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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3999986 No.3999986 [Reply] [Original]

Why did you guys start drawing and when?

>october 2018
>get fed up with my video games' art being utter shit
>artist friend gives me help with the basics
>copy art that l like, trying to draw from life for the most part
>slowly get better
>realize l enjoy drawing instagram and anime babes more than l enjoy making video games

>> No.3999988

August 2017. I drew before then but only a few times a month. I started drawing every day in Aug cuz I realized I was a useless layabout with nothing to show for my existence.

>> No.3999992

Only really started at the start of 2018.
... Made decent progress. Couldn't even get a simple line right back then, now I'm starting to understand anatomy better. I should be much better than I am though, with my shit work ethic.
Keep drawing, anons.

>> No.3999995

right now. i need to make money through comms and patreon money

>> No.3999996


>> No.4000015

Yeah drawing everyday is the most important thing you can do to improve l think, it's sad most people ignore it but l'm sure you'll get there anon

You got this anon

Oof l think it'll take some time to get there so don't be discouraged

>> No.4000024
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mid 2015
I'm already considered good by the average person but I don't think I'll ever be satisfied. I constantly get this urge to draw if I'm doing something tedious

>> No.4000035

Since I was a little kid. Got serious and started actively learning/studying around ~2017 when I posted some of my art to /ic/ and got roasted

>> No.4000077

Started Dec 2018 and I can relate to your game development situation. I began doing art in order to be able to make assets for my game and then got more into actual drawing as of late. Once May came about I realized I was only drawing once a week and have now been trying to make it so that I draw every day and get in some workouts three times a week to improve my health. Making that game is still a ways off for now.

I only doodled before and now am getting into anatomy and watching and copying tutorials to get better.

>> No.4000315
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Took drawing seriously around 2016 after taking a art history class. Later took life drawing and painting course for fundies. Currently doing a drawing in public schedule for fun and variety.

Pic related, being my favorite to ever study

>> No.4000366

Amazing, I started drawing every day in December 2016 for similar reasons.
I felt like my life was stagnating and I had to change something to avoid ending up being a lonely nobody with no skills or interests.

So I started drawing, women in particular because I felt so lonely but that has changed a bit. I'm still drawing every day and I already feel less superficial now that I do. Even if I'm still shit at it.

>> No.4000383

Honestly I don't recall a time when I didn't like to draw. When I was in day care the teacher asked my mom to test me for autism because i wouldn't interact with other kids, just sit and draw in the corner. At 16 I had to start thinking about college and I simply wasn't good enough at anything else so the choice was pretty obvious. And that's how I ended up being an illustrator. If I were to stop drawing now it would feel like ripping off a crucial part of my identity.

>> No.4000386
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I found a packet of crayons and just drew in 1992.
It's now 2019 and I still can't help myself, even if all I have on hand is a dead fire's coals and a solid natural surface.

>> No.4000555

>The end of 2012, New Year's Eve
>Time to set an arbitrary goal
>Drawing sounds good

>> No.4000570

Since I could pick up a pencil. went through several periods of stagnation/inactivity so my art is still pretty shit.

>> No.4000662

I'm a bit similar
>august 2018
>decide to pick up 3d modelling because I want to create 3d art and my own outfit mods in video games
>eventually drift from 3d to practicing 2d due to wanting to learn anatomy and generally improve
>after dipping my toes for a while in both 3d and 2d eventually take the plunge and buy some proper drawing equipment this spring, trad + digi
>after some awkwardness realize that I'm enjoying trad drawing even more than digital stuff
>rn practicing comfily by copying and studying stuff from an artist's anatomy book
While I absolutely suck at drawing anything original and my fundamentals are a bit shaky I feel I'm atleast getting better and really like some of the better pieces I scribble. I sometimes try and copy something that I see online and honestly it feels pretty good to see that the stuff I manage to get on paper now is 1000x better than anything I could've done this time last year.

>> No.4000791

I've been on /ic/ for years because I love the dickish vibe but only just started trying to learn this year. I just wanna learn how to draw so I can make art for games/comics because hiring actual artists is expensive as fuck

>> No.4000810 [DELETED] 
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started drawing in 2014 back in college (16 years old here in the uk), because i had no friends and was generally awkward as fuck. i'd spend every break in the library on my own (breaks were anywhere from 1-3 hours long each) ended up getting pretty good at it out of repetition and wanting to improve, learned about fundamentals pretty early through sycra etc.

spent a year as a neet before going to uni, having no friends during this time meant i was cool with spending all my time in my room all day, and to keep sane, i pursued drawing, tracking my hours to keep busy, and averaged around 5 hours a day for the year.

then i went to uni, get a social life, started posting my stuff online, got some-thousand followers and am starting to get a lot of job offers (nothing worth the pay yet though). Now uni is over and i'm spending a lot of time alone, i'm re-gaining my motivation to work harder on stuff. and somehow while doing barely any drawing during these 3 years i've improved quite a lot.

