to punch her stupid face so bad

>> No.3998817

>Out of stock on her website
Either I should've been born as a cute girl or learned how to be really good with makeup

>> No.3998819

You're a bigot if you think it's dirty money. It's just another product of toil and sweat like regular money earned from wageslaving and commissions

>> No.3998822

Based and wholesomepilled

>> No.3998831

GOD I wish I was Belle Delphine. if I had a dick she would make me diamonds. I can’t even hate her, she’s so fucking perfect that I’m not even capable of feeling regular jealousy, I just respect the game. I always thought she was just another E-thot but after seeing all the autistic fits and pure manrage as a result of her genius pornhub prank I believe she has ascended to godmode E-girl status. She represents everything wrong with modern society, soiboys and gold digging thots, like a personified self aware parody of Twitch and Patreon. The duality of humanity. I don’t even give a shit what she looks like without makeup, she’s perfected her appearance to max levels of what’s humanly possible and I can’t even hate her for it. GOD I WISH THAT WERE ME.

>> No.3998836

Honestly fucking based. These thirsty faggots are soulless vermin, so if I was a cute girl I wouldn't feel the least bad about taking advantage of them.

>> No.3998837

With a little bit of diet and exercise, some camera trickery, and an unhealthy amount of makeup, you can make yourself appear as an attractive trap and make stupid cash doing thot shit. Be warned that since e-thottery is full of the type of chicks and dudes that are willing to turn their bodies into a product the industry is cutthroat as fuck and women will do anything they can to literally destroy your life just to take food off your plate.
Same dude.

>> No.3998839

this can't be real

>> No.3998840

it is, he mentioned her in a skit

>> No.3998859

shit man, my admiration for him diminished a bit, not gonna lie
The ross skit lost a bit of the magic too

>> No.3998881

what admiration could you have for him in the first place? he obviously hates himself and everyone else.

>> No.3998883

He has a nice sense of humour, and I guess sometimes he does come of as some sort of wise father figure, for instance, when it makes fun of college kids or dumb kickstarter projects.
Didn't expect this from him tho

>> No.3998884
File: 127 KB, 558x665, bell delph.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I drew fanart

>> No.3998886

I have no idea who this is. But he got a punchable face and just watching from that clip alone, he seems really obnoxious. Why would anyone endure the pain of going out of their way to follow/watch this guy on regular basis? Like shit, unironically get a life.

>> No.3998891
File: 21 KB, 720x405, 1559847079803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even try anymore.

>> No.3998892

I never got into the appeal. The only thing I remember him for was pissing off weebs (low hanging fruit) and irl shitpost a TED talk.

To own the libs of course.

>> No.3998901

If you want to feel better, these women tend to never get married- even if they do they'll only get the scraps like beta orbiters. Deep down, they prefer the chad back in high school and regret every moment of their life that they weren't good enough to approach him.

There's actually a lot of women in their 30's committing suicide or heavily depressed because they didn't get married when they were still 20 years old and fresh, instead they fucked around and didn't settle for serious relationships. So in a way there's some karma.
Also I'm trying to be realistic as possible too and not saying this because I'm an incel or some jealous roasty.

>> No.3998913

soon we men can use ai to transform ourselves into girls like with faceapp only realtime and video and we can play at being thots

im telling you this is going to be big

>> No.3998914

I wish I'm a girl. I'm cute as I am now and occasionally jerk off to my own image whenever I looked at the mirror as my drawing reference but since women and gays aren't making that much money to begin with to spend their earnings on my bottled sweat and fund my activity, this is very disheartening. I'm so jealous!

>> No.3998917

Damn shit made me laugh

>> No.3998927

He had an adult swim show and stuff, thats how he got popular in the first place.
Separating the art from artist, as everyone here should be, he has a few pretty good skits that made me laugh.

>> No.3998990


>> No.3999022

I see. Thanks for the summary.
But I'm not gonna bother to look this guy up further, than what's already been shown here, I can't be bothered. I don't watch comedy shows either way, so nothing's lost. I will probably forget about this dude tomorrow.

>> No.3999023

clitpill me on that bitch

>> No.3999046

>Girl gets sexually objectified
>Girl isn't doing what the cishet males want
>cishet males get mad
>Girl then does what they want
>Cishet males still get mad
Are all of you fucking cisgendered heterosexuals satisfied yet? The majority of criminals are already cishets yet you keep fucking the world over even more.

