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/ic/ - Artwork/Critique

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File: 310 KB, 1280x1024, bad art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3996087 No.3996087 [Reply] [Original]

Protip; don't learn from books. Don't follow other peoples advice. You need to discover your own path. It might take longer, but your art will be so much better for it.

>> No.3996101

I agree. Following guides turns drawing into a chore. Art should come from the soul

>> No.3996104
File: 58 KB, 525x503, 1561743526007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is 100% do this for all things you want to learn in life, from mathematics to history and everything in between. If you can make your own path then you don't deserve to do what you are doing.

>> No.3996112

>Let me give you some advice, don't follow other people's advice

>> No.3996119

rather than getting rid of books all together, i recommend to rather use them when you get really stuck with something, assuming you had been drawing things that you love, after getting stuck, go look at a book and you'll see that you are way more engaged because there's a really clear reason as to why you are looking at the book, and there will be a payoff.
This is my formula of improvement.

Draw what you want > Get stuck > Research (Book, tutorials, observation) > Success (You are better at what you were stuck than before) > Repeat

Draw > Get stuck > Research > Success > Repeat

When we only focus on Research, we are draining our artistic soul.

>> No.3996121

Technically speaking if you make art that you like looking at and that other people like (and possibly make money from it), and are satisfied by how, why, and how much you're doing those things, then by definition you've made it.
As much as I hate tumblr art and resent the gullible idiots that eat it up I can't deny that those artists have achieved some modicum of exactly what we all want

>> No.3996132

Many people in /ic/ fall in the opposite pit as the muh style tumblrfags, they hoard tutorials and learning resources. That shit is only useful when you are starting out, but once you have an idea of perspective/anatomy/light/values and all that stuff you have to look at finished work or you will be forever stuck.

>> No.3996135

well yea if you follow advice and guides from tumblritas youll forever be shit.
learn fundamentals, see artists you like and try figure out what you like about them and how they did it the things you like,repeat, during this time youll naturally develop your own thing

>> No.3996155
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>> No.3996162

Yeah please everyone dont learn the market is pretty saturated

>> No.3996166

Is that you Oda Eiichiro?

>> No.3996280
File: 450 KB, 1000x1000, 1530933067550.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based gonna make it bro.

>> No.3996360

Do you have drawings of this artist from 2019? I need to compare before making up my mind about those useless extra classes.

>> No.3996445

>don't learn from others.

#1. I see their skills as a tools I can learn express my own art rather than becoming a clone.

#2. In a million years of drawing you will not reinvent the wheel. If your goal is to make fantasy or anime art, it would be a complete waste of time to reinvent it from memory. If your goal is to attempt to be 100% unique, don't learn from others and that's fine. My goal is to get better and that means learning from others instead of my own mistakes. Do you wish to reinvent construction and gesture and maybe find something new rather than focus on making art? then go down this path.

#3. You're always taking in influence weather it's indirectly from memory(mediocre carnival artists/non professionals) or directly(the best that have learned from others but have maintained a unique take).

#5. who is saying this, a mediocre carnival tier artists? why are you saying this, because people exist like op pic that are just clones and you're obsessively afraid of becoming that? Original artists exist that have taken the same path of learning from others, op's pic is a strawman, it comes down to the individual.

#6. Drawing/painting is not all about being completely 100% unique, and learning from others won't make you unable to be unique with the tools you learn.

I should ask you op to live in isolation and never interact with another human being, reinvent your universe so you can never be influenced by anything.

>> No.3996462

Why learn history when you can make it?

>> No.3996502

>Don't follow other peoples advice.
The kind of advice i would expect from someone who would post that drawing.

No need to re-invent the wheel. Instead figure out whose advice is solid and based on knowledge and experience. Understand why they are telling you to do a certain thing instead of blindly following it since it could be influenced by their biases and ignorance.

>> No.3996503
File: 71 KB, 1001x798, hunt_for_the_fallen_star__summoning_sounds_by_the_miho_chan_ddaatrj-pre.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


As of june

>> No.3996506
File: 44 KB, 680x765, wojak coffee 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, the "ngmi meme" is actually real

>> No.3996509

I don’t believe this. This person has to be trolling. You physically can’t draw for 11 years and not improve.

>> No.3996533

>ngmi deviant with no self-awareness enjoys making shit art
>ngmi ic tortures themselves with vicious self criticism which makes them hate drawing
Which would you rather be?

>> No.3996534
File: 357 KB, 690x388, galaxy-brain-top.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh shit that makes so much sense

>> No.3996539
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>> No.3996540

I mean, have your handwriting improved by any significant metric since you left school? It makes a lot of sense.

>> No.3996545

It only slightly improved when I put conscious effort into
... I get your point

>> No.3996554

But I can make my handwriting really pretty if I take the time even though my main writing style is scribbly

>> No.3996558

Idiotic advice. My art is tumblr tier shit.... but whithout books it would be 10 year old tier.

>> No.3996565
File: 852 KB, 500x717, 1560496476307.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazingly based. I shall use this as a template. You don't understand how much this has helped me.

>> No.3996861

Simple, yet I never once thought like this. Thanks, anon, take my energy and go make it.

>> No.3996878

>Don't learn from people who are better than you

>> No.3996886

Protip; don't take any advice as the absolute truth.

>> No.3996889
File: 14 KB, 428x334, 1551627894348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not him, but good. You anons have seen the light too. I hope you'll stick with it.

>> No.3996922

im happy this helped, now go and draw anons.

>> No.3996984

checkmate atheists

>> No.3997019
File: 1.21 MB, 816x2301, useless classes!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like this thread. Here are the highlights. a pic to look at to inspire you to do fundies. Even when it isn't fun

>> No.3997673
File: 1.57 MB, 188x202, 1546762922402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3998218

This person is not trying at all though. They might be a little autistic, too.

>> No.3998645

this angers me ...
the most annoying part is that their account is filled with low effort fetish drawings and its all so lifeless and annoying to look at
can't figure out how they kept this up for over a fucking decade

>> No.3998648

Fuck you OP, I became a concept artist by following books, tutorials and contacting professionals for advice.
Your advice is the opposite of what you should do.

>> No.3998654

Well, OP's method requires extensive critical thinking faculties and a propensity to accept failure as success. You will probably never make an important, original contribution to the space, either, so your title doesn't really matter. Especially when concept artists are a dime a dozen.

>> No.3998688

>Concept artist
Probably a thing back in 2009 - 2012. Nowadays it's whether you can scuplt 3D shape or ngmi

>> No.3998698

Picking up a drawing book sometimes is ok, but people shouldn't take them too seriously. It's not like they magically turn you into a good artist, but you definitely can learn something there.

>> No.3999673

>You will probably never make an important, original contribution to the space, either, so your title doesn't really matter.

I hate to crush your snowflake dreams, but you won't be remembered either like the millions of other untrained trash artists I see on a daily basis. Secondly art isn't all about being 100% unique, for me I like drawing fantasy designs, it's for my own entertainment rather than trying to be remembered like yourself. My favorite artists are unique, yet they've learned and taken principles from other artists/books, and they also do concept art. I think you'd be pretty retarded to see one person become a clone and assume everyone will if they study other artists. I am glad I started learning from others because I would be a lot worse right now.

OP's method is what people do when they are not trained, and they suck after 20 years, and there's millions of these people lmao.

>> No.4002787

I've been saying this for years but never figured out how to say it as well as you have. Thank you