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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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3997988 No.3997988[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Tell me fellow artists of /ic/ how do you feel about simple feedback on your work? Does it infuriate you? If so what do you wish people would say instead?

>> No.3997990

why should anyone give a fuck about me or my art

>> No.3997991


>> No.3997993


>> No.3997997

good thread

>> No.3997998

>force your work upon people
>they try to be polite but don't actually care
this guys head is in the wrong space entirely. no wonder he is drawing neon furry shit, dude got cumbrain

>> No.3997999

>Does it infuriate you?
What? Why would it? Expecting to get critique on Twitter of all places, especially if you're a furry porn artist, is dumb as fuck. If you want critique then try PMing artists who are better than you or something, I dunno.

>> No.3998000


>> No.3998001

You can just like it and they will get notification that you've seen their comment. People don't have time to write long ass comments on their smartphones. By the time they finished typing 10 new posts are waiting for them and your is about to leave their dashboard.

>> No.3998008

doesn't bother me. There shouldn't be any captcha associated with Sketchbook or Draw threads.

>> No.3998011

Simple feedback, comments is fine. Or just ignore the art, whatever. S'fine.
Long-winded patronizing spiels are fairly annoying.

>> No.3998018

>Does it infuriate you?
Why would I get angry at people being nice to me?

>Expecting to get critique on Twitter of all places, especially if you're a furry porn artist, is dumb as fuck. If you want critique then try PMing artists who are better than you or something, I dunno.
I get crit on Twitter sometimes and honestly it's worse than /ic/. Not because people are meaner or crabbier, but because they know less about what they're talking about

>> No.3998020

All I ever get are "cute" 1 word responses on my art. Meanwhile others get bashed in the head with crits. It bothers me because I'll never know if people are just being ironic or not.

>> No.3998022

I assume it's a bot or someone brown nosing to get me to follow him.

>> No.3998027

The only validation I want, both criticism or not, are from my japanese mutuals

>> No.3998031
File: 55 KB, 750x710, 1561837656360.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seeking validation for your work is a surefire way to never do anything creative in your life. You have to believe in your creative choices and there ability to find their own audience. People in your direct contact might not give a shit about your work, or even hate it. You have to have confidence that your work is good, because it's the only thing you can guarantee.

This isn't an excuse to blame your inadequacies in technical skills on people having shit opinions. You need to develop and refine your taste so that you can spot mistakes you make. However, at the end of the day, when you have skills that are developed and can create great pieces, if your friends in your direct contact still only passively say "nice" or "great" without any further words, maybe you need to accept that they don't have a taste for creative work like you do, and maybe they have more important shit in their lives that they care about than making sure they are taking care of your inferiority complex for you.

Go out there, make great stuff, share it PUBLICLY, and you'll find an audience that gives a shit eventually, no matter what you're drawing. If you only draw once a month, and share what you've done with the same person every time, that's not an artist; that's an attention beggar. Get a dog.

>> No.3998036

I'm ok with it. There just isn't much to say often, except for "cute" or "cool", depending on your style.

>> No.3998042
File: 27 KB, 241x257, 1559711085116.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feedback is always appreciated, even if it's something simple. I don't expect real critique from social medias anyways.
I would lose my shit if my work got critiqued or complimented by an artist I love tho, but this is unlikely to ever happen.

>> No.3998052
File: 181 KB, 2048x1446, D-MdcpEWwAAP-QL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean if he's asking for critiques lets give him critiques. What do you think of his latest work?

>> No.3998053


>> No.3998054

Woof :)

>> No.3998056


>> No.3998061


>> No.3998062

Wow, it looks like he spent an hour on that Pokemon vagina and butthole


>> No.3998063

Is that a prolapse

>> No.3998065

owo what's this?

>> No.3998097

Later guys 'bout to fuck a fortune cookie

>> No.3998098

perfect post. instead of throwing a tantrum, he should apply himself, so his art will get better feedback. Nice digits by the way.

>> No.3998101

>wants to be treated like an artist
never gets old fucking lel

>> No.3998103

>show someone who probably doesn't like furry shit furry shit
>"wow dude what's with the non-opinions"

all furries are subhuman garbage, let this be a lesson to you if you are even considering to enter into the medium just for the money.


>> No.3998106


>> No.3998108

Sorry anon, I need money for basic needs.

>> No.3998114
File: 188 KB, 500x787, 1222434587185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you're the only SFW, non-degenerate furry in the known universe and literally everyone else only cares about the fetish

>> No.3998116

Eh any response is good. If someone bothered to respond it means it was good enough for them to care about it on some level.
Being in mediocre tiers means you dont get the /beg/ circlejerks and easymode critiques, but you're not good enough to attract actual interest. And it sucks.