>> No.3999051

>There's actually a lot of women in their 30's committing suicide or heavily depressed because they didn't get married when they were still 20 years old and fresh
What a shame. Imagine how many desperate virgins would be willing and able to eek out a decent relationship with christmas cake

>> No.3999058
File: 47 KB, 500x512, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3999062

im saving this bait. thanks for the yous

>> No.3999069

Is that really their secret emoji?
On a related note, lolishotafags used clown emoji before normies used it for people they're calling out

>> No.3999070

I like her. She knows how to take advantage of redditors and incels

>> No.3999085

doubtful, normies project any random thing into a le secret message

>> No.3999086

I hate her, exploiting people miserable life is really shitty.
Though on a marketing viewpoint, it's genius. But I still hate the idea behind it.

Think about it, she actualy makes more money than Sakimi from her patreon alone... but at least sakimi works for it, even if I don't really like her art.

>> No.3999087

>sells her body because she doesn't have any other redeeming qualities
>"Oh w-wow guys she really is a master at marketing herself !!"

every time

>> No.3999089

i mean most women have bodies and no redeeming qualities yet very few manage the cult and success she has achieved

>> No.3999090

but she's not selling her body, that's where it's genius. She's only selling the image of her body.

She could make thousands selling her body as an escort. She instead makes hundred of thousand just teasing guys

>> No.3999094

seething jealous roastie

>> No.3999095

why is there a belle delphine discussion thread on /ic/
go and draw you fags i hate this website

>> No.3999096

pornfags are basically camgirls

>> No.3999097

it was posted on pol and the mods moved it here

>> No.3999104
File: 90 KB, 336x364, 54646797c5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the new generation of teens and manchildren..

>> No.3999108

I knew that in japan, calling camwhores 'goddesses' was a thing...
I always thought it was a way for guys to get freebies from stupid girls falling for the praise...
Now I realize it's really cult-like and lost two points of "faith in humanity"

>> No.3999115

>I knew that in japan, calling camwhores 'goddesses' was a thing

it's literally not a thing idiot. In Japan you have a few girls that do foodstreaming and regular random streaming, but that's that.

If you see any asians camwhoring, then they are either from the west or from some poor asian country that doesn't have any regulated internet.

>> No.3999116

dilate tranny, dilate

>> No.3999119
File: 158 KB, 671x996, gto_paradise_lost_19_9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you mean Onizuka lied to me?

>> No.3999128

>The duality of humanity.
stop saying words randomly retard

>> No.3999131
File: 19 KB, 210x240, 0242084084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly don't know which is worse, this thot doing what she does or the söychuggers supporting her

>> No.3999133 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 1004x684, Heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we really need this shit spammed on every fucking board?
Fuck you, faggot

Saged, reported.

>> No.3999348
File: 11 KB, 229x220, 153454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Delphine is a better artist than /ic/ because that face she draws with makeup makes money

>> No.3999372

Jesus fucking christ
I feel like an old lady but what the fuck is wrong with the world that this shit, THIS shit, is successful

>> No.3999375

the supporters. they're enabling her to do this shit which results her to shit out more garbage content.

>> No.3999377


It's all an illusion, she's a slightly above average looking girl who knows how to use make up and beautify filters.

>> No.3999382

isn't used bath water a healthy hazard?

is this bio terrorism?

she needs to be reported, did she pay her taxes?

>> No.3999383
File: 425 KB, 1194x763, retraso2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3999385

don't bother, it's just genetically altered/hormone injected new-age teens combined with safe space lgbt bubble internet meme disorder

I mean buying someones fucking bathtub juice is a new low for humanity, doesn't matter how fucked up of an incel you are

>> No.3999387

you are confusing gravure models/pop or net idols with streaming bud

>> No.3999395

It's very likely just tap water

>> No.3999424

>hehe gonna buy this IRONICALLY just for a laugh lol xd
fucking californiaboys swear to god

>> No.3999535

holy shit

>> No.3999559

by duality if humanity I meant the duality of modern men and women, soibois and ethots

>> No.3999563

He meant that by trying to use a "sophisticated" sounding phrase, you sound like an edgy pseudointellectual

>> No.3999567

yeah I don’t really care what he meant, I know what I meant and he’s probably one if the brainlets that buys her gamer girl pee anyway

>> No.3999568

people like this are fucking nasty and are most likely left wing fuckboys. I don't understand why anybody would spend actual money for water used to wash her ass. I legit believe now that these people have a problem in their heads.