>> No.4000829

>16 years old

>> No.4000856
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Started in 2011 when my graphic designer mom gave me her old tablet after upgrading to a new one. She encouraged me to draw before then but I never listened since I was more of a computer/video game nerd than an art nerd. Drawing digitally got me hooked and I drew a lot from 2011-2014. Stopped for 4 years due to a heavy college curriculum. Started up again in October 2018 since my final semester before graduation was light coursework-wise. I've been having fun.

>> No.4000868

I am schizophrenic and art is the only way I hope to make sense of reality.
All worldly experiences and sensations are arbitrary and transient, but art seems to have a kernel of some immutable truth within it. It's the anchor with which I hold on to reality.

>> No.4000881

Was 16 years old in 2014 ya goof

>> No.4000991

I used to draw on paper cause I had nothing to do, lived far from the city and internet was slow. I always had lots of videogames and movies, that's how I built my visual library and culture.

One day my cousin brought a drawing tablet for me from the US. I live in the third world. Around 2010 I think. From there I started to get better and better by myself.

>> No.4000996

I did dumb stuff in 2016 for my friends, then dropped art until this year.

I just recently picked it back up like 2 months ago, and have started taking it "seriously" or at least serious enough to where I want to see improvement.

>> No.4001002

Nice. Hope you'll succeed at whatever you set out to achieve, anon.

>> No.4001017

Sometime during 2014/15 I was in a bad mental state, and I decided to just try and draw some video game characters and eventually it just became my main hobby.

>> No.4001331 [DELETED] 

you and mods are literal retards, thanks for getting me banned. i'm 24. i was talking about my age in 2014 dumbass

>> No.4001334 [DELETED] 
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WOOOOW I get banned because this retard can't read a post???


>> No.4001338 [DELETED] 
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like you have to be 18 to get into university, and considering i also went through 3 years and a gap year.. do the math. fucking hell mods

>> No.4001356

I techically started in 2008 mainly doing naruto fan art which lead me to Newgrounds then eventually here

Damn you Slutty McSlut for leading me to this hell hole I can’t leave

>> No.4001359

I started actually learning how to draw around 2012 with art classes in High School. But after graduating, I never really did anything with art and stopped drawing alot. Wanted to learn digital art just for a hobby but didn't want to go through the hassle of learning digital and tablet so I just occasionally sketch on paper every now and then.

>> No.4001433

i wanted to draw my waifu

i took learning serious around early 2016, but i had a tablet and "tried to draw" from 2014ish onward.

I wish i had made as much progress as others but its to be expected when I put in a quarter of their effort.

>> No.4001440

At age 77. Because I was bored.

>> No.4001451

>be tiny me
>play vidya
>have internet
>discover shitty how to draw websites
>draw goku, shadow, mega-man, etc.
>keep drawings in folder
>take them to school/never do any homework
>everyone impressed by it
>become art kid
>become attention whore for the rest of my fucking life
>discover concept art in its fucking prime
>too retarded to navigate ugly website so i never discover forums/sketchbooks
>fuck off to deviantart
>find a few people there i who really obssesed over but have become entirely irrelevant present day (e.g. cheeks-74, bleedman, udon crew, genzoman,etc.)
>become sad b/c they are the peak of art and i will never be that good
>literally live on newgrounds for a bit, fucking around dabbling with art on and off
>art portal opens up
>discover knockwurst, Johnnyutah and mindchamber
>i say "I will draw lie them when i grow up"
>"but how"
>discover Feng Zhu on youtube
>I think timelapses are real-time
>scribble like a meth addict from now on
>Sycra is like the best thing ever lol

i used to have so much joy

>> No.4001472


>started drawing young, I thought my imaginations were the shit and I loved to tell stories.
>show shitty young drawings to family
>"nice anon" "I love it anon"
>was into it until middle school
>literally bullied into being a social outcast
>too depressed to draw or make art
>come high school
>needed an elective so I chose drawing class
>teacher is an actual fucking G!
>GotGud until senior year
>Got so lazy at art, I slept in classes
>come college
>having to relearn shit as a freshie in fundies class
>Got decent (still got compliments and it made me get serious about drawing)
>Sophomore year
>want to get really serious about being an illustrator/concept artist or even a comic artist
>want to make money off of drawing
>realize that I'm practically shit at most things and I feel I have to make it or else succumb to gay student debt and eat crumbs
>Now a Junior
>discover /ic/
>post detailed eyeball pencil drawing in a sketchbook thread
>"gay, anyone can draw one eyeball, sorry m8 you're ngmi"
>dope, seems like a good place for critique