>> No.3998119

I feel your pain anon...and Am barely a furry

>> No.3998157

I dont like it guys

>> No.3998161

Kek that pic reminds me of my little brother

>be him
>chatting up soem chick online
>shares art
>'that's really cool' she says
>'Nah it's pretty shit, see these things that I fucked up with it?'
>'Oh yeah I guess that does look kind of bad. You probably could of done it better' she says
>'Fuck you you bitch you don't know how hard I worked on this just to get this shitfromyoufuckoffyoucuntwhydoyouhavetodomethisway'
>be me, laffin in the hallway while I listen to my brothers tear-stained screams

>> No.3998168

not cute

>> No.3998173
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>> No.3998204

Don't say sorry to me, be sorry for yourself.

You have put yourself down a damned path, I don't even care about you enabling those degenerates, you are going to ruin yourself in the long run and ultimately make drawing things a turn-off for you in the future.

>> No.3998207


>> No.3998214

simple nice feedback is literally the best thing you can hope for if you’re not pro. idk why you’d even consider the feelings of some degenerate neon furry. what a gay thread

>> No.3998221

I used to get great comments on a fetish account that I shut down, people asked questions and compliments were never stuff like "nice", it felt like they were really engaged. I got the best feedback on my regular work though, one comment here on /ic/ warmed my heart and motivated me like nothing else.

>> No.3998311
File: 180 KB, 675x675, 1557744692220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome :)

>> No.3998317

there are no good ones and there never will be

>> No.3998333

Can confirm this as well. Especially if your fetish involves weird stories/character interactions, you'll get comments curious about what you intended by your work. I love interacting with my audience in this way, even if they don't have the fetish in question. It's like I'm a degenerate Obi-Wan and they're my padawans.

It also helps if you're one of the few people in that fetish community who actually has self-awareness and doesn't take it seriously. You wouldn't believe how many hypersensitive faggots get triggered when someone makes a comment "overthinking" something or lightheartedly pokes fun at their fetish. They'll get passive-aggressive and make comments like the OP pic.
It's like their fetish is so ingrained into their personality, that they'll act as if you've spit on their mother's grave the moment you say anything negative about it.

>> No.3998349

No, there are.

The normal, well-adjusted, and talented ones go on to make cool shit like Lackadaisy and found studios that are quiet and produce great work that happens to feature talking animals.

Not all of us are diaperfurs. Some of us don't even call ourselves furries. We just popped a boner during Cats Don't Dance once when we were wee lads that we're embarrassed about and now we draw cute animals that get fetishized by our rabid, piss-drinking fans.

>> No.3998385

Work on the thickness of the feet the need a more defined line

I would personally add some mild blushing and horny anime smoke

There’s still framing lines around the vagina get rid of them.

Front tooth could be slightly bigger

>> No.3998408

I confirmed /ic/ is the best place for critic just 2 days ago when I posted my piece on fb and I only got love reacts and 2 people saying they loved it. Well ok. That does nothing for me, /ic/ actually finding flaws or praising my idea is much better.

>> No.3998415

Post art
I’m a compliment sandwich kind of guy
>Literally any problems or issues I see with your piece what so ever
It’s helpful, not necessarily nice but doesn’t make you feel like garbage fire
Just a human that makes mistake just like everyone else

>> No.3998420
File: 1.12 MB, 972x648, 1561896819533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was this one, maybe you already gave me a crit on the 2 threads I posted it. But it's the best thing I've done so watch it. Yours is the right way of doing it, if I feel someone is getting too attacked on the /beg/ thread I also try to identify if they're doing something right to cheer them up instead of throwing an empty "nice!" .

>> No.3998443

have you ever considered using a hard brush?

>> No.3998444


>> No.3998448

Kinda. On the hair I used a brush and then erased it to make it look sharp...but it wasn't a hard round. I don't know where would I use it.
Nah it's my OC but it does look thematically similar with children and soldiers and experiments

>> No.3998456

I really like this piece
I’ll complain 1st then gush about it with a semi-chub.

The under water girl’s tube could be a bit more uniform and her body possibly covered in a restraint jacket inside of just nude.

The helmet of the mouth less girl I’d personally add WW2 net covering and maybe a unbuckled strap

All of hands just need more time, practice and loving but you’re getting there

The wrinkles of the girl’s shirt could be toned down a hair

The bottom Burnett girl right arm is weird and too low like she has 3 arms but her normal arm has been eaten by her hair.

>The gushing
I really like your vibe this picture feels like a mix of Kingdom Hearts, Silent Hill meets Cod, a Little Bleach the anime, and overall SMT chaos vs Law

I love dark fantasy like this