>> No.3999575

I like to think they’re the same ones that post in the porn threads and try to draw their deviantart tier anime waifus

>> No.3999604
File: 491 KB, 558x908, A28EDBE8-A2D0-4B5D-B6E9-B07056608B7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm cute as I am now and occasionally jerk off to my own image whenever I looked at the mirror

>> No.3999642

What the fuck does this even have to do with "left wing"

>> No.3999666

Still what the actual fuck?
I have a ton of self esteem issues and often view myself as an ugly faggot with shit genes and even i’ve had my fair share of girlfriends, had sex without paying and been told I’m a beautiful soul
I can’t imagine sinking this fucking low

And I thought footfags who buy used stinky sneakers were bad.

>> No.3999668

projecting their insecurities on the “others”

>> No.3999758

Reminder that people buying stupid shit isn't new. Pyramid Schemes are still a billion dollar industry and Pet Rocks made over 1 million dollars in 5 years

>> No.3999979

most people who buy this are left wingers. i know 2 people who are left wing in college that have it and everyone they talk too is ok with it

>> No.4000038

Kill yourself, calligirl.

There are Japanese camsites where they just tease throughout,since showing pussy is forbidden unless you can mosaic it live.

You're probably fishing for sauce, otherwise you wouldn't say such dumb things.

>> No.4000363
File: 42 KB, 620x415, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

someone out there doesn't like vito, he clearly is capitalizing on meme status of this new merch, hope he does the review

>> No.4000367
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>> No.4000370

We live in cyberpunk. The only difference is that our devices aren't installed directly in our brains and we don't have holopersonas calling you by name in the street (yet) but the core elements of cyberpunk are all there.

>> No.4000701
File: 383 KB, 744x610, Disgusting Creature.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is it that makes somelone like this?

>> No.4000703
File: 778 KB, 735x806, Disgusting Creature 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His name is Vito on Youtube, btw

>> No.4000724

Vito is a well known shitlord and does ironic retarded shit all the time.
We live in a cyberdystopia. Cyberpunk requires some elements of retrofuturism, and operates on the core principle of "High Tech, Low Life". Since we aren't living in slums yet we're technically not cyberpunk. Although take my opinion with a grain of salt since I'm just a second-hand fan of the genre

>> No.4000726
File: 47 KB, 400x400, 1555161908416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a testament of how lonely we've gotten to the point you may exploit these lonely fucks out of their monies for worn socks, clumps of hair, and in this case fucking bath water.

The cunt that is monetizing off the beta orbiters is highlighting how desperately thirsty Men have gotten, specifically the gaming/anime watching side where one could put on pounds of make up, cosplay as the latest flavor of the month, do this consistently for a couple of months and you'll find at least a few individuals that are paying your rent.

Bros, how do we tap into this gravy train it's practically spilling over it's so full of Shekels just waiting for another Thot to scoop up. Seriously considering passing as some sexually confused and frustrated /u/ girl drawing anime tiddies or something.

>> No.4000737
File: 2.86 MB, 1280x720, 1562255817812.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bros, how do we tap into this gravy train it's practically spilling over it's so full of Shekels just waiting for another Thot to scoop up. Seriously considering passing as some sexually confused and frustrated /u/ girl drawing anime tiddies or something.
Invest/try to get into VR shit

>> No.4000816

Let me guess, another male feminist who bought the water just to support the poor oppressed female gamer, right?

>> No.4000937

>funny obvious irony guy plays up his neckbeard look for a bit
>normalfags and black twitter: omg bruh gross neckbeard
>847270 retweets and 99702088 likes
we need a ww3

>> No.4000959

Never gonna happen. Basic human instinct for neoteny will never go away, even with gene modification.

>> No.4000972

i wish anime girls were real

>> No.4000980
File: 57 KB, 502x1084, viral.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who says that unironically? go back on tumblr
thank you, people like you bring me hope

I think those that don't get it won't be able to thrive in this attention economy.
Good job and good luck to both belle and vito. Well played.