Honestly though, /ic/ is cancerous but helpful af, thanks 4chan

>> No.4001482

Yeah, art forums fucking suck because people can't stand seeing anybody do better than themselves, still you can make art friends who'll be nice people

>> No.4001486

mid 2016, because I wanted to feel good about myself a bit desu

>>> 3999999

>> No.4001489
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>january 1st, 2014
>my dog died and I drew some touhou fanart that was surprisingly good
>my artist friend demanded I get into drawing
>I just stuck with it since then and got decent, though 2016 was a fuckin rough year
Anime girls, not even once.

>> No.4001520

When I was in high school one of the more eccentrically lazy math teachers had us draw and color posters of a not-too-easy image we found online; basically a resizing by hand.
So the last decade I've been trying to perfect that method and move beyond it to actual artistic creation.
My dream would be producing some anime short films like Paul "Otaking" Johnson.
July 4th was the first time I'd picked up a pencil this year, and since then I've just been copying-via-grid-drawing frames from '90s shoujo anime. I've found a good balance of being able to finish one drawing in a few hours which helps, I think, with my motivation because the results are way more tangible in a short time.
Also the only reason I'm driven to learn how to draw is because I wanted to be writer since I was a lad and I realized recently that not only is that a market overly fucking saturated, I'm also painfully mediocre.

>> No.4001533

This was me too. I got this bug in my head like “I NEED to be the best at drawing my waifu” and I’ve been doing this ever since,

>> No.4001604
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>Oct 2015
>Get emo with Sia's single "Chandelier" and felt artsy
>Wanted to be famous and get easy money
>Pirated Sai and instantly got good skillz (im multi-talented)
>Is actually successful now

>> No.4001609

I drew a lot of comics from age 10-12. Then I hit a plateau, thought I had no talent and stopped drawing. Dipped my toes in board & computer game design, writing, miniature painting and other creative outlets. With 22 a friend of mine motivated me to draw more often. (Only did occasional doodles in my college notes. They were really bad.)
After a few weeks I got really into it, bought a tablet and spend the next year drawing more comics than all of my life before! I didn't knew anything, but this time it felt great! Made online friends & learned the very basics of digital drawing. (I used to only work with one layer, no stabilizer. I would also color in manually...)
A year later I decided to drop out to pursue art. Got into /ic/. Was obsessed with becoming better. Spend the next two years working a fulltime job, while self studying art and making a portfolio. Had two or three major burnouts and was very unhappy. But the hard work paid off - I'm in a European design school since a year now (no debts!) making an Illustration BA. It's so great to habe ppl irl who share your passion and the school's equipment is amazing! Spend there the whole night today, because they have thosr big Cintiqs. I'm 26 now and only occassionally visit /ic/. Personally I think the quality declined, but maybe it's just that I don't find a lot of useful stuff on this board anymore.
Oh, and I have more fun than ever. Stopped worrying and practicing stuff I don't care about; Instead I deliberitely look up things that I need for current projects, like I did when starting. It's way more rewarding & fun this way.
Do I think I'll make a living? I don't know. I know I can sell my art, but I'm more of a viaual storyteller and like to do comics/ animation. Ideally at some point I'll be able to make it my fulltime job, but before that happens, I'm just happy to find time for the comic. Honestly, I don't mind working a dayjob in a different field.

Hope yall have a nice weekend & keep drawing!!

>> No.4002130
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and i get banned for this?! i'm 21!!! mods are legit retarded i swear.

>> No.4002241

be nice if people actually shown their progresso

>> No.4002339

about the same just started in april

>> No.4002589
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>started in july 2017
>just wanted to work a freelance job that allowed me to be creative and was somewhat related to games and anime

think i'll grind a little more and then put a portfolio together.

>> No.4002730


For me it goes as follows
> Father used to draw neat things
> I also enjoyed drawing as a child
> Watched father draw hundreds of times
> Started drawing out of boredom during school around 1st grade
> Teachers suggested I be pushed to pursue art
> Mother began forcing me, father was chill
> I stopped drawing outside of art class because I was afraid my mom would guilt me into drawing stuff
> Eventually learned I could just erase what i had drawn and avoid my mom's harping
> Fast forward to age 17 and I realize I can draw on my phone, a whole new world opened up for me
> I now draw digitally, and mostly just for the process of it all

I'll happily post any failed drawings I happen to have that I've turned into freaks of nature

>> No.4004041

What year was that anon?

>> No.4004245

sauce on that art?

>> No.4004250