>> No.4001051

>thot memeing her way into riches just by taking a bath
>everyone being this salty/jealous about it
it should be inspiring really, how easy it is these days to get paid when you know your market. no more "no hope. should I commit sodoku?". just git gud fag. myself included.

>> No.4001052

people with right views would end her and her orbiters lives with no remorse.

>> No.4001054
File: 261 KB, 778x584, 1525840902190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday, Anon. Someday.

>> No.4001055


>> No.4001057

You, the people who brought this thread to existence and anyone who support these practices are mental.

>> No.4001061

Just because there are gullible idiots willing to fall for this doesn't make her right in the disgusting thing she does.

>> No.4001064

That is why you will stay poor.

>> No.4001066

Still a very stupid investment.

>> No.4001071

>isn't used bath water a health hazard?
wait... you're meant to drink it?

>> No.4001089

Why do you point out all this garbage & decide to...Join the pile of trash too?

>> No.4001093

If the only way to make money is by being an evil bastard*, then yes I prefer being poor.
(*And it's not the case, we still can choose to make a living with honest means. Yes it's harder than accepting to work with kneepads in a back alley)

>> No.4001094

there's actually evidence that she has herpes so you might be able to make a case with that- even if she wasn't really dunking her body in the water and just selling sink water. Also in court you can make her take those blood tests to see if she's confirmed for diseases (and in the video/webm she was putting her ass up the jar).

>> No.4001096

We're filled with Jealousy, hate and envy all at the same time. I don't know who to detest more, the neckbeards that enable this type of behavior or the Thots who exploit the lonely neckbeard.

>> No.4001101

The claim was that there are no camwhores in japan, which is clearly wrong, so fuck off.

>> No.4001115

she made it clear that you’re not intended to drink it to avoid this, if you drink it it’s on you, case closed

>> No.4001197

>ironic retarded shit
ironic retardposting is still retardposting

>> No.4001217

people are still falling for this obvious troll by sam himself

>> No.4001218

feminists probably bought it as a joke to meme about

>> No.4001280
File: 192 KB, 1152x864, 1536788975097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes but certain drugs are illegal to be purchased/be owned in most countries; even if you are not "going to use/open it". You can make the case that she's selling diseases(illegal chemicals) to others.

>> No.4001289

you can only be ironic in speech
doing something ironically isn't a thing
>lol I took a cock in my ass but it was ironic, I'm not gay, right?
this incel bought a bit of water for 30$, period

>> No.4001293

Marky Thomson, a /b/ camwhore that posted nudes of herself when she was 14-15, got anally banged by Sam Hyde when she was like 16 and he was like 30. He's since been exposed as a degenerate kike who's left behind a string of people he's fucked over (both figuratively and literally)

>obvious troll
nah its true

>> No.4001302

I want to drink her spit and ass water AAAAAAAA

>> No.4001309

eh sure. I guess girls who sell their used panties online could be sued for the same reason. who will sue belle delphine though is the question. if you’re admitting to having bought her bath water then your reputation is just as fucked as hers. idk you could make the case I just don’t see anyone bothering to do it

>> No.4001330

>If the only way to make money is by being an evil bastard
cope harder faggot. she has fun with this. her consumers have fun with it. and no one gets hurt. nothing wrong here
right. so nothing wrong here

>> No.4001335

>it should be inspiring really, how easy it is these days to get paid when you know your market.
Not when you know the market. When you're a girl. Even if you're average as fuck, or even ugly or super overweight, you can find niches.
If you get into something like the gamergirl niche you can basically do anything and make money/gather followers.
And I'm not even angry, good for them if they can get what they want with just their body.
If I was a grill I'd camwhore every fucking day and I'd sell my nails clipping and dirty socks for hundred dollars. And they would sell. I'm so jealous girls. Enjoy the greatest power in the universe, the power of sex. You can basically make anyone do anything with this.

>> No.4001343

Oh no it gets worse.

There’s all these beta orbiters but it’s happening on both sides where even females are wanting only ultimate multimillionaire Bara Chad they see on instagram and no one else will do.

Leading to modem society of fucked up lonely losers on both sides spending ungodly amounts to imagine being with crazy hot girl or Bara chad

>> No.4001344

Genetically engineered Cat girls fucking when?!?

>> No.4001346

while I don't deny this, we have to acknowlege 3 points. 1-the online market is mainly thirsty males. because of this, it's easier to appeal. if the shoe was on the other foot, it'd be that same case. and 2- girls are the more social sex. they are better at marketing themselves in that they socialize more, look more approachable, and have more intimate exchanges. things that drive lonely autists up the wall
there are plenty of ways for males to make just as easy a living online. being even halfway good at LoL gets you a popular following for example. or merely existing as a trap. hell, saying you are working on a porn game and making several pixels a month got people 30k monthly.

>> No.4001358

It's not even soaked with her body. It's just tap water barely run over her ass. What a rip off. I'd at least soak for a while first before selling my dead skin cells.

>> No.4001379

Are the jars warning labeled? If not there's a real case for a law suit because there's a possibility they could be given away, sold secondhand, or be handled by someone else living with the buyer.

>> No.4001384

Everyone talking about the health risks and legality of selling bath water, yet nobody mentions the unlawful use of the Xbox logo and controller

>> No.4001413

>being even halfway good at LoL gets you a popular following for example.

I used to play other types of competitive games, it's not that easy.
At least not to me or my friends back in the days.

>or merely existing as a trap.
Yep. Too bad I'm ugly af (doesn't mean I'm not confident, I have a gf and all, I just know I look bad on a pure physical standpoint).

>hell, saying you are working on a porn game and making several pixels a month got people 30k monthly.
Yeah. Porn is really something. If you just cater to whatever franchise fans or niche fetish, you can have a barely aceptable level and make money easily I suppose. Not sure why I'm not doing that myself. It just...doesn't appeal to me I guess.

>> No.4001416

this thread has nothing to do with artwork/critique

>> No.4001526

The weak should fear the strong

>> No.4001527

Of course he's a fat weebo manchild.

>> No.4001531
File: 61 KB, 1024x768, DLb6I3tVAAAWJIo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck

>> No.4001537

>I used to play other types of competitive games, it's not that easy. At least not to me or my friends back in the days.
might be harder with the oversaturated market these days. but let's plays are still pretty up there so long as you have humor or charm (preferably both). you don't even need a face to your voice really
>Yep. Too bad I'm ugly af
dw senpai girls are not exempt from this. but like stated earlier charm and humor can make up for it to an extent.
>Yeah. Porn is really something. If you just cater to whatever franchise fans or niche fetish, you can have a barely aceptable level and make money easily I suppose.
it doesn't even have to be of decent skill or explicit. ever seen gender bender shit?
>Not sure why I'm not doing that myself. It just...doesn't appeal to me I guess.
same desu. sometimes I wish it would. but for all the salt anons here have over other's riches, if they really want that themself this is the fastest and easiest way take it or leave it.

you could argue OP's topic is but let's be honest half the threads on /ic/ should be pruned kek

>> No.4001547

LARPing this much is not healthy

>> No.4001549

and the injuries in pic? or is it fake?

>> No.4001550

next she should bottle up her farts, or put it on a scratch n sniff card... if you need a quick fix you can just activate your brap card and enjoy the pungent goodness

>> No.4001561
File: 222 KB, 640x480, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're not really injuries, more like she gets nosebleeds easily and that was sort of her trademark when she was posting selfies on social media.
and rough sex = high blood pressure = nosebleed , they took that pic because it was like that anime meme

>> No.4001567

Pedos do have secret codes though theyre confusing as fuck.
I was on /b/ once and the thread topic was leaning towards discussing pedos and I made an ironic joke and some dude replied to me wih a weird question that looked like one of those "if you know you know" kinda deals.
Other anons itt suspected he was a pedo too

>> No.4001570

You dont even need to be an actual girl as >>4000737
Points out.
VR waifus are a thing now and anyone can pose as one.

>> No.4001601

I don't care if it's right or wrong, it's retarded as fuck. But hey, a fool and their money.

>> No.4001891
File: 26 KB, 400x400, lir07kn0coo01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I guess sometimes he does come of as some sort of wise father figure, for instance, when it makes fun of college kids or dumb kickstarter projects.

This is what social isolation and too much time on 4chan does to you.

>> No.4002123

If furniggers decided to stop being retarded with their money I'd be out of a job. She's smart for capitalizing on her luck

>> No.4002174

When i have more money i would buy the fuck out of this

>> No.4002289

>there are attractive women browsing this board right now that don't take full advantage of their looks and make a killing from the internet
is your dignity really worth missing out on such an insanely lucrative opportunity? I can't even blame e-thots for what they do.

>> No.4002316

I'm ugly and fat as fuck. And I like drawing better even though I'm shit at it.

>> No.4002335

Sometimes I wish I didnt have dignity

>> No.4002340

Same, sis
Drawing > whoring

>> No.4002368

Being jealous of an e thot is like being jealous of a very well cared for dog.

>> No.4002400
File: 20 KB, 498x511, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Talk about the Pygmalion Effect.

>> No.4002515
File: 85 KB, 750x742, 1486235626082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>who's going to bother
Well its free money, granted there will be efforts to be necessary, but its a pretty good case. Also she's known to photoshop herself to hide acne like all e-whores, but I recently fond out in lolcow farm thread that she photoshopped and adjusted her angles so much that she almost looked underage. And mind you that this isn't drawn/stylized to look like a cartoon aka loli which is fine because it has no victim in the making of it etc. But the pateron reward, instagram photo, whatever she posted was pretty fucking insane- I almosted shat my pants because I thought it was CP.

And I don't think the normies posting on twitter about her know in depth of what she posts/does and just talks around the most popular topic. Regardless of law of photoshopping, I really doubt that any of them will find it acceptable of her posting that pic (not to mention the neckbeard who bragged about buying it in the OP has a pizza symbol next to his twitter name, shits already getting dark).
>inb4 its just a joke
Not even lolifags don't joke about irl kids- even if they drew them animu. only loli of irl I've seen was memes like "what is hitler was a qt animu girl". You don't touch that shit nigga. Shadman was infamously slammed for drawing Keem's daughter or something, even with everyone knowing that shadman is an attention whore got a bunch of heat for it (and still is through memes).

>> No.4002646

Too bad you can't afford a razor for the tramp's pubic bush you call a beard, bugman.

>> No.4002793
File: 55 KB, 617x504, Dzs4_mhUwAA6zkY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something about this lady's face... why do e- thots try to imitate anime girls? They look so retarded when they try to...

>> No.4002805

Actually I'm pretty 100% sure this guy is those centrist but actually right leaning

>> No.4002806
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>> No.4003121
File: 615 KB, 916x614, 2d vs 3dpd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imitating animu in the 3dpd realm results in uncanny valley (unless if the fictional character is based on realism like Marvel Movies or heavily based on it). Even if the human is beautiful and the costume is very well done, its not the same and there's an unsettling feeling of something being 'off'. Hardcore animufags- or anyone who watches anime on the regular are used to seeing 2D characters- so that's why you see a lot of them bitching about 3dcg anime, even if its cel-shaded or does its best to make it look like anime.

>> No.4003123

I'm so sick of people who just post screencaps of twitter and then tries to justify their off topic BS

>> No.4003143

Other people being financially illiterate or dumb doesn't make it ok for charlatans/con artists/ greedy whores to partake in such activities.
"The window was open at night so the thief did nothing wrong, it's all on the owner"?! Quit the crap!!

>> No.4004320

>pays the robber to consensually steal him
Fuck off

>> No.4004323

Most porn artists are like that. They only draw weird low quality shit to get money from horny retards.

>> No.4004354

>spending money on shit I personally would never do means you're retarded
patronize harder
>filling a market need for things most people don't do makes you an asshole

>> No.4004387

He should consider a razor and deoderant.

>> No.4004562

This is why as much as I despise pornfaggotry I can't take it out on the artists. It's the people who are rotten dickbrains.

>> No.4004566
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>> No.4004575

>X acts retarded all the time but he's not retarded

>"If you listened to Marilyn Manson in interviews, you'd know he's actually very intelligent" said the teenager, feeling empowered while buying cringy angsty music designed to sell to teenagers.

>> No.4004605
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>> No.4004611 [DELETED] 
File: 234 KB, 974x1000, 1555398262525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really fucking hope that's true

>> No.4004616

Herpest isn't viable outside of body, unfortunately.

if that were true that would land her ass in prison.

>> No.4004774

What else could you expect from a mass shooter.

>> No.4004794
File: 103 KB, 640x360, ascendingtodemonhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is concept of fun foreign to you?
anyway, the 'review' is out, haven't watched it though

>> No.4004939

>it's ok to be retarded and doing autistic shit "ironically" because it's supposed to be "fun" for my low iq brain
you're pathetic, incel fanboy

>> No.4005080

Not what I wrote : you're a con artist using dirty tricks to make a profit? NOK. You're a gullible client throwing your money away? NOK.

>> No.4005092

Some people have fun train surfing. Some people have fun doing backflips on the rooftop of a skyscraper,etc. It's all fun & games until you lose the game (in addition to your money,or worse,your life).

>> No.4005233

his art is piss poor, but people pay him either because they're edgy faggots too, because he draws shit they're into (badly), or because they're just idiots who enjoy his bland personality

>> No.4005347

>When you need to make shit up so you can be even more mad at e-thots.

>> No.4005352
File: 110 KB, 883x572, gamer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck

>> No.4005358

omg how do you do this? DO you just buy a VR set and buy some spice wolf game or something?

>> No.4005360

wait a fucking minute now

>> No.4005366
File: 65 KB, 500x333, 1124.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At this point, you might as well sit back and enjoy the ride

>> No.4005388

It's not real.
Someone made a fake copy of her website and put this on there, lmao.
Fake: belledelphine.club
Real: belledelphinestore.com

>> No.4005389

Her milk when?

>> No.4005400


>> No.4005417
File: 93 KB, 790x719, 1524970567452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Women are pigs.

>> No.4005509

>doing autistic shit "ironically"
You're worst than those twitter bitches, you have absolutely no clue what you are talking about, how about you get some context or stop replying.

>lose the game (in addition to your money,or worse,your life)
I guess that's what's adulthood is all about. Having the ability to put yourself at worthwhile risk is the thing that makes life worth living.

nice try, post poop next

>> No.4005520

it’s like these people make a living falling for bait

>> No.4005526
File: 133 KB, 1600x1200, 1561216313075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>peak capitalism
I'm more upset over the fact that people enable this degenerate behaviour pubicly.
The world has way too many perverts.

>> No.4005637
File: 22 KB, 391x391, 1524748673993.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i’ve had my fair share of girlfriends, had sex without paying and been told I’m a beautiful soul
why you gotta be like that, satan?

>> No.4005727

Is this how /r9k/ think how women work so they believe it's easy being a woman?

>> No.4005797

I wanted to be your friend, but then you fucked up.

Now I'm gonna be >>4001089's friend and you'll have to keep on being alone.

>> No.4005808

Hey thanks man. Another anon with common sense, that's nice to read!
Yup, when you allow everything you allow mediocrity too...

>> No.4005820
File: 68 KB, 700x395, 1560226738738.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like they said, once the pandora's box are opened.

>> No.4005823

not to be the "think about the kids!" guy, but who would take the kids to this fucking parade?
jesus christ

>> No.4005905

This doesn't look like fun at all.

>> No.4005930

It's not the quality of work, it's the size and dedication of the fanbase. Grease lathered degenerates or other. I'm not against the bathwater, at least they're beginning to bring bathing into their lives at all.

>> No.4005986
File: 822 KB, 600x366, 1561397606110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please be joking. surely no one will look at this as a microcosm of women's life. even r9k, right?

>> No.4005989

every single cub porn server I've seen on telegram had an LGBT tag

>> No.4006197

good cuck

>> No.4007016

I unironically respect Delphine and all other e-thots. The amount of money they make for so little effort. They're pretty open about how pathetic their fans are too but it doesn't make a difference. I'd 100% do the same if I was in their position.
Their fans are subhuman however. I'm surprised there hasn't been some business to try to capitalize on these downright retarded consumers, some of these dudes alone give thousands to e-thots every month

>> No.4007298

How do you know it's actually bath water and not just regular water that she says is bath water?

>> No.4007974

He probably just likes pizza like most of us.

>> No.4010491

Herpes virus is extremely fragile and dies quickly outside of the body so I don't think you get herps from the bathwater unless you got it straight from her.

>> No.4010568

bullshit, she could sell it for way more than that